Lake Surprise

By Anonymous

Published on Apr 17, 1999



After finals of my first year in college in a northern university, I was ready for some real relaxation back home in the warm south. During finals I had started thinking how nice it would be to borrow my brothers boat and hit the lake for a week. I talked my roommate into making the trip home with me, insuring that he would have a great time.

The night we drove into town, we were pretty tired from driving all day, but anxious to go out for a drink. We unloaded our gear at my parent's house, showered up and hit the town. This was the first time I had been back home since I left for college nearly a year ago. It felt good to be back among my high school friends. Rob, my roommate, and I bought a couple of six packs and headed down the park, where I was sure we would find some friends. I was especially looking forward to seeing Beth and Susan.

Beth and Susan were called the Dynamic Duo in high school. They were the most popular girls in our senior class and also on the cheerleader squad. I know both of them very well. For the last year of high school I had dated their best friend Lori, so we had hung out as a group quite often at parties and at school. After graduation, Lori went off to school in the Northwest while I had gone to school in the Northeast. We decided that because of the distance and of upcoming new experiences that it would be best to break up.

When Rob and I got to the park, I saw Susan's Mustang in the parking lot. I told Rob that he was in for a good evening. I told Rob that these girls are fun to be around and great to look at. Beth is about 5'6" with long dark hair and a great set if tits and a nice round ass. Susan is about 5'9" with shoulder length dark red hair. She has smaller tits that Beth but makes up for it with her long legs and a tight ass. I had never seen either girl naked but being on the high school track team, I had seen them many times in their cheerleader outfits.

I was also hoping to run into Susan's brother Tim. Tim had been my best friend in high school and on the track team with me. After high school graduation, Tim told me that he was going to France as an exchange student. During my freshman year I had kept up contact with Tim through e-mail. He was supposed to be back home after the end of the spring semester and starting college at my university in the fall. I was interested in hearing his stories and his exploits with those hot French women.

Rob and I walked from the parking lot down to the lake with the six packs in hand. It was a warm clear night and the moon was full. We found Susan and Beth and another beautiful girl on the pier and greeted them. I introduced them to Rob and offered them a beer. Seeing as it was a warm night, Beth and Susan were in shorts and tank tops. Rob whispered to me that I was right about them being hot. We sat down and started drinking and talking about old times.

I asked Susan if Tim had come home yet. She said that he wasn't back from France yet. She then introduced up Sabina. Sabina I was told was Tim's host sister in France and had come over to visit with Susan and Tim's family for awhile. I guessed Sabina to be about 5'10 with long blonde hair and a pretty face. She has nice small tits and long smooth legs. Susan said that she doesn't speak much English and so she was pretty quite all night. When she did speak her accent was sexy and alluring. All the time we were talking with Beth and Susan, I couldn't take my eyes off Sabina. I was hoping that before she left to go back to France, I would get an opportunity to get into her pants.

The girls, obviously interested in Rob's good looks paid a lot of attention to him. Rob is tall well-built guy. He is on the university rugby team and has a powerful body. Many times during the year Rob and I would go out the college bars cruising for women. We usually found some horny coeds and ended up sneaking them back into our dorm room for some hot sex. Our dorm room was pretty big and being somewhat jocks and used to seeing other guys in the locker room, we had no problems being around other naked guys. This made our dorm room escapades interesting, as Rob would be fucking his girl across the room from me as I fucked my girl.

We told the girls about our plan to borrow my brother's boat and spend the week in Talbot's Cove on the lake. They thought it was a great idea and said they might meet us out on the lake. I told them that if they came out, they would have to make sure to bring Sabina. Around 11 p.m., Rob and I were getting pretty tired from the long drive and the beer and decided to head home. We said good-bye to the girls and hoped that we would see them out on the lake.

