La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Jul 16, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

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LaDulceVida - The Sweet Life


"You guys were like crap," Hype said as soon as we walked in.

Mr. Simmons, our publicist, gave me a strong look that said that he agreed with Hype. The truth was I really didn't need much anyone to agree with Hype because I knew that we were crap anyway. I walked into the small trailer and sat back on the table, thinking what the hell went wrong.

"So what we gonna do?" Jay demanded, as he usually did from Hype. He sat next to me on the couch as I watched Eric walk in.

Hype picked up his phone, "Well, Gotti said he was 'expecting' us to play that other song. He said that he has enough loud pop music going on."

Yeah, that was exactly the words to describe the performance we had just given. It was loud, pop music. I mean Jay didn't hit any of his notes because he was out of breath from running up and down the stage shoving his crotch in front of every adoring fan. I was the only idiot on stage had to suddenly run off because I couldn't keep up with the dance steps and I had to find something to drink. We were in goddam Gotham, the new club scene downtown. We were opening for one of Gotti's bigger acts. Then there was Eric, well lets just say that Eric was probably the best performer. He did exactly what he was supposed to, but everyone knew that when crap was getting crazy, you were supposed to improvise somehow. He doing these simple ass dance steps that we had learned just before going out, trying to sing background to Jay's half-assed performance.

"What other song?!" Jay said, suddenly mad that his single wasn't good enough.

"That 'Life isn't sweet' song. Gotti wants that to be your single. He liked it..." That's what I said from the beginning, but no one ever believed me. Even Eric had agreed that Jay's version of 'The Thong Song' was going to make good with the performance. I wondered if we were going to get another chance at all. 'Life isn't sweet' was that song that Eric had written. It was a little slow but it would really set us out as group more into their music that trying to get people to dance. People would have taken us more seriously, I figured.

"It is way too late to change the single!" Jay argued.

Not really. This was our first performance from the new album. The album hadn't even come close to dropping yet. Jay started to look like he was gonna blush. He should've blushed goddam it! We bombed in front of harsh critics and even Gotti himself and I still couldn't breath from all those goddam dancesteps!

"Eric, how you feel about singing lead?"

I looked at Eric. He was looking back at me and then he looked at Jay, "I'm not really lead singer material."

He was dame right but then suddenly I felt that I had to intrude, "It could only be for this song, Eric. It's a real good song."

"You think so?" he asked, "I mean is it 'that' good?"

I nodded.

"I guess I could, for this one single."

It was almost funny all of a sudden. Jay looked at me and I looked at Jay. He was mumbling, trying to tell me something. I looked right through him and gave him the blankest look I could muster. I wanted to see Eric feel like he was more important, anyway. I figured it would be good for the group bonding. I wondered if he was mad, but it became almost final as he rushed out of the room slamming the door behind him. He was throwing one more of his drama scenes in front of everyone. It had to be Jay's way. I laughed a little, finding it almost funny as he left.

Hype came forward, "Ice take Eric to Nina for voice training."

Ice was the big security guard that Gotti had found it almost necessary to hire. He came with us to most of our performances or what not. He basically did anything that Hype wanted him to do. He was real quiet, just like Eric. That's probably why they got along well. He ever very, very protective. He also had a lot of experience, talking mostly when he was giving some kind of advice (half of the advice, I never listened to). He was a real big, bald almost white as snow guy. He looked like one of those rough rednecks with his long beard.

"Dang Hype. We just performed. Give him a rest," I butted in.

Hype gave me one of those, 'Do I care what you have to say?' looks, then just turned and walked out of the room leaving me a little bitter. As I turned around I felt Eric's hand on my shoulder and he had a little half smile on him.

"Look, its ok. I mean...all this work. It could add up big time. Right?" he said and poked me in my side, with another laugh.

"Hey, if your ok with it."

He started walking to the door and all of a sudden I wondered if I was gonna be alone, but suddenly he turned around and I saw such a sparkle in his eye. Ice walked past him and went to probably drive the black jeep closer to the trailer.

"You wanna come? Its ok, if you don't. I know that you need your rest or what not. Probably the only thing you wanna do right now is go home and hope that performance never happened."

He was right about wanting to go home and act like the performance never happened. But I guess I don't know, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to just go watch him get lectured by Nina, our singing coach.

"Sure...I mean, if I weren't here I would probably be wasting my time at the Syndicate."

