Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Dec 3, 2001


Here we go with Part 13.

Hey, I'm getting better. This is the second longest part and it only took me a little over two weeks to do it. (How's that, Jim?) If you want to help read slower! Grand things happening this time. Cross the old fingers. Please, make it work. On to the necessary stuff:

This: fiction. Characters: fictionalized. Is NSYNC gay? Not to my knowledge, in any way shape or form. (But, oh, what shapes and forms!) Is this story based on fact? Hell, no! This is a fantasy. (See page 421, right column, mid-page, Web's Coll. 10th ed.) There will be descriptions of gay sex. This is supposed to be erotica, right? (See page 394, bottom-right, Web's Coll. 10th ed. Bet, someone will check it out.) So if you are underage or find the idea of NSYNC doing the nasty together with guys, stop reading now. (Are they gone? Good.) On with the story!

Peter stood by the wall with the bodyguards watching NSYNC signing autographs.

JC was signing his name. "Gees, Lance, there he is stand apart again."

He passed the picture on to Lance.

"You might not know it, but he is enjoying himself."

"From there?"

"He learns things when he watches. You said yourself he was very observant."

"I think I know of a way to reel him in."


The next fan had the new anti-violence button on. So did her friend standing behind to her.

"Hey, the new buttons." JC remarked.

"Sure, both me and my friend support you guys in that. I mean beating people up. It is so unnecessary."

JC nodded in Peter's direction. "He'll be happy to know that."

"Oh, my god, is that him?"

"Yep," said Lance. "He's been with us the whole day."

"Imagine the whole day with NSYNC." The second fan tittered.

"You know," JC said. "He might just sign those buttons for you."


"You just have to ask him. He's a little shy around females."

"Thanks." They continued down the line. JC and Lance could still hear them.

The second fan was puzzled. "Why would you want him to sign it?"

"The other girls will have just the button. We will have an added worth to ours."

"But he's just a gay man."

"So what? These buttons got made because of what happened to him. It's like having an author autograph a book. Besides Gay is in. At least we know as far as NSYNC is concerned, he's not a threat."

JC and Lance started to cough.

Justin turned his head and cleared his throat. "Excuse me." He turned back and reached for the picture.

The fan's calm demeanor broke. "Justin, you are my way favorite. Could you sign it "Love, Melissa"?"

"Sure." Justin started writing.

She leaned to the fan behind her. "Darla, will just choke when she sees that." She whispered.

"Here ya, go."

The fan took the picture and clutched it to her bosom. "Thanks!"

"Do you want me to sign anything in particular?" Justin asked the next fan.

"No. Anything will by fine."

Justin wrote his name then added "Oh, baby!" He handed it back.

The second fan read it and barely suppressed a scream.

"I thought you might like something extra, too."

Her friend had moved on to Chris and Joey. They signed their names. She nodded to Peter. "Do you think he would sign our buttons?"

"Who? Peter?" Joey said.

"Sure he would." Chris added quickly. He handed them a marker. "Here, he'll need this."

"Thanks." She turned back. "NSYNC rocks!"

"They're so good with their fans." Peter said to Lonnie.

"You should know that better than anyone."

"I'm amazed at the questions they get from fans. And they answered most of them. They are so personable and honest. I can see why everybody loves them."

"Especially, Justin?"

Lonnie laughed at Peter's surprised expression. "We're all family, remember? Nothing gets by us."

"Does everybody know?"

Lonnie shook his head. "No, there's one sound technician who doesn't. But he suspects."

"Great." Peter shifted nervously. "Should I worry about tar and feathers?"

"No, it's not really our place to judge. But it will take some getting used to. Some of us just got comfortable with the idea of Lance and JC."

"I understand."

"But it has been good for Justin. We can all see the difference in him." Lonnie glanced down at Peter. "But, I don't envy your position. It's going to be a difficult choice."

"Tell me about it. Although it really isn't too much of a debate."

Lonnie nudged Peter with his shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll make the right decision." He pointed to the angel charm around Peter's neck. "Someone's looking out for you." He smiled warmly at Peter then turned his attention back to the fans.

Peter became aware of a fan approaching him. She held out a felt tip marker and one of the new buttons.

"Would you mind signing this?" She nodded over her shoulder. "They thought you wouldn't mind."

Peter glanced up to see Joey and Chris grinning at him.


The fan noticed Peter's button.

""For Pete's sake." I like that. Could you sign it that way?"

Peter had an idea. "How about "For all our sakes."?"

"That's even better."

Peter wrote on the button. He handed back the button and the marker.

The fan waved away the marker. "Keep it." She nodded again to the table. "They gave it to me for you to use. Thanks." She walked off.

Peter felt a little obvious standing there holding a marker. He had just slipped it into his shirt pocket when another fan approached him with a button.

"She had a good idea. Would you sign mine too?" Peter took the button. After writing on it he handed it back. Another fan was waiting.

"Hey, Peter." It was Joey's voice.

Peter looked past the fan to see Joey pointing to an empty seat next to him. Someone must have brought an extra chair.

"But..." started Peter.

Joey rolled his eyes. "Are you going to protest all day? Get you butt over here and sit down. That's a NSYNC order."

Peter signed the button he had then went over and sat down.

Joey put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Its all right for you to be here, remember. Will you ever be comfortable with this?"


Joey laughed. "You might have to in the future." He turned back to the fans.

There were only about fifty people at the Meet and Greet. Soon all the signing was done, all the pictures posed for and all the fans had left.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No, Joey. It was kind of fun actually."

Two of the bodyguards lead the way back to the dressing room. The others followed behind.

"Now the waiting starts." Chris flopped onto a couch.

"I'd better get going."

"Nah, you can stay, Peter." Lance said.

"You have to get changed and get psyched up for the concert."

JC laughed. "We don't do that much mental preparation."

"Once we hit the stage, the fans do that for us." Chris added.

"You can help us with the hacky though."

Peter waved his hands. "Oh, no. That's your tradition. Just do everything you normally do. I don't want to mess anything up. Besides, I should check to see where they want me to be."

"It's just kicking a hacky sack." Lance said.

"I've seen the bit. If you guys have that much trouble between the five of you, I can only add to the problem. We wouldn't want to delay the concert. I'd suck at it as much as you do."

Chris picked up a small pillow. "Peter, suck this." He threw it at him.

Peter ducked. "Now see what I mean. You guys are getting testy. I'm going. Break a leg."

