La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Aug 6, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to or

-Sorry about the wrong email that I had up before.


LaDulceVida - The Sweet Life

Temperature's Rising


I wanted to talk to him for the longest time and finally he was alone. Eric walked past me, getting his duffel bag ready for the performance we were putting on that night at Madison Square Garden. We had been awkward again, not looking each other in the eye and usually going out of our way not to speak to each other. I regretted acting the way I did that night. I wasn't still angry at him, but it seemed like he would be angry at me.

"Eric..." I started to explain, not knowing how to apologize for what I was feeling.

Suddenly Jay walked in the room and I could do nothing but look down and stop talking. I didn't want Jay to hear what I was going to say to him. Jay would only make something that should have been serious into just another joke.

"Yes?" Eric asked.

"Never mind."

Suddenly I felt his hand, tugging at my arm and I turned to feel him next to me, "No, go ahead. You had to talk to me about something?"

I looked him in the eyes wanting to start, but not sure whether I should say it in front of Jay and all. It was one of those things that you spent a lot of time thinking on what you were going to say, but by the end of the day you figured nothing out.

"Well I gotta talk," I heard Jay interrupt once again, "To both of you."

"What about?"

"Did any of you get paid for that performance in Nassau Coliseum?"

"No," Eric answered.

"That concert was sold out. Why haven't we been getting paid? This whole time there has been nothing..."

Thinking over it Jay was right. I mean, he would have known more than all of us. He had been waiting for payment for a long time now. I was the only one that still had money from our first advance payment, which I was saving up for a motorcycle (don't ask). Eric and Jay were both flat broke with no explanation. Nina or Ice never even mentioned it. When Irv Gotti came to see us he didn't mention it much either. It had gotten real suspicious all of a sudden.

"Jay, maybe we get paid at the end of the tour," Eric wondered.

"I dunno," Jay questioned, "All I'm saying is that I'm going to hire a lawyer. I think we are being cheated."

He left the room and Eric followed behind him, both of them still questioning where all our money was going. I couldn't care any less about the money, but it really seemed to be bothering Jay. I sat in the room thinking about Eric even more.

The performance that night was a bit mediocre, basically because the crowd had been so rowdy. By the middle of Eric's hit song, about 50 girls found their way past the barricades and onto the stage. It had happened before but usually just not that quickly. It wasn't the last time something like that was going to happen. Jay of course loved when it happened and he struggled against the stage security to embrace his fans. Eric and I were lifted up high above our heads and carried off stage by the muscular men. The fans chased us up and down the stage until we got near the backroom. I looked down and saw Ice, amongst the big confusion. He was probably the biggest in the room. I gave him a look, trying to call out to him to get my duffel bag and that expensive ass watch that I kept in a locker. I know he didn't hear me through the crowd, but I also knew that he was known for reading minds. He gave me a little nod as though he knew what I wanted and then crossed into the next room to where the lockers were. I was carried over some big guy's shoulder. I found myself into the bus by the time I knew it. I was the first. Nina walked in close after, her face wide with a smile that I really couldn't understand. She had been cheering us on in the background the whole time. I wondered how her little body had managed to get past the crowd and into the bus so quickly though. "You seem ok," Nina said laughing a little. "Yeah, those securities seem used to that sort of thing happening," I said, giving her a little grunt. "You should too by now. Right?" "I dunno. It isn't what I thought it would be like," I told her. She probably knew what I meant because she had been with us the whole entire time. The bus was big like a goddam castle, but it was hard waking up feeling depressed, but then having to go out and perform your best. It was all overwhelming at times. " need to find a comfort." "What do you mean?" "You may need something...or someone that takes your mind off of this job." I saw Eric coming in all of a sudden, "She's right you know. Maybe you should come out with Jay and I tonight. We are about to go hit those hot New York clubs again." "Nah. I'll pass on having sex with cheap groupies." Eric laughed. They had gone out night after night and every night all they could do was bring groupies to have sex with. By the time Jay had FINALLY come back to the bus we were going to the Marquis hotel around the block. We checked into the large Marquis Hotel. It was beautiful. It was the type of fancy hotels with the long red carpet that you would walk on when you walked in. There were long pillars everywhere and expensive sculptures on every side. Hype hadn't shown up though. He had given Jay some money for the hotel. Nina, Ice and the rest of the entourage had to sleep in the Hilton hotel around the corner because Hype didn't want our presence to be too big in the Marquis, or the fans would know where to find us. Still, by the time we got to the hotel, everyone from the bellboy to the hostess were asking us for our autographs. I guess I was the mean one. I said no. Jay jumped at the chance and Eric was so goddam nice that he signed for everyone that asked. I hated was kinda strange. I wanted them to buy my cds, but I hated everyone of them for being so goddam obsessive over a bunch of boys fresh out of high school. "Sirs, your suite is on the top floor." The hostess gave us a room key and an elevator key. When we made our way to the suite we saw that the three rooms were separated by a small living room and a bathroom. It was nice, to say the least. There was a balcony where I could see the skyline of New York from. If this wasn't the life...then I didn't know what was. "GOD, we have to go see the town!" Jay said, opening the balcony window and peering down onto the street. "Call Ice before you go," I warned him, knowing that the last time he went out without Ice, he had almost been killed by screaming fans that caught him in the middle of the street. " aren't coming?" "Nah. I'm too tired to go party." "Well, if you don't wanna go out to find a party, we'll bring the party here!" My mouth dropped open as I saw Jay run to the phone and begin to call people up all at once. I looked at Eric almost like I was going to question him but he just shrugged his shoulders innocently and gave me a little laugh. I really wasn't in the mood at all. I was so goddam depressed. Eric probably saw that and suddenly I heard him stop Jay. He whispered something to him, something that I didn't hear. I knew he canceled the party. He was sweet like that...

