La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Jul 27, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to

John thanks a lot. Ur ideas for the story have helped improve my writing. <--------good ideas from that guy.

Edited by MarchionessElle.

LaDulceVida - The Sweet Life



Then there came Eric. I remember getting so close to him all of a sudden, so close that I started to take pictures of him so that I would always remember him. . I would cut out his body out of the pictures and staple them onto the pages of my journal. Just like a goddam little girl I would draw hearts and flowers all over them, then take my little key, lock it up and put it underneath my mattress. I remember writing all about him in the journal. Hype had told us there were techniques that celebrities used to take off all the pressure from fame and that we should all try to inherit them in our daily lives. He said writing was one of them, so I figured the best way to write is to write a journal.

Soon, I realized I was writing less of a journal and more of a shrine to Eric. I mean, there was a lot in there about Antonio, Jay, about Hype and even some about Ice. None of them were pictures though. I only kept pictures of Eric in my diary. I don't know why. I knew it couldn't have been love. Love was something that had to be mutual. This was more like lust. Yes, lust. I'm not ashamed to admit it...

Stardom was here. It had come on slow at first, but sooner or later it was there. The first single still remained almost top of the charts. We had made the videos, done the interviews. We had become something like overnight celebrities to many. The press wanted to know the members of Vida. There was an OFFICIAL fan site set up to us. Of course Hype always tried to keep our heads leveled so we don't get too overtaken by the quick fame. Jay, of course, took all his words forsaken. He seemed to go wherever it seemed most of the press would be. While Eric and I spent our time trying to dodge the press, he spent his time attracting them like bees to a hive. The fame had cast us to live almost lives of complete splendor. Everywhere we were I could my face. I had remembered doing the photo shoots, but really didn't ask or care where the photos were going to end up. They ended up everywhere. Soon king sized photos of the group with the Spanish name for Life had ended up dead in the center of Broadway. There were talks of making a clothes line, making movies, making all sorts of things. All this over one song. "You guys have any hobbies?" We were being interviewed by Ryan Seacrest for that show 'On Air'. I looked across the seat and saw the tan blonde haired Californian. Jay and Eric were both sitting in the couches, both putting on the front that they were the most comfortable people in the world. I, of course, was the only idiot sweating among them. The lights were hotter than anyone could believe and the make up was making me feel stiff. The crowds expectant was burning holes into my head. "At the age of 2, I liked..." That was only one of the interviews, one that Jay was quick to answer. Jay had become star-struck fast! It was always one of those things that you knew was going to happen but regardless you still felt annoyed when it did. He had once again named himself lead singer in the group and answered most the questions at the interview (which was fine with both Eric and I). On our debut, we were interviewed about 5 times a week by people and television shows that I never even knew existed. There was always a call for more talk and less clothes. "So, lets hear from the others shall we," Ryan Seacrest said, "Adrian, how do you feel about going on your first tour next week?" I had almost forgotten about that. The tour. It was starting only next week. He looked at me in the eyes as I searched my mind for a "Hollywood" answer. I played with the rare watch that Antonio gave me. I usually did that when I was feeling unsure of things. "Well, Ryan," I said, starting what would become the perfect answer, "I'm more than excited. I mean working with these guys has been a blessing and with God's help the tour will be a success." The crowd roared and I blushed at how full of bullshit I was being. I had never been to church one day of my life and now I was using God's name like I was his nephew or something. Still, it had gotten my chips in and the people were applauding. Finally my part was over. I didn't have to talk for the rest of the time, just sit back and look sexy. Ryan finally turned to Eric, "What is your inspiration?" I looked at Eric. The question had come up before but usually it was Jay who had answered it. This time, Ryan had made it almost clear that he had enough of Jay answering everything. "My bandmates," he suddenly said. I don't know how Eric felt but I was beyond surprise. I mean, he looked me straight in the eye as he said it and already I was beginning to dream. It was just a dream. It could never hurt anyone. I began to dream that maybe there was a chance that Eric still had enough room in his heart for me. Maybe I was his inspiration. The crowd had applauded and all, making it seem like one of those 'Hollywood' answers, but still there was the hope within me that Eric was being sincere.

We began to walk off the stage and went into Ice's town car to be swiftly led away from the screaming fans waiting outside Ryan's studio. We were silent most of the car ride going to the hotel that we were staying in. We all had separate hotel rooms of course, but Jay usually just hung out in mine. Either way, today I decided to walk Eric to his room, just like it was a date (yeah, ok maybe I was dreaming too much).

