La Shala Shaker Zoomer

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 19, 2019



La Shala lakar zoomer John Bromfield >

Detective Sargent William Benson working for Scotland Yard assigned to Interpol Liaison Office. This can get exciting sometimes after months of investigations we nab and notorious drug dealer hiding in Spain living of their ill gotten gains. I was feeling quite pleased with myself on how all the plans had worked. The gang leader was safely in prison waiting for extradition back to the UK where he will get a chance to loose that tan plus nearly everything he owns through the "Proceeds of Crime Act". I have no sympathy for the guy ruining thousands of people's lives by his actions.

My door opened "Benson office!" it was a summons from my boss and always sounds like someone has dug up something from my past that should remained buried. Oh well I will take my punishment and by tomorrow it will all be forgotten. I follow "Close the door take a seat" I wait for the blast to hit my eardrums but none came.

There was a knock at the door "Come in, ah yes constable place the tray down there" "That will be all, thankyou" the young girl in uniform turned smiled and left the room. I noticed him looking at the very pretty girl and if she plays her cards right will get an easy promotion. Until then she will play the game but once she gets what she wants and then, she will stamp on his foot. (Seen it before oh yes).

"Coffee?" he said "Milk with two sugars please sir". This was no Nescafe this was real (Not saying Nescafe isn't coffee but this comes from Harrods own brand kind of coffee) "Well Benson you are not due for some leave (Vacation) for some time it being January, Christmas and New Year. I see you had both. Well the Super and myself didn't. The super's daughter is getting married for a start. Second I have my parents golden wedding anniversary" I knew the ground had been laid for me next the axe would fall. "There has been a missing person report from the Governor of one of the British Virgin Islands. I want you to go and investigate. It could be tricky as Cuba has launched a claim on it but is at the other end of the Caribbean. Once it reaches the United Nations it wont go any further. In the meantime we sending a destroyer to patrol its waters" I like the sound of this working holiday. "I have your person file on my desk. You have two brothers in the force but not in the Met? Yes?" he waited for a reply "Yes sir". "What about girlfriends or partners?" "No Sir" I replied "Good if this turns shit- shape I want no publicity. Do you here Benson?" his eyes narrowed "Yes Sir" he handed me a file "Right you can read this on the plane it leaves Heathrow Airport at 1600 hrs. That gives you enough time for you to pack and get to the airport. A car will be waiting at Miami Airport to take you to HMS Daedalus at Mayport. She is under sailing orders to leave. If you are late we will have the Admiralty breathing down our necks. Clear?" "Yes Sir" I reply. "What you hanging around for, you have a plane to catch" dismissed I leave his office. I tell other colleagues that I am going undercover and expect me when they see me next. Some asked for hint but I said it was a small job but in a difficult situation.

Yes it was a rush home, pack the basics on the Tube and Heathrow. On arrival at British Airways check-in "Mr Benson you are late your tickets are here. You are Elite Class means you can board the plane now. Just follow the gate signs to the left. Thankyou have a nice journey" I move at a brisk pace and get to departure lounge and ushered immediately into the plane. The government uses normally the cheapest seats but this was an emergency and these were the only ones available. I get to my seat that at I push of a button turns itself into a bed. If you have money this the only way to travel, Oh yes. The other passengers flow past me looking for empty roof lockers and don't forget the screaming child that is usually the centre of attention but now at this moment, not.

The plane takes off on time and soon refreshments are served "Champagne Sir? And if you want a top-up let us know" and soon the evening meal was not served it was presented. The stewards had practice this for hours before getting their prised winged badges. The meal cooked by one of the top chefs that left you hungry afterwards. The red wine was excellent so had some more and retired for the night.

