Lady Slippers - TG magic

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Sep 28, 2008



Lady Slippers Copyright 2008 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.

Chapter 1

I was watching one of the morning news shows. There was the usual drivel, I was barely listening to it as I got dressed for work and ate my breakfast. I heard something about using a virus to help mankind. What? My ears perked up. This man was telling the announcer that there is a variety of snails called slipper shells Crepidula fornicata that live in the Atlantic Ocean that changes their gender as they progress through life. He went on to explain that the small snails were male and that when two snails meet, the smaller one causes the larger one to change from male to female and then he mates with her. Occasionally one finds them stacked together all female except the small one on top. He continued to explain that they had taken the genetic material from this snail and put it into a cold virus so they could use it to change transgender individuals from male to female. At this point the announcer interrupted him.

"Pardon my asking but isn't this sort of cliché? In the book "Next" by Michael Chrichton or the movie "I am Legend", the scientist comes up with this wonderful new technology, the news person asks 'will anything go wrong?' the scientist always says 'We've taken care to make it all safe'. and then the world dies of some horrible disease. Are we all going to turn female?"

The man gave the announcer a stricken look.

"No, No, No!" We've taken care all of that. I assure you that it works the way it's supposed to. The trials on mice and rabbits went perfectly. So far we have tried it on twenty humans and they are all now perfectly healthy women. There has been no side effects other than a few sniffles."

"I truly hope so. I hope to God you're right!"

I chuckled to myself. "Yeah, Right! Nothing ever goes as planned. Murphy is always around the corner trying to screw it up. We'll all be women before this is over."

I tried to reassure myself as I drove to work but I had that feeling that if I'd had a tail, it would be between my legs.

Three days later, I was watching the same morning show. After the initial opening, the camera focused on a very pretty brunette with rather short hair. I thought I recognized her but I wasn't sure. When she spoke, I was sure.

"Three days ago we had a man on our show who discussed the benefits of modern science. In this case the use of genetic engineering to help transgendered people to realize their dreams. He assured us all it was safe. He was wrong. Yesterday you knew me by this face - his face flashed on the screen. As you can see, I've changed. So has everyone else in this building and anyone who came in contact with the man I interviewed three days ago. His laboratory is in LA, this studio as you know is in New York. He took a round trip flight with connections. Those flights, well you can guess. This has turned into a pandemic. We do not yet know the fatality rate or even the infection rate. We do know that it has already spread to all parts of the globe and continues to spread fast. I have been told by the CDC that it is only a matter of days before 99% of the globe is infected. This entire broadcast will focus on this new tragedy."

"First, I'd like to introduce the head of the CDC the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Georgia. He comes to us live from their underground laboratories there."

"Hello, what do we know about this disease?"

"Hello, we don't know a lot really, we know that it is carried by the common cold virus but there are thousands of varieties. We're not yet sure which one. We know that it has an incubation period of three days. However, the effects are quite different from what was expected. The scientist you interviewed stated that the change from male to female was limited to those who were deliberately infected. We now know that this strain is air borne. We know that it infects most primates but not other mammals, birds or reptiles. Now, here is the different unexpected part. The change from male to female is not permanent. It is entirely dependent on the dominance behaviors of those surrounding an individual. For example, you have told me that the only male in your building is the CEO. This is expected as he is the most dominant person in the building. However, when you get home to your spouse, the dominant personality in the marriage will become male. This change appears to happen after only a few minutes of exposure. The ramifications of this are enormous. If you are dominant in your marriage you will change into a male body. If your spouse is dominant, she will become male. There will always be one male in a group. All the rest are female. Who is male at any particular time will change." The ramifications of this on our society are totally unknown."

"Wow! Thank you for the information. That was the head scientist from the Center for Disease Control. We're going to cut to commercials and we will continue the broadcast on the other side."

At that I turned off the TV. I'm sure there would be lots of sob stories. Besides I had to get to work. If the disease (did they even give it a name yet?) spread that fast who knows where it has spread. The chances were good I'd already been exposed. I'm glad the death rate is so low. I wonder what it would be like to be a woman. The transgendered community may like the rest of the idea but the rest of us would just as soon be male. I like being able to stand to pee. Besides, woman's clothes are impractical for so many things. I bet a lot of things will change in the next few weeks.

The day at work was actually quite normal. No one changed gender although everyone was talking about it. The general assumption seems to be that we have all been infected or soon will be. Apparently the fatality rate is nil so people seemed to be resigned to fate. The women were laughing about how men would deal with their period, having PMS and getting pregnant. The guys didn't think it was funny.

The next day was quite different. When my wife and I woke up, I had a female body and my wife had a male body.

I looked at his hairy muscular body.

"Oh, Shit"

"Huh? What?" as she slowly woke up. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry."

"I guess I was expecting to be the man around the house."

"Well, if you think about it I'm the one who earns the most money, I tend to make the decisions about what happens in the house."

"I suppose."

"Besides, he said. You've turned into a really hot woman. Come with me."

I followed him into the bathroom. He held me in front of the mirror. I guess I am pretty. I'm 5'7", I look like I'm a C cup, thin, 145 pounds, athletic build, my hair is still the same length. My wife (husband?) spouse is 6'0", 180 pounds, his hair still goes to his waist. He looked so sexy standing there. It gave me a warm feeling to be with him. I hugged him closely, he leaned down to me as I looked up. We kissed.

I decided I had to pee. I sat on the toilet and felt the pee gush between my labia and pubic hair. He reminded me to wipe front to back. Then he stood in front of the toilet, raised the seat and a stream of pee shot to the left onto the floor, then he gained control and hit the bowl. I laughed. "Don't forget to put the seat down when you're done."

When he was done he picked me up, carried me to the bed and lay me down on it. I looked into his eyes as he leaned over me and kissed me some more. I pulled him to me. I felt his cock, he was already hard and I could feel myself become wet.

Someone was moaning. After a while I realized it was me. We kissed passionately for quite awhile, I lost all sense of time. At some point I realized that he has positioned his cock at the entrance to my vagina. I felt his cock slide between my labia. My clit sent a zinger through my body and I jerked in response.

"Do you think you're ready? Last night you were a man, now I'm about to fuck you."

"Oh, shut up and fuck me, fuck me hard."

He thrust his hard cock into me.

"Oh, fuck me, oh fuck me!"

His cock sank into me, I wrapped my legs around him.

"Oh yes."

He started to fuck me in earnest.

I felt myself get closer and closer to orgasm. I looked into my husband's eyes. I could see his lust for me grow, I looked into his soul as my orgasm grew closer and then I felt my vagina grasp his cock rhythmically, then I felt him clench around me and felt his sperm fill my vagina. My vagina continued to spasm around him.

Soon, he rolled off me, still gasping for breath. I felt his sperm dribble from my vagina.

"You know," he said. "We didn't use any birth control. You'll probably be pregnant in the next few minutes."

"I hope you want children as its too late now."

I thought about the idea of being pregnant, it sent a thrill through me.

"Take a shower, we need to go to work."

The shower went quickly. It did take a few minutes to shave my legs, quite different from shaving my face. Yes I laughed at my spouse trying to shave his face. What to wear took much longer. It helped that my spouse had been a woman of about my size. I decided to go with simple but professional. She had a black velvet dress that I always liked. My bra size turned out to be 36C. Her bra was a bit tight as she wore a 34C. It seemed to be better than doing without. Putting on stockings was a bit of a lesson. I ruined a pair before he taught me to do it properly. I decided to wear flats rather than heels. I'm not ready for that yet. A touch of lipstick and a small black purse to put my wallet and lipstick in completed my outfit for the moment. I'm sure a bit of blush would help but I don't have time for that.

