La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Oct 31, 2004



Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

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LaDulceVida- The Sweet Life




Experience was something that you got from not getting what you wanted. Sometimes I had this feeling that I didn't want to know about the past, while other times all I could think about was how long it would take for my memory to come back.

I looked around now at the fine adorned jeweled cathedral, looking out at where the couple had just taken its vows in the church. The wedding ceremony was over and mostly everyone had started to follow the couple out of the hall. I didn't follow them. I hadn't come to the wedding for them. I had come to the wedding in hopes of finding myself. Somehow everything I did, every step I made was a journey in finding myself. The flowers in front of me looked like they were whithering. I picked one up, only to see that the smell irritated my nose. Quickly I let it fall underneath my feet and squashed the bitch until it was torn to little pieces.

"Flowers were never your thing," a voice said from behind me.

I didn't turn around at first partly because the voice sounded so familiar. I felt the urge to recognize it immediately, trying immediately to dig into my mind. I dug, digging only to hit blank walls that brought spasms of confusion instead of any recognition at all. When I did turn I saw a face that I did in some standards recognize. It was the boy who I had walked in on having sex with Adrian. He was the boy who had the tanned skin of bronze with pink lips and unconcentrated eyes. The way he approached me was immediately in a state of recognition. I felt as though he felt a sort of comfort around me that I almost denied.

Perhaps it was my eyes falling into his that made me snap back into reality, "You enjoyed the wedding?"

I forgot the dude's name again. Shit! He looked at me as though confused at what I said. It was the same with me. I was confused at what he said. He was a stranger and I spoke to him casually as strangers did. He spoke to me referencing a past that I knew nothing about. I had no idea who he was and he knew more about me then I did about myself.

"I, I needed a way of finding you," he said with a sort of regretted honesty that was summoned from deep in him, "I can't see how of all the things you forget, that you would forget me too."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked bluntly. I wondered if he thought that he was special. If he was special why wouldn't Robbie tell me about him. Robbie knew all about my past.

"We friends," the mulatto boy said suddenly, "I've been meaning to find you for so long now. The guys you are around aren't really helping you. They've been lying to you. Robbie is just a fucking scam artist! He hasn't told you about me, about your father...about anything. My name is Eric...did he even tell you that?!"

Eric seemed so angry. The look in his eyes were of a strange ire that I didn't understand. It seemed to come out of no where. He was a handsome boy, sexy lips and eyes. He had an ass so tight that it just seemed to be calling for a good fucking.

He didn't flaunt his ass though, no this was a REAL man. His skin was his best attribute of course, but he also had eyes that made 1000 vague suggestions with pink lips that were even enough to be kissed 1000 times. He was still mad sexy, even when he was mad, only this time I could care less about how sexy he was. His forehead wrinkled up with distillment. He didn't look just angry, but crazy as well. He was talking fast, saying things so fast that I could hardly comprehend much. He shook me, making me try to understand it.

"What? Robbie's been nothing but nice to me."

"Has Robbie told you anything about your past?" he asked in a short, yet serious manner, "He probably told you things that aren't true. I can't let you stay there. You don't understand the kind of person who you were. I can show you!"

He grabbed onto my arm hard, his face becoming full of passion.

"Get off me!"

"No! Let me tell you about your past," he pushed on, heaving against my arm as I tried to pull away, "Robbie is a goddam tyrant! He is taking advantage of you. I'm not the one you should be resisting! Hey--stop that! Stay still! Why are you fighting?"

Panicked, I pulled hard from him, throwing all my weight and sending us both crashing into the display of flowers that was set up near the podium. There was a loud clash! I didn't have time to think before I saw that something like a scuffle was breaking out. I wasn't sure who had hit Antonio, but whoever it was knocked Antonio to the floor. I saw security running into the room, as well as Robbie's bodyguards.

I didn't see Robbie, but I did see Ms. White screaming for someone to call the police. Antonio was getting beat up badly. I wanted to go up and help him, but I had my own trouble. The thick rush fell over me as I struggled to untangle myself from it. I saw the boy. He was still talking furiously, so furious until all his words sounded like nothing. I watched as he slowly pursued me. He was rolling around violently, beating at the flower display that we lie underneath like it was his worst enemy. Suddenly he was sitting up over me.

