La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Dec 10, 2004


f Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a Young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you Are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to


-Dedicated to my new nephew

LaDulceVida- The Sweet Life

LIFE AFTER PARADISE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Having had my head slammed against the hard walls of a cabin, I felt relieved almost. Adrian's grip had released from my head and then I saw nothing. There was a large fog and white light. I could have sworn that I had died. The bright light then began to grow duller and duller until pictures began to form in my head. No, they weren't just pictures, but they were memories.

I remembered everything.

Let me tell you my story.

My name is Damien. I had grown up in a single home with my single father, until my father decided to go out with a woman named Dina. I didn't like Dina very much. Truth is, I hated her actually. Dina had a son though. He was a confident, sly, sexy guy named Robbie. When Dina and Robbie came to live with us, I began to connect to Robbie and discovered that Robbie had been hiding a strong attraction for me as long as our parents had been dating. It confused me. Then I met a guy named Eric. Eric was a straight, shy, innocent kind of guy. It wasn't hard to turn Eric out and soon Eric started to love me. Then Robbie got jealous. It was a jealousy that began to weigh down on everyone. My relationship with Eric was constantly tested and Eric constantly clutched onto me as a figure that is important to his own identity. This had led to me deciding to runaway. I had run right into an accident. The accident was on a bridge because there was a pileup of cars that was caused by a speeding driver. The accident had caused my car to tip over the bridge. That was the rain on me and I should have died that day.

I didn't though. I was here now. I had lost my memory until now, but with Adrian having nearly killed me, the memory shot back into my skull like cocked up shotgun.

"Eric. . ." I whispered.

I woke out of my faint.

All I remembered was Adrian had gotten real pissed off that I was talking to Eric. He reminded me of Robbie in that way, but he wasn't Robbie. Adrian's jealousy seemed less about competition and more about pure emotion. I guess that pure emotion had made him strong enough to keep me pinned up the wall while smashing my head into the dashboard.

Eric wasn't moving. He was crying. His once strong, balanced eyes were now full of confusion. There was blood. There was blood all over his coat. He had a coat on, but underneath that his chest was bare. His shirt was on the side of his seat and I realized that it was covered in blood. He had blood splattered all over his chest. I moved my hand around, wondering if I had been cut. My whole body was hurting, so if I had been cut, it wouldn't have been a surprise. It wasn't though. My head was sore and all, but no blood.

"Eric, Eric, I remember everything," I told him happily.

He looked at me, his eyes full of tears. I realized suddenly that he was driving. We were in a car, speeding down a freeway. I was in the passenger seat. He put his hand over me and pulled me close, embracing me with the warmest hug that I had ever gotten. It was so sincere. I felt almost like he was looking for comfort in me in a way.

"Eric, what's wrong? Where are we going?" I asked him with a soft voice.

He didn't answer, but instead he just let go of me and put his hands back on the wheel. I couldn't understand how he could see with his eyes rinsed with tears like they were. The fact was that Eric was trying his best to hold back his whimpers.

"Eric, what's wrong? Talk to me," I pleaded with him, trying to lean over but feeling light headed, "You're speeding Eric! Eric, look out!"

There had been a truck coming dead at us. Eric was driving so fast that our car was swerving into different lanes. As I screamed it, Eric turned fast and barely missed the truck. It sent our car spinning in circles and me screaming like a confused bitch while Eric grabbed onto the steering wheel like it was a clutch because he was trying to gain control of the car.

The road was icy and I realized that we were still in mountains. We managed to spin into a stop though, ending up in the middle of the road. Thankfully, it was a barely empty highway. Eric finally decided to pull over the side of the road. It was fucking nighttime and Eric didn't have his lights on. I was sure if I had woken up just a few minutes later, I would have been either dead or injured.

"Eric, what the hell!" I scolded him, grabbing the keys out of the ignition, "You are going to end up killing both of us. Fuck you Eric!"

I took the keys and jumped out of the car. Eric was in no position to drive at all. He was basically blind and emotional. He moved over to the passenger seat and I took the driver's seat. I looked at how he was staring blankly into the dimness. His deep dimples disappeared in gloom. His rough hands running against the dashboard like it was some kind of precious black diamond. I wanted to hold him, touch him and let him know that everything was ok, but then again I was pissed off that he basically almost killed us in his reckless driving.

"Eric, what's going on?" I asked again, recognizing that even though we were still in the mountains, that we were on our way out.

