La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Jun 24, 2000


Author's Note:

Sigh...I don't know why I couldn't make this story 'on time' as I planned. Anyway here's another chapter, HUGE THANKS, to all of you who sent a great feedback to my story. Your feedback are really encouraging me to keep writing. Thanks to Kyle, thanks for your help, this wouldn't out without your help ? My special friend, Yuli, I'm here, if you need me. Everything it's gonna be okay

[have fun with james yet?] Joanne, where are you gal ? David in Nifty, Thanks for the space...

As Usual, I'm still waiting your feedback, guys. Send it to:


This story is involves homosexuality. Do not continue if this offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regard to the sexual preference of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Previously on 'La Vita E Bella':

I think, both of us were sock too, he couldn't believe himself that he laid a hand on me, while I put my hand on my face, where he slapped me before.

"I try to be honest in here, I'm sick of lying to you," he said.

I was just shaking my head disbelieved.

"I'm sorry, Dave." He put his hands on me again but a shrugged them off.

"Please leave me alone!" by them I unlocked the door and ran.

"Dave WAIT!" Kevin started his car and he tried to chase me.

I ran to one way street so he couldn't follow me. And I managed to get him away then I ran as fast as I could to my apartment. I ran in tears. Finally I was at my place at 9pm, I got in, and I checked my sister and she was sleeping already in her room. I decided to get a shower, I just stood there in running waters and crying.

################# #La Vita e Bella# #################

By T

Chapter 5: When Love & Hate Collide

It had been a month or so and we hadn't seen the guys because they were on tours around the country. However, Rachel still received some letters from them, mainly Nick. Everything was as usual. I still had my jobs and I really didn't give a damn about Kevin, as I tried to forget him.

As usual I finished my work at 8pm in McDonalds. I changed my clothes and I was ready to go home. On my way back, I had someone stop me.

"Can we talk?" a deep voice asked me.

I turned around to see the lad and was quite surprised to find Kevin standing in front of me. I didn't know whether I was happy, because it'd been awhile since I saw him, or pissed off because I still hated him.

"It's late, Kevin. Rachel is waiting for me," I replied.

"Please?" he pleaded, "I've been waiting for you for an hour already. Can we please talk?"

I saw the look of sincerity in his eyes, so I nodded at his request. I followed him to his BMW and he opened the passenger door for me to get in. I got in and he closed the door behind me and then got in himself. He sat next to me in silence. He was just looking at me with his worried expression. After 5 minutes of silent, I was getting tired of all this.

"So talk!" I said to him sternly and then I looked at him.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" he asked me.

"It's up to you. But please quick, I'm so tired Kev." I replied.

"Okay." Then Kevin started his car and drove to no where in particular.

"How is Rachel?"

"She's good," I answered his question short.


"Kev, can you just get straight to the point? What do you want?" I said kinda pissed off.

His eyes focused on the main street as he was driving. It was so obvious that he was hiding something from me. Then all sudden he stopped his car at the curb next to a park and he looked at me.

"I'm engaged," he told me softly.

Now I was silent for a moment. I knew it, sooner or later something like this would come up.

"Dave, please say something," Kevin looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Kev?" I asked him back, but he didn't answer. "Why are you doing this to me? Why?"

Kevin was still silent after hearing my words.

"You told me you love me and then the next thing I know, you drop a BOMB on me by telling that you're engaged. Why?" I raised my voice a little.

"I thought it was just a fling, ya know, we both wanted it," he replied easily.

"A FLING? IT WAS JUST A FLING? After all this time and now you're telling me it was just a fling? Am I your toy or something?" I screamed.

"You know what, Kev? You can't just play with people's feeling like that. I'm a normal human being. I can get hurt," I added.

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

"I'm sorry," he finally spoke up.

"Sorry won't change anything, Kev." I replied quickly.

"But you should've known. It never could have worked out between you and me. I can't jeopardize my career," he defended himself.

