Labour Camp

By Mat W

Published on Jan 29, 2018


There's about 8 or 9 parts of this story at the moment - I hope you enjoy them!

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Labour camp part 2

The prisoners were led into a shack like that which they had paraded in front of to witness the escapee's beating. It was made of rough wood and attached all around the walls were metal rings in front of each of which were two rough grey blankets. Each ring had above it two books and a small shelf. On one side of the room were standing a row of 4 metal buckets beside each of which hung torn newspapers hanging from a hook. The guards unclipped the chains attaching the prisoners together and uncuffed their hands, looping the cuffs on the opposite ring on their collars to where the gags were hanging. The prisoners were told to line up and make use of the buckets. One of the prisoners, a stocky guy with wiry hair and a big flaccid penis protested, and he was dealt with in exactly the same way as the ginger lad had been; the guard took his leather paddle from his belt, bent the naked prisoner over and applied the paddle hard 10 times to his bare buttocks, making the wiry guy yelp and squirm. "The next one of you scum to make a sound other than 'Yes, Sir' will get 20 swats and 50 pressups. Now, get in line and do your business - you won't get another chance before morning." Reluctantly, the prisoners did as they were told and one by one they squatted over the buckets and urinated and defecated. Chris could see those who were not used to being exposed at all - despite their nudity, they were still very awkward whilst using the buckets, and some seemed to find it really hard to go at all. Once everyone had used the buckets, the prisoners were told to pick a spot around the room and to kneel beside the ring and put their hands on their heads. Everyone wanted to get as far away from the now full buckets as they could, but when the tall black guy jostled a handsome blond lad who looked, from his floppy hair, as if he was 'something in the city', the guard took his paddle and gave the black guy 10 swats. Unlike the others, the black guy took the beating stoically, just grunting quietly when the last couple of seats landed. Chris was unable to take his eyes off the black guy's solid muscular buttocks. When most of the prisoners were kneeling, a door opened at the end of the shack and two prisoners entered. They were both young, probably no more than 20. Both had shaved heads and bodies. One was about 6' 3" and skinny with a very small penis and tiny balls which were shrivelled up against his body. The other was probably average height, but looked short next to his tall companion. He had a bigger penis, which was sticking out straight from his body in slight arousal. Hanging from their nipples was a heavy chain which was attached by what looked like metal crocodile clips to their nipples. As they walked in, Chris could see that both of them had bright red buttocks. They moved to the buckets and as they squatted to pick them up, Chris saw the flat black rubber of a butt plug between each of the prisoner's buttocks. They picked up the buckets, the chains hanging from their nipples rattling slightly as they did so. Walking carefully so as not to spill anything, they carried the buckets out of the door they had come in by. A few moments later, they came back in with empty buckets and replaced them along with replenishing the newspaper hanging beside them. The prisoners were all kneeling beside a ring, and the guards moved among them, removing the gag and cuffs from the collars and hanging them from the hooks above the ring. The short chains were locked into the prisoners' collars at one end and to the ring in the wall at the other. This left just enough leeway for the prisoners to lie down and turn over, but not to do much else. "Right, scum, you had better try and get some sleep, you will be up nice and early tomorrow!" One of the guards flicked a switch and the lights dimmed. Two guards sat in comfortable seats at either side of the shack, as the prisoners tried to find a comfortable position on the hard wooden floor with one blanket underneath them, the other on top and no pillow. Chris was shattered and fell asleep pretty quickly despite the uncomfortable situation. But he was woken by the lights flashing back on full and the guards speaking loudly. Groggily, he looked around and saw the handsome hunk who had been erect during the escapee's beating being dragged from the hut. The lights dimmed again and Chris drifted off again. It only felt as if he had been asleep for a few minutes when he was woken by a klaxon sounding loudly. For a moment he forgot where he was, but trying to sit up and not being able to because of the chain attached to his collar brought his situation back to him all too clearly. The guards moved round the room, unclipping chains and looping gags and cuffs back onto the rings on the prisoners' collars. They lined up to use the buckets again and each was handed a toothbrush with a minute amount of paste on it. After a short while one of the guards instructed them to 'Spit!', and they lined up again to spit the foam out into the full buckets. They were then told to put their brushes on the shelf above where they had slept, to fold their blankets and to kneel again beside them with their hands on their heads. Another klaxon sounded and they were ordered to line up and were marched out of the shack. When they reached the shack from the day before, two lines of men were already lined up, legs apart and hands on heads. Chris could see as he lined up behind them that some of them had cane stripes on