Lance and Justin

By James Little

Published on Dec 12, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Lance or Justin or any other of the members of N'sync are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hello All. This is my first attempt at writing a story, so I would love some feedback or suggestions. The first chapter is pretty tame, I wanted to establish the relationship before I got into the sex. I hope you like it. So enjoy, and please let me know if you want this series to continue. Email me at

Lance and Justin - Part 1

Lance, Justin and Joey were all relaxing in their New York hotel room enjoying the free time they rarely had. The members of N'sync just finished their last tour a few days ago and were holding press meetings, interviews and other public appearances before they started work on their next album. Lance was catching up on email with his folks while Joey and Justin were glued to the TV playing N64. JC and Chris walked in just getting back from a Mets game with their manager Johnny Wright, and threw a stack of letters on the table. JC said "Hey guys, Johnny said now that we have some free time, he wants us to answer some of our fan mail ourselves." He tossed a pack to Lance, and one to Joey and made sure that he hit Justin smack in the face with his. Justin joked "Hey man, watch it, I ain't smaller than you anymore". JC respond "Oh yeah, I could still take you out ANYDAY!!!" Justin jumped up and walked up to JC, pretending to start a fight. "Can we stay in at least one hotel without having to pay for damages kids?" Joey said jokingly from behind.

"So hurry up and get these done, we got an interview with one of those teenie-bopper magazines in a couple of hours, and then I want to go to Hard Rock for dinner" JC said. Chris responded "Do we have to go to Hard Rock EVERYWHERE we go, we can only go to so many before they start looking the same man." JC looked at Chris and said "Well I am the prettiest one here, so what I say goes." To that Chris answered "Oh Christ, not this again, please not this again. I will go to Hard Rock, and I'll even pay if you don't bring this up anymore?" JC laughed and turned to Lance and said "Works every time, Chris is such a sucker." Lance just laughed and shook his head at all of them.

So they all found a spot and started answering a few letters each. Then Lance broke everyone's train of thought when he exclaimed "Man, don't we have people to sort through these letters, listen to this." And Lance read off part of the letter "Dear Lance, my name is Jason, I wanted to tell you how much I love you and your music. I actually live in Clinton. I thought we could hook up next time you're in town. I included my number, so give me a call. I will rock your world." When he finished, JC and Chris started laughing out loud, and Chris said "We actually do have people sort through them, but JC and I made sure that one stayed in" Lance exclaimed "What? Why? What the hell is the matter with you?" JC answered for Chris, "C'mon Lansten, you haven't been yourself lately, we thought you could relieve some tension, so we gave you an opportunity" Lance jumped up off the bed where he was sitting, he was obviously pretty pissed off and asked JC "You actually think I'd call some guy to get off?" By then, Chris was rolling on the ground laughing, and JC was about there too. "Hey man, it was a joke, but if you did, who'd ever know?" JC said before he broke into laughter. By then, Joey was laughing too. Not at Lance, but just at the prank. Lance turned around, looking in Joey and Justin's direction and said "So I guess you two feel the same way too?" Then Lance pushed his way past JC and threw the letter on the ground as he stormed out of the room. That was it for both JC and Chris, they were out of control in laughter.

Justin was pretty quiet through the ordeal, but finally stood up and said "JC man, that was not cool." Chris responded "C'mon Justin, it was a joke, he'll get over it, just let him cool off" Justin responded angrily "He probably will, because he's just that kind of guy, but what if he doesn't Chris? You have a friend out there who is obviously upset, and you guys are telling me to let him cool off. I don't care what you do, but I'm going to look for him." With that Justin walked out the door, shaking his head in disappointment. While in the room, it went silent, JC looked at Joey and told him that they really didn't mean anything. Joey quietly said to his regretful friend "I know"

By the time Justin got into the hallway, he could not see Lance anywhere. He had not seen him this upset since they were in Settle, where Lance got the chance to meet up with Denise, a girl he had been seeing for a while. She made an effort to see him personally even on tour because she didn't want to break up with him over the phone or through a letter. Justin didn't actually understand why Lance had gotten so upset, but it didn't matter to him. What mattered was that he was not going to let Lance run off upset. He remembered that in Seattle, Lance had gone into the stairwell to be alone. Justin figured it was worth a try, so he walked to the end of the hall and into the stairwell.

