La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Nov 4, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a Young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you Are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

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LaDulceVida- The Sweet Life

ONLY YOU ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I was kidnaped and my kidnaper was now under blankets with me. Eric didn't seem like the regular kidnaper. He was so dame nice to me. From what I understood his motives were to sell me out to Robbie in exchange for some rights in the Syndicate. He said that he didn't know if he really wanted to give me away once he got me again. He told me that we had to be quiet because he didn't want anyone to know he was up there.

"They are gonna trip if they find out I am up here," Eric had told me, "They are probably going to get the wrong idea or something and think that I am going soft on the whole plot."

I would have pictured myself sitting up and fighting off tears for the night, but instead I found myself sitting up and talking to Eric all night. I was so afraid talking to him, because of whom he reminded me of. He seemed so much like Quarrion. We talked easily, but there wasn't as much flirting. Even if I tried to flirt with him, he seemed so innocent about it. He made me really wonder about how we had known each other in the past. He said friends, but then again there was this whole complete attraction I had to him. The mystery was throbbing.

I moved closer to him underneath the covers, "Remember that kiss back at the church?"

He laughed. He looked cute when he smiled, but I had seen him when he was mad and that was when he looked his best. His smile was innocent though, bringing out a sort of awkwardness and insecurity in not laughing too much because he probably thought he sounded like a donkey. He had a deep laugh that seemed like he was trying to adjust it and make it sound good instead of really remembering why he was laughing at all.

"Yeah, sure."

"Well. What was that about?"

"I should be asking 'you' that question," he replied, leaning his head back against the hard wall that we were using for a pillow, "You were the one who leaned over to kiss me. You kinda scared me."

"Scared you?" I asked, not sure where I was pushing the issue but sure that I might as well push it since there was nothing else to do, "Why you don't think I'm a good kisser?"

He laughed again. I could tell he was nervous. He didn't look me in my eyes. He seemed to be sweating and shaky. His nervousness sort of flamed my confidence. There was nothing more to boost your esteem then knowing someone else's esteem was fading. He didn't act gay at all. He acted so straight in fact. I was beginning to think that I really misread it when I thought we had an attraction.


By now he was wiping the sweat off his forehead and I guess trying to buy time to look for a good answer. His smile had gone into a look of complete thought. He was so sexy when he was serious. He was the exact opposite of most guys. Guys like Antonio, Robbie and Byron looked best when they smiled or laughed. Eric seemed to look best when he was serious.

I nudged him with my arm, "You ok? You sweating and it's like 20 degrees up here."

"Ha. You always made me sweat," he said and then looked me in my eyes deeply, "But to answer your question, it wasn't that I didn't think you were a good kisser. I mean, were ok."

"Just ok?" I asked and then looked him up and down.

"Well," he said, still a little nervously, "I think maybe you could have put a little more effort into it. I mean, its just a kiss right? People kiss all the time, but it doesn't mean anything. I wonder if it would have been different if you were a girl..."

I couldn't believe he was saying that, "Yeah, it was kinda a strange thing, but why do I have to be the girl? Why can't you be the girl?"

He laughed and so did I.

"How about..ugh we can try again," he said and smiled, "Just to see if it is better with girls or not. You know?"

I looked at him. I was so tempted. The way he looked at me, I couldn't tell if he was really attracted to me or if I was attracted to him enough to over-exaggerate what would come out of this kiss. I didn't know what to do. The feeling of instant closeness I felt with Eric was the same kind of closeness I felt of someone else.

He reminded me of Quarrion. Knowing this, I got bubbling in my stomach and deep grunts in my chest. Eric was cute, sexy and all, but the closeness I felt to him was just like Quarrion. I couldn't go through what I went with Quarrion again.

I denied him, "Nah, I mean I don't know you like that."

"But its just a kiss," he sort of whined, arching his head over in wonder.

He gave me a look. It was one of those looks of disbelief. I guess he couldn't believe I just declined his pass at me. I understood where he came from too. The mood had been right for a kiss, we were alone and I had been feeling this plethora of sexual concentration every time we talked. My heart said kiss him, but sometimes the only thing that mattered was what your brain said. My brain said this was the formula for disaster, just like Quarrion's case.

"I don't want to. Shit," I told him and turned my head towards the wall as though trying to go to sleep, "What are you going to force me to kiss you or something? Just like you forced me here..."

