Laceys World

By Lacey

Published on Mar 23, 2003


Over the last few days I have been talking with my friends at #Niftygirls, and although nearly all have enthused about my writings, several have voiced bad opinions about underage sex. So I want to point out quite clearly that I did not go looking for what happened, it just happened. Life can be like that sometimes. And subsequently I have never gone out of my way to be involved in underage sex. I think the problem is that our reactions are basically chemical, and if someone pushes the right buttons, we react. They say that a man thinks with his dick, and I have found that to be true. I don't know what the female version of it would be, but I'm sure that the same rules apply. So if the subject matter has upset you, I'm sorry, but I am describing real events that did take place, and reality has a habit of not being nice.

Remember folks, (1) Only the names have been changed to protect the people described, but if you see yourself here, "Hi there!"

(2) The following contains adult subject matter and strong language. If you may be offended by it, go away, don't read it, you don't have to.

(3) No animals were hurt in the making of this document.

(4) I believe in the Easter Bunny.

Important info for masturbaters. If you are looking for 'wham-bam' sex scenes, scroll into the doc a bit as the first few pages are description and I don't want you to get bored. - Don't say I didn't tell you. :)

Chapter Five. Meeting Angie.

I have got to say that meeting Angie was a milestone in my life. There are two main reasons why. Firstly my spellchecker keeps changing millstone to milestone, (ho,ho!). Secondly we are still together today, and we love each other to bits. We met because fate decreed it. Readers of my first chapter will know that I am a club dancer in London, and to do this I travel on the London Underground railway system. Built by the Victorians it has never progressed into the 21st century. Travelling after seven to get into the City, I miss the rush hour traffic which is flowing the other way, so the carriages are almost empty. It is quite surreal seeing all the people crowding on the platforms across the tracks, and climbing aboard an almost empty train. I had joined an agent who sent her girls to different clubs each time they worked. The clubs did have regular dancers as well, but we were the 'variety' to the menu. Although this may sound a bit strange, it was good for us, as we did not get bored, and good for the customers, as they did not always see the same boring butts every night, and believe me, the clubs do have regular customers. So each work date there would be different dancers meeting up. Sometimes I would be sent to three or more clubs in an evening, travelling by taxi between the clubs. About three weeks after the events described in chapter four, I was travelling to work when I happened to look up from my book and notice opposite me a girl about six or so years younger than me. She also had a largish sports bag and very pretty facial bone structure. I immediately took her to be a photographic model, or catwalker for fashion. She just had that image and an aura of confidence about her. I was looking at her when our eyes met and I gave a nod and a smile. She looked through me and her eyes went to one of the many adverts plastered onto the walls of the carriage. There was no spark, no nothing from her. I felt as though I did not exist in her world. I went back to reading my book and that was that. The next night I climbed onto the train and she joined at the next station. The same things happened as previously. Our eyes met, and she killed me stone dead where I sat. I must admit to feeling a bit angry. Living in a city full of people can be a lonely experience, as the people don't talk to each other or have any contact. I was feeling very lonely at that time. I had been living in the suburbs for some months and had made hardly any friends. I just folded myself back into my book, and we ignored each other again. And this is where fate steps in. The third night, she got into my carriage, on my train, going my way, again! I think the odds against that are impossible. I was running late, and had just missed the previous train because of an officious underground ticket checker at the entrance wanting to inspect my underground season ticket in minutiae, his lips moving as he read each word as though he had never seen one before. I had heard the train approaching and tried to hurry him, but he would not go any faster than tortoise speed. By the time he handed my ticket back with a gesture that showed I could pass him now, the train doors were closing, and I was not in the best of humour. I sat in the next train when it arrived 10 minutes later and half-concentrated