La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Jan 30, 2001


Author's Note:

Maybe I'm the laziest author on Nifty, while others keep updating their stories, while me? I need months to finish one part. What can I say? The idea is not came just like that, and I have another life to do. However, yippppeee, finally! Chapter 7 finished!

Thanks to Yuli (busy as always, no time to talk ?), James (Another busy man, but he kept entertaining), Joanne (thanks for your great help), Keenan (same brand new day?), David, Clive, Shariq, Dale and others, who I forgot to mention in here, please forgive me? (please tell me!)

Okay that's enough. Oh can send your feedback to Tonny at:


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita e Bella':

I was just silent, he was right, but I'd been taking care of her for 8 years already, since she was a baby. And now I had to let her go. Nick didn't get any reaction from me. I was just silent. Finally he stood up.

"Dave, I have to go. I didn't tell the others that I came to meet you," Nick looked at me then headed to the front door.

"Nick wait!" I called him and he turned around. "Please give this to her," I handed him Mr. Bubba, "This is her favorite toy, she can't sleep without it." Nick took it and nodded. "Please? Take care of her for me," I cried again.

"Don't worry about it. You have my word." Nick promised, "I have to go, Dave. Please call me if you need anything, this is my private number," he handed me a card.

"Thank you." I replied, then he left.

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By Tonny

Chapter 7: I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine

A Week Later

Day after day, I lived alone, without my sister. Sometimes I cried in remembering her, but I managed to hold in my feelings. I was still hurt, I mean, I took care of her since she was a baby, and now, I even couldn't see her smile anymore. However I had to be strong, I needed to get the pieces back.

As usual in the morning, I worked for the supermarket, and at night, I worked for John. I realized that I could get out from his contract in less than 3 weeks. I had to follow his rules because I don't want him to hurt my sister or myself even more. It was 2 am, I left John's house to my unit. I decided to walk, not taking a cab as usual. I don't even give a damn thing about myself anymore, I don't care if someone wants to kill or rob me anymore. So I walked. That night was so chilly, and the street was so empty. Then when I passed the park, I heard someone crying and sitting on the bench. He didn't cry hard but in that silent night, I could hear him sniffing. I know I shouldn't talk to a stranger, but hey, who cares? So I stopped in front of him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He looked straight at me, I could see fear in his face. From my first impression, he had to be around my age.

"Please don't worry, I'm not gonna harm you. It's just strange. I heard someone crying in the middle of the night." I explained to him.

He saw my genuine concern on my face, so he was less scared of me. However, he didn't reply to my question, he just shook his head.

"I'm Dave," I offered my hand but he didn't take it so I withdrew it. "Can I sit here?" Again he didn't answer but nodded.

I didn't know how to start the conversation. He hadn't spoken yet. I wonder if he could speak at all.

"Here. Please wipe your tears," I handed him a tissue, again no response from him, "you are a man, you can't waste your tears so easily, whatever happened to you, try to stand still," I added.

Finally he looked at me and took the tissue and wiped his tears. Even though he looked like a mess that night, he looked so handsome. And he looked familiar but I didn't remember anything at all.

"Life is a roller coaster," I sighed, "sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down, we've just got to ride it because that's life," I continued, "I don't know what made you sad, but you have to believe that everything is gonna be alright."

Still no response from him, at least he stopped crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him again, and he shook his head. "Okay, I'm not going to push you to spill it out, but it's freezing now, you should go back. Let me take you home, okay? Your parents must be worried."

"I don't want to go home," he finally spoke. I still didn't know what happened to him but I had a little raft idea about him.

"But you can't just stay in here, it's really cold right now," I grabbed his hand and it was freezing, "See! Even you're cold as ice, put this on!" I took out my jacket and put it around him.

"No! What about you?" he asked me.

"I'm kinda used to this weather." I explained. It was true, I mean, I always came back at this hour, so I was used to the weather. "So where are you going to stay? I mean it's not safe for you to be here alone,"

"I don't know where to stay," he replied as he started to sniff again.

