La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Sep 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to


LaDulceVida- The Sweet Life




<Remember when we used to play. Eric was 5 and we were 6.We used to play Cowboys and Indians.> Jay told me on the phone.

I laughed in memory of when we were younger. Even then I knew that the only person meant for me was Eric. We were so young then, thinking that we would never be separated. Just in a few years, I left. I didn't even say goodbye.

<Yeah, Eric always wanted to be the cowboy.>

Memories of the past started rolling in my mind forever. There was no comfort in what had happened when Eric left. He hadn't called me that day or the next day. I had left over 20 messages on his phone, apologizing in as many ways as I knew was possible.

<What do you mean?>

<I mean that the smartest and easiest way to fix this is to tell him everything. Like, tell Eric where to find Damien. He'll go looking for him.>

<Are you crazy!>

I almost hung up the phone. He was beginning to sound just like Elle would. I had left that bitch's house as quickly as I could. We hadn't talked since. There was nothing to be talked about. We both knew that she had set me up at that house, so that Eric found out that Damien was alive.

<You can't take the blame for Eric not being with Damien. I got word from someone who works close to Robbie that on Saturday, Damien is going to be at some kind of wedding that he wrote the invitations too. It's a big wedding all over the place. The wedding is going on at Robbie's hotel. Tell Eric to go. Eric is going to realize that Damien isn't the same person that he fell in love with. He is going to realize that all he ever needed was here with you and in our band. Just like cowboys and Indians, he is going to realize what he really wants.>

<What if Damien doesn't turn him down?>

<Look, seriously. Damien sees the luxury that Robbie can offer him, do you really think he would leave Robbie to be with a struggling musician?>

He was right. The horn was beginning to make a sound outside my window. I opened the window to see the taxi that I had called just ten minutes before I had gotten on the phone with Jay. I hung up the phone and ran out of the door to the taxi.

I was going to see Eric. I mean, I know I should have waited, probably waited until his mind cleared up from having the shock that Damien was still alive. Hype had told me that Eric wasn't answering his phone. We were still in New Jersey, so I figured that he would be at his parent's house. I had felt a string of heat running through me as I went, because I knew I shouldn't be doing what I was doing. The point of not yet had gone in my head, but I just missed Eric so much. I missed the way he smelled, the way he looked at me. I missed the way he touched me.

I didn't know how he was going to react. I had dressed in my best outfit that I bought at Dr. Jay's outfitters. I even wore new cologne that I had overheard him saying smelled good at a store. I had gone out of my way to make this impression last for a lifetime. Something inside of me believed that this guy would give me another chance. I mean, it wasn't some regular guy. It was Eric, my childhood friend and now my best friend. This guy that I had fallen for, he was kind and gentle. I mean Eric wasn't always soft-spoken especially when someone provoked him, but for the most he was probably the nicest guy that I ever met.

The drive to see him was the worst 20 minutes in my life. What happened now wouldn't just affect me, but it would affect the band. Eric was at a very fragile point in his life. Eric overall was a fragile person and hard to predict. Anything could happen.

I walked up to the big red house that they lived. On the porch was a woman, elderly. She was in a rocking chair almost like this part of Jersey was like the dirty south or something. Her skin was a high yellow, which was probably the roots of the beautiful caramel skin that Eric had. She was eating watermelon. Her eyes pierced through me as I gave her the friendliest wave I could muster from my hands. I walked past her and made my way to the door, giving two knocks when I saw his father finally come and open it.

"Oh, isn't this a surprise!" he said and gave me a smile, "Its nice to see you again, ahh...what's the name again?"


I tried not to roll my eyes as I entered the house. For such a happy go-lucky sort of guy, he sure did have a way to make people feel uncomfortable by a little thing like forgetting your name. He gave me a look...a look that I had gotten before. It was the same look I got from those gold- digging girls who figured just because I was on t.v that I was making like millions of dollars or something. It made me wonder if Eric's father would give me the same smile if he knew that the band had just gotten out of debt with the Syndicate.

"So my young friend, what's up with this band thing? Eric's been locked up in his room for days. I figure he should be out doing something."

Why was this guy getting in our business? I mean, Eric was his son, which made reason for concern, but why come and ask me about it. I knew why Eric really was locked up in his room and that was because of Damien.

"Sir, we are actually just coming back from a major tour. We were just using this time to rest and recuperate."

"Rest? Nonsense, what his ass needs to be doing is going to a gym and getting those abs right for these young girls."