I was woken by a steward "Would Sir like some coffee or we can get you anything you require. We are 30 minutes before we start landing procedures." "Coffee will be fine and maybe a few nibbles, thankyou" a small selection of bite size sandwiches were brought to me. On landing a man approached me "Mr Benson" he was in a grey suit very smart "Yes" "You will follow me we don't need to go through passport control" I was lead to a large black car that had its engine running. He opened the door for me and as I entered I sank into the soft leather seats. "Confirm Mayport in a few hours sir just before high tide" why did I really need to know that "Thankyou driver" I replied and belted myself in an drifted off to sleep. On waking the sun was still below the horizon but dawn was breaking. We had stopped at some kind of control post with a barrier "This is Mr Benson's car we are expected" the man in uniform saluted and waved us through. I was not expecting it to be so big docks after docks. The car turned another corner and there she was tied up to the outer wall ready to sail on the rising tide. The driver got out and opened the door and suddenly forgot. Where's my luggage? I need not of worried it was already in the trunk before I got into the car. The driver took my luggage up the gangway and shook my hand "Have a good trip sir" and was gone.

The sailor on guard duty blew his pipe to pipe me aboard and I gave a salute. The captain welcomed me aboard and said this steward will show you to your room "Thankyou" as I followed the steward. The air was full of commands "Let go the springs, followed with forid and aft. We stop at a door, open it and we are in a corridor and few paces down was another door. "This is your room sir sorry it is small but it is the best we can manage at short notice" may I have a word with you "Sir I have been assigned to be your steward if there anything you require you only to ask" he look very handsome in his uniform "My question is: Who do you think I am?" he thought for a moment "I will be honest with you sir. We were told you were on a hush hush diplomatic mission AND told not to ask questions" "What is your name?" "Peter Sir" "Peter I will like to know what is expected of me on this ship. You will guide me through Naval protocol and I want the least fuss. I have a job to do that has no connection with this ship directly. If the Government wants it secret then best we keep it that way.

The ship was travelling rather quick, Peter said "We are travelling at war cruising speed. The captain wants us there before any other warship arrives. Our oil tanker is on an intercept course coming north while are steaming south."

We arrive at the island it was a zig-zag shaped with a small round low lying island at the south. There were no places to dock for such a large ship so it anchored in the bay. The ship's helicopter took lots of photos of the ship in the bay showing clearly the shape of the island in the backround and emailed Reuters "HMS Daedalus visiting Conundrum Island on a diplomatic mission"

It was time to leave and Peter had packed my case. We had both got close in the short time we had been together. I gave Peter my mobile number with the remark "If he was in London and wanted a place bed-down for the night. Give me a call" he turned around and gave me a full on kiss with tongues down the throat. On breaking it I said "Thanks you taste great I will remember that" smiling. I say good bye to the captain and officers and thank them for their co-operation. The gangway had been lowered and at the bottom was the Governor's boat. I turn and salute the ship and the pipe is sounded. One last look at Peter with a smile from ear to ear.

The governor's boat tossed turn but soon as we gain speed it levelled out. The main built-up area had a small jetty and on it were crowds of people including the governor in full uniform and hat bedecked with feathers. I climb a small ladder on reaching the top was welcomed by the man himself and flower garlands were place over my head and pictures taken and I was lead to a feasting area where pigs were being roasted and was seated in honourable place as important as the Governor. He said this only the warm up, I hope you are hungry. There was dancing and singing and more food but about midnight we went to the Residency. A fine colonial looking building. "We will talk at breakfast that's about 10 am. Have good night's sleep." A servant led me to my room and ask it I want my cases unpacked I replied "In the morning we will sort thing out then" "Goodnight Sir" "Oh "Goodnight"

I have gone along with this act of the diplomat and no one has challenged me. Are there any more surprises ahead, probably.

Morning arrives as my servant starts to unpack and lay out my clothes "Good morning sir can I run your bath?" "What time is it? I asked "Its 9 o'clock sir" Ohhh yes and can you check my clothes they may not be suitable for all occasions" the servant replies "The Governor understands this that you were called at short notice and he has instructed me to purchase clothes that are suitable at his expense" that's nice I thought I will check out other things at breakfast with the Governor. That is if a hundred other guest are not being fed at the same time.