I don't know about him but it was the dumbest excuse that I'd ever heard.

"So it's better that you hurt my feeling, huh?"

"I'm sorry, Dave." He said again.

"You can't say sorry, Kev! You just can't! Sorry won't change anything! So what do you want now? DO YOU WANT MY BLESSING OR SOMETHING?" I challenged him hysterically in tears.

"Dave, please calm down," he said as he put his hands on my shoulder to calm me.


"HEY?!?" then Kevin slapped my face.

I think both of us were in shock. He couldn't believe it himself that he laid a hand on me and I couldn't believe that he actually hit me. I put my hand on my face where he slapped me.

"I'm trying to be honest here, I'm sick of lying to you," he said.

I was just shaking my head disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Dave." He put his hands on me again but a shrugged them off.

"Please leave me alone!" I said in a low voice as I unlocked the door and ran off.

"Dave WAIT!" Kevin started his car and he tried to chase me.

I ran down a one way street so he couldn't follow me and I managed to get away from him. Then I ran as fast as I could to my apartment. I ran in tears. I finally got to the apartment at 9pm and went in. I checked Rachel, who was already asleep in her room. I decided to take a shower. I just stood there, letting the water run over me as I cried.


Since that night, Kevin never contacted me again. I asked my sister to stop contacting the guys and I did my best to give her some good excuses. However Rachel was too smart and kept asking me 'why?'. But in the end, she didn't argue with me and let it go.

Just before I was going to leave for my evening job, I was looking for Rachel.

"Rachel?" I opened her door.

I saw her curled up in her bed and she looked pale and like she was in pain.

"Rachel? Rachel? What's happened to you?" I yelled as I ran to her side.

"My tummy, Dave. It hurts." She replied in tears.

I was panicking and I couldn't do anything. She looked so pale.

"Daveeeeee!" She screamed in pain.

"I'll take you to hospital, Rachel. Please bear with me."

I lifted her from her bed and carried her out the door. I even didn't bother to lock our apartment. I stopped a Taxi and went to the nearest hospital.


I paid the cab and I ran to emergency unit for help. I saw my sister bite her lower lip to hold the pain.

"Please, help my sister," I pleaded with a nurse as I did my best to hold back my tears.

"What's happened to her?" the nurse asked me.

"I dunno, she told me that her tummy is hurting. Please help her?" I begged her.

"Okay, let me take care of her from here. You wait in here and the doctor will check her out, okay?" the nurse took my sister in her arms.

"Dave?" Rachel called me.

"I'm here, don't worry," I tried to smile for her.

As the nurse carried her into the emergency room, I was waiting worriedly outside. Then another nurse asked me to fill some details about my sister. I prayed and waited for about an hour, when a nurse finally came out and asked me to go see a doctor.

"Please sit," the doctor ushered me to sit, "I'm doctor Steve. I've been taking care of your sister. What's your name?"

"I'm her brother, David. How is she, doctor?" I asked him worriedly.

"I gave her a pain killer for a time being, so she's sleeping now," the doctor replied, "I was wondering if I can contact your parents."

"We don't have our parents anymore, I've been taking care of my sister since she was a baby," I lied through my teeth about my parents.

"Oh I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

"That's okay," I tried to smile at him. "What's wrong with to my sister, doc?"

"She's got appendix problems and I hate to say this, but it's serious Dave." He gave me a serious look.

"So what can you do?" I asked him sadly.

"She really needs surgery urgently. Do you guys have health insurance?" he asked me. I shook my head and looking down.

"Do you need help from social security people?" He gave me another option.

"Please don't!" I told him sternly.

"But it will cost you a lot, Dave and your sister has to get this surgery soon," he told me.

"Please not the social security people," I told him again. The doctor wasn't aware of our situation, but he didn't push me either.

"Please? I'll get the money. How much will it cost?"

"A thousand or so," the doctor replied.

I was really confused, as I didn't know how I was going to get that kind of money. I nearly started to cry.