"Eric's abs are fine," I said, drawing a little funny look from the guy so I quickly added, "Is he here? I really have to talk to him..."

"Just go upstairs, the first room you see."

I walked up the stairs as he told me and went to the room. As I went to the room I knocked at the door to see Eric open it. He opened it slow and when he saw my face, he just turned and walked back in the room. He left the door open, which made me think that maybe he wasn't as mad as I thought he was. It eased my mind a little, but then again I knew Eric was rarely the one to slam doors or do the little over-hormonal outbursts in the start of a conversation.

I finished the job that he started and opened the door to walk in. A boy was sitting on his bed, which made me a little shaky at first that it was Damien, but then I realized that the boy's face was very similar to that of Eric. The boy looked a lot like Eric except for all the breakouts on his face and the boy had a short crew cut instead of long braids like Eric. Eric's braids were nappy now though and the room he was staying was unkempt. He had a little toy basketball in his hand and was already starting to throw it in the hoop as he sat in a chair across the room from his brother.

"Hey," I said softly, my voice becoming a little shaky because Eric wasn't even looking my way as I talked to him, "Your father seems a little interested on your career lately."

There was complete silence. The brother with the breakouts on his face sort of gave a look at me and then at Eric. I knew he was probably wondering why Eric wasn't responding to me. Eric was leaning back in his chair, shooting the little ball over and over into the toy hoop and letting it roll back to him again. He was completely ignoring me.

"Hey E, he's talking to you," his brother told him.

Eric was now ignoring him too which made me feel a little bad. I sort of wanted to turn around and walk out of the room, before I caused any argument of some sort. It hurt me so much to see Eric in such a state of irritation with me around. I knew he was pissed at me, probably beyond pissed.

"It's ok," I said, not wanting his brother to get in our business too much.

"No its not, he's being rude to everyone these days," Eric's brother explained and got a little bitter stare from Eric, "But as for my father, don't mind him. He wanted Eric to be a basketball player, but the singing career is so similar that I guess he still thinks that he is one of those basketball dads."

"Derek could you leave?" Eric told his brother.

Derek was his brother's name. He seemed nice to me. All of Eric's family was nice to me because I put Eric in the band and all. Eric's mother had even sent me cupcakes on my birthday with a little note that thanked me for all I did for her son. I guess Eric must have been breaking them off a little money for them to be so happy with his music career, which then putting me in the family's good graces.

Derek got up and started to walk out but quickly stopped when he got to my side.

He told me, "Don't let my brother get to you. He's such a fag you know? Emotional piece of shit always pissed off cause his little boyfriend is screwing someone else."

I saw Eric get up and throw the ball at his brother's head immediately. His brother dodged it and turned around like he was going to swing on Eric. Eric dug underneath his arm and threw him outside of the room swiftly. He locked the door behind him. I couldn't tell whether this was normal behavior or not. Derek's words were strong as hell. I mean they were definitely words that could pierce someone if they were really emotional. Eric seemed a little pissed about it too, but something in the way his hostilities turned back to me made me think that he had gotten used to taking such abuse from his brother.

"What is it that you want!" he demanded me making me jerk up a little bit. This definitely was the emotional side of Eric, but the last conclusion I got from Eric's constant emotion was that he was a fag.

"I just want to apologize," I said and watched as he openly rolled his eyes, "I know what I did to you was wrong. I wish that I could turn back the hands of time and tell you about Damien earlier. I was just so afraid that---that---"

I didn't have to say it. I knew that he knew. I just sort of shut up so not to get gushy and fall to his feet, hugging and begging for the umpteenth time until he took me back.


I knew my apology was probably as cheap to him as the toy basketball set he was playing with. He turned around, taking the basketball back into his hand and continuing to shoot. I just stared at him for what seemed like a minute. He was a fallen angel at that moment. I could see the anger inside of his heart, the complete and unnatural resentment was making me want to kill myself. I NEVER wanted to see Eric in this kind of position.

"Which are you more mad about?" I finally asked him.

"What?" he asked me with a quick aggravation in his voice. He sat up and grasped the ball, finally looking at me in my eyes as if I had just said the strangest thing in the world.

"Are you more mad that I didn't tell you about Damien or is it that Damien can't remember you and that he is with Robbie?"

