Lance and Justin

By James Little

Published on Jan 22, 2001


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Lance or Justin or any other of the members of N'sync are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hey Everyone. Here it is, the next part. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to come out with the new parts. I gonna try to post new sections more often. Anyways, as always, feedback is always good, but this time I'm asking my readers to let me know where they want the relationship to go. I want to get an idea of what you want to read. I wont waste anymore space here, so enjoy!

Justin was lying in bed awake silently admiring Lance as he slept. He watched, mesmerized as Lance breathed in and out, in a state of perfect peace. Justin's admiration was interrupted by a knock at their door. Justin debated answering the door and staying where he was. He thought to himself, "I would much rather just lay here all day." That's when he heard JC say "Hey Justin man, open the door, its me." Justin then slowly slid out of bed, making sure not to wake Lance up and went to answer the door. JC walked in and jokingly said "I figured if I said it was me, you two wouldn't hurry to make yourselves decent." Justin smiled in response to JC comment, as he indicated that Lance was still asleep. JC understood and began to whisper. The boys walked into the room and sat at the table, and both looked over at Lance. "He's even smiling in his sleep, he must be happy." JC commented. Justin silently stared at Lance as he slowly started to smile. JC started to say "Justin, about yesterday. I over reacted, so I want to apologize." Justin responded by saying "JC, you don't have to apologize." JC quickly interjected by saying "Yes Justin I do." Seeing his conviction, Justin let JC continue. JC started again "I think I was just really shocked when I first saw you two. More than anything, I don't want anyone to get hurt. And if you both want this, you can count on me to help in anyway" Justin responded "Thank you. There is something real between us, and your approval means a lot to me, you are and always have been my big brother JC." JC told Justin that no matter what happened, he would always be his brother.

Amidst their conversation, JC noticed that Lance got up, and sat up in bed. "Good morning" JC said. Lance rubbed his eyes and smiled as he returned the greeting. Lance pulled off the sheets and walked up to the table where the others were sitting. He leaned to kiss Justin, as Justin lifted his hands and brought Lance's head in for a closer kiss. Their lips were locked, and their tongues caressed each other. Justin began to smile, and broke their kiss as he said "Good morning to you too." Lance laughed and sat down at the table with JC and Justin. He asked "So what are you early birds talking about?" JC answered "I just came by to apologize for last night." To that Lance answered "You know you don't have to do that" JC and Justin both laughed as JC asked "So you two think alike now too?" Lance gave Justin a confused look and Justin said "I'll explain later." Lance was still half asleep so he was not bothered by inside jokes. JC turned the conversation to a more serious note as he leaned in and asked "Now what guys? Where are you going from here?" Lance and Justin looked at each other as Justin answered "Well, we want to tell Chris and Joey, but we're not sure when." JC suggested that they wait a while until they figure things between themselves out. "What about your families? Have you thought about what you are going to tell them?" JC said continuing his questioning. Lance smirked as he said "I think we have both avoided thinking about telling our families." Justin agreed with Lance's comment, as they both looked at each other again, dreading the thought of telling their families. JC reassured them both by saying "If you guys need a diversion to get the stress of you, I'm sure that I can find some girl to get pregnant." They all laughed at JC's offer, as Justin responded "JC, I would not put it past you for a second." JC smiled as he said again "Seriously, if you need any help, you can count me."

Lance's and Justin's thanks were interrupted by their phone ringing. Lance walked over to the phone and picked it up. "Hello" Lance said. "Mr. Bass, I hope that I am not waking you." The voice on the other end said." Lance answered "Oh no, not at all." The lady identified herself as being the hotel manager. Their phone conversation ended quickly as Lance said "Oh that would be fine. Thank you again" and hung up. JC and Justin looked curiously at Lance, as he explained that it was the hotel manager calling to ask if it would be okay to send breakfast up. "I told her it was fine" Lance said. "Oh shit" Lance said as he realized that he didn't know if Joey and Chris were awake. "Are Joey and Chris still asleep?" Lance asked JC and Justin. JC answered "I would bet money that they are still asleep." Lance looked at Justin and told him that he would be right back. Justin asked where he was going, and Lance told him that he was going to wake Joey and Chris up. With that, Lance leaned in and pecked Justin lightly on the lips and walked out the door with a smile on his face. "He is up to something" JC commented as Lance walked away. Lance walked out of his room and towards Joey and Chris'. Lance opened the door to find them both sound asleep. Lance grabbed a pillow from under Chris' head and used it to smack Chris over the head. "Wake up you losers" Lance said out loud as he hit Chris again. Joey and Chris both grumbled at being woken up. Lance walked over to Joey's bed and raised the pillow to hit him. Joey mumbled, still half asleep "If you hit me, I'll hit you back." Lance dropped the pillow and urged the two to wake up. Joey and Chris both propped themselves up in bed as Lance told them that breakfast would be up in about twenty minutes. "Alright, let me just shower." Joey said to Lance. "Oh yeah, I gotta shower too. Can I use yours Lance" Chris said. Lance panicked realizing that his secret would be blown if Chris went to their room. Lance quickly said "Uh. I think Justin is in there. But JC is in our room, so you can use his." Chris answered "Cool" as he walked out.

