Lance and Justin

By James Little

Published on Dec 16, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Lance or Justin or any other of the members of N'sync are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hello All. Well here is the second installment of the story. I wanted to thank everyone for their encouraging words, and to JM, for the amazing advice. Anyone who is just starting to read, this is my first attempt at writting a story, so I would love some feedback, or suggestions. Anyways, this chapter picks up a little in the sexual relationship of the couple. So I hope you guys enjoy it. Email is great, and you can get me at

Lance and Justin - 2

The next morning Justin woke up smiling. He looked outside and everything looked a hundred times more beautiful. He looked at the clock and realized it was only seven, nobody was gonna be awake for another hour. Regardless, Justin went to the shower. He cleaned himself up, got dressed and walked across the hall to Lance's room. He slowly opened the door, and walked in to find Lance sleeping again. Justin walked up to Lance and stood over him for a minute looking at him. He though to himself "Is it possible that he is even more beautiful now then yesterday?" Justin lovingly ran his hand through Lance's hair as he leaned in and lightly kissed him on the lips. As soon as his lips touched Lance's, he felt Lance wake up. Lance kept his eyes closed as he started to return the kiss. Justin struggled to kiss as he started to smile. Lance reached up and pulled Justin down on top of him, and then rolled on the bed so that he was on top of Justin. He kissed him slightly as he pulled off smiling. The two boys looked into each other's eyes, and Justin said "I couldn't wait until breakfast to see you", and Lance responded by saying "I'm glad you came by" as he pulled Justin's head down and rested it on his chest. Lance held onto to Justin as he asked "Have you ever known anything that felt more right than this?" Justin propped up lightly and said "Actually I do." With that, he flipped around so that Lance was now lying on top of Justin with his head on Justin's chest. Justin began running his hand through Lance's hair and said "Now this feels right" With that, Lance reached over and kissed Justin on the lips again.

After lying there for a while Justin suggested that they get ready, and to that Lance said "I don't want to let you go Justin." And Justin answered by saying "Lance, I don't know what you're worried about, I'm not letting you get away that easily." as he shot Lance that smile that melt and iceberg. Lance got up off the bed as Justin propped himself up leaning against the backboard. Lance headed to the shower as he assured Justin that he would not be long. Justin said "For you, I'd wait forever" and smiled. While Lance was in the bathroom, Justin picked out some clothes for Lance to wear. Lance soon emerged from the bathroom, wearing a towel with his upper half still glistening from the water. Justin looked over and his heart stopped. Lance asked him what was wrong and Justin answered "When I saw you sleeping this morning, I never thought I could want you more. Until now, man, you are one sexy bitch" Justin said smiling. Lance blushed as he looked to the ground smiling. Justin walked up to him, running one hand through his still yet hair, and the other running over Lance's smooth, silky chest and stomach as he brought his lips to Lance's for another kiss.

Justin backed off and told Lance that he had picked out some clothes for him. Lance looked at Justin and joked by saying "Now you're telling me what to wear?" Justin answered "It's not that, it's just you look so incredible when you wear this" as he passed Lance a candy apple button up shirt and a pair of black jeans. Lance obliged and took the clothes, and got dressed. Lance stood in front of the full length mirror to check his outfit and Justin walked up behind him and started kissing Lance's neck from behind as he said "I don't why you're looking in the mirror, you know that you're PERFECT." Lance answered, "I know, but I want to look better than perfect if I'm gonna be with you." As he turned around and returned the affection to Justin.

The two of them decided that they should head down to the hotel restaurant. They went down to find everyone else sitting there, most of them still half asleep. Justin and Lance sat down. The waitress came by to take their orders because the others had already ordered. Justin ordered a bowl of Oreo's O's cereal, and Lance ordered a serving of French toast and coffee. They all sat, talking about what they were planning to do with the rest of their time off in New York. Joey told them he was going to spend some time with his folks, and the others were just planning to go to some of the sights and clubs around. Just as Lance finished his meal, the waitress cam up to the table and said "Mr Bass? There is an urgent phone call for you" Lance stood up and grumbled "Not a moment of peace from these bastards" as he walked to take the call.