He rolled his eyes, "I can't believe you're asking me that. Of course I'm mad you didn't tell me! You are supposed to be my best friend. You knew all this time that he was alive and all the while making me feel guilty that I even missed him! All the while you made me think he was dead!"

I had to hold my chest because he completely scared me. He jumped up to his feet with his hands outstretched. I wondered if his family was hearing him. He was definitely screaming loud enough for them to hear. He was gripping his teeth in anger. I could see the veins on the side of his neck from how angry he was. His biceps were huge underneath his wife-beater as he seemed to be trying to hold himself back from snapping my neck. I knew I had to be real careful with my words.

"There are so many excuses I could give. But all I want you to know is how sorry I am. I swear, I would cut off my left arm to make things good with you..."

Ok, maybe I was lying about the arm, but he realized where I was going with it, as he seemed to calm down a little bit and at least sit back on the bed. Hopefully he had calmed down long enough so that I could bullshit more on the touchy issues.

"I want to forgive you," he said, his teeth still clenched with restraint, "There is no memory of you sweet enough to make me forgive you though. God knows that if any kind memory of you is still within me, it is only preventing me from hurting you like you hurt me. You should take that as it is and"

He pointed to the door and I looked at it. I was surprised that my eyes were still dry after he had told me all of that. I was surprised that I still held onto any manhood and do my usual begging technique to see how far that had gotten me. I was more in a stiffness. It was as though I was digging deep into my mind to figure something to say, but the thing that came to my tongue wasn't from my mind. It had come straight from my heart.

I looked at him as sincerely as possible as I said, "Nothing will come out of me walking out that door. There will be no happiness...not cleansing. I am not exactly the perfect person. I make mistakes because I am human. Eric, I was so jealous of what Damien had. I mean, it killed me at times because I know that the love I have for you is much more than anyone else could have..."

I had thought using such front and forward words like jealousy and love would get his attention. I was right. He had turned his head to me and he wasn't clenching his teeth anymore. I was being truthful, probably for the first time. I had no choice anymore but to tell it all, just as Jay planned that I should do.

I continued, "Fear of losing love could drive people insane. Could you imagine loving someone and having that person love someone else?"

He spoke before I knew he was going to, "Yeah, I can imagine it. What do you think is happening right now? Because of you Damien and Robbie are together!"

"Is that all you think about?" I asked, finding myself pushing on the same thing that damaged our relationship from the get-go. Even now all he could do was talk about Damien. I bet it did piss him off that Damien and Robbie were together. Jay was right, he didn't realize what he had right in front of him.

"What am I supposed to think about?!" he barked back, "I'm all fucked up inside. I don't know if I want to kill myself or---FUCK! Damien doesn't even know my fucking name!"

"This isn't about Damien right now dammit!" I finally said, shutting him up immediately, "Its about me. I love you Eric."

He stared at me completely. I had muttered in sex and gave little hints of it all around, but I had never really come out and told him like I was doing now. I definitely wanted to get his mind off of Damien and I guess being forthright and candid with Eric was the best way to get a point across. Perhaps that was why he liked Damien so much, because he was so straight-forward. As for me I couldn't help but beat around the bush all the time. Now, finally Eric was getting the idea though. He didn't run up and kiss me or console me in anyway. He did stop talking though, as though he was thinking about something. Then I saw a single tear ran down his left cheek, which he quickly brushed off before it got halfway down the cheek.

"So what do you want me to do about that?" He finally asked me. At first it sounded like he was being a little sarcastic, but then I began to wonder if he was sincerely asking me from the long awkward stare.

"You will need to make a choice. This Saturday I'll go take you to see Damien. After that, I don't know what will happen. I know what I want to happen, but I don't know what is going to happen. Taking you to see him is the best thing I could do."

He kept looking at me. I wasn't expecting to hear a "thank you" or anything so I just turned around and walked out of the room. Leaving him, I could still see his face. The most strong and handsome face I had ever seen with the clearest and most candidly beautiful expressions. I did love him, perhaps love wasn't even a strong enough word for the feelings I felt for Eric. Still I figured love would have to do. If Jay was right...if there was a god, Eric would see things for what it was. Eric would see how much I loved him and would walk away.

"Hey, wake up daydreamer," Derek, Eric's brother said as we bumped into each other at the top of the staircase.

"I'm sorry."

"Look, is everything ok?"

I put on a nonchalant expression, "Sure why wouldn't I be?"

"I heard a lot of screaming coming out of the room. Figured Eric was taking his problems out on you too. He isn't a fag...I just told you that to get him mad. I think he's just a little confused at the moment..."