Whether or not I had struck a chord, I felt that extreme romantic moment between us pass. It was deep inside the morning anyway and my eyes were basically aching for sleep. It had been a long day. I knew he wanted to talk some more, I could feel it. Instead of talking he just muttered a soft, low "goodnight" and turned to go to sleep.

I had went to sleep as soon as we were done. I tried not to think about him. Going to sleep, everything had seemed like a dream (even the kidnaping). I hoped it was all a dream in some ways, but then again I didn't want the closeness to Eric to be a dream. What was I thinking? This guy had kidnaped me and was a clear enemy of Robbie. But he was so cute. If I had even started anything with him, I knew that Robbie would squash him just like he did to Quarrion. I knew Robbie was out there somewhere, steaming like a tea-kettle. I liked how Robbie liked me, but I didn't like what came out of it. He seemed cool all the time like he could never get jealous, but I knew. I was more than certain that he would be looking for me. I was also certain that he was going to be pissed when he found me.

I didn't get used to Eric because somewhere inside, I knew as much as I liked him that Eric wasn't a guy with a long time to live...

I woke up on the worst side of the bed ever. Eric was gone, but I wasn't sure how far. For some reason I guess the cold wasn't as much as we thought it was going to be. We slept real close on the bed, so somehow it had gotten hot over the night. You know...body heat. Eric had taken off his shirt and I knew that he couldn't have gone too far because the shirt was still right next to me. There were voices. They weren't very deep but they were still voices. I realized that they were coming from the attic staircase. My arms and legs were still tied up, but not as tight as they were before. I had some room around the rope area to walk towards the attic staircase. The attic made deep creeps as I walked. I managed to get towards the exit of the attic where I could almost smell the scent of baby oil that sort of announced Eric being near. "Fucking with Damien will make us end up dead or in jail," a voice said. There was a little peephole. From the hole I could see Eric's brother and Eric on the staircase. Eric was sitting down (chest bare) and his brother was standing over him almost like a ghost. Eric looked a little worried and his brother looked a little cynical. I didn't hate what his brother said of course. I mean his brother was right. Robbie wouldn't rest until he found out where I was and Eric had better pray the cops get to him before Robbie did. "I told you not to be here," Eric explained to his brother, repeating the words from yesterday, "You aren't involved with this. You can't understand what we are trying to do here." "Explain it to me then!" "Hush, Damien is sleeping upstairs," Eric warned him and spun around so fast as though thinking I was right behind him. "That is all you talk about," his brother rampaged, "Stop thinking with your dick Eric. Your real friends need you, not just some fag that wants to turn you. Adrian said he warned you about messing with that fag..." "Adrian is gay too, Derek." There was a silence that made me kind of wonder. First off Adrian was warning Eric about me? I didn't get it. Adrian was the one who helped me this whole time so why would he be warning people about me. I felt a little betrayed, but then I realized that Adrian had no loyalty to me. He hadn't even been really nice to me. He had helped me before almost as though it was his duty to help me or something. The girl Elizabeth seemed a lot nicer, but he didn't want her to know a lot about who I was. I wondered what kind of person Adrian really was. "No way! Adrian isn't gay. He's cool. He is trying to clear your mind from Damien too." Eric seemed to find his brother's interpretations of things really funny, "Yeah, but that is only so he can hook up with me." >From the hole in the wall I could see Eric's brother looking a little sick. He seemed to be a real homophobic person as far as that was concerned. His face went from the look of a ripe tomato to a raisin. He squirmed up like he had just heard the most sickening thing ever. "God dammit!" he called out, "Why are you hanging around all these gay guys Eric? You aren't like this. I know. Remember that girl Carmen? You were in love with Carmen. You always loved girls. First I thought it was just Damien, but now you are fucking around with Adrian too?!" "Look, calm down," Eric explained, "Its none of your business, but to let you know, I'm still straight. I'm not even really bisexual. I only cared about Damien. Adrian at one time reminded me a lot of Damien and that is why we had a little thing going. I know its physical attraction I have to Damien, but what really got me was the emotional attraction to him." His brother seemed relieved again, almost like it was better that all his hate was concentrated on me again instead of sharing his hate with Adrian as well. He seemed to be the guardian protector of his brother's sexuality in a way. "This is more reason to get rid of Damien. We can like him drop all the charges against us. If he doesn't agree, we can always hit him around or threaten him. If we do that, we gotta do it now before you get too close to him again..." "I won't," Eric said coldly, "There is no reason to get violent with him