on my book. At the next stop she got in. I watched as she sat down opposite me. She was wearing a short skirt and a loose, baggy pullover top. After my treatment with the inspector, it was me who was the ice-maiden tonight. My eyes flicked back to my book and there they stayed for the rest of the journey. We both got out at the same station carrying our sports bags, and she followed me as I went up the escalators and left the station for the night streets. I had been sent to a club that I did not normally go to, but apparently several of the dancers had phoned in sick, and management wanted temporary replacements. My agent had said on the phone that it was not the usual standard of club I was used to. I normally worked the gaming clubs which have dancers for client entertainment, 'eye dressing' as one manager had put it. The club I was going to was a straight strip club, clean and well run, but no gambling. The clients were just there to see naked butt, and I was to get the same money as usual, so what the hell! On arriving I was shown a small dressing room, and given my schedule. I was to dance three times that evening, and then I could go home. I hung up the two costumes I had brought with me and set to fixing my face and body make-up. I had not been in there more than five minutes when another dancer opened the door and entered. To say we were cramped would be an understatement. It was more a broom cupboard than a dressing room, but was set up for two to use, back to back. I was concentrating on my face as the other unpacked her things and sat down. As any girl knows, make-up becomes habit, but needs concentration, so I was only seeing me, and not anything else. The other girl stood up and started to take off her clothes, hanging them on the rail at the far end, next to my things. It was then that her elbow hit my head, and the eyebrow I was working on took a turn for the worse. I turned to look at this menace, to find a lovely young girl, topless, nice tits, wearing minuscule white pants looking back at me. It was her, the girl on the tube train, ice-maiden! " God I'm so sorry," she said. "I don't know what's the matter with me today." And then I saw tears at the side of her eyes. "Oh shit! I don't think I can do this any more!" and with that she sat back down on her chair and looked at herself in the classic make-up mirror with small lights round it. "Anything you can talk about?" I asked. She just shook her head, and I could see in the mirror that her lips were pursed. She was desperately trying to hold herself together. "Man trouble?" I prompted softly. "No! Definitely not that!" she answered, and then gave a little smile and turned to me. " I um, I don't err, um. I'm not..." she stammered. "Don't like men?" I asked. "No it's not that" she said, the words coming out far too quickly. "I just don't seem to be able to....." and again her lips pursed as she fought to stop herself breaking up. She wiped tears out of her eyes, smudging her liner. "And today my landlord told me........" This time she broke down, sobbing into her folded arms on the table infront of her. I stood up and turned, then knelt beside her and put my arm round her shoulders. "How much do you owe him?" I asked. "At first I was Ok. But then the rent went up.....and now he wants to......" and more tears arrived. She was telling an old story. Pretty girl, looking for a flat, is offered one for a low rent, which is put up after a couple of months. Take it or leave it. Or we can come to an arrangement, just drop your knickers for me, and my friends every now and then. Bastards! "Its Ok," I said, "Stay with me until you find somewhere better. No strings. No problem." I felt her tense up. She obviously thought this was a come-on again. "You can leave when you want. And I want no rent, no favours, nothing. Just buy your food and keep the place clean as you find it." Then I leaned forward and kissed her on her cheek. "Dry your tears. You look like shit warmed up." She turned to me and saw I was smiling at her. She gave a weak smile back. I kissed her again, this time on her lips. I felt her push onto mine as she kissed back. Reality went into slow motion as we embraced and kissed. We fed each other's hunger, stoked the fires, and lost the world in the swirling heat of sharing the moment together. A rap on the door and a male voice calling "Lacey in ten," brought reality back. "Fuck" I said as I went into dressing mode. I stood up and stripped off in one easy motion. She helped me as I climbed into the small pieces that was my costume, and stood beside me as I slapped on the rest of my face. It was only when all was done I turned and looked up at her. "My name's Lacey," I said. "Obviously," she smiled. "And mine is Angie, well.... its Angel here."