I put my hand over his and he clutched it. Obviously he was playing hard to get. It was obvious that he really did want to talk about it, but then he didn't. I leaned my hand over and began to massage his face. It caused him to move his eyes up to me.

"I killed Adrian," Eric stuttered in explanation and I could see his lower lip quivering, "I, I didn't mean to, but he was hurting you. I wanted to protect you. Adrian is fucking dead!"

He put his head down and began to cry. I couldn't believe it at first, but then again I realized the love that Eric had. This man was so in love and that he could do anything. Eric had proved his love for me so many times before, but this was definitely the biggest thing that he had ever done. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't have. I wanted to tell him that he could have taken Adrian off me some other way besides killing him. I sat back and let him cry a little bit. I had to allow the thought of Adrian being dead because of me settle in.

I wasn't going to cry. I was never the crying type. I looked over at the cars speeding past us. They carried white lights and all that, but not one of them understood what true love was. True love was what Eric had for me. I wish he hadn't killed Adrian, but then again I didn't regret it now that the act was done.

"Listen, it was me or him right?" I asked, placing my hand to massage the back of his neck that was now moist with sweat, "You had to. I saw the look in his eyes. He was trying to kill me. You had no choice."

"Fuck!" Eric called out, "Yes I did! You don't understand. I took the knife and I stabbed him. I saw Robbie and all the other haters in his eyes. I didn't want anyone to interfere with my relationship with you anymore. Fuck, I would do the same if anyone doesn't want the two of us to be together! I would do it again!"

He seemed so angry. I knew he was just confused. I could understand what he meant. The world had fucked with Eric and me so many times. I saw Eric crying now. He felt guilty for having the feelings that I understood. He didn't regret it either. It was the horrible truth. I hugged him harder. I dug my head into the tent that he had surrounded his head with. Eric hated when I saw him cry. Eric was beautiful when he cried though. I leaned my forehead against his, so our cheeks rubbed against one another.

"I know what you mean."

"You do?"

I nodded, "A lot of people don't want to see us together and I would do anything to be with you. We belong together. You did it to be with me and it was still justified. Adrian was confused. He wanted to break us up because I guess he understood how real the two of us were together. It doesn't matter how the world judges you, because I'm always here for you. And I say what you did was justified."

"If it was justified, then why does it feel so bad?"

"You loved him. I know that you loved him," I admitted and brushed Eric's hair, "It doesn't mean that at that moment he was a danger to me and to himself. You saved his soul Eric. You are a hero."

I didn't know whether I truly believed what I was saying. It made sense though. Eric needed to hear it. The thought of Adrian in my mind wasn't the easiest to deal with. I really didn't hate him as a person, but I had a strong dislike for him when I realized that him and Eric had a thing going on. I had felt jealousy. I crossed over to the side of the envious. I saw how Eric looked at Jay at times and realized that there was some kind of love in his eyes for this boy.

"Jay was screaming when I stabbed him," Eric continued, his tears beginning to fall even more, "He said he was calling the cops. I had to run and I brought you with me. This is the car Adrian drove up to the mountains."

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be cool," I promised and rubbed his neck, "Let's get to Jersey and we'll figure something to do. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. What you did was the only thing you could do. Life goes on . . . and we still have each other. This just some other issues trying to break us up, but it isn't going to work. We've been through worse, like that time we had to fuck our gym teacher to get an A."

He laughed. Just hearing his beautiful laugh made my lips part. I couldn't resist but laughing with him. I think what really made him look up was the thought that I had really gotten my memory back. He looked relieved almost and even though his tears hadn't dried, they weren't coming as much.

"You know I love you right, baby boy?" he asked with a soft smile.

"I love you too, E," I answered him back.

I put the keys in the ignition and started the engine. I took off that moment, driving down the highway. I knew that my licence was probably less than void at the moment, but it didn't matter. I couldn't let Eric drive while he was in the emotional state. I didn't want to panic, but the truth is that while I was telling Eric to rely on me . . . I had nothing to be relying on. I figured I would think about it as we drove to Jersey. I kept thinking about Eric confessing what had happened that night and then maybe the court system would work. It would have been simple to give in. I looked at Eric, who was leaning his hand against the glass shield of the car. He had his tan skin pressed up against it and these thin, yet bubbly-like lips sucked into his mouth. His wet tongue was crushed against them, which made him look like he was just sort of lost in existence. I couldn't let anything happen to him.

Was it really murder?

