Lake Tahoe Camping Trip

By moc.loa@mttByugkcoJ

Published on Jul 3, 2010


It was late in the day and the sun was going down in Las Vegas on a Thursday evening. The plans were set for my camping trip with Paul and his dad at Lake Tahoe tomorrow morning. Paul's dad, Mike is such a nice guy. I keep telling Paul he's lucky to have such a great dad. I was getting my bags together to go and sleep over at Paul's house so we could all leave before the sun came up in the morning. This was going to be a fun week.

My name's Eric. Paul and I have been great friends since I could remember. We're both 20 and are sophomores in college. I'm about 6' 2", light brown skin and around 160 pounds. I try to stay fit and eat right. Paul is around 5' 10", white and he and I do so much together. Paul and I have become real close and have been through a lot together. We're like brothers and his family is like my secondary family. I get to Paul's house and we settle in for the evening. Paul, his dad and I talk a little about getting up early tomorrow and hitting the road. Around 10 o'clock pm, we all decide to hit the bed.

Early the next morning, Paul's dad, Mike, comes into Paul's room at 4:00 am to wake us up. I'm in my sleeping back on the floor and Paul is in his bed. Mike walks over and hits me on the shoulder telling me to wake up. Damn it's sooo early in the morning, but I'm ready. He walks over to Paul and shakes him as well to get him up.

Mike is one hot fucking man that I've had a secret crush on since I was young. He's 45, around 5' 7"?but such a hot thick build on him. He's probably around 170 pounds. He has great thick forearms and a thick, broad chest with really nice pecs and shoulders. He often wears shirts where you can see that sexy tuft of hair coming out the top of his shirt. He has really thick quads and a hot round muscular ass that flexes in his jeans when he walks. I often have to hide my hard-on when I stare at his ass muscles. He's a complete man's man. His wife is lucky.

Paul is the only child in the family and pretty much gets what he wants. I'm the baby of my family and my parents are pretty cool to me as well. I guess you can say, we are both a little spoiled, but we have a lot of fun.

So anyway, around 4:30 in the morning, Mike is still loading up the SUV and Paul and I scramble downstairs to eat a quick breakfast so we can help Paul's dad load up. We get everything in the truck and all get in for some fun in Lake Tahoe.

We hit the road after we're all in the truck. We all settle in and talk about so many things and what we want to do once we get there. The scenery is beautiful and the skyline is filled with gorgeous blue skies once the sun comes up and littered with deserts and mountains along the way. We know the drive is going to take us about 5 ½ hours, but it's going to be worth it. Time seemed to fly by as we talked about the fishing and the camp fires. After about 4 hours of driving, we all needed a little pit stop along the way, so we pulled over into this remote gas station to pick up some energy drinks and water and take a leak. I told Mike and Paul I was going to the restroom and they both said they needed to go too. Mike was right behind me and Paul was behind his dad. When I walked into the restroom, I noticed it could only hold two at a time. I stepped up to one urinal, and Mike stepped up to the toilet. There was no partition between the two. Paul waited outside for us to finish. I unzipped my jeans and pulled out my big cock and closed my eyes because I had to pee so badly. My dick was semi hard because I had to pee so badly. I opened my eyes after I started to piss and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paul's dad looking at my cock. I didn't say anything. I just handled my business, washed my hands and headed out the door to let Paul in. I went inside the store, got my energy drink and waited for Paul and his dad to come out to meet me.

We all got back in the truck and hit the road again. Our conversations picked up right where they left off and we settled in for the last hour of our drive.

We finally arrived and pulled in to the Zephyr Cove camping site on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. The scenery was fucking killer. Zephyr Cove Resort at Lake Tahoe is the best of both worlds: the beauty of a pristine mountain lake setting combined with the gorgeous woods and tree lines surrounding it. Summertime here is all about life on and near the water and the woods. Emerald Bay is stunning and there's a mile of private beach. Mike could see our expression and we were all stoked to be here. I told Mike he picked a fantastic place and a private one as well. There were other visible campers on site, but the idea of being surrounded by the woods and the serenity of it all made my balls jump in my jeans. Mike headed to the office to check in and found us a great, out of the way spot near the private beach area to give us that sense that we were really roughing it out in the wilderness.