They had gone out later on that night leaving me home alone in the apartment. At first I thought about jerking off, but I knew that Jay had a key and with my luck he would probably walk in as soon as I started. I pulled out my keyboard and started to write a song. I don't know where it had come from, but I recognized that the song was similar...if not almost identical to the same exact song that Eric had written and our single now. The melody was similar, so was the tempo. The lyrics were different though almost contradicting Eric's. I had spent hours writing the lyrics, not sure why I was wasting so much time on this one song and still not wanting to put it down. By the third hour it was done. I looked down at the sheet trying to see how far I had gotten with it.

The song was done and yet I didn't know what to name it. No words stuck out and none were really repeated. Eric had called the first song, 'Life Isn't Sweet.' I figured I would called this the 'Life isn't sweet remix'. This new one wasn't so much about giving up. This new song was more about hope and making the best of your time. I began to play it on my keyboard, while the dark moon lifted over my head. The darkness around me took control as my fingers went upon the keys. Such a sound came from the piano as I remembered the first time Eric sang his melody to me. I was lost all of a sudden, taken out of my confusing world of fame and popularity and brought into a world full of love and passion. That was what I really wanted.

Images came into my head, that were all of Eric. It seemed like there was sin in my being sincere.

"Can you touch me, once again.."

I was off key. I fixed the keyboard by the balcony so that I could look out into the city before I started over. My voice was nervous as though I had never sung before.

"Lady Lullaby; treat me a kiss goodnight Because when you kiss me right, I reminisce A lullaby, the good in goodbye Until tomorrow lies, I'll never lie..."

I continued watching the moon get full in the sky and shed light on my sheet.

"Lady Lullaby, I promise every night that every night I'll be by your side Your vivacious cologne Your serenating tone... It'll rock me to sleep...forever."

There was a creak in the door and suddenly I turned my around so quickly that I tripped and fell down a few steps. I heard laughter all of a sudden and noticed that Jay and Eric had come back. Of course Jay hadn't come back alone. He had this girl with him, this fine dark girl with curly hair. She looked a little old to be a groupie, but by now I knew that groupies came in all shapes and sizes. I couldn't believed that I had cracked my ass in front of Eric or the strange new girl. Jay stood there laughing and I knew that he was drunk.

"Jay, shut up," I heard Eric say and came by my side, saying softly in my ear, "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. My fault."

Jay had already begun his little daily routine with the girl. He was feeling all around her, touching her breasts, squeezing them as she moaned in his ear. She was so fragile to him that him just kissing her was causing her to groan loudly. I looked up at them and then at Eric.