He stopped at his door turned around and gave me one of those sexy half smiles, with his deep dimple showing, "You wanna come inside and probably get something to drink?"

I was leaning toward the door then stopped, "Dang. I can't. Jay is probably waiting for me to open my room door so he can scrummage through my stuff."

We both laughed, knowing that it was probably like Jay to do that.

"He probably is."

"Yeah. Jay is like me. We don't like to be alone."

I looked at him, almost wanting him to see what I meant. I wanted him to see that I was tired of being alone. I wanted him to take me by the waist and pull me inside. I wanted him to do the same thing that I wanted Antonio to do...someone had to sooner or later. I wanted someone to love me. I wanted him to throw me on the bed and start wrestling with my clothes. I could already picture how his caramel skin looked across the rose tinted Sheridan Hotel sheets. I could smell the manly scent across him as I would slowly begin to grind against his body, against his hard chest. I wanted to smell him, for me to just fuck him all night. Then I woke up and realized that we were still standing at the same door...

"You never will be," he promised me, almost modestly and I could have sworn I was going to melt with his sincerity.

He leaned over and gave me the most sincere kiss on the cheek. It was soft and almost like the way a father would kiss their son. There was always my attraction, always my dirty mind going crazy with thoughts of passion. Still I could not deny the innocence within the kiss...


"Ok." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He walked into the room and shut the door behind. I began to blush. Rubbing my cheek like it had just been engraved in gold. I backed up slowly, falling into my deep lust and began to literally jog up the stairs with excitement. I saw Jay standing next to my door, like I was certain he would be. I couldn't help but smiling as I walked past him. My cheeks were high almost like I was floating on clouds or something. I could see his eyes following me in silence as I strolled into our apartment, swinging around my arms like I was Dorothy from the wizard of Oz. Jay's searching eyes were so depressing that I couldn't help but taking him by the hand and beginning to waltz around the apartment. He had gone with it for awhile probably trying to figure out what I was thinking through my movements. I couldn't help but start laughing as I let go of him and collapsed on the floor. I knew that if the media had caught a picture of me acting so flamboyant, they would have brought me out of the closet without me having to say a word. I wasn't usually like this, only when I knew that I could be falling in love...

He just sat on the stool in the middle of Sheridan room and looked down at me, from the little mini bar. He always knew how to read my emotions. I mean he at least thought he always knew how to read my emotions. We had both known each other since we were like 1 year old. He had known I was gay before I did. He looked in my eyes and I realized that he could see that I wasn't just excited for the fact of being excite. Now I was really goddam excited.

"What have you been drinking?"


His face went a little sour as he kept looking at me. He had rarely seen me like this and I knew that. Ever since we had started to get famous off of Eric's song and ever since that night that Eric had told me about his former love, I had been a little uneasy and irritated by everything.

I suddenly saw his eyes open, "You didn't? Did you?!"

I smiled, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play stupid with me? You fucked Eric didn't you?! Is he a bottom..."


I jumped to my feet almost like I had finally become too embarrassed with the person that I was supposed to be most comfortable with. My face started to blush just from Jay using the "f" word and Eric in the same sentence.

"So what was it? Tell me!"

I stood up and sat next to him on the bar, becoming all of a sudden serious, "Ok, ok. He just kissed me. I mean. It wasn't nothing serious. Just one on the cheek. But what guy kisses another guy on the cheek?!"

Jay started to laugh. I mean not just a short laugh, he began to laugh so hard that he had rolled off of his chair. He was on the floor now, laughing and pointing at me like I had asparagus sticking out of my nose. I cracked a smile, amused that he found my little romance so hilarious. Then all of a sudden it was getting annoying. The idiot was finding this way too funny. He knocked on the floor, spitting out only like a straight person would do.

"I don't see what's so funny," I told him, angry that he was harassing me so much about it.

"You came in hear like you had just been taken on some kind of magic carpet ride, because you got a kiss on the cheek?" he asked.

The way he said it was almost demeaning. Then I realized that he was right. All Eric did was kiss me on the cheek. Still, Jay couldn't understand how sweet is was to have Eric's lips pressed against my cheek right after he promised that I would never be alone. It was supposed to be romantic...I guess.

"I thought it was sweet..."

"Adrian. I'm gonna give you some advice. Forget about him. He isn't interested in you and if he was he would have told you already, without you forcing yourself on him."

"Aww, I'm not forcing myself," I said, already getting defensive at the thought of just another person calling me a pathetic horny teen.

