La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Oct 5, 2000


Author Note:

This is the longest break that I've ever done, it's been 3 months already. I said to some people that I don't want to continue this story anymore [please don't ask me why]. However, more and more, people gave me a push for this story [and please no sequel for 'When U Say Nothing At All' hehehehe]. I owe lots of apologies to all of you who are waiting for this story [hmmm I wonder if there are people who read this...anyway], and lots Thanks to all of you who gave me support. Special Thanks: Joanne, she is the best, she helped me checking this story. You all won't see this chapter without her help [Mwaaaaaaaaah] Yuli, I can't describe with words, I'm breathing because she is breathing too [thanks God I found you] James, Busy guy! How's my pooh hanging? [I wonder if we can be like three musketeers hehehe] Keenan, Just be yourself, okay? "comprenez-vous ce que j'ai dit?' Clive, okay here you go! As my promise to you. [And pleaseeeee don't update your homepage so often, because you will wait for ages after this hehehehe] Shariq, not sure whether you will read this but keep on writing ok? Not to forget my other readers: Rymke, 'Fatal Fortune', Colleen, Ari, Tim, Zak, Adam, Khiem, Matthew, Samantha, Kevin Kelly, Jason, Tom, 'Nik Nik', Kelly, 'Drummerboi', Neto, 'CBOKerina', and other who [probably] I forgot to mention your name, Thanks Guys!

As Usual your feedback are welcome...send it to:


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita e Bella':

"You're a hooker, right?" he winked at me, "$100 an hour sound good?"

After I heard what he offered me, my brain was screaming for that money. My thoughts went back to Rachel in the hospital and her need for the surgery.

"More!" I said to him sternly. I don't know where that word came from. But I just stared at him, not moving.

"Geeez you must be good huh?" he laughed at me, "$200! and that's final! So?" he stared at me.

My hands were shaking, I really didn't want to do this but I have to do this for Rachel. Finally I nodded at his offer.

"Good! Get in!" he opened the passenger side door for me and I got in.

First he rubbed my thigh and then he started to drive off. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I was hoping it would be over soon. I looked outside as the car moved and a single tear fell from my eyes.

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By Tonny

Chapter 6: Against All Odds


After 2 hours of performing 'the service', I was kinda tired out. I cleaned myself in his bathroom. I still didn't know his name, but who cares. I saw the clock and it showed 1 am already. After I cleaned myself, I came out from the bathroom, and it was time for the payment. The man was still on his bed, lighting another cigarette. I just looked down.

"There! $400 on the table," he finally spoke up.

I went to nightstand table, and saw four $100 bills. I took it and put in my pocket. I sighed as I thought of more money for my sister.

"What's wrong? We had our deal," the man questioned me.

"Nothing," I replied softly.

"My name's John. Yours?" he asked me.

"David," I replied shortly.

"Well David, something's wrong? Maybe I can help," he sipped another beer.

"I need more money for my sister's surgery, and I really need it bad," I said sadly. He was silent but looking at me directly.

"Money hey?" he smiled at me, "How much do you need?"

"I need at least $600 more," I replied.

"Oh, what about if I give you $2000 now but you have to work for me for a month?" he offered me. I was stunned to hear his offer, I mean, $2000, it was more what I needed.

"But I still have a part time job at the supermarket," I told him.

"Well you only need to come after 10 pm, like 4 hours each night," he continued.

"What do I have to do?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, you know what to do." He smiled at me, "I'm in my generous mood now, you've better be quick or I will change my mind."

In my position, at the moment, his offer was so tempting and I didn't have much choice but to accept his offer. So I nodded my approval.

"Good! We have an agreement to sign, don't worry, it's just to make it legal that you are going to work for me for a month. Wait!" he got up from the bed.

After a couple of minutes, he gave me a piece of paper to sign and a lot of cash to tempt me. I didn't have a second thought but to sign it right away, and he gave me the money. That was the most money that I'd ever held.

"Okay, you will work for me, starting tomorrow night. Okay you may leave, I need to sleep," he informed me.

He walked me out to his front door. Before I stepped out, he stopped me.

"Oh yeah, please don't try to fool me! I have my eyes on you," he threatened me, "Okay see ya tomorrow," he said to me nicely. Then he closed his door.

I didn't know what I put myself into, but I even didn't bother to think about it, my priority at the moment was my sister. So I rushed myself to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, it was pretty quite. I talked to a nurse and told her that I brought some money for the surgery. She told me that my sister would get the surgery in the morning. She asked me to go home, but I had to be with my sister so I was waiting outside her room.