The next morning Rob and I woke up early and got our gear into my truck. On the way to the lake with the boat, we stopped by the grocery store to stock up on food and drinks. We got to the lake and put the boat in the water. After I parked the truck we set out for the island in the middle of the lake. There were several other boaters on the lake but it wasn't too crowded. Rob and I decided to water ski for awhile so we stripped down to our bathing suits and had fun for several hours in the hot sun. After we stopped and had a few beers, Rob said that he wanted to work on his tan. We steered the boat to Talbot's Cave and heaved anchor.

Talbot's Cove is a very secluded area on the lake with few visitors. You can't water ski there and it is a pretty narrow cove with high cliffs on each side, fortunately not to high to block out the mid-day sun. I went below deck to start making some lunch while Rob stayed on deck to work on his tan. When I brought the sandwiches and beer up, I was shocked to see Rob in all his naked glory lying on the deck. As I said before, I am used to seeing him nude in our dorm room and in the locker room, but felt kind of self conscious seeing him nude here with no one else around. He told me to relax and enjoy the sun, because when we went back to the university we would have this opportunity.

I handed him a sandwich and a beer then said what the hell and stripped down to join him on the deck. After lunch Rob told me that he had a surprise for me. He went below deck and came back with a baggie in hand. He had scored some grass before leaving school and had not told me about it. He rolled a couple of joints and we smoked them with tanning ourselves. After a while I was starting to feel the effects of the grass and the beer. I was lying there and started to think about Sabina. I was getting horny. I opened my eyes and looked over to Rob. He was asleep, but he must have been dreaming. His dick was getting a little hard. I felt uneasy about looking at another guy like that, but as I said I was getting horny. I have never been attracted to men before and was feeling very disturbed with myself for looking at him like that.

I was starting to get hard, so I had to do something fast. I woke Rob up and told him that I was getting hot laying here in the sun and needed to cool off in the water. I dove off the boat and the cold water helped ease my growing erection. Rob joined me in the water and we swam around for awhile. Rob swam up to me and being stronger than me dunked me under water. When I came up we started rough housing for awhile, splashing and dunking each other. At one point I went to grab him and push him under. He tried to swim from my grasp. As he did my hand ended up landing on his dick. He looked at me with a surprised look on his face and then began to laugh. His laughter helped ease my tension and I laughed.

We swam around a little longer then climbed back up on the boat. I lay down on deck to let them sun dry me off and Rob went down to get some beers. He came back up and handed me a beer. We lay there for a while drying off and then started talking about the girls. We wondered when and if they would show up. Around 3 o'clock we heard another boat approaching. Rob and I quickly got our bathing suits back on and waited to see who it was. It was the girls. Susan had been able to talk her dad into letting her borrow his boat for the day. As the approached our boat we could see that Beth and Susan had talked Sabina into coming with them. I was extremely excited about this and thought I might get my chance to fuck her this afternoon.

When Susan pulled up to our boat we tied them together. They had some beer with them and came on to our boat. Beth and Susan were wearing string bikini's that showed off the great bodies. Sabina was wearing a more modest one-piece suit. We started to drink pretty hard and talked about the lake and the water. The girls had been off water skiing on the other side of the lake before coming to look for us. This whole time Sabina sat quietly and drank her beer. She seemed kind of shy but then it could be that her English wasn't too good and she was embarrassed to say much. In the mean time Rob and I were enjoying them view in front of us. I have to that I always had had the hots for Susan even while dating Lori. Hanging around with Tim and seeing her at home or when I was out with Lori, I had always noticed how sexy Susan was. With Sabina being off in her own thoughts I decided to make a try for Susan. We were all getting pretty drunk and started talking with a lot of sexual innuendo. I got up and sat next to Susan and Rob sat next to Beth.

We were all staring to feel a little frisky and Susan started rubbing my thigh and arm. Beth was doing the same to Rob. This went on for a while then the girls said that they had to go to the restroom. They went down below, leaving Sabina on the deck. We tried to talk to Sabina but it was hard to understand her English so Rob and I jumped into the water to take a pee. We climbed back on the boat and sat back down. The girls came back up the stairs and were giggling and holding hands. Rob and I looked at each other and smiled. The girls said that they had a surprise for us. They told us that they wanted to play truth or dare. Rob and I grinned ever bigger and said sure, know for sure that we were going to get some great ass now.