We all got unpacked and got the two tents set up. Mike had his own tent, and Paul and I would be sharing one. This was going to be an amazing trip. It was only 11 am and we were ready to begin this adventure. Mike took out all the gear and the fishing tackle. All three of us started working on setting up the tents before we even got a bite to eat. The weather seems pretty mild. Mike was saying that during the day, the temps are around 70 degrees and sometimes at night it can get into the 40s. There were huge majestic pines lining the shore line and amazing mountains as the backdrop. The scenery was spectacular and the water was crystal clear and blueish-green.

Around 1:00 pm we finally had everything set up. The three of us guys sat down and grabbed a quick bite to eat before we set up more of the camp. A little later Mike suggested that Paul and I head into the woods to gather some fire wood while he makes a fire pit with some stones nearby. Paul and I got right to it and before we knew it, we had stockpiled a huge amount of wood for this evening. The skies are clear and it's warm out today. Mike was sweating and working hard on the fire pit. As I'm putting down another stack of wood, he looks over to me while he's bent over setting up the stones and asks me how Paul and I are doing. I look back at Mike, noticing that hot round, muscular ass of his and swallow hard and just say, "We're getting a lot of wood together."

Later on the evening, we're all sitting around the fire and Mike hands Paul and I a beer and we just kick back and enjoy the crisp night air shooting the breeze?talking shit like guys do. Our conversations are about all sorts of stuff and we all do some male bonding. We all start to share stories about different things like work, girls, the future, and our careers. We got on the subject of partying too much while in college and Mike was sharing some of his stories and some of his regrets. Of course he had to chime in and tell us to focus on school and don't party too hard because it's the fatherly thing to do right? He laughed at himself and continued to share some of his fraternity stories in the Kappa Alpha. It was hysterical to hear some of the shit he did when he was younger and how wild he was, but it gave me a new insight to how this man came to be who he is. The evening was going great.

All three of us continued talking and drinking some Dos Equis beer. I was starting to buzz a little. Mike and Paul's eyes were kind of glazed over too and I just started laughing. Paul looked over at me and said, "What?" I said nothing and continued to laugh a little. I was getting fucked up. Paul asked me, "So Eric, what do you think of this so far? Isn't this amazing?" I agreed with Paul.

A little later that evening, Paul looked up at us around midnight and said he was beat and that he was going to turn in. He didn't want to be too tired when we hit the trails tomorrow morning. Mike had no intention of leaving from his place at the fire and told his son good night. I stayed too and continued my conversation with Paul's dad. I had a good time alone talking with Mike. He's a really cool dude.

Every once in a while, during our conversation, Mike would stare at me with this look in his eye like he wanted to eat me up. I figured it was just the beer. I told Mike I needed to take a leak, so I got up and headed into the tree line so no one could see me. I was in the woods pissing like a race horse and I heard some rustling in the woods behind me. I look over my shoulders to see Paul's dad, Mike, walking my way and he asked me if it was ok if he would come piss too. I said "Sure dude. There's plenty of room," and laughed. So Mike comes and stands right on the side of me and pulls out his cock. Even though it was after midnight, the moon was full and shining bright through the trees. I glanced over at Mike and he's pull out a fucking huge, thick cock. Mike's dick is probably 8.5" inches, but so thick.

My mouth dropped and Mike just laughed. I asked him why he was laughing. He just looked at me dead in the eye and said, "You think because I'm short, I couldn't have a big cock?" All I could think to do was just laugh with him. Then I answer him back with the cockiness of my 20 years and say, "Well as you can see, I'm taller than you and have a big cock too." Instead of just agreeing, I see his eyes look down at my 9" dick and he licks his lips and says, "Damn right you do Eric. You've got a beautiful dick my boy." I'm not sure if I got goose bumps because it was chilly outside or because I was turned on by Paul's dad. I think he just flirted with me. I think my best friend's dad wants my cock! Could this get any better?

