Lance and Justin

By James Little

Published on Dec 28, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Lance or Justin or any other of the members of N'sync are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hello everyone. First I wanted to say that I am really SORRY that this part is soooo late. I have been so busy with the holidays. I hope that everyone had a very happy holiday season. Anyways, I hope that you guys like the new instalment, and as always, your feedback is what keeps me writing, so you keep writing, and so will I. Enjoy.

When the sun rose, it shone its light warm rays over the naked upper halves of the boys, which remained uncovered by the sheets. Lance's arms were around Justin's waist, as the both looked in the same direction. Lance was the first to wake up. His eyes slowly opened to the sunlight. As soon as he woke up, he saw Justin next to him, and was relieved that it was not a dream, but his desires were realized the night before. He breathed in and smelt Justin's scent, and it brought back every detail, and every feeling from last night. He leaned in and kissed Justin softly on the neck. Justin began to stir and, rolled over slightly, and fell back asleep. "At least now I can look at him" Lance thought to himself. Lance lifted his hand and gently ran it over Justin's closed eyes. At the same time, Lance heard a knock at the door, so he gently got out of bed and went to answer it, grabbing the first article of clothing he could find, which ended up being Justin's pants.

Lance walked over to the door, and opened it for room service. He had forgotten that he ordered breakfast the night before. "Good morning Mr. Bass, I trust you slept well last night?" said the young man. Lance just signalled him to be quiet, as he pointed to Justin still lying asleep. Luckily from the angle they were at, the bell boy could only tell that there was still someone asleep, he had no idea who it was, or that it was another guy. Lance ran over to his pants on the floor, and pulled out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet. He handed it to the bell boy, and said "To help you forget about anything you saw" and he smiled at the young man. The young man thanked him, and acknowledged with a smile, and helped himself out.

Lance walked back over to the bed, and leaned in and kissed Justin softly on the lips. Justin let out a soft moan of pleasure, as his eyes cracked open to see Lance looking down at him. He smiled and said "Please tell me that I am not dreaming" Lance answered "It's a dream alright, but it's sure not going to end now that you're awake." Justin smiled in response, which could have melted Lance right there and then. "I got breakfast" Lance said, as he rolled over the cart. Justin looked up at his new lover, and said "Could I do one thing before you climb back into bed?" Lance asked "what?" With that, Justin reached over and undid the pants Lance was wearing and let them fall to the ground, exposing Lance in all his glory. Justin said "Good, now you can come back into bed" Lance just laughed at Justin's childishness, and hopped back into bed, grabbing breakfast so they could eat in bed.

Lance had ordered Belgian waffles topped with vanilla ice cream, and raspberries. Lance cut a bite, and brought it up to Justin's mouth. Justin opened up, and Lance slowly fed him. Lance pulled the fork out, and there was a bit of ice cream left on Justin's lips. Lance quickly leaned in and kissed it off. Justin then said "I have never had anything better" to that Lance said "I know, the waffles are great here." Justin chuckled and said "I wasn't talking about the waffles". Confused, Lance naively asked "What then?" Justin then moved to show Lance, as he leaned in for a kiss. The two of them soon finished their breakfast, and lay back down into bed as earlier, with Lance laying on Justin's chest, and Justin returned to running his hand through Lance's hair.

The two boys held each other for another hour as they exchanged laughs and stories. Lance told Justin how he would often unconsciously find himself watching Justin during dance rehearsals. He told Justin that seeing in sweaty clothes drove him crazy. Justin told Lance, that since they met, he thought that the way Lance would bite his lower lip was the most adorable thing. Amidst their conversation, the phone rang, and Justin reached over to answer it. Just as he said "hello" he and Lance both realized that the room was booked under Lance's name. Luckily it turned out to be JC. "Where the hell have you been? I called your mom's place, and she told me you were at the hotel with Lance, but there is no room under your name." JC asked, Justin answered "Oh yeah, my little bro had friends over, so there was no room left, so Lance asked to get a room with two beds" With that Justin looked over at Lance, and the two of them tried not to start laughing.