their buttocks, others had bright red bottoms from the paddle. A few clearly had plugs inserted in their arses, and one or two had nipple clamps with that heavy chain that the bucket boys had worn the night before. Beside the podium were kneeling 5 prisoners, including the hunk from Chris's hut. They all wore the same kind of ring gag that the attempted escapee had worn the night before. All five had their heads bowed and all were drooling freely. When all the prisoners were lined up, the man in the suit mounted the podium. "Another day dawns, scum. We have 5 miscreants today. Mr Senior, their crimes?" An older guard that Chris had not seen before stepped forward and, putting on his glasses, read from an ipad. "Prisoner Short," the prisoner on the far right stood, burly and tanned with a thick black Bush above a short thick cock, "nocturnal emission" "Any evidence of self-abuse, Mr Senior?" The suited man asked, "No, Sir," the older guard replied. The man in the suit pronounced sentence, "Two days plugged, Mr Senior." The burly man knelt again. "Prisoner Kent," the second prisoner stood, a fat, ugly guy who looked to Chris to be older than the others, "talking back to a guard inappropriately" "That's an east one - an automatic 24 hours in the hole, Mr Senior." The fat guy started to protest, but was grabbed immediately by the biggest of the guards and the inevitable paddle was applied to his already red buttocks before the fat prisoner was pushed back to his knees. The older guard looked again at his ipad, "Prisoner Lesley," the hunk from Chris's hut stood up, "self-abuse, Sir" "To climax, Mr Senior?" "No, Sir, he was caught before he managed to ejaculate." "Hmm," said the man in the suit, "a first offence and newly arrived, but an example must be made. You scum need to learn that you are not here to enjoy yourselves. Self-abuse will not be tolerated. You will watch as this piece of scrum is milked until dry. Then I think 8 strokes of the cane at roll call this evening and a week in clamps will teach prisoner Lesley to leave his dick alone. And if we catch you playing with yourself again, Lesley, we will lock your dick up so you can't be tempted. Stevens! Come and milk this piece of scum." A skinny guard came forward carrying a small stool, which he set down beside the prisoner. The hunk looked mutinous, but there was nothing he could do with all the guards around. The guard cuffed his hands and attached them to his collar. Sitting on the stool, the guard began playing with the hunk's penis. It took a while to him to become erect, but when he did the guard began to jerk him off. Chris watched in horror as the prisoner got close to orgasm. Finally, he tensed and his body arched as he spurted out several thick ropes of cum. The guard did not pause in his stroking of the hunk's penis, and the prisoner bucked and writhed as the guard carried on stroking his sensitive penis. Chris could see that some of his fellow prisoners were trying not to look, but he was transfixed as his fellow prisoner suffered and was pleasures front of them all. After a while, Lesley tensed again and some less thick cum erupted. The guard carried on stroking again and Lesley had two more orgasms, producing less ejaculate each time, until on the fifth he tensed and bucked but nothing came out of his now red and sore looking penis. The guard looked to the suited man, who nodded and the guard ceased stroking the hunk at last. He stood up and reached into his pocket, taking out clamps with that heavy chain attached. He pinched Lesley's nipple and attached one clamp, causing the spent prisoner to grimace and wince before the other clamp was clipped onto his other nipple. The guard let the heavy chain drop, causing the hunk to gasp through his gag. As the guard picked up his stool and the hunk knelt back down, Chris watched as his penis began to shrink, and he moved gingerly, as the heavy chain pulled on his nipples as it swung. "I hope that will help the rest of you remember that self-abuse will not be tolerated. Next miscreant, Mr Senior?" "Two actually, Sir, Prisoners Garden and Maguire, Sir, talking after lights out." The two last kneeling prisoners stood, looking very unhappy. They were both young, good-looking and had good bodies. One was Indian or similar, with bronzed brown skin and quite a hairy body. The other was pale and lean, with a body that looked like he swam a lot. "Isn't it the second time that prisoner Maguire has been disciplined talking?" "Yes, Sir, he received 30 seats of the paddle and a soaping a fortnight ago." "That doesn't appear to have got through to him. We will give prisoner Garden what Maguire got before, 30 swats and a thorough soaping at roll call tonight. For Maguire, harsher measures are clearly need. So Maguire, you will have all your body hair removed, you will perform bucket duty for 3 days and you will be clamped and plugged for the same period." The big guard came forward again, holding the clamps with their chain in one hand and a smaller plug than had been inserted up the escapee's hole the day before. First he attached the clamps to the pale prisoner's nipples. Like the hunk before him, he gasped and grimaced as the harsh clips gripped his tits and the heavy chain was allowed to swing and pull on them. Like the night before, the guard used the prisoner's drool to lubricate the black plug, before turning the lad around, pushing him down so that his anus was exposed and then, in front of the assembled prisoners, he pushed the plug slowly up the lean prisoner's area. As his anus closed around it, the prisoner sighed loudly.

Next: Chapter 3

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