Derek. I'm not falling for him again. Damien's father trusts me to get his memory back and I wanna mess Robbie over anyway. Its not about love. Its about getting revenge and getting his memory back for his father's sake." "For Damien's father or for you?" "For his father. Byron has a plan to trade Damien over for the Syndicate. When Byron is the leader of the Syndicate then he will help Vida's music career." "Good plan! So you gotta promise now. It has nothing to do with Damien. I mean I don't wanna break his knees." "No need for that. I could care less about being passionate with Damien anymore..." I felt a little heartbroken, ok, maybe a lot heartbroken. I couldn't look anymore. I stopped looking completely and made my way back to the wall. It was hard to hear it from his mouth that perhaps I had really been over-exaggerating Eric's crush on me. I didn't know why I felt so bad. I really felt a sincerity when I was around Eric. I figured now that maybe I was a bad judge of character. I hadn't known Quarrion was using me either. Everyone seemed to use me except Robbie. I missed him now as I lay alone in the attic (which was getting colder by the moment). The discontent turned into something like ire. It was one thing to kidnap me and all that, but then it was another thing to mislead me. I didn't know why I was so angry about him saying that he really didn't want to be with me the way I thought he did. I just felt that way in a feeling that was kind of hard to explain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eric came upstairs talking about breakfast just then. He was real nice. I was sure he hadn't overheard me listening. I figured then I could go two routes. I could act like nothing was different and I didn't overhear him talking to his brother. That would have been the easier choice. I didn't choose that, only because I didn't have enough time to calm down. I was so pissed. I chose the second choice and that was to rampage as much as I can until I got it clear how goddam uncomfortable I felt in the house. When Eric came for breakfast I went with him. I made certain not to look him in the eyes and I could tell that he knew there was a change in my personality all of a sudden. When I arrived downstairs I saw Jay standing up over the small mini stove that they had installed. He had basically more-or-less ignored me the whole time I was here. He stared all the time, but never really said anything directly to me. I guess he didn't know me, only because he didn't seem to have anything to personally talk to me about. Off the bat, I wasn't a big fan of Jay. I knew that he had the little plan to ransom me off to Robbie in exchange for the rights to the Syndicate. It wasn't that I didn't like him, because I got the feeling that what he was doing wasn't personal. Not liking him wasn't going to do anything for me, it was like hating the IRS. The IRS were businessmen, they do what they do because they have to do it. It really doesn't matter if what they are doing is hurting people. When I walked into the room I always notice that I was the center of attention. It felt almost the same in the Syndicate. The attention was full of mystery and wonder, making me wonder what kind of person I was before I lost my memory. Memory was the key to all of this. "I'm gonna have to call Adrian later," Jay told Eric as Eric sat next to me at the kitchen table, "He is gonna be wondering what happened to us. I think I can climb up that mountain and I might get a signal on my cellphone." "Adrian...why do you have to call him?" Eric said. He got real shaky when it he heard Jay saying Adrian. It was the same shaky expression he had when I asked him about the kiss. I kept wondering if they really were a couple. If they were I felt more like smut, walking around flirting with Eric and knowing that he had Adrian all along. His relationship with Adrian seemed complex. Jay looked up at him, "He needs to know what's going on. Eric you gotta fill him in on everything. I can only tell him so much, but you gotta tell him where you guys stand." I didn't get it. Jay was real open when he said it, probably because he thought that Derek and I didn't know that Eric was with Adrian. As he said that, my mind began to wonder. It was strange that Eric had to tell Adrian where there relationship stands. Eric quickly changed the subject, looking down at the food in front of him, "Hot cakes and oranges?" "Look, we are running out of food, already." Eric's brother gave a sort of laugh, but I didn't get what was so funny. The food was fucking bite size basically. My expression as I looked at the food was priceless. Eric and his brother were staring at me almost like they didn't know what I was going to do next or something. I felt like a science project. The food looked like hell. It looked like something that a goddam bird would eat. This was definitely different from what Robbie would have fed me. I wanted to complain but then didn't want to make them think that I was spoiled or anything. Eric cut the orange into four pieces and was sort of aiming it at my mouth since they still had my hands tied up. I pushed away. I was hungry and all but I didn't want Eric to be feeding me after he had led me on then said that shit to his brother. I felt a little annoyed, ok, I felt a lot of annoyed. "No." He lifted his eyebrow, "What? I washed my hands." "I don't want you to feed me. You