While Justin was on the phone with JC, his cell phone rang from inside his pants on the floor. Lance picked up and mouthed "You want me to get that?" to Justin who nodded yes. Lance jumped out of bed, and got the phone. He answered the phone as he sat in a chair at the table. It turned out to be Justin's dad. "Justin?" the man asked. "No Mr. Timberlake, its Lance." He answered. Justin's dad said "Oh, Hi Lance. How are you doing?" The two of them had a quick conversation while Justin was talking to JC. Even though Lance and Justin were both talking to different people, their eyes were fixated on each other. Mr. Timberlake told Lance that he heard Justin was in town, and wanted to ask him for a late lunch or early dinner, and welcomed Lance as well. The parents of each group member regarded each of the other boys as their children, and welcomed them as such. Lance knew Justin's schedule well, and knew that he would have no objections, so Lance agreed on both their behalves, and told Justin's dad that they would call back later for details.

Lance waited as Justin finished talking to JC, as he remained sitting on his chair. Justin hung up and looked to Lance and said "I don't know what it is, but there is something really disturbing about seeing you sitting there naked talking to my dad on the phone." Lance got up, got a running start, and lunged on to Justin still in bed, smiling and wrestling with him. After a small loving rumble, the two fell back onto the bed. "So what did JC want?" Lance asked. Justin answered "Well, they're all going to Chicago today instead of tomorrow morning, and he thought we should get there at the same time, so I guess we leave tonight instead of tomorrow." There was no major loss, it cut their trip short by only a few hours. "But I guess we should get ready now then?" Lance asked, and Justin agreed.

Lance got up, and said "I'm gonna shower" as he headed back into the shower. Justin called him from behind "You know what I'm thinking?" Lance turned around and said "Well, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, its that we might as well save both water and time if we shower together." as he smiled devilishly. With that, Justin jumped out of bed, sill completely naked. Lance looked over, and just admired his new lover. Justin headed into the bathroom as Lance followed. Lance reached over and pinched Justin's ass as Justin jumped in reaction. They both got into the bathroom, and stepped into the shower.

Lance turned on the warm water and let it fall on both their bodies. Lance reached over and ran his hands through Justin's hair, making sure each strand was wet. Justin leaned in and kissed Lance softly as he said "You are so damn sexy when you're wet." And to that, Lance replied, "Well you are always so damn sexy" They held each other kissing for a moment. Lance's hands moved from the back of Justin's head to his back, to his thighs, and then around front and gently rubbed Justin's enlarging package. Justin moaned with his lips still on Lance's. Lance began to fondle Justin's balls with one hand as he slowly stroked his length with the other. Justin managed to let some words escape as he asked "What are you doing". Lance moved his lips off Justin's as he moved downwards. He looked up smiling and said "Just returning a favour." Soon, Lance found himself on his knees looking straight at Justin's crotch. Justin lowered his hands, and lovingly placed them on the back of Lance's head. Lance lightly licked the length of Justin's hardening prick. Lance grabbed it, and he licked up and down the underside of Justin's penis. Then Lance moved to Justin's balls. He began by licking them, and then proceeded to sucking them. Justin was moaning Lance's name, as he held Lance's head. Finally Lance took the entire cock into his mouth, adjusting to its length. He began concentrating on the head of Justin's penis. Soon, Lance felt Justin tense up and scream "Oooooooh LANCE!!!" And with that, Justin shot his load into Lance's mouth. Lance moved back slightly and, some of Justin's juice escaped his mouth.

Justin pulled Lance up into a kiss. Lance had not yet swallowed all of Justin's cream, and shared it with Justin's mouth. The two boys kissed with their tongues tangled in knots, sharing Justin's juice and Lance's spit. Justin licked his own cum off of Lance's face and seductively fed it too him as they united in another kiss. Soon the passion subsided, and Lance and Justin enjoyed each other's company. They helped one another clean their backs, and Justin enjoyed shampooing Lance's soft hair. They finished quickly, and exited the bathroom with towels wrapped around their waists. They were helping each other get dressed when Justin said "I think I love dressing you as much as I do undressing you." Lance slowly buttoned up Justin's shirt, and lovingly made his lover look perfect, and Justin did the same.

They packed their things and left them at the lobby. Lance had to return to the studio to meet with their lawyers on more time to discuss the statements, and their legal plan of action. While they were there, Johnny took the time to play some possible music samples for their next album for Justin and Lance. Justin and Lance then met with Mr Timberlake for a late lunch and headed to the airport. They boarded their flight and found their seats and enjoyed the flight. Part way through the flight Justin noticed that Lance's expression was slightly less joyful. He leaned into Lance and said "What's the matter kiddo?" Lance quickly told Justin that there was nothing wrong. Justin, unconvinced persisted "Lance, if there is anything that we have learned, it is that we can't keep anything from one another." Lance obliged and answered "Well, I kinda feel like this weekend happened because we managed to get away. And as soon as we get back to the others, we'll be back to normal, having to hide the truth, and forget about what happened." Justin reached over and grabbed Lance's hand. He said "Listen Lance. I found something very dear to me in you. I found you and I am NOT going to let you go." With that, Justin brought Lance's hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently. Lance smiled and asked "What would I ever do without you?" and Justin jokingly answered "Same as me, put your wrist into overtime." making Lance laugh out, and Justin joined him.