"Well, forget about him," Adrian said, "You know I went to the Syndicate the day before we flew out here and that guy was asking for you. What's his name? The guy who works for Mr. Knight."



Antonio. I knew where he was getting at and it made me wonder. Antonio did seem to be as interested in me as I was in him. I mean the way he looked at me, I could see such potential! Maybe this was the guy...I mean maybe Eric was just lust. Maybe Antonio was the guy who I would finally love me.

"Wait. Why were you in the Syndicate again?"

He looked at me, almost like I was asking him about the birds and the bees. It was just plain awkward. It made me wonder. I mean I knew Jay. He wouldn't just go to the Syndicate if I wasn't tagging along with him. I also knew that he was the type who would only go somewhere if there was something in it for him. I had known him since we were kids. I almost could put two and two together, but didn't want to jump the gun.

He paused and I could tell he was looking at my forehead (which meant he was gonna lie), "I just went there to meet the lesbians...maybe I could find some bi girls too. You never know."

"We both know that the lesbians hang out at the LaBella Syndicate downtown."

"What the hell, am I on trial here?" he asked, suspiciously.

"So I guess it didn't have anything to do with Mr. Knight and all that money he was offering us."

"No," he said and suddenly I could feel a deep relief but then suddenly he added, "This time it was Robbie who offered me the money."

"JAY! You went back and accepted money from Robbie?" I said, feeling disappointment all of a sudden.

"Why not."

"Cause Eric hates him."

"Well, Eric doesn't have to accept the money now did he? Until Eric tells me why he hates Robbie so much, why do I have to worry about dealing with his issues? Its his problem, not mine."

I stopped. Jay definitely knew me a lot. He knew where my morals lied too. I wanted to help Eric, to hate his enemies even if it were possible. But the way Eric went about it. He wanted us not to be in the Syndicate but never told us why. He wanted us not to make any deals with the Syndicate, but never really gave us a reason why. He was asking too much, I realized. Eric had started telling us about his past but really never finished.

"Jay be careful. Did you ever come to think why Robbie would offer money when he was so mad that Mr. Knight was offering it?"

"He says he changed his mind. Adrian why do you worry about all that?"

"We'll be in their debt."

"What debt? He has like a million dollars and we are a struggling band that is probably gonna go bankrupt soon if we don't do well on this tour. He doesn't need our money."

It was just like Jay. He never tried to look past what was given to him. It wasn't just an act. What he knew was that Robbie was giving him money. That was all he knew because that was all that was told to him. He didn't know the history between Eric and Robbie, but then neither did I. I really started to begin to understand him, but then again I didn't want to betray Eric's interests.