Peter was surprised by how orderly it was backstage. He had expected to see people running all over the place. Still, he stayed off to the side as much as possible. He didn't want to get in the way.

"Head's up down there." Someone yelled.

Peter looked up to see three objects falling from above. When they hit the ground Peter picked them up. They were colored gels for the spotlights.

"Could you run them up, please?"

Peter looked up the ladder to the lighting platform.

"I'd appreciated it you would hurry." The voice said angrily.

Peter took a breath and started climbing. In no time he was at the platform.

"Here you go." He handed the gels to the technician.

"Hell, Peter. I didn't know it was you. I'm sorry. You didn't have to do this."

"That's okay. Makes me feel like a real part of the crew."

Peter started down, trying to ignore the height. He got down easier than he thought he would. He turned to find Anthony standing behind him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Peter was relieved Anthony didn't look angry, just puzzled.

"My bad, Anthony," the lighting man said. "I dropped some gels. I told him run them up to me. I didn't know it was Peter."

"I just reacted." Peter shrugged.

"Its all right." Anthony smiled. "I just thought you were afraid of heights."

"I am. If I get a chance to think about it, that is."

"Well, try to keep your feet on the ground. We don't want anything to happen to you."


"We've arranged for you to be out front with the security guys. You can see much of the stage from there without being in the audience."

"That will be great."

"Then later you can be backstage and watch the magic happen from here."


"Sure. You've proven you can keep out of the way. But, you'll see the guys making the quick costume changes. You're not embarrassed about see the guys in their underwear are you?" He nudged Peter's shoulder.

"Not as embarrassed as they are when they see me in mine."

Anthony slapped him on the back. "I'll show you the way"

Peter followed.

Lonnie was right everyone did seem to know. Peter had thought it would be fun to have people know that, yes, he did have a lover. Now he wasn't so sure. Peter pushed the doubts to the back of his mind. It was almost concert time.

Anthony led him through a small walkway. They came around a bend to the front of the stage. The security guards were already watching the crowd from behind the wall that skirted the front of the stage.

"Enjoy yourself." Anthony left.

Peter walked to the wall and looked out at the sea of fans that filled the stadium. Even as exited as they were, there was still orderliness among the fans. Everyone was in his or her seat. No one was standing in front of the stage. Well, not yet.

"You ready?"

Peter turned his head.

"You bet, Lonnie."

"They're getting harnessed up now. Just a few more minutes."

"Great." Peter reached into his pocket and pulled out his set of earplugs. He pushed one into each ear.

Lonnie just smiled. "You certainly come prepared."

The stadium went dark. The fans' screams became a deafening roar filling the stadium. The band hit their first notes. The explosions went off. The spotlights hit NSYNC as they flew above the stage. Peter felt his heart go to his throat. The concert had begun.

The first few numbers were done. Peter thought the time was flying past. The lights came up to reveal NSYNC standing on stage.

Chris lifted his mike. "How you all doing?"

Screams answered him.

"You having a good time?"

More screams.

Justin took over. "This has been a very eventful weekend for NSYNC." More screams. "How many of you saw our bit on the news?" Screams again. As the screams died down Justin continued. "How many hang with NSYNC?" The whole stadium thundered. Justin shielded his eyes with his hand. "How many of you have buttons?" The thunder came again. "All this came about because of one person. You who saw us on TV or heard us on the radio know who I'm talking about. He's here tonight. Peter, where are you?"

A spotlight illuminated the front of the stage. Peter just stood there.

Chris pointed. "There he is."

Lonnie helped Peter to step onto a crate. Peter turned and waved to the audience.

"Enjoying the concert?"

Peter turned back to the stage. He gave the thumbs up sign. The crowd roared.

"Good. We would like to take this opportunity to dedicate tonight's concert to you, Peter." Justin turned to the audience. "That's if it's all right with you." The stadium thundered again. "So, Peter, enjoy the rest of show."

The spotlight went out. The music started. Peter barely noticed. Lonnie helped him down from the crate. He noticed the tears running down Peter's face.

Lonnie patted Peter on the back. "You deserve it." He shouted.

Peter could hardly get the words out. "All those people. They really care." Lonnie smiled and gave Peter's a hug. He let Peter go.

Peter pulled back. He took out his hanky and dried his face. After he composed himself he turned his attention back to the stage.

It was such a kick to watch NSYNC from so close. Even the concert he had projected himself to he had drifted close. But now he saw everything from that range. He found himself watching JC the most. JC really gave that extra effort. During Space Cowboy, JC really stuck his butt out there and he was a little to enthusiastic with the pelvic thrusts. Peter found himself thinking. "Now that's a dancing queen." JC looked excited as usually to be performing, but after a while Peter figured it had to be the cut of the pants.

Peter was also relieved that Justin was concentration on the audience. Rarely did he even glance down in Peter's direction. He didn't even mind the shouts of "I love you, Justin!". This was their time with Justin. And Justin was giving his all to the fans.

During a break after a song one of the security men with a head set tapped Peter on the shoulder.

"You're to report backstage." He yelled over the crowd.

"Okay!" Peter yelled back. He retraced his way backstage.

The next number was in progress. It was surprisingly quieter backstage. Peter removed his earplugs and slipped them back in his pocket. Anthony motioned him over. Peter stood next to him. Anthony pointed. Peter could see the stage through a crack in the curtains.

"Enjoying yourself." Anthony asked in Peter's ear.

"It's fantastic."

Anthony smiled. "Good."

The song was reaching the end. One by one the guys left the stage. The band kept playing as a cover. As each one of them stepped through the curtain, stagehands were there with a towels and water. As the stagehands dried the sweat off the guys or gave them water to drink the other stagehands removed the costumes. It was like a juggling act. Peter soon realized that this too must have been choreographed.


"Yes, JC."

"Where's Peter?"

Anthony pointed in Peter's direction. "Accounted for."

JC smiled at Peter. "Good."

Costumes ready and with barely a minute of rest, they pushed through the curtain and back on stage.

Anthony put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I think you're going to like this next number."

JC spoke into his headset mike. "You guys are so great!" The fans roared. "Would you mind if we take a minute to do something here?"

"What are you talking about JC?" Justin asked.

"I mean the fans have done so much. The buttons and showing their support and all, I want him to see them."

"Who?" Joey asked.

"Our guest."

Chris shook his head. "I don't think now is the time, JC."

"Why not?" JC turned to the audience. "Would you like to meet him?"

The audience screamed.

"See. They want to meet him."

