La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Mar 19, 2000


Author Note:

Firstly, I would like to say sorry for the delay, secondly, I would like to say thanks for those of you sent your feedback, I met some new friends already. Last but not least, special thanks to someone, you know who you are. Comment for this story would be appreciated:


This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction

Previously on 'La Vita E Bela':

"Oh yeah, this is a surprise for you," Nick said as he took something from his coat.

"What is it? What is it?" my sister asked him excitedly.

"Why don't you open it by yourself," Kevin said to her.

Rachel opened the small box that they gave to her, and it was CDs, the collection of their albums. By now, Rachel was not exciting as before.

"Guys, you don't have to do that. Rach, give it back to them," I said to my sister and she nodded.

"Thanks Nick, Kev." She returned the CDs back to Nick sadly.

################ #La Vita E Bela# ################

By T

Chapter 2: 100 Tears Away

"But why?" Nick confused.

"Well the thing is that we don't have a CD player," I replied honestly, and my sister nodded. "So I don't think we can accept your present, guys. Thanks for the thought," I added.

"Hey we can send the player for..." Kevin continued.

"It's not necessary, we may be poor, but we don't need any mercy from anyone," I explained. "Right Rach?" I asked my sister for approval. She just nodded sadly.

Kevin and Nick just kept silent for awhile. Finally Nick spoke up, "Umm at least you can accept the CDs, I know that you can't listen to them, but the guys signed them already for your sister." Nick looked at me sincerely.

"Well, you want to give them to her, so you should ask her." I looked back to my sister. She cocked her eyebrows to give me a sign whether to except the present or not. I shrugged my shoulder.

"Rach?" Nick asked her.

"I'D LOVE TO!" my sister screamed, and that made Nick jumped a little, while Kevin and I just laughed.

"Rach, should you say something to them?" I looked at her.

"Thanks Nick, Kev." My sister smiled at them.

"No problem, Rach. Anything for our number 1 fan," Kevin teased her.

"Just 'thanks'?" Nick replied sadly.

Then Rachel gave him a quick kiss.

"That's much better," Nick replied happily.

I looked at the clock, it was 9:15 pm already, so I had to ask my sister to go to bed.

"Rach, it's passed 9 already," I reminded her.

"Davvvvv, I'm not sleepy yet," she was whining.

"Rach, I know you are tired," I stared at her.

"But...but..." she mumbled out.

"Come on, I'll put you in bed," Nick stood up and carried her. "If you are a good girl tonight, I'll sing for you," Nick persuaded her.

"Really?" My sister asked excitedly. And I could see "fireworks" in her eyes.

"Yep! Come on," Nick took her to her bedroom. Kevin and I followed them.

When Nick and Kevin entered the room, they were a little bit surprised, seeing a small bedroom with one bed. I took Rachel from Nick and put her in bed and tucked her.

"So what song?" Rachel asked Nick who was still surprised about the room.

"Ah yeah hmmmmm let me see..." Nick sat on the edge of the bed. While Kevin and I kept staring at them, then Nick began to sing.

Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In color on the snowy linen land

Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you suffered your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night Flaming flowers that brightly blaze Swirling clouds in violet haze Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue Colors changing hue Morning fields of amber grain Weathered faces lined in pain Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand

Now I understand What you tried to say to me They did not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now Starry, starry night

I knew it, my sister was very tired, because she was falling asleep before the song was finished. Nick stood up from the bed.

"Thanks Nick, that was beautiful." I told him, and he replied with his smile.

I came close to my sister and gave her a goodnight kiss. Then Nick, Kevin, and I left the bedroom.

"Please have a seat, guys," I told them. They sat in the chairs again, and I took a seat on the floor. We were silent for several minutes. Nick's eyes were browsing the room. Finally, Kevin broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for being nosey here, umm, but where are your parents?" Kevin asked. It took me a moment to reply.

"I wish I knew where they were now," I replied sadly. Nick's eyes looked at me all of a sudden.

"oooh you don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Nick said sincerely.

"That's okay, as long as you don't tell anyone." I looked down to the floor.

"I don't even know what my father looks like. My mom had me at such a young age. She got pregnant, and he left her." I took a moment of silence. "She took care of me. I had the good fortune to go to school. I know, it was hard for her, but I had part time jobs to help a little." I stopped. I looked at both of them listening to my story.

"When I was 11, my mom had another relationship with another man, somehow he was just like the previous one. He left her when he knew she was pregnant. My mom thought about having an abortion, but I managed to convince her not to." I tried to hold my tears back.

"After 9 months, my mom gave birth Rachel. After that, I don't know what happened to my mom. She ran away from the Hospital hours after giving birth. She left me and my sister in the hospital." I let out a small tear from my right eye. I saw Nick was teary eyed too.

"The thing is my mom hasn't paid the hospital, so they held my sister, waiting for the social security people to take care of her. So one night, I managed to 'steal' my sister and run away from the hospital." I wiped my tears away from my face. "That's why the social security people keep haunting us. We kept moving from one place to another, and that's also why we never tell anyone our address." I looked at Nick, and he nodded his understanding. "I stopped school to work. Sometimes I have to take her to work with me, but good thing, she grows up so fast, and now here we are." I smiled as I concluded my story.

"I'm sorry, Dav. You and..." Kevin started to say something.

"Don't be. I'm sorry for my sister, she's never seen her parents at all," I sighed. "Well as long as she is happy, then I'm happy for her."

"Does Rachel go to school now?" Nick asked.

"No, I don't want people to notice her. I don't want to take the risk," I gasped, "but don't worry Nick, I teach her everyday, now she can read and do math," I replied.

Kevin stood up from his chair and knelt down in front of me.

"Dav, I know that we just met ... ummm... why don't you and Rachel move in with us?" Kevin asked me and Nick nodded his approval.

"Thanks for the offer, guys. I'm not rich and famous, but we are okay. I've been facing a lot of things over the past 8 years, but look at us now, we survived!" I smiled at him.

"But at least you can consider it for Rachel," Nick knelt in front of me, to persuade me.


"I'm not saying take Rachel away from you. I'm just thinking about what's best for her, I'm sure you have the same thought," Nick argued with me. I was just silent.

"Yeah, we haven't known you for long, but we want to help you," Kevin added.

"But I don't need help; we are okay," I said desperately. "You can help me by not telling anyone about us. Please?" I looked at each of them. "I'm tired of moving around and getting new jobs."

"But Dav..." Kevin wanted to say something, but I cut him off.

"Guys, I'm very tired. I have work in the morning." I excused myself, and they looked at me sadly.

"Okay, we are leaving." Kevin stood up and looked at Nick.

I opened the door for them.

"Thanks for coming, guys." I tried to smile at them.

"Can we come back to visit again, pleaseeee?" Nick begged me, and I giggled.

"Sure," I smiled, "BUT keep it a secret please?" I reminded him.

"I will! Swear to God!" Nick raised his right hand.

"Okay," I laughed a little. Then Nick was out.

Kevin stopped in front of me. We were staring at each other for a while. Then Nick made a silly whistle to tell Kevin that he was waiting.

"Have a nice dream," Kevin put his hand on my shoulder.

"You too," I replied.

"Let's go, Nick." Kevin stepped away from my apartment.

"It's about time," Nick scolded Kevin. "Bye, Dav!" Nick waved at me as they walked to their car.

I closed the door as they disappeared from my view. "Can I trust them?" I asked myself as I turned the light off.


Next: Chapter 3

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