There was Lance sitting on a step with his face buried in his hands. Justin could hear him sniffling lightly, as walked up to him, and put his hand on Lance's shoulder. Lance looked up, and Justin saw that his eyes were welling up with tears. Lance told Justin that he would be fine, and to go back, and he would be there soon. Justin said "Oh, okay." But sat down beside Lance. Lance asked what he was doing, and Justin answered "Well, if you're going back soon, I'll just wait here with you" Lance said, "Justin, thank you, but you don't have to." he was then quickly cut off by Justin who said "I know that I don't have to be here, I want to be. And I am staying here, so you're just gonna have to deal with it." With that, Justin shot that million-dollar smile at Lance and Lance smiled discreetly in return.

The two of them both sat there staring at the ground in silence for a few minutes. Justin didn't want to break the silence and was going to wait there for as long as Lance was there. Finally, Lance mumbled "I'm Sorry". Justin asked what he was sorry for, and Lance answered, "For wasting your time here, for losing it in there earlier, for overreacting, for everything. Let's go, I can't make you wait for me anymore." With that, Lance stood, ready to go back. Justin stood up, looked right into Lance's eyes and said "Lance, please. I want you to talk to me. Can you please tell me what's wrong?" And Lance answered "I don't think I can" Not willing to let this go that easily Justin asked why. Lance paused for a second and looked up, and said "I can't tell you what's wrong because I don't know what is wrong." Justin could tell that Lance was still upset and he was beginning to worry. Lance finally said "Justin, I don't know what it is. They just hit a nerve in there I guess. And then when I got into the hallway it was like a flashback of Seattle. I don't know what's wrong with me. When Denise broke up with me, do you know what she said? She told me that her and I were headed in opposite directions, and that we were not on the same page. Seriously, what the hell does that mean? And why do I feel so bad having lost something I never had. What's wrong with me Justin?

With that, Lance fell into the wall behind him. He closed his eyes causing a tear to roll down his face. Justin said to him "Come here." Lance was confused and asked "What for?" Justin instead walked up to him, grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Lance instinctively put his arms around Justin, and began sobbing on his shoulder. Justin raised his hands and up to Lance's head and held him close. Lance was strangely comforted by Justin, he felt safe and loved, now he was even more confused. After a while, Lance mumbled into Justin's shoulder saying "I am sorry Justin, I don't know what is wrong with me". To that Justin pulled back enough to make eye contact with Lance, and he said "Listen. There is NOTHING wrong with you. And anyone who can't see that is screwed in the head. So I don't ever want to hear you say shit like that again. Got it?" The way Justin so confidently said that gave Lance the edge to be able to go back. He smiled lightly and nodded in acknowledgement to Justin. Justin said "Good. So are you ready to go back now?" Lance replied, "There is one more thing Justin." Justin looked at Lance and said "Anything!" Lance walked up to Justin and extended his hand towards him and said "Thank you." With that, Justin grabbed Lance's extended hand and used it to pull Lance into one last hug, and doing so answered, "Anything for you Lance".

The two of them made their way out of the stairwell, and back to the room. Meanwhile, in the room, Joey, Chris and JC were finishing their letters, talking briefly about nothing really. Truth was that JC and Chris both felt really bad, and Joey was concerned. As soon as the door opened, they stopped talking and watched Lance and Justin walk in. JC was not going to let it wait, he stood up and said "Lance, man, I am so sorry." Lance cut him off by saying, "JC, Chris, its cool. And I'm sorry for the way I acted." Lance smiled sincerely at them. He looked over towards Joey who realized that Lance had obviously been crying, and Joey mouthed the words "Are you okay?" Lance answered with a slight nod and a smile. "Anyways guys, we should get ready if we're gonna make it to this interview on time" Lance said telling everyone to get ready. With that Joey and Chris left towards their room, as did Lance. As soon as everyone was out, JC looked at Justin and said "I am really sorry man, I didn't mean anything by it." Justin told JC that he knew, and that Lance did too.

Meanwhile, Lance was getting ready in his room. He decided what he was going wear and threw it on the bed. He went into the bathroom to wash up. He turned on the tap and splashed water in his face and then looked up to his reflection in the mirror. He leaned in and just stared at his reflection, as though he was asking himself a question. He realized that his train of thought kept going back to what happened in the stairwell, primarily the way Justin made him feel. He quickly shook it off and finished up in the bathroom, and went to change. He looked at his outfit laid out on the bed and completely phased out. The image of him and Justin holding each other flooded his mind. It was as though he was experiencing it again. He could smell him, he could hear him breath, he could feel his heart beat. By now Lance was very confused. What was it about Justin that made him feel this way? He finished getting changed and wandered towards the balcony. He looked out, and again he could think of nothing other than Justin. The thought of Justin alone was enough to send him smiling. Lance thought that he was just associating that comfort with Justin, and there was nothing more to it, and so tried to put it in the back of his mind.