While Lance was gone JC told Justin that he worried when he woke up and didn't see him anywhere. Justin just told him that he wanted to talk to Lance to make sure that he was coming for breakfast. JC understood and moved on. A few moments later Justin saw Lance walking back to the table, and just seeing him made him smile. Lance came up and said "Problem guys." Chris asked what it was. Lance told them that their manager had called and the meeting with Lou Pearlman and his lawyers got moved up, and that he had to go to Orlando. Knowing that Lance had to leave, Justin's smile quickly turned into a frown. Lance told them that he was supposed to take one of them with him to show more support. So Chris said "JC, you've known Lou the longest, you go" JC laughed and reminded him that at the last Christmas party, he got loaded and mistook Lou for Santa. They all laughed remembering that night. Lance looked at Justin and said "You up for a trip back home Justin?". Justin coyly said "I don't know. I was looking forward to spending some time in NY." Lance glared at him knowing what Justin was doing. Finally Justin agreed. Lance told them that the meeting was before dinner, so they had to get going.

Lance and Justin left the table to head back upstairs to get ready. They were both smiling again just thinking of spending the next few days together. They stopped at Lance's door, just before he walked in, Justin stopped him and said "You'd better call the cops." Confused, Lance asked why. Justin answered "Cause I'm about to steal a kiss" And with that he moved in again for a quick kiss. As they broke they each went to their own rooms to get packed. They said their goodbyes and headed to the limo. On their way, Lance asked if Justin would be spending the night with his folks, or would he be staying at the hotel. Justin answered "We have two days off away from these guys, and you think I would rather spend time with my mom? I love her, but I doubt if she can do for me what you do." To that Lance turned around and kissed Justin on the cheek. Lance reached for his cell phone and called the hotel in Orlando. In a quick conversation Lance said "Yeah hi, I was wondering if I could make a reservation. Sure, for Mr. Lance Bass. Could I get a suite with a king sized bed please? Great, thanks," With that he hung up and gave Justin a seductive look.

They got to the airport with no delay, and made it safely on to the plane. They got to their seats and sat down for their three hour flight. After a little pointless conversation, Lance said "I'm going to the bathroom, feel free to join me if you wish" Lance got up and walked to the bathroom and, soon enough Justin slipped into the crammed bathroom and closed the door behind him. Lance looked at Justin and said "I thought you'd never make it" and Justin answered, "I wouldn't miss it for the world." With that, Justin moved his hands to Lance's head and pulled him into a kiss. Their mouths were locked, and nothing was getting between them. The size of the bathroom caused their bodies to grind up against each other. Justin could feel Lance's dick start to harden between them, and this added pressure had the same affect on Justin. Justin moved down and started kissing Lance's neck, and was nibbling lightly on his ear lobe. This sent Lance into heaven. Lance moved his hand down and started stroking Justin's package through his clothes. Justin did the same, as he slowly unzipped Lance's fly. By this time, Justin had moved back to kissing Lance's full lips. Finally Justin slid his hand into Lance's pants, and after groping for a while, pulled out Lance's naked member. Justin started to move down towards Lance's cock when Lance pulled off. Naturally, Justin was worried and asked what was wrong, and Lance answered "Justin, I don't want to do it like this. If we do, I want our first time to be the most memorable time of our lives. With that Justin obliged, a little sad. The two boys fixed themselves up and exited the bathroom.

The plane landed on time, and they made their way to the hotel. As soon as they got there Lance called the group's lawyer and asked what time they had to be there by. The lawyer said they had some time, but not to be late. Lance assured him that they only had to get changed and be on their way. After that, Justin quickly called his mother to let her know they were in town for a couple of days, and she asked them to come by for dinner. Justin told his mother to hold on a sec as he asked Lance, "Hey man, my mom wants us over for dinner tonight. Is that cool?" To that Lance responded, "Sure, I'd love to, but you're mine for dessert" and he smiled seductively. Justin told his mom that they would be there and hung up. Lance slowly walked up to Justin and kissed him lightly and backed off to apologize, he said "I am sorry Justin. About what happened on the plane. There is nothing I want more, but I want it to be special." Justin assured Lance that it was okay, and moved in for another kiss. Just as Justin was backing off, Lance grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in again. Justin asked him "I thought we only had enough time to get changed?" So Lance answered, we do, I'll help you 'change' and then you can help me 'change', it'll make things go faster" Justin knew exactly what Lance meant, so he backed off and let Lance take over. Lance moved in and started unbuttoning Justin's shit. He looked straight into his eyes as he slowly undid each one. Lance opened Justin shirt revealing a perfect body. Smooth and milky skin. Lance just admired the definition, Justin's strong pecs, and a toned six pack. Lance moved down slowly kissing Justin's neck and moved down further, caressing Justin's chest, and then moved and started kissing his way down to Justin's stomach. Finally, Lance was on his knees in front of Justin, as he undid his pants and slid them off. Lance then made his way back up and kissed Justin. Justin pushed back and stepped out of his pants. He approached Lance and kept his mouth tightly on Lance's. As he kissed Lance, Justin slowly undid Lance's shirt, and pulled it off. Justin moved and started licking Lance's neck, and moved downwards. He ran his tongue over Lance's smooth chest and around each of Lance's abs, finally ending on his knees like Lance had. Justin moved back up, caressing Lance's body with his hands, and found his way back to Lance's mouth. They both moved to the bed and fell. Their tongues were in knots, and their hands loved the other's body. This went on for a while, until Lance jumped and said "Shit" as he noticed the time. Through the passion of the moment, they had lost track of time, and they had less than five minutes to get ready and make it across town.