"Oh he isn't?"

Derek definitely didn't seem to know a lot about what he was touching on but he pushed on very hard about it. I couldn't really tell where he was going with the conversation, but it really was beginning to entertain me.

"No, he's not a fag. That guy Damien has been trying to turn him forever now. Since they were in highschool and ol' Eric was dumb enough to fall for it. We threw a goddam party when we found out Damien was dead, but now he's back to fuck up my everybody's life."

"Can't disagree with you there...Damien is a jinx. Seems like all he does is spoil things."

" and I are the same," he said and gave me a little laugh with a pat on my back, "I mean, you have your band to look out for. What if the public found out what my dumb ass brother is doing with that guy. There goes the fans! And me... I have my dad. My dad doesn't know that Damien is back and he would have a heart attack if he found out. If Eric could just realize shit like this..."

I laughed. I totally agreed with Eric's brother to the point of complete solace.

"Well you are right. Damien is definitely bringing out a gay side of Eric that no one else can."

He laughed and I tried to laugh a little too, finding it hard because I knew that Eric probably wasn't gay. He had even told me once that the only guy he was ever attracted to was Damien. He had said that shit right to my face.

"All he has to do is smile and he has Eric all wrapped between his fingers. Eric forgets about everyone who has been there for him this whole time. For what? To be with a fag. If I saw that fag Damien I would punch him in his face so hard.."

"Me too."

We had each started to laugh so hard that we thought we were drunk. People who saw us would probably think we were crazy, but no one understood the problem that Derek and I shared. I didn't know about him, but it was making me crazy that Eric was ever even with Damien. Derek was definitely a homo-phobe, but I didn't mind. He was right about Damien. All Damien knew was how to fuck things up and then disappear leaving everyone heartbroken. It was like Eric had thrown out all his priorities because this one guy had come back into his life. This one guy who didn't even remember his damn name.

We went and sat on the stairs letting out all of our hatred for Damien. I had never thought someone hated Damien as much as I did, but I guess this guy definitely did. It seemed to me that he felt like Damien stole his brother from him somehow. I could imagine Eric spending all his time with Damien in the past. It was probably a relief for him that Damien died, but that only brought forth a more depressed Eric.

Now Damien was back and all we could do was pray that they didn't get back together for both our sakes. For Eric's sake too. Damien was playing baseball with Eric's heart. I could tell Derek liked Eric, all though he more than once referred to him as dumb and easily misled.

The friendship that stirred between Derek and I from that point on was strictly because of our hate for Damien.

"No one fucks with my family like that. No one is gonna turn my brother into a fucking clown. On my life, that wishy-washy asshole is never going to get back with Eric," Derek had promised, with a look of sobriety in his eyes.

"Hey, lets shake on that," I finally said.


"No matter what, we don't let Damien and Eric get back together, to fuck everyone up."

We shook hands on it. I guess it was against what Jay had told me earlier, but it was all for the best I realized. It was the best that they didn't get back together because if they did it would just be terrible for everyone, including them.

There are those who would hate me for it, but also those who would love me. Damien was like a disease, who just infected everyone and disappeared. That day that he had gotten into the big accident, he had been running away. All he could do was bring pain and have an innocent little smile on his face like he didn't know anything about it. He was a punk living off of other's love for him as long as he could. Even now he was living off of Robbie and yet I knew for sure that he didn't love Robbie. He didn't love Eric either. He had jumped between the two of them as though for play. He milked his smooth skin, sweet lips and round ass to get what he could from them. Now he was probably getting bored with Robbie and decided that he was going to take Eric too

Never, Eric was taken now. No matter what mood he was in, he couldn't just decide to jump right back to Eric when he chose to. He was taken.


Telling them not to call me Damien didn't go too well with anyone. No one listened, no one even cared, but it didn't matter. I wouldn't answer to Damien anymore.

"They want you to promise that you aren't going to say anything about the accident," Antonio had come to my room tell me, "They are waiting in the meeting room for your pledge."


I couldn't believe it. They weren't going to go to the police with it? No, they were going to hide it. I hated myself for getting involved in this. I hated myself for even allowing myself to go this far without calling the authorities and reporting this death. I could only imagine Quarrion's family and friends. I wondered what they must have been thinking to themselves. They must have been wondering where Quarrion had gone. He was just missing...