I hadn't told Eric about Jay getting that money from Robbie. I figured it wouldn't matter because it would never come up again. I was totally wrong though. Still, I allowed it to be pushed in the back of my mind, not coming up the whole time we flew back to New Jersey. It was real crazy by the time we got back to New Jersey. Hype let us know that we would only be spending 3 nights in New Jersey and then we would be back on tour again. No rest for the weary. I hadn't slept for like days and hadn't planned on sleeping when I got back to New Jersey. My mom had called like 10 times each day, trying to get me to go visit her. The thing was she had moved to Providence not too long ago (for god knows what reason) and she figured that our tour would be going near there. The truth was I was never really sure where Providence was. I mean, I wasn't even sure what state it was in. I didn't care much anymore to tell you the truth because by the time I found out she would have moved again. She was a real mover... <Can you meet me?> the accented voice asked me on my cell phone. <Again? Its 3:00 in the morning.> <Why what's wrong? I thought you cared about me.> Antonio said. The sound of him left suddenly as I could hear a little talking in the background and a couple snickers. <Will we finally be alone this time?> Since that night at the Syndicate, I had ended up meeting Antonio about 5 more times. I could really say it would have been something like a relationship. I mean, the things I did for him were crazy. He once told me that I should persuade Ice to pick him up from his highschool one day. I mean we were way out of town and had to go all the way to school to pick him up then drop him off just down the block so that he could say he dating some R&B superstar. And yea...he did use the word dating. <Yeah, you don't have to bring your guys.> <Really? Finally?> <Ugh...yeah. So can you meet me?> <Fine.> <Ok bye. Love you.> Did he say love? I was going to ask him but quickly he shut off the phone. I began to wonder if it was true. Either way the thought that I had actually heard love sent me hurdling on my clothes to race and meet Antonio. It didn't matter that it was 3:00 in the morning and I had to go on tour the next day. If he loved was going to be worth it. Wouldn't it? Maybe I was in love too... He seemed real eager about it, so once again I figured that I would it a shot. What could come out of it? I mean it could be a night of passion good enough for my masturbation thoughts throughout the long cold tour hours. I decided to take taxi instead of asking Ice to drive or even worse, driving the town car myself. It was too late in the night and I knew that everyone, except Jay hated Antonio and the guys who hung out around the Syndicate. Hype, even though nice to their faces, said that they were nothing but little vampires, willing to suck the blood out of the music business while hypnotizing it with loud music and liquor. The guys at the Syndicate really never did much wrong to me, so why would I have trouble handling them? I rolled up to the little lot of the Syndicate, where Antonio usually met me. I could see a black figure, in the dark alley but then I saw another...then even another. Three dark figures standing in the dark hallway. I should have known that we weren't going to be alone. I pulled closer and realized it was Antonio, with two guys that were very lets say, 'Syndicate material', meaning they were goddam male models. "Hey sexy," he told me as I climbed out. "I didn't know you were gonna have your friends here," I told him, trying to be angry and polite. He pulled me close all of a sudden, looking me deep into my eyes and the kissing me deeply. His lips were making me hot as hell. I mean, I had definitely come there horny as hell. He stopped kissing to me, only to start nibbling on my neck and make rings with his tongue around my shoulder blades. He pulled down my jacket a little, down my shoulder. I moaned aloud, feeling the sensation and the passion. This was definitely something exciting. Then suddenly I noticed the two guys that were behind us. One of them was like basically close enough that I could hear his breathing and the other was holding something, something cylinder. It was a camcorder! "What the fuck is that?!" I cried out. "Relax," Antonio said with his deep Italian or Spanish or whatever accent, grabbing me and pulling me closer, "They are just interns." Everyone was telling me to FUCKING relax! I mean, it was like I was some kind of goddam maniac. Oh, but I was relaxing now. How he started kissing my neck. I was really starting to relax. I tried to think about the goddam camera that was right in my fucking face, but it didn't matter. This sexy guy wanted me, I could feel him touching my body and handling me so lustfully like he wanted to rip deep inside of me. We tongued our way down the street, going farther away from the Syndicate. The young interns followed us, watching every way that my tongue meshed with Antonio and I expected that any moment they would actually take out a notepad to start taking notes on how to kiss. It was uncomfortable at first, but then it became sexy. I began to notice that these interns themselves were sexy as hell. I mean the one with the camcorder really kept a little distance, but the other one (the sexy one) had come so close that I could feel his body rubbing against mine as we walked. Suddenly I noticed that we were going into the abandoned building, the old house that was in the empty lot further down the street. Antonio knocked down the sign that said in bright letters 'NO TRESPASSING'. "I dunno. We shouldn't be in there." I told him He and the guy who were holding the camcorder began to laugh hysterically, as the other one began to make his way into the building ahead of us. I knew they were making me seem like some prude or something, but the house looked real unstable. It looked like it was gonna fall over at any minute. "Don't be scared. You have me here. I love you,"Antonio assured me with a crooked smile. With that we entered the building, Antonio pulling me by the hand and taking me up some stairs. HE LOVED ME. The thought had brought trembles down my spine. No one had ever loved me before. Now he was confessing what he felt for me. He definitely knew where he was going. He acted almost like this abandoned house was his own home. We went into the oldest room there, with creaky tiles and cobwebs. Suddenly as we went I noticed the other boy, the sexy one that resembled Antonio. He was smoking something and as I got closer I realized that it was weed. "Want some?" the boy asked me. His accent was so very deep that at first I couldn't even understand what he was trying to say at first. "Ughh, no thanks. I don't smoke." "Try