"Well, if you believe me, you can come with me and stay at my place. It's small, and like few blocks away from here. You can stay in my place until you are ready to go home." I told him. Actually it wasn't such a good plan to take a stranger home, but I believed him anyway. From his face, he is harmless.

"But I barely know you," he said

"At least you know my name, so?" I asked him again, since I was freezing already. He nodded. "Cool, come on!" I gave him a hand to help him. "It's freezing," he took my hand and returned it with a smile.

"You don't mind walking, do you?"

"Not at all. I'm sorry for all of this." He apologized.

"That's all right. By the way, what's your name?" I asked him.

He looked at me in surprise, after a minute or so, he answered.


"Well nice to meet you, Jason." I smiled as we were walking to my place.

We didn't talk much while we were walking, but I managed to dig a little information about him, like his hobbies, favorite foods and other things. After 15 minutes, we arrived at my place.

"Here we are! Please come in," I said as I opened the front door. He entered my place, then me. I closed the door.

"Let me help you with the jacket," I helped take off my jacket from him.

"Nice place," he commented.

"Not too bad," I smiled to him as I took off my shoes, "are you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded shyly. "I don't have anything but I can make you sandwiches and hot chocolate,"

"Thank you, sorry for all of this," he replied

"Not a problem at all," I said then started preparing the food.

"You live by yourself?" he asked as he took a seat.

"Yeah," I replied softly, I didn't like where the question was heading.

"Alone?" he said in surprise, "Where is your family?" he asked again.

"I don't know," I replied, "here is your food," I gave him a sandwich and hot cocoa, "I have to prepare the bed for you," I smiled and left him.

Jason noticed that his question was sensitive to me. He took a mental note about it. After few minutes, I joined him. I saw him eating my sandwich and he looked so happy. This was the first time that I had a company since my sister left.

"It's delicious, Dave." He praised me.

"Ooh please, it's just a sandwich," I replied, "want more?"

"No thanks, I had enough," he said after sipping his hot cocoa.

"It's nearly 3am, you look tired. You should go to sleep. Come on, let me show you your room," I stood up and he followed me. "This used to be my sister's room, you can sleep in here," I said. I know that he wanted to ask me more about my sister, but he didn't want to push his luck.

"Thanks, Dave. And where are you sleeping?" he asked me.

"I'll sleep outside as usual," I replied.

"What? I can't do this. I should be the one who sleeps outside. I'm just a guest," he insisted.

"Please use that room, you are my guest. Anyway, I never use that room," I explained. That is true because it reminds me of my sister. "Okay I have to go to work in the morning, have nice dreams," I said and left the room. Jason wanted to say something but I left already. As usual I slept on the couch, I was still wondering about my guest, like, who is he? Why is he so familiar? What's up with him? And hundreds more questions were running through my head, but I shrugged it off.


As usual I woke up at 6am, getting myself ready for work. I went to my room or what used to be my sister's room, to get some new clothes. As I opened the door, I realized that there was someone on the bed, and I remembered in a flash that he is the lad that I'd met in the park last night. He looked so cute when he sleeps, his face is so innocent. I doubt if he is a bad guy. I tried to move as quite as possible, not daring to wake him up.

After taking a shower, I made myself a cup of coffee, meanwhile I wrote a note for Jason. I told him to make himself comfortable and let him know that I went to work and would be back by noon. It was 6:30 already so I had to get to the supermarket.

At 12:30, I came back from work. I found Jason reading a magazine. I don't know whether he already took a bath or not, but he still wore the same clothes.

"Hi," I greeted him.

"Dave, you're back!" he sounded more excited than I did.

"Have you had your lunch yet?" I asked him as I put some grocery bags on the table. He shook his head. "Well let's have lunch together, but you're gonna have to wait 'cause I'm going to make spaghetti," I told him as I prepared some ingredients.

"Do you need my help?" he came closer.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Ummm you haven't changed your clothes," I smiled.

"I know, I stink," he joked, "I don't have anything with me," he looked down.

"Well you can use mine, Jas. I told you to make yourself comfy. You can find some T-shirts and shorts in the dresser in your room. Oh yeah I have clean towels too," I said as I washed the tomatoes.