Work was a horror show. When I got there, all my coworkers were female. We had a fun time playing who's who. We all looked so different from what we looked like yesterday. Most of us were good looking, a few needed some style sense. We took it well, not much we could do about it. Around 11, my boss (male) called me into his office. We had a chat. It turned out he wanted me to start a task force to try to determine how this virus would change our business. The first meeting was to begin after lunch. The other five members of the task force were notified by email. We met me in the cafeteria. As we ate our lunches we tried to consider possible ramifications. We walked to the meeting room together. A few minutes after the meeting began, I was at the head of the table leading the discussion when I felt faint and then I felt myself transform back into a man.

"Oh Shit!" I heard myself say.

There was some clapping from the others, a look of amazement from the others.

"I'm sorry, my role as leader here seems to have temporarily made me male. Do any of you have more appropriate clothes, I'm at a bit of a loss."

A woman came back a few minutes later with a suit & tie. I changed in the men's bathroom. The clothes were a little small on me but better than my tiny dress.

"Well, thank you for letting me borrow your clothes. Now, for the task at hand, for one, we need to designate most of the men's restrooms as women's restrooms. There was a line in front of the women's restroom but the men's restroom was empty. I'm surprised they haven't already taken over."

"Perhaps we should keep two pairs of clothes at all times so we're not caught unprepared as you were. Sorry Sir," suggested another.

"No need to be sorry. You're right, I was unprepared. I wasn't aware how fluid our bodies are as our companions change."

We spent the rest of the afternoon discussing the innumerable ways our society was likely to change and how that would affect our business. When the meeting was over, the boss called me back into his office to check on our progress. I could feel myself becoming faint. I ran for the men's room. I changed into the dress I wore this morning. It only took a minute. When I returned to the Boss's office I started to apologize.

"No need, these are trying times. I suspect that a few days of this and we'll all be wearing unisex clothes that stretch several sizes. The company that can design and manufacture them first is going to make a ton of money, especially if they can be pretty when small but masculine when large."

"That's actually third on our list sir."

"Good, Good, this list looks good. I'd like you to chair the group for the next several days until we can get some resolution on this. This virus is changing our society in many unpredictable ways. We need to get a handle on as much as we can."

"Yes sir, See you tomorrow."

On the way home, there was an incident that pointed this out dramatically. The streets are composed almost entirely of women. Men have become a rarity in this changing society. As we were passing an alley, a man grabbed a woman and started to forcibly escort her down the alley. I guess he assumed all women were meek and submissive. Instead, she began to fight. My guess is that she had military training as she showed her skill to be very adept at hand to hand combat. A moment or so into the combat she became male, while the rapist became female. A few moments after that, the rapist became the rapee. There was some cheering from those of us who watched the altercation. We all hoped that the rapist would be left pregnant after this and perhaps change his ways.

When I got home, my spouse, still male had started a pot of stew for dinner. I finished cutting the vegetables, put it all together and let it simmer.

"How did your day go?" He asked.

I told him how everything went.

"My poor baby."

He had been sitting on a chair drinking a beer while I worked on the stew and talked. He pulled me to him. I sat on his lap as he kissed me. We kissed passionately, he pulled my dress up and over my head. I broke our kiss only for a moment as it slipped over my head. I felt his hard cock between my legs through his pants. He unsnapped my bra as I unbuckled his belt and unsnapped his pants. Then I unbuckled his shirt. We both stood for a moment so I could pull his pants and under ware down. I knelt down for a moment to suck his cock. He sat down again and pulled me astride him as he did so. His cock slid between my labia as he kissed me again. I stood a little to give his cock room to stand up against my vagina, then I sat down on him a bit at a time. All the kissing had made me very, very wet. He slid into me easily, filling me up. I moaned in pleasure as I rode up and down on him. I leaned into him and kissed him, he began to fuck me very quickly sending both of us to orgasm. I felt my vagina clench against his cock as it spurted into me.

I settled onto his lap as we both gasped for breath.

On the TV: "We bring you a special news bulletin, it has been determined that men who have make the change into women are extremely fertile for several days after the change. Also once pregnant, the man will remain in the form of a woman until the pregnancy is completed or terminated. There is no data whether lactation extends the time as a woman. Further information at 6:00."

My spouse laughed. "We're still not using birth control. You must truly want to be pregnant."

"Oh, shut up I said petulantly, I can think of worse things in the face of a plague. I suspect there will be a massive population surge in nine months. Have you noticed children before puberty are unaffected?"

I stood up, licked his cock clean & went to the bathroom to wipe myself clean, then set the table and served the stew. We spent the evening snuggling.

Sometime in the middle of the night I felt extremely aroused. I have no idea why but my nipples tingled and I felt my lubrication dripping from my vagina down to the crack of my ass. My clit tingled as well. I slowly stroked my fingers between my lips. A quiver went through me. I leaned over and gently shook my spouse (husband?).

"Honey, wake up."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Think you can get it up? I'm horny and I want you to make love to me."

"Sounds like fun, I'm already hard."

"Come here big guy, fill me up."

"Love to!"

I spread my legs, threw off the covers and helped him onto me.

He kissed me for a moment while I guided his cock to the entrance of my vagina, then he sank into me with one long stroke. We both moaned in pleasure. I came as he reached bottom.

"My, you're a fire cracker tonight."

"Fuck me, I want to come again."


He started at a steady pace that was a bit slow for me but increased after a bit. Soon he was pounding me hard and fast. For some reason I came a bunch of times before I felt him come in me. He collapsed on me panting for breath. I was so happy and I love him so much I burst into tears that just wouldn't stop.

He looked me in the eyes and asked, "Tears of joy?"

"I'm so glad you understand." and burst into another round of tears. He rolled off me and fell asleep almost instantly. I snuggled against him and eventually fell asleep as well. Chapter 2 "Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like to welcome you all to this joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives to look into this gender crisis, to try to ascertain the origins of it, to determine what if anything can be done to reverse the effects and propose laws that will ensure that nothing like this occurs ever again. Despite years of science fiction stories that predicted this crisis, nothing was done to prevent it from happening...."

I clicked the mute button. Politicians can go on forever when they're pandering to the public. CSPAN can be useful but politicians can be such a bore. I got myself a bag of popcorn and some iced tea. I wasn't surprised that they were all still men.

"... Now Ms. Forest, I'd like you to tell us in your own words what were the events that allowed this gender crisis to develop. Remember that you are under oath and have immunity from prosecution so please go into as much detail as you can."

"Senators, Representatives, ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for inviting me here to speak. Before I begin, I'd like to emphasize that this crisis is only that, a crisis. People are discomforted, bubbles are burst and ego's smashed. It is not a world wide tragedy. It could easily have been so. Had the circumstances been only slightly different we and all of humanity might not be here now.

I came to Gengenco (Gender Genetics Corporation) just over two years ago. At that time there was an idea that a LOT of money could be made using gene transfer techniques. The question was, what techniques hadn't been patented and what medical needs were there that the public would want and could pay for. There were many possibilities but ultimately the fact that the brother of the CEO came out as a transgendered individual made the difference in finally deciding where to put our efforts first.