don't know how to feed people. I want somebody else." He looked real embarrassed. I wanted him to feel embarrassed. Jay and Eric's brother just stared at Eric as though looking at him to figure out what was going on. He had just been played. I wanted him to feel just how he made me feel. I didn't have any emotional attachments to him. "Damien..." he said almost as though expecting me to laugh in jovial manner. That was when he got mad, "FINE! Who else wants to feed him?" "Just let me go and I'll feed myself," I offered. "No," Derek said, a little uneasily, "I'll feed you." "Not here. Upstairs." "This isn't the Hilton," Jay said, looking at the stove as he talked and not at me. "Just take him upstairs," Eric contrasted, still looking a little embarrassed about me dissing him when I said he didn't know how to feed people. I felt a little bad at the way he said it, but his brother seemed willing to do it so I didn't mind. This was payback Jay looked at him and everyone looked at Derek, then at me. I knew how it seemed like. I was making it seem like that. He did take me upstairs and I was sort of happy about it. Eric's brother was an asshole, but at least he was upfront about the way he felt about me. Eric was so two-faced. I didn't even want to be near him. Derek ended up taking me upstairs and feeding me the hotcake first. He was real slow as he fed me and if I wasn't smarter I would have immediately picked up that he got a kick out of having people tied up and feeding them. There was something about the way he looked at me as he fed me that was uneasy. The thing was it was the same look I saw Eric looking at me with. He did kind of a look like Eric, except his face was not as smooth and his eyes were not as welcoming. He had more facial hair. He had a little goatee going but Eric has longer sideburns. He looked a lot older than Eric and you couldn't have told he was younger than Eric if you looked only at his face. He put the orange piece in my mouth and I started to suck on it. It was innocent the way I did it, but the way he looked at me. It didn't feel right. "How does it taste?" he asked me. "Good." "Seriously, its kinda sexy how you suck that orange. I didn't want to admit it but if Eric is with a fag, you are the best looking one I've seen so far. I wanna know what he fell in love with." It was a strange thing to say, but I guess it was the only nice thing he had said to me so far. I pulled back away from the orange, after almost finishing it. What happened next was even stranger. He turned the peel around and dipped it into his mouth. I knew Derek looked at me probably too much! He was proving it now, sucking on an orange that I already basically drooled over. My mouth was wide open by the time he had done, noticing that he was looking me in my eyes now hard. He and Eric were so similar, probably too similar in the kind of passionate stare that they gave me. There personalities were completely different though. Eric's brother leaned over and kissed me. His mouth tasted just like the citrus peel. His lips were pressed up against mine and I couldn't believe it for the longest. He kissed me intensely, passionately. I moved back, "What the hell?" "Shut up. I know you want it," he said softly and pushed me hard enough that I lost my balance, "You fags are all the same. One piece of dick and you are happy. I know you want it." I pushed back, trying to loosen my ropes and beat this shit out of this guy for one kissing me and then calling me a fag. He was such an asshole I realized. He didn't let me get far. He picked me up and threw me against the wall. He started to chew on my neck, licking it furiously. He licked around my neck roughly, sucking on it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream so much, but my pride wouldn't let me. "Get off of me!" I barked at him, trying to hit him away. He grabbed Eric's shirt and gagged me. He shoved the shit deep in my mouth. He took his hand and slammed my head against the wall. Then he started lifting my shirt, pushing himself so close to me. I was panicking now. I had never felt so abused as I did at the moment. I couldn't tell if he was raping me or not. He kept talking. He kept whispering in my ear shit that was so pointless and mean. He had such animosity to me and yet there was a hint of desire for me that I couldn't just point to. "All you are is a piece of ass," he cursed at me and made his hips thrust between my legs so they separated, "I wanna see how good of ass you got. Shut up. You make a fucking wrong move and I swear to god I'll cut your faggotty throat. Guys like you need to have your ass taken--" He was grinding through my legs and trying to grip on my ass. I could tell what he wanted. "Your mouth tastes like a bitch, I'm gonna make you my bitch," he cursed at me and kicked at my ankles so that I fell to the ground, "If you make noise. I'm gonna snap your neck, I swear to God! NOW GET ON YOUR KNEES! That's the only thing you're good for." I couldn't believe this was happening. Was he really trying to rape me? The actual surprise of it had actually made me want to laugh. He didn't even know what he was doing. Jay and Eric were right downstairs. I wondered if they would even care if they saw him trying to do this. He took my gag off and I let out a scream. "U DUMB FAG!" He really was an idiot. He reached out to hit me but then I saw Jay and Eric running up