Rob went and got some more beer and we sat around on the deck. Sabina explained to Sabina what were about to play. She understood us enough to blush but said that she was not interested in playing. At this point neither Rob nor cared as we faced two hot bodies. Our prospects of getting laid didn't depend on Sabina, although I still wanted to fuck her. Beth said that she wanted to go first. She asked Rob truth or dare. Rob said truth. Beth asked him if he had ever been in an orgy. Rob said no. Next it was Rob's turn. He asked Susan truth or dare. Susan said dare. Rob them dared her to kiss Beth on the lips. Susan took the dare and bent over and planted a long french kiss on Beth. Rob and I were suspecting a light peck, but were pleasantly surprised by the action in front of us. They must have done this before I thought.

After they broke their kiss it was Susan's turn. She asked me truth or dare. I said truth and she called me a chicken. She asked me if I had ever had sex with another man. I put of a disgusted face and said no. But I was also thinking about how I felt earlier that afternoon and when I had accidentally grabbed Rob's dick. I started to get hard and had to change the way I was sitting to hide my beginning erection. Rob was looking at Beth's tits and didn't see me move but Susan and Beth noticed and winked at each other.

Now it was my turn. I asked Beth truth or dare. She said truth. I asked her if she had ever had sex with another woman. She looked back at me and then at Rob and the then at Susan. Susan just smiled back at her. She said that she had. I asked her with whom, and she just leaned over and french kissed Susan again. This confirmed my suspicion from earlier. Rob and I grinned at each other both thinking about what lie ahead. After Beth and Susan came up for air, Beth said it was her turn again. Beth asked Rob truth or dare. Rob said truth again. Beth looked a little upset at this but then asked him in he had ever had sex with another man. He said no but that he had considered himself bi-curious for quite awhile. I was shocked by his answer. I had always thought on Rob as a lady's man. He always scored some great coeds back at school. Maybe this would explain why he wasn't angry this afternoon when I accidentally grabbed his dick. I just starred at him and he looked at me a shrugged his shoulders.

Rob then asked Susan truth or dare. Susan said dare. I think she was hoping that Rob would give her chance to do more with Beth. Rob dared her to take off Beth's bikini top and suck her tits. Susan looked at Beth, who winked back at her, at reached around her to take off her top. When Beth's tits came into view, Rob and I just starred and started drooling. Susan reached over and took Beth's right tit in her hands and bent down and took the nipple in her mouth. Beth put her hand on the back of Susan's head and held her to her breast. Beth was starting to moan and breathe heavily. After a couple on minutes Susan switched to the other breast. She left Beth's right nipple hard and wet with saliva. Said stayed on Beth's left nipple for a couple of minutes. Susan dropped one hand down to Beth's crotch and started rubbing her pussy through her bathing suit. Beth was really getting turned on and started moaning.

I think that at this point they had forgotten about the game we were playing. Beth reached around and undid Susan's top. She pulled Susan's top off and started pulling on her nipples. Susan stopped sucking on Beth's tits and leaned her head back and moaned. Beth took over where Susan left off. She bent over and started sucking on Susan's tits. Rob and I looked over at Sabina, as she had been pretty quite this whole time. She was watching the action of the girls on front of her and was rubbing her breasts through her swimsuit. Rob and I looked back at Beth and Susan who both stood up and started taking off the bikini bottoms. When I saw their shaved pussies I got hard in an instant. The girls sat back down and started to rub each other's pussies. They were lost in their passion and had forgotten about our game and that we were sitting there watching them

