La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Sep 12, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to or

-Sorry about the wrong email that I had up before.


POV will switch between two main characters, Damien and Adrian. Thanks T.W, you know why.

LaDulceVida- The Sweet Life




I had never felt so close to Eric in my life as I did when I was wrapped up with him on the bed at that moment. The feeling of how his dick was in me, his arms surrounding my torso to keep our chests close to one another. It had been hours of strong, almost endless humps deep into my body with balls beating against my cheeks. There had been heavy breathing, sweating and even curses that had come from the sensational feeling of closeness. We had been fucking hard, harder than we had in a while. He had fucked me until I was afraid I would be like a little girl and scream for him to slow down. I didn't scream though. I bit into his neck to muffle the sound. My teeth left a little imprint on his skin as he bellowed in pure ecstacy. I felt sedated as the sweet caramel dick rampaged even harder into my ass as though in revenge for me biting down on his neck so hard. I was a little loose, feeling almost like I was going to faint from the power of it all.

I had wrapped my hands around his neck because I needed some sort of support as he raised my ass up in his palms until I was at the tip of his dick, then slammed it back down. It felt like a jailhouse fuck, like I was being raped or something. Of course, I was the one who wanted it like this. Eric was way too gentle to do something like this on his own. I wanted him to tear into my ass the way he was doing. It wasn't pain. Pain was a word for the weak. This was true emotion.

That was when Damien came in.

Damien...Damien! Damien...Damien?

He was standing there looking at us. I wanted to do something, but didn't know what. I felt Eric suddenly stop moving, both of our bodies going increasingly numb until I even felt Eric's chest stop taking in air. His chest was completely still against mine. Me, on the other hand, my heart was beating way too fast. I was breathing way too much air. My mouth had dropped open completely.

"Oops," he finally broke the silence.

I wanted to run off the bed and kill him just then. I knew everything could fall apart. I felt so alone, almost needing some sort of advice. Where was Jay?! What would Jay do if he was in this position?! Fuck, I felt like a deer caught up in headlights.

"What---I...what...." Eric stuttered underneath me.

He was trying to talk, even though he couldn't even breath. He couldn't even move. His dick was still stuck in me, still hard. In fact it was twitching now. He was staring out at Damien (who seemed like he was slowly trying to back out of the room).

"I'll come back later," Damien finally managed to say and I saw him turn around.

That was when Eric let out a sound. I had never heard a sound like that. It was sort of like he was trying to say 100 things at the same moment. It was loud like a scream but then deep like a moan. Suddenly I felt his whole body start to move again, like people did when they were cold and shivering. It was like he had finally gotten his body to move, but now he didn't know how to control it. The sensation of his vibrating dick sent such an ENORMOUS tension between us. I knew that he was cumming.

Eric shot semen into my ass, while all the while he was looking out at Damien in disbelief. String after string began to explore my inner regions. The liquid flowed into me thoroughly, shooting up so far that I think it went into my stomach. He seemed to have filled me up, in this long sort of orgasm that didn't seem to stop. I couldn't help but start to moan with him from surprise or whatever emotion I was feeling at the time. I had to pull up, feeling too much sperm entering my ass and no way for it to get out.

That was when Damien shot out of the room, probably knowing that it was time to leave.

I didn't know what to think or what to do! The complete unexpected moment seemed to make me turn blue in the face. Eric pushed me off of him immediately, probably knowing it was real by the breeze that came after Damien closed the door again.

When Eric came off of me, sperm was still coming out of his dick, even though it seemed to have softened up a little now. He ran across the room and out of the door, naked and with creamy, thick sperm leaking off his cock. He ran after Damien.

"Eric wait!" I called out, not knowing what else to say.

He wasn't listening. I had never felt so ignored in my life. He had completely tossed me off of him after such good sex. I had to chase him...I had to cause some type of intervention. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I just wrapped the bed sheet across my waist and started to run after him.