Eric had fallen asleep and I guess it was for the best. By the time he woke up, I think all of the depression had left him or he just had the depression restrained. He was staring at me as I drove. He stared at me for almost a whole hour. I didn't mind it though. The silence was real and his staring at me was romantic. I wondered what was going in his mind. It probably wasn't too far from what was going in my mind. I just kept thinking about how much I loved Eric. It was truly my pleasure to even be in his presence and even though fate hated us, it seemed like God had blessed me with the capability to share the same air with him.

"Damien, did you really get your memory back?"

"Ha, you doubting me?" I asked, looking over at him to see the smile that he cracked and exposed this one dimple.

"No never," he said softly and then got quiet for a moment before adding, "Thank God you remember though."

It was the first time Eric ever mentioned the man upstairs. It sterilized me. I drove up into New Jersey and realized that I didn't know exactly where we were going. Eric's fingers were playing with the radio station on the old broken car. It seemed like this car would give way any moment now.

"The gas is low," he mentioned, in a little worried tone that caused me to feel a little panicky that I had to do something real soon.

"Look at that hill, isn't it familiar?" I asked and began to keep my eyes planted on it, "Isn't that where that girl Elizabeth lives?"

"Elizabeth? You mean Elle? Damien . . . no, please. That is like Adrian's best friend."

"Do you know anywhere else to go with the amount of gas we have left?" I asked, realizing that the tank read empty and I had no idea why the car was still moving in the first place, "Just suck it up."

He seemed real distant as he commanded, "Yo, I love you and all, but keep driving."

I reluctantly nodded but realized that we wouldn't have gotten far with the amount of gas that we had in the car. I almost laughed when the car broke down almost a block away. There was a smell of burning and I kicked out of the car to realize that we had a flat tire. Someone called "Fate" definitely hated Eric and me. I growled angrily and Eric got out of the car to inspect the tire. He looked at it real closely, feeling it like he was some kind of Mr. Fix It. I didn't want to look annoyed, but I was.

"Eric, the tire is fucking flat. I can see it from here."

"Yea, I know," he replied, "this car is a piece of trash."

Even though it was clear, I could see Eric struggling to fix the fucking car. It was obvious that he was trying to avoid going to Elizabeth's house though. I let him do it though. I watched him try to start the car and even watched him push it a little, until he wore himself out. Eric wasn't always this stubborn, but I guess he REALLY didn't want to go to Elizabeth's house, which was just around the corner.

"Eric, you just said it was a piece of trash," I exclaimed, "It isn't going anywhere. Elizabeth's house is right over the hill. She probably doesn't know about Adrian. We don't have much choice."

It was getting cold too and I could see that Eric was cold. He had a heavy jacket on, which had a broken zipper, but he really didn't have anything under the sweat. He looked like some kind of supermodel or something, with his six-pack abs and sexy chest under an open jacket. I knew that he was freezing his ass off, by the way he kept clutching the jacket closed over his chest.

"Fine, ok. But we are pushing the car up there . . ."

I agreed and found us pushing the Oldsmobile or whatever the fuck the old piece of trash was, up a hill. The hill was goddam steep and by the time we had walked it up the hill, I was less then hot. Eric's sexy body had attracted a group of girls to stand off the side of the road and holler some dumb things to us as though we were slabs of meat. I was a little embarrassed while I struggled underneath the weight of the car and the girls could do nothing but get there kicks in because two hot guy were sweating as they pushed a car up a hill. Today hadn't been a good day and it seemed like it was only getting worse.

I had no idea what time it was, but I knew it was well into the morning. It was probably like 3 a.m or something. When we had finally got the car up the hill, we left it in her front yard like an ornament. Eric was real shy about going up to the door. He slacked off a little and dug his hands into his pockets. He was acting like he was concentrating on the car or something. I wasn't half as worried. I walked up to the front door and began to ring. There was a light turning on and I heard a lot of steps in the house. I breathed deep in anticipation as I saw Elizabeth walking up to the door. She opened the door and I saw her look into my eyes. She was completely surprised, but not in an angry way. She smiled. I exhaled, realizing that she had not heard of Adrian being dead by Eric's hands yet.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to wake you," I said, putting on my most friendly smile as if I was just made of rainbows and confetti.

"No, don't worry. I was up anyway," she explained and then I looked down to realize that she had a child in her hands.

I was completely surprised at the innocent look on the baby.

"You had a baby?"

"Yeah," she said, rocking the infant in her arms, "His name is Jason. He keeps me up all night. So tell me, what brought you here anyway?"

