La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Mar 8, 2001


Author Notes:

This chapter is a little bit shorter than the others. I try to update my story regularly (I have one reader to remind me for this). I know that not many people read this, so I just keep my speech short. Thanks for reading, and you guys (you now who you are) thanks for the support. Last but not least, Thanks for David for the space on nifty.


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita e Bella':

I didn't know what to say, I tried to hide my face from all the cameras. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, 'why I was so stupid? Why I'd never think that he is famous? Why he lied to me?' hundreds of questions flying through my mind.

"Okay! That's enough! We have to take him to the station," finally the officer tried to stop the press, before I entered the police car, I saw Jason/Justin one last time. By now all the press were running to him, I saw him in tears too because he couldn't do anything. Then I entered the car and didn't know where the cops taking me but I was so humiliated and betrayed by now.

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By Tonny

Chapter 8: Never Had A Dream Come True

"I told you before and I tell you again, I don't know that he is the famous Justin and I didn't kidnap him," I said it sternly.

"Listen kid, you don't make this easier for us," the man interrogated me.

"So what do you want me to say, officer?" I questioned him, "you want me to say which I really didn't do it?"

"Just be honest," he insisted.

"ALREADY!" I shouted.

"Fine! If you don't want to cooperate, then we have to arrest you," he said as he scrambled some notes.

"You just don't believe me, do you?" I said it sadly.

"Looks! Some people are charging you with a serious matter, I really want to help you, but your explanation doesn't make any sense," he looked at me sincerely.

"Is it my fault that I didn't know that he is the famous Justin from Nsync?" I asked him again.

"It's not that simple, Dave." He answered and stop as another officer entered the room and whispered something to him. "You have a visitor already," I looked at him with all the confusion.

"Dave! Are you okay?" Nick ran to me.

"Nick!" I called him and he stopped as he saw my hands being handcuff

"I saw on TV, man. Please tell me you don't kidnap him," Nick looked at me.

"And please don't tell me that you believed it?" I replied as I couldn't hold more tears on my eyes anymore.

"Of course, I don't!" he knelt down beside me. "Don't worry, you will get out from here soon," he assured me.

"Not that simple," the officer cut off his speech.

"Hey! You don't have a proof that this man kidnapped Justin, right?" Nick replied angrily as he stood up defending me.

"I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job. Their family already put serious some charges on him, so it has to be the court would decide." He explained.

"DOING YOUR JOB?!?! You don't know this man yet, he won't do such thing. You arrested innocent person. I WILL CALL MY LAWYERS." Nick pulled out his cellular phone.

"Please, I'm just doing my job," the officer sighed. I was silent.

"Stop saying that! I will sue you too!" Nick furious as he started dialing some numbers.

"Nick, Please?" I said softly to him, Nick stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Dave, I promise that I will get you out from here, and..."

"Nick, please don't call your lawyers," I looked at him.

"What!?!" Nick looked at me oddly.

"I don't need a lawyer because I know that I didn't do anything wrong. If the justice isn't blind, then I will be fine. Please, I don't want you to get through this matter, Nick." I looked down. Now both of them, Nick and the officer looked at me in awe.

"But.." Nick started protest

"you believe me?" I looked at him again.

"I do! But.."

"Then I will be okay," I smiled a little.

"I just can't do that because.."

"I know what you meant, Nick. Thanks for being such a good friend. Please go home," I nodded to him, then I looked back to the officer, "What's now? You want to put me in cell?" and he nodded then I stood up from my chair.

"Dave?" Nick called me.

"Please leave, Nick. Before all the press will notice that you are in here. That's gonna be another headline for them," I walked out, but I stopped and turned around, "How is she? Does she know about this?"

"Rachel is fine and she doesn't know about this yet," Nick looked at me sadly.

"Please take care of her for me, Nick?" I asked him and Nick nodded, "can we go now, officer?" as I was waiting on the exit door.

With my hand still handcuff, the officer opened the door for me, then he took me to the back room.

"I believe that you didn't do that," he said softly, I just looked at him in his eyes as I didn't say anything then he sighed, "I won't put you with the other 'tenants', you have your own cell for tonight." As he opened an empty cell.

"Thank you, sir." I finally replied as I stepped in.

"need blanket?" he offered me but I shook my head no. "If you need anything just call okay? I will ask some people to keep on eye on you," as he locked my cell.

"Sir?" I called him.

"Yeah?" he turned around to see me.

"Thanks," I smiled to him.

"No problem, and please call me Luke, okay?" I nodded.


"MOM! Why did you this to me?" Justin cried mixing with his anger to his mom and his mates. "I really hate you all!"

"Honey, please? Understand my positions. You were gone for days, no leave any message. Then we decided to call some detectives to search from you," Lynn said.

"Yeah Justin, we've been looking for you like ages," JC added.

"FINE! BUT WHAT'S UP WITH THE ARRESTED?" Justin yelled, "he let me to stay in his place, he took care of me, he is a good listener to me, and he understand me."

"Justin dear, you don't know what he's up to," his mom replied

"Mom, he won't do that! If he wants to do that , he would do it long time ago," Justin explained, "you just don't know what he has been going through,"

"Justin, we are sorry, you know that we are doing this because we love you," Chris said.

"And this is how you do it? You put some charges to someone who already helped me from the street?" Justin replied with cynical. Then he stood up and ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lynn asked him.