I don't need to tell you that there were a lot of research hurdles to overcome to make this a viable technology....."

She went into some detail of the search for the technology and procedures that worked. Apparently it involved some questionable practices and a lot of missing ethics that put money first and humanity far down on the list.

"Yes Senator, that technology was owned by another company and yes Senator, in hind sight it would have been better to go through the proper testing protocols before we went to human trials. However Senator, you must remember that we were not using any public money for this project. There was no public "grant" that required oversight. Also given the content of these experiments it was almost certain that the religious right would take exception to what we were doing. Even if everything went right we expected that there would be pickets in front of our building damning us all to hell. We had a few private investors who have a lot of money and expected results. How we got those results was not really a concern to them."

"Ultimately, we decided to use slipper snails also called slipper shells Crepidula fornicata that live in the Atlantic Ocean. They change their gender as they progress through life. The small snails are male and when two snails meet, the smaller one causes the larger one to change from male to female and then he mates with her. Occasionally one finds them stacked together all female except the small one on top. I have here some of their shells that one commonly finds on the beach."

He continued to explain that they had taken the genetic material from this snail and put it into a cold virus so they could use it to change transgender individuals from male to female.

"We were all surprised to find that it worked on mice. Three days after infecting one of the male mice, it became female and was able to produce young. Of course we were eager to try it in humans. In hindsight we should have been much more cautious. We should have waited to see if there were any side effects, we should have tried it in other animals and everything should have been in CDC level 5 quarantine just in case anything went wrong. We did none of these. Instead, we injected the virus containing the trans-genetic material into five volunteer males who were in the beginning stages of male to female trans-gender reassignment. As we expected three days later they all had minor cold symptoms and were completely female. Needless to say we had a major celebration. We knew that this success would make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. Also, the five women were eager to try out their new 'equipment'. Yes, I was a participant in the orgy that night. As we all know they were completely female in every way. I enjoyed the experience immensely. There were the five women and about thirty other male researchers who participated. Well, the next morning we injected 100 more volunteers with the virus. We needn't have bothered. Three days later we woke up male (we're pretty much all single due to the demands of our research.). We had a meeting with the CEO to plan for marketing, and a limited release to the public. Due to expected FDA objections about lack of trials we planned on using our facilities at an island in the Caribbean to effect the transitions. This was not to be. Instead when we entered the meeting we transformed into females. We had all been exposed to the virus and so were affected by the trans-genetic material. We now know that if we had quarantined the individuals until the cold had run its course then the individual can no longer transmit the virus or trans-genetic material. After 7-10 days they were no longer infectious. Instead we were all female except for the CEO who was the dominant individual in the room."

"Senators, I don't claim to understand our CEO. We, the researchers, were all for a lockdown until we could figure out what had gone wrong. At that point in the history of this event, to our knowledge we were the only individuals affected. We didn't know the mortality or how to stop it. We now know that had we had a lockdown for two weeks we would not have been contagious and the virus would have ended with us. We could then have inoculated those who wanted to change their gender, quarantine for two weeks, we all would be rich and only those who wanted to change their gender would transform to female. Instead, our CEO decided that he had to make money as quickly as he could before all this became public. We all screamed and shouted at him that he was making a huge mistake to no effect. As you know, he boarded a plane to New York City, landed at Kennedy Airport and was on a major morning TV show. When he was done, he did some sightseeing and made a deal to sell rights to a major pharmaceutical company for 70 million dollars. That accomplished, he boarded a flight back to Los Angeles International Airport. By doing this he doomed the world. As you know he spread the virus to all parts of the globe in a matter of days. There are probably some spots in the world that have not been infected. Also it turns out that children are short term carriers but are not affected by the disease. We don't yet know why. The upshot Senator is that in a few months the disease will have run its course. After two weeks we will no longer be infectious. The children who grow up will in all probability live normal lives - other than having very strange parents. The space station astronauts should be perfectly safe provided they have supplies enough. The question then is, how will our society deal with this major change in its makeup. I leave that to someone more qualified than I. I would like to end with this comment. We were very lucky, Very lucky. The mortality due to this event is virtually zero. Had the mortality been higher millions perhaps billions could have died. We are not the only research group studying ways of using trans-genetic material to become rich. Many of the labs are as sloppy as we were."

Chapter 3

I turned off the TV. It was my turn to testify before the senate committee. I met the woman who testified as she was leaving the hearing chambers. My testimony was long and for the most part speculative. When I was done, I went to a nearby pub and met the same woman. I introduced myself, bought a beer for me and another martini for her.

"That's quite a story you told."

"Yes it was."

"So what's the rest of the story?"

"Everything I said was the truth."

"I'm sure it was but only part of the story."



"Not here."

She finished her martini, gulped the one I gave her, got up and nodded for me to follow. She caught a cab and we went to her hotel room. She pulled up a chair and looked out the window toward the Capital .

"Do you really want to know everything?"


"I guess you've as much right as everyone else. You see there's so much we don't know. I testified that we become immune and it stops. That's true - sort of. It stopped with us but what about the children. You see our DNA is changed. What happens when the children reach puberty. Will it effect them then? It does in the snails. Will our future children be effected as well? My guess is yes. What about dormancy? Most viruses can lay dormant for years like the chicken pox virus and shingles. HIV is a very fragile virus, most aren't. Cold viruses survived in the Egyptian mummies as in he mummy's curse that caused pneumonia in some of the archeologists. And then there are the mutations. You see viruses evolve very rapidly. The strain we used is pretty harmless. Will the future mutations be as well? Based on past experience it seems unlikely. Those are the ones we need to be afraid of."

"Wow, I wondered about that. I suppose we have no way of knowing it until it occurs."


"So, how did it feel?"


"I mean we all heard the claims made, deep in our hearts we knew it was too good to be true. We all thought 'What would it be like to be a woman?' Even the dominant women thought 'What would it be like to be a man.' In a sense we were all prepared a little. We'd all at least thought about it. For you it must have been a complete surprise."

"Not as much as you'd think. You see, we'd changed a bunch of men to women by then. We'd even had an orgy as you may recall. We'd thought about it some. Mostly we thought they were crazy but if they wanted to change we'd help them do it right."

"Ah, OK."

"Of course the day I walked into work and we all found ourselves female was quite a shock. We hadn't signed up for this. As you may guess from my look I was really buff; exercise, racquet ball, running, six pack abs the whole nine yards. I slept around. I rarely had a partner twice. I enjoyed being a man. I loved to fuck."

"Needless to say we were all flabbergasted. We ran to the office washroom to hide and fix ourselves up. The secretaries were told to come in to help. Our clothes hung off us, well you know. Somehow word was sent to the trans housing. They all came down and made us up and taught us how to be women. I still feel like a man and it's been a month, probably three weeks for you. Are you pregnant yet?"


"It took us a couple weeks to figure that part out. That's why we didn't change back to men after a while. At first we thought the effect of maleness wore off but sometimes it didn't. It turns out we're much more fertile. Men with sterility issues still change regardless of how many times they have unprotected sex."

