Laborers Apprentice

By manny -------------------

Published on Aug 1, 2000


Warning this story contains descriptions of acts between two consenting males. If homosexual activity, between men of disparate ages offends you or descriptions of authoritarianism or submission offends you read no further. IF YOU ARE BELOW THE AGE OF 18 OR IF THIS IS ILLEGAL IN YOUR LOCALITY READ NO FURTHER. If not and you enjoy this kind of story sit back and enjoy your one handed reading!

Laborer's Apprentice

This is a true story of what happened to me when I was 18 years old. My father was a construction worker with a sub-contractor's license, so sometimes he worked for himself and other times he was just one of the crew. Since the age of 15 he had insisted that I go to the construction sites where he worked after school and during the summer so that I would learn the trade just as he had learned it from his father. He insisted that hard work would change me into a stronger and more masculine man like he was. At this point let me describe myself. I was 5'6" and 165 lbs. lean but muscular. Brown straight hair and hazel eyes. Working with my father and going to the gym twice a week had developed a strong and muscular body that a lot of women would gawk at. I had two girlfriends that I would fuck often but I was constantly jerking off because it was never enough. I always thought of myself as straight until I met Jose, a laborer that my father had recently hired to dig foundations by hand and lug construction debris to the industrial garbage cans at the site.

Jose was a Latino. Around 25 years old with an incredibly developed body and with a sexy macho attitude to match. From the moment I saw him I couldn't get my eyes off of him. He was 6 feet tall, dark brown skinned and pure muscle. He had a tattoo of a Puerto Rican flag on his muscular arm and one of a tiger ready to pounce on his hairy muscular calf. I'll never forget what he was wearing either. It was a torn, dirty and sweaty athletic shirt that showed off his muscular and hairless chest and brown denim shorts that were loose around the legs but tight around the ample crotch. He also had brown work boots and a construction belt loosely hanging around his waist. When I first saw him I fell into a trance. I needed to check it all out at once. I couldn't stop myself from gawking. Looking back on this now I realize that he must have known from that moment on that he had made an impression on me. All that day I kept making up excuses to watch him work. I kept looking at his crotch to see if I could get a sense of his basket, which looked huge in his shorts. Near the end of the day he kept asking me to help him out with stuff he was dragging out to the garbage and I was more than happy to help.

That night at home I couldn't keep my mind off of him. These feelings confused me I had never lusted after a man before and I was uncomfortable with my new feelings. I started to jerk off thinking about my girlfriend sucking me off but very quickly it turned into thinking about what it would be like to suck his dick. I came so hard thinking about him that I almost fell down when I came.

The next morning, the same thing happened again. Jose was digging and I was watching. This time he was wearing sweat shorts that were loose and hung low on his waist. His crotch looked even bigger and more enticing than the day before and I could clearly see the shape of his massive cock and balls. He worked hard all day long and would occasionally adjust his package, making it even easier to notice the shape of the bulge in his pants. I secretly wanted to get down right there and worship him but I was afraid of what he would do and also of what would become of me even if he agreed to let me. By lunchtime I was so horny that I went into one of the porta-johnnys and jerked off. As soon as I stepped out of the john he was there waiting to use it. As soon as I saw him my heart skipped a beat and I froze in my tracks. He grabbed his crotch and said come on let me in there I can hardly wait to use it.

During the next week of work this went on, getting me more and more turned on and anxious to see what was in his pants. He worked and I watched. By then end of the week I was totally turned on by him and scared at the same time that my desire to worship him and be taken by him would become known to him or my father. All weekend long I jerked off dreaming about his body. By the time Monday morning came I couldn't wait to go to work and see him again.