"Umm Thanks, Dave." He replied

"That's okay. Go ahead, you need a shower. The food will be ready in 15 minutes," I told him.

Then he left me to go to the room, find some clothes, then take a shower. After 20 minutes or so.

"Hmmm it's smell really tasty, Dave." Jason said. I looked at him wearing my shirt, 'hmmm not too bad'

"Hopefully it will taste as you said. Have a seat!" I ushered him to sit as I put his food in front of him. "Okay, let's eat!" I said as I started digging into my food.

"Hmmmm this is good," he said with a mouth full of spaghetti. I started laughing hard because I saw some sauce on his cheek.

"Thank you, you shouldn't speak when your mouth is full. You have sauce on your face." I told him as I took a napkin and wiped it off.

"Dave, what do you do?" he asked me as he sipped some water.

"Me?" I was nervous a little, "I work at the supermarket in the morning and shift at night," I replied but not to give much details on my night job. I had to think quickly before he asked me more questions. "What about you?"

"Huh? Me?" he looked confused, I nodded. "I...I..." and nothing came out from his mouth.

"Still studying?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm a student," he answered.

"Okay," I didn't press the subject more, even though I knew that he was lying. "Hmm, may I know why you are running away?"

All of a sudden he dropped his fork and sipped his water then he looked down to his food.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, it's know?" I told him, after a few minutes of silence.

"It was my mom," he finally unveiled his secret, "I just couldn't stand it with her anymore, she always tells me what to do like I'm a kid, I mean, now I'm 19," he briefly explained, tears started to well up in his eyes.

"It's a typical mother, Jas. She always wants the best for her children, I'm sure she loves you," I replied.

"You just don't understand!" he raised his voice a little, "I put up with all her commands," he said in anger.

"Is it that bad?" I asked him a rhetoric question. "At least she gives you lots of attention to you, while me?" I sighed, "I don't know where my parents are. I wish that I could meet my parents, in contrary, you ran away from yours." Jason looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Dave." Jason looked at me.

"Don't worry about it, but there is something for you to think about. Think how you would feel if you didn't have parents," I said as I finished my own meal.


I didn't know how long Jason would stay with me, I mean, it had been 4 days already. However, personally, I liked him staying with me, at least, I had someone to share my small apartment. I still didn't know much about him, since he is very good in covering his secret. I know that he is coming from a quite well off family. Even though he was staying away from his parents, he is a big spender. I didn't know how he got all his money. He always bought some food and stuff for me. By now, my fridge was never empty. He even bought a small TV. Actually, I didn't like it since he bought it with his money. As usual, I was ready to go for my night job, Jason was watching something on TV.

"Jas, I gotta go, don't forget to lock the door, okay?" I reminded him. Jason turned the TV off.

"Dave? Can I go to your work? I'm bored," he sighed. I was a little bit shocked by his request.

"Believe me, Jas, you will get even more bored," I replied.

"Come on," he still persuaded me, "I promise that I won't interfere with your job," he looked at me, full of hope.

"I'm sorry, I can't take you. I don't feel comfortable bringing friends to my workplace," I excused.

"But Dave...,"

"Sorry, I gotta go now, just stay at home okay?" I said then left.

I was walking really fast, because I didn't want to be late or John would yell at me. After 20 minutes, I arrived at John's place. His bodyguard, Bob, greeted me. I could hear noise from outside, telling me that we had a lot of visitors tonight. Before I entered the front door, I heard Bob having an argument from behind me, and his voice is so familiar. I turned around and I saw Jason. I was shocked.

"Let me in!" Jason yelled at Bob.

"You are not old enough kid! GO AWAY!" Bob pushed him away from the gate.

"DAVIIIIIIIIDD!" Jason called my name. I ran to them.

"Bob, let me handle this okay?" I told Bob.

"Tell him to leave this place or I will break his bones!" he threatened Jason and me. I nodded and took Jason away from the gate.

"Jason, what are you doing? I told you to stay," I looked at him in confusion.

"Dave, what is this place?" Jason asked me

"You don't need to know, you have to go now," I told him again and I looked back to Bob for a second.