"For the first few days we all had a lot of fun with it. After the initial shock we of course began exploring ourselves and most of us had several wonderful orgasms. The secretaries thought we were disgusting. There was a division of the company who had nothing to do with the experiment and were the last to be effected One asked me for a date. All he wanted to do was get into my panties. I used to be a man of course so I knew exactly what he was doing. The strange thing, at least to me, was that I was eager to let him. The last thing I wanted was to have kids by this man. I knew he was a player. We used to brag to each other in the men's room. But there I was looking into his blue eyes and running my fingers through his hair. I felt myself getting wet. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. When I felt his tongue on my lips I opened them to him. He pulled me closer and I felt his cock get hard. I knew I wanted him to fuck me. I kissed him and teased him and ran my fingers down his back and across his chest. I unbuttoned his shirt as he undid my bra. I ran my hands over his hard chest muscles and he caressed my nipples. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down with his shorts. His wonderful cock sprang free. I knelt in front of him. The idea of what came next would have grossed me out a few days before. Now, I looked his cock in admiration. I smelled it - musky maleness and licked it. Slightly salty, smooth, silky. I sucked it into my mouth. He moaned in pleasure. I sucked it hard and then in and out of my mouth. At one point he pushed it hard enough to pop past my uvula into my throat. I gagged for a moment. He pulled it out, I gasped for breath and he did it again. This time I was ready. He fucked my mouth like that for a couple more minutes until I felt his cock twitch and spend down my throat. I swallowed all he had. I found love the taste, sticks in my throat, but I love the taste. When he was done, he pulled up his pants rather than get me off. I went to the ladies room to put myself back together. I heard someone jilling herself off."

"Jim, is that you?"

"No its my fairy godmother - what do you think?"

"I opened the toilet door. Her legs were spread wide and she was rubbing her slippery cunt like crazy. I slid on my knees and licked and suckled her clit until she came in waves. When she was done, she gasped for breath a while, pulled me up and kissed me. We kissed passionately for a while."

"Your turn", she said.

I sat on the counter while she ate my cunt. I came almost instantly and came again and again. Two other women came in while I was enjoying yet another orgasm. They giggled and watched a while. Then they began kissing each other passionately. We watched them when we were done. I sat and peed and then dressed, put my make-up on while they enjoyed themselves only feet away. We left as one was gasping in orgasm. Jim and I walked out together and began our work as if nothing had happened. Everyone knew better of course. Later that afternoon the CEO called me in his office and yelled at me for being against him when he wanted to continue the deal to sell the virus. We had a bit of a row about it. Well, I won't go into details but he raped me. He held me to the floor while he fucked me. I struggled as hard as I could but wasn't strong enough."

She was in tears. I held her tight until she was willing to continue.

"At that point I decided to quit and go public. I knew his deal was dead. I just wanted the world to know what he'd done."

"Where do you live now?"

"In hotels."

"Why don't you come home with me. My wife - husband would be OK with it. He's very gentle and understanding"

"It sounds like a lovely idea. I need to stick around a couple of days just in case I'm called to testify. After that I'm free. This place really is lovely. Care to join me in the Jacuzzi?"

"I'd love to but I didn't bring a bating suit."

"Neither did I."

"In that case, sure."

We walked into the next room. She grabbed a bottle of wine. We watched each other strip off our clothes. Our bodies look so young for our age. We settled into the water with a sigh of enjoyment mixed with a gas of "Hot!" I couldn't help looking at her breasts and how full they were.

She caught me looking and smiled.

"I know I'm a woman now but I still find myself looking at women's boobs. I still find women very attractive despite being one. Just looking in the mirror while naked makes me horny."

"You needn't explain. I think we all have the same reaction. I think most of the human population of this planet is pregnant right now including us. There's going to be a surge in about eight months. Heaven help us all. Do you think humanity will fight so many wars with so many pregnant mothers?"

I felt her fingers on my thigh.

"I talk too much."

I spread my legs. Her fingers found my cunt. I pulled her on top of me and kissed her and caressed the sides of her breasts. I find the sides are even more sensual than the nipples because it's unexpected. We kissed, suckled and caressed each other. She rubbed my cunt against her knee until she came. I came from her fingers soon after. I looked into her eyes and saw love and longing and lust and knew she was looking into my soul and was seeing the same.

She stepped out of the Jacuzzi and held my hand to help me out. We dried each other off amid much teasing. She pushed me onto the bed and grabbed a large realistic vibrator. It easily slid all the way inside me. I gasped as I felt it fill me up. I felt so stretched inside the pleasure was over whelming. She began stroking it into me slow and deep, MMM. In almost no time I came - and that one flowed into the next until it was one long orgasm. I heard myself scream in a wailing moan. Eventually my clit became too sensitive. I stopped her, flipped her and pulled the vibrator from my cunt with an exquisite pop. And slid it deep into her with one slow thrust. Her cunt was as wet as mine and came almost immediately. I continued on as she had for me. When we were done, we gasped for breath and began giggling for no apparent reason except the joy of being together. Eventually we stopped, realized we were hungry and ordered room service. When it came, we didn't even bother to dress. The waitress looked at us and smelled the air.

"Smells like you ladies have been fucking up a storm. I declare, all you man chicks is a bunch of lezzies."

"I suppose that's because we've been men all our lives. It takes a while to learn to be a woman. It just seems natural to mentally undress a woman and want to do something about it. Besides, men have become few and far between."

"Yeah I noticed. I best be movin' along before you want to get into my panties."

"I guess I'll just have to tip you well instead.... If you ever change your mind."

"I don't think so. My man is still a man when he's home with me. I just love the feel of his hard cock between my legs 'fo we go to sleep at night. A hard pounding sets me in the mood to sleep."

"Me to" I said, but she's really nice when I'm away from home."

"If your man knew what was good for him he'd come with you."

"You're probably right."

"Course I'm right. Now eat your food 'fo it gets cold."

"See you tomorrow."


We ate on the bed as we watched TV and kibitzed about crumbs in the bed. There was a thing on the news about an angry mob that converged on the house of the CEO of Gengenco. They dragged him out of the house, stoned him to death, then set his house on fire and threw the dead body on the flames. There were no arrests.

"Couldn't have happened to a more deserving man. Talk about a name that will go down in infamy! Worse that Hitler, Stalin or Benedict Arnold. The sad thing is that even though he was stunningly stupid, he probably didn't break any laws. Another case where the law hasn't caught up with technology. Stoning is a fitting end though, everyone gets a hand at vengeance. It's satisfying."

"I interrupted her philosophizing by spreading a dab of cheesecake on her breast and licking it off. She fell asleep in my arms.

I awoke in the middle of the night with her tongue on my clit. I had a little come and pulled her up on top of me. I kissed her. My legs were spread, she rubbed her cunt against mine until we came.

When I woke again I took a shower to wash off the aroma of sex. After I dried I sat in the chair overlooking the city. A while later she came up behind me and offered me a cup of tea.

"How did you know I like tea."

"I didn't, you just seemed like the type who does. Everyone I've ever loved does."

"Thank you."

She sat in the chair along with me while we finished our tea. A bit awkward to be sure but a great moment. We didn't make love but we both felt the growing bond between us. Later that morning we got word that neither of us would be needed but that might change pending further events.

Chapter 4

I got my car out of the airport parking lot, Jan put her luggage in the back. When we got home, Karen (my wife) was cleaning the house.

"Hi Karen, I'd like you to meet Jan. She's the one who testified before congress just before me."

"Yes, pleased to meet you. I watched every word. I'm guessing you lost your job."