"I don't know if he'll come out." Lance said.

"He's already "out". Chris joked.

"We've never done this before. I don't know if we should." Joey added.

"Hey, he is a fan remember." JC added. "And he found the sabotage of the stage. You guys appreciate that, right!" Thunder rolled through the stadium.

"Well." Joey said. "Since he is a fan."

JC gestured at the curtain. "Peter, come out here. There's people I want to you to meet."

Peter looked surprised at Anthony. Anthony just smiled.

"I'll go get him." Justin headed off.

Justin pushed open the curtain. He took Peter's hand. Justin covered his mike. "Come on. You'll love this." Justin winked. "Trust me."

Justin led Peter through the curtain into the blazing lights. The crowd roared. Justin took Peter to the middle of the stage to where the rest of NSYNC were standing.

Chris spoke up. "Everybody, this is Peter. Peter, this is everybody."

Peter was reminded of that first night when Chris had introduced him to the guys. This was deja vu ten times over. Peter gave a wave.

JC shook his head. "Peter, can you see them?"

"Not really, the lights."

"This isn't close enough. Come on, guys." They moved further downstage.

"How's this?" Lance asked JC.

"Nah, this won't do either. I want Peter to see the greatest fans in the world!" The screams reached a crescendo.

"JC, there's nowhere else to go." Lance said. "We're standing on the edge of the stage.

"Trust me. We can get closer. Check this out."

The stage shuttered and moved under Peter's feet. He grabbed Chris's arm to steady himself.

Chris covered his mike. "Relax. It's supposed to do this."

The front part of the stage lifted and turned. Anthony hadn't shown Peter this.

"Now, he can't get away." JC said. "Besides there is one thing we haven't done for Peter yet."

"What's that, JC?" Lance asked.

"Do a song for him." The screams swelled. JC looked at Peter. "This time we want to do this song right."

Justin smiled at Peter. "Peter, you showed us a different meaning to this song. This one is for of those of you out there that have ever felt different or left out or just lonely. Check it out"

The music started. Peter instantly knew the song. He could feel himself getting choked up already. Justin started the scat rift of the intro. The front part of the stage began to roll down the aisle out into the audience. Justin put his right hand on Peter's shoulder and started to sing.

(Justin moved his left arm with a sweeping gesture.)

"When the visions around you,"

(Justin ducked his head and looked into Peter's face.)"Bring tears to your eyes." (Justin smiled. Peter was true to the words.)

(Justin straightened up and swept his arm across the room, again.)

"And all that surrounds you are secrets and lies." (Justin put his right arm around Peter's shoulders.)

"I'll be your strength," (The fans screamed.) "I'll give you hope."

"Keeping your faith when it's gone." (Justin squeezed Peter's shoulder. Peter looked into Justin's face. He felt the truth as Justin sang the words.)

"The one you should call was standing here all along."

(JC put his arm around Peter opposite Justin. The rest encircled Peter.)

"And I will take you in my arms." (The screaming increased.)

"And hold you right where you belong. 'Til the day my life is through, this I promise you. This I promise you."

(Justin moved off. JC pulled Peter closer.)

"I've loved you forever in lifetimes before. And I and promise you never"

(JC repeated the original gesture. He wiped a tear from Peter's cheek.)

"Will you hurt any more." (The screams crested again.)

(JC put his hand over his heart.)"I give you my word. I give you my heart."

(JC touch the anti-violence button Peter wore.) "This is a battle we've won." (More screams.)

"And with this vow forever has now begun."

(Chris and Lance took their places at Peter's side. The others separated playing to the audience.)

"Just close your eyes each lovin' day. And know this feeling won't go away."

"Till the day my life is through, this I promise you. This I promise you."

(Peter joined them walking about the platform waving at the audience. Peter got caught up with the audience and started to sing along. Justin was close to Peter and leaned closer. His mike picked up Peter's voice. Peter didn't even notice.)

"Over and over I fall, when I hear you call. Without you in my life, baby.

I just wouldn't be living at all."

Suddenly, Peter noticed a flash of red. He couldn't believe his eyes. Still wearing the red shirt was Ian. The gay fan from the autograph session. Lance was standing close to Peter. Peter got Lance's attention and pointed. Lance saw Ian and waved. The teenage boy next to Ian was jumping up and down in excitement. Ian pointed to himself. "Me?" Lance nodded. Ian blew Lance a kiss. Lance caught it. He placed his hand over his heart and bowed slightly. As they moved off Peter could see the other boy had Ian by the shoulders shaking Ian with excitement.

(They started singing again. It was Lance's turn to lean in so his mike would pick up Peter's voice. Peter did have a good voice and he sang harmony yet.) "And I will take you in my arms. And hold you right where you belong."

(Peter kept singing. Lance nudged him. Peter stopped and let JC sing his solo.) "Till the day my life is through, this I promise you, baby."

"Just close your eyes each lovin' day and know this feeling wouldn't go away."

"Till the day my life is through, this I promise you. This I promise you."

(They had come back to the stage. The stage section lowered back into place. Justin finished with a flourish.)

"Till the day my life is through, this I promise you."

The crowd was on its feet. Peter stepped to one side. He gestured to NSYNC and began clapping himself.

After a few moments NSYNC turned and gestured to Peter. The crowd cheered. Peter waved to the audience. He was yelling "Thank you. Bless you." but nothing could be heard over the noise. Peter sensed the time was right. He walked back up stage. Peter made a low bow to NSYNC. Then he threw a kiss and with one last wave, disappeared through the curtain.

Anthony and some of the crew were waiting.

"Did you like our surprise?"

"I.. I.." Peter stammered. "Overwhelmed," was all he could say.

Peter could feel his knees getting weak. "I need to sit down." He stumbled. Two stagehands grabbed him.

They sat him down in a chair. Anthony watched them help Peter. "Overwhelmed is right. You okay?"

"I may never be just "okay" again."

"The guys knew you would like it."

"It wasn't just the guys. It was the audience. To feel so excepted by that many people. I've never done drugs, but this rush must be close. My head is still spinning."

"I've got to get back."

"Its okay. Give me a couple of minutes."

A stagehand handed Peter a bottle of orange juice. "For a bit of a pick me up."

"Thanks." Peter took a good swig.

"Every fan was up there with you just now. They loved it."

"I know I could feel them."

"And they heard you sing with NSYNC."

"Oh, my god! I was just singing along with the audience. Everyone heard that?"

"Yea. It came through on their mikes. Don't worry. It was good. You've just lived every NSYNC fan's dream."