"What do you do, Dave?" Jason asked me again, by now, I didn't have the courage to tell him. "Are you? Are you...," he didn't finish his words but he looked at me in disgust. "Why are you doing this?" Jason looked at me in disbelief.

"You just don't understand, it's a long story, Jas. I gotta go now, please go back," I couldn't hold my tears anymore, then I turned around, ready to leave him.

"Please don't go there," Jason said softly as he tried to stop me. I noticed that he also tried to hold his tears back.

"I have to. Please go home," I walked back to the house and Bob was waiting.

"Dave," Jason called to me hopelessly, as Bob closed the gate.

I hated myself by now, Jason shouldn't know about this, it broke my heart that I made him upset. I still remembered how his expression was. I didn't know how to explain to him later on. I felt ashamed and disgusted of myself already.

As usual, I finished my job at 1am. I had second thoughts about entering my apartment. I didn't know how to face Jason now. Whatever would happen, I had to be ready. I opened the door and saw him sitting in the dining room; he looked down. Usually he is already sleeping at this time.

"Good, you're back, 'cause I wanna leave," he said to me softly and stood up.

"Where are you going? Home?" I asked him

"What do you care?" he raised his voice a little, "I'm sick and tired of people lying to me," he looked at me.

"I can't stop you, Jas. But..." I stopped, "If you want to hear some explanations, I will tell you the story." I took a seat on the other side of the table.

I was waiting for his answer. He answered it by sitting back down again. I took a really deep breath as I started digging into an old wound. He heard my story of how I ended up with that job. It was painful for me, sometimes I had to take a break to continue my story. I tried not to cry this time, while Jason tried his best to hold his tears.

"So now you heard it all, I have nothing to hide any more. If you wanna leave, I can't stop you," I told him.

"Dave, why didn't you tell me before?" he looked at me sadly

"Jason, it is not something to be proud of if you were a pimp," I replied

"But I can help you, I still have some money in my savings, so you don't need to work for him anymore," he brought his chair closer to mine.

"I signed the deal already, Jas. My sister is happy now, I don't want him to threaten her or even myself."

"But you can't just do that!" he protested.

"The deal will end in a couple of days, so I have to do this job for a few more days. Don't worry about it," I assured him.

"NO! It doesn't work like that! What can I do to help you?" He asked me

"There is nothing you can do about it, I'll be fine. Look, I'm really tired. I have to work in the morning. If you wanna leave, you can leave in the morning," I said after a long pause.

"Can I stay?" he asked me softly. I nodded with a smile. "Dave, I'm sorry that..."

"I don't blame you, Jas. Now, go to sleep," I said as I stood up and headed to the bathroom, Jason looked at me sadly, as he couldn't do anything to help me.

5 Days later

After Jason found out what I do every night, he always would wait for me until I got home. Usually he would go straight to bed. Now when I got home, he would make me a hot drink. He was so nice to me. He made sure that I got home safely. Today was my last day working for John. Actually I was not the only one who was excited about it, but Jason was too. I thought to myself that after tonight, it's gonna be a brand new day for me.

"Okay Jas, I'm gonna go," I said to Jason

"Do you have to go?" he asked me, "I mean, today is the last day, would it matter if you skip it?"

"Jason, you don't know what John is like, he is more evil than the devil itself," I explained, "But the good news is, after tonight, I am a free man." I said with a smile.

"I don't know," Jason said, unsure, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Jas, I'll be fine, it will be the same as any other night," I calmed him down, "Okay I gotta go, or I will be late. You don't need to wait for me, okay?"

"I'm not tired yet, Dave." He sighed, "just come back safe, okay?"

I nodded then I left the apartment, Jason watched me from the window. I walked happily, I don't know, something was different about tonight. Maybe because I will be free soon. After 15 minutes, I arrived at John's place. It was kinda different tonight since John greeted me.

"Well, well, well, you look happy tonight," he smiled at me, which made me puke.

"The deal is off after tonight," I said straight to the point.

"Of course, would you consider to sign another one? I will pay you more," he winked at me.