Lance walked back into his room and said "Man that was close." JC and Justin both asked what he was talking about. Lance answered with a smile on his face "Chris wanted to come in here to use our shower, but I sent him to JC's room instead." JC asserted "What? You sent him to MY room? Man, now I have to call housekeeping. There is a reason I don't share a room with him." Justin and Lance both laughed at JC's fake anger. JC grumbled and left as he said "Well I'm off. I gotta make sure that Chris doesn't cause any permanent damage. You love birds keep out of trouble now." Justin answered sarcastically "Yes Dad". As soon as JC left Justin turned to look at Lance and said "Man, I thought he would never leave" as Justin pulled Lance into another kiss. Lance broke the kiss to say "You were right." Justin asked curiously "Right about what?" and Lance said "This is totally worth it." To that comment, Justin smiled and leaned in for another kiss. This time Justin broke their kiss as he said "Alright, I'm gonna go shower." With that he started walking into the bathroom. Lance stood there watching Justin walk away while he awaited an invitation. As soon as Justin got to the door of that bathroom, he turned around and asked Lance "Well? Aren't you coming?" Lance just started to smile as he answered "And miss the opportunity to see that cute little ass of yours? I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lance then walked towards Justin as he started taking off his clothes.

When Lance got into the bathroom he and Justin started kissing again. Their hands roamed around each other's bodies. Lance helped Justin get undressed and Justin returned the favour. Lance propped Justin onto the counter as he helped Justin off with his pants. Lance's mouth was locked with Justin's as his hands held Justin's head in close. Justin's hands found their way to the buckle on Lance's pants, as he undid them and let them fall to the ground. Lance then pulled Justin off the counter as the stood against each other. Lance let his hands move down to Justin's shorts as he pulled them off. Lance could feel Justin's dick up against his own. Lance guided Justin into the shower, and turned on the water. Lance watched as the water fell and glistened Justin's body. Justin looked at Lance watching and asked "Are you just gonna sit there and watch?" Lance answered "Not a chance" as he ripped off his shorts and jumped into the shower with Justin. They took their time, letting the water fall over their bodies. Their hands soon found their way to the other's body. They carefully loved each other's bodies with their hands. They found themselves in another kiss, as Justin slowly ran his hand through Lance's hair. Lance grabbed the soap and began to rub it all over Justin's body, making sure get every inch of flesh. Justin pulled Lance in for another kiss as he watched Lance's hands run over his body. Lance then pulled Justin under the water washing off all the soap. Then Justin pulled Lance closer as he grabbed the soap and returned the favour. Justin lovingly rubbed the soap all over Lance's smooth and toned body, and then lovingly washed it off. They were both enjoying themselves, but knew that they could do no more, or the others would grow suspicious. They finished their shower and exited the shower. Lance grabbed a towel and wrapped around his waist, and grabbed another one and began drying Justin off. Justin reached forward and pulled off Lance's towel, exposing his full glory as he said "I like this view better.' Lance smiled as he finished drying Justin off, and then dried himself off.

As soon as they were completely dry they walked into their room to get changed. While they were picking out their clothes there was a knock at the door as JC said again "Hey guys, it's me, you can open it." Lance walked up and answered the door, with Justin not far behind. JC saw that both the guys were only in towels, and knew immediately that they had showered together. JC laughed and told them that breakfast was in the lounge, and Joey and Chris were there too. Lance thanked JC as he told him to stop laughing and went back to their room. Justin and Lance quickly got changed and walked into the lounge to see JC, Chris and Joey sitting there, already eating. Justin and Lance both got their food off the carts of food that were brought up. Lance and Justin both each grabbed a bowl of cereal and some fruit. They both sat down and started eating when Joey turned to Justin and Lance and asked "Where were you guys?" Confused, Lance asked "When?" Joey continued, "About ten minutes ago. I needed some gel, so I knocked on your door, but there was no answer." Lance quickly answered "Oh. I was in the shower." Joey then asked "Well, where were you Justin? If Lance was in the shower you must have been in your room?" Justin and Lance could both see JC with a huge smile on his face. JC knew exactly what they were up to, and wanted to cause some trouble so he said "Yeah Justin. If Lance was in the shower you MUST have been in your room. Why didn't you answer the door?" Justin shot a cold stare in JC's direction knowing exactly what he was up to. Justin quickly defended himself "Oh I was on the balcony, I must not have heard you knock Joey. Sorry about that." Justin and Lance were both relieved that there cover was still safe, and JC laughed as the watched Justin and Lance squirm.

They continued to eat as Chris spoke "So Scoop, what's on the agenda for today?" Lance rolled his eyes up as he tried to remember what they had to do. He answered "We have a press conference, and then we have an interview and a promo to do for some radio station, and then we have to have lunch with two girls who won some contest." Chris whined about having so many things to do in one day, and Justin joked, "Not a moment of peace for the beautiful people, but I don't get why you're so busy Chris." To that comment, Chris grabbed a grape off his plate and whipped it Justin, who managed to duck just in time. Lance reassured the others by saying "I know we have a really packed schedule today, but we get the next few days off." Everyone was more than pleased at that prospect. Joey and Chris finished their breakfast and ran to the N64, while JC, Justin and Lance continued to eat. After Lance had finished his cereal he started eating a banana. Lance had noticed that Justin was looking at him. Lance pulled the banana away slowly from his lips and said to Justin "Don't look so turned on Justin." It took a second for Justin to catch on, but JC caught on right away and had nothing more to say than "Man, that is just disgusting. Ah shit. now I have a visual picture. I hope you're both happy." Lance was still laughing from his joke, and now Justin joined in at laughing at JC.