Breakfast was being served on the veranda I selected some kedgeree (Boiled rice with smoked fish with a little curry paste) and an orange juice. Tea was served at the table. "Mr Benson did you have a good sleep?" the governor asked "Well I woke at dawn" I said "Good this our Chief of Police here. He was the one that sparked your visit. My son has gone missing and I would like for you to investigate the matter. I turned to the man in uniform "I don't want to undermine your authority Sir or step on any toes. I have been sent to try to resolve this matter." He replied "Mr Benson we will work together on this. There is no problem. I may have the title of Chief but there is only two policeman on the island and there has not been an official crime in ten years." I spoke to the governor "Am I expected to attend any other events that I don't know about?" I asked "Well the islanders have special event at the weekend and all will get drunk and evoke the return of the old gods. Everyone has fun and Monday all stay in bed nursing their sore heads. Some islanders take this seriously but no one has died from this festival. The festival is the main one that we have every ten years but each year we have a small one. So you are fortunate to be here this weekend to join in with it." He smiles "Thanks I will go and look at and examine all areas of the island today to get a feel of the place. Where was your son last seen? The Chief replied "He was seen heading for Mark's Island in the south. You can walk to it as the sea is very swallow at that point about a foot deep" at this point they both looked at eachother but said nothing. They're hiding something.

I made my excuses and left heading north there was the sound of the sea and in the shade of coconut palms. Boys were fishing catching enough to feed a family and sell some to the fishmonger. All who met me smiled. To find this young lad was not got to be easy. I got to the northern shore, there a distance away was a corvette with a Cuban flag flying. I decided to return to the Residency and relayed this info to the Governor. He got onto the radio to the captain of Daedalus. "Yes Sir we have been monitoring his movements for awhile now. I will order my helicopter to make some low level passes over her bow to tell them we know she's there. I am placing my ship on high alert and at battle stations, Over and out"

We will have wait this one out I decided to go to bed in the midday sun like normal people do. At 2pm I wake and see a white envelope that looks as if it was put under my door. I go over and pick it up. I open it and on white paper is written "La Shala lakar zoomer" a clue perhaps but would have been better if it was in English. The servant knocked and I asked him to come in I confronted him "What is the meaning of this?" He started to shake "Where did you get this from?" he asked "I found it under my door" "This you not say aloud it is the summoning of the Great One he is all powerful he blesses our land. I suggest you forget these words unless you repeat them in your sleep" the warning from the servant made me remember the summoning even more. It rolls like chant in my brain. I took a shower and the clothes were laid out for me to wear. Today is Friday and I have explored the North so this afternoon it will be doing the south including Mark's Island. I go downstairs to the dining room and asked if they had any lemon and lime drink. "Certainly sir" and a moment later a glass appeared full of ice "This is our version sir made on the island" "Thankyou" It was sweet you could taste the coconut and a hint of lime but there were another strange flavours too. The servant smiles as drink the last drop. I think maybe there could be some rum in this mixture. I told the servant if anyone was looking for me I had gone to Mark's Island.

As I left I felt a little light headed yes definitely there was alcohol was in that mixture. People all waved at me as I walked down well worn paths. There was no electric except at the Residency where solar panels were hidden at the back with solar heating for hot water. If there was a power failure there was an aged diesel generator for backup. The land was flat here as opposed to the north that had a ridge of higher ground running through the centre. The trees parted and there was Mark's Island. I was not impressed with the site. A white sandy dune and on one side was a few mangroves. That had stabilised the island and without them the island would disappear.

I waded across the narrow gap. It was not big about 100 yards across. In the centre was strange structure. It was made of wooden poles that were 7 foot tall and at the top were interlocking beams forming a six-sided henge. The wood was very old and bleached white. I guess the wood had come from a shipwreck that the details would be lost in the mist of time. Iron rings were fixed at the top and bottom of the poles and these showed signs of resent use. A few questions to ask when I return to base.

The Governor greeted me on my return and offered me a cool drink similar to the one I drank before. I ask him about the drink "Oh this is made by the islanders for their special guest. I have no idea what goes into it" he said as he was smiling. "Feels like it has alcohol in it" I start to feel dizzy "Oh drink up we don't want to upset the natives" as he said these words I drank the last drop and passed out.