They were really getting into it, rubbing each other's pussies and french kissing. Susan then lay back on the seat and Beth climbed on top of her in a 69 position. They started attacking each other's pussy with unashamed lust. They were moaning and grinding their pussies into each other's mouth. Rob and I were getting really excited watching these two hot babes in front of us fucking each other. He looked at me shrugged his shoulders then stood up and took off his swimsuit. His dick was hard at pointing straight up. He sat back down and started to jack himself off. I said what the hell and took off my swimsuit and started jacking myself off. I would watch as the girl's lips would pull on the other's clits and occasionally sneak a glance at Rob. The sight of all this made my dick even harder. I looked at Sabina who at this time had dropped the top of her swimsuit to reveal a nice pair of small tits with erect pointing nipples. Her hand was in her crotch and rubbing herself pretty hard through her swimsuit.

I looked back at Rob and it was like he read my mind. We had to get in on the action. We both stood at started to the girls. They noticed our movement and stopped licking each other. They sat up. Both of their faces were glistening with pussy juice. Susan said to stop where we were. She asked us if we had enjoyed the show they put on for us. With hard dicks in hand and jacking Rob and I both said yes at the same time. Beth said that we could fuck them, but they had one condition. I said sure whatever, as long as we got to fuck them. Susan said that since they had put on a show for us, that we should put on a show for them also. Then we could fuck them. I looked at Rob who said ok, but I suddenly got nervous. I had never done anything with a guy, but the thought of not sinking my dick into Susan's pussy made me consider it.

I said that I needed a beer first. I went below deck and brought up a six pack. Rob was sitting on the bench and jacking himself off when I came back up. He smiled at the girls and me reminded me of the condition. Still unsure, the girls promised me that this would be our secret and no one would ever find out. I popped the top of a beer and downed the whole thing. Looking at Susan and Beth they both spread their legs and started masturbating each other. This took me over the top. I said ok. I put the beer down and sat next to Rob. He reached over and took my hard dick in his hand and started pumping. It felt so good. I hadn't had someone else touch me like that since a couple of weeks before finals. I leaned back at closed my eyes while Rob continued to jack me off. With my eyes still closed, I felt Rob take my hand. He placed it on his hard cock. I just held it for a moment. I opened my eyes and looked over at him. I started to stroke his dick making it even harder. Rob started to moan and twitch in his seat. I looked over to the girls and they were finger fucking each other with one hand and pulling nipples with the other.

This made my dick ever harder. Rob then leaned over as started to kiss the head of my dick. I watched him slowly lick down to the base of my dick and balls. He took one of my balls in his mouth and started sucking. Then he took my other ball in my mouth and sucked that one. He licked his way back up my dick to the head. He stopped looked up at me and smiled. He then bent back down and took my whole 8" cock in his mouth. I let out a deep moan. He started to bob up and down on my shaft at stroke me at the same time. He was giving me a better blowjob than I had received from most women. He started to play with my balls while continuing his attack on my dick. Feeling his mouth on my dick, watching the girls finger fucking each other and watching Sabina with her hot tits and stroking her crotch were more than I could handle. I told Rob that I was about to cum and he just increased his tempo. I started cumming and shot a load down Rob's throat, who didn't stop for a second. He moaned loudly and continued to suck. After I finished cumming Rob came up for air with cum dripping down his chin.

Not sure what was going to happen next I just sat there and smiled at the girls who were breathing heavily with lustful looks in their eyes. What happened next caught me completely off guard. Rob brought his face to mine and started kissing me. As horny as I still was, I started kissing him back. I could taste my cum in his mouth and the he started frenching me. This got me hard instantly. The girls told me that if I still wanted to fuck them, then I would have to return the favor to Rob. Rob said to lay back because he wanted to 69 with me. I did as I was told. Rob moved around and climbed on top of me. I was now face to face with my first dick. He started going down on my newly recovered dick. I took his dick in my had and slowly brought my lisp to it. I first kissed the head and then took it into my mouth. Rob moaned on my dick and pushed himself further into my mouth. I started getting into it and actually enjoying it. I never thought that sucking a dick could be so good. I actually liked the feeling and the taste.