"Yes, I don't mean to put you out or anything, Phyllis asked me here. If it's too much trouble I can live somewhere else."

"You'll do nothing of the sort, a friend of Phyl's is a friend of mine."

At about this point she morphed into the man I'd left two days ago.

"Excuse me while I change my clothes."

"See, I knew he'd like you."

"We'll see, I don't want to come between the two of you."

Kevin came back dressed in jeans and t-shirt.

"Hi, Jan was it?"


"Jan, we'd love to have you stay with us. I take it from the glint in your eyes that you've been intimate with Phyl? I gather from your testimony that you're probably pregnant. I'm guessing Phyl is also."

"Probably, she doesn't change when she's placed in the dominant role."

"Hmmm, that means we need to prepare for children. Probably everyone else is also. The stock for baby products went through the roof after your testimony."

"Not surprised."

"Jan, do you love Phyllis?"

"Yes, I love her very much."

"Phyllis, do you love Jan?"

"Yes, Kevin I do."

"Enough to leave me for her?"

Tears came to my eyes. "I hoped it wouldn't come to that. We discussed it and I hoped we could share you." I sat on the floor and cried. "I love you both!"

"It won't come to that, I just wanted to be sure."

"You animal!" I cried some more and hugged him. He picked me up off the floor and sat me on the couch. He kissed me and wiped my tears. Jan didn't know what to do. Eventually we talked.

We talked some about the virus and some of the implications we'd discussed yesterday. And we talked some about us. Eventually it was bedtime. We snuggled around Kevin three in a bed and fell asleep - no sex, we were still getting used to the situation. Time for that another day. Polygamy was going to be another constant in our lives. Harems are going to be common place. As long as it's Kevin. I'd hate for him to be dominated and become part of someone else's harem.

"Kevin, when did you get those guns?"

"Yesterday, they're insurance. I don't plan on being in someone else's harem. I find I like being sultan."

It's strange how things happen. Not an hour later there was a knock on the door. When Kevin opened it, there was a big man with an AK-47.

"Gimme your girls and no-one gets hurt."


"Gimme your fuckin' girls!"

""You mean with 6.5 Billion people on this planet and 99.5% girls you can't find one of your own?"

He moved to fire his weapon, Jan blew his head off with the shotgun.

"Oh, Yuck!" was all I managed to say. Fortunately he fell back down the steps into the rain. Kevin pulled his leather jacket over his face and dragged him to the car.

"What are you going to do with him." I asked.

"You'll see."

Jan got his wallet out of his pocket.

"See who he was." I said.

"Tom Somebody."

"We should see if he had other women."

You're right, bring a gun each." Said Kevin.

We all got into the van. We drove a ways and along the side of the road there was a place where a tree service left it's equipment along side the road. I guess they didn't want to work any more when the job supervisor told them what to do and all of them turned to women.

Kevin pulled to a stop, put on some gloves, turned on the chipper and stuffed the body into it. There was the usual bwaaaap as he went through. Kevin turned off the machine.

"Got to go." He said as he jumped into the van. "Now, where did he live?"

We got there in no time. He must have been watching us before he knocked on our door. We watched a while. The house looked empty. The door was locked but the window opened easily enough. When we got in the place smelled of shit and pee.

"Whoah!" we all exclaimed.

Hello, anybody here?"

There were cries of "Help" from everywhere. We went around unlocking doors and letting women out. Eventually we found 58 of them in various states of health and dress.

"Where's Tom?" one asked.

"He's dead. He tried to add us to his harem."

"Thank God!" she said.

Kevin added. Now that you're free you can return to your lives or join the three of us. It's your choice. There are a couple vans in the garage. I imagine they'll take you wherever you want to go. They all gave us big hugs and lots of thanks. Most of them left, fourteen stayed.

"How many of you were born male?"

Eleven raised their hands.

"How many are pregnant?"

The same eleven raised their hands.

"You there, the naturals, on birth control?"

Two said yes, the other said she just had her period and hadn't been raped since then.

"OK, good. We take what we can use, no they'll say we're thieves if we do. Take only what's yours."

They had very little. They found a closet of their purses and were able to sort out their ID's and other stuff. We could hardly fit them all into our van. It was like a clown car but more serious.

When we got home, the rain had washed away all the blood.

"Everyone gets a shower, then we try to find clothes for all of you."

A couple hours later, and several loads of laundry everyone was fed showered and clothed. We took them seven at a time to buy what they needed. Meanwhile the others checked with their families to let them know they were all right. We had a huge dinner, found them all places to sleep and then had a house meeting.

"Hi, my name is Kevin, this is Phyllis, this is Jan. I was born with ovaries. I've been married to my husband Phil here for eleven years. We both changed because of the virus. Jan here helped develop the virus and testified before congress yesterday to describe the events that led up to this. My husband - now wife - testified right after Jan about how our civilization is likely to deal with this crisis. Jan and Phyllis have been lovers for a couple days now. I was just getting used to the idea when all of you came along."

"I'll be blunt. I don't know any of you from a hole in the ground. I want to know more about you, I need to know who you are and what you did for a living if we're to trust you and perhaps in time have you as family. So, let's start with you."

Name, origin, height, hair color, age, occupation Marsha, mtf, 5'2", long blond, 25, stock broker Michelle mtf 5'0" brown, 30, teacher Jane, f, 5'0" brown, 35, chemist Colleen, f 5'10" red, 28, daycare Joan f 5'4" brown, 30, math teacher over weight Joan mtf 5'8" brown, 29, police Candy, mtf, 5'0" blond, 35 office middle mgt. Holly, mtf, 5'3" red, 18, topless dancer Andy, mtf, 5'6" brown, 24, office work Jen, mtf, 5'6" blond, 30 office work Maxine, mtf, 5'8" blond 19 college student Jean mtf, 4'8" brown 19 college student Aisha mtf, 5'9" black, 36 floor mgr. store, negro Kelly, mtf, 5'5" red, 28 nurse, over weight

"Wow! There's a lot of you to know. I'm horrible with names but I'll try to remember them all as soon as possible. As I'm sure you guessed by the house, this isn't a rich family. Phyl works in an office, I work as a mechanical engineer for a local company that will probably go out of business soon as there aren't a lot of men any more who will buy our products. Phyl's job is to give my boss ideas of what women want and need, especially the ones who used to be men but now think like women. If we can keep ahead of the curve we'll do all right. If not?"

"So, If you still have jobs you need to continue. If you don't you need to find employment - soon. Most of you are pregnant. This means there will be thirteen babies in eight months. As some of you may have guessed, civilization will almost collapse when two billion babies will be born in one month. This will add one third more population to the planet. All this at a time when two thirds of the planet will be unemployed for child birth and care or as children. We need to prepare for this. Stock pile, get ready for when civilization collapses as we expect it will."

"My grandfather left me a large cabin in the Adirondacks of NY. It's a bit hard to get to but this should be to our advantage. Tomorrow is Friday. That will give us a chance to buy supplies and take some of you to fix it up. Are there any questions?"

"Yes, say your name so I'll remember."

"Colleen, does day care count as work?"

"For the moment there are no children in this house so you'll need an out side job. But, yes, once the children arrive your services will be in great demand, as will the nurse and teachers in a few years. Yes?"

"I'll be blunt. Will we be able to share that cock of yours?"