He made it to the lobby first, he called for the limo, and he was just waiting for the others to arrive. He heard the elevator doors opening and saw JC, Joey, Chris and most importantly Justin walk off. Just seeing him made him smile again. They approached him, and Joey said "Well, its good to see someone smiling again." To this comment, Lance just smiled more and reminded them that he was fine. Lance told them that their limo was waiting, and they headed out. They all piled into the limo, Justin and Lance were the last ones to get in. Before Justin stepped in he stopped and said "It really is nice to see you smiling again Lance", and went in. That comment put Lance on cloud nine, but sent his mind spinning at the same time.

The interview went rather well. It was a tame set of questions, and didn't last too long. Throughout the interview, Lance was going mad though. Every time Justin smiled at him or every time they accidentally touched would send Lance to a new level. Towards the end of the interview he began to understand what was really going on. He realized that he had fallen in love with Justin. He was acting like a lovesick teenage girl. Then he realized that it couldn't go any further than a few friendly glances. This turned Lance's stomach. He finally found what he wanted, but knew he couldn't have it. Just the thought of it made Lance start biting his lower lip again. It was a habit he had when we got nervous, or overwhelmed, and hadn't done it for years. He tried really hard to keep his mind off of it during the interview, and he survived.

After the interview, the boys piled back into the limo, and headed towards Hard Rock for dinner. Now that the media wasn't around, the guys didn't have to put on an act anymore, and began to relax again. When Justin got into the limo, he scooted across just to sit next to Lance. He put his arm around him friendlily, and shot him the most gorgeous smile. Lance was about to melt, and throw up at the same time. Lance wondered if Justin realized the emotional roller coaster that he was putting him through. When they got to the restaurant, they all raced towards the table. As soon as they started to sit down, Justin said "I got dibs on the seat next to Lance" and turned to him and smiled again. Lance felt like screaming "Do you know what you are doing to me?" He just smiled back instead and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The waitress came by, everyone ordered right away, thanks to JC they had the menus pretty well memorized. Justin realized that Lance was looking a little off again, and asked him if he was okay. He just swallowed hard to avoid screaming "No everything is not okay. I think I am in love with you." And nodded, he finally said "Justin, I am fine man, quit worrying." To that Justin smiled and patted him on the back. Lance was still going crazy. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. We went in and washed his face, he had to find something, anything to bring him back to reality. He stared into the mirror and tried to convince himself that he could get through this. Meanwhile back at the table, Justin asked "Have you guys noticed Lance is acting kinda odd lately." Chris answered "Its probably just from earlier today.", and everyone agreed. But Justin was not convinced. Lance came back a few seconds later and sat back down. Justin didn't want Lance to think he was a nag, so he didn't say anything. Lance had convinced himself that he could get though this, but as soon as he sat down, he smelt Justin, and just his mind started racing again. He stood up, grabbed his jacket and said "I have to go, I'll see you guys back at the hotel later, and Chris you can have my order." And with that he raced off. Justin stood up and called his name, but Joey said "C'mon man, sit down, give him some now, talk later." Justin was heartbroken, he felt as though there was nothing that he could do.

Lance caught a cab right outside. He asked the driver to stop by McDonald's first, and then to the hotel. Lance was starving, he would have rather had a real meal, but he had to get out. He finally got the hotel and the guys weren't back yet. He opened the door to his room, and went in. His mind was still spinning from the day's events, he just wanted to eat and sleep. He turned on the TV and called down to the front desk to order a movie. They were playing the Indiana Jones trilogy, so he was happy about that. He kicked off his shoes and lay on his bed eating, and watching his movie. Eventually, he finished eating, and he lost interest in the movie, and so he passed out.

The others made it back to the hotel a few hours later. Justin tried so hard to enjoy himself, but in truth, as soon as Lance stormed off, he was miserable. He needed to talk to Lance, and he didn't want to wait until the morning. Justin knocked on Lance's door, but there was no answer. Since Lance always got the single room, he left the spare key card at the front desk or in another one of the rooms in case he lost his. So Justin shuffled through the drawers in his room and found the key. He walked across the hall, and opened the door. Justin went in to find Indiana Jones on TV, McDonald's takeout trash on the floor, and Lance sleeping still in his clothes.