Running down the stairs I began to get afraid. What kind of luck did I have that Damien showed up exactly the weekend that I was spending at Elle's house? Then I wondered what he wanted and how he got past the locked door. I had made certain I locked the door.

I felt almost naked running down the stairs, in a house that wasn't mine with a bed sheet wrapped around my waste. Then I realized Eric. He had left a sperm trail coming down the stairs. He was standing at the door. He had caught Damien! I couldn't believe it. Part of me wanted to take off down the street before Eric found out what I did, but then another part of me knew that if I did it, I would only be giving Eric back to Damien. I couldn't let that happen. I desperately didn't want Eric to find out what had happened.

I saw how Eric was holding onto Damien. Damien seemed a little scared, well sort of apprehensive and for what I thought was for good reason. It wasn't everyday a hot, naked, orgasmic guy chased you down the stairs and had his hands holding onto you like you were sacred Gandhi. Eric's eyes had that concentration in them that I had NEVER seen. He was completely concentrating on Damien now.

He was lost for words, I could tell because at time his lips were moving, but nothing could come out. He was just holding him. I felt sort of aroused to see Eric there. I mean, I had not cum and the horniness was there no matter how uncomfortable I was now. Eric's strong ass muscles and his godly features were so much for me that I wanted to jerk my cock right there and then. His dick was not erect, but still thick and long. It swayed back and forth, with semen surrounding its olive colored head. I wanted to cry and suddenly I just did. It was because of how Eric pinned Damien down. There was nothing in the world that could deny how united they seemed. Eric's nut was filling my ass right now and I still knew it meant nothing, if Damien was still in the picture. I never wanted to be someone else as much as I did now. I never wanted to be Damien as much as I did now.

"Umm...hi," Damien said, looking a little freaked out by the whole situation. His mouth twisted up and I could tell he didn't know who Eric was.

" it really you?"

Damien's face frowned up as Eric asked the question. I looked around desperately from the middle of the stairs. They were standing at the door. I wanted to do something. I had the urge to set the house on fire or something crazy that would take attention off of the situation. I saw Elle. She was watching. Suddenly I realized. This must have been all of her fault.

"You know me?" Damien asked, finally not feeling as freaked out by Eric. I could see his growing interest in Eric. Things were slowly crumbling.

I watched Elle. She was enjoying this. She was enjoying everything that I worked on slowly being ripped apart. I saw the smirk grow in the corner of her lip. She looked like she was watching some romantic movie or something. It seemed like she was about to cry in anger, she was about to cry in happiness. It must have been her. Who else had the key to the room?

"Damien, its me Eric," he told Damien.

"Eric...Eric..." Damien repeated slowly and said, "You are the one who wrote me that letter. It was the only thing that I had from my past. There is so much I want to ask you."

They looked long in each other's eyes. It was like they were communicating without any words. Eric didn't even care that Elle and I were standing there as Damien had the door open. Half of the community was probably looking at Eric's naked body by now. I saw people from outside the window. They were staring wondering what was happening.

Eric's eyes were confused a little by now, "You...don't remember me?"

That was when I saw Elle talk, "Damien has no memory of what happened. Most likely it is from the accident where he was presumed dead. Somehow he survived."

Eric was fighting back tears now. I never saw him fight back to cry so much. Usually he just cried if he felt like it. Now, it was like he was trying to show off for Damien. He was putting on a front of self-confidence with all that was going on. I knew he was just as scared as everyone. Damien just stared back at him. Damien seemed to be more comfortable with Eric's naked body now. Eric pulled him closer, slowly. Soon enough, their bodies were pressed up against one another. Eric's naked body was against Damien's nice outfit. I didn't think that they could get any closer. Eric lips might of well had been on Damien's lips. It was strange that Damien wouldn't feel so uncomfortable with a naked person standing there, their lips so close together. So close, that in a single gesture they could kiss. Was he beginning to remember? No, it couldn't be. He would have said he remembered.