Rob and I continued to blow each other in a 69 while the girls and Sabina watched. They were all getting hot and moaning at our action. With out notice, I felt Robs dick begin to grow larger in my mouth. The next think I knew, he was cumming hard and splashing the back of my throat with his cum. I tried to stop and come up for air but Rob with his strength just pushed me down unit he stopped cumming. I tried to swallow what I could, but it was just too much and his cum started running down my chin. I started cumming again and Rob took my second load of the day down his throat. Rob climbed off me a sat down on the bench. We were both spent. The girls applauded the performance and said that we could now fuck them. Rob and I said that we both needed a little time to recover. Susan came over to me and planted a big kiss on my lips. She then started to lick up Robs cum which had dripped down my chin. When she had cleaned my up she bent down and clicked my cock clean. She finished there and kissed me again this time pushing her tongue in my mouth. She had kept the cum in her mouth and pushed it into mine with her tongue. She moaned into my mouth and continued to kiss me. She then broke the kiss and whispered into my ear that that was just about the sexiest thing she had ever seen and thanked me. She then grabbed my dick and gave it a little squeeze.

She stood up and announced that she needed a drink. She grabbed the beers and passed them around. We all sat around for a while in the sun and talked about what had happened. Susan and Beth admitted that they had planned to put on a show for us when they went down to the restroom earlier and hoped that they could convince Rob and I to put on a show for them. They laughed and said thank you. Rob and I just looked at each other and agreed that it wasn't too bad and that we had actually enjoyed it. Susan said that she still had another surprise for us but that we would have to wait until later. We continued to talk about sex for awhile. Sabina said in her broker English with French accent that she also had enjoyed both shows. She also said that it made her horny as well. I rejoiced to myself. I realized that I might get to fuck her after all. After a couple more beers, we also started to get horny again. Rob and I had recovered from earlier and the talk of sex was getting us hard again.

The girls got up and approached us. Susan knelt down in from of me and Beth in front of Rob. I looked over at Sabina who started pinching her nipple and rubbing her crotch again. I felt Susan take my cock in her mouth a give me an expert blow job. I put my hands into her red hair and guided her mouth up and down my cock. Rob was doing the same with Beth. I just leaned back and enjoyed the felling of finally having sex with Susan after so many years. She is a truly gifted cocked sucker and had me near cumming in a few minutes. I told her this and she stopped saying that she wanted me to fuck her first. Not being one to decline such an offer, I let her get up. She took me by the hand and led me to the other bench. She laid down on her back and lifter her legs in the air and told me to fuck her hard. I moved between her legs and kissed her first. I worked my way down to her beautiful breasts and sucked on them for awhile. She started moaning and breathing hard. She this pushed me down to her pussy. I didn't resist. I put me head between her thighs and started kissing them. I stroked and kissed her all around but not her pussy. This was driving her crazy and finally she screamed for me to please eat her pussy. This I did.

I dove into her pussy with a thirst of a man in the desert. She tasted great, like strawberry, and I could get enough of her. After eating her for a few minutes she begged for me to fuck her. I moved up her body unit my dick was at the entrance to her pussy. I slowly started to push in until my balls hit her ass. She let out a loud moan. I started fucking her hard. I looked over at Rob and he was fucking Beth doggie style. Her tits were swinging back and forth from the hard fucking he was giving her. I then looked and Sabina who had her eyes closed and was rubbing her crotch hard. Her nipples were sticking straight out like little erasers. Man she looked hot. After about fifteen minutes Susan said that she wanted to be on top. I got off her and lay down on the bench. She climbed on top of me and sank her pussy down on my dick. I reached up and played with her breasts as she rode me like a sex-starved woman. She slowed down her pace and reached behind her to grab my balls. She told me that she wanted to feel me cum in her. She started to rub my balls and move up and down on my cock. It wasn't long before I told her I was going to cum. She quickened her pace and told me to do it. I started pumping load after load into her sweet pussy. She started to moan and shake and said she was coming also. She screamed and shook for seems like minutes and then collapsed on my chest. I asked Susan what Tim would think if he knew that I had just fuck his sister. She said that she didn't think he would mind and would probably enjoy watching.