While I was waiting, my mind raced about the offer from John, I didn't know what I would have to do, but I have to keep my promise. Unconsciously, I fell asleep in the waiting room.

The next morning I was awoken by a nurse, who told me that my sister was ready for surgery. I signed all the necessary papers then I saw my sister, still lying on the bed, she looked worried a little but I told her that everything is gonna be alright. Again I had to wait and I took my time to fresh myself in the bathroom. After washing my face, I went back to the waiting room. I bought a cup of coffee from the vending machine.

It had been an hour already, I kept looking at clock that hung on the wall, until I saw the light go off from the surgery room, and the doctors leave. They told me that the surgery went all right but my sister still needed to stay in the hospital for a couple of days. I went to her room and she was still lying down unconscious. I took a chair closer to the bed so I could watch her. "Thank God," I prayed inside.

Around 3 o'clock, my sister started to wake up and she looked at me happily.

"Hi!" I greeted her softly with a kiss.

"Dave," she replied softly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I want to go home," she told me

"You have to stay in here for 2 days or so, until you are feeling much better," I explained.

"But I'm feeling much better now," she pouted

"Rach, you just went through surgery couple hours ago. I will be here most of the time okay?" I assured her.

"Are you going to work?" she asked me again.

"Yeah, I asked my boss to work at night so I can work while you are sleeping, you don't mind if I leave you for couple of hours, right?" I was a little nervous in answering her question

"I'm okay," she said bravely.

"That's my gal," I kissed her.

We were chatting for hours, sometimes I read her some stories. Around 7pm, I left the hospital. I went back to my apartment, changed my clothes and got some essentials for my sister, especially Mr. Bubba, her fave Teddy bear. Before going to John's place for my first day of work, I stopped at the hospital to check on my sister. She fell asleep already. I planted a kiss goodnight, and put Mr. Bubba next to her. Then I left the hospital to John's.

#John's Place 10:25pm#

I was standing in front of his front door, waiting for someone to open the door for me. After pressing the bell three times, a huge man opened the door. I'd never met the guy before.

"Come in, John is waiting for you," he ushered me to go in.

I stepped in, then he closed the door. I followed him, and he brought me to John's room, who sat on black leather couch, lighting a cigarette. I also saw 2 more huge men, standing next to the couch.

"Good! You came on time. I like that. Please have a seat," John greeted me.

I took a seat facing him, I was a little worried because I really didn't know what kind of work that I should do for him.

"So what do I have to do?" finally I asked him.

"Uuuh I like that! Straight to the point," he smiled at me devilishly, "Surely, you know what to do," he blew smoke in front of me.

"I know?" I asked him back.

"Yeah, you are going to be my 'bitch' for a whole month as in our agreement," he replied. What he just said shocked me, that was like a slap in the face.

"What? What do you mean? I don't know about that!" I protested.

"Yes you do. You agreed to do whatever I asked you to do in order to pay the money that I lent to you," he pointed the agreement in front of me. "From now on, you have to come at 10pm, and you have to serve our customers. You're gonna have to do what they ask of you."

"No way! I'm not gonna do that! You tricked me!" I said furiously.

"I don't trick you! You signed the paper," he waved the paper in front of me, "Please don't tell me you are going to deny it,"

"But you didn't tell me about the job," I argued

"Fuck! Don't waste my passion boy! Because you are going to do what I say!" he yelled at me.

I stood up, ready to leave the room, somehow two of his bodyguards caught me, and they strained my hands.

"Don't you dare to run away from this!" then John slapped me.

"Please, don't do this to me. Please let me go. I promise, I will pay you your money back," I begged in tears.

"Hmmm let me think about it," he was thinking for a while, "NOPE!"

"Please I don't want to do this," I begged him one more time then another man came into the room.

"Sir, your guest will be here in 10," he said to John.

"Okay!" John nodded then he looked at me, "you heard him, your first customer is coming,"

"NO! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT THIS," I screamed as I tried to free myself from his bodyguards.

"I'll go easy on you tonight, you won't feel a thing," he explained to me. Another man came to me with a syringe.

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME?" I struggled and panicked as I saw the needle, "NOOOO" I screamed as he finally gave me the injection.

"Good!" John laughed.

I was crying hard by then, after a minute or so, I felt the shot working. My body was getting weak. I felt like I was flying, my vision was blurring.

"Take him to the room, and make sure he is ready!" he said to his men, "I'm going to meet our client," then they took me out of the room.

They took me to a big bedroom, where they laid me on the bed and started to strip me before tucking me in the blankets.