"Jay..." he said.

Jay gave Eric a little laugh and then I saw him drunkenly carry off his cheap model slut into the next room. My eyes followed the girl. Groupies were so goddam cheap, especially when the guy was willing to be cheap with them. One shot of hard liquor and her panties were coming off that night. I wondered where Eric's little gift from New York was. Then I just figured he probably didn't still have any because he was still hooked on that guy Damien. He looked a little drunk, the smell was on his breath...I didn't say anything though. He wasn't too drunk! His eyes were a little red and his cheeks were a little flushed which signaled he had a very busy night. I tried to get up when I saw them leave, probably so that I could go get some sleep and think about how to finish with the song. I fell back up as soon as I tried to pull myself up by way of my keyboard. The keyboard fell and so did the notes that I had on the song. I saw Eric quickly coming up over me.

He touched me on my knee cap and made me lay back a little, "Calm down. I know it hurts..."

"Look. I'm ok, really..."

"No your not," Eric told me, showing met the big bruise from where I hit my knee, "C`mon, lets sit you up here so we can get that thing cleaned."

Before I could say anything I felt his strong arms wrapping around my torso and lifting me with unbelievable strength. He put me up on the stool where I had been playing the keyboard. I could see the stars and the cool wind that was coming out from the balcony door. The night was busy, I could tell.

It wasn't one of those silent nights that you probably thought every living person was cuddled up in a bed. This night, you knew there was still motion. Eric being so tender with me like he usually was, I felt a warmth. The only real masculine figure I ever had in my life came from Jay. My real father was nothing but my mother's "bitch". In other words she had the balls in the family and all he did was follow her around until she got sick of him. Having Eric now was almost...relieving...

"You know I heard the song. Well part of it at least," Eric said, when he started to pick up my keyboard and place it on the cabinet, "It was real...passionate."

I gave a little sneer, "Well I was just playing around with it. Nothing serious..."

Eric looked down at the floor once again and I saw him pick up the pages of notes I had written on that one goddam song. I felt almost flushed like how Bill Clinton felt when he was caught in a lie. Eric's smile widened as I saw his full straight white teeth giving me a smile.

"Nah, I think you got quite serious tonight."

"How about you?"

"How about me what?" Eric asked, flashing me a white smile and then sticking his tongue out like he had drunk too much silly juice. He had puppy dog eyes...

"Were you busy tonight?"

"Nah. I'll leave that to your cousin," Eric laughed, continuing to clean up after me, "I guess I wasn't as into it as he was."

There were sudden moans. Like not the low type of moans, but the kind of porno moans. They were coming Jay's room.

I could the girl calling out loudly, "FUCK ME!"

Then I could hear Jay's normal breathing that sounded like a goddam trumpet. I could imagine what position Jay had that girl in. I wondered if he had her tied up. He was probably the type that would tie a girl up just to bone her in her pussy. For some strange reason, the sudden loud shouts were turning me on. I mean, you had to be sterile not to feel a hard on from it. It was so loud that I was sure people from the next suite could hear it as well.

Eric noticed. I mean, his head had jerked just like mine was by the first time we heard the girl commanding Jay to "Dig his dick in her." Still he played it off like it wasn't the loudest goddam moans that we ever heard in our life. His face was serious as he licked his lower lip...I wondered what he was thinking. I figured by now he was regretting he hadn't brought a girl back.

" have any idea where I can find some ointment?"

"Ointment?" Don't ask! My mind was in the gutter by now.

Anyone's mind would be in the gutter because just at that moment Jay roared out the most obscene thing that I ever heard in my life. It was so goddam obscene that I felt a twinge in my dick.

"Yeah, like pain reliever ointment for that bruise."

"Look, I can take care of it," I interrupted, knowing that the pain wasn't all that intense to begin with. It was the same scrape you get from probably falling off a bike. I was a grown man now, I could handle it.

"Nah. It was my fault you got hurt," Eric told me and then looked down at my bleeding knee, "I'll fix it...that's what friends do right? And you're like my best friend."

"Yeah," I smiled and pointed towards my duffel bag, "I got some Bengay in there."