"They all love NSYNC."

"That's why they are so careful about their images. A lot of people look up to them."

Peter sensed a warning in those words.

"Billie!" The one of the other stagehands said. "He knows all about their images. Of all the people here, he is the last one to need your lectures."

Billie looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

Peter looked at her. "Don't worry about it. It proves you care a lot about them. So do I. I wouldn't do anything to hurt them. Please, believe me."

Billie smiled. "I do, now."

"Well, if you will excuse me. I have a concert to watch."

Peter was in the dressing room finishing the orange juice when NSYNC entered.

"Have you been here the whole time?" asked Joey. "You missed the finale."

"There was another one?" Peter asked. He smiled. "I didn't miss anything. Actually, I just got here. I wanted to beat the rush."

"Anthony told us of your slight faint. I'm sorry if it was a bit much for you. We wanted to do something special." Lance said.

"Don't worry about it. It was the most wonderful moment in my life. I can only think of one other NSYNC moment that might come close." He winked at Justin.

Joey nudged Justin. "You'd better not try to top it. You might cause yourself an injury."

"Don't worry about it." Peter grinned. "He's probably too tired anyway. I'll have to do everything."

"Hey, I'm the youngest remember. I bounce back faster than you old farts."

Lance nodded in Peter's direction. "I'd be careful who you call an "old fart"."

Peter held his hand to his forehead. "I feel a headache coming on."

Justin stopped undressing and went over to Peter. Justin's tank undershirt was almost transparent with sweat. It clung to every contour of his body. He knelt in front of Peter. Gently he began massaging Peter's temples. He leaned close and brushed his lips against Peter's ear.

"How's that headache now?"

"It's completely gone. You are a wonder."

"Come on guys, we'd better get the move on." Joey said. "I know of two people with the urge to merge."

Lance looked indignant. "Why leave us out?"

"We're old farts remember." JC said.

"Not when I'm with you." Lance smiled.

"Say, Joey, want to hit the bar when we get back." Chris said. "Maybe we can find some girls to merge with."

"Yeah, we have to. Maybe three or four of them. The straights are falling behind."

"God save the queens." Peter said.

Chris turned to him trying to sound angry. "Why don't you just go and..." He paused. "Oh, that's right you'd enjoy that. Never mind."

Justin leaned in to Peter. "After we get back give me three minutes and I'll be at your door."

Peter heard a movement at the door. He pulled it open. Justin stood there with his fist raised.

Peter tapped at his watch. "Five minutes. You had me worried."

Justin pointed to his fist. "I was going to knock."

Justin entered the room. Peter closed the door. Justin stepped behind him and wrapped his arms around Peter. He nuzzled Peter's neck.

"I'm still waiting for the second sample. I have to know for sure which sex is better."

"Any sex is better than none." Peter turned around. He looked lovingly at Justin from his head to his feet. "Justin, you are so good looking."

"That's why I don't need glasses." Peter just looked at him. "Sorry. I thought you liked jokes."

"Am I that obnoxious?"

"No." Justin smiled warmly. "Its very endearing actually. I like that about you."

Justin seemed to be looking at Peter with an earnestness Peter hadn't seen before. He shrugged it off.

Peter took Justin by the hand and started for the bedroom. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends."

Suddenly Peter was spun around. Justin's lips were pressing against his.

Justin pulled back. "The bedroom's too far. I've been waiting since this morning. I can't wait any more. I want you so bad." Justin kissed Peter's face, his lips, neck and chin. He dug into his pockets and threw the condoms and lube onto the couch. He began fumbling with Peter's shirt buttons.

"Let me help you." Peter reached for the buttons.

"No time." This may be his last chance. Justin wanted to see Peter's naked body. He wanted to run his hands over Peter's warm flesh. He couldn't manage the buttons. Justin grabbed Peter's shirt collar. He would tear the shirt off of him.

"Justin!" Peter grabbed Justin by the wrists. He stopped and looked at Peter. "Justin there's more than enough time." Peter looked into Justin's wonderful blue eyes. "Justin, please, don't rush this."

Justin relaxed. "I'm sorry."

"Its okay, I don't blame you. I feel the same urgency. This could be our last night together for some time."

Justin caught the last words. "You mean..."

"I can't bear to think we'll never be with each other again." Peter gently brushed Justin's cheek. "Besides, never is a very long time. I doubt if Justin Timberlake could wait that long. Well, unless someone younger comes along."

"We can discuss that later." Justin placed his hand on Peter's chin and brushed his cheek with his thumb. "Right now I am longing to see you naked."

In a few moments their naked bodies and their lips were pressed against each other's.

Lance came out of the bathroom. JC lay on the bed with his back to him. He leaned across the bed and licked JC's ear.

"Lover, I'm ready for you."

JC shifted slightly.

Lance rubbed his hand over JC's arm.

"Josh, I want to make love." JC didn't respond. Lance shook him.


Damn! JC was asleep. If Lance shook JC awake he'd be too groggy for sex. But Lance knew how to get JC to wake up, his absence. He'd just watch TV for a while until JC missed him and woke up. He left the bedroom.

Lance went to turn on the lamp when he noticed light coming under the door between the rooms. The door on their side was still open. It seemed like a good idea to close it. They owed it to Justin and Peter after last night's fiasco. He was just about to close the door when he heard very clearly a low ecstatic moan.

Lance froze. He waited. There it was again.


No, he mustn't stay. He started to close the door. Just for curiosity was that Peter or Justin? He paused.


It was too low for Justin. That meant the Justin was doing "something" to Peter. Just for curiosity, what? Could he hear Justin or was his mouth full.

Lance could feel his cock getting hard. He could hear his heart beating. He felt flush. Lance leaned closer to the door

"Yes, Justin, that feels so good!"

His cock throbbed. Lance pulled off his shorts. His cock sprang free. What he was doing was wrong. It wasn't right to eavesdrop. He should leave. And what he wouldn't give for some lube. Nothing for it, he spit in his hand. He began stroking his hardening cock and leaned toward the door.

Justin slid Peter's cock in to his mouth, again. He increased the rhythm. Peter was moaning enjoying Justin's effort.

Peter looked down into those wonderful blue eyes. Peter hadn't been able to watch Justin the last time. Now his blood rushed with excitement at the sight. Justin looked so damn hot with Peter's dick sliding in between those sensuous lips.

Justin's tongue caressed and prodded. He had learned from Peter. He watched for any sign of delight from Peter and returned to the spot that caused it. Peter reacted again.