After breakfast, the guys went back to their rooms, grabbed everything they needed for the day and headed down to the lobby. When they got there, the hotel manager was still working, and Lance decided to talk to her. He walked up to her and started "I just want to thank you so much for everything you have done, really none of it is necessary." The woman replied "It is entirely our pleasure." Lance was about the leave when he remembered that he was so short with her the night before. "Oh, and one more thing. I wanted to apologize for being so short with you last night, we were uh, kinda in a hurry" Lance said apologetically. The women responded "I understand, I just hope that you two were not too uncomfortable." Lance looked at her with a confused look on his face as she explained "Well, there was only the one bed. I understood that one of you would be entertaining, but I noticed you both came back." The woman's questions were beginning to worry Lance, as he responded "Oh that. We made due with what we had. It was quite comfortable." To avoid any more questions, Lance quickly excused himself and ran towards the others shaking his head at the woman's interrogation.

They all pilled into their limo and headed off. Their first stop was the press conference. They were told that the press was already waiting for them. They just had to go in, sit down, answer a few questions and get out. As the drove by the front of the building, the guys saw hundreds of screaming fans waiting for them. Their car pulled into the back of the prestigious Chicago hotel. The group's bodyguards were waiting to escort them in. When they got in, Johnny, their manager was waiting for them. He greeted them all and gave them some guidelines for their answers. He said "Hey guys. Just a couple things you want to steer clear of. We don't want to mention anything about the lawsuit, or about your new production company or anything in that area. Talk about crap like your plans for the time off, plans for the next album, you all know the drill." The guys listened to what Johnny had to say and walked out. As soon as they walked out, camera flashes just started going off, and reporters pushed and shoved to get in closer to them. The guys finally sat down, and the mediator picked the first reporter who asked about the tour they just finished. JC said "It was absolutely amazing. We all had a blast, but at the same time, we all need some time to relax." Lance added "Yeah, we hit a lot more locations than our last tour, it was longer. It was an amazing experience." The next reporter asked "Well guys, rumour has it that now your tour is over, you guys will begin working on a new album. Care to comment?" Justin answered "We have been talking about it amongst ourselves and with our management." Chris added "Because we have been on tour for such a long time, we would like to start doing some work with some new material, so a new album is definitely a possibility." It was bound to happen, the next reporter asked for a comment about their legal battle with Lou Pearlman. Lance responded jokingly "Well, with all the singing and dancing we have very little time for anything else. So we've hired these guys, lawyers I think you call them to take care of it for us." The reporters and the group all laughed, and moved on. The conference closed with a few more questions, and the guys were more than happy to leave that scrutiny.

Johnny waited for the guys to walk out. "Done like pros guys, Lance, you especially. But next time, try not to make yourself out to be a singing, dancing ditz" he joked. They all laughed as Johnny continued "Well, I'm gonna head off now, you guys can handle the rest on your own. Lance, I'll call you about next week's schedule." With that Johnny left, and the guys headed towards the radio station. When they got there, the VP was waiting in the lobby. He thanked them all for coming, and explained the itinerary. He explained that they would do a ten minute on air interview, then record a promo for the station, and then they would meet the contest winners, and head off for lunch. The interview was generally a repeat of the morning's press conference. They recorded their promo and left the booth. When then got out, the VP was waiting with two girls, both around fifteen years old. He introduced them "Guys, this is Kathy, she was the contest winner, and this is her friend, Dana. Girls. Justin, Lance, Joey, JC and Chris." The girls blushed and giggled as they searched for words "Oh my God. It is so nice to meet you guys. We love your music. Thank you so much for coming." They all smiled at the two eager fans. Lance began to speak as the two girls watched him as they drooled "Well girls, I guess we should get going, we don't want to miss our reservation." They all headed down in the elevator as the VP explained "We called an extra limo so you guys are a little more comfortable." He turned to the girls and asked "Do you girls have any preference of who to ride with?" The girls looked at each other, giggled and said "Um, could we please ride with Lance?" Lance was flattered, but at the same time scared of being in a car alone with these two girls. Meanwhile, JC and Chris tried really hard not to start laughing.

They all got to the limos and JC whispered to Justin "Maybe you should ride with Lance and keep these girls from rapping him" as he laughed. Justin laughed and agreed. Lance, the two girls and Justin rode in one limo, whereas Joey, Chris and JC rode in another. Joey, Chris and JC laughed the entire ride to the restaurant. "Man, the look on Lance's face, when they asked to ride with him as priceless." Joey said. Meanwhile, in the other limo, the girls grew the courage to ask Lance a question, "Um, Lance? Can you do a favour for us?" Lance, politely said "For sure. What can I do?" Kathy answered "Can you sign some autographs for us and our friends?" Lance agreed, as the girls pulled small stacks of pictures out of their bags. Justin tired his best not to start laughing as Lance started signing. It took almost the entire limo ride to the restaurant for Lance to finish signing all the pictures they brought. They finally got to the restaurant and got out of the limos. Joey, Chris and JC got out still laughing at Lance. They had been making jokes the entire ride. Lance got out, and rolled his eyes, and begged JC for an escape. JC laughed as he said "C'mon Lance, you wouldn't leave you fans would you now?"