"I'm so sorry," Eric said as he held him even closer, "There is so much I prayed on telling you. I'm so sorry that I didn't stop you. It is all my fault what happened. I should have protected you. I feel... I dunno...I'm sort of..."

Guilty...he let out a thick sigh. He was still trying to talk and trying to calm down at the same time. He seemed so nervous. The way he had Damien now, I could tell he didn't want to ever let him go. His arms held him close, squeezing his sides. It was crazy how it was like a romantic movie. Too much like a romantic movie. A fucked up one at that. The plot and characters were all mixed up. This was the trash that came from it...two confused souls with no real connection but a past.

"There is something that is so warm about your face," Damien suddenly said. While Eric was nervous trying to chose his words as carefully as ever, Damien seemed to be at full ease now.

Suddenly I saw a face at the door that I really had never planned on seeing again. Antonio was standing there. His eyes were focused across at us. THIS WAS THE WORST DAY EVER! First Eric finds Damien and now Antonio shows up. Of all the rotten shit that could happen, this was among the worst. I was tapping on the banister. I was trying to keep myself balanced, but found it harder by the moment. I just wanted to explode on everything and everyone. They couldn't ignore me the way they were doing now. I was standing there. Why didn't anyone see me? It would be clear to see how pissed I was if they could just pay attention. Why was Damien the one who got all the attention? They would have to understand soon enough. I would make them understand. I wanted them to know that as long as an Adrian was in the storyline, I would never be shunned.

"Damien, you must have a thing for strangers today," Antonio suddenly said talking to Damien.

I wanted to piss my pants. The fact that Antonio knew Damien seemed to ironic to handle. It was like a bad dream that you found out wasn't a dream. What was more strange was what happened next. I saw Antonio walk in and sort of give Eric a little shove away from Damien. Of course Eric smacked his hand away quickly.

"Get off of him!"

Antonio looked a little irritated, "Look. I don't have time for this. Damien, if you want a strange naked guy then I'll get you one. But you might wanna take a look at the time."

By now I was figuring maybe Antonio was a blessing in disguise. Maybe he would fix this without me having to do something crazy. They needed to be separated one way or another. Damien pulled up what seemed to be a watch to check the time. It was the same exact watch that Antonio had given me. Damien looked at the time and I noticed Eric looking at the watch. We all were looking at the goddam watch. A smile spread out across Antonio's face.

"The Syndicate watch..." Eric said softly.

Damien tried to pull away, "Shit I gotta go."

Eric didn't let Damien go far. I saw him roughly pulling Damien back into him. I had known how strong Eric was. He definitely was stronger than he looked. He grabbed onto Damien, almost selfishly.

"No please...its Robbie isn't it? Are you with Robbie?"

"Yes. You know Robbie?"

Suddenly I realized that I had to intervene. Antonio wasn't working fast enough. I walked down the stairs, with the sheets wrapped around my waist and all. It was getting late into the evening now.

I pulled at Eric, "Eric, come in. Let him go. Seems like he has someone now. He has Robbie. I have to talk to you about something anyway."

"Adrian, no," Eric suddenly said, "I'm so sorry. This isn't the time. I want to talk to Damien...I only want to talk with Damien now."

He had said more, more stinging words, but I chose not to listen. I crawled back on the staircase, completely hurt. My chest was hurting and I was clutching it, trying to breath. Eric had finished dumping me and the whole time he had not let go of Damien. He was STILL holding him. That was the harshest part. While I clutched my chest in pain, he just forgot about me and went to Damien. No one could know the kind of pain I felt.

"Shit, I have to go," Damien said and then gave Eric a smile, nonchalantly speaking, "It was nice to meet you---"


I turned my head and noticed what was happening. Eric had clutched onto Damien's arm, squeezing it tightly. The bond that he wanted to keep with Damien was probably making him a little crazy now. I bet he realized exactly what I felt at that moment. He was trying to pull at someone he cared about but the person seemed totally oblivious of how serious the passion was for them. It was almost like he was replaying our whole situation.