"Justin, that feels so good." Peter whispered.

Justin backed off and took to stroking Peter's cock.

"Why are you whispering?"

Peter nodded toward the door between the rooms.

"I can see some type of glow. I think one of them is listening."


"I don't know."

"Is the door locked?"


"Then lets give them something to listen to." Peter looked down into Justin's grinning face. "After all look what it did for me. It might just turn them straight."

"God forbid!"

Justin swallowed Peter's cock again.

Peter lay his head back. "Justin, yeah! That's it." He spoke to the closed door.

Lance was happily stroking his cock. So far all he could hear mostly was moans. But that was enough. Suddenly he thought he sensed someone behind him. He turned. Even in the dark of the room he could see that there was no one there. Lance turned back to the door.

"Here this might come in handy."

Lance jumped. He turned to see JC approaching from the bedroom doorway. Lance was embarrassed to be caught dick handed. JC just handed Lance the bottle of lube. Lance was surprised to see that JC was naked and semi-hard.

"JC, honestly, I was just closing the door and..."

"Its all right. I've been watching you for a while." JC leaned toward the door. "So what can you hear?"

"Just moans mainly." Lance said as he applied the lube to his cock.

"Too bad."

Just then, "Don't stop, Justin. Suck my cock!" came from the other room.

Lance saw JC's dick spring into life. He reached over and started to stroke it. Soon JC had his hand wrapped around Lance's cock.

JC moaned softly. They stood stroking each other's cocks. JC leaned closer to the door.

"I love the taste of your cock." Justin said out of breath.

"Justin. You do that so good."

Justin sucking dick? Maybe just a little peek. JC reached for the doorknob.

"It's locked," whispered Lance.

JC looked up half embarrassed half surprised at Lance. He twisted the knob. The knob didn't turn.

"I already tried it."

JC nodded. No need to feel embarrassed they both had had the same idea. They continued to stroke each other. Both were getting off on what was happening on the other side of the door.

Justin let Peter's cock slip from his mouth. He shifted down to take Peter's balls into his mouth. Peter turned his head as the sensation flowed through his body. He opened his eyes. He noticed the glow at the door between the rooms was brighter now.

"Justin." Peter whispered.

Justin looked at Peter but didn't stop licking his balls.

He nodded to the door. "Both of them must be listening now."

Justin's answer was to knead the balls harder with his tongue.

Peter's head rolled back. "Yeah, lick my balls!" he cried aloud.

Justin licked and sucked Peter's balls for a few more moments. Then he raised himself and moved up Peter's body licked and nibbling as he went, the navel, then nipples, the neck and then over the chin. He kept moving until they could kiss. He looked into Peter's eyes.

"Do you mind the audience?" Justin asked.

"No, not them." Just like last night, Justin seemed to have made Peter's fears and shyness vanish.

"My little exhibitionist. That's so hot!"

Justin pressed his lips against Peter's.

Justin pulled back. There was a twinkle in his eye. "Want to do them one better?"

Peter looked at Justin with surprise. "You mean...?"

"They have the audio. How about adding the visual?"

To his surprise the idea turned Peter on. That first night he had jacked off with Lance and JC. All right it was just a mental image, but it had come from the connection between them, which made it so real. Besides, he was getting caught up in Justin's exuberance. This was his last night with Justin. He would do anything just as long as he could be with Justin again. Well, if they had trouble imaging him and Justin together...

"Seeing is believing."

"Really?" Justin could feel Peter's cock throb against his stomach. He could feel his own cock twitch at the thought.

"Somehow, yes."

Justin grinned. "Another first for us. But you know this will be more than taking off your shirt in front of them."

"I don't care. Just as long as your are here with me." Peter wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and pulled him back to his lips.

Justin started moved his hips. Their cocks rubbed together. Peter loved the warm feeling of Justin's body pressed against his. Peter felt his excitement begin to peak.

"Justin stop. You'll make me cum."

Justin started to grind their crotches together harder.

"No, it feels too good." Justin whispered in Peter's ear. "The feel of your body against mine gets me so hot."

"How about the others?"

Justin caressed Peter's face. "I want us to cum first. Just you and me."

Justin increased his movements. Peter kept his arms wrapped around Justin and pushed his hips up against him. The pleasure surged through him. He could feel Justin's warmth over his whole body. Justin cock was throbbing. He was getting close, too.

Peter felt connected to Justin like never before body and soul. He didn't want this moment to end. Peter wanted to hold Justin in his arms forever. But Justin was leaving tomorrow. Peter had no more time.

"Justin?" Peter paused. He looked away suddenly afraid.

"Peter, its okay."

Peter turned back. Justin ran his hand against Peter's cheek.

"Say it, Peter." Justin said with earnest. "Please."

Peter looked into Justin's wonderful blue eyes. A strange warmth spread through his body. "Justin, I love you."

Justin pressed his lips passionately against Peter's. They were breathing hard, but neither wanted to pull away from the kiss, from each other. Justin gave a moan as he came. Peter felt his own cock explode. Their hot cum flowed between them. Each could feel the hot spurts on their skin. Their cocks jerked and twitched. Peter ran his hands across Justin's back as their climaxes began to recede. Slowly they started to breathe easier.

Justin didn't ever want to let go of Peter. Finally, he pulled back. He lightly caressed Peter's cheek, again. "Peter, I love you, too."

"Justin, what are we going to do?"

"About us? Leave that for later. Right now, I want make love to you." Justin kissed Peter. He pulled back. "And I'm aching for you to fuck me the way you did last night." They kissed, again. They parted. "Besides, we have a show to do yet. If you're still game."

"Are you kidding? I want the whole world to know about us." Peter grinned.

Justin looked sternly at Peter.

"Okay, only two people will do."

Justin smiled.

Peter gave Justin a peck on the cheek. "I'll get a towel. Then you can get the door."

JC moaned as Lance stroked him. It felt wonderful. Plus hearing Justin and Peter actually having sex sent his blood racing. If only he could see what was going on in the other room.

Lance shared JC's wish. He hadn't minded the idea of Peter watching them. Now if only... Well, they could hear.

There was a click and the door opened slightly. A voice said softly. "If you're tired of just listening."

JC and Lance looked at each other in surprise. They stood frozen to the spot unsure if they should really do it. JC slowly placed his hand on the door. He looked at Lance. Lance nodded. JC pushed the door open. They stepped into the room.