I danced my spot and came back to the dressing room. Angie was not around, so I went looking for her. I was in the corridor when she came out of the toilet. She was stunning, now in her costume, with her make-up done and eyes sparkling. "Showtime!" she hissed as she whizzed past me to get to the stage. I watched from the small wing. She was amazing. I was captivated.

When we had finished at the Club, I suggested that we pick up her things for the night, and that she came and stayed that night at my place. If she felt comfortable she would be able to get the rest of her things and move in. Soon we were back in my flat. She followed me round like a lost lamb, as I showed her the kitchen, lounge and her bedroom and toilet facilities. We sat talking for quite some time over coffee after coffee, and then I said that I had to go to bed, as it had been a long day. I stood up and leaned over her as she sat on the sofa and gave her a good night kiss. As I drew apart she sat more and more upright, so as to maintain the union of our lips. I leaned on the back of the sofa to support myself, and her tongue snaked into my mouth. Her hands reached up and cradled my face as she kissed me. This was more than a friendly peck. I pulled away and caught my breath with a smile. She looked up at me and I could see the question mark in her eyes. "There's one room you haven't seen yet," I said, and walked over to my shut bedroom door. I opened the door and stood beside it. She came over to me and again we kissed, slowly, deeply, before she walked through the portal. As her eyes cast round the room, I could see and hear the little intake of breath as she saw my shelf of toys over my bed. She looked back over her shoulder and licked her top lip. "I can see things could get kinda busy in here," she said. "If you let it," I replied. "Hmmmm! I think I like this place a lot, Lacey," she said as she turned and sat down on the bed. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the jamb, and watched her kick off her shoes. She flopped back onto the bed, with her feet still on the floor. Her short skirt rode up showing her light blue knickers, which outlined the lips of her slit. She lifted her legs and bent her knees. Her hands went to her knickers and she pulled them off her bottom and round the 'z' of her legs. She threw the knickers to the floor, and supported her knees as they pressed onto her breasts. I was presented with the beautiful spectacle of her puffy cunt and brown arsehole. "Fuck me with one of those," she asked, and lifted her head to look at me along her legs, between her feet. I made the few steps it took to be next to her and dropped to my knees. My hands spread her cunt lips and I licked her from anus to clit, tasting all of her, whilst savouring her musky aroma. I could feel my own knickers were wet. I gave her another slow lick and then stood up. In no seconds flat I was naked and kneeling again. One of my hands held her open whilst my tongue worked her over, whilst the other frigged my own hole and clit. My tongue probed her vaginal entrance and anus, as I pushed my mouth onto her labia. My face became awash with her juices and my saliva. I flicked at her clitoris, hiding at the apex of her gash. And all the while I knelt with my knees apart, rubbing and squeezing my bald puss, whilst she made little mewing sounds or told me I was right on it. Finally she said "Enough," and I pulled away, to let her sit up. She stood infront of me and took off her skirt, top and bra. I had already seen her naked, but somehow this was different. This was just for me. I leaned forward and kissed her close cropped puss hairs. Her hands went to my head and she held me there a second before gently pulling me off. I looked up at her looking down at me. "I need one of your cocks. I need you to fuck me hard. I want your stiff inside me," she said. I stood up and we kissed again, our tongues snaking between us. 'Swapping saliva' I discovered later is what she called it. "Which one would you like?" I asked her and she turned to the shelf. "This one," she said picking a black 10-inch, which had a reasonable thickness to it, and was made of hard plastic, ribbed with veins, and had a bulbous mushroom for a head, with big balls at the base. She watched as I stepped into the harness and tightened the straps. I gave her the tube of KY and she applied some to the shaft, before turning round and bending at the waist, so she could lean on the bed, giving me her luscious bottom to look at. I took hold of the cock and guided it to her engorged, puffy lips. I stroked up and down the slit a couple of times then held it to her hole. I slight push and I was in. She sighed as I slipped in and out, going deeper with each stroke. A series of "Yes, yes, yes," matched each of my thrusts. I watched as the black cock slipped in and out of her. I took hold of her hips and started to slam it right up into her. "Oh God! Yes! Harder!" she hissed at me, pushing back as I pushed into her. The base plate of the strap-on slammed against my erect clit as I banged it right to the balls, lifting at the end of the stroke so they rubbed her clit as well. I saw she had handfuls of the bedding and she was almost crying her comments to me. I reached up to the shelf and managed to get hold of a vibrator that had a thin rubber probe to it. I licked it, and poked it into her brown ring. It disappeared lump by lump until all 6 inches were inside her. I twisted the end and turned the vibe on. She cried out as I fucked both her holes, pulling out on the anal probe as I went in with the black cock. Within a few minutes she was cumming, jerking on the end of my plastic cock, sucking in air and almost yelling incoherently. Then she suddenly flopped forward onto the bed, slipping off my strap-on, and pulling the probe out of my hand. She lay there gasping on her front, the probe still sticking out of her bottom for a minute and then she reached round and pulled it out, to lie on her side slightly curled up, holding it like a candle. I took it from her and turned it off. She had a dreamlike look to her as I kissed her. She was distant, and her movements were slow. Her arm came round my shoulders and she pulled me to her. I lay on the bed facing her and we shared several minutes together. When we broke she sat up on one elbow. "Now it's my turn with you," she said with a smile. She reached down and undid the straps, and removed the toy from my hips. I looked at her as she concentrated on what she was doing. "You can tell me if you don't want to," I paused and then the next bit came out rather quickly, " but I want you to fuck me in the ass." She looked up at me and smiled. "OK. which one do you want?" was her nonchalant reply as she looked up at the shelf again. "The blue one, and I'll be back in a minute," I answered, and went into my en-suite toilet. I was sitting on the loo giving myself an enema when she came in. My favourite blue dildo was waving from side to side at her front as she walked. She sat on the edge of the bath as I finished what I was doing, and watched as I had a quick shower to freshen myself completely. "I can't stand not being clean when I have anal sex," I said, feeling a bit self-conscious. She nodded. "I'm just the same. We seem to have sooo much in common, Lace," she said, and followed me out into my bedroom again. She used the tube of KY again as I knelt on the bed on all fours. I felt her apply some of the lube to my ring with her fingers and then I felt the tip of the dildo at my rear entrance. I relaxed and she gently pushed it in past the muscle, then waited whilst I grew used to its size. I knew that she had done this before by the way she was doing it now for me. Then she started a slow stroke, pushing and pulling the blue cock in and out of my ass. At my instruction she went deeper, faster and harder, until she was banging away just as I had done to her earlier. My hand was up between my legs stroking my clit, getting more and more frantic as she fucked me. Finally I came; bucking and convulsing as my orgasm ran its course. And then, again, a wonderful shared moment with her, with time standing still for us. A shower for us both, followed by a brandy coffee, and then we went to bed, together. The first time of a relationship that is still continuing. From that start we have always shared, never dominated each other. And we have never got uptight if the other has a relationship with someone else. We have always come back together. We know the other is there all the time, whatever. Our strength is that we don't stifle each other, and we trust. Always we trust.

More to follow another day.........

Next: Chapter 6

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