"I, well, Eric and I were driving and we sort of got stranded down the street," I explained, "I figured that since you live on the hill . . ."

"Of course you could stay the night, Damien," she said, surprising me that she still even remembered my name after just that one quick night that I had slept over her house the first time.

"Thanks Elizabeth."

"Call me Elle."

I waved Eric over and he gently walked to us. He could hardly say hello to Elle. He looked so nervous. As soon as we got in, Elle explained that there was a single bedroom upstairs and that it was her only empty bedroom available, if we didn't mind sharing it. I definitely didn't have a problem with that. Elle was real nice, but being next to her kind of felt strange to me as well. All around, I could smell Adrian. I couldn't believe he was dead either, but the fact was that he was. It was a tough fact, but I wasn't going to lose any sleep over it, especially after he had tried to kill me.

We walked deeper into Elizabeth's house. Eric stayed real close to my back, probably because he didn't feel real comfortable coming into Elle's house. I wasn't all that comfortable either to me. We followed behind the dark-haired pale looking woman into the kitchen. Her baby was real nice. It had skin that was hazel like Eric's but its eyes were green. It looked like one of those babies that cried a lot and needed a lot of attention. That was perhaps one of the reasons I wasn't too partial to babies. The baby gave me one of those, "Don't fuck with me" looks and then closed his eyes and went to sleep in his mother's arms.

"Eric, Adrian once told me you liked basketball," Elle said and pointed across the den to a little t.v, "I think a rerun of the Nets game is on if you like that team. Damien . . . can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen?"

Eric and I exchanged glances. I could tell Eric didn't trust Elle for some unknown reason. I was the first to break the long stare so that Elle wouldn't think we were more awkward then we already let out. That was when Eric walked to the other side of the den to sit on the sofa.

Elizabeth pulled up a chair for me. From the kitchen we could see into the den and see Eric flicking into the Nets game. Immediately on seeing the basketball players, I was almost sure Eric forgot all his worries and let his mind be pulled up a chair for me and sat down, consumed by the sport.

"So what's up?" she asked, checking a bottle that was in her baby's hand for temperature. She then began to dip the bottle into the baby's mouth and watched the baby suck away.

I found the question type retarded, "Ah, what do you mean?"

"I mean, have you talked to Adrian?" she continued and looked over at Eric, "I mean, I'm not in his business, but you are walking around with his 'so-called' boyfriend. So what's up?"

"Ah, its a long story," I vaguely let out, not wanting to get into it with her at all.

I was tired and now just really wanted to get to bed. Eric seemed like he was glued onto the t.v though, so I guess I was the only one sleepy at all.

"I got all night."

"You do?" I asked, trying to sound as irritated as possible, but not 'too' irritated, because this was her house, "Long story short is that me and Eric are together now. Its simple."

"And Adrian?"

"What about Adrian?"

She sounded real suspicious as she kept mentioning Adrian. It was almost like she knew something was up. She was just too curious about him to the point that I was sweating and contemplating the fastest way on grabbing Eric to run out of the fucking house.

"I'm sorry," she said, almost withdrawing from her aggressive stare, "Its just that if I knew where Adrian was, I would know where Jay was."

"Why you wanna find Jay?"

"This is our baby," she said and looked down at the little boy in her arms.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't suspicious anymore for one. My eyes looked down at the baby to try to strike a resemblence between him and Jay. They had a small resemblence, but the baby looked more like Elle did. Elle stroked the baby by the hair and I looked at Eric.

"I got my memory back," I told her and she let out one of those, 'oh how nice' smiles, "Eric was the first person I saw when I remembered my past. He was the first person I remembered. There isn't a lot I can say about our relationship together. I know that a lot of people don't like it though."

"Including Adrian, right?"

"Yeah. Adrian and Jay," I explained to her and looked back across the room as he watched t.v. I was mesmerized as I said, "He's sexy ain't he?"

"Yeah, he's hot. But you guys are so young to be so seriously in love. At 18, I didn't even know what love was, but now I know what you see in him."

"I doubt it," I sincerely disagreed, staring a hole through the back of Eric's head, "No one really sees what we mean to each other. Adrian didn't like it. I guess we have to prove our love for each other to everyone else from now on. Its gonna be hard, but I love him."

Elle exhaled almost sympathizing and quoted, "A wise man once said, 'The world is the desert when it sends a scorch on me, but compassion is a cloud when it sends rain on me."