Justin was sitting on the couch watching Peter. Peter knelt in front of him. His head bobbed up and down as he sucked Justin's cock.

JC and Lance stood transfixed. There was no doubt now. The sight of their two friends having sex together sent their blood rushing. It was a good thing that they had stopped stroking each other because they knew they both would have cum.

Justin looked up. He gestured for them to come closer.

Lance and JC took a few timid steps forward. Like someone whose wish had been granted they didn't know what to do next. Lance watched from behind for a few moments, then stepped toward the side of the couch. He made sure he stayed out of the light cast by the lamp. He didn't want to distract them. JC joined him.

Now they could see the action. They had seen Justin naked before, but never hard. He cock was quite impressive. But more impressive was Peter. He took the whole length of the cock almost easily. All the way to the base and up again with his hand stroking the shaft matching his mouth's rhythm. Justin sat there enjoying Peter's attention to his cock.

Peter knew that JC and Lance were there, but concentrated on just being with Justin. He wasn't putting on a show. He was making love to Justin. The feeling of the soft cock head as it past through his lips and the throbbing of the blood in its veins. He pulled to off to probe against the underside of the cock head and run his tongue around the piss hole.

Justin's hands took Peter by the shoulders and gently eased him off of his cock. He pulled Peter to him. They kissed. Justin stood up taking Peter with him. He turned Peter around. Pushing lightly on his shoulders Justin had Peter sit down. He knelt in front of Peter and took Peter's cock into his mouth.

JC and Lance watched with fascination. Justin was a cocksucker and he wasn't too bad at it either. As they watched they took to caressing each other's bodies. A slight stroke against a cock but only that. What they were witnessing was too hot to continue to stroke each other.

Justin let Peter's cock slip from his lips. He dropped lower to lick and knead Peter's balls. Then after a few moments he raised Peter's legs. He looked up at Peter with his blues eyes sparkling.

"I didn't get to do this last night. Now I want to return the favor." Justin spread Peter's ass cheeks. He stuck his tongue into Peter's puckered opening.

Peter's head snapped back. "Oh, Justin!"

Justin began licking around the hole then sticking his tongue in as far as he could.

"I never thought it would feel so good!" Peter took Justin by the back of the head. "Don't stop. That feels wonderful."

Justin went at it with enthusiasm. He pushed his tongue in as far as he could. He felt the muscles tightening around his tongue. Justin could see the tight tunnel begin to open under his onslaught. Peter began to whimper.

JC nudged Lance. "It's so hot when you do that." Lance leaned over and kissed JC. They lightly began stroking each other's cocks. They didn't want to cum too soon.

Justin reached up and began to jack Peter off. Peter's whimpers grew louder. His whole body trembled. After a few more moments, he looked down at Justin.

"Justin, I want you."

Justin just grinned. "Really? Why?"

"I want you in me."

Justin teasingly continued rimming.

Lance began to fidget. He let out a slight whimper.

"Lance!" JC whispered.

Lance was too far-gone into what he was watching. He reached behind him and fingered his asshole. The thrill ran through him.

Peter couldn't stand it any longer. "Fuck me, Justin. Please!"

Justin stopped rimming.

"The magic word." He reached for the condoms and the lube.

Soon he was slowly sliding his cock into Peter.

JC watched Peter react.

Peter felt Justin's cock slid into him. Further and further into him. There was a little pain, but Peter knew it would stop. He wanted Justin so bad.

"Yeah, Justin. Give it to me. Push it in deeper." Peter's whole body was shaking. Justin's cock was finally all the way in. Peter let out a gasp. "Oh, fuck. Your cock is so big!" He opened his eyes. "Do it. Fuck me."

Justin pulled out, then pushed back in. Peter moaned with delight.

Lance could bear to watch no longer. He walked to the couch and bent over.

"JC, please. Do me."

JC just stood there. His cock throbbing.

"Please!" Lance whimpered.

"But, Lance..." He'd... They'd never done it in front of others before.

Justin handed JC the bottle of lube.

"Lance needs you, JC. We promise we won't watch." Justin winked.

Lance's green eyes were pleading to him. JC was already horny as hell. Why not? He lubed himself up and pushed his cock into Lance's tight warm ass.

Lance's head snapped back. "Yes, JC. That's it. I need you in me so bad!"

JC started the rhythm. Lance whimpered loudly. He pushed back to JC forcing his cock deeper into him.

"That's it JC. Fuck me!

Chris rolled over angrily. How could he sleep? The whole wall of his room was glowing with energy. They were at it again! But it had to be more than just Peter and Justin this time. He closed his eyes tightly, but he couldn't shut out the glow. Damn it. He put a pillow over his head. That helped a little. He threw back the sheets and stormed to the closet. Chris pulled two more pillows down from the shelf. "Next time I'm going to ask for a room on another floor!" Slamming the pillows onto the bed, he climbed back under the sheets. He then piled the pillows on his head. "Make that another goddamn hotel!"

Peter lay on his back on right side of the couch while Justin fucked him. Lance was bent over propped by his arms on the left side of the couch with JC behind him. JC watched Justin as he thrust his cock into Peter. Their eyes met. Together they knew the pleasure the other was feeling.

Peter closed his eyes. He head was rolling back and forth. As Justin increased his rhythm Peter was whimpering louder. Justin had never experienced anyone who loved being fucked like Peter. Peter opened his eyes. Their gazes locked.

"Justin, this is all for you."

He couldn't help himself. He leaned down. Their lips locked together. Peter wrapped him arms around Justin's neck holding him to him. Justin began to gyrate his hips thrusting his cock in faster. Peter let him go.

"Justin, you make me feel so good."

Justin felt a new warmth flow through his body. Now it was more than just his pleasure. Peter's pleasure was important to him, too. His excitement began to peak. He slowed his strokes. It was too soon yet.

Lance looked down into Peter's face.

"You like that?" asked Lance.

"Yes!" Peter replied. "Justin fucks me so good."

"JC makes me feel good, too." A wave of pleasure hit Lance. He closed his eyes. "Yes, that's it, JC!"

Justin's cock raked against Peter's insides. A wave of pleasure washed over him. But now each twinge of pleasure was magnified by emotion. "Yes, that's it, Justin. I love you so much."

JC stopped in mid stroke. Lance's eyes snapped open. Peter was looking up at him watching the expressions of pleasure on his face. He saw Lance's surprised look.

As if to answer Lance's unasked question Justin leaned down and kissed Peter. Justin pulled back slowly not wanting to take his eyes off of Peter.