They walked into the restaurant, and the waitress showed them to their table on the patio. They all stood around the table as they figured out where everyone was going to sit. Joey said "Kathy, why don't you and Dana sit on either side of Lance?" The girls both smiled and complied as Joey, Chris and JC began laughing again. The waitress came by and took drink orders. Joey ordered an iced tea, Justin and JC ordered a root beer, Chris ordered a milkshake and Lance ordered a coke. The waitress looked at the girls and asked "What would you girls like?" Kathy spoke up first and said "Can I have what he is having?" as she pointed in Lance's direction. The waitress then asked Dana, who said the same thing. If this went on, Joey, Chris and JC would have to excuse before they burst out in laughter. They ordered their meals, and the girls again ordered the same thing Lance did. The entire lunch, the girls hung off of Lance. They quickly got comfortable and started touching him and making conversation. Lance was ready to leave the minute after they got there, and the others were still trying not to laugh.

Justin then excused himself. As he walked away, Lance quickly turned his head and said "Where are you going?" Justin answered that he was going to the bathroom, as Lance mouthed the words "Take me with you. Pleasssse?" Justin laughed and shook his head as he walked away. Lance turned back around, back to reality. Then Dana asked "So Lance, do you have a girlfriend right now?" Lance began to answer the question when his cell phone rang. Lance jumped up and said "Oh. I really have to take this. Excuse me." as he walked away from the table. He said "Hello?" the voice on the other end said "Oh my God. Is the Mr. Bass? I'm like you biggest fan." Lance immediately recognized the voice as Justin's. He answered "Oh, don't you start with me too." Justin laughed at Lance's obvious frustration. Justin continued "So don't tell me that you're going straight on me now." Lance laughed as he answered "Ha! These two girls are going to have the opposite affect on me." Justin laughed as he said "Well I know how they feel. I would love to have my hands all over your body right now." This idea appealed to Lance, he answered "Oh man, do you want to take their place?" Lance continued with a whimper and a fake cry "Please take their place. Why oh why can't you take their place?" Justin said "I do like this desperate side of you. But just to let you know, if the girl on the right puts her hand on your leg again, I'm gonna take her out." Lance laughed at Justin's comment as he said "Get you cut little ass back here. I'd like something nice to look at through this ordeal." Justin laughed as he hung up.

Lance and Justin made it back to the table at about the same time. Lance sat down as Joey asked "Who was that?" Lance started to answer as JC interjected "Yeah Lance, who was that?" knowing full well who it was. Justin caught onto what JC was doing, and smacked him under the table. Lance finished "Oh, that was Johnny, just asking how the radio interview went." Lance just glared at JC, as JC laughed. They soon finished their lunch, and the girls were to be driven back to their houses, as the boys were going back to their hotel. They said their goodbyes, as the girls hugged all the group members. Finally when Kathy hugged Lance, she quickly pecked him on the lips. Seeing that Justin commented to JC "Oh man, I'm gonna take that bitch out!" JC laughed at Justin's jealousy. JC joked as he said "Oh that would be great publicity. I can see the headline now, Justin Timberlake physically assaults a fifteen year old fan in a jealous battle for his gay lover's affection." Justin answered as he laughed "Don't doubt me JC." Once the girls left Lance grumbled and said "Shit, now I have to brush my teeth." All the guys started laughing, and making fun of Lance and his new 'girlfriends'.

As they headed to the limo, Chris ran ahead and hoped in as Lance and Joey fell behind. JC and Justin were also on their own for a minute as Justin jokingly said "I think I'm gonna have to kick your ass if you keep playing these games of yours." JC laughed as he answered "What's the good in being the only one who knows if I can't have a little fun with this? Seeing you two fish for excuses is hilarious. I swear if I didn't catch you the other day I would have suspected it by now." Justin retorted "Ah shut up. You would never have suspected it. Who are you kidding anyways? I know you're not that smart. You're just a pretty face." JC laughed again as he said "I knew you wanted me. But don't get any ideas, I'm straight, and if I weren't, I could do so much better than you." Justin smiled as he rolled his eyes at JC's joke and said "Get you lanky ass in the limo, and watch the door, your ego may not fit through." JC laughed as he hopped in, followed by Justin. Meanwhile Joey started talking to Lance as they fell further behind. He said "Lance, I was meaning to talk to you, but I haven't gotten a chance to" and Lance answered "Sure Joey, what's up?" Joey continued "Well I just wanted to ask if you were okay. You seemed really upset when we were in New York, and now you seem a lot better. I just wanted to make sure that you are really feeling better." Lance said "Joey man, I swear I'm fine. I over reacted back in New York, I was never really that upset. So don't worry about me. But if it counts for anything, I'm really glad you asked." Joey smiled and continued "Of course I would ask. You guys mean the world to me, and I've always got your backs, no matter what you need." With that, Joey put his arm around Lance and squeezed lightly as Lance looked towards him and thanked him.