Their plane landed with no problems in Chicago. There was a car waiting for them at the airport. They got in, and arrived at the hotel with no delay. The car stopped, and Lance looked at Justin and said "Well, back to the real world. You gonna keep your promise?" Justin answered "There is nothing that could make me break it. How about one more minute of paradise?" With that Justin leaned in and kissed Lance again. The passion flooded between them, as they sadly parted. Lance took a deep breath and exited the car. The two boys walked into the lobby of the hotel to find that all the other guys were waiting there. Lance asked "What's up guys?" Chris answered "Well, Lance you know how you are the one who knows how to take care of these things? And you know how you have been away for the past two days? Well, its for sure now. We're helpless without you" Chris acted out with over drama. Lance looked over to JC and asked "Can anyone here translate?" and JC answered "Our rooms aren't ready". To that Lance and Justin put their bags down and sat with the rest of them.

As they were sitting there, Lance began remembering the past two days, and a huge smile returned to his face. Justin leaned in and jokingly whispered "Tone it down or they'll know you got laid" Lance laughed. Soon the hotel manager approached the boys sitting in the lobby. The professionally dressed, and personable woman let them know that two rooms were ready, one double and one single. JC said "Well, I guess you guys can go up, and me and Justin will wait for the next double." Suddenly, an idea dawned to Lance. He said "JC, why don't you take the single room, and I'll wait with Justin and take the double" JC enthusiastically answered "Are you serious? Big boss man is giving up his precious single room?" Lance assured JC that he was serious, and JC retorted happily "Why are you in such a good mood man? You're either on some crazy drug, or you got laid.crazy drug eh?" Lance told him that Justin and he had just got there, and that JC had waited longer, so he should take it. JC, still ecstatic said "This means I can walk around naked ALL the time" Justin joked "C'mon JC, don't pretend that you didn't do it when we shared a room" JC responded "Okay I won't pretend I didn't if you don't pretend you didn't like it". By now all the boys were laughing, and their spirits were much higher than when Lance and Justin had left.

Joey, Chris and JC all went upstairs, and the manager assured Justin and Lance that it would not be much longer, as she walked away. Just as she was walking away, Lance ran up to her and caught her. He asked that the double room actually have one large bed instead. The woman cocked an eyebrow at Lance, and he explained that Justin would be in and out, and that he would be entertaining later that week. The woman smiled and agreed. Justin and Lance both sat back down on the couch. They were sitting close enough to each other for their conversation to remain unheard. Soon, Justin started whispering dirty thoughts into Lance's ear. Lance was a combination of happy, horny and excited. They were sitting and laughing like ten year olds when the manager returned. She told them that their room was ready and that she would take them to it.

All the rooms were on the same floor as usual. The manager showed Lance and Justin to their room, and asked them to drop their things off and to follow her. On her way, she called Joey, Chris and JC out of their rooms. She walked them a few doors down and opened the doors to one of the larger suites on that floor. She said "Well gentlemen, for in the inconvenience earlier, we have arranged that this floor be strictly for you, and there is another floor for your staff. And as an added gratitude we have arranged this room for you." She entered the room and the boys followed. "This room has been arranged as a lounge for you, it has a larger television, a fresh supply of fruits and snacks" the woman said. She wasn't lying either, the room had everything they could need, big couches, video games system, fresh fruit and a wide selection of movies. Joey was the first to notice "Hey, is that an N64? I got first dibs" as he and Chris lunged forward towards the controllers. The woman started again "And gentlemen, there is one more thing. I had my assistant make bookings at some of the finest restaurants in Chicago, and she has also taken the liberty to put your names on guest lists at a few clubs if you are interested?" After a quick vote, they were all in favour. The woman told them that her assistant would meet them in the lobby when they were ready.