As he rolled up next to me, I found our eyes catching. For the moment, I felt that strong chaos start to disappear from his eyes even though it was brewing all over us. There was a vibrance there and immediately I felt this attraction. It was a strong and instinctive attraction. It came at me almost like the reaction would come to me to dodge a ball. I mean, before he was handsome but now he was something else. A bright light shined over him as he leaned over me. I didn't know what he was doing, but I quickly caught on as his strong hand encircled my head.

I wasn't sure what caused me to do it, but I leaned up and kissed him. He looked a little surprised at first that I would do that, but he didn't push me away.

*There was a bright light. *Then there were memories, a quick flash of raindrops and then one of tears. *Then there were more memories, a memory of a song and then one of a ring. *Then suddenly there were memories of disarray.

What the fuck was I doing! I pushed my weight up against his, mustering enough strength in my biceps to push the guy off of me. I guess I underestimated my strength but I sent him flying at least 5 feet in the air from the ground.

I jumped to my feet, breaking the string that caught me in there. I was pissed beyond belief. Part of me was mad because the visions I had were so confusing. I finally thought I was remembering something and then it was all gone. Then again, the other part that upset me was the kiss Eric had given to me.

He was strange and probably emotionally unstable, but he definitely kissed perfectly. I could still feel his lips against mine and that was what made me almost lose my mind. They were so soft. They were the softest lips in the world. I was getting a hard-on from just remembering the kiss as I closed my eyes and crossed the room in hope of calming down or getting away from this confusing scene. My eyes however had been covered in tears of confusion.


At first I thought the voice had come from Eric, but then I realized it was a voice that wasn't recognizable to me in the slightest bit. I turned around to see a man. He was much bigger than I was and his fist seemed to be huge. He threw it at me, hitting me hard. I was hit so hard that there was no pain but only a short black darkness----



The dust had cleared and everyone was asking about what had went down. The wedding hall was now crowded with about every news station possible. There were a lot of witnesses to what had happened, but few of them really knew why. Motives seemed to them a cause that was expendable at the moment either way. The media seemed there to put everyone under immediate fire. The majority of people had expected that something would be going down here, but no one expected that it would be something this big that involved people in such high standards.

Jay, Eric, our bodyguard Ice and Eric's brother Derek had kidnaped Damien. I had seen it with my own eyes as Ice hit Damien dead between his eyes. The detective standing in front of me looked so suspicious. Everyone looked real suspicious but this guy was among the worst. He had been the same one to question Robbie (who at the time was being questioned again). I looked over at Antonio knowing that the time I had hit him was personal. He didn't mention it to the cops though, probably because it would have been hard to admit a mafia-scum big shot had been punched in the face by a pop-singer.

"You sure you don't know where they could have taken the victim?" The detective asked.

He had asked me that question about 20 times and each time I answered with the same answer. The thing was that I truly didn't know where they had taken him. I had seen them leave and even got a little mad that they had left me there, but I didn't know anything about the whereabouts of Damien.

Even if I didn't know I wouldn't have told these detectives. They all worked for Robbie and would have probably told Robbie. Robbie was mad beyond belief. I knew he was mad because of he was pacing back and forth. He basically threatened everyone.

I don't think Robbie was worried to much about Damien's safety because Eric would never hurt Damien and Robbie knew that. I think the embarrassment had caused Robbie to start tripping out like he did. I figured that perhaps he was scared of what Eric might say to Damien or even what Damien might remember about Eric.

"I don't know. I didn't know anything about taking Damien."

"So why did the band Vida show up at a ceremony that according to my resources, you weren't invited to?"

"Ok, we crashed the party, but that was it," I swore, looking in his eyes telling the whole truth, "Eric and Damien have a history, so we came to the ceremony in hopes that we will find Damien just to talk. I had no idea about all this kidnaping shit."

"Did you overhear the suspects speaking of kidnaping?"

"No dammit! I don't know anything about the all," I promised him in an annoyed tone, which was full of hope that he would leave me the fuck alone.

"So let me get this right," he explained, holding up his notepad and reading off all the goddam notes that he had been taken ever since I started talking, "You all arrive to 'visit' Damien. Four out of the five of you kidnaped someone and you know 'nothing' about it?"

"Exactly," I explained. I rolled my eyes, "I saw just what everyone saw. I saw Ice knocking out Damien, then pulling him on his back when Eric and the others took him."


"Ice is our bodyguard. The bodyguard for our band. He is also really close to Eric from what I understand. I don't think it is a real kidnaping. I mean Eric isn't that kind of person."

"So why do you feel like you were left? Do you think they left you to take the blame?"

"No," I said and then paused, "I really don't know why the left me."