"He said we have to go! Robbie is waiting," Antonio said, adding the Robbie part to sort of add a punch to the blow.

I knew he wanted to get physical with Eric. Probably force Eric to do what he wanted. Antonio was a big guy muscle wise, but Eric was stronger. Antonio wasn't stupid enough to go that path again though. I guess he remembered what happened at the club and how Eric had hit him. I knew Antonio knew that Eric could be as strong as he wanted to when he was mad enough.

Eric ignored Antonio. No one meant anything to him but Damien.

"You can't leave now! I just saw you after more than two years of thinking you are dead! How can you just leave?! I can't let you go."

"Look, I'm sorry. I want to get to know about you too. Maybe we can talk later but I have to go now."

I wanted to spit at how cute Damien was making it sound. He seemed so sophisticated, no emotion at all. He did what was expected of him but every now and then there was a look in his eye full of passion and care. His voice alone was a voice that you could easily pick from a crowd. Damien was just...different. Elle had walked up to Eric, helping him release his grip on Damien. It seemed like he needed help with doing it. It seemed like it was probably the hardest thing he had ever done. His hands had been shivering as he did it.

I felt sick as I thought he was going to cry. Where the fuck was this guy from? He was either too emotional or just plain going crazy. It was like as surprising as getting drunk on a Sunday night and not even throwing up. I watched as Eric was standing at the door. I watched as Damien looked at him and they exchanged that charade of anxiousness. Damien had no idea what was going on, but yet he had still let a naked man touch on him.

Live from the living room of some crazy bitch named Elle, I watched a drama unfold. They were the wrong characters. I watched Eric break down into an emotional distress as he allowed Damien to just walk out of the door and into a car with Antonio. I wondered if he would have let Damien go if Damien hadn't want to go. I could have imagined the catastrophe that would have come up if Damien actually wanted to stay with Eric. Eric would do anything to keep Damien there and I knew that Antonio was a good enough employee of Robbie to do anything to take Damien back. It would have ended in tragedy. The dilemma truly ended the best way. Damien was gone again and hopefully this time for good.

It was still so odd to me why these mature, FINE men were fighting over this boy. I mean Damien was hot in his own way, sort of attractive in a way you would be attracted to a childhood friend. Always the low voiced boy with wide ears that you can tell your secrets and ambitions to. His body was something else too. He had incredible cheekbones, intense eyes and an ass that seemed to reign supreme on a throne of attractive asses. It was the dream of any man who owned a dick (and probably some women who wish they did). To tell the truth, I would have probably wooed him for sexual reasons or maybe even more. The problem is that even with how Damien tried to stick out of the crowd, he seemed to me like around all that deep feeling and emotion was just a normal, confused guy. His mind had become such a mess.

Eric was bent over by the doorstep. His ballsack hung like a ornament from between his legs. I think by now he was growing aware that he was butt-naked still. Elle had closed the door, leaving the room full with leftover tension from what had just happened.

"What the fuck just happened?" Eric asked, not looking up at anyone as he demanded his answers, "Somebody tell me that what happened was just a dream!"

A dream. That was exactly what I had been thinking this whole thing was.

"Eric, you should calm first," Elle said and then reached her hand out, "After that then we'll talk about what happened."

What?! I wanted to choke her. What did she mean they were going to talk about everything? If it wasn't clear before that Elle had something to do with Damien showing up, then I was sure now. I couldn't believe she was digging in his business like this. Elle had gone to him. I couldn't believe the bitch at the moment. She went up to Eric almost like she was trying to comfort him.

"Shut UP ELLE!" I hollered at her, completely forgetting where I was or that Eric was even there. I was just so pissed at her.