He walked away towards the door and I noticed the sound of the bed creaking from Jay's room. They were getting louder. Jay probably made the most noise while having sex than any other straight guy I've heard, even the emotional porn stars.

He kept telling her things like, "Take that you dumb slut" or "Bitch, you like that don't you?" It was all basically demeaning stuff, but none-the-less, I noticed myself being drawn into it. My dick was beginning to twitch, not just twitch but like it was beginning to put on some stiffness!

Suddenly I saw Eric coming back, "Jay's lucky. That girl really seems to care about him."

"Jay. Nah, after tonight he will never see her again," I told Eric and he nodded, trusting my experience in the matter.

"The sex is a lot better when you love the person."

"Seems just fine with you. I mean, you seem to be paying a lot of attention to it."

"Hey!" Eric said and then suddenly cracked a smile, "Don't act like I'm the only one."

He had bent down to my knee and sort of gave it a little touch before he opened the Bengay. I squirmed, unsure if the sensation I got all of a sudden was just because I was so horny or because of the pain. He was correct about him not being the only one paying attention to them. It was goddam stirring. The moans and the bed creaks! The dirty talking was straight arousing! I was looking at the door when I felt Eric suddenly touch my knee cap with the cold Bengay. It was cold at first, so cold that I had to grabbed his hand trying to pull it away.

"Sorry!" he said, his right hand giving my hand a little squeeze and then I felt him blow on my knee cap.

It was the sweetest thing at first, warming up the cool spot. Slowly I began to feel aroused. I wasn't the BEST person (which you should know by now) to hide my arousal. My dick which was already trying its best to keep hidden had suddenly began to arouse by the sound of Jay's slut calling Jay her daddy and Eric blowing on my fragile knee.

"They are really going at it aren't they?" I asked, as Eric applied more of the cold ointment onto my bruise.

He nodded and grabbed some of the wrapping tape to start wrapping up my leg.

"Adrian, have you ever been with a girl?"

I paused completely taken back by the question. It DEFINITELY wasn't like Eric to ask personal questions about me. He never seemed to really care before. I looked at him, completely confused and a little taken back by the question.

"Yeah. Have you?"

"Well yeah. But the thing is, it feels a whole lot different from being with a guy," Eric said and wrapped my knee with the tape.

"Which you like better?"

"Well its strange. I had sex with two guys in my life. Damien and a guy named Timothy. With Damien, it always felt right, but with felt so..."


He shrugged his shoulders, quickly blowing it off before we could get into it too much. He hated the sex with this Timothy guy. I could tell. By now my hard-on was full and I knew that he had probably stopped talking because he noticed it. I laid back on the stool and lifted up my shirt. Suddenly I took the whole shirt off so that Eric could see the chest that I had been working on so much so that it was even better than Jay's chest. I had deeper abs that I had ever had before, probably because I had taken out all my depression with crunches.

"Its hot isn't it?" I said, giving my crotch a little rub right in front of him. It was really hot all of a sudden.

"Ugh, yeah..."

The hot ass boy got off his knees and I noticed his dick in his pants. HE WAS AS HARD AS I WAS. I mean his tent stood right in my face, even through his jeans and the basketball shorts that he always wore under his jeans. Suddenly he noticed it too and I saw him retreating, turning toward the cabinets, acting like he was digging in the little mini fridge for something to eat or drink.

I had gotten up and followed behind him. I hadn't pressed up to him or grinded next to his body like I wanted to. But I did see his ass. I had looked at Eric's ass before. I had looked at every part of his body. His ass was one of those well...commonly perfect ass. It was the kind of well rounded, athletic teenage boy ass.

I went up to his ear, feeling too goddam horny not to hit on him, "Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. There is nothing safe about sex. There never should be."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What I am trying to say is that I understand that love may be too deep for you," I whispered to him and then added, "For now, I only want a few inches."


"Please I don't want to be alone tonight and neither do you."

For now we can just have sex...I repeated to myself. I started to back up, slowly unbuttoning my pants and walking towards the bedroom. He hadn't said anything. He hadn't responded at all. I walked away leaving him in what I thought must have been some really deep thoughts. The truth was that right now I wasn't thinking about love, I was thinking about fucking like Jay was busy doing right now. I walked towards my bedroom and closed the door behind me.