He looked at me and his eyes crossed as he took back out his pen. All the while I saw Antonio with a dangerous eye cut my way. I knew Antonio could probably beat me up one on one. I was skinnier and shorter than Antonio. Antonio was in way better shape than I was. I wasn't exactly the 'fighting' type. I was the skinny, normal good enough kind of guy.

"Are you friends with Damien?"


"Associated with him in another way?"


"What relationship did the suspects have to the victim?"

"I dunno. Its not my business," I sighed and then looked across the room at Robbie. I signaled towards Robbie; "Ask him, he knows a lot about Damien and Eric."

"That man is offering a 50 thousand dollar award leading to the return of Damien or information leading to the capture of his kidnappers," The officer said and with great confidence gave me a fucking wink, "That would be good money for you."

"I'll pass."

He looked at me with a phony expression that made me think that this guy either really didn't like me or was really debating whether to believe I had anything to do with the crime or not. I wondered if the emotion that I was feeling at the time came from being pissed or something. Either way, I could only keep thinking about why Eric would kidnap Damien and especially why he would include everyone (including Jay) but leave me out of it completely. Suddenly I began to wonder about things. I felt a little happy that Damien had been kidnaped out of pure spite, but then I remembered it was Eric who actually did it. It pissed me off to know that they would be together again. I started to sweat from the sudden heat and pressure against me. I felt completely used and frustrated. Why hadn't Jay told me about this?

Was I paranoid?

No, it couldn't have been paranoia. I was right. They had all turned against me. Eric had gone crazy over Damien and now Jay was helping him. I was completely alone again. I was completely alone in a room full of people who criticized everything I did. The media had a field day with me, keeping me in there and questioning me all day about what happened. The teenage magazines had already started to call Vida, "the bad seeds of the pop industry." The lights were burning a hole through me. Once again I began to realize that all my loneliness and all the betrayal I felt was rooted back to Damien. Damien once again caused me to feel this way.

"What happened to the deal, eh?" the suave and very relaxed voice of Robbie suggested.

He stood behind me with a look that was full of vane incursions through my head. I swear a man like Robbie was capable of slowing a stampede with a challenging eye. As he stared straight into my eyes, I couldn't help but to look downward towards the pavement. He intimidated me.

"I...I don't have to explain myself to you."

I turned around, perhaps looking for something to move my attention to, but there was nothing. Everyone was busy. The crime scene of where he had been kidnaped was full of detectives, including private ones that Robbie had hired. My life, as I had known it, was beginning to change and worsen. It wasn't as though my life had been something great before, but now it had become something like a curse.

"Yeah, you do gotta explain yourself to me," he whispered in my ear, "Look at you. You are here alone, as confused as everyone else. I know that you have something going to Eric."

"That's none of your business!"

"Yes it is," He sneered and let his face sever up a little, "I know that you don't want to see them together just as much as I don't. The only difference is Damien loves me over Eric while Eric doesn't even mention you."

He spoke as though he knew so much about it. I didn't know that it was that obvious. Then again, Robbie was a resourceful crime lord. He probably knew everything that was going on around him. He was handsome, perhaps too handsome to be so bad. He was a devil in the sheep clothing of an angel. Perhaps Eric could have matched to his handsomeness at face but nothing could measure to the way he carried himself. This guy was a fucking stunner and the worst part of him was that he knew it.

"If Damien loves you so much, then why are you so scared to let him know about his relationship with Eric?"

I couldn't believe I asked that question. I mean Robbie was perhaps the most dangerous man in the city and I was questioning him. Even Jay said that I had a big mouth but didn't have the muscles to back it up, but I had never believed him until that moment. I looked at Robbie, my mouth wide open looking for the right moment to take it back, but then I saw Antonio. Antonio was standing right behind his boss, watching us talk like a vulture.

"You better watch your mouth man," Antonio said.

Robbie looked at me, with a deep look as though he was trying to peel back layers out of my face. Then suddenly he just said, "At that moment I could have sworn I was talking to Damien."

I paused not sure what he meant by the comment, but happy that he didn't seem too mad about what I had said.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh... Damien would have never apologized for making a point," Robbie suddenly said, "Damien was the only one who challenged me both mentally and physically. I always used to wrestle him when we were younger, but I knew that one day he would be stronger than me. I always used to compete with him in multiplication, but he always pushed me to the point where I even had to cheat. He always thought one day he would be my equal. For me, he always was."

"You care about him?" I asked.