The two guys quickly got dressed again and jumped into the limo. Lance was worried about what they would say, but could not help but smiling. Justin looked over at him and saw he smirk of Lance's face, and asked "What are you smiling for?" Lance just looked at him and said "It was totally worth it." By the time they had got to the building, they were twenty-five minutes late. They both ran upstairs and regained their composure as the walked into the conference room. They got in, and could feel everyone's glaring eyes on them. Lance looked over at his lawyers and their manager, and could tell they were not impressed. Justin apologized for being late, blaming it on traffic. The moment they got there Lou Pearlman stood up and said "Mr. Bass, the only reason I waited this long was to see the look on your face when I told you that negotiations are OFF! The lawsuit is back on, you can expect to hear from my lawyers. That and to tell you and Mr. Timberlake here that you have become accustomed to a wonderful lifestyle, but don't get too used to it because I'm taking it all back." Lance and Justin both had really guilty looks on their faces as they looked at their lawyers who looked like they would kill them.

Just as Lou walked by Lance stopped him by saying "Mr. Pearlman, I'm sorry we're late, but I have just one thing for you before you go." With that, Lance opened his briefcase on the desk and pulled out a pack of papers. He handed one to each of the people sitting at the table, one to Mr Pearlman, and one to each of his lawyers. He said "I just had enough time to prepare these before I left New York. These are signed statements from all the band members, our staff members, as well as some of your staff members" Lou answered "So what?" Lance continued "Well they outline the progress of the group and contradict you claims of support. Lemme put it into words that you can understand. These will tell the court that you are a liar, and you will lose." Before Lou had a chance to respond, his lawyer pulled him aside. After a few seconds Lou said "Fine, negotiations are back on, on one condition though. That I don't have to see you again" Lance complied by saying "Don't worry, I don't want to see you either." With that, Lou stormed out, and his lawyers followed. Justin was beaming with pride, and their lawyers were definitely impressed. Lance apologized for being late, and promptly asked if they could leave. Johnny answered "I think you've done your part. I would have preferred if you'd done it on time, but you can go" Lance and Justin accepted and left. On the way back in the limo, Justin told Lance how proud he was of him. He told Lance how attractive he was when he got confrontational. Lance smiled and thanked Justin. Before they got to the hotel, Justin's mom called his cell. She just wanted to make sure that he was still coming for dinner. He told her that they would be there. Lance remembered that he wanted to do something, so he said. "Actually Justin, do you mind if I'm a little late for dinner? I just remembered I had to do something?" Justin told him that it wouldn't be a problem. They got back to the hotel and changed back into something more comfortable. Justin wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a baby blue sweater that hugged his figure just enough. Lance wore a pair of khakis and a dark red button up shirt. After they finished getting ready, they both went down to the lobby together. Justin caught a ride to his mom's house and Lance went to do his errands.

As soon as Lance finished he hurried to the Harless residence. When he got there, he found Justin on the couch, just talking to his mom and step dad. Lance apologized for being late, and handed Justin's mom a box of chocolates as a thanks for dinner. Lance was welcomed in, and Justin's step dad said "Oh don't worry about being late son. If the food were done we would've started, but it isn't so you're good" Lance and Mr Harless just laughed and reminisced for a few minutes before Justin and his mom emerged from the kitchen to call them for dinner. Dinner went well. Lance enjoyed spending time with Justin's parents, they reminded him of his parents. And they were more than happy to invite any of the boys from the group over. While they were eating, Justin's mom asked how long they would be in town. She told Justin that she had promised Jon, Justin's little brother that he could have some of his little league friends over to spend the night. Justin asked "So what?" So she answered, "Well honey, I hate to say this because I barley see you anymore, but there is no room for you to stay here tonight." Justin and Lance were thinking the same thing, they didn't have to come up with an excuse anymore. Justin just said to his mom "Oh that's okay mom. I'll just stay with Lance. I'm sure he won't mind" He said this while smiling in Lance's direction. After dinner, Lance and Justin offered to clean up and so they did. After about an hour, Justin and Lance decided they should get going, so they did.