"I wanna free him," Justin ignored his mom.

"Justin, it's 7pm already. Can you do it tomorrow?" Lynn stopped him.

"Someone is in jail just because you accused him wrong, and he is my best friend, and you asked me to wait 'till tomorrow?" Justin dropped her a rhetoric question. "Just leave me alone!"

"Justin, we are sorry. Please let us go with ya?" Lance begged.

"I really disappointed with you, guys" Justin looked to his mates who just looked down.

"Please?" Joey finally said.

After a long silent, Justin just nodded.


The cell was so empty, I really couldn't sleep at all, I just sat down in the corner, thinking and crying about my life. I'd never thought that it was gonna end like this. After a while, finally I felt asleep, I even did not aware that some people were visiting me.

"He is sleeping. He looks tired," Luke said to Justin and his mates from out of my cell. Justin didn't say anything but looking at me, who were sleeping in the corner by myself, with his teary eyes. "Looks, I will wake him up. He doesn't belong in here anymore," Luke opened my cell, while the others just standing outside. Luke shook me up gently.

"Dave! Wake up, you have some visitors," Luke said to me. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him then looking the people outside my cell. I saw Justin and his friends. "They pulled out all the charges and you are a free man tonight," Luke explained, "Come on!" he helped me stood up.

Finally I was out of the jail, and I saw some strange people, except Jason or I should call him Justin from now on. I just looked at him and I saw guilty on his face.

"Dave," he called my name but I just ignored him, instead I was following Luke to his office. The guys were following me from behind.

"Dave, here's your stuff. You are free tonight. We are so sorry." Luke said sincerely to me as he gave me my stuff.

"I understand, you are just doing your job. Thanks anyway," I smiled a little.

"Please if you need any help, just call me okay?" Luke tapping my shoulder, I just nodded.

"I better go now," I left his office, almost forgot Justin and the lads behind me. When I turned around, I saw Justin in front of me.

"Dave, I'm...," he started to say something.

"Please, leave me alone?" I asked softly as I left the station, but they were running and trying to stop me.

"Dave, I'm sorry. I really don't know how this is happened." Justin stood in front of me.

"I don't know who to believe anymore," I said.

"I didn't tell you about me because..."

"Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it," I cut his excused.

"Looks man, it wasn't his fault. It was us, who jump into conclusion so quickly," finally the blond spiky hair spoke up.

"Okay. Please, leave me alone. Just think that we've never met, okay?" I gave my fake smile to Justin, inside my heart was crushed into pieces. Justin was silent but a single tear finally dropped from his blue eyes, thankfully, he has friends to comfort him. I walked and left them.

"Let me take you home?" Justin said as he wiped his tear.

"Thank you but I still have feet. I can walk," then I walked again as I was hiding my sadness. I thought he could be my bestest friend.

"Just let him alone, Just." JC said, "maybe he needs a time off for awhile."

"Yeah, let's go home!" Joey tried to persuade him.

"NO! I don't want to go home, until he forgive me!" Justin stood still.

"Justin?" Chris called him.

"NO CHRIS! I wanna go to his place if you want to go home, please do so. I can walk or take a cab." Justin insisted.


After far away from the police station, I was still walking on the cold empty street to my apartment. I aware that a car was following me not far behind, my head was thinking something bad again but I tried to look a glimpse on my back, I noticed that Justin and his lads were following me. I tried to walk a little bit faster.

Finally I arrived at my place, I saw my unit was opened and the light was on. I also saw some of my stuff outside my unit. I quickly went inside to check it out. I found my landlord cleaning up my stuff.

"Sir, what are you doing with my stuff?" I asked him.

"You contract is finished! You can't stay in here anymore," he said to me coldly as he started throwing some stuff.

"WAIT! Please? I pay my rent," I begged him, in a mean time, I also aware that the lads were not far away from me.

"LOOKS! This is a nice neighborhood. We don't accept a person who committed in crimes," he explained coldly.

"Sir, it was a mistake. Please let me stay? I don't have anywhere to stay," I begged one more time in tears.

"Save your tears! The neighbors asked for you to leave this place! Now GO! FIND ANOTHER PLACE!" he raised his voice then he pushed me out of my unit and slammed the door.

I was crying so hard that time, as I tried to pick some stuff from the floor and put it in my suitcase. I was so confused as I didn't have any place to stay. Justin ran to me and helped me to pick up my stuff.

"What's happened?" Justin asked me.

"They don't want me to live in here anymore," I cried, "because I'm a criminal." The others started to help us too. They looked so guilty by now after hearing what I said.

"So where do you wanna stay now?" the spiky blond one asked me. I just shook my head no.

"Please stay with me?" Justin jumped in.

"No thanks. I don't want to start another trouble again, I had enough." I said to him, as I stood up and carried my stuff.

"DAVE, PLEASE?" Justin held my hand, "I should tell you the truth, I caused all of this, please give me one more change to fix it?"

"Yeah let us help you," the red hair said.

"Guys, moving from one place to another, is not a new thing for me. I'm getting used with it." I explained, "I better go now, see you all."

I left them as I had a problem with my big suitcase, I noticed that Justin let some tears again as he saw me leaving him and his mates. I just smiled at him, I know that this is the right thing to do. I meant, we came from different world, he is rich and famous, and I am no body.


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Next: Chapter 9

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