the stairs. It was almost clear what was happening I think. Eric had come to my rescue once again, only this time I saw a bit of his own anger had been mixed into it. "What the hell is going on?!" Jay asked, but Eric didn't wait for someone to answer. Eric took his brother by the collar and slammed him against the wall. He began to pummel blow and blow into his brother's stomach. I could have sworn they were worst enemies by the way he was hitting him. Derek fought back though. He wasn't acting like a victim. He grabbed Eric's long nappy pigtail and pulled it down. Eric had permed it so it was kinda slippery but Derek managed to hold on to it long enough for Eric to move his hands off of him. This wasn't sibling rivalry. This was something so much deeper. These were two young men really trying to kill one another. Eric and Derek began to fight over at the staircase and Eric was throwing his fists to the back of his brother with so much force. I thought they were going to kill one another. Derek threw Eric across the wall and tackled him on the window. I saw Eric gaining momentum as he threw his fist at his brother. His brother fell back and onto the floor. The whole house seemed to be shaking. I was basically rooting for Eric as he took his brother into a headlock and his brother tried to scramble his way out. Derek began to turn blue. Eric wasn't letting go though. I was sure Derek was going to die if Eric had his way, but then Jay came to interrupt. Finally Jay managed to get them separated and both of their noses were bleeding. Eric walked over to me defiantly then and loosened me, in front of Jay and everything. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Derek asked. "You just shut the fuck up!" Eric replied, "I'm not gonna kill you because you are my brother, but I swear to god I'll let him kill you!" Him saying that was enough to motivate me to be beyond mad by the time he released me. Jay was talking. Everyone was talking! There was extreme chaos as I felt myself spring on Derek. He was kicking at me, but there was nothing to stop me. I was hitting him extremely hard. I hadn't known how strong I was until now. The feeling of being tied up and then being loosened was like drinking some kind of ambrosia. I felt immortal and my fists proved to be harder then ever as he squirmed underneath me. He was begging me to stop. "Stop!" Jay's voice said, but it faded into the background. All I could see was my anger for this boy. This boy had disrespected me in every way possible since I had gotten here. Jay tried to pull me back and I found myself taking a swing at him too. I found myself going temporarily crazy. Finally my arms were free and I could do whatever I wanted to. I could kill all of them and run back to Robbie to cover up like he did with Quarrion. "YOU PUT ME THROUGH HELL!" I told them, rushing my fist at Derek again, but being held back completely by Jay. I wanted to cry, but I didn't cry. Crying was a basis for weakness. This time my face got red with fury and my body had gotten weak after thrashing at Derek so bad. Derek's face looked like it was already turning black and blue. When everything had passed, we were all tired and just looking at one another. I was just waiting until I got another chance to get up and finish Derek off. He was beaten up a lot, but I knew that it wasn't enough. Eric seemed to be having the same thoughts as I did, only he seemed to have his own reasoning behind it. I knew that he didn't get along with his brother, but I didn't know it was to this level. Jay seemed like the middle-man in all cases. He was hardly strong enough to keep holding a guy strong enough as Eric off and as for me, I had more agility than he ever could have. He couldn't hold us back for long. Something would have to give. "Fuck that I'm leaving!" Derek cried out. "Its snowing out there. We are in the mountains and you have a five mile walk to the road," Jay reasonably said to him, "You might as well stay and then leave when Byron comes back this weekend." "FUCK THAT I'M LEAVING NOW!" Derek repeated, with more anxiety, "You guys stay with your little fag boy and protect him all you want. You always wanna take a fucking fag over you family! I can't believe that you turned so gay Eric!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Eric said, "You always trying to make me feel bad, but when I turn my back you are out here trying to kiss the same guy that I tried to." Eric accusing him of being gay too just seemed to much for Derek, "Fuck you!" He started walking away, declining down the stairs and seemed to be running into the storm. Jay went after him to try and stop him, but we all knew that Derek wasn't coming back. I saw that anger that Derek had was within himself now. He was struggling with his own sexuality and seemed like he was fighting it off through me. I pitied him to tell the truth. He would always be angry with the part of himself that wanted to learn about who he truly was. I was happy that Derek had left. I mean at least there would be no one around to be hitting me or whatever. Plus my hands weren't tied up. I wasn't going to go anywhere now that I found out there were 5 miles to the nearest road. There was no point. Derek was mad enough to walk all those 5 miles, but I wasn't. I figured I would wait it out. I would act patient for as long as I could until something else came up to happening.