"Not even a million. I have enough working for such a shallow person," I cursed him, then went straight to my room.

"Okay, have fun tonight!" he laughed.

I entered my room and waited for a customer. After 10 minutes of waiting, someone opened the door, and I saw four guys in leather. I was just a little bit confused since I only 'do' one person. So I protested.

"I'm sorry, you all can't come in at one time. I just do one, okay?" I said nicely, but they all laughed. "Excuse me! Three of you OUT!" I raised my voice, but they did the opposite, they locked the door. I pushed all of them back to the door. "OUT!!" I screamed. Somehow one of them slammed me into the wall and pinned my hands. I was hurt immediately.

"Listen!" finally one of them spoke out, "we paid for the orgy and you're gonna do it!"

"That must be a mistake," I tried to explain

"I don't think so!" another answered as he pushed me into the bed. "And we love when our bitch is hurt, it's so arousing!" he said as he licked his lips.

The next thing I knew, they tied my hands and legs to the edge of the bed.

"LET ME GO!!!!" I screamed as I tried to free myself

"GREAT! SCREEEAAAAAAMMM!!!" then he whipped me with a rope and the others started torturing me. I couldn't do much as I faced 4 sick people who love sadomasochism. I was being used brutally. When I was unconscious they threw some water on me, and I saw my blood staining on the bed cover. I then realized that a lot of damage had been done.

The next thing I knew, I was outside John's mansion. I was still naked but I could find my clothes near me. Luckily that it was night so no one saw me naked. My eyes were blurred since the left one was swollen. I still could feel blood on my nose and lips, a lot of scratches and bruises on my body. I couldn't even feel my left leg anymore. It was so painful. My guess, it was broken. I couldn't cry anymore since no more tears were left. I tried to get my clothes and put them on. I walked wobbly back to my apartment. I had to stop a few times to hold the pain. After an hour or so, finally I was at the doorstep of my apartment. I had to find my key in my pocket, then I opened the door. I really didn't have much energy anymore, so I fell to the floor at the door.

"Dave, is that you?" Jason called me but didn't receive an answer. "How come you..." he didn't continue his question as he saw me on the floor, unconscious. "Shit! What happened to you, Dave?" he shook me as he panicked. "DAVE! Please wake up!"

The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bed in a hospital. I tried to open my eyes bit by bit since the light was so bright. I saw Jason sitting next to my bed, his smile did comfort me a little.

"Where am I?" I asked him as I started to re-gain my consciousness.

"We are at the hospital, Dave. How are you now?" he asked me.

"Aarg I don't know, my whole body is so hurt," I hissed in pain, "Jas, I gotta out of here,"

"No you are not!" he replied sternly

"Jas, I can't pay this treatment, and you know that I hate hospital," I looked at him.

"Don't worry about it, it's all on me," he smiled again


"Dave, please don't argue with me," he begged, "anyway the doctor is a friend of mine, and he said you have to stay in here for a couple of days." Then he kissed me on my forehead and he stood up, "Okay I gotta tell the doctor that you are awaked," then he left me.

I was still stunned watching him left, 'what the hell was that?', 'he kissed me?' well maybe it was a 'caring' type of kissing, so it wouldn't be a big deal. However for sure, I thank God that I found him, I don't know what happened to me that night if I was still living alone.

After staying at the hospitals for 4 days or so, having some treatment, I was getting better, well not 100%, I still had few bandages on my body. Jason always stayed at the hospital, taking care of me. He kept entertaining me with his jokes, I think, he did it on purpose. He wants me to rid off all those bad memories. Finally, I could go home today, I missed my apartment very much, I should agree with other people said, 'there is no better place like home'.

Since the doctor asked me to have a lot of rest, Jason was taking care of everything from taking care of me to cleaning my apartment. He let me sleeping on his bed while he was sleeping on the couch. When came to cooking, he is the worst, at the end, he ordered from nearby restaurant, but I should give him an applause for his attempt to cook.