"Short term, no. Look at the logistics. There are sixteen of you and one of me. Two per night is an eighteen day rotation. Also don't forget, I was raised a woman. I find the idea of sleeping around unsettling. I imagine as I get to know you I'll be more willing to play. In the meantime, visit the local sex shop and see if they have anything you like for sale. Yes?"

"Aisha, do we have to stay with you? What if we find another man.?"

No you can leave anytime you want but this is a community. Once you add your assets to the community, taking them away at the last moment hurts us all and won't be permitted. Also if someone decides not to work or not to pool at least half her resources then you'll be expelled. We can't afford freeloaders. Think hard if you want to join. I'm already adding my family assets, you should as well. I want this to work. See my point? Fair enough?"

Now then, We've all had showers, Phyl set up a rotation of chores. Tomorrow we'll find who has..."

There was a knock on the door. Jan answered it, there was a female officer at the door.

"Is there a Karen G here?"

"Yes, I go by the name of Kevin now."

"Be that as it may, a van registered to you was seen at the residence of Tom R."

"It might have been, what of it."

A missing person report has been filed. The residence looks like it was used to keep slaves. Do you know anything about this?"

At this point Joan spoke up.

"Sandra, do you remember John A? He used to work with you on some occasions."

. "Yes, I remember him well, he is an excellent officer."

"I was he. I'm Joan now."

"Wow, you did well for yourself. But what does that have to do with Tom R?"

"Tom was a serial rapist and kidnapper. He has 58 women locked up in his house and raped us all on a regular basis. If you want details I'll be happy to do so under oath. Apparently he tried to kidnap these three occupants of this house and tried to turn Kevin into a woman. He was shot in the attempt as an act of self defense."

"Is this true?" she asked Kevin.


We don't have enough manpower to deal with what we have. Sounds like case closed on this one."

"Thank you officer."

"No problem. Joan, if you want your job back we need you. Gang violence is way down. It seems women use other ways to display themselves and the hookers are out of jobs but there is other stuff to do. I feel a war coming and I expect we'll need everyone we can get as society falls apart. Take care of yourselves and Joan, see you in the morning."

Kevin closed the door and slumped to the floor. "Damn that was close. I wondered if we'd get away with that. Joan you earned your keep for the year. It's getting late. I vote we all get some sleep."

"Do we get a vote?"

"Of course you do. This will work best if I'm the benevolent dictator. I need your input to make good decisions. Your vote matters to me."

As he talked, Jan and I slipped away to the master bedroom. We changed into our night shirts and crawled into bed. I love my own bed. A bit later Kevin came in.

"Already in bed I see. May I join you?"

"Of course but take off those silly clothes."

Just thinking about making love to my man made me wet. Kevin's clothes dropped to the floor. His erection stood hard and proud, I know he's made love to me before but I still find it hard to imagine him inside me. I remembered the times I was inside her, the feel of my cock in her mouth or sliding into her cunt. I looked up into Kevin's eyes. He kissed me, I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I wanted it, I felt his cock against my thigh and it was all slippery and wet. I positioned him at the entrance to my cunt and thrust up hard impaling him in my cunt. I felt his cock wait there just inside me. Then he sank into me; stretching me, filling me. Then he began to fuck me deep and hard. I thrust back and put my legs around his ass to pull him deep into me. I looked into his eyes. They were so dilated from lust and love. I felt myself sink into his soul. I began coming, my cunt clenched his cock over and over. As I began to calm down from mine, I felt his begin. He thrust deeper into me and his cock twitched inside me as he filled me with his come. A couple more thrusts and he was done. He pulled out of me with a slurp and rolled off me. I turned around to lick his cock clean. I love the flavor of my cunt mixed with come. Mean while, I felt a tongue along my cunt. I assumed it must be Jan. I continued on Kevin while she licked me clean. I was well on my way to another come when Kevin got hard again.

"Please Kevin, fuck me to."


I let him go. Jan lay on her back, I helped his cock find her entrance. Kevin sank balls deep into Jan with one long thrust. I'd never seen others make love in real life. He started slowly. I marveled at the way his cock stretched her labia as he sank into her. I sucked her breasts while she looked into his eyes. In moments she screamed she was coming. Her body jerked and twisted as she came. She calmed and lay back as he continued. She came several times more before he came at last. I could see his cock pulse has he pumped his sperm into her. This time when he pulled out she licked him clean while I licked her clean. She had a last orgasm before we called it quits for the night. When I got up to take a pee and brush my teeth I heard cries of pleasure from the living room. I looked in and counted eleven bodies, all the new women. The natural women probably aren't lesbian. I'll have to talk with Kevin about giving them first dibs. I gently closed the door and crawled into Kevin's free side. He kissed me my usual good night kiss. I felt safe with him near me.

Chapter 5 Breakfast, I noticed there are already clicks. The three natural women are the one's I'm worried about at the moment I sat down next to them with my cup of tea.

"Hi, can I talk to you?"

"Of course."

"I'm gong to guess that none of you are lesbians."

"Got that right."

"As long as no one bothers you do you find the idea offensive?"

"No, but we're tired of being hit on by the guys. You never change. You still look at our boobs, you still grope and you still don't know how to make love to a natural woman. And quite frankly I don't find a woman's body arousing. It does nothing for me."

"Points well taken."

"What I want, no what I Need is a man to love and make love to not just have sex with. I love the taste of a dick and I love the feel of a man's dick in my pussy. Just the thought gets me wet but it's more than that. It's the feel of him with me, the conversations and being cared for and snuggling with him at night and being able to cry on his shoulder when things don't go well during the day. You had a wife, I think you know what I'm talking about. You and Kevin have been together a while and work as a team. I miss not having my husband. When he became a woman, he took off and I haven't seen him since. A vibrator is better than nothing but I need a dick in me once in a while. I want to be with a man who loves me, you know?"

"Actually I do, We're different in a lot of ways. We have a lot to learn about truly being a woman and fitting into our new bodies but I love a hard cock pounding into me as much as you do. As a man I never could have imagined what I just said but that's the point. To a large part we're still men inside. We need you to teach us all the stuff your mom's taught you as little girls. We're just learning how to be girls, let alone being women who will soon be mothers."

"Tell you what, I'll discuss your problem with Kevin. I don't think he'll have too much problem."

I went up stairs to get dressed. As I stood in front of the mirror brushing my hair, Kevin came up behind me, caressed my back and the sides of my breasts. I could feel his hard cock in the crack of my bum. I leaned forward. I moaned as his cock slid into me. I braced myself on the dresser as he fucked me from behind. I looked in the mirror at myself as I got fucked by the man I love. My boobs jiggled and my face and chest were flushed. I could see Kevin's face as he began to come and I watched this woman spasm as she came right after. I had a hard time standing as my body spasms in pleasure. Kevin kept me from falling. I watched this woman in the mirror gasp for breath as she calmed down. I changed focus and could see Jane i the doorway watching us make love. I felt for her loneliness.

"Kevin," I said before Jane could say anything "do you suppose you could have sex with the naturals every once in a while. None of them are lesbian and they feel left out."

"I'll see what I can do, as long as you and they realize you come first."

"Thank you."

I went into the bathroom to clean Kevin's come. When I came out again, Kevin and Jane were kissing. I put on a long dress and stayed on the edge of the closet to watch them. He was gentle as only an ex-woman could be. There were a lot of kisses and caresses. After what seemed like a while, she asked him to make love to her.