Rain on me. I looked at Eric. He was laying back in his couch, relaxing to the game. His eyes caused his mulatto skin to blend into the screen area. His left hand was on the couch, curled up as if someone was sitting next to him and the other hand was on his thigh. He constantly licked his lips, which he did often when he was interested in something. He was interested in that game. He had licked his lips when he first met me. The diamond earring in his ear glittered to make him seem like some kind of crystal angel or something. I was enchanted.

I wondered if I should tell Elle about what happened with Adrian. She seemed like the kind of person who had the chance of understanding it if it was explained to her right. I could see why Adrian confided in her. She was a good listener. I was so close to telling her. Could she handle the fact that her best friend was dead? My lips had opened and everything.

Something else came out of my lips though, "What would you do if someone you loved did something bad . . . real bad, but he did it for you? How would you react? Do you think it is right to turn that person in, even if you are the reason that they have this problem."

I was afraid she would ask me what kind of problem I was talking about.

"I would stick by that person," Elle explained and looked down at her baby, "Protect them above all. I would make a decision for them, without even considering me. I would just do what I knew they would do for me. . . you know?"

I nodded, hesitantly. I did know. The different frames of understanding kept running into my mind on how I should react to this things with Eric. I kept looking at him. He was too beautiful. I kept thinking about what would happen if I did turn him in. There was a chance that I would never get to be with him again. There was a chance that he would be taken away from me yet again. I didn't know if I could have that. I wanted to be with Eric, no matter what.

We ended up going to bed as soon as Elle was done talking to me. Eric seemed glued onto the screen but managed to claw away from it to join me upstairs. I guess part of him wanted to be with me and the other part didn't want to be alone with Elle for fear of awkwardness. Elle was real cool people though. She had this stare that made you think there was nothing more important than the words you were saying. She seemed real smart. She seemed probably smarter than she really was. It made me worry about why Jay would just leave a nice woman like that to raise his child.

There was a bathroom attached to our room and Eric spent a lot of time in it. I finally crept into the bathroom to find my eyes nearly bleeding as I saw Eric cutting his hair.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm growing up."

The way he said it seemed like it was one of those things that only he could understand. I let him cut his hair silently and when he was done, he whispered, "I love you," and then kissed me. He made soft curls in his hair that were real nice. They looked sexy, bringing this sort of sparkle out of Eric by the way the shined with gel. The truth was the soft curls didn't make Eric look any older, but I guess it did make him look a little more serious. Before he looked like he was always innocent, but now he looked like he had this secret sexy side to him as well.

"It. . . it looks nice."

It looked real nice. He looked nice. My balls began to burn. We both had felt the sexual tension between us for so long. I saw the way how he looked at me that moment, then he bit down on his lips. He kneeled down in front of me as I sat on the cold toilet, so that we were face to face.

"Yo, I think the world is probably jealous of us," He said and cupped my hand giving it a gentle kiss, "We look so good together that it wants to separate us. You were made for me. Your hands were made to touch mine. With your face next to mine, who can't say we aren't the perfect pair?"

Eric's sort of paranoia about fate being against the two of us being together seemed sort of amusing, sexy and very believable. I really was so young to be feeling the kind of compassion that I felt for Eric. I watched Eric get off his knees and then he walked into the bedroom. He had no shirt on and only boxers. His boxer shorts were hardly doing their job to hide or conceal, because I could see the bulge in his ass and crotch area. His ass looked good enough to lick off.

I didn't give it much thought that I was supposed to follow him. I looked in the mirror for a while and realized that Eric was going to sleep in the large king-sized bed. The reflection in the mirror was one that I hadn't seen for so long. I completely understood who I was now and it only took someone to attempt murder on me for the memories to come back. Now that the memories were back, I could feel nothing but comfort. Little did I know, this would be the last night, in a long time that I would sleep without no worries. I didn't worry. I just looked at the reflection, figuring out no one would probably ever find out about the Adrian problem and that we would stay with Elle until Eric and I got enough money to get our own place. It would be just like before.

I took off my shirt, but left Eric's basketball shorts that I borrowed on. It was really kinda cold because of the cool wind that Elle had circulating around her house. Eric was under the covers on the large bed and I crawled in. I heard a couple snores and was almost completely sure that he was sleeping.

I lay on the bed and began to sleep, wrapping my head with the pillows until I was suddenly awoken by Eric. He was kissing the back of my neck. I knew and so did, that this probably wasn't the best time to have sex.

"Eric, stop poking your finger in my back" I said, feeling him moving his hand up and down my back, almost reaching my asscrack.

"That isn't my hand . . ."