The guys sat around in their lounge for a while, just talking and playing games. Then Lance excused himself and said "I'm gonna go wash up, I'll be in my room if you need me." as he left. Once Lance left, JC turned to Justin and asked "Seriously man, what happened in Orlando? Why is he in such a good mood?" Justin answered as best he could saying "JC man, you should have seen him in this meeting with Lou. He was incredible. I swear that boy was born to be in business, or law, or something. I guess he's been on cloud nine ever since then." JC laughed at the though of Lou being brought to legal submission by someone who was barely twenty-one. They laughed about it for a while, and soon Justin excused himself and went to his room as well.

When he got there, he found Lance standing there, shirtless, brushing his teeth. Justin exclaimed "How the hell can I get anything done if you just stand there like that?" Lance pulled the brush out of his mouth and mumbled "Like what?" Justin answered as he walked up to him and said "Like so unbelievably sexy!" With that, Justin leaned in and kissed Lance on the lips. Wanting to be on time, Lance and Justin agreed to just get ready and get going. Although that didn't stop the boys from staring at each other as they changed. Justin said "I could get off just looking at you" Lance responded "If you promise to hold on, I promise to make it last ALL night long" which he said with a grin on his face.

The two boys finished getting ready and met the others in their lounge. They all walked down together and met the assistant manager. She offered them the options, and they all decided to go to a genuine Chicago steak house down town, and then onto a new club that opened a few days earlier. As soon as they decided, they were on their way. They arrived at the restaurant, and were seated in the best seats. Justin and Lance made sure to be seated next to each other. Throughout the dinner, Lance and Justin played sly games with one another. Lance excused himself to go wash his hands, and Justin agreed that it was a good idea. They ran to the bathroom, and immediately their lips were locked. Just as they parted the door opened, and Joey came in and said "With all your talk of washing your hands, I though of my mother, and I couldn't help but hear her telling me to wash my hands" Justin and Lance laughed at how close they were to getting caught. While at the table, Justin's hand would slyly make its way under the tablecloth to Lance's thigh. Dinner went on well, and the boys made their way to the club. Joey and Chris quickly found some girls who were more than willing to dance with them. JC, Lance and Justin sat for a bit and had a drink. JC was really glad to see Lance happy because he still regretted what happened before he left.

This really pretty blond then came up and asked JC to dance, and he would never disappoint, so he obliged. Justin and Lance decided they wanted to get back to the hotel before any of the others. So Justin made an excuse about not feeling well. He went up to JC and said "I'm not feeling too good. I think I'm gonna go back to the hotel." JC asked "Do you want me to come with you?" Justin answered "No, it's okay. You're having fun. Lance said he'll take me." JC yelled over the crowd "Thanks Lance. I guess I'll see you guys in the morning". With that, Lance and Justin left the club, Justin playing the part of the sick kid. As soon as they stepped out the two of them started laughing, and Lance said "I can't believe they fell for that." Lance and Justin caught a cab and went back to the hotel.

When they got to the hotel, the manager was in the lobby, and she tried to stop Justin and Lance to ask them about their evening. However, neither of them wanted any delays, so they were extremely short with her, hurrying to their rooms. They made it up to their floor, and through their door. Justin was making conversation, mentioning how nice dinner was, and the he liked Chicago. To this Lance said "Lets put your mouth to better use than this pointless conversation." Justin agreed, and they came together in a kiss. The two of them had their mouths locked, and their hands were roaming over each of their bodies. In the midst of the passion, they were trying to get each other's clothes off. Justin pushed Lance up against the wall, where he gently loved his mouth with his own tongue. They eventually fell to the bed, ripping off each other's pants. Justin began licking Lance's lips, and then his neck. He moved down slowly, down his chest and stomach, until he reached Lance's beautiful, throbbing package. Justin began by adoring Lance's meat with kisses. He then ran his soft tongue around the head and along the underside. Justin took Lance's balls into his mouth, and sucked them gently. Lance's hands fell to Justin's head as he lifted Justin off of him. Lance brought Justin on top of him, so they were in a sixty-nine position. Justin smiled at Lance's cleverness. Justin continued his work, as Lance started his. Justin's penis was pointing directly towards Lance's mouth. He gently teased Justin by flicking his tongue on the head. Justin began using his hands and slowly stroked Lance while he sucked the head like a lollipop. Meanwhile, Lance let Justin ease his cock deep into his throat. Lance gagged at first reflex. Lance brought his hands up and used them to play with Justin's balls. The two boys soon returned to regular sucking. Lance tensed up and screamed "Juuuusttinnn!!!!!! Suck me HARD!!" And with that, he shot his warm cream into Justin's waiting mouth. That stimulation was too much for Justin. Almost simultaneously, Justin groaned as the shot his cream into Lance's mouth. Lance used his hands, and milked every last drop out of Justin's softening cock, while Justin did the same to Lance using his lips. The boys got up, still holding their juices within their mouths. They found themselves in a kiss, swapping their cum. Finally, Justin and Lance both swallowed a combination of each other. The two of them fell to the bed kissing on another, their hands roaming all over one another's body.