We heard Beth screaming as well. We both looked over to see Rob pull out of Beth and shoot his cum all over her ass. He then stuck his dick back in her and lay down on top of her. Well all just laid there for awhile catching our breaths. Susan then asked me if I was ready for my other surprise. I had just possibly received the best blowjob and fuck of my life. I didn't see what could surpass that but was intrigued anyway. So I said yes. Susan excused herself to go to the restroom. Susan took Sabina's hand and took her with her. I realized that the surprise probably had something to do with Sabina. They were down below for a few minutes. Although I had just had a great fuck and had already cum times, the thought of those nice pert tits of Sabina started to get me hard again. Beth and Rob noticed this and the both came and knelt in front of me. They then took turns blowing me. I couldn't believe it. It seemed that my roommate had definitely developed a cock fixation. I was enjoying the attentions I was receiving when I saw Susan and Sabina start up the stairs. Susan told me to lie down on my back. She instructed Beth to sit on my cock and for Rob to get behind her and lick us both. They did this and my cock felt wonderful sliding into Beth's tight pussy.

Susan brought Sabina to stand next to me. She had a piece of cloth in her hand and told me she was going to blindfold me. She explained that this would heighten my other sensations and increase my pleasure. Who was I to argue? I left her put the blind fold on me. She then climbed on my chest and put her pussy down on my mouth. She was dripping we and I again drank her strawberry juice with abandon. I could hear Sabina rubbing herself and moaning in French. Susan the got off my face and I felt someone else climb on. This had to be Sabina I thought. I was finally going to get to taste her pussy. What happen next caught me off guard. I felt I hard cock touch my lips. I realized that Rob and Susan must have traded places. Seeing that I had enjoyed the blowjob I gave Rob before I proceeded to take the cock into my mouth and try to give a better blowjob than before. The cock grew hard in my mouth and it was then that I realized that I could take as much in as before. Somewhat confused by this, I ripped the blindfold off and got the shock of my life. There was Sabina sitting on my face with her small pert tits gleaming in the sun and her 9" cock in my mouth.

I couldn't believe it. I had been thinking all day about fucking her sweet pussy and she has a cock. No wonder she didn't get in on the action earlier. I probably would have thrown her off the boat. But as I said earlier, I had enjoyed Robs cock so much, the thought of this hot French girl with great tits and a cock got the more horny than before. I started to really blow her cock as best I could. Beth reached around and grabbed her tits. She moaned loudly and started stroking my face. She must have been really horny as well because it didn't take long for her to cum down my throat. This and with Beth riding my cock took me over the edge. I started to cum loads into Beth's pussy. Sabina's cum tasted better that Robs and I tried not to let a drop be spoiled. She finished cumming and pulled her cock out of my mouth. Beth got off my cock and I sat up with a blank look on my face. I said I couldn't believe that Sabina is a shemale. I asked Rob about this. He admitted that he knew. He said that last night while I was talking to Beth, Susan told him about Sabina being a shemale, and asked him whether he thought I would go for her. They schemed up the plan of the grass, truth or dare and the lesbian sex show to get me horny enough.

I asked Susan why she had wanted this. She said that it wasn't her that wanted it. Well she wanted to put on a show for me with Beth and see my blow Rob, but it wasn't all her idea. I asked her whose idea it was. It was then that Sabina spoke up in clear perfect English and in a voice I recognized that it was her idea. I was even more shocked now. The voice belonged to my best friend from high school and Susan's brother Tim. Sabina was Tim. Sabina explained to me that during high school, Tim had always known that he was bi and that he had a secret crush on me. He went on to explain that he didn't really go to France as an exchange student but went for transformation therapy. While he was there he took gender changing drug therapy had some plastic surgery done on her face and learned from a French shemale how to become a shemale himself. Tim had his name legally changed to Sabina the day he got back to the States. The result she said had physically changed her body into what I see before her. I was stunned. I couldn't believe that the beautiful creature before me was my best friend in high school.