That was the truth. And we went into the car with Ice. I mean, it was the first time in a long time that I Eric really wanted to have me with him. Part of me said he was doing it out of pity. Everyone pitied little old me. I wondered if he only invited me because he knew that I would want to go with him. Little things told me that he knew I had this crush on him. Of course, these are coming from the lips of a guy who had been confused since the first day I dropped out of my mother's womb till now. The world was a strange place.

As we drove, I started talking. It was almost like a curse. I knew that Eric probably wasn't interested in half the bullshit I was talking about, but I just kept talking. I was talking about probably nothing at all. I blabbed and blabbed, embarrassing myself and hoping that there was something that could come up so I could stop talking. I knew it would have been awkward to just stop talking all of a sudden.

Nina...only one word could describe this girl. That word was flamboyant. She could sing of course, but the way she acted, the last trait you saw in her was ability to sing. She had this bright orange hair that was full of weave and wrapped up so high that it was hard for her to hold her neck up. Nina and him went into the sound booth and I sat outside, watching. Eric was just turning me on standing there singing with Nina. I saw as she lift up his throat and put his head high. He looked funny a little. I was so attracted and wondered if it could be wrong. Oh well. Just one of those things I guess. He was just one of those guys that you could never have but that didn't stop you from hoping.

"You gotta find that muse," Nina said, which wasn't too strange for a person like Nina to say, "You must sing with the voices of the mountains."

I laughed, wondering if she got that off of Pocahontas or something. I laid back in the chair a little and watched this little performance as Nina urged him on like some kind of yoga instructor. Finally I watched as they were starting to talk about some more interesting things.

"Well, sweetie. What is your muse?" she suddenly asked.

Eric was looking down all of a sudden. I leaned forward, finally trying to see if he was going to answer her. This was finally getting interesting! Who was your muse? All I needed was another sparkly stare from him and I would have known it was true...but there was nothing. He just looked down and didn't answer.

"Is it a pretty little girl?" she pressed on, "Maybe we can bring her here and you can sing to her. Or probably have her picture and sing to it. I heard you sing on that tape. What were you doing that made you sing like that?"

I wondered the same thing. Eric looked up at her almost like she was on drugs.

"I dunno what your talking about. Its just a song that I sung."

"You sung it with emotion! You can't hide from me, sweetie. You can hide from a few others, but not from me," all of a sudden I saw her back away and he went to the microphone.

He was unsure a little, as he grabbed the microphone.

"Ok, this is how we are going to do this. I want you to think about her. I want you to think about how her hair smelled. I wanted you to think about how you felt when kissed her for the first time. Take your time, my lovely friend. This isn't just a's a serenade."

She slowly began to back up, backing up slowly until she had completely backed out of the room. She yelled for him to take it from the top and then she started to slowly dim the lights. I couldn't help but laughing as she walked out of the booth, leaving him there alone. I wondered if she was going to burn some incense and call on the spirits of the earth to inherit his body.

"Nina...are you serious? He's not Buddha."

"HUSH! Listen..."

I could help but laughing. I laughed until I could see Eric suddenly get this bright light into his face and he pushed his mouth up to the microphone. He suddenly began to sing, as though it was the first time he had ever sung. The darkness in the booth seemed to brighten his own face. I began to fall deeper into his melody as he suddenly sang. It was magic! His soft lips parting softly as he licked them. Suddenly I could see him looking into my eyes...he couldn't see me! It was a one way mirror. he began his sweet melody, he looked right into my hazel eyes.

Suddenly his eyes clothes as he began to hit the same high notes he hit when he was singing on that tape he showed me. His emotion was going into the song. I was leaning into him, almost being drawn to the beautiful soft soulful voice that was coming out of the booth. My eyes almost went watery with tears as I could feel the emotional song. It was full of sadness but understanding.

"I think he found his muse," Nina suddenly said as the song came to an end, then turned to me, "I think Vida has found their smash hit as well."

I looked at her and then at Eric as he slowly backed out of microphone. He was a GODDAM Romeo and he didn't even know it. I wondered if Nina was falling in love with his voice as she looked at him. She had tears in her eyes, the same tears that I tried to fight back. She could cry, she was the dramatic singing coach, but I couldn't. I was his 'guy' friend. It would have never worked. Suddenly Eric came out of the booth and almost seemed surprised to see us sitting there.