Now it'd been 10 days already since I left the hospital, and I was feeling much better, at least now, I could walk without Jason helped me out. By the way, I didn't have a job anymore, my shift job at the supermarket, has been replaced by someone else. Actually it was my fault, that I didn't tell my boss earlier about the accident. But it's too late now. Jason told me that I could get another job later. From the time being, he was supporting my life. The more I know him, the more I like him, he is so sweet and kind, he is like an angel to me.

"Jason, I wanna go to the groceries store," I told him.

"Wait! You can go yet! What do you want to buy? I'll buy it for you," he stopped me.

"Jas, I'm bored in here, I need to go out. Don't worry, I am fine now," I assured him, "it won't be long, I just need to buy few stuff for dinner, so we don't need to order some food anymore,"

"Okay, let me take you then," he took his jacket

"No need, Jas. It is just few blocks from here, but you can help me with washing those plates thought," I giggled.

"Okay! Okay! Don't be too long okay. Are you sure that you don't need my company?" he asked again.

"Positive!" I replied then left him.

When I was outside, I took a deep breath, it was the first time that I took a fresh air, then I started to walk to the grocery store. I bought some vegies, meat, and milk, since I was not in a hurry, I did everything slowly, just enjoy my 'freedom'. After an hour, finally I finished then I went back, I stopped at some stores and asking whether they have a vacant position for me, but I was out of luck that day. Then I walked back to my apartment, Jason would freak out if I'm leaving that long. When I was heading to my apartment, I was a police car and few expensive cars. I didn't know what happened, I meant this is a poor community, so seeing some expensive cars around my block, it's gonna be so strange but I ignored it. When I was few steps from the building, someone shouted at me.

"FREEZ, STOP WHERE YOU ARE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" someone shouted loudly.

"What?" I was confused then I turned around, I saw 4 cops pointing their guns on me, "huh? What's going on?"

"I SAID PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!! NOW!!" he yelled at me, while the other pulled the trigger. I was scared to dead, so I dropped my grocery bags, and I put my hands up.

"Officer, there must be a mistake, I didn't do anything," I said.

Then one of them came closer and slammed me to their car, he searched for some object on my clothes, "Sir what did I do?" I asked him in pain.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping," he replied then pulled my hands to my back and handcuffed it.

"What?!?!? SIR!!! I didn't kidnap anyone, trust me. It's gonna be a mistake!" I resisted.

"You can explain the whole thing in the office, we have a report that you've kidnapped Mr. Justin Timberlake," he explained.

"Who's Justin? I didn't know him, PLEASE SIR, it's a mistake!" I was angry.

"SHUT UP!!!" the other yelled at me.

Then I heard Jason's voice out of the building

"Mom! I'm Okay! I can't go now! I'm waiting someone!" I heard his voice screaming, then I saw him out with a lady and four other guys.

"JASON!!!" I screamed, Jason looked at me.

"Dave?" he wanted to run to me but the guys stopped him.

"That is Mr. Justin Timberlake, you said you don't know him," the police officer asked me.

"No! he is Jason, not Justin," I insisted

"Don't fool me! The whole world knows that he is Justin from Nsync," he replied.

Meanwhile not far from where I was standing

"LET ME GO!!" Justin tried to free himself from his lads, "Dave!!!"

"Justin, don't worry about him. He will be in jail for kidnapping you," his mother told him.

"NOOOOO! He didn't kidnap me, JC! LET ME GO!" Justin screamed.

By now the more and more people are watching, there were also some press around us, I saw flashing lights from some cameras. They put their mikes in front of me, and starting asking some questions.

"Dave! Why did you kidnap him? Is it for Money? Fame?"

"what did you do to him?"

"How much do you ask for the ransom?"

I didn't know what to say, I tried to hide my face from all the cameras. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, 'why I was so stupid? Why I'd never think that he is famous? Why he lied to me?' hundreds of questions flying through my mind.

"Okay! That's enough! We have to take him to the station," finally the officer tried to stop the press, before I entered the police car, I saw Jason/Justin one last time. By now all the press were running to him, I saw him in tears too because he couldn't do anything. Then I entered the car and didn't know where the cops taking me but I was so humiliated and betrayed by now.


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Next: Chapter 8

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