By the time things had calmed back down it was nighttime. Jay had come back and said that he couldn't keep up with Derek. Derek had disappeared in the snow. There was a blizzard coming too. I wondered if he was ok, but Eric seemed to be certain he was. Eric didn't seem to care much though. For a moment I thought that he didn't care at all. I guess his family wasn't the most important thing to him. As the blizzard was coming in, Jay had made it certain to run up the mountain and try to call his cousin. He said that the blizzard was going to hit hard. Now that there was only three of us, I guessed we would have enough food. Now there was just Eric and I. He looked at me thoroughly and I tried not to look back at him. He was so cute when he was mad. It seemed like the madder he got, the sexier he was. He was like an angry little puppy. He gave me a sweet smile but I didn't return it.

"What's going on Damien? You been acting like I'm a bastard or something."

"You probably are. I don't know you," I said, trying to make it clear for him to drop all the familiarities, "Your brother is real fucked up. I would hate to see where you guys grew up at."

"Don't put what he did on me."

"I'm not putting anything on you," I said and looked at me dead in my eyes, "But don't act like we are more than we are. You are leading me on at nighttime and in the daytime you are telling your brother that you could care less about pursuing anything with me!"

He gave me a look. I shouldn't have said it like that. I didn't want to make him think that I was hurt about it (even though I was). I just wanted to get over it. He was making it hard on me though. He looked so surprised at the moment that he was quiet. I sort of wanted it to stay like that, but I only knew he was quiet because he was thinking of something to say.

"Shit you heard that?"

I nodded and then shrugged, "I'm not making an issue of it. I just want you to be real with me and not fake."

He came to me and touched me on my shoulder, "But I don't feel that way. Damien...what I said to him...I just say it to him so that he wouldn't threaten you. I know what he is capable of. He is really messed up. I just wanted to protect you. I mean, its hard to explain."

I shrugged again, looking at the sun dropping and noticing how the hours had passed, "You don't have to."

"Yeah, I do. My family and I haven't been so close ever since I thought you died," he explained and looked around, "I sort of blamed them. See Damien, you and I were close. I mean real close. I lied when I said we were just friends. I could never just be your friend. Even now I only want to be with you. The day that you had the accident...I had..."

"Why do you always get nervous!? Just say it!"

"I asked you to marry me..."




<Adrian! Adrian its me!>

It was clear to me that Jay was the one on the other side of the phone. What wasn't clear was why there was so much static. All I heard was the loud buzzing sound in the background. It just so happened that Hype was in the room when I got answer it.

"Is it them?"

"Yea, its Jay," I answered.

<Jay where are you?>

<I'm in Acapulco Mountains! We are in a cottage with Damien!>

<Jay why the fuck did you guys kidnap him? You are in major trouble. Your names are all over t.v. The scandals are beginning and rumors are getting out of hand.>

<But how are record sales?>


<How are record sales?!>

I looked over at Hype. That was the dumbest question that I probably ever heard in my life. Hype overheard what Jay was saying so I didn't even have to ask him. He just started pointing upward towards the roof like he was saying that they were skyrocketing.

<They are better. Why?>

<Good! Tell Hype to sell the story to the media! I got a plan! I'm going to make us rich! We are working with someone with access to the inside!>

<No wait...Robbie knows Byron is behind it!>

<What was that?>

<Robbie knows Byron is behind the kidnaping!>

<I can't hear...>

<JAY! Jay...Jay can you hear me?! Jay, Robbie knows about Byron! Jay!>

Suddenly there was a click. I slammed my hand on the desk and looked at Hype. He just stared back at me. We both knew that Jay was in trouble, especially now that I had opened my big mouth and told Robbie about Byron. I had no idea what kind of plan Jay had cooking up in his head but whatever it was I knew that it was going to be HUGE. I knew he wasn't going to risk all of this if he didn't think he could come out of it clean and rich. It was only a matter of time, trying to figure out exactly what it was.

Next: Chapter 22

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