it." "Nah." "Suit yourself," Antonio said pushing past me, nearly making me fall over onto the floor. I caught my balance and looked at him with the dirtiest face I could think on making at the time, but realized that my anger was being reflected with a complete nonchalant attitude. He walked up to the boy who was smoking the marijuana and took it from him. The two went close, sharing the weed. I watched in deep lust as I watched Antonio lick the wrap of the weed and hand it to the other boy. The other boy licked the same spot where Antonio licked before he smoked it. It was becoming not just smoking, but now it was becoming erotic. Antonio had gotten up and taken the camcorder from the guy and pointed it back on me. "You go sit over there," Antonio said to the guy who had the camcorder. He definitely was fine. he had these pink lips and dark hair. His skin was the color of copper and his body tone could be seen even past his clothes. He went next to his lighter skin tone friend and I watched as the two began to engage in a hot kiss. I tried not to look, but noticed my eyes following them and my dick getting harder, slowly...but it wasn't really because of the kiss. It was because I could hear Antonio, urging them on slowly as his left hand clutched the camcorder and his right began to work his way down to his pants. "Yeah, tongue him. Now kiss his nipples," Antonio instructed the two boys, then I saw him looking at me, "You go over too." "I really didn't come to see them." "Relax," Antonio told me once again, the tone in his voice so comforting that I thought it was sending me into a slight trance, "Here let me help you." He came closer the camcorder in my face as he took his right hand and began to unbutton my shirt. As soon as I had gotten out of my shirt, he sort of gave me a little push towards the interns. I tried not to act like I cared too much as I moved closer and held my breath, knowing that they were staring at me now. As soon as I had gotten closer, they had begun to touch my chest, rubbing my nipples and making me nearly squirm with excitement. I knew that maybe I could do this after all... "Yeah, closer," Antonio told me. I couldn't help myself but do as he told me, hoping that he would join in after a while, "Adrian kiss Ramon." "Who's Ramon?" I asked but was suddenly cut off by the boy who had been holding the camcorder before Antonio. This Ramon guy didn't mind the dusty floor at all. He leaned into me, coming so close that I fell over onto the floor in excitement. He began to kiss me, his tongue thoroughly going into mine. I tried not to completely lay down in the floor with worry about my hair, but his weight had surpassed my strength or will. I was completely on the floor, being shadowed by this guy named Ramon and his soft bites along my neck. "Fernando, suck his dick." Antonio said. I didn't have to look down to know it was Fernando that was pulling at my pants all of a sudden as Antonio had sort of pinned me down by both hands. I looked over the room and saw Antonio. His fine imported pants were at his ankles now along with his silk boxers. His dick was in his hands and he was jerking slowly. I squirmed, half because I had felt something wet against my dick and half hoping that Antonio would put down the camcorder and come over. I looked down and finally saw this Fernando. His tongue had licked my dick, from within the pants and then he pulled it out. "Si, muy bueno," his voice rolled over to Ramon who was now massaging my chest. Ramon let out a little laugh and Fernando put my dick in his mouth. "Ughhhh!" I squirmed, feeling the warmth around my cock as I went from semi-hard into a complete rock, "Oh it feels so good." I could feel my ass against the cold tiles and I felt so much pressure against them from Ramon's heavy hands against my chest that I didn't think I would be able to move at all. The last good blowjob that I had gotten was from a girl. Fernando wasn't really sucking it though, he licked it a lot. I watched as he licked my head, then licked the shaft. He licked all around the hole of my dick, his tongue wandering deep into it. "Hazel eyes, do you like?" Antonio called out to me. "It would be better if you were over here too." I told him. "Ah, you can't just have a taste of Spain. You Americans want it all." I saw him coming closer, his thick 10 inches wagging below him as he moved closer to me. His dark eyes met with mine as he leaned over me. Ramon began to laugh once again as Antonio sat right on my chest. The seat of his pants were press up against my nipples. I loved the feeling of that Fernando licking my ball sack at the moment, but would have much rather have had him get off for a moment, so that Antonio could slide down a little more. I wanted Antonio to take of his pants and let me fuck the shit out of him right there. Antonio put the weed to my mouth, "Smoke it and I'll let you taste Spain. Don't smoke it and oh well..." I wanted to taste Spain so BAD! I grabbed the rolled up piece of paper and began to puff at it rapidly. I wanted him now more than ever. The way he sat over me, it was almost like he was born to tease people. Suddenly I saw him taking his dick into his hand. He began to pat it against my chest, brushing the big cock against it like it was a broom. He patted the cock higher against my skin and I could feel the warmth in it arousing a deep lust in me. "Please, I want it now,"I pleaded, almost before I knew what was going on. He lifted himself up a little and leaned over my head until his dick came swinging down right above my lips. At first he just let it play around my lips, until I caught it with my mouth out of frustration. I began to suck his dick thoroughly, until he started to hump my face. He humped my face almost dry, thoroughly pushing and pushing more of the long pole down my throat. I couldn't gag, although I really wasn't used to sucking dick. It felt at times I wanted to gag, but then the thought that it was Antonio's dick caused me to stop. He humped my face for so long that I began to feel red and numb in it. It was actually getting painful to have so much down my much that I was beginning to choke. "Arghhhhhhh, Fu--fuck my face!" I said, half moaning and half choking as he shoved a couple more inches into me, ripping at my face like it was actually a pussy (or in our case an ass hole). It had happened like that for the most of the night until things started getting cloudy. I remember that my hard on hadn't gone away that night. I remember smoking more and more until I could no longer handle myself and all the dirty talk had been replaced by loud primitive grunts. It was definitely a strong type of weed (even though I wasn't some kind of expert). I smoked and fucked, but then things went cloudy...