"Very much so," he elaborated with a face that looked like he was posing for a portrait, "But off topic, let me ask you a question. Do you think I'm hot?"

The question scared me at the moment, but I answered perhaps too quickly, "Hell yeah!"

He laughed at the way I answered making me feel embarrassed, "I have always depended on my beauty to get me places. It got me to where I am today. But my beauty never got me anywhere with Damien. It was as though the very last thing he cared about was beauty."

For the moment I began to feel sorry for Robbie. I began to see a mortal side of him that seemed like it was a part of him that was rarely seen. Damien was his weakness and in ways I could understand it. I could understand how powerful Robbie was even before he had owned the Syndicate chain. Robbie had probably always been the strong, popular and desired guy. He probably played chickenheads like a chest game. He had no weakness in the world, until it came to Damien. Now that his weakness was exposed, it seemed as though he needed to keep it close.

"I would help you if I could, but I don't know anything."

"You can get Eric again and I will get Damien," he explained, as though trading me for pieces of meat, "I promise you. Just tell me how it is that Eric got into the wedding. Tell me how Eric found out Damien was going to be in the wedding?"

"I don't think Eric did it on his own." I finally said, finally feeling a bit guilty for what happened.


"I wasn't told much but I know that they had help from someone," I explained, recalling what I had heard in the car, "We got in here with invitations from someone high up in the Syndicate that is helping them out."

Robbie got real silent. I turned around to see him hand on his chin. He was thinking about someone. I looked at Antonio. I guess both of them knew that I was on to something.




I stirred as I woke up. My head was throbbing. I looked around. I couldn't tell where I was. The last thing I remembered was being punched in the face by that monster of a guy after talking to the mysterious Eric. Now I was in somewhere like an attic. It was very dirty and dusty. My nose burned just from inhaling all the dust that was inside of the room. The roof above me was wooded with a few spider webs.

I kicked up my feet in hopes to get up, but resistance against me pulled me back down to smash into the wooden planks on the floor.

"Idiot," a guy had cursed at me, "You are tied down. You aren't going anywhere."

I looked at the pair of eyes that was looking at me from across the room. They were scary to the point that I just wanted to look away. They darted into me like an eagle. At first I thought he was some kind of pedofile, hoping to rape me or some sick thing like that. Then I realized that this wasn't a sick old man at all. This was a boy who seemed to be hit really hard by puberty. The boy was young, probably in his mid-teens. He had bright skin and his face was covered with blemishes to the point that he looked like one big washboard.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I shouted.

As I panicked I watched him walk across the room, which made me panic even more. I pushed against the wall trying to send my body across the room. That was when I realized that my feet were tied together and my hands were tied behind my back by tight rawhide ropes.

He picked me up by my collar and slammed me in the wall, "Shut up!"

I couldn't believe what was happening. I was being held against my will. I felt him slam against the wall. He was so fucking rough. As he slapped the shit out of me, I sent a wad of spit against his face. He almost fucking killed me just then and there. He punched me hard in my face making my nose bleed immediately. Then I felt him dragging me, dragging me by my hands across the room! I was panicked. I didn't know what to do. I kept thinking about Robbie, hoping Robbie was near to see how this boy was treating me.

He took me down some bloody stares, dragging me all the while and letting my legs slam against the hard steps. I squirmed in pain, trying to get away from him but it just wasn't happening. The boy yoked me up in his arm pits and took me to across the room to a table.


I turned around and watched that boy Eric walking up to the other boy. I saw a resemblance between them in a way. It seemed under all those blemishes that the other boy had was a guy who looked just like Eric. I figured by now the Eric boy was crazy. I couldn't believe he fucking brought me here.

"Please. Eric I know we got into a little argument before," I begged him, after the other boy threw me back on the floor, "Could you please just let me go though?"

For the moment I thought he was going to do it. His faced looked full of sincerity and kindness towards me. He bent down, but then he just sat me up on a stool.

"Shit, Damien I'm sorry. That is just my brother Derek. He didn't mean to be rough. Did you?!"

"No, whatever," the other boy said.

I didn't understand what the fuck was happening. They had taken me out of the attic which seemed to be up the stairs and now I was in this room where everything was plastered down. It looked like one of those houses that someone died in and they had to put plastic everywhere to protect the scene of the crime or something. It was a studio apartment which was quiet clear. The table I sat at was the only furniture in the room besides the two large couches. Suddenly I saw people walking up to me. I saw a boy, a boy who I recalled seeing before but couldn't quite remember when. Then I saw the big guy that had knocked me out. He was standing by the door. Then there was another figure. A figure that looked me dead in my eyes and made me lose hope that I was going to be released at all.