Lance and Joey hopped into the limo and they all headed back to the hotel. "So that was interesting" JC commented. Lance answered "Interesting? Horrifying is more like it?" Chris continued "C'mon Lance, admit it. You liked it. Who doesn't like their ego to be stroked?" Lance answered Chris' comment sarcastically as he said "My ego? The one on the right was stroking my thigh, not my ego." They all had a good laugh at Lance's joke, and then JC pulled out a piece of paper and passed it to Lance and said "Here you go Lance. I got their numbers for you, thought you might want to give them a call sometime." Justin shot JC a dirty look as he said "JC, I think you should keep it. You always have had a thing for the young ones" JC looked at Justin with a disgusted look on his face, and said "Man, that's just wrong. Two years older and I could do 'em" he finished as he started to smirk. Everyone just laughed at JC comment, hoping that he wasn't serious.

Soon the limo pulled into the hotel, and all the boys got out and headed upstairs. They all got to the lounge and collapsed on the couches. Joey and Chris immediately ran to the video games, while the others sat doing nothing. "So what do you guys want to do now?" JC asked the rest of them. Justin answered "I dunno. What is there to do around here?" Joey asked "Do you guys want to go out?" They all kinda grumbled as they all agreed they wanted to stay in. "We got a few hours to burn before dinner" Justin commented. Lance said "I think I want to go for a run", and Joey answered him "There is no way security will let you go on a run through Chicago." Lance saw Joey's point and agreed. Then Chris interjected as he said "Hey, there's a fitness club downstairs, we could go there." Lance said "I'm all for it" and the others quickly agreed. "Alright, get everything you need, and we'll meet there in fifteen minutes." JC said as he got up and headed to his room. The rest of the guys got up and went to their rooms.

Justin and Lance went to their room and Lance began fishing through his bags looking for his workout clothes. At the same time, Justin walked over to the bed and let himself fall. Lance looked over and said "What are you doing?", Justin answered with a devilish grin on his face as he said "Do you think they'll notice if we don't show up?" Lance walked up towards Justin as he started to sit up. Lance said "The last thing we need is Joey and Chris walking through that door and catching us with our pants at our ankles." Justin reached for Lance's shirt as he seductively undid it as he said "Do have any idea how turned on I am just thinking of you with your pants at your ankles?" Lance pulled Justin up and towards him as he said "Well how turned on are you thinking about Joey and Chris watching." Justin was un-phased by Lance's logic as he said "I don't care who's watching, so long as I can have you to myself." Lance laughed as he tried to discourage Justin. Lance began to speak as his mouth was quickly covered by Justin's. Justin slowly slipped his tongue into Lance's mouth, as he began to suck it gently. By now, Lance's shirt was off completely, and Justin was beginning to undo Lance's pants. Suddenly their room door opened as they heard JC say "Hey guys. Can a borrow a pair of socks from one of you?" JC looked up to see Lance and Justin kissing, and Justin beginning to undress Lance and he said again "Uh un. There is no way. No way! I am not covering for you guys again. You guys are gonna get dressed and hurry your asses downstairs." Justin and Lance quickly split as they heard JC's half serious tone. Justin smiled as he said "C'mon JC, give us twenty minutes, thirty at most. I swear we'll be quick." JC answered as he tried to assert himself "You do whatever you want to do, but I am not leaving." as he sat down on a chair. "You're in for one hell of a floor show" Justin said as he jokingly reached for Lance again. JC stood up and said "Alright, alright. I give." Surprised at JC's permission Justin turned and asked "Really?" To that JC joked again "No not really you horny little fuckers. Get ready, you have five minutes." With that, JC left, and Justin moved off Lance, Lance grabbed Justin's hand as he was leaving and said "I'll more than make it up to you tonight." as he winked at Justin. Justin's frown turned into a smile of excitement.

The elevator doors opened as Justin and Lance saw the rest of the guys in the lobby already. As they were walking towards the others Justin said "Just for the record, the only reason I agreed to this is so that I can see you all sweaty." Lance laughed as he said to Justin "Well don't wear yourself out." Justin asked "Why?" and Lance answered "Cause I am gonna give you one hell of a workout later." To that comment, Justin whispered to Lance "I am already so fucking turned on." Lance laughed as he whispered back, "Yeah, I know. And if you don't want the others to figure it out, I would hold your hands in front of you." Justin just had a guilty smile on his face as he stared at Lance. They walked up to the rest of them as Chris said "You guys ready?" Everyone answered and they made their way to the gym. They were relieved to see that the gym was pretty empty, so they could have some privacy.

Lance hopped on the treadmill as Joey and Chris did the same. "I'm gonna find a bike, you wanna come with?" JC asked as he looked at Justin. Justin answered "I'm game." as he followed JC. Lance put on his headphones, and Joey did the same, so there was no conversation among them. In the meantime, JC and Justin had begun talking. "So you looked a little green earlier today." JC joked with Justin. Justin asked "What are you talking about?" JC answered Justin's inquiry as he said "With those girls today. You seemed obviously jealous. There was a second where I thought you would actually snap." Justin responded "Yeah, well, well. At least I'm getting laid." JC laughed at Justin's playful attitude. JC and Justin continued talking as time passed. Finally, after a good half hour Lance walked up to where JC and Justin were, and took a seat on a bike. "I was wondering if I might borrow you for a few minutes" Lance said to Justin. Justin agreed in a second as he got up off his bike. JC said sarcastically from behind "I'm good guys, thanks for asking. I guess I'll see you later.