Suddenly I jumped up to my feet, grabbing Eric in a little wrestling move with happiness, "You were good! I mean real good!"

He looked like he was gleaming too. His eyes were milky almost like he had just orgasmed in the middle of the booth.

"Keep that. Keep that emotion. Now back in the booth. You gotta channel whatever emotion it is to make that music that you are capable of making. Now go back in there."

Ice broke through the door surprising us.

"Mr. Adrian. You got company waiting for you."

Company. I wondered who it could be. I wondered at first if it was Jay trying to spy and see how the experiment in changing our debut single. Then I knew that it couldn't be because Ice wouldn't call someone like Jay company. I looked over at Eric as though trying to see if he would be ok with crazy old Nina.

"Go ahead," he said, reading my mind.

I hopped over the chair and started to walk into the hallway and down the hall. Ice led me out into the parking lot. It was dark already. Very dark. The moon wasn't full, but half. It was the only light that echoed onto the pavement and sent a slow feeling of comfort to me. As I walked out I saw a familiar face walking up the stairs to the studio. It was a face that I could have gone a whole life without seeing again, but still I couldn't feel anger or hostility to it.

"Antonio," I said noticing him. The boy that had fucked me back at the Syndicate. He had fucked me of course and even caused me to nut prematurely.

He looked at me and gave me a little smile. He was dressed very neatly, in a slacks and a sweater. He definitely didn't dress like a boy his age! He looked like one of those mature guys that usually hung out with Mr. Knight at the Syndicate, probably because he WAS one of those guys who hung out at the syndicate. His whole outfit was Armani and his watch was from Jacobs. I could see a bulge in his pants, from that huge dick he carried around with him all the time.

"Hey," he said, "I bought you a gift to apologize for the way I acted the other day."

He reached over and gave me a little package. I wanted to open it so bad, but all of a sudden felt the urge to act as mature as he was. I mean he acted like he was in his 30s and he was probably about 18. Still, the fancy and civilized ways that this guy had, made me almost yearn to have another chance with him.

"How'd you find me?"

"Ah, I actually called your manager and he told me that I could find you here."

I questioned if Hype would actually tell a stranger where to find me but then realized that I really didn't care. He had come all this way just to see me and now he had a gift. He gave me a little sparkling smile.

"You wanna come in. I mean you could hear some real good music..."

I almost knew he was gonna decline but instead he just said, "Sure."

The mystery that was in Antonio had not come too far from the feeling I felt when I was with most of those guys who worked at the Syndicate for Mr. Knight. It was almost like Mr. Knight trained them to be so goddam creepy and even more irresistible. We walked past Ice back to the studio and all of a sudden, I felt him put his hand around my waist as though guiding me a little. He leaned a little closer to me as I walked. Then right before we walked the door, I felt him go behind me and lean a little on me. EITHER HE HAD A GODDAM DILDO IN HIS POCKET OR HE WAS HAPPY! I felt his dick and looked at him only to see him to flash a full set of pearly white teeth at me. Suddenly he opened the door for me and led me into it.

Eric was sitting at the desk, going over some notes with Nina. I led Antonio up to them slowly and announced as though he was a trophy, "This is Antonio. Antonio that's Eric and our singing coach, Nina."

Eric leaned off of his notes and shook Antonio's hands, "Nice to meet you."

Antonio nodded, "I heard a lot about you."

Eric gave me a look as though questioning about it, but I just shrugged. I hadn't remembered speaking to Antonio much at all the day we had our little 'meeting'. I definitely hadn't mentioned Eric to him at all. Antonio and I sat on the other side, behind the big counter on the long stools where we could watch both the desk and even see the booth should Eric be going into the booth.

Eric had started to sing again, trying to reach the same emotion that he had hit before.

"Your friend is really good," he suddenly said, leaning so close into my ear as he said it that I could feel his breath against my ears.

I bluffed, "Yeah. He's really has talent. We just discovered it you know. People say that the song that he's singing now, it could be making us millions in sales soon..."

I hated when I saw a pretty face and let my mouth do all the talking for me. No one had every goddam told me that, but the lies came easily when I was trying to show off. They came easy and in a big quantity. Before I knew it I was living the life of someone else through my imagination.

"Impressive. So he's the lead singer?"

"Oh of course not."

"You are?"

I paused for a moment. Then looked at him. He was really hoping that I was the lead singer, "Yeah, you know I got the nicest voice in the group."

"Oh really. You impress me more by the moment."

