La Vita E Bella

By life is beautiful

Published on Mar 5, 2000


Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction

################ #La Vita E Bela# ################

By T

Chapter 1: When the wheel starts rolling

"Oh...look at that. It's really a long queue," I complained then I looked to my sister, "are you sure you want to wait this long?"

"Pleaseeee, I want to meet them so bad. Come on, you already promised to me," my sister, Rachel, replied.

"Yeah, but I'm not expected this long and I have work to do in an hour," I excused myself.

"I know, but pleaseeeee...," she gave me her puppy looks, "please few more people then that would be our turned,".

I nodded. I didn't like to make her upset, I mean, we are rarely to go out together, since I'm so busy with my two jobs. We were still waiting in the line with other fans, mostly girls. My little sister is dying to meet her favorite boy band, which is Backstreet Boys. Today, there was a session 'meet and greet' with Backstreet Boys in a record store, and my sister prepared her biggest poster already for their signature. Honestly, I've never been following any music trend already, so I don't even know why these girls are hypnotized by these 5 boys or should I say men, since they are getting older to call themselves 'boy'.

It was just about a nick of time that we are ready to leave the queue, it was our turned. I took my sister hand to meet the first member of the boy.

"Come on, quick! Everybody is waiting," I said to my sister.

"Hello, what's your name?" the blonde singer asked her.

I don't know what happened to my sister but all sudden she was too shy to meet her idol, then I knelt down beside her.

"Hey, he asked you for your name?" I pushed her to the table.

"Rachel," she said softly.

"Sorry," the blonde singer asked her again.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened to her but she is dying to meet you guys in the lines for an hour, but now she's speechless. She is my sister, Rachel," I took the poster from her hands and put it on the table for signature.

"Oh that's cool man, so you are her big brother then, and your name?" he asked me.

"Me? Dave, and you?" I asked him and he looked a little bit surprised. My sister hit me lightly on my hand and I looked at her.

"Please don't embarrass me, he is Nick." Now she could speak clearly, even Nick could hear. Nick giggled.

"Yeah, I'm Nick," he offered his hand and I shook his hand.

"I'm sorry, I feel so stupid, hey?" I apologized.

"Hey that's cool, I mean, I'm not expecting the whole world knew my name," Nick laughed and he signed the poster with a little note for my sister.

"Just poster? Any CD cover to sign for you?" Nick smiled politely to us.

"I'm sorry but we don't have your album yet," I replied and Nick looked at us confusedly.

"BUT I keep listening to your songs in the radio. I love your song," finally my sister spoke up.

"That's cool, Rach, you are still our number one fan too," Nick smiled to her, "Maybe you can give us your address, and probably we can send you something?"

"Really?" Rachel excited, "yeah! Sure, it's..." I cut her off.

"RACH!" I stared at her. I know she is so sad but she could understand my stare.

"Thanks, Nick, you don't have to send anything, this signature is more than enough." I took the poster from his table and moved to the next one. Nick looked puzzle on my reaction after he asked me about our address.

Then we got signatures from the rest of the boys, from Brian, Howie, AJ, yeah my sister informed me before I met them. Now, we met the last one.

"He is Kevin Richardson," my sister whispered.

"Hi! What's your name little girl?" Kevin asked my sister.


"How old are you?" Kevin asked as he signed the poster.

"She is 8," I replied.

"Oh and you are?" Kevin looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm his brother, Dave."

Then Nick came to Kevin and he whispered something. As Nick was saying something, Kevin stared at me without a blink. Then I tapped my watch to my sister to tell her that it was time to leave or I would be late for my job. Then, finally, Nick finished telling something to Kevin.

"Hi Rachel, Dav!" Nick greeted us.

"Hi Nick!" my sister replied happily, while I just smiled to him.

"Well it's time to go," I took the poster from the table and gave it to my sister, "Thanks for your time, guys." I carried my sister on my shoulder.

My sister waved at them for goodbye, and Kevin replied waving. I just smiled at him then we went out from the store.

"Happy now?" I asked her.

"Very! Thanks are the best!"

"Okay now I have to take you home, and I'll go for work. Please don't go out okay? Do not open the door for anyone, remember?" I reminded her and she nodded, "oh yeah you have homework to do,"

"awww again," she mumbled out.

"yeah," I giggled.

We took a bus to our place; we lived in the small one-bedroom flat. I worked really hard for paying the rent for this flat, we considered ourselves as unfortunate people. We don't have TV, Phone, or other luxury stuff; anyway I don't care about it, as long as we still have 'roof' above our head, that is good enough for me. I have 2 part time jobs, in the morning, I work in the Supermarket in a check out counter, and in the afternoon until evening, I work in McDonald's. I try my best to schedule my working hours and have time with my lovely sister. With both jobs, I can pay the rent, some bills, and foods; If I can use my salary wisely, sometimes I can save the remaining in my piggy bank.

As usual, before I leaved my sister for work, I prepared her dinner, in case, if I have to work extra hours in McDonald's. By now, it was nearly 5, so I had to go or I'll be late for work. I searched for my sister and she was in her room, looking at the poster of the Backstreet Boys.