JC resumed his thrusts into Lance. Lance had got his wish. Peter and Justin were in love. Now Peter and Justin weren't just having sex. They were making love. Lance had a sudden urge. He leaned forward, then stopped. Lance looked over his shoulder at JC.

JC sensed Lance's wish. He didn't mind. In fact his cock grew harder at the idea. "Its okay."

Lance turned back. He leaned down. Peter's and his lips touched. Peter pressed back. No tongues, it was just a wonderful soft kiss. Peter sensed Lance's gesture. Now you know what love and making love feels like. Welcome to the world.

Lance pulled away from the kiss. Peter looked up. A light blue glow began to encircle the two pairs. Justin blinked and rubbed his eyes. Was everything getting blurry?

Peter sensed Justin's confusion. "Its really there, Justin. That blue glow. It's our auras. The color shows love, our love."

Justin knew then that it was true. A few more thrusts and Justin felt his excitement peak. Before he knew it the climax hit him.

"Oh, Peter, I'm cumming." He thrust his cock all the way into Peter. His body shook as his cock erupted. "Oh, god! Oh, god!" Wave after wave struck him. He leaned against Peter's raised legs for balance. The waves crested then began to taper off. The climax abated. Justin relaxed. He gasped for breath.

Peter was jerking his cock rapidly. Justin grabbed Peter's wrist.

"Peter don't. I want you to cum in me."

"Anything you want, lover." Peter liked saying the word.

Justin discarded the condom. "Get me ready."

Peter sat up. "Turn around."

Justin turned around and bent over. Peter rubbed his hands over Justin smooth round ass cheeks. He parted them and attacked the puckered opening with his tongue.

"Oh, man that feels great!"

Lance had been close for a while. Now the idea of Justin getting ready to be fucked was too much.

"JC, I'm going to cum. Keep fucking me." He stood up stroking his cock.

JC caressed Lance's chest. He rubbed hard on the nipples. All the while plunging his cock in and out Lance's ass.

"Here I go. Oh, yes!" Cum shot from his cock and splattered on the rug. Shot after shot. Lance kept pumping his dick.

JC nibbled on Lance's neck. He reached around and helped Lance jerk his cock. Every time he touched the cock head, Lance's body jerked. Lance gently pushed JC's hand away. Lance turned his head so they could kiss.

Lance turned back. "Are you getting close, JC? I want you to cum on my ass. Let me feel that hot cum."

JC pulled out of Lance. "You're going to make me cum." He began jacking off his cock.

Lance bent over, again. Lance felt suddenly frisky. He wiggled his hips.

"Come on, big boy. Shoot that load, JC! Fucking, cum on me!

JC threw his head back. "Fuck, yeah!"

JC thrust his hips forward. His cock exploded. White liquid splashed onto Lance's ass and back. JC stroked his cock rapidly. His head snapped forward and then back as the surges of pleasure passed through him. He slowed his stroking.

"Lance, that felt so good." JC leaned down and took Lance into his arms. They kissed. JC and Lance stood up.

Peter still had his tongue buried in Justin's ass, but he offered a towel in one hand. JC took it. He started to wipe the cum off of Lance's back.

"Peter's always so accommodating."

"You're telling me?" Justin moaned. "Give me that tongue!"

Lance turned to embrace JC. They kissed, again.

"Do you want to switch off?" asked Lance.

JC leaned close. "You want to stay?" He whispered.

"You want to miss this?" Lance whispered back.

Peter pulled himself away from Justin. "They want to stay and watch me do you, Justin."

Justin looked over his shoulder. "I'm not kicking them out." He reached back, took Peter by the back of the head and pulled him back. "Just don't stop."

Lance looked at JC. "I take we're staying?"

JC looked confused. "What?"

"You're getting hard again."

"Oh," JC barely heard Lance. He was too intent in watching Peter rimming Justin.

Lance put some lube on his hand and started stroking JC's cock.

"Yeah, Lance that feels good."

Peter slid a finger into Justin's ass. Justin let out a moan.

Peter was pleasantly surprised. Justin was responding well. He was opening up nicely. Peter's cock twitched. He wanted to be inside Justin again. This time they were sharing their love. Peter started jacking Justin's cock. He slipped two fingers into Justin.

"Fuck, Peter. That feels so good."

JC could feel his blood pounding. Already he felt his excitement mounting. Damn this was hot. JC felt the nudge. He reluctantly turned away. Lance was trying to hand him the bottle of lube.

"I could use a little help here."

"I'm sorry." JC took the bottle, squeezed some lube on his hand and started massaging Lance's cock.

"I thought you forgot about me."

"Never." JC kissed Lance. He pulled back. "It's just the idea."

"I know. The Idol of the Screaming Girls is about to take it up the ass."

As if on cue Justin turned back to Peter, "I want you, Peter. Do me."

Peter stood up and grabbed a condom.

Lance felt a rush of excitement. JC and he didn't use condoms. JC was Lance's first and only. JC had had only a few times with girls, but he had been careful. Still his tests had showed JC was clean, so they didn't bother. But now watching Peter get ready only heighten the anticipation. And Lance had nothing to do with it.

Justin could feel the cock head press against his sphincter. He relaxed. It slipped past and began sliding inside him. There was tinge of pain. Justin tried not to react. Peter stopped instinctively. On again. Justin felt a little discomfort, but nothing too painful. Peter bent down and kissed him. Then Justin felt the cock pulling out. Slowly back in again. Justin remembered the feeling from last night. He had waited this long to feel it again. It felt so wonderful. Peter increased the rhythm. Justin began to moan.

Lance and JC pumped each other's cocks. JC noticed how careful Peter was being. Peter seemed to sense any discomfort from Justin. He couldn't see any outward sign from Justin. But then he and Lance could also sense each other. He closed is eyes for a moment to concentrate of Lance stroking him. He let the pleasure surge through him. JC opened his eyes,

Peter was up to a regular rhythm. Justin was moaning happily as Peter fucked him.

"Do it, Peter. Fuck me."

Lance also noticed the care Peter took. Now as the pace picked up, they let themselves really get into it. The sound of their two bodies slapping together filled the room.

"You have a tight ass, Justin. You make my cock feel so good."

"Keep going. Don't stop. I love your cock in me. Fuck me!"

Lance looked over at JC. JC was thoroughly enjoying himself. Every now and then he'd close his eyes with pleasure. Lance gave JC's cock a couple fast strokes. JC turned to Lance.