He was leaning closer to me, blowing soft whispers in my ear. I looked across the room and caught Eric's eye. At the same time be both looked away. Probably my imagination that he was even the slightest bit interested on my dealings with this Antonio character. Antonio however was really getting touchy.

"You know. I never meant to call you a pop princess. I think you're more than that," he said suddenly putting his hand on my lower thigh, "much, much more."

I knew that Eric couldn't see the hand on my lower thigh, even though once again I could feel his eyes watching my way. Antonio glided his hand up my thigh slowly, pushing his stool closer to mine and then putting his left foot on the back of chair so his legs were wide open. He was touching my thighs even more. I looked out and saw Eric, then Nina. They weren't all too busy. I wondered if they noticed Antonio moving closer and blowing into my ear.

"I find you so sexy," he admitted and his hand rose higher up my tainted denim jeans. His hand had finally grabbed my whole crotch area and began to massage both the balls and my dick in one try.

"I find you sexy too," I managed to stutter, biting hard on my lips as though not to let the sensations leak out into my voice.

He felt his left hand rubbing the back of my neck as his right slowly zoned into my crotch area even more than it had been. He unbuttoned my belt and slowly began to unzip my pants. The zipper was goddam loud! I wondered if Eric or Nina heard it. They weren't sitting too far from us. They were just on the other side of the room. I wanted to stop him, I wanted to tell him not to continue, but I didn't.

He touched the fragile places, with his bare hand. At first the hand was a little cold and he whispered a soft apology into my ear, but then it started to get lower. I could hear Eric's symphony begin to stir my soul again and Antonio slowly fondling the hell out of me. He never jerked, just rubbed, rubbing the spot and between my balls and dick. The voice of Eric was like a siren but this boy was my own personal tempter, like Dracula, as he drained the every sensation from these 'fragile places' with his hands. A simple touch, not a jerking motion but a simple touch that wasn't even too hard.

"Ughh," I moaned slightly and began to close my eyes. I didn't notice that my mouth was opening slowly as he began to slowly give me a hand job from behind the counter.

Her jerked the shit out of my cock, while licking my ears. He licked around the tips, into the ear, deep into the ear. His palm surrounding my cock and forced his fingers to play with my precum. It was abrupt and vigorous thrusts of my dick. His leg and his whole body all of a sudden seemed to surround me. The spasmodic movement had suddenly caused my dick to begin getting stiff. I knew that from the slow twitch I gave that in a moment, that I was going to cum all over the goddam office.

Suddenly he stopped, I mean, like at the moment where the sensation was running from my balls. The sperm was probably more than ready to come out when he all of a sudden stopped.

"What why'd you stop?" I asked, in a voice that I was almost sure Eric and Nina heard.

They both turned and looked at me, making me all of a sudden blush. I saw that boy Antonio finally getting up with a little smile of satisfaction on his face. I mean my dick was hurting! I wasn't a real good person to tease and blue balls was probably my worst nightmare. All of a sudden I didn't care if Eric and Nina was there. I wanted to scream at him and tell him to finish the job that he fucking started. I couldn't though. I just slid my dick back into my jeans and looked at him dead in his eye trying to find where all the sensation he had all gone. Suddenly he wasn't that desirable hunk anymore, but once again the cold, emotionless hunk that worked with the other cold, emotionless hunks at the Syndicate.

"The story doesn't have to end," he said and threw a little piece of paper on the counter, "Call me and we'll find your happy ending."

I watched him walk out, almost haunted by him. The piece of paper had his goddam phone number. I didn't know whether to fall in love with him or wring his little teasing neck. I didn't do either at the moment, I just watched him leave trying to dig into his eyes and see what this guy was all about. "You ok?" Nina asked, "Cause we trying to work over here."

I nodded, "Sorry."

Either way, slowly that day Eric began to get the hang of things. It was nice watching him sing even though at times I looked like just another one of his crazy fans as I watched him. I kept thinking about Antonio and his mixed feelings. First he said that I was a pop princess and then he shows up to see me again. He jerks me off right where people could see if they paid a little attention. I put my head down, falling into my own mixed feelings. A part of me was curious to get to know Antonio but then a part of me wondered if that guy was out of my league or not.

I looked up and saw Eric over me. His crotch right in my face. I wondered if I was heaven and then suddenly remembered that I was in the same hot goddam studio. It was almost two hours later. He had taken off his shirt and had nothing on now. He just had his bare body open. I wanted to take off my shirt too now that he had his off, but then I noticed him putting it on. He was ready to go soon.