Byron looked at me in a hateful way, "Damien. I'm sorry this had to happen like this. You and Robbie equals disaster. I don't think you belong with him."

"SO YOU FUCKING KIDNAP ME!" I shouted higher than ever before, "Let me go!"

"You can shout all you want. I rented this apartment. You are in a goddam cabin out here in the Acapulco Mountains. There is nothing around you but snow and space. Relax. Everything is going to be alright."

"That's easy for you to say!" the boy whose face looked familiar said, "You weren't fucking there Byron."

Eric, who seemed the cutest among the group stood in front of the one who seemed to be panicking just as much as I was, "Jay, this was partly your idea."

"It wasn't my idea to kidnap him in front of the whole fucking Congregation!" the guy Jay answered back.

"Look this is getting no where with arguing. Things just didn't go as planned," Eric explained and back at me, "Damien, are you hungry."

"FUCK YOU!" I called back.

My stomach was the last thing I was worried about. I was sitting a room, tied up with a bunch of strange fucking guys, including one of them (Byron) who hated my guts. I didn't want to scream at Eric, but there was definitely no one who I was sure wouldn't hit me if I screamed at them besides Eric. I mean, that other boy Derek seemed like he wanted to punch me in my face again. Byron and the guy named Jay both looked like they weren't too fond of me either. The big guy was as relaxed as Eric, but even he had hit me before.

"Is this asshole what we are risking our necks on?" Eric's brother Derek said, pointing to me.

I couldn't help but thrash back at him, "Fuck you!"

He raised his fist violently in the air. I thought he was going to punch me but then he open hand slapped me which left a burning sensation across my cheek. There was a big noise and then I saw Eric coming to my rescue. I had a feeling he would do it. I mean, I didn't know him very well. I hadn't understood a word he was saying before at the church, but the way he looked at me had this kind of fondness. If I hadn't known better, I would have sworn he had a crush on me. But then again, I was judging the character of a guy who kidnaped me.

Eric and his brother were wrestling on the floor and in no time I saw Eric ending up pinning his brother on the floor. I knew I could have beat his brother's ass too if they let untied me. Eric's brother Derek didn't have the face or body that Derek had. His body was skinny and even though they were about the same height, Eric definitely seemed to have a lot of biceps. Eric was showing those biceps now, since he was in a white wife-beater shirt.

"You hit him again Derek and I fucking swear to god!" Eric warned his brother in a manner that made me sort of feel like I had been too hard on Eric before, "No one told you to come. You were supposed to stay your ass with Adrian back in Jersey!"

Adrian? Then I remembered how I had first met Eric. Eric and Adrian were being intimate on the bed together when I walked in. All of these facts started to tie in together a little. Eric had gone on before about how we had this past and earlier at the church he was talking about how we had been "best" friends and all that. Then he had gone on to talk trash about Robbie just like Byron had talked trash about Byron. It seemed like this whole room was full of people who didn't want to see Robbie and I together. The other guy Jay was quick to separate them. Then I remembered where I had seen Jay. Jay was the boy who was with Adrian the first day that I met Adrian. They were talking in the rain. What did he have to do with this? Where was he tied into it? Perhaps Adrian was the key to this whole thing.

"Eric, could you stop playing around," the other guy Jay said, "We really gotta think of something. We are in serious trouble. They think we are fucking criminals or something. Everyone saw us take Damien. What about our band?"

The band. I remembered the poster that I had seen with a band called Vida. It was making sense! Jay, Adrian and Eric were the guys who had performed on that rainy night that I had met Adrian. So then they were both here, where was Adrian? I would expect him to have something to do with this too.

"Ok, you guys got food in here to at least last a week," Byron suddenly explained.

"A week?!" I called out, "What the fuck is going on here?"

"It probably would be more than a fucking week, depending on you," Byron explained and then looked around, "I'm going to be on the streets with Ice to try and buy you guys some time. Hopefully no one will find you guys here, but even if they do, I'll let you know first. You guys will have to try to get Damien's memory back soon."