"Damien, the Syndicate bosses are waiting for you to come and say that it never happened."

"My name isn't Damien and it did happen Antonio!" I cried, hitting the desk that I sat in Robbie's condo, "These guys can't expect for me to just act like it never happened."

"Why not?"

He wasn't understanding. I mean it wasn't even he was choosing not to understand because Antonio wanted to get his way, but he seriously wasn't comprehending what was going on. I gave him a little twisted look as a knock came at the door.

Antonio opened the door to see a woman standing there, she was tall, slim and had a sharp and beautiful face. She was Asian, with long thin hair that fell all the way to her knees. She was dressed in a professional outfit with square-rimmed glasses. In her hand was a black briefcase and in her other hand was a designer Gucci purse. She had on Jimmy Choo sparkling red shoes that tapped when she entered the condo.

"Is he ready?"

"I need more time," Antonio told her.

"The bosses don't wait," the woman muttered and walked past him to me. She shook my hand, "I am Robbie's translator and advisor, Rebecca White."

"What can I do for you, Ms. White?"


She was very quick with her words, almost like she didn't really enjoy talking. Her face was mean, like one of those women who were stuck up and thought she was better than everyone else. She stuck her nose up to the roof, which almost made me want to laugh. She led us down the hall and into an elevator, all the while her hips moving as though she was made of wood.

"Does she have something stuck up her ass or something?" I asked Antonio, so low that I wasn't sure if he heard.

He did hear though and quickly put a finger up to his lips, "Hush..."

She looked back at us, with a suspicious look coming out of her black square-framed glasses. She walked out of the elevator after us and again all I could notice was the way that she walked. I gave Antonio a little poke on his shoulder so he could notice it to. This time he gave a little laugh but then again he got real serious. He never had a problem making fun of people on the street, but I guess he was pretty scared of people who worked for the Syndicate by the way he was trying to hush me up.

Ms. White led us down the hall to the board room. It was a large room that smelled like cinnamon and a plethora of real acrid smelling cologne. The smells that went in my nose were so strong that it sent a shiver up all around my body. For a moment, I thought I was a slave walking into a southern hall to serve my masters or something.

Byron was the first person I noticed, "Damien. Take a seat. There has been a lot of rumors going around and we just brought you here to clear things up. I promised Robbie this would only take a moment...nothing to it."

"Ah, John."


"I'd appreciate it if you call my John, until I get my memory back."

He just looked at me like I was speaking Chinese or something. We stared at one another with blank stares until finally I couldn't take it anymore and just dropped the subject.

I looked around the room. There was a round table. More than 20 men were sitting there. All of these men were definitely rich and profitable by the way they carried themselves. Robbie was among them, sitting at the biggest chair. Byron was the only one standing. All of the men there (besides Byron and Robbie) were also about 5 times my age. They were ancient guys, all fat and well-dressed. All of them were smoking or about to smoke Cuban cigars. I felt a little funny as Antonio pulled out my chair for me, almost like I was a suspect going into interrogation room. He patted me on my back and then sort of disappeared into the many shadows that the room had to offer. There were a lot of goddam shadows in the room and a single bright light above the table that produced more heat then a goddam generator.

"Kinda hot in here," I said smiling and giving a little laugh.

None of them seemed to mind the heat. They looked at me like I had two heads or something. They looked at one another and then stared right back into me. I looked at Robbie, his eyes weren't staring at me, but at everyone else. Byron was standing at what seemed to be like a speaking podium.

"Drink it," a voice said over me and I realized that it was Ms. White. She put a little disposable cup full of water in front of me, in a very irritated and bothered way. Almost like I was a kid to her.

I was hot but not thirsty. Still I didn't argue because it didn't seem like she was the kind of person who enjoyed being denied. I drank it and looked over at Byron, who was probably making the most contact with me (if that was possible over a crowd of people making eye contact).

"Damien, the Syndicate has survived for more than half a century," Byron told me, completely ignoring that I didn't want to be called that, "We've survived because we are more than an industry, we are like a brotherhood. There are certain things in a brotherhood that should be kept inside of a brotherhood always. These kind investors are here today because of their concerns that a secret may come out. "

"Like what?" I asked, challenging this guy into actually asking me to cover for the death of someone.

Byron gave a little smile and a laugh, "We both know what secrets I'm talking about."

"You mean Quarrion getting shot?" I asked, probably too bluntly. I wanted to let them know that it was reality that we all had to live with for the rest of our lives.