"What's this?" he asked picking up the little package that Antonio had left me.

"Oh I forgot about that. Antonio gave it to me."

He handed me the package and I began to slowly unravel the mystery behind it. I hoped maybe this could help me explain what exactly was going on with things. I unwrapped it completely and saw a watch underneath it. It was expensive! I wonder if it was stolen...

"Dang! That guy must really like you," Eric said and gave me a little pat.

"Hahaha. I dunno about all that. I just met him once at the Syndicate."

"He works at the Syndicate?"


Eric's tone of had completely gone back to secretive, hidden Eric. His face went from a happy sort of look to a little bitter look. He picked up his duffel bag that he had the rest of his clothes in and turned to me.

"You don't know those guys too well do you?" he asked.

We started to walk out slowly into the parking lot, where Ice would be waiting to drop us off at the hotel we were staying for the night. I put a smile on my face, wondering what Eric finally had to tell me.

"Nah, not too well," I told him and then held up the watch, "But this gift is real nice. Maybe he wants to get to know me." "No."

I looked at Eric with a little sneer, wondering why he had expressed himself so quick as if he knew Antonio and all about Antonio, "Why you answer so quick?"

"Antonio works for the Syndicate. Trust me, the last thing he was thinking about was being nice to you. He works for Robbie. I bet you they just sent him here, to fuck with me."

"What? Why would they do that?"

He looked away, not answering as we walked into the parking lot. I knew that the answer lied inside his past and he didn't want to talk about that anymore, as he had expressed way too many times. Still I didn't like where he was going to.

"Look. You could believe me or not. That guy back there. He doesn't like you. He will never like you. He is just using your ass to get to me..."

"What!" I suddenly cried out, wanting to push Eric, "That's bullshit. You think that someone can't care about me? How the fuck do you see me as, Eric?"

"Look calm down, lets just go home and drop it."

"NO!" I called out, "Fuck dropping it. You want me to be miserable don't you? You think that Antonio is too goddam good for me and he is only doing this to get back at you! You don't even know who the fuck he is!"

Eric leaned over into me, probably to quiet my voice in the middle of the night, "I know who he works for...I don't mean that he isn't good enough for you. Its just like people like him, won't go for people like you."

I couldn't believe he said it.

"Fuck you," I told him, "I'll catch the goddam taxi."

I started to walk away and heard him trail off. He tried to stop me, reaching my hand.

"I didn't mean it like that. Adrian! Adrian, I'm sorry."

It was too late really. I didn't know why it hurt like it did. I mean it was almost a goddam bruise in my chest to hear him saying it. It was probably because he meant so much to me and that I felt such a passion for him. Now, he was simply saying that the only reason anyone would ever be romantic to me was trying to get to him. It was bullshit. I knew it, as I went home and realized that things were just shitty in my life. I mean, I wondered if he was right. I didn't want to believe it, but I wondered if he was right. People like Antonio, the hard working type guys who had experienced everything under the moon wouldn't go for people like me...a pop princess who was quick to fall in love and even quicker to climax.

All I ever wanted to be loved and I made sure I made the time to search for that someone. Whoever it was. It seemed like the world really didn't need another Adrian. They didn't need another dreamer. I don't remember sleeping, only thinking and being stirred by a call that entered around the house.

the voice on the phone said.

<Ya, who is this?>

<It's Eric.>

<What now?>

<Look, if you want...I'll tell you what it is made me say that to you. It isn't what you thought.>

<To tell the truth, I really don't care anymore. Keep your goddam secrets. I only want to know what my friends have to say. Clearly you made it clear that you want nothing to do with me, Jay or with Vida. So lets just keep this the way I said when I first talked to you about it. Its business>

I hung up the phone and fell back into the pillow. I guessed I was breaking up a friendship with him. I really didn't know. I wondered if he thought I was crazy because I had gotten so mad about him saying all that stuff. It didn't matter. But what the hell was I saying?! Of course I cared about his goddam secrets. I wanted to know everything, but still the hurt about what he had said still lingered. I would just have to wonder some more. I fell asleep, wondering who it was that Eric had been thinking about when he was singing. I knew I was going to have to ask him all these things.

I wanted to know about what happened in his life.

Next: Chapter 3

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