That morning my father assigned us both to go to another construction site and clean out the warehouse there. This site was around an hour away from where the others were working and it would take us all week long to clean out the warehouse. We were told to report there every morning until the job was done. As soon as he got in the truck with me I was so nervous that I could hardly say a word to him. We talked for a little while about work and then he got comfortable in his seat and told me that he was going to take a nap. I waited for him to fall asleep and then took advantage of the situation to really get a good look at his crotch. My heart was racing. I could see that his dick was huge. It was flaccid but it still snaked into the leg area of his shorts and appeared thicker soft than mine did hard. I started to get a hard on right then just from looking at him sleeping there. All of a sudden he said to me, "it looks like you got a little problem there in your pants" referring to my hard on. I froze. I didn't know what to say in response. Until that moment I had though that he was sleeping, and I had totally immersed myself in checking out his package and dreaming about him forcing me to suck his thick cock. As we pulled into the parking area in front of the warehouse he remarked that we were the only ones there and told me to get out of the truck. From the change in his voice, I could tell that he was now in charge and I instinctively did what I was told. He told me to open the warehouse and get in there. I hurried along with the pad lock on the metal door. As I walked in I could feel my hard on throbbing in my pants with an excitement I had never felt before. When we got inside he told me to sit down on top of a few of the boxes that were there in the warehouse. He stood right in front of me with his legs spread wide open and his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was obviously in charge. He told me that I was a faggot. "Have you ever been fucked before you faggot?" he asked. At this point I was scared and turned on. I started to deny it but he told me to "shut the fuck up" he had noticed me looking at him all week and in the truck. When he said that a mixture of fear and arousal shot through my whole body and into my hard dick. I knew I wanted him to treat me like this and that I would do whatever he said. He asked me again if I had ever been fucked by a guy before. I answered that I had not. He said, "great I got me a cherry assed pussy boy! Never been fucked before but now you're gonna get more dick than you ever dreamed about - you bitch." He said all of this while rubbing his crotch and getting himself all worked up through his pants. I didn't say a word. I just watched spell bound by my luck at having a man that I desired so much, getting ready to fuck me. I was a little scared too! His dick looked huge in his pants. He opened his work belt and let it drop to the floor. He came over to me and started rubbing my face with his big strong and callused hands. I was so turned on by the gentleness of his touch from such a rough guy. While he caressed me he told me that after today I was going to be "his bitch." "You're gonna suck my dick whenever I want. And I'm gonna fuck that pussy of yours so hard you're gonna have a problem walking around but don't worry you're gonna love being my bitch cuz I can tell you were born for this." I was so turned on that I knew that everything he was saying was true and that I would be his bitch for as long as he wanted. I knew that I wanted him to fuck my ass and I was scared and turned on at the same time.

"Open my shorts up - Bitch and take out what you want." He jutted his crotch towards me and I reached up as if in a trance for his crotch. With trembling fingers I opened his zipper and saw his thick cock sticking out of his sweaty boxer shorts for the first time. He was uncircumcised, thick and brown. His cock was drooling pre-cum from the head and seemed to be calling me. He told me to give it a lick all around and get to know what he had for me. My first lick was with just the tip of my tongue. I tasted the pre-cum on the head of his dick and could also taste some of the sweat that had accumulated during the hot ride in the truck. "Open your slutty mouth and lick my pinga. Use your whole fucking tongue - bitch," he commanded me. As soon as I did that I knew there was no turning back. My balls and ass were throbbing with excitement and I knew this was where I wanted to be and what I had secretly wanted for so long. I got into it, licking him all over. I could smell his manly smells coming out of his balls and crotch. I could also feel his thick pubes rubbing up against me when I licked closer to the base of his thick shaft. His hands rubbed my head caressing me as I licked him for the first time.

He stopped me and told me to take the rest of his clothes off. I did it with trembling hands knowing full well that I was getting him ready to take me and use me however he wanted. When he was totally naked I stopped to look at him. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was muscled all over his body and his cock was thick and huge. I know now that it was 9" because I measured it with his tape measure later on. He told me to take my clothes off and sit naked on the floor in front of him. I did what he told me as fast as possible. When I looked up at him felt completely submissive. I was looking up at one hell of a man and I knew that he was going to take me and control me. I also knew that I wanted it so bad that I could hardly wait. I reached up for his dick and he started laughing. He told me that from now on I was to refer to him as "Papi" meaning "daddy" in Spanish. He also told me that what I wanted so badly was "pinga" and that it was because I was his "Puta" (meaning whore). I accepted all of this knowing full well what it meant and that there was no turning back.

He told me to suck his pinga and get him ready for my "pussy ass". I started to suck his cock and he kept on telling me what to do. "Peel it back and eat what's there you pussy," he looked me in the eye and said "you look so pretty sucking my dick sitting there on the floor, you should have been a girl that's why I'm gonna treat you like a girl from now on." I realized that my mouth was filled with cock for the first time, that he was towering above me and that I must have looked like quite a faggot, naked on the floor sucking dick. This turned me on even more and I started to try to deep throat him. After a few minutes of this he grabbed his balls and told me to lick them all over. It was my first taste of balls. They were sweaty, hairy and heavy and they tasted great. He kept saying nasty things to me about being his faggot girl and how he was going to fuck my ass. This was such a turn on. I had never before been so turned on. I reached for my dick and started massaging it while I sucked his dick. "Yeah baby make yourself cum, you like my dick don't you - get me ready cuz papi's gonna fuck your ass soon then you'll really be my bitch." That's when I came, harder than I had ever done so before.