"How are you today?" John greeted his guest.

"Pretty good. Is everything ready as I told you?" the man asked him

"Don't worry, as usual no questions ask, discrete guarantee!" he assured the man.

"Good! You know, I don't want this to come out or you're going to be sorry, because I paid you more than enough." The man threatened him, "So what do you have?"

"Just right for you! I have a new toy," he winked, "you will be the first one, I drugged him already as usual so he won't notice you,"

"Really? Let me see!" the man said excitedly.

"Cool, follow me!" the man followed John to the room. John opened the door, and the man was shocked as he saw me on the bed, unconscious. He froze for a minute or so.

"Are you okay? Is it something wrong?" John asked him.

"Yeah I am okay," the man was still in shock

"Do you want him for tonight?" John frowned

"Yeah," he whispered, still focusing on me

"Cool, so I will leave you two alone," John left the room

"John! How long until he wakes up?" the man stopped him.

"Oh at least two hours, why?"

"No reason, thanks."

"Not a problem, have fun Mr. Littrell!" John closed the door.


I regained my consciousness, noticing I was still naked. I just realized what happened to me. A single tear slipped out from my eye. I was confused and didn't know what to do. I saw the clock and it was 2:15am. I picked up my clothing on the floor then I headed to the bathroom.

After getting myself back, I was just sitting on the bed, doing a lot of thinking. Then John came in and sat next to me.

"So?" he asked me. I didn't reply.

"Okay...I assumed you enjoyed it," he smiled at me, "Listen! You can go home now. Here's a tip for tonight," he inserted 50 dollar bill into my pocket then he got up ready to leave.

"Oh yeah, make sure you come on time tomorrow, and don't try to run away because I have my eyes on you," he stared at me, "and your sister." All sudden I looked at him in disgust. "See ya tomorrow!" and he left.

I decided to leave his house and head to the hospital. It was 3am, and my head was still spinning. I didn't know why I couldn't stop my tears. I was so ashamed of myself. I was selling my body for money. 'How life can be so cruel to me? This is not what I want. Where are you Mom? Dad?'

Finally I arrived at the hospital, but I couldn't get in since it wasn't visiting hours so I just sat on the visitor area. The room was so quiet, and I was alone. I re-played the whole thing what just happened to me until I felt asleep.

Around 7am, I woke up. I rushed myself to the toilet, washing my face before going to work at Supermarket. I remembered that I should pay the remaining of the hospital bills by 8 so I went to the administration counter.


"Just wait for me in the car, I need to go to the restroom!" Nick shouted as he was heading to the restroom.

After 5 minutes, he went out looking relieved, then he saw me at the administration counter. Nick was a little bit surprised seeing me in the hospital, and he decided to call me, but he changed his mind after seeing me gave hundreds of dollars to the cashier lady. Nick was hiding behind the wall, not too far away from me.

'What is he doing in here? How did he get that money?' Hundreds of questions flew around his mind as he was eavesdropping on me.

"Okay here's the receipt for room 64B Miss Rachel and you still need to pay one more payment when you sister leaves the hospital tomorrow." The lady smiled at me.

"Thanks, I understand." I picked up the receipt.

I decided to visit my sister before leaving the hospital for work. Nick was following me and trying not to be seen by me. I saw from the window, my sister still sleeping peacefully, then I went in. I looked at her sadly, and I planted a kiss on her cheek and left a note on the nightstand for her. Nick peeped into the room from the window.

'Oh My! What's happened to her? Rachel?' Nick worried as she saw my sister lying on the bed. 'Oh No! He's out!' Nick quickly hid as I came out from the room.

Nick finally came out from his hiding place when I was gone from his sight. He quickly ran into my sister's room.

"Excuse me! You can't go in without permission," an old nurse stopped Nick.

"But I'm her friend," Nick excused himself.

"I'm sorry, young man. This is not visiting hours and you are not the patient's relative. Why don't you come back during visiting hours?" the nurse said politely to him.

"But..." Nick stopped his sentence as the nurse looked at him sternly, "Okay! Okay" Nick got pissed off and he left the scene.

Nick was walking out from the hospital trying to figure out what just happened.

"NICK! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Howie yelled at him, "I've been waiting for you for ages already".

"OOO I'm sorry dude. You won't believe what just happened," Nick said as he apologized to Howie.

"What?" Howie was pissed off.

"Let me tell you later on," Nick explained, as both of them left the hospital.


As usual, last night I had to go to John's place to serve some clients. Today, my sister could leave the hospital because her doctor granted her permission. She was happy as hell. I paid off bill before leaving the hospital.