They both looked at me. Eric's eyes were full of tears. He had managed to get one of Elle's old robes from the closet to wear, but soon enough he was just slouching again. Elle's eyes seemed the same solemn, sad way they had been looking for days now. I didn't even care anymore. She deserved Jay to leave her and probably even more. She had been a total bitch to me. For what? Because I could care less who she got pregnant by. Was I supposed to care? I had the right mind to punch Elle in her goddam stomach and see how she liked it when people fucked with her. I knew it was immature that I wasn't handling this well, but no one could judge me. No one was in my position. Someone had to tell her to shut up. She was talking "way" too much. Jay had warned me that Elle was going to be a problem but I didn't listen.

"Look, Adrian, we have to tell him," Elle said as though she was opening a confessional, "We have to tell him what we did. There is no regret that I can give that will aide this. William Cowper once said, 'Glory built on selfish principles is shame and guilt.'"

Eric looked confused, "What was that?"

The BITCH was getting him thinking.

"Elle what the fuck!" I was crying by now, "Is this about Jay!"

Elle looked down and then bent her head. She was in deep thought I guess. I couldn't stand it. I was shivering. I looked at Eric. I didn't know what to say to him at all. What if he found out what I had done? He would hate me. How could she betray me like this?

"At first, it was about revenge," Elle explained, looking over at me and then at Eric, "I felt so pissed that my own friend had abandoned me. Then I saw the Damien and Eric together, so---"

"Elle, you better be careful what you say," I warned her, balling my fists, "You can never take them back. This isn't just about me. We are all in this."

There was a long pause. I saw Eric's wandering eyes. He was trying to figure out what we were talking about. I wish she just had left the room then. Maybe I could still make up something that would make Eric believe me. There was still a chance that I could still be with him. There was always that chance as long as everything wasn't revealed. A lie told often enough becomes a truth. My heart could not believe these lies any more than they could believe facts.

Elle could use all the quotes from men as she wanted. I remembered one though, from school. One by Adolf Hitler. He was an evil man, no doubt. Still he believed in something. He believed in his dreams. And he said, 'No one ever asked the victor if he told the truth.'

"I realize that we are all in this," Elle finally said and then looked over at Eric, "I hope you can forgive what we have done in this house. There are no words that I can say that will lessen this blow. I just can't take it to lie anymore. I have to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Eric asked.

I knew Eric was not emotionally or mentally ready to handle what Elle was about to say. I wanted to run again, run out the door and not have to face up to this.

Elle's stare turned cold as though bracing Eric, "Jay, Adrian and I knew Damien was alive for a while now. We found him. He had no memory about what was going on. He had scars from the accident on the bridge. It was clear that the accident was the reason for his memory lapse. We didn't call a hospital. We didn't call his family. We didn't tell you. Robbie wouldn't have this because the hospital, his family and you would have taken Damien away from him. We told Robbie so that Robbie will let you guys go back on tour. We handed him to Robbie."

Her words weren't very comforting. I turned my face because I knew Eric was looking at me for some kind of answers. I didn't want to lie to him anymore. A part of me had that feeling that Elle had. There had been way too many lies going around. I still hated her, I hated her more than I hated anyone...even Damien. That was saying a lot, since Damien was the only person that I ever wished would die.

"Adrian, you lied to me? How long did you know about this?"

My look traveled off of his. It had been way too long that I had kept the secret. It was the truth to me. It was what my heart decided to believe. I turned my head about to answer him but then I felt his hands rushing me. Suddenly I felt like he was going to hit me. He raised me off the ground in a threatening way that I never thought Eric would do to me. I felt so afraid. I had seen this look in his eyes before. I saw it the day that he hit Antonio back at the club trying to defend me. The innocent, shy guy had once again become the emotional, sentimental guy. It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

He shook me violently, "You lied to me all this time! Right to my face! Making me feel like I'm obsessive over a dead person while you all along know that he is alive!"

"You are!" I spat back at him, "Regardless if he was dead or not. You are showing your true colors now! I couldn't tell you because I knew you would leave me for him. Just like you are doing now. I've been here while he has been out there having Robbie change his fucking diapers! So go ahead hit me! If he is alive or not, you still said you loved me. Why should things change? Hit me if you want, but I still love you!"