I zipped up my fly and head back to the fire and sit down. Mike joins me a minute later and grabs us each another beer. I was so full of drinking, but still took it. I was well over my limit and so was Paul's dad. We just sat back and enjoyed the night.

So Mike starts to get up and stumbles a bit and I ask him if he's alright. He looks back at me and says, "I'd be much better if you came into my tent Eric" and winked at me. I choked a little on my beer and said, "What? You sure?" He says, "Hell yeah."

By this time, I'm freaking the fuck out because Paul is sleeping in the tent nearby and I'm about to strip his dad's cloths off and fool around with him. I think to myself, what if Paul wakes up? Then I just say, fuck it, I'm just going to do it.

So I leave my beer behind and stand up and crawl into Mike's tent. He comes in quietly and whispers that we have to be quiet because he doesn't want to wake up his son. He did say Paul sleeps hard. I can't believe my luck. Here I am on the first night of our camping trip and hopefully I'm about to fuck Paul's dad in the tent while Paul sleeps in the other tent nearby. The gods are smiling down on me I have to admit.

As I'm lying on my back, Mike kneels down between my legs. He unzips his pants and lets his fat cock just hang between his legs. He pulls his jeans down to around his knees and I can see that round, muscular ass protruding out behind him. My cock is raging in my jeans. He tugs on the buttons of my jeans and opens them up and pulls out my hard 9" cock. He pulls my jeans completely off. Before I knew it, Mike was sucking on my dick to an even harder stage. I closed my eyes and put my hands on his head pushing his mouth down further on my dick. Damn I've been fantasizing about this for years. It's so hot it's actually happening.

I see the veins in Mike's forehead popping out as he works hard to get my entire dick in his mouth. His mouth is so wet and warm around my dick and he's slurping on my dick like a pro. He chokes a little, but keeps going. Finally, he pulls off my dick and I see his wet lips glisten in the moon light and the next thing I felt was his warm tongue caressing my nut sac. His mouth felt like Heaven sucking on my balls gently, but firmly, pushing his face between my legs. He pulls off my balls and I lean up and push Mike down on his back and yank off his pants. Now it's my turn to suck on his fat cock.

I spread Mike's thick, muscular thighs and grab a hold of his dick and rub his dick head on my lips. I run my tongue over the slit of his cock and wrap my lips fully around the head of it. I start to suck and Mike moans and pushes his hips forward. I struggle to wrap my lips around his dick but I suck him into my mouth and let him feel the wetness of my throat. His dick feels amazing in my mouth and I grab the base of his dick and slowly stroke his dick hard while sucking him. While his hips were lifted off the ground, I reach under him to rub and hold his rock hard ass muscles. I love the way his round ass feels in my hands and I can't get enough.

He's groaning and telling me how good my mouth feels on his dick. I pull off of his cock and lick the sides of his dick with my tongue. I reach around and start stroking him lightly up and down his cock, continuously jacking him off while I suck him some more. I feel his dick swell up. I taste the sweet, salty pre-cum oozing from his cock head. I clamp down on his dick again with my mouth and suck harder. His body is writhing under me in the tent and my cock is raging hard. I just want to bury my white dick in that hot white asshole of his.

I pull off his dick and flip Mike over onto all 4s. Seeing him on his hands and knees with those broad shoulders bracing his body and round ass muscles aching to be fucked are making my cock throb in agony. I reach out and grab a hold of his ass. Each one of my hands grabs a creamy white globe and spread his hole. I see that tiny, pink hole wink at my dick. My cock is leaking so much pre-cum right now. I lean forward and rub my dick lube all over his eager man hole. He grunts a little and arches his muscular back. He wants my 20 year cock buried his in ass so bad.

We rustle around in the tent a little trying not to make much noise. I get Mike into position and rest the head of my hard dick against his hole. Mike's body tenses up a little and braces himself for the entry of my raging hard cock. I push the head in Mike's tight hole. He's completely still. His body leans back some and fucks himself back on my horny cock. I pull the head of my dick out of him and his body relaxes. Before he could catch his breath, I put spit on my dick head and start to bury it back inside him again.