"Rach!" I called her and she turns around to look at me.

"Rach, I have to go. I made your dinner already, so you don't have to wait for me, okay?" I smiled to her. "Remember, do not open the door for anyone okay," I reminded her and she nodded then turned to stare her poster again.

"Do your homework, okay?" I told her.

"Okay, Okay," she mumbled out without looking at me but her poster.

"Do I get anything before I left?" I said with a sad tone. And she turned around and ran to me to give a quick kiss.

"There you go," my sister smiled at me.

"Thank you." I replied happily and left her in the bedroom.

I left the flat and not to forget to lock the door. Actually I don't like the idea of leaving my sister alone, but we need money for survived.

Around 7, my sister had her dinner by herself, then someone knocked on the door. My sister was so surprised, she stopped her dinner and then she was so worried. She ran to her bedroom and locked the door, the person kept knocking on the door, but my sister kept ignoring it as she remembered my words 'not to open the door to anyone'.

At 8:30pm, I returned from work, I was so surprised that it was very quite. I saw the table and there was some leftover food.

'Hmmm this is not like Rachel, she usually cleans up the stuff after eating,' I said to myself. So I walked to the bedroom. I tried to open the door but it locked, so I knocked the door.

"Rach! Are you there? It's me," I called her. Suddenly she opened the door and hugged me and crying.

"Rach! What's wrong?" I asked her panicky.

" door few hours ago," she said in shaking voice and sobbed. Now I was a little bit shaking after she told me what happened.

"It's okay, Rach. I'm here now. It's okay, I won't let anyone taking you away from me," I gently pad her back to calm her down.

'Please God. Not again! Please,' I prayed silently as I hugged my sister.

Suddenly we heard knocking on our door again, we both stunned for awhile. I looked my sister and she was shaking. We didn't do anything about the door, but it wouldn't stop either for 10 minutes or so.

"Okay! You stay here," I said to Rachel.

"No, don't go!" Rachel grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry, I just want to peep through the window, okay?...Stay!" then I left my sister in the bedroom.

I peeped out from the window and I saw a tall man, looks familiar, but I couldn't see him clearly since it was dark outside.

"Yes! Can I help you?" I asked the guy, but I still wouldn't open the door.

"umm I don't know whether you still remember me but we met this afternoon," the man replied.

His voice was so familiar in my ears, so I braved myself to unlock the door and open it a little.

"Dave? It's me,"

He was the blond guy in the Backstreet Boys, and I forgot his name already.

"ummm can I help you?" I asked him confusedly.

"Can you let me in first? It's cold outside," he asked me back.

I was thinking about it for awhile before letting him in, then I decided to let him in.

"Thanks," he smiled at me, while I looked at him puzzled, "okay you can come in, Kev," the blonde said and another figure showed up.

I was so surprised as hell, and I pushed both of them out, but my sister stopped me.

"Dav, it's them," Rachel looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, man." The short dark hair spoke out.

"What do you want?" I asked them sarcastically as I closed the door.

My sister pinched me and said softly, "it's Nick and Kevin,"

"Well...actually we want to give you guys a little bit a surprised, and we came 2 hours ago but none answered the door," Nick explained and smiled to my sister.

"Hold a sec! How do you know this flat? We didn't tell you about our address," I asked them back.

"We sent someone to follow you, because we are kinda..." Kevin explained but I cut his words.

"WHAT! YOU SENT SOMEONE TO SPY ON US?" by now, I was ready to explode, they surprised seeing my reaction. "HOW DARE YOU! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? HUH?" I screamed at them, my sister shook my hand for attention and I looked at her, she shook her head 'no'; asked me to stop yelling at them.

"Dave, we don't have bad things for you or your sister. We kind of like your sister in here, so Nick decided to give her a surprise. Since you didn't tell us your address so we sent someone to get your address. We are really sorry about it," Kevin said in sincere and Nick showed the same expression.

After a minute or so, I calmed myself down. "I'm sorry to snap at you, guys. It's just...," I sighed. " what can we do for you? Oh yeah have a seat," I tried to smile at them.

We don't have a couch and we only have a small dining table with two chairs. They both sat down, and my sister and I was just standing up in front of them, finally they realized that we were standing up, and both of them stood up from their chairs.

"No! No! Please have a seat, we are fine," I smiled at them. My sister ran to Nick.

"Yeah sit! Sit!" Rachel took Kevin and Nick's hand and asked them to sit back.

"Okay, okay," Nick giggled, "but you have to sit in here with me." Nick took Rachel and sat her in his laps. Rachel was happy as hell, while Kevin and I just laughed.

"Oh yeah, this is a surprise for you," Nick said as he took something from his coat.

"What is it? What is it?" my sister asked him excitedly.

"Why don't you open it by yourself," Kevin said to her.

Rachel opened the small box that they gave to her, and it was CDs, the collection of their albums. By now, Rachel was not exciting as before.

"Guys, you don't have to do that. Rach, give it back to them," I said to my sister and she nodded.

"Thanks Nick, Kev." She returned the CDs back to Nick sadly.


Please send all of your comments to T:

Next: Chapter 2

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