JC stayed on the bike as Justin and Lance walked to an empty aerobics area. "So what do you need?" Justin asked Lance. Lance answered "Oh, I just need you to hold my legs down while I do some sit ups." Justin started " Oh you can use those bars over there. on second thought, any excuse to touch you is good for me.". Justin smiled with a guilty grin as he looked at Lance who had obviously planned this erotic escape. Justin sat quietly as he held Lance's legs down, watching Lance as he went up and down. Lance stopped for a minute as he said "Man, I gotta get rid of this, its soaked" while he grabbed at his shirt. In one quick motion, Lance took of his shirt and tossed it aside. At this sight, Justin said "Man, this is getting better and better." Justin's eyes were scanning Lance's smooth defined abs and upper chest. Lance then continued to do his sit ups as Justin's hands slowly stated making their way up Lance's legs, and up his thighs. Justin could see a smile forming at the corners of Lance's mouth, as he continued.

In the meantime, JC had finished on the bike and soon found Chris and Joey sitting on a bench drinking water. As JC walked towards them, Joey tossed JC a bottle of water. "Thanks" JC said as he sat down and started drinking. Chris asked "So where are Justin and Lance?" JC answered "I dunno. I thought they were with you." To that Joey said "Nope, we haven't seen Lance since he left the treadmills, and we haven't seen Justin since we got here." JC knew exactly what they were up to again, but didn't want to answer any questions, so he kept quiet by drinking his water. "Have you two noticed that Justin and Lance have been disappearing a lot lately?" Chris asked. Joey answered "Yeah, now that you mention it, I have." JC came to their defence again as he said "I don't think so, I think it just seems that way cause they're sharing a room now, but I'll go look for them." With that JC quickly got up in search of Justin and Lance.

It didn't take JC long to find Justin and Lance. He walked in their direction and as he got closer he cleared his throat to get their attention. Justin looked back to see JC as he said "Hey JC." JC responded by asking "What the hell are you two doing?" Playing totally innocent Justin answered him "Lance is doing sit ups." JC was unimpressed by Justin's joke as he asked another question, "Are you two looking to get caught?" This time, Lance played the fool as he said "What are you talking about?" JC was now becoming frustrated as he continued, "What am I talking about? You want to know what I am talking about. Well, I'm talking about how Chris and Joey have noticed that you two keep disappearing. And it could have been either one of them that came looking for you. And it could have been anyone of them that who found you half naked, and you feeling him up" he said as he pointed and Lance and then Justin. Justin and Lance were in a playful mood and wanted to antagonize JC, so Lance said "You know Justin I think JC is right." At that comment, JC became a little more comfortable, thinking that they had come to their senses. Then Justin agreed with Lance as he said to JC "You know JC, you're right. Would you mind standing watch so we don't get caught." JC was now really fed up, he grumbled as he started to walk away, leaving Lance and Justin laughing at their joke.

"Let's get out of here" Lance said to Justin as he helped him up. Justin answered "You know I'd love to, but JC is right. Joey and Chris are gonna figure it out." As Justin looked over at Lance, he saw Lance beginning to smile devilishly. Justin asked "What?", and Lance answered "I gotta a plan." He quickly described his plan to Justin, as he instructed Justin to go upstairs and wait for him in their room. Justin left quickly avoiding the other group members as Lance walked in their direction. "Hey guys" Lance said as he found Joey, Chris and JC. Chris answered "Hey Lance. Where's Justin?" Lance answered "Oh, he was trying to pick up this personal trainer, and she suckered him into a full body workout." Chris and Joey laughed at Justin's misfortune, as Joey said "Man, he is gonna die." Chris reinforced Joey as he joked "Yeah I know, getting out of bed is pretty well the only physical activity Justin can handle." They continued to make fun of Justin's laziness as Lance noticed JC. JC, as always, knew exactly what was going on, and did not look too impressed. "Well, I'm off." Lance said as he started walking away. Chris called him back "Where are you going?" Lance answered Chris as he said "Oh, I'm gonna head upstairs, have a shower and give my folks a call." Joey and Chris said little more. As Lance was walking away, he stopped and asked another question, "Just out of curiosity guys, how much longer are you guys gonna be?" Joey answered that they would be about another hour. Knowing that he had a solid hour to spend with Justin, a gleam formed in Lance's eye as he started to smile. "Perfect" Lance said as he walked away. This time, JC called him back just as he was leaving. JC was going to play the same game Lance was playing as he said "Don't work out too hard. Oh I'm sorry. I forgot Justin is getting the workout not you." The prospect of having some time with Justin kept Lance in a good mood, as he smiled at JC and walked out.