He looked at me and then I felt him drop me.

Half of me really wanted him to hit me. Maybe I would have felt better if he hit me. Maybe I wouldn't have felt so guilty about the shit I had done, if he hit me. I felt like maybe we would have been even. I felt the a sort of passion in his eyes. I wondered if it was because he really did care about me. Suddenly when he dropped me, I felt that big guilt again.

"I'm leaving," he finally said.

"Where are you going?" I answered, following him upstairs.

I chased behind him as I watch him start to get dressed in his things. I couldn't let him go. I didn't know what he was going to do. He was dressing so rapidly. I was afraid on whether to touch him or not, because I knew that he might snap on me in the mental condition he was in.

"Eric, please forgive me!" I begged, putting down my pride once again only when my only true love was around, "I never meant to hurt you."

He ignored me, his beautiful eyes turned completely red from the strain of tears that he had put on them earlier. His caramel smooth skin had become a dark maroon from the amount of blood circulation that was flowing through him. He looked like he was a glass that had just been broken. His eyes didn't even look at me. I guess I knew this would be the reaction that would occur if Eric ever found out, but I never dreamed Eric would actually find out.

I had dreams of us going on tour. I had dreams of us leaving New Jersey and never coming back. We had only come back because Elle was pregnant and now she was using this to ruin my life.

"Stop making tired excuses," he finally mentioned to me as he packed up his clothes and was on his way out.

I wanted to hit him, punch him in his face or something. I knew when Eric was mad he was strong, but I figured so was I. I wasn't the fighting type or truthfully not really the masculine type compared with guys like Damien, Eric and Jay. Still I wanted to smash his goddam head in for denying me for long. But then again...I just wanted to kiss him.

"You have to believe me," I pleaded again with an urge to fall to my knees and suck him off until he forgave me, "Things got out of hand. I was going to tell you about Damien. I swear it. I was just waiting for the right time."

"And what about Robbie? What's your excuse for telling Robbie about him instead of me?"


Shit! I couldn't think about it. Before I knew it, he had stopped waiting on my answer and started heading down the streets with me chasing him. Then he was gone, taking off in his father's car down the street and away from the house. I didn't believe how fast he walked out.

I knew that I had to get him back. I didn't know how. I needed to try something desperate. I would do something that would make him believe that all I ever wanted to do was be with him. I trusted everything that had happened. The protection I felt when Eric was always with me suddenly seemed to break off and away. I had become just another boy. I only knew one place to go. Jay had got me into this mess so he would have to get me out. I picked up the phone silently and began to dial Jay's cell phone number. Something about me didn't know Jay would pick up his phone. He hadn't picked up his phone all week mostly because we both knew for sure that I was probably calling to ask him more about Elle. He didn't want to deal with that. Now his pregnancy problem had led my problem into getting completely exposed.

It rang once...I could see that it was raining heavily outside by now. It reminded me of all the tears that I saw Eric cry. He seemed so overwhelmed. I hated Elle for putting him through that.

It rang mind had gone over to Damien and the Syndicate. He had looked just like he was among them now. If you hadn't known who he was, you would see no difference from him and Antonio. They seemed so close, probably like they were friends now. Two of the people who I abhorred the most liked each other. How ironic.

Suddenly Jay picked up the phone.

<Hello,> his voice said, in a sleepy manner. He always slept at the oddest hours.

<Jay. Eric found out. Elle got mad about the pregnancy thing and complained on how we were treating her. She told him everything.>

There was a short and yet intense silence.

<Ok, ok. Don't worry. I knew something like this was going to happen. Let me tell you exactly what we are going to do...>

With those words I knew my life wasn't going to be the same. I knew that everything that I had, I would have to fight to get back. That meant no one would get in my way. Not Damien or Elle. I realized that as the times called for it, Jay would only get more and more cynical.