They all seemed a little shocked that I had said it so bluntly. Quarrion was dead and everyone in the room knew it. It was so strange to me how they hid it. I couldn't bare to understand what they were asking me. Quarrion getting shot seemed to bring a new purpose to me. For a few days I had almost forgotten that I couldn't remember my past. The only thing I thought about was Quarrion and him haunting me.

"Yes...about Quarrion getting shot."

I looked at the guys around me, "You guys are dead serious aren't you? You set up an entire goddam meeting to make sure that I don't talk?"

There were quiet. Byron, who seemed a little put off by what I was saying looked around the room. A few eyes fell off of me then, probably from their own goddam embarrassment, but still there were more cold eyes on me. Ms. White looked like she wanted to string my neck or something with the coldest look out of the group. I figured as far as the Syndicate was concerned she probably was their assassin or something.

"Damien, you are talking too much...all we want is your promise---"

"A guy is dead. Did any of you think of that before you are already plotting to cover up for your own ass? All I could see was his eyes as he looked up at me, completely forgetting his own danger and begging me for forgiveness..."

One of the oldest men in the room shot out, "You want money boy?"

"No!" I barked out, "I don't know who you think I am. I don't know who I was, but I am certain of the person that I am now! You think I care about telling the feds. The last thing I thought about when he died was how to hide it from the cops. We should be worried about writing sympathy cards to his family instead of trying to hide from the police! This is bullshit!"

The old men were getting restless. They all seemed to have their whole entire lives invested in the Syndicate. I had no plan of going to rat them out or anything, but they needed to know that their priorities were really fucked up! These were guys who probably had kids, probably had grandchildren. None of them showed any concern that someone was dead.

Byron looked at me crossed, "He's dead. Bang...bang...then life goes on. Survival in essential. He didn't survive, but we are going to."

"Remorse is what is mother-fucking essential..."

A wider smile spread across Byron's face, "No, little boy. Remorse is not an option. Your option is to shut your fucking mouth or..bang bang."

He threatened me so calmly. I couldn't breath at first. I threw my hands up almost giving up. Suddenly I looked around the room, everyone was reacting to me. At first all I felt was shock and then I felt such an anger. It was a deserted anger, something like everything that had happened to me so far was being encompassed in this one moment. I jumped up and walked towards Byron. I was going to beat his ass like Quarrion wanted to do! Byron didn't try to stop me, as I lifted my hand to punch the smile off of his face. Who did this guy think he was? He had a few bucks, a good job and he thought he could go around threatening people all of the fucking time.

"Damien stop!"

It was Robbie. He grabbed me by my hand. I looked back at him. The way he was looking at me was strange. He had tears in his eyes. I didn't understand why he was crying. They were real though, real tears that swelled up in his eyes. I had this feeling that he was really a more thorough person that I gave him credit for being. He was the sole person in the room that seemed to even be listening and comprehending what I had said.

"Robbie tell the little boy to grow up," Byron mocked me, giving a laugh so that everyone else in the room let out a slight snicker...even Ms. White.

"You are going to shut the fuck up!" Robbie shouted out immediately, drawing suspicious stares from everyone, "He's right. We are all being so goddam selfish with all of this. I want amity sent to the victim's family immediately..."

"Robbie tell him to swear his secrecy first!" Byron called out again, his smile completely being wiped off his face as he slammed his arm in the podium harshly.

"Byron, say one more thing and you'll be working in Burger King for the rest of your life."

Byron looked in complete shock. Everyone was in complete shock, even me. I had heard from Antonio how close Byron and Robbie were. I'd heard that they were best friends and all that. The warning that Robbie gave was serious. I could see in his eyes how serious he was. I could tell the kind of pressure from the way people looked at Robbie. I wanted to hug Robbie, sort of let him know that he wasn't alone. Byron looked so pissed. He looked at Robbie and then at me. Then he took a seat in a chair, completely becoming stiff like a piece of wood.

"Damien you can go," Robbie explained and squeezed my hand a little tighter, "You don't have to promise anything to me or anyone else. They are all a bunch of asses living off of my success anyway. I trust anything you would want to do. Go get ready for the wedding on Saturday, I'll make sure that Quarrion's family sees our remorse."

I looked at him, feeling a little twinge in my dick from how much trust Robbie was actually putting in me. Even though now he was still flaunting his power like some kind of dictator, he was doing it for a good purpose. He had the entire Syndicate in the palm of his hand it seemed and even though there were long hard stares at him, I knew that they were afraid of him because none of them said anything. They all heard what he was saying and yet were full of shock.