Meanwhile, at the club JC started to worry about Justin. It had always been him who took care of Justin, and did not feel comfortable unless he checked on Justin. He said goodbye to the girl he was dancing with, and then told the other guys he was on his way. As he passed their table, he realized that Lance had forgotten his jacket, which had his wallet and key card in it. JC caught a cab and headed to the hotel. JC however, did not make it past the manager without delay. He stopped and thanked her for all that she had done. JC got off on their floor and walked towards Lance and Justin's room. He pulled the key card out of Lance's wallet and opened the door. By now Lance was on top of Justin, both were both still completely naked, and Justin was running his fingers through Lance's hair as they made out. Luckily they were partially under the sheets, covering up to their ass. JC opened the door and walked in saying "Hey Lance, you forgot your jacket." They didn't even hear JC come in. JC looked up and saw Lance and Justin making out naked, and screamed "What the fuck is going on here?", which caught their attention, and they stopped to look back at JC standing there in disappointment..

JC was about to leave, when Lance called him to stop "JC, hold up a sec". Lance jumped out of bed, and grabbed JC by the arm just before he got to the door. As soon as he stopped, Lance realized he was still completely naked, holding on to JC's arm. So he let go. JC turned around and said "Both of you, get some clothes on right now, and meet me in the lounge" as he left the room. Lance looked at Justin, who shared his look of desperation, as they said little and complied. They got dressed and walked out to the lounge.

They walked into the lounge to find JC sitting at the table with a furious look on his face. Justin and Lance slowly walked up to where he was sitting, and sat in the couch next the table. JC started "So Lance, is this your idea of making someone feel better?" Lance looked down, at a loss for words, when Justin interjected "C'mon man, it was my idea too, ease up on him". JC responded angrily "I think that I am entitled to so talking here for a while" as he asked "So how long? Since when and why?" Justin answered that the first time was in Orlando, as Lance interjected and begged JC not to tell any of the others. JC responded "Just because you two can lie to us doesn't mean that I can lie to the others. Justin, who as more comfortable with JC said "JC, relax, we didn't lie to. We just wanted to figure things out before we told you guys about it." JC was unconvinced. Justin pleaded with JC "Please JC, this means a lot to me, and to Lance. Don't take that away from us. You said it yourself, why do you think he's in such a good mood lately?" JC argued "Have you two thought about the trouble that you could get into, have you thought about what this could do to the group. Justin and Lance sat silent to JC latest arguments.

There was moment of silence that was broken by JC saying "Lance, you're staying with me tonight. I don't want anymore of this shit until we talk this through" Justin pleaded "C'mon JC, we didn't do anything wrong." JC responded coarsely by saying "Lance, get what you need from your room and put it into mine." With that, Lance stormed out of the lounge, extremely upset he needed to be alone, and headed to his room. Seeing Lance upset angered Justin who said "What the hell is your problem JC? Be a little compassionate." JC was not frightened off by Justin's aggression, and responded "Don't lecture me Justin, you're in the same boat as he is." Their discussion quickly turned to an argument as Justin responded "Oh fuck off. Don't try and be so bloody righteous. All I did was give him what he needed" JC, unimpressed said "Justin, I doubt if what he needs is a Friday night fuck, and a good morning kiss goodbye." Justin calmly retorted "That was always your problem JC. You opened your big mouth before you knew what was going on" JC interrupted him saying "I know exactly what's going on Justin, but you don't. This poor kid is obviously head over heals for you, and has been for a long time. He needs someone to love him back. He's just a mouth on your cock for you isn't he?" Angrily, all Justin could was "Fuck you JC!"

With that Justin stormed out of the lounge and headed for his room. He looked in and could not see Lance anywhere. Justin soon realized that the balcony door was open, and he could see a figure in the darkness. Justin walked onto the balcony to find Lance sitting in a chair facing the skyline as he sniffled lightly. Justin lightly called out Lance's name. There was no answer, and Justin began to worry. Lance began as he continued looking ahead "Maybe he's right. Maybe this isn't right. It was fun while it lasted, but lets just keep the peace and end it." Those words crushed Justin. It wasn't that Lance had said them, it was that he felt guilty. Justin was a little more resilient, and sharply said "No!" Lance turned his head and asked "Sorry?" Justin continued "No Lance. That is not going to happen. First of all, you always do what's good for everyone else, this is for you. Secondly, we didn't do anything wrong." Lance responded "Yeah, that's not what JC thinks." Frustrated, Justin said "Fuck JC. And listen, I wont let this end, it means a lot to me too, and I'm not ready to let you go." Lance remained silent. He didn't want it to end either, but he was so upset by JC's arguments.