Justin walked up to the bed, grabbed the remote and shut off the TV. He stood there looking at Lance for a few minutes. Justin instinctively began running his hand through Lance's hair. Justin loved touching Lance in anyway possible. Soon after, Lance grumbled and looked up to see Justin standing over him again. Lance moaned "Man, why do you always have to be the one who comes." Justin jokingly answered "Cause I am the only who cares." To that Lance smiled a bit and sat up, rubbing his eyes to wake up. "Lance, I need to talk to you" Justin said. Lance asked in response, "Couldn't it have waited until morning for me to tell you that I am fine". Justin answered by saying, "First of all, that's not what I wanted to talk about, and secondly, you are not fine." Lance perked up and asked Justin what he wanted to talk about.

Justin pulled up a chair and sat across from Lance so they were looking directly at each other. Justin asked Lance if he remembered what they talked about in the stairwell. Lance answered him by saying "How could I ever forget that?" Justin began, do you remember what Denise said to you? Well you're not the only person whose heard that". He continued by saying that Britney had told him the same thing when they broke up earlier in the year. Lance looked at him confused and asked "I though you broke up with her?" Justin said "Well, I wish it went that way, but unfortunately it didn't," Lanced smiled, and Justin insisted that wasn't the point. He went on to say that he figured out what direction it was that he was heading in.

Justin said "Lance, I really need to tell you something, but please don't be mad at me." By now Lance was becoming concerned, and assured Justin that he could never be mad at him. "Okay" Justin started, hesitantly. "Before I start I want to apologize for my behaviour, I know it made you uncomfortable, that's why you left early." Lance tried to interject but Justin told him that he needed to finish, so Lance obliged. Justin continued "I never knew what my 'direction' was before today, I had an idea, but after today I can't deny it anymore. Lance, you are my direction." Hearing this, Lance could say nothing. Justin began to defend himself, "I know nothing could ever happen, but I had to tell you or I would go mad. Lance, I spent so much time with you because I think I've fallen for you." At this time, Lance was still in silence, he thought for a second that he was dreaming. When Justin realized that Lance wasn't saying anything he said, "Okay, you probably think I'm disgusting, I understand. I'm sorry, I'll go now." With that, Justin stood up and headed for the door. Just before he got there Lance came to his senses, and called for Justin to stop.

Justin stopped and Lance walked up to him. Justin was shaking out of fear. Lance asked "Can I ask a favour of you Justin?" Justin answered "Of Course". So Lance asked his question, "Justin, can I kiss you" Justin was confused by this, and was about to ask what he meant. But before he had the chance, he found Lances' warm lips firmly pressed against his. Lance released, and now Justin was confused. Lance said "Justin, I left tonight because you were driving me wild. I realized that you are what I want, you are what I need. When you smiled at me, I just about melted, and leaving was the only thing I could do to avoid going mad. I want you so bad it hurts" Justin looked into Lances' eyes, he raised his hand to Lances' head, and ran his fingers through his hair as he pulled Lance into a passionate kiss. Their warm lips met as though they belonged together. Justin slowly slid his tongue into Lances accepting mouth. Lances lovingly sucked Justin's warm tongue as he swirled his tongue into Justin's mouth. Lance moaned as Justin's hands moved to his face, softly caressing it. Lance and Justin both savoured their newfound happiness.

As all good things must come to an end, Justin moved off Lance. They both had tears in their eyes from the happiness. This time Lance pulled Justin into an embrace. They stood there hugging each other tightly. Lance rested his head on Justin's shoulder as he whispered in his ear "Thank you so much for dropping by." Justin said "No problem, you better just used to seeing a hell of a lot more of me." Lance smiled and assured Justin that it would not be a problem. Lance reminded Justin that they were all meeting for breakfast the next morning, and Justin acknowledged that JC would worry if he didn't get back soon. So the two reluctantly let go of one another. Both of them were smiling like kids on Christmas morning. Just as Justin was leaving he said "Oh shit I forgot something" as he walked back into the room. Lance tried to ask him what he forgot when Justin reached behind Lance's head again, and pulled him in for one last kiss of the night. With that, Justin said "Goodnight Lance" and left.

Next: Chapter 2

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