The governor instructs the house keeper if he wakes tell him he has sun stroke and give him another dose and then he will be ready for tonight's fun. I was taken to my room with the help of another servant. I sleep deep but the words "La Shala lakar zoomer" keep going through my brain. I wake hours later "Sir you are not well drink this" I drink it and immediately fall back to sleep.

When I awake I am in pain. I am standing in the Mark's Island's henge. Ropes are tied to my wrists and ankles. My ass is numb but feel a rope is attached to a butt plug lodged there. All around the outside are naked men and their cocks are hard. They wear tribal masks. They start a chant "Call him call him" I shake my head before me I see a tall ebony man well oiled with red eyes "He says "Call me I will give you my pleasure a pleasure few have had, Call me call me" he smiles. It is on the tip of my tongue then I say it "La Shala lakar zoomer" over and over again. "Welcome to my sanctuary" he is inside now and touches my skin it is hot. He licks my arm pits his hands move all over my body making me moan "Yes sweet child it feel good doesn't it" the plug is removed from my ass and out pours liquid "I see my servants have prepared you well" he lowers himself and starts his tongue to lick the crack of my ass then his tongue enters Oh yes yes oh so good mmmmm "Surrender to me" I push my ass back so could get more of that probing tongue of joy. He stops and I open my eyes to see all the men on the ground reeling getting the same pleasure as I was.

"Now boy I will give my gift of my seed" he placed his 8inch cock at my tunnel of joy. "Invite him in boy, you know you want it, he wants to be inside you" his hot breath against my neck. I push back pushing it all the way his cock completely inside me "Yes oh yes my sweet child I will give you pain and joy" he started ramming his cock inside me hitting my joy spot each time "Oh my beauty I have ten years of joy to pump into you summon it" as I said the words "La Shala lakar zoomer" so many things happened at the same time. He bit my neck there was a feeling of being filled with a steaming hot douche in my ass. I came with spurt after spurt left my cock oh fuck fuck fuck and then I passed out.

I awoke in a hospital bed well not exactly it was part of the Residency. A nurse said "Oh so you are finally awake. You gave us nasty shock for awhile. I am afraid you are on liquids only" and was handed a glass of familiar tasting liquid and fall immediately asleep.

I woke to find himself facing this well oiled god like figure again. I am not tied. He speaks "Child it is your feeding time. Here see my cock likes you and he likes your mouth too" I lower myself as I do I feel hands behind me and cock wants to enter a well lubed ass. As it rubs my rosebud I push back and I hear a satisfied sigh as it enters "You are a good servant now drink from my font of joy" he moves forward and I suck on his cock "Oh my yes you sweet creature my joy wont be long in coming its coming oh yes yes taste it drink it all don't waste a drop" my mouth is fiery hot like having a chilli gargle. I swallow swallow swallow " Yes and suck that last drop Yes oh fuck yes" he kneel down and kisses me "Thankyou sweet child" at this moment I hear a grunt as the person behind me cums in my welcoming hole. I drift off to sleep.

Back in my bed the Governor gives me bad news. The Cuban Navy has sent a small flotilla and it is 2 miles north of the island. He confides in me this could all get very nasty. "How you are baring up to what is happening this weekend" and to his relief "I am coping quite well so far sir" Oh good now drink you medicine you will need it" I drank my medicine and was soon fast to sleep.

I wake in the area and the god like figure was waiting. I address him "Sir my country has protected your ways on this island. There is a invasion force that will destroy all including this sacred grove. If we do not act now it maybe too late" there was a roar and the ground shook. "Where sweet child, where!!" I pointed to the north. "You shall chant the summoning until I return" then he vanished "La Shala lakar zoomer" "La Shala lakar zoomer" "La Shala lakar zoomer" "La Shala lakar zoomer"

The first thing that happened on the flotilla was all the intercoms though out all the ships was the chant. It could only be turn off by removing the fuse. Wireless operators or signalmen had all signals blocked by the Chant. The Admiral was informed that all communications with Naval High Command were cut even the security link. He decided that without that link he was not going to be charge with loosing his fleet over a small island miles from anywhere. "Signalman send this message to all captains. Due to coms failure I am ordering you to return to the home port. send via Audis lamp" and all ships sailed north to their home port.