Before I knew it, I was in my boxers standing by the door waiting for him to come in. I had the condom sitting at the bedpost and even the goddam lube there. I was giving myself to him probably like a slut would, but I didn't care. I was horny as hell. I knew that Jay's sex scene must have gotten him more than horny by now and that it felt much better to fuck someone than to just jerk off. Tonight was a night of passion and intensity. Tonight had to be the night.

After the first 4 hours had passed, I figured he just wasn't going to show. I laid flat on my bed still horny and yet I couldn't jerk off. I rather had just gone to sleep with the hard on than to waste it on jerking off. This wasn't one of those regular stiff cocks, it was one of those stiff cocks that precum came out of, just from thinking too hard. It would have been a shame to waste it on jerking my dick to the thoughts of the way Eric's ass looked underneath his basketball shorts. Lets just say I didn't have a lot of material to jerk off with when it came to Eric. The darkness in the room was so blinding. A single string of moonlight ran and hit the bed, that I was laying on. It lit up the whole bed, but that was basically just it. I stared up at the dark ceiling, imagining that I was in a bright meadow...looking up at the morning clouds. Was I gay or just a clown? I went to sleep that night sad. It had happened again and I knew that this would have to be the last time or else Eric would probably think I was a goddam stalker. I guess I had to let him go. I mean there was nothing left to say. I had offered him my love and he refused. Now, I offered him my body and he still refused. People don't know how it feels to have so much emotion for a single person and just allow yourself to get lost in them completely. It feels like your heart has a weight and your mind has a sole purpose to love that person. I didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do. If it wouldn't happen tonight, then it wouldn't happen at all. I went to sleep that night, knowing that I would have to put away my feelings for Eric. *In a dream world, the thick clouds were forming high Over two young figures, two boys that were so real. One was darker than the other and the other a bright mulatto. They were Damien and Eric. They were in the rain. The rain was on their eyelids, on their clothes, soaking them almost completely. They were in the middle of a crowd, a crowd that cursed and threw things at them. The vague faces in the crowd that encircled them were taunting and rude. They were holding each other, almost like they were together. It was true romance, but it was not accepted. No one wanted the two boys together. It wasn't normal. Yet they remained, holding one another. Nothing was going to stop them from being together. Nothing was going to stop the feelings that they had for one another. A moment came that no one really expected. Eric leaned into Damien, his lips wet with the rain water. It wasn't just a was so much more. It was a promise. As they embraced there was a loud cry that broke in the air. "HE'S DEAD!" They still kissed, only now Damien was on the floor, not moving. Eric still kissed him, not letting him go. The call of death meant nothing to him. His lips pressed onto Damien even harder. In an instant the kiss was broken by a soft, soft...knock...knock?* The gentle knock was coming from the door. I woke up from the dream as though it was reality. I had never had a dream that I saw the faces so clear or remembered the details so much. There was tear in my eye, which I wasn't quite sure why it was there. It felt so real. Was this an actual memory of Damien? Was it just a dream? I couldn't tell anything. All I knew was that there were tears in my eyes because I had been crying and then I remembered the dream. I crawled out of bed, a little dizzy and confused. I wondered what was next in the dream, I wondered where it was going after that. I walked to the door, completely forgetting what had happened before I went to sleep and when I turned the knob I saw him...Damien I mean. Was it a ghost?! The darkness was so unclear but suddenly I saw the person step forward out of the darkness. It wasn't was Eric. He looked at me, deep in my eyes and I was lost in them. He really looking like he had been doing a lot to drink. There was a quick silence and then suddenly Eric walked closer to me, until I could feel his chest against mine. Was this a dream? It was almost 3 a.m. I should have been sleeping and probably wouldn't have been too surprised if had just jerked up from a lonely bed. I didn't jump up though, it was real. The expression in his eyes had the same loneliness as I had. "You came," I realized, so confused that it had taken him so long to come. I started to unbutton his shirt, until I could take it off. Then I embraced him, wrapping my arm around his broad chest. The most beautiful thing about Eric was his skin. The fine mixed heritage skin was the softest skin that I had probably ever touched on another man. I leaned closer