"I'm sorry but can you give me a little bit dispensation? I mean... can you do the surgery first? I promise, I'll pay for it later on. Please?" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Dave. I want to help your sister too, but that's the rule of the hospital. We can't perform the surgery if you haven't made some deposit," he answered sadly to me. I just looked down.

"I understand. I will get the money by tomorrow morning. Can I see my sister for a time being?"

"Of course," then I followed him to see Rachel.

I saw her sleeping peacefully with machine attached to her. I kissed her on the cheek.

"Doc, please take care of her. I'll be back as soon as I can with some money," I begged.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of her." The doctor assured me.

"Thank you,"

I left the hospital. It was 7:30 pm and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how I was going to get that kind of money. So I decided to push my luck and ask to borrow some money from my boss.

As I arrived at McDonalds, the place was so crowded. I went through the backdoor.

"DAVE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT?" Eric, my boss screamed at me.

"I'm sorry, but I had to take my sister to hospital," I said, pleading my excuse.


"I'm sorry, but..."

"I don't have much time for you, GET OUT! You're FIRED!" Eric yelled as he left me.

I left the place in tears. I didn't know what was happening to me, everything is getting worse and worse. I was so confused, but my mind was on my sister. I kept walking until I found a phone. I opened my wallet, and I saw Kevin's phone number. I hated to do this, but I need to get some money. So I picked up the phone and dialed his number. The phone rang a few times and finally someone picked up the phone.


The voice was so familiar to my ears, it was so obvious that it was Kevin's voice. I really didn't know what to say.


I was still silent and didn't reply, but I remembered my sister in hospital, so I encouraged myself to talk.


"Who's this?"

"It's me, Dave," I replied softly.

"What do you want?" I felt an angry tone in his voice.


"I thought you don't want to talk to me anymore?"

Now I felt a disgusted tone from him.

"I know, but I need your help," I whispered as more tears dropped from my eyes.

"You need my help? Am I hearing correctly? Dave finally needs my help. You just ran away without explanation while I tried to be honest to you. And now you called me for HELP?" Kevin said to me with sarcasm in his voice.


"Yeah right? Why don't you call me later, after you've thought about what you've done. I'm busy right now." As he finished he hang up the phone.

"Kevin! Kevin! Kevin!" I called his name in tears.

'God? Please help me, please help my sister' I said to God.

By now, it was nearly 10pm and the streets were so empty, I sat on the ground, I was so exhausted, my head was still looking for solution. I needed money quickly and the clock was ticking. 'What should I do?' I asked myself, then a car stopped in front of me, I didn't know what kind of car it was, but it looks expensive. The driver rolled down the passenger side window. I didn't know the guy, but he looks in mid 30. He used his fingers to call me to get closer to him. I stood up but not dare to close to his car.

"How much?" the guy popped me a question all sudden.

"What?" I asked him back in confusion.

"You charged per hour or something?" he asked me back.

I really didn't understand what he meant but from his tone, I could sense that he was drunk.

"Excuse me?" I confused.

"Damn it!" he yelled at me, "Just tell how much it will cost me to fuck you!"

When I heard his last sentence, I was stunned. I was nearly blown away by his comment.

"You're a hooker, right?" he winked at me, "$100 an hour sound good?"

After I heard what he offered me, my brain was screaming for that money. My thoughts went back to Rachel in the hospital and her need for the surgery.

"More!" I said to him sternly. I don't know where that word came from. But I just stared at him, not moving.

"Geeez you must be good huh?" he laughed at me, "$200! and that's final! So?" he stared at me.

My hands were shaking, I really didn't want to do this but I have to do this for Rachel. Finally I nodded at his offer.

"Good! Get in!" he opened the passenger side door for me and I got in.

First he rubbed my thigh and then he started to drive off. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I was hoping it would be over soon. I looked outside as the car moved and a single tear fell from my eyes.


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Next: Chapter 6

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