I grasped back and realized that I was grasping onto his 8 inch fully hard and throbbing cock. The cock was so hard that he was now moving it up and down my back. It was perhaps one of the hardest cocks that I ever felt. I thought for a moment that I could feel the rush of blood flowing to it.

"Dame boy, we haven't slept for almost 30 hours," I said softly, not wanting to complain but feeling his hard dick against the back of my ass, as he slowly rubbed me down with his other hand.

"I know," he said, "But I can't wait another minute. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this? Do you know how many times I daydreamed about this shit while I thought you were dead? Damien . . . I know you need your rest, but I swear to god, my body can't wait."

Just being next to him I could feel the sexual tension from it all just as much as he could. I could only imagine how long he had been wanting this. Feeling the way he touched me, I knew that he had wanted this for probably the longest time. He ran his hand up and around my thigh, touching the certain places on my ass, then ran up towards my chest to start squeezing at my already hard nipples.

"I want this too," I moaned, feeling aroused by his touches, "Fuck the sleep!"

"Babyboy, turn on your back," he sexually exerted control, "I just want to look at you first."

I turned on my back and watched as Eric slide over me, one leg grasping onto each side of my torso. He still had his boxers on and I still had the basketball shorts on, but we both carried hard- ons just from being so close to each other. He leaned over me and began to kiss me. He kissed my neck and then moved down. He made his way to my stomach area. I leaned back against the pillow, digging my head deep because I knew what was coming.

"You could hold my head if you want to," he presented, reaching down between my shorts and pulling out my dick.

I took the invite literally and completely began to grab his head, shoving his mouth on my cock. Feeling Eric's soft red lips against my dick made me quiver immediately. I was gasping for air and being taken for a whole kind of ride. He licked around the tip of my dick and inserted it in the back of his throat.

It was the first time Eric had deepthroated me! I didn't even know Eric knew how to deepthroat! He relaxed his tongue and let his dick slide completely down the depths of his esophagus. He let it slide in and out his mouth for so long that I was almost sure that he was going to die from uninhaling. I pulled at the slick short curls that were in his hair. I yelled his name a couple times.

"Damn, what the fuck!" I called out, extremely surprised, "Where did you learn those skills?"

"I was practicing, but only for you Damien . . ."

"It better be only for me," I warned and let out a little playful laugh as to let him know that I was serious, but wasn't 'controlling'.

The sheets that we were under were beginning to bulge with our bodies as Eric turned me over. He was gripping at my ass. His fingers were digging under my shorts. I knew that he wanted it. He always wanted it. I knew for sure that it was his favorite part of my body from the way that he always tried to get at it. He made it known that he loved my ass.

"Dame yo, I don't got no condom or lube. I'm not tryna run to any store either. Shit, of all the times!"

"Fuck it, lick me then. Your tongue should lube it up nice."

"You serious?"

"I know you want to be with me Eric. I'm not gonna let a little pain from a lack of lube mess that up for both of us. Eat me out, that should be enough lubrication."

He softly nibbled on my ear and then emotionally whispered, "I love you Damien. I really do."

I wasn't really sure what I was saying. Spit wasn't the most reliable of lubricants. I guess I was too horny, just like he was. Eric had wanted this for a long time and so did I. I knew that Eric had been completely waiting for me this whole time and even though he had that little slip up with Adrian, I knew that he was probably thinking about me the whole way. He deserved anything.

Eric dove his head into my ass and licked around the rim. I gripped onto the sheets. I had forgotten how good a rim job could be from the right person. Eric had never tossed my salad before or for that matter, I doubted he did for anyone else. The light-skinned god, lashed hit tongue through my ass. He made slurping noises that let it known that he was enjoying the taste of my deep ass regions. He put a lot of saliva on there, making it real moist. Soon, I thought that he was forgetting about fucking me because of how long he stayed down there. I wasn't complaining though. I was clutching the bedsheets and pulling them, ripping the pillowcases with my sheets. I didn't want to make any noises before Elle or her baby were disturbed. The pleasure was unbearable! Knowing that it was Eric made the experience a thousand times better.

"Fuck, its so tight," Eric explained to me as he put his dick on the rim of my ass and the head was slowly pushing past the surface.

I felt the tightness the whole time. I let out a little squirm and began to pant. Suddenly my ass began to clutch, almost neglecting Eric's dick and pushing it back out.

Eric licked his fingers, this time almost drooling over his fingers before he moisturized my asshole. My body was neglecting the dick, but my mind wanted it so much. I put my ass up, in preparation for the next round.