I woke up still feeling a little weezy. My eyes could barely open and I knew that I hadn't had any sleep. The bright sun was definitely the only motivation to help me keep from falling down in my pain. I looked around and noticed I was still at the house. Then I looked down and noticed that I still had my hard-on intact. The smell of the old house was disgusting all of a sudden and I felt almost sick. How could I have been so uncaring about a place that looked as trashed up as this placed looked. The windows were all broken. He could of at least taken me to a hotel.

No hotel though. I knew no guy would go out of their way to by me a hotel, especially when I didn't give them a chance before I was all over them. This was just a case of where teenage hormones can lead you. Even though I was 18 and almost out of it, there were still times like this that reminded me to stop thinking with my little head.

"Antonio!" I called out noticing that I was alone.

Where the hell could he have went? Had they abandoned me? Could they really have just left me stranded in the middle of an abandoned house like that?

I looked around and realized that everyone was gone. They had cleaned up pretty well too, taking their clothes, their camcorders. They didn't leave anything but all that marijuana. The weed was wrapped up in three dime bags near the place that my shirt was at. They must have been too high to remember taking that too. Bunch of idiots were all that they were. I thought that they were classy, but instead just the same old young idiots...


Suddenly I wondered if I could have been wrong. Maybe they didn't leave me. Maybe they were coming back. I guess it was my turn to tell him where I stood with him. I wanted to tell him that when I wanted to be alone with him, I wanted to be only with him. I remembered the look on his face as he walked up to me. I wanted to know if he felt the same way about me that I felt about him. I mean I didn't love him, but there was some kind of attraction...whether lust or something else. I guess I just wanted to know what this attraction was. I would ask him. Yes, that's it. When he walked into the room, I was going to ask him. I shoved my boner back into my boxers, zipped up my pants and sat up. My body ached like I had just been fully paralyzed.

"Antonio. Can you hurry up? I gotta talk to you about last night."

Suddenly the stairs hurriedly ran up to the steps! I wondered why they were running so fast and was about to ask when the faces appeared. It wasn't Antonio that walked into the room...

"Put you hands up and stay where you are."

It was the police! My mouth dropped open and I could feel the hard pain as I was being pushed against the side of the wall and handcuffed. I tried not to say anything. Oh god! It was another charge of trespassing for me. It was all that I needed. Then I looked around and saw the bag of weed against the table. My mouth dropped even more. Shit! How was I going to explain this one. The cop looked at it and then looked at me.

"Aren't you one of those singers?" he told me, recognizing my face from probably his daughter's picture of Vida.

"Yes. Sir, those aren't mine!" I hurriedly tried to explain, so emotional now that I from fear and confusion, "I was here with some guys last night. Three of them. They'll be back here soon. You can ask them about it."

He gave me an almost sympathetic look but just stood me up in the handcuffs, "Three guys huh? They had deep Spanish accents?"

"Yeah! That's them. The weed belongs to them!" I shouted overjoyed with excitement.

"Just another target aren't you," the cop said, making me confused a little, "They must not really like you. The Syndicate knows how to get there way with you guys. Oh well. You know I like your music kid and I don't believe the weed is yours."

"So you can let me go?"

"Sorry. It doesn't matter what I believe. Gotta take you in anyway."

"So what's the goddam point in saying all of that!"

"Between me and you. Those three friends of yours are the same three guys that just ratted you out. You should be more careful with your crowd next time..."

I felt trampled as I was dragged off into jail, knowing I was carrying not only trespassing but also drug possession. My hatred raged up as I noticed that it was Antonio. He just set me up to fall like that! He didn't only abandon me but he ratted me out! I wasn't only sad, but I was angry. Once again I had become a victim. This time as I sat there...I realized that there was no strength that I could muster. There was no manhood that I could protect. I just wanted to sit back and cry myself into recognizing that I was the boy who no one loved. Other people lived the sweet life but look at me. One guy rather have a memory than have me while the other goes out of his way to harm me...the sweet life had left me.

Next: Chapter 5

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