She said she was sorry about the deception, but she wanted to make sure that I would do Rob before she tried to make an advance on me. I said that I wasn't upset just shocked still. She said that she had always loved me and asked if she could now make love to me. Without hesitation I said yes. Susan, Beth and Rob left alone and went below to the bed. We could hear the in a three way enjoying themselves. Meanwhile I spread some blankets down on the deck and lowered Sabina to me. We started making out and both getting excited. Sabina said that she wanted to return the favor and bent down with her head over my cock. She then proceeded to give my as good a blow job as her sister. When I was about to cum she stopped and said that she wanted me to fuck her. She moved up on my body until her ass was directly over my raging hardon. She slowly began to lower her ass onto my cock. I felt my cock head pass through her opening and she stopped for a moment to adjust. She then slammed her ass down on my cock pushing it all the way into her. I had never fuck a girl in the ass before and the feeling was intense. I t was tighter than any pussy I had fucked before. She started bobbing up and down on my cock. Each time she came down her cock would slap my stomach and her tits would bounce. This was the most erotic sensation I had ever experienced. She leaned forward and started kissing me. It didn't take long and I was so turned on that I came in her ass. She let out a bid moan and started pumping her cock and then sprayed her cum all over me chest.

We just lay there for about ten minutes and then she said that she wanted to fuck me. Well I had just done everything that day that I didn't ever think I would do, so why not try something else. I said ok. She got off me and knelt beside me. I took her cock into my mouth again and got it wet and hard. When she was ready, she got between my legs and aimed her cock and my asshole. She applied a little pressure and slowly pushed her cock head into my ass. I screamed out at the intrusion that I had never felt before. She stopped and let my ass adjust to the fullness. After a couple of minutes she started pushing again. She pushed in until her balls were resting on my ass. She ten started pumping in and out of me. As I loosened up her cock started feeling good in my ass. She pumped me for about ten minutes then started cumming in my ass. It was one of the best feelings I had ever felt. What an erotic sight to see her cock disappearing in and out of my ass, her tits bouncing with each thrust and a shiny from the sweat she was producing.

After her climax she lay down with her breasts on my chest and we just cuddle and kissed for awhile. She whispered that she loved me and hoped that we could be together. This woman was incredible. I told her that I thought that could happen. It was staring to get dark when Rob, Beth and Susan reappeared on deck. We got dressed and made dinner. After dinner the girls said they needed to return their dad's boat. Sabina said that she would stay on our boat for the remainder on the week. After the girls left, Sabina, Rob and I sat around and drank some more beer and then went to bed. Rob slept on an air mattress and Sabina joined me on the bed. We kissed and fondled each other for awhile then fell asleep. The rest of the week went by pretty fast. The girls came out each day and we repeated the scene from the first day. At one point I had Sabina fucking me while I fucked Rob's ass and ate Susan's pussy. Sabina didn't want to have sex with anyone but me but no one else complained. There was enough cock, pussy, tits and ass to go around.

The summer ended and Sabina enrolled at my university. We got a two-bedroom apartment off campus and Rob joined us in the second room. Sabina and I continued to develop our relationship, occasionally bringing Rob into our bedroom. After that year Rob met a woman whom he moved in with and Sabina and I had to the place to ourselves. After graduating from college Sabina and I got married in Las Vegas. We moved back home and Rob ended taking a job in our town. We still get together with him and his wife, and sometimes Susan drops by with Beth in tow to repeat the fun we had on the boat that summer. Sabina is very open minded about our sex life. She'll left me fuck Rob, Beth and Susan, but still saves herself for me.

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