"Please, make love to me, I want to feel your dick inside me."

She lay on the bed and raised her dress. He entered her slowly, much as he had with Jan last night. They fucked for almost an hour and she came several times before he did. I noticed several faces disappear from the doorway as they stopped. They rested a while and then separated. She hugged him, kissed him and then thanked him. She blew me a kiss as she left. Her dress fell around her as she got up. She hadn't even undressed. I licked Kevin clean. I could smell and taste her cunt on his cock. I kissed him.

"Kevin, you've come 4x in the last twelve hours, can you keep this up? I never could."

"You know? I was wondering that myself. It seems that while I can't have continuous orgasms the way a woman does, if I rest between them I can have as many orgasms as I want to."

"You mean you could fuck us all in one day and come each time?"

"Maybe, I'd like to try, soon. In the mean time we've a lot of work to do."

When we came down stairs most of the women were gone, back to their old jobs or looking for new.

I went back to mine. There were congratulations all around for my testimony before congress. I held a meeting to discuss Jan's ideas about world pregnancy, end of civilization, harems etc. We spent the rest of the afternoon discussing scenarios and how to prepare for them. There were a lot of new ideas.

On the way home Kevin called me on my cell to have me stop at the grocery to get all sorts of things. Aside from groceries for seventeen, I also bought them out of diapers in all sizes, baby toys, blankets, meds of all kinds, tissues, tp, toiletries, pads, tampons etc. Then another store for all sorts of maternity clothes. It came to a LOT of money, more than I was expecting. I'm glad my Visa has a large limit and can spread the bill between seventeen people. I also bought perfume, make-up and stuff I'm still learning to use and a bunch of condoms. After this baby comes I don't think I want to get pregnant right away and who knows if birth control pills will be available after. I'm sure I forgot something but we have time yet.

When I got home I found we had two more refrigerators, more washer/dryers, 2 chest freezers, lots of canning jars, a generator, bunk beds and sheets for 30.

"Does the cabin have enough electricity, water, sewerage, etc to deal with 28 bodies including kids?"

"Not yet, it's on the agenda. I've already placed calls to upgrade the cabin to 40. We'll have to add another building and maybe more to come in the future."

We all sat down to spaghetti and salad for dinner and discussed the day's events.

All were glad to see their families and most were still employed with their old jobs. Only Marsha, Holly, Max ands Jean weren't able to keep their old jobs. Max and Jean get new jobs at a local restaurant. Marsha got a new job as stock broker for a company focused on gender issues. Holly was beside herself. The sex industry was in a definite slump due to a lack of clients and a surplus of women. She decided to buy a shop of sex toys. The video collection was mostly useless but the feminine toys were selling like hot cakes. She gave the family a call and told the family they could buy at cost. Many took her up on the offer, especially for the strap-ons.

Chapter 6

Four months later and we're all five months pregnant, well almost. All seventeen are still part of the family. We spent the summer rebuilding the cabin. It already had ten bedrooms, a living area, dining room, kitchen, play area, computer room but built in the 1890's. Everything was upgraded to deal comfortably with 40 people as well as be used all winter. We bought lots of fire wood. We didn't expect electricity to be reliable and have a big generator just in case.

We decided to take our vacations together starting August 1. It is now September vacation is over and we're beginning to look like a bunch of beached whales on the dock. Our boobs are bigger and we definitely show. Most of all we're now family. The three natural women still enjoy sex with Kevin on a regular basis and usually together. Aisha generally prefers to use a strap on dildo as a cock I must admit it was a blast to watch Kevin's face as she fucked him in the ass while he fucked me. I remember as a woman she (Karen) wasn't fond of anal sex when I suggested it. But for some reason he accepts it now. Maybe it's because some of us genuinely like it, as I do. When Kevin fucks my ass and Aisha fucks my cunt my body goes into over load and I come and come. As a man I tried using a dildo in my ass once because Karen wanted me to know how it felt. I liked it at first but after I came I didn't enjoy it any more. Now, I can go for hours with a cock in my butt and I go from orgasm to orgasm.

The new women enjoy all variety of sex: dildos, top/bottom, oral, anal, all new, all still fun. The natural women still prefer a hard dick although they are becoming more comfortable with Aisha and her strap-on, especially from the rear. I expect they imagine its Kevin.

Me, I still love the taste of come and the feel of Kevin's hard cock thrusting into my cunt, ass, throat, all of the above. I love him and I enjoy making love to him at least once a day even if he spends most of his time with the others.

Later that evening, Kevin had another house meeting.

"August was for fun. However, its Labor Day. We need to move all our stuff up here. I've rented U-Haul trucks to move the big stuff and all their boxes you girls packed. Tomorrow we go back to make sure you have everything you'll need here. You must plan on working to the last minute but don't count on anything after November 15. There will be who knows how many early term pregnancies. So, plan on being her by November 6. Any questions?"

Jane spoke, "I'm speaking for Colleen and Joan. We've thought about it a lot. We've decided we want to have your children as well."

"Don't you think there will be enough children on the planet in four months?"

"I'm sure there will be but the three of us want to have yours. To tell you the truth we feel a bit left out by you posers. We stopped taking out pills three weeks ago when our periods began."

"I wondered why the three of you stopped having vaginal intercourse with me, you seemed to spend your time with the others."

"Well yes, They've become more used to being women and are more patient with us so we've become to enjoy lesbian sex. It's not something I would have considered before but it has become the norm, not only here but every where. Even our old natural women have become lesbians if only for lack of men. We tried it among ourselves first, found we liked it more than we expected (yes Phyllis, I'll give you all the details sometime soon.) and then we tried it with the rest of you. Kevin, we love it when you fuck us in the ass but right now we want to carry your children. We'll be ovulating sometime in tonight or tomorrow. So don't take too long thinking about it."

"Now why would I do that. Come here, the three of you." Kevin kissed them all and led them to the bedroom and lay them on his bed. They took of their clothes and held each other's hand. Kevin sat between them, caressing them and kissing them. They returned his caresses. Jane licked his cock and sucked the whole thing into her mouth. After a minute or so he lay her back. She reached up to pull her close. Joan positioned his cock at the entrance to her vagina. He sank into her slowly until he was balls deep into her. He waited a few seconds then he began slow deep thrusts into her.. The others caressed them both. She came before he did, her body convulsed with her pleasure. Then he came deep inside her. From behind we could see his cock pulse as his sperm pumped into her. When he rolled off, Joan licked him clean until he became hard again. Then she positioned herself over him and sank down on his cock. She gasped with pleasure and then rode him like a stallion. She screamed a couple of timers. He rolled her over as she lost her rhythm. He pounded hard until he came again. Her screams and grunts subsided. Colleen was last. She licked and sucked on his cock and then she lay back. Kevin played with her for a while. Finally he was hard and he entered her as with the others. She giggled a lot but her giggles quickly became gasps and screams as she came several times. She held him tight as Kevin pumped a load of semen into her. When he stopped, she hugged him again and burst into tears that wouldn't stop. Eventually she was able to say "My mother would be so proud. She always wanted me to find a man and settle down and start a family. You've done all that for me and more. I'm so honored to be part of your family and carry your baby. I love you so much it hurts."

"Relax Colleen, we're here and we're not going away. By the way girls, not every egg 'takes' the first time. I prescribe repeat vaginal semen injections tomorrow morning and evening. To be repeated as often as desired after that. Save your birth control pills for some other time."