I reach around Mike and feel his beer can thick cock hard as a rock hanging between his thighs. I continue to push and Mike groans. He looks over his shoulder, eyes still glazed from the Dos Equis, and whispers, "Come on Eric, fuck me."

I move my hands from his hot glutes and grab hold of his hips and start to force my cock deeper into his greedy hole. Before Mike knew it, he was feeling my balls grind into his ass cheeks from behind. His asshole swallowed my entire 9" dick. His moans were low and deep. He loved my young dick in his ass. I slowly started to pull out and push back into him until I had a steady rhythm of fucking. It wasn't long before the sounds of my hips hitting against his manly ass filled the tent. Here I was fucking my best friend's dad in the tent next to where he slept and it was so hot I had to control myself from shooting my load too quickly.

I got up from my knees and onto my feet and straddled Mike's ass. He was on his forearms and elbows now with his ass up in the air and I was starting to pound his hole like he craved. He loved getting fucked this was obvious and he took it like a man. I was pounding him hard, driving my cock deep inside his hole, grinding my balls into his ass and nearly pulling out my entire 9" white dick?.each time, I'd dig deep then pull out to where just the head of my wet dick was stuck inside Mike's tight anal ring. Over and over and I'd drive it home. Each time I'd bang my dick in, Mike would grunt and moan. "FUCK ME ERIC! COME ON DUDE, FUCK MY ASS. I'VE HAD MY EYE ON YOU FOR A LITTLE WHILE."

I was starting to breath heavy. I leaned over while I was fucking Mike and whispered in his ear, "How you like that big 20 year old dick fuckin your man ass?" All Mike did was grunt and moan. Mike replied, "Eric, I fuckin love it. Come on, fuck it harder. Give me that cock."

I fucked him some more, hard and harder. The tent was rustling and moving from our hot sex. I finally pulled out of him and flipped him over on his back. Mike lifted his thick thighs and smiled up at me and said, "Yeah Eric, that's it my boy, bang my hole." I glared at him intently and passionately. I reached down, put my hands on his inner thighs and pushed his legs deep into his chest to expose that ass for my raging cock.

I guided my dick at his hole again, and rammed it hard deep inside his hole again. His body shook. Mike reached up with his arms and locked his elbows behind his knees, giving me access to his fucking hole. He grinned at me and begged for more. I reached up and pinched on his hot nipples and dove in balls-deep.

"Dig in my ass Eric. Fuck the cum out of me dude." With his legs and ass wide open, I put my hands down on the ground inside the tent and just started pounding his ass.


My ass muscles were pumping and flexing and my balls were tight. My nuts were slapping against Mike's hole. Mike's cock was leaking a pool of pre-cum filling his belly button.

"MIKE I'M ABOUT TO FUCKING CUM DUDE!" was all that Eric said?his thrusts got harder and harder, pounding into Mike's tight hole. Eric shuddered and closed his eyes and before Mike knew it, Eric's warm load was shooting off inside Mike's asshole.

Eric's 9" cock stayed hard inside Paul's dad asshole. Mike started jacking off his fat dick harder as he felt Eric's throbbing cock inside him. All of a sudden, Mike exhaled and a huge wad of cum flew out of Mike's dick and hit his neck.

Eric lay on top of Mike's heavy-breathing chest, still with his big dick inside. Eric's soft cock slide out of his hole and he looked down at Mike and said,

"This is already a kick ass trip."

Eric got dressed and gave Paul's dad a quick kiss on the lips. It was nearly 2 am now. Eric said good night and Paul's dad just rolled over, feeling relaxed and fucked.

Eric got to the tent with Paul still fast asleep inside and just curled up into his sleeping bag, still breathing heavily without even waking up Paul. All Eric could do was to think about the days that lie ahead with Paul's dad on Zephyr Cove.

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Next: Chapter 2

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