Elle had opened Pandora's box. There was a smell of flowers and it is the cynic who figures that there must be a coffin nearby.

DAMIEN "That was crazy!" I finally said as we got into the car. Antonio wasn't half as smiley as I was, "Never again." "What are you talking about?" "I mean, I can't let you go back there anymore. I am definitely going to get into deep shit. Robbie is going to kill me!" I looked at him. Antonio was becoming a worry wart. I had just had the craziest moment of my life happen and all he seemed to care about was what Robbie was going to think about it. It had happened so fast. I had walked upstairs and saw Adrian's boyfriend sexing him up like Adrian was a sissy. Then I walked out, like anyone would. What happened next was crazy?! Adrian's boyfriend had chased me down the stairs, naked and all! I thought he was going to kick my ass for intruding. Instead he hugged me! It was crazy. Antonio's face went into a serious like stare, "You have to stop laughing. Really. This isn't funny. This is really serious." "Who was that guy?" Antonio's face went pale. I definitely exceeded my five minutes and I knew that the driver was probably going to rat out to Robbie everything that had happened that day. It was worth it in a strange way. I mean it wasn't everyday that some hot naked guy ran up to you and hugged you while his semi-erect cock nailed into my stomach region. The guy was SO hot. I had this attraction to him that was enough to send me flirting with him just to see what he would say. Of course I had no idea what he was talking about, when the guy did speak, but I liked looking at his lips. "I can't tell you..." "Gimme the cellphone. I'll ask Robbie. God, Antonio." I wanted to tell him to grow some balls or something but I was way too nice of a guy to go that far and insult his masculinity. He handed me his high-tech gizmo and I realized Robbie's number was on speed dial. I probably didn't remember where I grew up or who my parents were, but I did have enough intelligence to know how to work a phone. <Hello.> <Hey, Damien. I missed you so much.> His voice wasn't helping. He had this sexual voice, even on the phone his voice had SEX written all over it. It was like he was the voice of a phone sex operator or something. It was smooth and low, deep and romancing. All I wanted to do was touch him up or something. I was so horny right now it was unbelievable. In one day, two guys had hit on me. One of them had a 8 inch cock that swung like a jungle vine and had grinded up against me for a good 5 minutes. If I weren't horny now than I didn't know what horny was. <Robbie, I met someone today. His name was Eric. He wrote me a letter a long time ago. It was a love letter Robbie. Do you know who he is?> I guess I said it to make him sort of jealous. He had made it perfectly clear that no one under him would try to hit on me as long as he was there. I guess I proved him wrong. <What! How did you meet him! Was Antonio there!> Dang...I didn't wanna make him 'that' jealous. <Robbie calm down. Answer my question and I'll answer yours. Who is he to me?> <Damien don't fuck with me! How did you meet him?> I couldn't believe he was acting so shitty all of a sudden. He was acting like he owned me. The way he said it was almost like he was demanding that I tell him immediately. I wasn't a stubborn person (at least as far as I could remember) but this was really pissing me off. <How am I fucking with you? This isn't fair. You answer me and I will answer you.> <You know what. Just put Antonio on the phone.> <Whatever.> I handed the phone over to Antonio and watched as he completely and totally ratted me out to his boss. He didn't even look me in the eyes as I did it. I didn't blame him though. I mean it was Robbie that I was mad at. He really thought that he owned me or something like he did the rest of the people there. I guess they could handle it, but I wasn't used to it. I hated the feeling of someone holding me down and telling me what to do. Yet constantly, it seemed like it was all Robbie seemed to be doing. Was I someone who always had to be taken cared of? We had gotten back to the hotel real late. I remember feeling such mix emotions. At first I had been having a good, testosterone driven day. Now, my day had become as dramatic as a fairytale. I began to see it in my head that maybe Robbie wasn't the only one that found me attractive. It was a strange thing. I mean, he wasn't at all. Two other guys found me attractive. I mean Quarrion seemed to be a real intelligent person, driven by his philosophies and thoughts. I guess he found me intelligent. The other