"To think that after that first night we met Peter that we would be watching this."

"That's my little matchmaker." JC kissed Lance. When JC pulled back, but he didn't turn away. He kept looking at Lance. This morning in the shower they had started to jack each other off, but had gone on. Now they were back at it.

"Lance, this is so hot. I mean, you and I stroking each other."

Lance flushed with pleasure. "I love you, JC."

They kissed again.

"Just pretend we're watching a gay porn movie." Lance smiled.

"We don't even rent porn movies."

"Maybe we should start." Lance rubbed his palm against the head of JC's cock. JC's whole body jerked.

"I'll keep that in mind," he whispered hoarsely.

Their attention was brought back to the room.

Peter had pulled out of Justin.

"Justin sit on the couch. I want to be able to kiss you and see your face."

Justin sat on the couch grinning. He grabbed his legs and raised them high.

"Come on, Peter. Fuck the shit out of me."

Peter turned his nose up. "Gross!"

"Put that cock back in my ass and fuck me!"


Justin reached around and slapped Peter's ass. "Yes!"

"You mean that?"

Smack. "Yes."

Peter slid his cock back into Justin and began thrusting hard and fast.

Lance and JC stood there shocked. This was more than they had expected. But it only sent their blood rushing even more.

"That's it, Peter. Fuck, yeah. That's what I want."

Justin felt a sting of pain shoot through his body. Peter was grinning down at him. Justin only closed his eyes smiling. Peter slapped his ass, again.


"Forget it, Lance."

Peter watched Justin's face. Their excitement was beginning to peak. This wasn't the time for more slapping. He leaned down. Their lips met. Peter kept up his hip's rhythm. Their lips parted for a quick breath then they pressed back. Their moans were getting louder.

JC and Lance watched. Their own excitement was growing as they watched the new lovers trying to be a close to each other as they could. Lance suddenly turned to JC.


JC saw the love on Lance's face. They kissed, holding their lips pressed together. JC felt Lance's love flow over him. Lance could feel JC's love as well.

Lance pulled back. He looked into JC's eyes. "JC, I'm cumming!" His cock erupted. JC could feel cum splatter onto his leg. Lance kept stroking his cock never losing eye contact with JC. Still his cock spouted shots of cum. Lance's body trembled. Slowly the climax passed. Lance slowed his stroking. He relaxed. He saw JC tense up.

"Here I go, Lance. Oh, yeah!" Lance felt hot cum hit his leg and foot. JC's body jerked as his cock shot off. Lance watched the pleasure flush JC's face. JC stroked and squeezed each last drop of cum from his cock. He began to relax.

They smiled at each other. Then JC took Lance into his arms pressing his lips to Lance's.

Peter's cock was hitting just the right places. Justin couldn't hold off any longer. His cock shot. Cum spattered on his stomach and chest. Peter's cock raked against his insides sending a new surge of pleasure. Justin felt his cock convulse again and again. Cum still shot from his cock. Finally, it slowed. Justin relaxed. Peter's lips were still pressed to his.

JC and Lance turned back just in time to see Peter gave a last thrust. He gave out a loud muffled moan. His whole body shook.

Justin felt Peter's cock jerk with each shot of cum. Peter's cries were muffled by the kiss. He whimpered loudly as the climax peaked. Slowly the whimpering faded. Peter relaxed in Justin's arms.

After a few minutes, they pulled back.

"That was wonderful." Justin said caressing Peter's chest.

"You make it so easy for me."

There was a snicker. Ah, yes, the audience.

"Sorry." Lance said.

"You'll have to forgive us. It's been a while since we used the new lover lingo."

Peter stood up. "That's okay." He discarded the condom. "At least you didn't heckle."

Justin sat up. "They wouldn't dare."

JC handed Justin the towel.


Lance looked down. "That first night it was the bathroom. Now tonight. The housecleaning staff are really going to hate us."

"Well, I suppose we should get back and leave the lovers alone." JC started to feel uncomfortable standing there naked.

"That's right." Lance walked over to Peter. He pecked him on the cheek. "Congratulations." He turned to Justin. Justin stared at him. "Ah, oh, well. We'll be off now."

"You just were." Peter smiled.

Lance smirked. "Breakfast in the morning?"

JC took Lance by the shoulder and steered him toward the door. "I think they have a lot to discuss. We will just get in the way." JC turned back. "Good Night."

"Night and thanks, again."

JC pushed Lance through the door.

After the door had closed Justin stood up and took Peter into his arms.

"I think we are now officially a couple."

"I never though I would be able to do something like that. Justin, you do wonders for me."

"You're not so bad yourself." Justin kissed Peter. "Come on. Let's hit the sheets."


"I mean sleep, you ninny."


Justin sensed Peter's mood change as they got into bed.

"Justin, what are we going to do?"

"Peter, leave it for morning. Just now I want to hold you close and bask in the afterglow."

Peter smiled and nestled close. "I never though I would feel this way. I do love you, Justin."

"I know. Its funny that last night I was desperate to find out what JC and Lance were experiencing that night I overheard them. I was hoping that you would be able to show me." Justin ran his hand along Peter's neck. "All I was looking for was the physical, but you didn't stop at that. You gave me the whole thing The physical and emotional."

"That's me. Always going overboard."

"I love that about you. And you can be sure that if Justin Timberlake is in love nothing will stand in the way of that." Justin smiled at Peter. "You can count on that."

Peter snuggled closer. "That's nice to know."

Now just convince me of that, Justin thought. Justin took one more look at Peter. He smiled then closed his eyes. It'll have wait until the morning.

End part 13.

Another long one, but I didn't have anywhere to cut-off. I toyed with the idea of stopping as JC pushed the door open but I knew that would really tick some people off. Oh, well.

I hoped you enjoyed it. This was the big "climax" to this part. I mean the concert. (Seemed to take a long time to get here though.) It would either be a bit hoaky or it would work. It was one of the original ideas I had when I started the second chapter: NSYNC's Return. Although the sex evolved as the story went along. I hadn't planed for "love" just yet, but as I wrote the scene the moment seemed right and suddenly there were the words. (It even made me cry.) I hope my way of dealing with a foursome worked. With JC and Lance's relationship having sex with other people is a bit of a stretch for me. But as the characters get to know each other, who knows. As for future parts, don't worry the ideas are coming. Again, I'd love to hear from you "Yea" or "Nay". Until next time Buckaroos!

Watch for part 14.

Next: Chapter 14

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