"Okay! Are you ready to go home?" I asked my sister cheerfully.

"I AMMMMMMMMM!!!!" she screamed excitingly. "Dave, you don't know how bored I was," she complained.

"Okay, Okay. Do you need me to carry you?" I asked her again.

"Daveeee, I am 8. I can walk." She replied and I laughed.

"Okay I have your bag and you can take Mr. Bubba," I told her and she nodded. Before leaving the room, I stopped.

"Rach, who gave you these flowers?" I asked her.

"Huh? I thought they were from you," she looked at me. I looked at the flowers, they didn't have the sender's name, it was strange.

"Maybe it's a compliment from the hospital," I shrugged.

"Maybe," Rachel said.

"Okay let's go home!"


Days after leaving the hospital, my sister was getting better. As usual I had to work in the morning at the Supermarket and night at John's. My sister was becoming a little bit suspicious about my night job and I hadn't told her yet because I really didn't want her to know about it. I just told her that there was a little change on my working hours at the store and I have to work a shift at night. However I assured her that we would have plenty of time together during the day.

Meanwhile, by now I managed to save some of my salary, I had my savings in the bank. I learned from my lesson. Just in case I need money urgently, I have some cash. It seemed life was rolling in the right direction, until today. I came back from work at the supermarket and saw some cars, included a police car, in front of our apartment. I thought something must have happened, so I rushed myself to my place. I saw the door open.

"What's going on?" I asked in a panic as I saw some people in my apartment. "RACH?" I shouted and looked for her.

"Who are you?" a lady stopped me.

"I'm Dave. I live here." I explained.

"Calm down, Dave. I'm Jenny from the Social Department," she introduced herself. As I heard where she came from, my heart stopped beating for a second.

"NO! You can't take my sister away!" I shouted as I ran to her room but a cop stopped me. "Please leave us alone. I can take my sister, ma'am." I begged the lady as a tear slipped from my eyes.

"Please son, listen to our explanation. We got the report and I asked your sister already. I know that you take care of her very well, no doubt about it. But your sister needs more. She can have more. Some people are already willing to adopt her. Anyway you are not doing your parent's role. You leave her alone everyday and night. And I do understand that you love her. I promise I will take care of your sister." The lady explained. I shook my head as I struggled to get free.

"Please ma'am. Not my sister, she's all I've got. Please don't take her away from me," by now I was crying hard.

"Please? You need to understand, you...," before she finished her sentence, I managed to free myself and ran to my sister's room.

When I entered the room, my sister was not the only one. All the members of the Backstreet Boys were there. I saw my sister crying on Nick's lap.

"Rach?" I called her but she ignored me. "What have you done to her?" I asked all of them.

"This is for the best," Kevin spoke up. This was the first time I saw him since the 'accident'.

"You...! You!!!...You do this?" I was furious.

When I wanted to get my Rachel back from Nick, Kevin took my hands and pulled me away from my sister.

"Let me go! LET ME GO!!! GIVE MY SISTER BACK!!" I yelled.

"Dave, you should hear our explanation," AJ spoke up.

"Hell with all of you," I was so mad and in tears.

"Can you take care of her for just a couple of minutes?" Nick said to the social security lady. She nodded and took my sister out from the room. Then Nick closed the door.

"NO! NO! Don't take her away!" I tried to free myself from Kevin. And finally he let me go.

"Why are you all doing this to me? What have I done to you?" I asked all of them as I dropped to the floor.

"I know what you do every night, Dave." Nick knelt down in front of me. I was shocked in an instant.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Actually I saw you in the hospital. I know that your sister was in the hospital awhile ago. I saw you look sad and mysterious." Nick took a deep breath, "so from then I asked someone to follow you."

"You paid someone to spy on me? How dare you!" I cursed him.

"DAVE! I don't know what went through your mind. You should have asked us for help." Nick continued, "You are a prostitute Dave, where is your dignity and your self-esteem?" he asked me. "You are not giving a good example for your sister," Nick said sadly. While others looked at me in disgust.

"You don't understand guys," I said softly.

"Yes we do," Howie finally spoke up, "Please let us help you."

"We decided to adopt your sister," AJ said.

"No, I can do it by myself. I can take care of her" I cried.

"Dave, I love your sister so much, I promise that I will take care of her very well. I will make her happy. I will give her the best life ever," Nick looked at me.

"Please Nick, don't do this to me. I love her and she loves me. She's all I've got," I begged the guys.