The chant didn't stop until god-like figure appeared again. He comes to me and gives me a hot kiss. "Thankyou now I have one more thing to give you" He turns around and lowers my head to his ass. I lick and feast on a ass that taste of ginger and nutmeg and all kinds of favours yum. "Oh sweet thing you, promise to return someday" "I will if you fuck my ass again" He laughs and the ground shakes "Oh you fucking beauty" and after this weekend my ass is slack so his cock sips in easily and soon I feel his cum filling my insides with his hot cum and I hold onto his arm wanting the moment to last. He licks my neck sending shivers of joy to my brain. He bites my neck again to mark this man as his and lick the wound clean. Then he was gone and felt so alone and fell asleep.

Some nurses can be old battleaxes "Did I not tell you to take it easy. You are back in a worse state than yesterday. Oh men what we going to do with them" I have ideas but going to tell you madam "You have two visitors today I have told them 10 minutes only and I am have some here to watch you to make sure you don't get into any more trouble" "Yes nurse" The Governor and the captain both walked it "Mr Benson we don't know how you did it but the radio blackout came from you when you were on Mark's Island. Yes we could of blown that flotilla out of the water but it would put the British Government in a diplomatically tight spot. Your plan worked and from what the Governor told me very briefly you put your life at risk to get what you wanted. I am or rather both of us are recommending you for a medal for your bravery. The ship has to do re-store supplies and refuel. Then there's an exercise with the Americans and when that's over we will come back and pick up. Is that alright. Oh and I am giving the use of a steward until you well again." Both shook my hand and they left. I was about you drift off to sleep when I felt a soft hand in mine "Are you a dream or are you real?" He leans over and kisses me "Was that a dream? "Near to heaven" I replied

It had been days without me having solid food and just drugged drinks that took away the fear of being mated a god-like man. Was it necessary? You may ask and the truth is yes. Every ten years a man is selected and the god must have someone if not he will fade away to nothing. It is three days and the god was good as his word "I will give you pain but also great joy".

I recovered quickly and soon released from nurses charge. The islanders saw us often holding hands and kissing. Their reason is all deserve the right to love and even more important I bare the mark of the chosen one on my neck. Those who have it are blest and thus treated with high respect. The ship returns oh so too soon.

On return to the UK I walk into my office and all senior staff "Well Benson you have put on quite show in the newspapers television news and even a message from the Palace. We would like to thankyou on behalf of the department for a great job done. We have heard you may now transfer to the diplomatic corp. If you do we will recommend you highly" As they all filed out the door each shook my hand as they past.

La Shala lakar zoomer had me three days of the year I have his mark to prove it. What's more I had survived the three days. In the end he allowed Peter to be my partner in the knowledge that I would always have the bond with him on those three days of the year

La Shala lakar zoomer future is secured now whether he wants another in ten years is up to him. He is very happy with me as I am willing fulfil all his desires.

Peter is very happy with me but thinks the man-god thing odd but as long as he can have me he is happy.

Notes: I got two medals for bravery and was transferred to the diplomatic corp easily

I married Peter and he left the Royal Navy and we set up home in the country

Conundrum is not an island but a puzzle and a puzzle is a question and the sign for a question is like a zig-zag with a dot but in this story it's a question Mark

There was a clause to my contract that I could spend one weekend a year on Conundrum Island (during the mating season ofcourse)

Crime report: Ten years ago a man was found dead on Mark's Island near centre. Report states he died of natural courses. No further action required.

Lost Child was found with neighbours and was returned safely

Not forgetting the honour of been the given the tribal art butt plug

I have no knowledge of the size of the Cuban Navy and this is all a work of fiction

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