He began to dick me down more, throwing his dick into the midregions, "Fuck it's so tight. Damien, we should just save this until I get some lube."

"No!" I called out, grasping my hands behind him and pulling down on his buttocks so that I could force his penetration into me.

Finally I think he got a few inches in and my ass probably seemed like it was no deeper than those few inches. It almost felt like it was impossible for Eric's dick to go any deeper. Eric pushed in still though, getting his dick to press deep into my fat tissue. I squirmed and had to keep controlling Eric's thrusts just so he wouldn't pull out because of concern for me. He was so concerned for me and I knew that even though it felt good to him, he probably wasn't really enjoying it because I was in pain. I tried not to show my pain. Eric had been trying to feel nonchalant about it just in case he would have to pull out, but he let out a low moan.

"Ughhhhh," He groaned, deeply out of such a sincere pleasure, "I never felt anything like this. It feels so good . . . it feels too good. Damien, I love you for doing this."

"Yeah, it feels good. Go faster if you want," I said knowing that he was ripping my ass apart.

"Baby, you don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you. Don't lie, I know it's hurting you."

"No. . .I love feeling you inside me."

I looked over my shoulder knowing that Eric saying "love" so many times could only mean that he was getting real emotional. He started to cry softly and his tears were dripping on my back as he thrusted his dick into my ass. I had hoped saying it felt good would make him start to enjoy it more, but he knew me too well. He knew that I was lying. My ass felt like it was being raped! His dick protruding in and my ass felt like I was awake in surgery.

My ass didn't exactly stop hurting, but it did actually get numb because there was so much pain. This allowed Eric to thrust his entire dick in me and even though he had tried to pull back a couple of times, after I showed that I wasn't in pain, he started going faster. He rampaged into me faster and I knew for sure that this guy had wanted this for so long. He kept saying how tight it was and I could imagine how it felt for him.

He fucked me for a straight hour, first going slow and then soft. He was real considerate of me but there was no need because my ass was beginning to numb out the stabbings. My breath grew shorter though and for a moment I felt like I was actually going to faint from all the pain.

"I'M CUMMING!" he barked, after an hour of pleasure and pain through my frictional hole.

It was only a matter of time before I felt the deep stab. It was the full penetration that came with his orgasm. He dug deep into so that he could implant his seed as deep into me as possible. I was sure that he had ended up sending sperm shots up my stomach. It felt good though because he didn't stop thrusting into me after he orgasmed.

He kept thrusting into me like a sort of supernatural hard-on. Soon I realized that this wasn't any after cum. He actually was going for another hour of sex without ever pulling out.

"Fuck me, Eric, faster," I said, as our bodies intertwined and his hands wrapped around me.

This time around I definitely enjoyed it. His first orgasm had moisturized my asswalls with slick, wet sperm deposits. I began to moan and Eric began to go faster. He hugged on my stomach and I hugged my abdomen and he sprang into me. There was loud slurps from the wet sperm lube.

Hours passed and we made love until we saw the sun come up. Each moment was better than the last. Eric had cummed 3 to four times and as for me, I cummed just as many. I found myself beating my cock like it stole something from me. Eric jerked me off a couple of times and he tasted my cum, dipping his tongue into the sticky sperm and then completely putting his finger into his mouth.

"I love your taste," he said, as he completely swallowed the cum down his throat.

Some would say that was usual but not for me. Eric wasn't that kind of guy. He was macho. He defined what a man was supposed to be because he was handsome, polite and chivalrous. He was hardly gay, but around me there was nothing that he wouldn't do. He loved me. I knew it. As he tasted my cum, I reached my head around to kiss him. I had never known that I had turned him out 'that much'. I was sure that he was hooked though. Like Eric had said before, it was just for me. The things that we sacrificed for one another was priceless.

We kissed one last time and collapsed into our own juices. We definitely messed up the sheets. I doubted that no matter how many times Elle washed the sheets that the stains would come off. It didn't matter though. I felt dame well high! I felt past fucking high. My ass felt incomplete when he pulled his dick out of it. He laid by my side and I cuddled behind him in spoon position. I put my hand around his body and we started to sleep.