On the way back to the hotel, Justin leaned in a quickly kissed Lance. Lance asked what that was for, and Justin answered "For being so great with my folks. I think they love you more than they do me". Lance just smiled, and said "You'll have plenty of time to thank me later" Justin didn't know exactly what that meant, but he would soon find out. While still on their way, Lance pulled out his phone and called the hotel, he said "Hi, this is Mr Bass calling. I'm on my way back, could you please see that everything is ready." Now Justin was even more confused, what was he getting ready for? Justin looked at Lance all confused and Lance said "Dessert, remember?" So they soon got to the hotel, and went up to their floor. Lance had a huge smile on his face, and Justin was completely oblivious. They stopped in front of their room, and Lance told Justin that he had a surprise. He asked Justin to close his eyes until Lance said it was okay. So Justin obliged, and Lance led him into their room.

As soon as they walked in, Lance told Justin that it was okay to open his eyes. So Justin opened his eyes, but could not believe what he saw. The room was dim, there were off-white candles everywhere, there must have been a hundred. The bed sheets were an off-white satin. There was red rose petals everywhere, and the room smelled like vanilla. Finally, there was a cart with a bottle of champagne, strawberries, chocolate mouse and whipped cream on it. Lance walked up to the cart and poured two glasses of champagne, and brought them over to where they were standing, but put them on the table. He said "Justin, I need to ask you something" and Justin told him that he could ask anything. Lance looked directly into Justin's beautiful blue eyes and said "I want to do this right. So Justin, will you be my boyfriend?" With that, Lance could see Justin's eyes water, as his mouth grew into a smile. Justin grabbed both of Lance's hands, and said "Lance, if I knew every language in the world, I would still not have enough ways to say yes." Lance was beaming, as was Justin. Lance picked up the glasses and handed one to Justin and toasted "To a wonderful night" and Justin agreed, as they both took a sip from their glasses.

Lance put his glass down, and took Justin's from his hand. He slowly pushed Justin towards the bed, and when he got there, pushed him onto it. Lance, still holding the glass climbed on top of Justin and leaned in and kissed him. Lance backed off and held the glass above Justin as he poured a few drops onto Justin and said "Now we have to get you out of those dirty clothes" with a devilish smile on his face. Lance put the glass down, and Justin propped himself onto the bed. Lance quickly returned to his position with one leg on either side of Justin's. Lance grabbed the bottom of Justin's sweater as Justin raised his arms, and Lance pulled it off. Lance threw it aside and started kissing Justin. He marvelled at how gorgeous he was. Justin pushed Lance away slightly so that he was sitting up again. He reached forward and started to unbutton Lance's shirt. Seeing Lance's body expose itself slowly was a tease for Justin. Justin loved to look at Lance, and Lance would marvel at Justin. Justin pulled Lance back into the kiss.

Lance kissed his way down to Justin's neck as he had earlier. He wanted to kiss every inch of Justin's body. He slowly moved down to his pecs, as he kissed each of Justin's soft nipples. Lance continued down to Justin's stomach and abs. Lance kissed each and every one of them. Then, Lance started to undo Justin's belt buckle, and then his fly. He seductively pulled his pants off to reveal his swelling package trapped behind a pair of black boxer briefs. Lance slowly brought his mouth down, and kissed Justin's dick through the material. He finally pulled his pants and socks off completely, and made his way back up to Justin's mouth. Lance was sitting on Justin, holding his face close to Justin's as they kissed. Justin stopped and said "How is this fair? I wanna see some skin" as he switched positions with Lance.

Lance was now lying down and Justin stood up, and undid Lance's pants with his teeth. While he was doing this, he looked up and smiled devilishly at Lance, who just smiled back. Justin realized that Lance was in a similar position with his excitement. Justin saw Lance's cock through the fabric of his white boxer briefs. They were both now only wearing their underwear. Before Justin started again, he walked over and pulled the cart closer to the bed. Justin grabbed some whipped cream with his hand and spread it seductively over Lance's body. He ran his hands up to Lance's mouth where Lance licked it off Justin's fingers. Justin got back onto of Lance, and started licking his stomach. Justin loved the taste of Lance's body, he wanted to caress Lance with his tongue all day. Justin licked every bit of whipped cream off of his defined stomach. He moved upwards, licking Lance's smooth chest, neck and made back to his mouth. Justin reached over and grabbed a strawberry, he put it between his teeth and leaned into Lance. Lance bit the other half and that brought them into a kiss.