to kiss him and saw him turn his face so that I ended up kissing his cheek. Hey, I had to start somewhere with him right? He just stood there, probably trying to act like he hadn't come there for sex, but as I lay him flat on his back onto the bed, he didn't say anything or walk away. This was what I wanted the whole time! He moaned, slightly as I began to lick up and down his stomach region. I felt his hand suddenly start to play with the back of my head. "Quicker..." he whispered, almost so low that I didn't hear it. I wondered why he wanted it quicker, probably because he wanted to get it over with before he felt guilty. I wasn't going to make him feel guilty though. I was going to make him feel good. I opened his belt and felt my lower lip being tickled by his pubic hair as the pants snapped open. Then I saw his was beautiful. I took it in my hands and I could feel him jerk up a little. "I dunno," he suddenly said, looking so worried. I didn't give him a chance to keep pulling away. I took the beautiful cock in my mouth. The head of the dick was as handsome as Eric was. It was one of those model cocks. I couldn't believe that I had ERIC's cock in my mouth! His skin tasted so good, as I bobbed my head up and down. It was slowly getting harder, slowly getting erect. It was a full dick within no time and I saw him leaning his head back. He wasn't looking down at me, but instead at the same ceiling that I had been looking at before. I held his dick in my hands and began to lick his balls. I put his ballsack in my mouth completely and let my tongue wrap them up until he started to really moan. I saw the precum coming out of his dick head. I couldn't help but to go for it. I licked at the precum, feeling the thick juices ending up on my lips. It tasted like heaven coming from Eric. I wanted more... "Can you turn around?" I said, pulling back a little. "Why?" he asked softly. "I want to take you to cloud nine, bruh." He hesistantly turned onto his stomach, his dick clutched in his hands, so the erection wouldn't hurt pressed up hard against the bed. I looked down at his ass. His jeans were still almost full up, just leaving a little crack. I leaned down and began to lick the top of his ass, putting my tongue between the top cracks and jerking it back. I felt Eric's body completely try to turn over. Masculine men always had trouble with another guy touching their ass. "Look. I'm not that kind of guy. I can't do this..." "If I were Damien would you do it?" He paused. I knew I was probably pushing the limits by even reminding him of Damien. I chanced it hoping that he wouldn't run off to remember what him and Damien were used to doing. "Oh god..." he sighed, "Adrian, you aren't Damien..." "Tonight I'll be Damien." I didn't give him a chance to answer again. I began to pull his pants down lower, wrapping it around them around top of his thighs. His ass cheeks were more than he imagined. They were so shapely and yet still muscular. I heard him moan, even before I had started to lick. By the time I did lick, I was licking the his bronze tanned ass cheeks. I sucked onto them, biting into the flesh. He moaned even louder, digging and biting into the pillow as he did it. I knew he liked it because his legs were spreading wider apart. Most of them acted like they didn't like it but I knew that they did. I spread his cheeks and could feel him squirm in my hands. His pink hole was so tight as I looked at it. Just staring at it had made my dick completely hard, but I knew that it would probably be a day in hell that Eric would let me fuck him. My tongue swept past the hole once, too quickly for much emotion before my tongue came back and began to brush past his hole over and over. "Ughhhhhhhh," he exhaled deeply. His moaning was low and rare but when it did come, I felt like all the pain and tears I had gone through was worth it. He stayed there, completely overtaken by the feeling of having his ass licked. I saw how he clutched the sheets and was turned on even more. I wanted to cum so bad that my dick was have short spasms without me even touching it. My tongue licked around his hole, moistening his ass completely. I licked his ass cheeks and even went down to his balls that were laying flat on the bed. He moaned, louder and louder and I figured this was my chance to push him a little further. I took my middle finger and stuck it inside of his ass, deep inside of his ass. It was heaven for me. I felt the tight hole engulfing my finger. The skin within his butt hole grasped onto my finger. It was so warm. I knew from experience that I wasn't the first to be in this ass...but that I had to at most been the second. "Hey!" he said, pulling it out and finally squirming enough to turn back onto his back. "I'm sorry. I got carried away," I apologized and yet I saw that his dick was harder than it was before he let me eat his salad, "Look..." I pointed towards the counter at the flavor condom that I had on the bedpost. He grabbed it and started to open it with his teeth. He wasn't looking at me the