It was perhaps the sweetest dream I had laying next to Eric, but it didn't last. My head began to turn out of no where. I could see Adrian all of a sudden. His face was in my dream, almost saying something to me. Adrian was speaking but I couldn't hear everything that he was saying. At first, he was saying, "I can't sleep. My spirit cannot sleep until I am happy." I wanted to ask him what would make him happy, but then he disappeared and I was falling. Where was Eric? I was reliving the moment of the tragic accident that I had fallen off the bridge. I could hear the big explosion. I could feel the hard sensation as I grabbed my chest and then I saw Adrian again. He was screaming, screaming as though he was me.

He was the face that haunted my dreams.

I woke up, sweating. Eric was fast asleep beside me. His face was only an inch or two away from me. I could smell his breath because his lips were almost pressed up against my nose. He didn't notice my movement as I opened my eyes, but just laid there. I sat up on the bed and could feel this hard churning in my stomach. The dream about Adrian seemed so real that it was shaking me. I don't know if it was the guilt that made me feel this way. I felt a little guilty that Adrian had died just because he couldn't handle his jealousy over me. I breathed deep and began to gaze up at the ceiling. I didn't know. I began to realize how really important this whole thing was. The night with Eric was fucking magical. It was more than magical. It was morning already. It was probably afternoon from how long it seemed we were sleeping. I knew it must have been after noon. I realized that I should go ask Elle for some tylenol or something because I was getting a headache from the nightmare.

As I got out of the bed, I looked down at Eric. He had torn my ass apart. I was sure there were some little ripped gashes in my ass because of how we got carried away. It hurt, but it was one of those good pains. Eric was still naked and I could see that he was clutching at the spot where I should have been instinctively. I covered him up with the sheets and put my clothes on. He was like my little soldier, laying there as though all he needed to do was sleep. I walked into the hallway and heard the phone rang. It ran twice. The loud ringing made my head ache like I had a migrane or something. Why the fuck wasn't she picking up her phone?

<Hello, you've reached Elizabeth.>

From Elle's voice on the phone I realized that Elle's voice was coming from somewhere near the bottom of the stairs. The air grew hot and stuffy as I crossed the hallway to the very top of the stairway. I looked down. I couldn't see her.

<I don't want to speak to you . . . I don't care if it's important,> I heard Elle barking on the other side of the phone, <Fuck what you have to tell me . . . what was that?>

At first I didn't care, but then I heard the name. I heard her say it.

<Adrian, Adrian's dead!> she cried out and I could feel my lungs stop inhaling air, <What happened? Oh my god, he did what?! Oh my god! I . . . I won't let him get away with it . . .>

Shit! I knew that it had to be Jay on the other end of the phone! There was a strange warm breeze that completely hit me off balance. I tripped off the top of the staircase, losing my balance! I grabbed rapidly at something, before I fell down. My hands raped at the wall.

<Jay . . . one of them is up,> she said softly, probably not knowing how close I was, <I'll deal with it. Don't worry. You just get over here quick.>

Suddenly there was silence. I squinted against the wall trying to look down the staircase and see where Elle was. What was she going to do?! I stood against the wall, completely unaware of what she was doing and what I should do.

"Elle, I have to talk to you. . ." I suddenly explained bending over so that my voice had it's full effect.

There was silence. Besides the floorboards creaking under my feet as I squatted down. I stared at it, stared at the bottom of the stairs waiting. I knew there was movement. I couldn't see movement or hear it, but I could feel it. I could feel the pacing underneath my feet and the soft trembling boards. She was just so close. Where did she go? I fell to my feet and lay my head against the wooden floor trying to listen to where she was. I know it was stupid but I wasn't thinking clearly. My heart was pounding really hard , and all kinds of crazy thoughts were spinning through my brain.

"Elle, you there?" I cried out.

Then I stood back up. The sound of my foot echoed through the big, empty house. I walked down a few steps, creeping down slowly. I crept one step at a time. Two steps . . . three . . .four, until I had gotten to the middle of the staircase. I looked down at the phone that was set up against the wall. Over the banister, I couldn't see where she had gone. How could she have moved without me hearing or seeing a shadow or anything.

Then I heard a loud creak, from the bottom of the stairs.

Another creak. A footstep.

I stood up, surprised to find my legs all trembly.

I listened, I listened so hard, I could hear the air move.

Another footstep. Louder. Closer.

I began to crawl up, thinking that I should better wake Eric and get the hell out of here. The panic had made me stop listening for her.

Suddenly something grabbed me! I panicked as the hand gripped onto my ankle! I didn't know she was so strong as she pulled me down and then there was blood. She had chipped away at my leg with a butcher knife.

She still had the knife in her hand. . . and this time she was aiming for something more precious than my ankle . . .


Next: Chapter 25

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