Lance made his way back upstairs. He walked up to the door of their room as he knocked and said "Open up, its me." A few seconds later, the door opened, and Justin grabbed Lance and pulled him in with the collar of his shirt. As soon as he pulled Lance in, Justin pushed him up against the wall and dove in for a passionate kiss. "Oh I want you so bad right now" Justin managed to mumbled through their kisses. Lance answered "Then take me." As them stumbled across the room. The two boys fell on the bed as Justin grabbed Lance's shirt and tore it off him and tossed it across the room. Justin paused for a minute as he admired Lance's body, which was still glistening from the sweat. Then Justin pulled off his own shirt and tossed it away. Lance brought his hands to Justin's head as he pulled him in for a kiss again. Justin's hands did the same, as he held Lance in tightly for their kiss. Lance's hands moved down Justin's back as he caressed Justin's body with his hands. Justin slowly lowered his hands to Lance's stomach as he gently ran his hands over Lance's body. Justin and Lance were in such passion that their bodies moved in compliment to each other. It was like one knew what the other was going to do, and they knew exactly what the other wanted.

Lance then took over as he pushed Justin down to the bed and got up above him. Lance smiled as he said "I think I owe you a workout." Justin smiled back as Lance reached down to Justin's shorts and slid them off. Lance brought his mouth down to Justin's package still trapped in his underwear. Lance could see the outline of Justin's hard member. Lance then started sucking Justin's dick through the material of the underwear. Justin's hands found their way down to Lance's head, as he held tight. In a flash, Lance ripped Justin's underwear off, exposing Justin's beautiful, fully erect member, begging for satisfaction. Lance decided not to waste any time. He grabbed the base with one hand, and brought his tongue to the head. Lance, lovingly, and passionately licked the head of Justin's cock. Justin moaned as Lance began to work on the head. He slowly moved his hand up and down the shaft, as the let his tongue caress the head. Justin held Lance's head firmly with both his hands as he ran his fingers through his hair. Lance then moved further down on Justin. He slowly eased the rest of Justin's meat into his mouth and down his throat. Lance gagged slightly as he adjusted to Justin's size. Lance swallowed hard a few times, causing Justin to come very close. Justin started moaning again as he lovingly rubbed his hands over Lance's head. Lance moved off slightly, keeping Justin's head in his mouth as his hands made their way up to Justin's stomach. Lance began running his hands over Justin's sculpted abs as he sucked the head of his cock. "Ahhhhhhh. I'm gonnaa cummmm. Ohhhh Laaaanceeee" Justin screamed as he shot his warm load into Lance's waiting mouth. Lance swallowed every drop of his lover's juice. As Justin began to go soft, Lance held him in his mouth, as his sucked the last few precious drops from Justin's cock. Justin brought Lance's head up to his own, as they began to kiss. Justin could taste his own saltiness in Lance's mouth.

As they kissed, Lance let his hands fall back to Justin's crotch. He slowly started rubbing the life back into Justin's cock. It didn't take long. Soon, Justin was fully erect again, as Lance let his hand gently massage his lover's penis. Lance slowly moved back down, and Justin stopped him to ask "What are you doing?" Lance reminded Justin that it was his workout, and he said "This is my way of thanking you for coming to the gym with me." Justin said "Hold on" as he pulled Lance back up. Justin took off Lance's shorts and underwear to reveal Lance's throbbing cock. It stood straight up, begging for attention. Justin reached forward and stated rubbing it. Lance began to moan from the pleasure Justin was providing. Justin then moved back up and started kissing Lance again. The two continued to kiss as they gently stroked each other's hard members.

Justin guided Lance and laid him down on the bed. Then Justin put one leg on either side of Lance's body as he was face to face with Lance's erect cock. Justin sat on Lance's stomach for a second as he stroked Lance's meat slowly. Justin then raised his body as he started licking up and down Lance's shaft. At this time, Lance reached forward as he grabbed Justin by the hips and brought his member up to his mouth. Lance grabbed hold of Justin's hard cock as he slowly eased it into his mouth. Lance slowly slid Justin's cock all the way down the throat again. Lance then brought his other hand up as he gentled played with Justin's soft balls. In the meantime, Justin was running his tongue up and down Lance's dick. Justin would pause briefly at the head of Lance's penis as he licked under the head. Justin then brought his hand back to Lance's dick as he continued to stoke it gently. Justin then took Lance's balls into his mouth one by one. Justin lovingly sucked on his lover's testicles. Lance continued to play with Justin's balls as he lightly swallowed which put pressure on the member in his throat. Lance only eased up a few times to get air. As he sucked his balls, and played with his cock, Justin could slowly feel Lance tense up in his hand. Justin let Lance's balls go as he started licking the head of Lance's penis again. Justin took the member into his mouth, and sucked on the head as he felt it swell.

"Oooooooo. Jusstiiiinnnn! Suck me harrrd! I'm gona cuuuuuummmm!" Lance moaned as he shot his full warm load into Justin's mouth. Justin did his best to swallow the stream after stream of sweet cum. Justin managed to get almost all of it, but felt a few drops escape the side of his mouth. At this point, Justin was still on top of Lance, with his cock pointing directly at Lance's face. Lance grabbed hold of Justin's penis as he started to blow on it gently. It was already sensitive from having shot was before, and was wet from Lance's saliva. Lance produced a gentle breeze on Justin's cock as he continued to play with Justin's balls with his other hand. "Mmmmmmm" Justin groaned in pleasure. Lance wasn't even touching Justin's cock but he was about ready to blow again. Justin could not believe the pleasure that Lance's breath caused him. As Lance held onto Justin's meat, he could feel it tense up, as Justin shot a second load all over Lance's face. Justin then turned around and began licking his cum off of Lance's face. At the same time, Lance did the same as he licked the few drops of his cum from the side of Justin's lips. Lance held onto Justin's head as they joined together in a kiss. The boys again exchanged their saliva, as the exchanged their cum as well. Justin then fell onto Lance. Justin's hands found their way to Lance's head, as Lance's hands roamed Justin's back. Their mouths were locked as their soft and moist cocks rubbed up against each other. The boys soon collapsed out of exhaustion and fell into each other's arms on the bed.