whole time. I knew that he was having a confused time. He couldn't even get the condom open. "Here. Let me," I said and took it from him. I opened the condom biting at the same place that he bit so that I could at least feel like I was tasting his mouth. I looked down at his dick. I would let him fuck me with no rubbers if he would let me, but I knew that he wouldn't. I put the condom on his dick and pressed my lips deep on the condom pushing it all the way down as I gave him another supreme blowjob with the condom on. I backed up when I was done to pull down my boxers. I pulled them down and kicked them under the bed. I thought that Eric would at least pull down his pants too, but he didn't. He was busy staring at the ceiling, with his perfect shaped dick pointing at the point of the ceiling that he was staring at. I climbed on top of him, feeling his dick pierce through me. I panted and moaned. There was a fit that his dick had in me that I couldn't explain. It didn't hurt like Antonio's had. This dick was like perfect for me. My asshole swallowed it and I pushed down completely until my whole dick was in his ass. I began to rock back and forth, feeling his rock hard dick within me and suddenly I FINALLY felt him move his hands. His hands climbed up to my waist as if to guide me on his dick. He planted his hands on his thighs and was now looking down, down on his stomach where I was jerking my cock thoroughly. "Oh yeah...fuck me harder," I demanded of him. Suddenly I felt his hands pushing down on my waist, bringing my ass up until his dick almost fall out then slamming it all the way down, so deep that his my ass fell on top of his scrotum. "Oh yeah, fuck me!" I cried out, "Dig in my ass." I grinded my ass against him, rubbing my hands around his stomach. I squeezed his nipples and then laid back against his thighs so that his dick went into me. The veins on Eric's penis were thick and I could almost feel them pulsate as I rocked my hips back and forth. My palms went onto his rock chest and the same body that had about over a million girls in America throwing their panties on stage. I was riding Eric's dick and for the rest of the night, I was in that dream world. An hour had passed and I was sweating. Eric still was going at it though, his dick about to climax at times, but he just told me to slow down when something like that happened. Then before we knew I was back at my normal pace, feeling his dick going deeper into me. This was what I wanted. By that last hour, I was more than exhausted but the only thing that kept me going was knowing that I wasn't having sex with any ordinary person. I knew that I couldn't take the sensations by the time I felt Eric grabbing onto my ass cheeks. "UGhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna cum!" I cried out and then I suddenly felt Eric bury his head deeper in the pillow and close his eyes in deep ecstacy. He had been waiting for me to cum as well this whole time before he would let his load out! I felt the gesture even more sexy as I made a scoop of my hands, careful not to let any of my cum drop onto him because he might not like it. I orgasmed into my hands the white cream running through the fingers, as Eric filled up the condom with sperm, while he called out a name. It wasn't my name. By now I don't have to say whose name it was. I rather not. The feeling that I felt was too good to mention that same name. I had expected it and relented it, but that name wouldn't take this feeling away from me. Not today it wouldn't... I fell off of him more than exhausted and fell back onto the pillow next to him. I didn't care much about the cum and cleaning up. I think I actually made the cum soil all over the bed sheets. Eric seemed exhausted to but I could feel him getting up like he was about to leave. His face had one of those expressions of sobriety. "You don't have to go," I told him. "Yeah, actually I do and so do you. Look at the time, the bus is gonna be here to pick us up in 10 minutes..." It was morning already as Eric took his condom off and got ready to leave my room and probably take a shower. It was feeling that I had watching him walk off and pretending that we were actually real lovers instead of just a one night stand. I felt good though, relieved that I had been so close to him. I had felt him next to me. The face that I had fantasies about had been right next to me. I remembered Eric calling out Damien's name when he cummed. He probably didn't mean it, but then he probably did. He probably was only making it clear to me that he still loved Damien, no matter how good the sex was the night before. Life seemed be turning out for the better, but then why did I feel like there was a shadow...a shadow from the past that had shown me the past last night...or maybe the future... NOTE: SORRY AGAIN FOR THE WRONG EMAIL. HOPE U GUYS SEND ALL UR COMMENTS OR WHAT NOT TO THE RIGHT ONE. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR BACK FROM EVERYONE.

Next: Chapter 7

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