was Eric. There was such a limitless attraction I had to him and I guess since he was naked it was basically physical. His body was sexy, in a slim and sort of cuddly way, unlike Robbie's body that seemed so good that it was almost untouchable. Eric's body seemed to be welcoming and warm. The attraction that these boys had towards me began to I felt like I had nothing but now I had it all. The security that Robbie offered was being robbed by the insecurity of youth. Antonio had told me that I should just let shit slide, calm down and breath like a housewife. I wasn't a woman and dame sure wasn't a wife. I was as much a man as Robbie, probably more. Robbie had told me the city would be mine. They were carving me I guess. I don't know. I guess it was their way, to change people. I wanted to take it away now. I sat there sitting on the entrance of Robbie's balcony. I was alone. The feeling of being alone wasn't pleasing, but I found myself daydreaming constantly. It was a selfish dream, all about identity and past history. I flexed my muscles and looked up at the moon. The stars, everything around there. This wasn't a night that I wanted to be alone. <Hello. This is Damien,> I said, <I must be out of my mind to be calling this late. I know you're probably asleep now...> I had called Quarrion. The number that was still written on my hand. I didn't copy it to paper. I figured I would only call him this one time. Still since I got the voicemail, I figured destiny had taken its path and that I shouldn't pursue much longer. <No, I'm here...> I heard the voice picking up. The deep masculine, sort of jock voice picked up. He seemed too young to be scanning his phone. Made me wonder why, but I didn't wonder too long. No matter what secrets he had, mine were probably worse. He talked slow across the phone, with laziness that suggested either he had just woken up or he was on his way to sleep. <I'm sorry to call this late.> There didn't seem to be much excitement on either of our parts. Maybe it was because it was so late at night or maybe because it was a phone call. Either way, we were calm, speaking softly like we had known each other for years. <You wanted something?> His voice was thin, suggestive and yet clandestine. It was a comment that made you think about your answer before you said anything. I had thought and thought and yet got no real answer. <We are strangers. I know that. Everyone is a stranger to me these days, but I guess I'm just calling because there is something in my brain that whispers to me to call.> <A voice?> He was whispering. He sounded like there was someone else in the room. I guess it was definitely because we were on the phone. I was amused. Probably a fuck that he had just laid or maybe his lover. It was maybe his wife. Who knew? The thing about us was we didn't know each other. The whole time we talked, we never asked a personal question besides our names. We knew totally nothing about one another. All we knew was that we were strangers who liked to read French plays about Revolution. <To call me crazy wouldn't be unheard of. I guess I'll just be crazy until I find a good reason not to be. You know what I mean?> There was an awkward pause. <Not really---> I began to think that maybe this had been a bad idea. Quarrion and I were strangers. Perhaps Antonio was right, I should be more careful who I got involved with. <---but I love the way it makes me feel when you say it.> he lightly finished off, <If you want we can talk now...we can meet.> I agreed thoroughly. I knew he was telling me the truth. I guess it could have been Quarrion was so good of a liar that I had no choice but to believe the things that came out of his mouth. Still I didn't need proof to know how truthful he was. There was no substitute for the truth. The realness of the moment.. I wanted to know him, not sure if it would be romantically or otherwise. It was almost like I knew this man from another life. Still, I knew quite certainly that he didn't know me. He had just met me in the shop. There was no real chemistry besides the little flirting and no real conversation besides the meaning of literature. I couldn't base my meeting this guy out of any real reasoning. If Robbie found out, he could be in every right of mind to leave me homeless again. I would risk that to meet someone I didn't know? I wasn't intellectual. I wasn't smart at all. I just felt like doing it. Its better to live a day near the edge then a life time in the valley. It was just a feeling I guess. Nothing can stop the way you feel.

Next: Chapter 17

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