Justin then stood up again, and moved towards Lance's underwear. He looked directly at Lance as he pulled them off. Justin just looked at Lance's seven inch, cut, straight cock as it was freed from its confines. Justin moved in quickly, holding onto Lance's dick. He started by licking the underside, and kissing it gently. He used his hands to caress Lance's soft balls. Justin kissed the head of Lance's dick, as he started letting it into his mouth. He sucked on it softly, as he moved up and down on it. Lances' hands found their way to Justin's head as they encouraged his new lover. Justin was new at this, but wanted to provide Lance as much pleasure as possible, so he took Lance down as far as possible down his throat, he only backed off when he started to gag. Justin moved up and started to concentrate on the head. Justin moved off briefly and moved down to Lance's balls. Justin started licking them and sucking on them. Lance began to moan out loud from his pleasure. Justin, knowing that Lance was close moved back to Lance's throbbing member. Justin started again, sucking on the head. Justin felt Lance tense up, as Lance let him know he was cumming. Justin kept his mouth firmly on his dick. Lance moaned out "Oooooh, Justin.!!! Mmmmm." As he shot a load of cum into Justin's mouth. Justin struggled with all of it in his mouth, but was determined to swallow it all.

With that, Justin moved up and started kissing Lance. Lance could taste the sweet- saltiness in Justin's mouth. Lance held onto Justin as he kissed him. The passion in their kiss warmed up the entire room. Now it was Lance's turn to return the favour. He slightly backed away from Justin and switched places. Now Justin was lying down. Lance reached over and grabbed some of the chocolate mousse. He spread it on Justin's chest and stomach. Lance then removed Justin's underwear to reveal a fully erect seven and a half inch, cut beauty. Lance fell in love with Justin's cock as soon as he saw it. Lance then continued to apply the chocolate to Justin's penis, which sent Justin wild. Lance then grabbed a berry and used it to collect some of the chocolate from Justin's body. He brought the berry up to his mouth and took a bite, feeding the rest to Justin. Lance then lowered himself onto Justin's body and started eating the chocolate. Lance then licked some up and fed it to Justin using his tongue. Soon, Lance finished all the chocolate on Justin's body and moved to Justin's waiting cock. Lance held Justin's cock at the base and started licking the chocolate off as if it were iced cream. Lance held onto the base of it with one hand as the used the others to caress Justin's body. Justin's hands then found their way to Lance's head, as the lovingly supported his lover. Lance begun by licking the head of Justin's dick. For Justin, Lance preformed magic with his tongue. He was swirling it around Justin's head, and then began to suck just the head like candy. Justin was very impressed, it seemed that Lance knew exactly what he wanted. Lance continued, slightly taking more and more of Justin into his mouth. Justin kept running his hands through Lance's soft hair. Justin was moaning from the intense pleasure Lance was causing him. Lance soon felt Justin's body tense, and he knew what was coming. Justin gave Lance warning that he was cumming, but Lance wanted to savour every last drop that Justin could provide. "Ahhhhhhh... Laaaaaaaaance. I'mmmmm oohhhh.", with that Justin shot a huge load of his juice into Lance's awaiting mouth. Lance took his time, savouring it all.

Justin then pulled Lance up, and into another kiss. This time, each boy could taste themselves in the mouth of their lover. They fell to the bed as they kissed, their beautiful, naked bodies intertwined together. Lance, pulled away and looked at Justin and said "Thank you". Justin answered, "Don't thank me, I should thank you, this was all your doing." Lance then answered, "No, not for this. For coming into my room last night." With that, Justin leaned in and kissed him again. They had found their positions. Lance was lying on Justin's chest as Justin held Lance, and ran his hand through his hair. Lance looked over at the clock at realized it had been three hours since they had begun.

The two boys talked for a while, and then Justin felt Lance's cock become erect again. He could feel it pressing up against his leg. Justin slid Lance off him, and Lance asked him where he was going. Justin answered that he was going to take care of something. With that, Justin got up and pulled the sheets back, revealing Lance's member sticking straight into the air. Justin began sucking again. He moved up and down, and then to Lance's balls. Justin took them both in his mouth, and then sucked them one by one. Soon he returned back to Lance's cock, licking up and down. Justin was sucking on the underside when he heard Lance moan, and saw him shoot his load all over his chest. Justin put his mouth over Lance's cock and sucked it dry. He then grabbed a strawberry and used it to pick up Lance's cum. Justin then brought the strawberry up to his mouth and took a bite. Then the used it to grab the rest of the cum, and fed the berry to Lance, who enjoyed the taste of the berry, his lover's spit and his own cum.

With that, Justin climbed back into bed, and brought his hand up to Lance's head and started running his hand through Lance's hair. Lance thanked Justin again, and kissed him. Exhausted, the both of them quickly fell asleep in each other's arms. The night passed and Justin and Lance spent it within each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 3

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