He told me to stop sucking his dick and to crawl over to the pile of boxes and "lay your pretty ass over there so I can fuck you" I was so scared at this point. I thought about how big his dick was and told him that I was afraid he was going to hurt me with it. He told me not to worry he knew what to do with a virgin pussy. He told me to lie down on my back and to open my legs for him. He angled his body so that I could lick his pinga while he played with my ass. As soon as he touched my ass I knew I wanted him to fuck me and my lust overcame my fear. He started to finger me, first with one then two then three fingers opening me up to a whole new world and getting me ready for the pinga that would change me forever. He kept complementing me, "your pussy is so fine, so tight so fuckin fine I'm gonna enjoy that pussy of yours so much." I could feel his fingers in me and it felt so good to be underneath such a big strong man and I wanted him to feel good using my ass. I told him that I wanted him to fuck me. He started to laugh and told me that I was to ask him to fuck me by referring to him as "Papi". He moved between my legs and got down there and started licking my ass and fucking me with his tongue. My ass was on fire and I knew what I wanted. When he stopped to tell me what a sweet ass I had I could feel my ass craving his attention. Finally he took his pinga and put it right near the whole. It felt like electric bolts running through my system. I could feel my entire body getting ready to take him inside me. He froze and told me that if I wanted it I was to ask him nicely to fuck me. I blurted out with out even thinking about it "aye Papi- fuck me fuck my ass please I want your pinga in me" he smiled and started moving inside me. Once the head of his pinga was in me he stopped and let my ass adjust to his size. I felt as if he was going to split me open but I could also feel how much I was craving his attention. He looked me in the eye and asked me, "is this was what you wanted bitch - you wanted a big Puerto Rican pinga up your ass didn't you" he said this while moving further in me. With every movement I saw stars and I was in a lot of pain. But he looked so sexy, so in charge of my ass with my legs open for him and spread that I knew that it was what I had always wanted. He started to thrust into me and that's when the pain ended and the pleasure began. With each thrust of his pinga I could feel my inhibitions totally slipping away. I was giving him my ass to use for his pleasure and he could feel my submission. He told me that I was doing it right and that I had such a good ass better than any he had ever had before. He kept poking my prostate and fucking my ass. I was thrusting my ass out to him to get as much pinga as I could. He reached over and started squeezing my nipples as he fucked me. "You like that don't you- you like me squeezing your tits while I fuck your ass don't you bitch" he was pinching and turning them so hard that they were raw and red for weeks afterwards. But while he did it I could feel each one of the pinches run through my whole body and over to my ass combining with the pleasure of getting fucked really hard. He grabbed my dick and started jerking me off while he fucked me. I came so hard and while I came I could feel that this had caused me to squeeze down on his thrusting dick with my ass. I was so into him that instead of enjoying my orgasm, which was the hardest, ever I started trying to do it again and again for him. "You're such a good learner yeah keep doing that and I'm gonna cum up your ass" My god this turned me on so much! He kept on thrusting the hardest now then he really started humiliating me. "Yeah open up your white ass for me, give me your ass you little faggot if only your fuckin Daddy could see me fucking your little ass right now he would know that he was right about you. You are a faggot! You were born to take my Puerto Rican pinga." I could feel myself about to come again! I couldn't believe it! When I finally did come he came too right up my ass.

When he pulled out of my ass I felt totally different than before. I knew that he was going to fuck me as often as possible and that I wanted him to. He told me to lick his dick off and swallow whatever I took off him. His was hot and sticky and tasted great! While I cleaned him he told me the rules. I was to be his bitch whenever he told me to. I was to do everything he told me to do and always call him "Papi" in private. If I didn't do all of this he would never again fuck me and he would tell my father that I was a fag and that I had made a pass at him. I told him that this was totally unnecessary because I wanted whatever he had for me.

He told me that I was to go home with him tonight and he was going to fuck me all night long. He told me that my father had asked him to transform me into a real man because he was afraid that I was a faggot. He told me that he was going to tell him that we were going out on the town looking for women that night and that would be our story from now on. "What he won't know is that you are the bitch and that from now on you're gonna be swinging on my dick whenever I tell you to" I agreed to all of this. He told me to wait in the warehouse because he needed to get something from the truck. When he returned he gave me a pair of pink silky panties and said "put them on and bend over the boxes over there I wanna see your butt laid out for me." I put them on right away and did what he said hoping that he would fuck me again. He went over and started rubbing my ass cheeks right through the panties; I felt totally submissive to him right then and started to wiggle my ass for him. He asked me if I wanted some more pinga and I started to beg him for it again. This time he shoved the panties aside and fucked my ass slowly while slapping my ass and squeezing my hips. I felt totally like I was his woman and I loved it. When he came up my ass he turned me around and put his strong arms around me grabbing my just fucked ass. He started to kiss me and put his tongue all over my mouth. He kissed me like he owned me and I knew that I was his. I kissed him back and melted into his arms. I could feel my asshole on fire and the cum dripping out of me as we kissed.

This arrangement went very well until the day he walked in on me getting fucked by one of the other guys from the construction site. From then on he refused to forgive me and we broke up but to this day I have never been able to forget about how he taught me about what I really enjoyed and taught me about my submissive side. I will always think of myself as the laborer's apprentice.

Next: Chapter 2

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