In the next minute Byron, the big guy left the cabin. I felt the cold wind rushing into the house as the left. It was snowing out there. Now there were only three of them holding me. Eric, his brother and Jay. Jay seemed the one to be having a breakdown. He was sort of entertainment after awhile. He was walking around talking to himself and shit. I guess he realized the kind of trouble kidnaping could bring. Eric and his brother Derek however didn't seem to notice. They were calm, probably too calm. Eric was so nice to me. I guess that before I lost my memory, we really were best friends. I could see myself being friends with a guy like him. I remembered when we kissed before. It felt funny kissing him. It was a sensation that I enjoyed. It made me wonder if we were really just friends. I mean the way he kissed me was passionately. He seemed to care about me so much. He was feeding me now, like I was a goddam baby. Each moment, I knew he was just a second away from releasing me.

"That is what this is all about?" I asked, "You guys trying to get my memory back?"

"Damien," Eric said walking up to me, "We don't wanna have to hold you against your will, its just that they all think that Robbie's made you just like Robbie wants you to be."

"You don't think that way?"

He looked at me and then shook his head, "No. I trust you no matter what."

I blushed and he blushed too. We looked at each other deeply. I wanted to kiss him again but then I wasn't sure if what happened in the church was just a fluke or if he really did see me as an intimate object. The way he treated me, kissing me at the church and holding me at Elizabeth's house made me think. Then again, he had said we were just friends. Best friends...

"So why do you have me tied up?"

Suddenly he looked around the room. Jay was talking to himself again but Derek was staring dead at us. Eric moved around the table and bent down. It turned me on a little to see him at his knees in front of me, but as he looked up I saw the most innocent face ever. He reached down at the ropes that were at my feet. He was loosening them.

"Eric what are you doing?!" his brother called.

"We can't just keep him tied up all the time," Eric said.

That was when Jay realized what was happening and turned around, "Eric, don't let him go. Not just yet..."

I couldn't wait for this shit. My ropes were loosen enough for me to kick out my feet. I kicked my feet out of the rope and kicked Eric across the floor. I jumped up on the table and watched Derek pounce at me, but I quickly managed to jump back off the table before he caught up to me. Jay started to chase me around the table over and over, but I made my way across the room and knocked a stool over as I saw an open window. I wasn't sure if I could fit, but I didn't care. I flew out of the window, knowing it would probably be the only chance I would get to escape.

I didn't get past the window. My butt got stuck in the window. All the time I had went around thinking a nice shaped butt was a good thing, but now it had gotten me stuck in the window. For the moment I actually wish I was one of those skinny Russian boys with bones for an ass.

They pulled me back in and I could do nothing but stare. I had been sure I was getting away. Now I felt bad for betraying Eric's trust. He looked at me slightly and then I saw him turn around watching his brother take me back to the attic. I felt real bad. The attic was real dark too and kinda cold. I heard them talking when I was left in the attic. There was a lot of screaming, but I knew that they were debating on something. They were probably debating on what to do with me. I was so confused sitting there alone that all I could think about was what was going to happen tomorrow. It was already nighttime. I had a large window to look out of the attic. This definitely wasn't Robbie's multi-million dollar suite.

Why did they care if I got my memory back or not? Why did they feel it was necessary to take me against my will? There intentions seemed honest, so why go this far to see it. I mean, who was I to them that they would even care whether or not I got my memory back? There was Derek, who seemed to hate to the point that he found every chance he could to hit me once or twice. There was Jay who seemed to know exactly that his band wasn't going to be in very good shape if the fans thought the members were a bunch of kidnapers. I wondered where Robbie was. I wondered what he was doing.

"Hey," Eric's voice had suddenly said.

I saw him climbing into the attic lightly.

"Hey," I said softly and gave him a sad look, "Sorry for kicking you. Its just that..."

"No need to explain," he said and had this bright white smile that curled his beautiful lips and flashed a clean smile, "I know that you are a little scared. I bought you a blanket. Its going to be cold tonight."

"You've been nothing but cool with me yo. I really really hate it that I did that to you," I told him.

I wasn't sure if I really hated that I had backstabbed him or whether I was just trying to charm him into releasing me again. I was already planning my escape route this time. I wouldn't just kick him, but I would trip him, jump past him, run down the stairs and this time try to break the whole window as I jumped out. He smiled again as I said it and took the blanket and brought it over to me. He leaned up against the wall next to me and I saw him spreading the blanket over both of us.

"Mind if I bunk here with you tonight?" he asked softly, "Jay and Derek have the two couches. I figured its better to sleep on a cold floor with you then to just sleep on a cold floor."

I smiled and nodded. Dame...I did regret kicking him.

Next: Chapter 21

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