As he finished what he was saying I kissed him. It was a hot kiss. At first I caught him in surprise and he sort of pulled away, but after he realized what was happening he stayed there. Our hands were intertwined and our lips pressed up against one another. It was hot in a different way. It was a romantic side of Robbie that didn't seem forced or practiced.

"Thank you," I whispered to him, "I'll be waiting up for you tonight..."

He licked his lips sexually, very sexually as a matter of fact. The old guys looked like they were about to throw up or something. I didn't mind, I loved it as a matter of fact!

I looked around the room at everyone who watched us. They all hated me and yet it didn't matter. All of them had such hate in their eyes for me. Antonio looked at me giving me a look that sort of asked, "What the hell are you thinking?" It didn't matter. I had won the fight.

I had left the room, not promising a dame thing and listening to Robbie growling at them like a wild dog as I left. He was so young and yet he had all of them by the balls. It was exciting in a way. The infatuation I had in Robbie made me wonder even more what kind of a guy I was in the past. Antonio kept trying to talk to me about what I had done that night but it didn't matter. I had closed off my ears almost completely to Robbie. Robbie didn't have to be rugged, stinky and butch to be masculine. His masculinity was in his sophistication and in his control. Now Robbie was a MAN! Antonio couldn't understand that, he had spent all of his life living as someone else's bitch.

I undressed myself and popped the wine from the bar. I drank a good deal before getting undressed. I was in the middle of getting undressed when I heard Robbie coming in the room. I walked out to him naked. He was standing at the bar where I had poured him a cold drink. He was mixing it with some ginger ale. His sexy expression turned to me, gushing a sort of model- like delicacy. His eyes twinkled. He was exactly the expression of a movie guy. He had the dreamy eyes and everything. His physique was unreachable. His chest was twice as beautiful as Michelangelo's David. Even in his business suit, I could see the expression in his physique. He was what every man wanted to be and what every woman (and fag) wanted to be with. He spelled a sort of idealism.

I reached up from behind him and wrapped my arms around him, "Hey."

He breathed deep as I pressed my dick in the imprints of the back of my thighs. He was licking the liquor off of his lips, heavily getting a sort of a sensation from this. I began to dig my hands underneath him, grasping his balls through the slacks. He let out a deep moan and leaned his perfect little head back with his pink lips parting to let out short sounds.

He turned around and grabbed me in the position of total control that I knew Robbie so loved having, "I'm so impressed with you. You weren't afraid of them. You were fearless. You were always fearless. I mean, today I saw the Damien that I fell in love with..."

We looked at each other, both of us hearing that Robbie had said he fell in love with Damien. All of a sudden being Damien didn't feel so bad.

"So that is the kind of relationship that we had. You were in love with me?"

He paused. I knew that he regretted throwing the word out as quickly as he did. It was kinda too quick for me too. I realized he wasn't saying it for awe-worth, but that he was really just reminded of old feelings and emotions.

"Yeah, we were lovers."

"We 'were'?" I asked, making note that he said the word were. He definitely wasn't the sentimental type and I knew that this wasn't easy for him at all.

However, Robbie was the romantic type and even though romance and sentiment were too completely different things, he seemed to know how to play off this sentiment. He was a player, probably in every sense of the word, but sometimes a player's game is enough to have someone fallen...not caring if they get hurt in the end but only wanting to have the best ride of their life.

"Do you still want to be with me? I mean after all the things I did?"

"After what you did, I want to be with you more than ever," I said and guided his hands to wrap around me even tighter than they already were.

"The Syndicate isn't happy," he explained, "I am going to have to double security for you. I know that you hate feeling pinned down, but its for your own safety. All I want to is to see you safe. They are the same people from the past, always hating to see us together. It doesn't matter Damien. They can't stop me. Damien...I love you."

The words were so strong. Everything just blanked out. The Syndicate didn't matter anymore. It was only Robbie and I. The old guys, Ms. White and Byron definitely hated me now. Probably more than ever. They probably would want to hurt me. I wouldn't blame them. If I were them, I would want to hurt me too. Robbie had just said he loved me and was already starting to kiss on my neck. He wasn't about to have sex with me, he was about to make love to me.

They were having bullets shot through their heart now. Bang...bang...

Next: Chapter 19

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