They all giggled

"Yes Kevin."

Chapter 7

Some further developments of society, polygamy was made legal in July. September 1 we all became legally married to Kevin. Interestingly polyandry is still illegal, probably because biologically it is no longer possible. Also it appears that most pregnancies produce only male children. Presumably most will turn female at puberty. Most natural boys are already doing so and a few girls are like Kevin, becoming male. It also appears that once a woman becomes pregnant (since being infected by the virus) she is permanently female. Even those who have miscarriages or choose abortions and they have a stronger sex drive after such tragedies. A few have chosen female to male gender reassignment. While this works on the surface, no women are attracted to them. Unless they satisfy each other they are very lonely. Usually after a few months they choose to give up their male hormones and become mothers if they have not yet undergone surgery.

Violent crimes of all sorts are dramatically down as are violent accidents. It appears that expectant mothers are not risk takers. While they are willing to defend their territory against one and all, they are not looking to take someone else's.

War has virtually ceased. Only the commanders are male. Their subordinates quickly became pregnant in the early days of the war and are unwilling to fight.

With the CEO of Gengen dead, the company was disincorporated and the assets taken over by the government and the facilities incinerated in an attempt to prevent other viruses from evolving and spreading. Genetic manipulation of mammal genes was made illegal. Patents involving genetic manipulation were declared void.

This effort was only a partial success. Around Thanksgiving a rapid spreading plague went through the human population. About 80% were susceptible, with 50% mortality. Once exposed, if one survived, one was immune. So many mothers eight or nine months pregnant dead of a plague was heart breaking. We all got sick, and our family lost eight: Marsha, Joan, Joan, Candy, Holly, Aisha, Andy and Jen. Kevin had to use the back hoe to dig a mass grave. That left nine in our family. I thought I was all cried out but typing this brought this back again. We cried for a week or so, then it was the world's due date and we were too busy. Jane, Colleen, and Kevin kept our world together for us. Jan's baby came first, then the other five of us the day after. It was somewhat comical, somewhat terrifying to have 6 home births far from a hospital. The reality was that we were better off than most. Kevin planned well. Most of the world had their babies during a three-day period. This meant that there was no one to run the infrastructure. The hospitals were closed as were the police, fire, electric company, you name it. Everyone was having her baby at home. Many had no one to help, not even relatives. A prayer of thanks needs to be said for the grandmothers and natural women of the world who collectively saved billions of lives. Without their knowledge and assistance so many would have died.

Chapter 8 We were all in the same room to commiserate and keep each other company. We got through it, I got through it. I don't remember much except the unreal pain. We had nothing except Tylenol for the pain. I remember being somewhat surprised how quickly we all had our babies. They each took between one to five hours. Mine took only two hors. My water burst, ran down my legs and left a puddle on the floor. I felt a severe contraction right after that. The next was twenty minutes, then fifteen minutes, then ten for a while then much closer together. We all practiced Lamaze at the hospital before we moved north. It helped some. I squeezed Kevin's hand so hard, poor Kevin. Then the baby started to come and it felt like I was pushing a melon through my tiny vagina. And then there was a beautiful boy, wet, shiny, pink. They wiped him clean, cut the cord and lay him on my breast. The after birth was minor. I'm not sure who cleaned me up. I was too intent on the beautiful blue eyes looking up at me. I named him John after my grandfather He'll have to pick a new name when she reaches puberty and becomes female. It is so rare when a boy stays male, maybe 1 in 50, so much decided before he reaches twelve. The competition is terrible. There is a lot of name calling and bullying: girlie boy, I'll make you my wife, etc. What's really terrible is when a girl stands up to the boys and the whole class of boys including the bullies become girls. There's nothing the parents can do. The children have to work this out themselves. It does crush many boy's egos. My son has about twelve more years before he has to learn to accept being a woman. In the mean time, we took pleasure suckling our children as the snow fell outside shutting us off from the world. Only the naturals who were using birth control didn't have children with the rest of us. They're running the world now. For the next month Kevin will have to limit his sex to Jan and Colleen. The rest of us are still healing.

I know the stereotype of mothers never get any sleep. Multiply that by six. They eat, sleep and poop in that order every half hour at first. I finish feeding John, get a little nap while he sleeps and then someone cries waking the rest up and then we change diapers breast feed our sons and repeat the cycle. At least we have someone grown up to talk to. This is so much better than many sub urban wives of our mother's age.

I must say that watching a woman suckle her child is very arousing. Breast my own often makes me come. After about a week my milk really began to flow.. At one point I had to lean over Jan to get something. We hardly ever wear tops as we breast feed so often. Jan couldn't pass up an opportunity and lifted her head, grasped my nipple with her mouth and sucked. I felt my let down reflex go and felt my milk flow out of me. She gave a quiet moan of surprise and kept suckling. My milk flowed fast until I was empty on that side. Jan started on my other breast.

"Wait, what about John, there'll be nothing for him."

"I'll feed him. In a couple hours you'll refill and can feed Seth."

I felt her begin my other breast. Soon, that one was empty as well. Jan licked her lips and was just saying "That was good." When a loud burp came from her mouth. Excuse me!" she said "Somebody must have patted my back.."

I giggled hilariously. Fortunately I didn't wake anyone's baby. We did start a trend though. We started taking turns between suckling each other and our babies. With a little help from Jan's fingers I came very quickly. It wasn't long before we were occasionally feeding Kevin, Jane and Colleen as well.

The satisfaction of being a mother and suckling my son gives me a feeling of such strong contentment I can't explain it. Maybe it was the virus but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Chapter 9

A year of changes have gone by, some good, some bad. Society keeps changing. Not sure when it will end. We don't know if it is the virus or not but despite Kevin telling us all to use birth control we all decided to stop using it at the same time. Apparently, so did the whole world. We all slept with Kevin at the same time. This is something we often do. Some how he is able to come again and again with minimal rests in between. There have been times when he has filled each of us with his come four or five times in a night. We heard on the TV that this has become common among men. We all became pregnant the same day. Our due date is mid March. Once again there'll be no one to take care of us as we'll all be in labor at once. It does raise the mortality rate a bit but those of us who transitioned to women seem to have a much easier time giving birth. Considering the grand scheme a higher mortality rate isn't a bad thing but horrible on a personal level. More ominously though, the virus continues to mutate every so often. The mortality is dropping each time but still is near 25%. World population is down to 1 billion. Fortunately our house hasn't had any more deaths although most of us have been sick. We're currently at ten children, we have a large farm that grows most of our produce, meat and other stuff that we can trade. There are more world resources now that the population is down but availability depends on world pregnancy timing.

As it is in our sheltered world we're happy here. Some of us run the farm, some work outside, two of us provide day care and we all share the work. Most of us take time off for breast feeding as we work.

There have been occasions when we had squirt fights with out breast milk. We had great fun and then back to the task on hand. Occasionally Kevin wants a drink of fresh milk. This always makes me hot.

Life goes on, we're still not sure how society will evolve. T seems unreal to think of myself as a man. Haven't I always been a woman?

We Cherish our little boys to soon to become teen age girls. There's quite a market for boy's toy's and teen girl magazines and clothes.

Time to go, K has been kissing my ears and neck. I can hardly pay attention and my pussy is dripping in anticipation of his hard cock entering me.

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