As the boys laid there is bed party covered by the sheets Justin looked over at Lance's body, still glistening from the sweat. Lance lay silently staring at the ceiling as Justin watched him with concern. Justin slowly brought his hand up and softly stroked Lance's face. Feeling Justin's hand on his face, Lance turned and looked at Justin as he smiled lightly. Justin asked "What's the matter?" in a concerned tone as Lance answered briefly, "I was just thinking." Justin continued as he said "What about?" Lance started "I think we have to tell Chris and Joey. They care about us, and I can't bear to hide our relationship from them." Justin asked further "I think we should tell them too, but why are you so upset about it?" Lance answered "I'm worried about how they'll take it. I want this so much, but I don't want them to be upset." Justin then sat up as he looked in Lance's eyes and said with confidence "Lance, you said it yourself, they care about us, and I'm sure they'll understand. If they care as much about you as you do about them, they would never hurt you." Hearing those comforting words, Lance smiled again, as Justin leaned in and gave him a kiss.

The boys then got up and headed to the shower. In the mean time, JC, Chris and Joey had finished their workout and were headed back upstairs. They all got to their floor and started walking to the lounge. Joey and Chris walked ahead as JC stopped at Lance and Justin's door. He knocked and when there was no answer he let himself in. He walked in to find their clothes scattered on the floor and could hear the shower running. JC knew immediately that Justin and Lance were in the shower together. JC laughed to himself as he shook his head and let himself out. As JC walked out and towards the lounge, he saw Joey walking in the opposite direction. "Hey, have you seen Justin?" Joey asked JC. JC knew where he was, but covered for Justin as he answered "No, but I'm looking for him too." Joey then said "Oh, I'm just gonna check their room." As soon as JC heard that, he spun around and said "No. I mean, he's not there, I just checked. And Lance just hopped into the shower." Joey then asked "Lance just now stepped into the shower?" and JC covered them further by saying "Yeah, I guess he called his folks first." Joey accepted JC's explanation as they both turned around and walked back to the lounge.

JC, Chris and Joey were laying around in the lounge drinking water and eating to gain energy back from there workout when Lance walked in. "Hey Lance, how are the folks?" Chris asked. The question took him by surprise as he almost forgot that he told the other guys he was going to call his family. Lance then quickly answered "Uh, they're good. Same 'ol same 'ol." Lance then sat down and grabbed a bottle of water and started to drink. Lance then turned to JC and said "Hey have you seen Justin?" as he smiled lightly. JC shot Lance a look that could kill and said "No Lance I haven't, I just assumed he was with you." While JC spoke, Lance laughed lightly. About ten minutes later, Justin walked into the lounge and sat down. "Where the hell have you been? Everyone's been looking for ya." Joey said as he sat down. "Justin played the situation down as he said "Oh I was in JC's room, Lance was in our shower, so I just used his." Joey then turned to JC asked again "I though you said you didn't know where Justin was." JC was now stumbling for an excuse as he blurted out "I didn't check my own room, I never thought he would be there." Justin then started "Man, I am hungry, what about you guys?" Lance was the first to speak up as he said "Yeah, I've been telling these guys that I'm starving for the past ten minutes." Chris was the next to speak as he said "What is it with you two? That must have been some workout for you two to be so hungry." Justin, Lance and JC all tried hard not to start laughing at Chris comment. They had all decided that as soon as everyone else was done showering, they would figure out what they were doing.

As the boys got up, JC said "Chris, you can use my shower, and I'll use Lance and Justin's", Chris answered "Cool" as walked out, followed by Joey. JC looked at Lance and Justin as he said "You two owe me BIG!" Lance and Justin agreed as they laughed. JC then left and Justin turned to Lance and said "I was only around them for five minutes, and I could not wait for them to leave." Lance then asked why and Justin answered "Cause I could not wait to be alone with you again." Lance then started to smile as the told Justin that he said "I know what you mean." Justin then got up and walked over to the couch where Lance was sitting and sat down. Justin slowly leaned in as his lips met with Lance's. Lance brought his hands up as he held Justin's head in place. Then Justin did the same as he started running his fingers through Lance's moist hair. Lance then slowly slid his tongue into Justin's mouth as Justin welcomed it. Justin sucked Lance's tongue softly, as he then switched sliding his tongue into Lance's mouth. As Lance sucked on Justin's tongue, Justin slowly pushed Lance down so he was lying on top of Lance. Lance's hands moved down Justin's back as Justin held Lance's face. They're lips were locked and their tongues tied. They continued non-stop, barely coming up for air. The boys thought to themselves that kissing was just as good as making love. They held on to each other tightly, not ever wanting to let go. Suddenly their embrace was interrupted when the heard someone say "What the fuck are you two doing?"

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