Justin turned to Lance, looked him directly in the eye and said "Do you think he's right? Do you think that we've done something wrong?" Lance answered confidently "No Justin I don't. That is the last thing I think. Nothing this wonderful can be wrong." Confused Justin asked "Then what's the problem?" Lance answered "JC made me feel like I was going to hell, the way he looked at us was so condescending. I don't know if I can take that from everyone else too." Justin asked "Do I mean enough to you, does this mean enough to you to forget what everyone else thinks?" Lance answered that it did. Justin added "Lance, I don't want to see this end, and I will do everything to make sure that it doesn't end. But if you don't think that its worth it tell me and I'll duck out. Lance, I respect you enough to let you go." Lance was lost, he didn't want to lose what he had with Justin, he didn't know what to say.

Before Lance could answer, JC walked up behind them. Lance said to him "JC, if you want me to move my shit fine, but before I do, we have to talk." JC said 'Fine Lance, talk" Lance turned to Justin and politely asked him to excuse them. Lance reached out and let his hand brush up against Justin's as he walked out. Justin turned to Lance, and smiled confidently. As soon as Justin was gone, Lance started "Okay JC, you said your bit, now its my turn. So what the fuck is your problem? How does this change anything for you? And where do you get off making two of your friends feel this bad?" Lance continued angrily "And you know what else? I'm not going to your room, I'm staying right here, and so is Justin. I have put up with your crap enough, and Joey's crap and Chris's crap. This is for me and Justin. And if that means I have to deal with ignorant bastards like you, so be it" JC was impressed by Lance's emotional expression, as he quietly said "Can I get a word in here?" Lance told him to talk and JC said "Are you sure this is as good as you think?" and Lance asked "What does that mean?" JC rephrased "Do you really think that this is going to work out?" Lance responded confidently "I'll fucking make it work out, and it doesn't really concern you anyways. JC expressed his concern "I don't want to see any of you get hurt by this, and it could cause a serious rift in the group you know?" Lance looked at JC and said "Well JC, that is a risk that I am willing to take. For the past five years I have not thought of anything but this group. I have finally found something for myself that is worth fighting for, and I am going to keep it" JC thought for a second for an appropriate response and found it as he said "I still don't think that it's a good idea. All I know is that I have not seen you this happy in years, and I have never seen Justin this concerned for anyone before. So whatever I think will take back seat, and all the power to ya my friend." With that, JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder as he turned and walked away.

JC walked out of their room and found Justin waiting patiently in the hall. Justin still phased by all the anger earlier said "JC, if you hurt him in anyway, so help me god." JC interjected with a slight smile on his face and said "Don't worry, but your man is out there waiting for you" Justin smiled and began walking in. "Oh Just." JC called, "If you hurt him in anyway, so help me god" Justin smiled at JC's concern and began walking, but turned around again and called for JC and said "Listen, I want to say something. You are my best friend, that hasn't changed. Lance and me are something different, something important to me. As my best friend, I need your support." JC smiled and said "Well, you got Justin. But please be careful, and take good care of him" Justin smiled and nodded in acknowledgement. "Oh one more thing" Justin called again, and he said "JC, I still love you, and nothing is ever going to change that." JC smiled again and said "I know, but thanks for saying it". With that JC walked back into his room. JC really had no objections about Justin and Lance being together, but JC knew Justin well, and didn't want Lance to get hurt by him. Even though Justin was his best friend, he was more concerned about Lance. Seeing the bind between the two of them gave JC a slight confidence that this was real. Knowing that he happily got ready and went to bed.

Justin walked back into his room. When Justin approached Lance, Lance began telling Justin what had happened in his conversation with JC. Justin raised his finger up to Lance's lips and stopped him from talking, and said "I don't care what happened, you can tell me later. I just want you to know that I will always be here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." With that Justin moved his finger from Lance's lips are he moved in and kissed him. After a passionate kiss, Justin moved back and said "Let's go to bed", and so they did.

Next: Chapter 4

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