"She used to love you, Dave." Kevin said, "but you lied to her all this time."

"I don't believe you," I replied to him, then I ran out to meet my sister. "Rach?" I called her but she ignored me, "Rach? Look at me?"

"I hate you," she finally spoke up.

When she said those words, I felt like my soul left my body for a moment. I was hurt so bad, my own sister actually hating me.

"I'm sorry, Rach. I love you, I did this for you," I cried but she shook her head.

"Look Dave, your sister is so upset right now, we should go." Kevin told me.

"Noooooo! Please don't take her away!" I begged on my knees, begging in front of Kevin.

"Dave, you still can come to our place to visit her, okay?" Nick explained.

"Please Nick, don't do this to me." Then I moved to Nick and I begged for his mercy. I managed to catch my sister's hand, she looked at me sadly. "Rach! I love you," I said sternly to her but she only looked at me in tears. Then the guys and a cop tried to pull me away from my sister, "Nooooooooo! NO!" I screamed.

They finally managed to separate us, and quickly put my sister in their car while a cop stopped me by the door. All of our neighbors were looking at the scene. I couldn't let my sister get away from me, so I managed to run from the cop. I was running, trying to chase the cars.

"Rachhhhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lung as I fell down on my knees.

After awhile, I finally stood up and walked back to my apartment. When I opened the door, it felt different. I lost my sister. I went straight to my sister's room, then sat on her bed. I saw Mr. Bubba still on the bed. I picked up the bear and my heart was crushed. It was her favorite doll and she couldn't sleep without it. I spent hours in her room until I heard someone knocking on my door. I thought it might be Rachel so I ran to open the door, but instead I was faced with Nick.

"What do you want now?" I showed my anger to him, "HUH?"

"Dave, please?" Nick whispered, "I feel terrible already," he came in and closed the door.

"She's all I've got, Nick. Why are you doing this to me?" I confronted him, "I thought you are my friend."

"'s hard already to make such a decision but I was thinking of the best for your sister," Nick said guilty, "Believe me! I love your sister like she's mine too. You can't just deny it, Dave, what you a bad example for her. You lied to her already."

"DO YOU THINK I WANT IT THIS WAY?" I screamed, "I don't have choice, Nick. I have to do this,"

"NO! You have much better options, Dave!" Nick said sternly

"You don't understand, Nick." I shook my head in tears.

"TRY ME! Try me, Dave. Tell me!"

I was silent for awhile, and then I told him the whole story why I had to be a prostitute. Nick's reaction was mixed with anger, sad, guilt, and shame but he listened to my story with full attention.

"You see, Nick. What would you do if you were in my shoes?" I wiped my tears, "I don't have a choice."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nick shook me in tears. "I will help you."

"Kevin hates me, Nick."

"Damn Kevin!"

"Please don't tell him or anyone about this, please Nick?"

"I have to help you to get out from that job," Nick said

"No Nick. I signed the paper, he will kill me or my sister if I breach it, I will deal with it until it ends."

"But I can't just stay like this, I have to help you, Dave!"

"Please give me back my sister, Nick." I looked at him with hope. I saw Nick look guiltily to me.

"Dave, you know even if you weren't like this, you can't give her the best of her life. No friends, no education, no safety. And we, or at least I, can give it to her. I'm sure that you want your sister to grow like normal kids, right? Going to school, playing with her friends in the park, not worrying about social security people, etc. You said you love her, do you understand what I'm saying?" Nick explained.

I was just silent, he was right, but I'd been taking care of her for 8 years already, since she was a baby. And now I had to let her go. Nick didn't get any reaction from me. I was just silent. Finally he stood up.

"Dave, I have to go. I didn't tell the others that I came to meet you," Nick looked at me then headed to the front door.

"Nick wait!" I called him and he turned around. "Please give this to her," I handed him Mr. Bubba, "This is her favorite toy, she can't sleep without it." Nick took it and nodded. "Please? Take care of her for me," I cried again.

"Don't worry about it. You have my word." Nick promised, "I have to go, Dave. Please call me if you need anything, this is my private number," he handed me a card.

"Thank you." I replied, then he left.

TO BE CONTINUED [Hopefully he he he]

Okay I did what I have to do already, now let's hear what you think about this chapter/story. Feel free to view your opinion, bad or good, all welcome. You can send your feedback to: Thanks Yo for reading!!!

########################################################################## Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance, or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occurred to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life, and the successes, and downfalls you experience, they are the ones who create you to become who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned. Those lessons are the hardest and probably the most important ones. ##########################################################################

Next: Chapter 7

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