La Dulce Vida

By Sammie G

Published on Sep 7, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the life and problems from the POV of a young man. If you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it.

This story is a continuation of Rain_On_Me (found in HIGHSCHOOL section of nifty)

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to or

Sorry about the wrong email that I had up before.


POV will switch between two main characters, Damien and Adrian.

LaDulceVida The Sweet Life

As You Like It



The milkshake brought all the boys to the yard. It definitely seemed a lot harder on Eric's part. Our relationship seemed to be shakier than a blender and the pregnancy of my close female friend to my cousin didn't seem to help much at all either.

Jay had disappeared, like I thought he would. Elle definitely seemed to blame me for it. She kept coming at me sideways talking about how I should try to contact him if he wanted a blood test. I didn't think that was necessary. I knew Jay knew the kid was his and so did I. The problem was whether Jay 'wanted' the kid to be his. That was a whole different issue and every time Elle brought it up, I chose to change it quick.

"You thirsty?" Elle asked Eric.

Eric had come to visit me over at Elle's house. It was funny having Eric come into a house, where the woman seemed to be so torn up about something.

"No thanks," Eric said, giving her his little schoolboy smile with full dimples and just a natural sexiness where he didn't try too hard. In fact he didn't try at all.

"I am," I added suddenly, really feeling a little knot forming in my throat.

"Go get it yourself."

She walked out of the room, but not before I started to laugh. I don't know if I was trying to upset Elle even more rather than feeling bad for her. Half of me wanted Elle to kick me out of the house, so that I would have a reason not to deal with her pregnancy problem. I tried pushing her telling her little mean things all the time and she was slowly getting a little swollen to me. I didn't blame her getting mad at me, but just wish that she didn't hide it so well.

"You guys really have a little tension going on," Eric whispered in my ear.

"Bah, let's go upstairs. She's annoying me."

"If that's what you want," he answered.

I walked upstairs, leading Eric. He seemed so trusting of me it was unbelievable. I looked at him now realizing that the shine in him was spectacular when he wore white. The white color seemed to brighten up his skin like a diamond. He didn't notice it though. He said that he wore white because it was the easiest thing to match.

We entered my room. I gave a little smile at him as he came in. There was a calmness in the air that I wanted him to experience when he came to visit Elle's house. It definitely was always calm and relaxing in the room that I slept. I closed the door behind him, being careful to lock it so that Elle wouldn't disturb us. Elle had put new sheets on the bed, saying that she didn't want me to mess up her expensive sheets just in case Eric came around. I hoped I had as much confidence in Eric and our relationship to believe that we were actually lovers.

I heard the bed shake as I saw Eric sitting down. I was so nervous. I remembered what he had said the last time we were having sex (or at least what he tried to say). I went to the TV and started flicking the channels, looking for something that wouldn't be too awkward to watch with him. Teletubbies...Oprah...Sex and the City...geez, I needed something better.

"Hey, why don't you come sit with me?" Eric invited me, making my heart thump just a little.

"Ah, ok."

It was hard to tell about Eric. Eric hardly never flirted and when I even had the slightest idea that he was about to flirt, it just seemed like he was being sincere Eric.

I went and sat on the bed with him. It was a very bouncy bed and he gave a little laugh. I loved it when he laughed or even smiled. His face seemed to always brighten up when he did so, making it look like he was some sort of star. He quickly stopped laughing as the program came on. I forgot what it was I tuned into. I just remembered putting the remote down and quickly rushing to sit next to him.

Then I heard him mutter something low, something so low it sounded like, "I love you."

"Huh?" I asked, a little taken back even by the way his lips unfolded saying the "L" word.

"The show, I love it."

I blushed a little, remembering that I was definitely overreacting for something so little. I guess I did hear something different. I looked at the show that we were watching on the Oxygen network. It was some stupid show, talking about things like clothing or what not. I didn't know what it was that had made me get that warm heat in my stomach. I began to pull up my shirt, trying to show my body off to Eric while also trying to cool myself down. I didn't want to look in his eyes, but I kept wondering if he noticed how tight my abs were today. I'd been trying to work them out for him almost forever and finally I think I got them just the way he liked it.

I turned my eyes slowly, hoping to catch a glimpse of him slipping and checking my body out. I turned my head and caught him instead of looking at my abs, looking right in my eyes. Then all of a sudden, he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked him, not really being bothered by his laughter but finding it to be sort of interesting none-the-less.

"Ugh, never mind," he replied and just sort of moved back. It was not something that made me worry too much, I guessed.

I looked at him cross eyed. Slowly I started to lay back on the bed to where he was. I lay my head against the pillow and sort of gestured him to come share a pillow with me. It didn't take much, since lying down on the pillow was probably the most comfortable way to watch the television.

I stared over at Eric, his eyes were intensely on the television. I loved how his eyes seemed never to focus, just to stare. There was intensity in his eyes, but it was never from concentration. At times I wondered if he was really paying attention to what he was doing. I guess he acted a little goofy that way too. I would just see him staring out, those puffy brown eyes and innocent looking expression staring outward, almost like he was day-dreaming. The red light hit his high yellow skin like a sunrise, reminding me that this innocent looking guy also had the capability of being a sexy paramour.

"Aren't you going to kiss me?" I appealed knowing the moment was too right, too good for me just to sit there and wait on him.

I saw him laugh. It was an uncomfortable sort of laugh.

He turned his head, "Why do you have to ask?"

He was sitting up from the comfortable position where we shared our pillow. He seemed a little irritated; I knew when Eric was irritated because it was the only time that his forehead wrinkled a little. He also seemed so touchy on stuff like that.

"Ok, my bad," I said quickly, hoping that the moment wasn't gone, "Come lay back on the pillow."

He didn't. I guess it was probably because my excuse was so quick.

"No Adrian," Eric told me, disgruntled for no apparent reason, "You don't understand it. I want you to understand that you can't just manipulate things all the time to work for you. If I wanted to kiss you at that moment, then I would have kissed you at that moment."

God, I saw the moment slipping away for that cute romance that I had planned. Eric had this thing for trying to get people to feel bad about their actions. It didn't work on me.

"If I didn't have to ask you, then I wouldn't!" I suddenly blurt out.

At first I regretted it with it being out of nimble enthusiasm. Yet the affection that came with the words started to work up in my mind. I had been trying so hard to get Eric to do things with me and he just didn't get it. Didn't he see how much I wanted him? I had tried to tease and give him little clues, but he hardly ever got it unless I told him EXACTLY what I wanted. Now that I was telling him what I wanted, he was getting annoyed...

"You just---you don't understand me," Eric repeated the understanding thing again, "Its like you have a wall up. Listen! Passion isn't something you can devise. Passion should be about sensibility, about well...I should be all about timing---"

And blah, blah, blah. This hadn't been the first time that Eric sermonized me on how I should approach him. I wanted to finally give him a sermon on how he should take it WHEN I chose to approach him. I wanted to tell him what I felt, but I was afraid that I would also scare him off. Eric definitely seemed to be emotional about a lot of things and I knew this was probably a time where he was thinking a lot about the relationship we had going and where it was going to end up.

I was quick and blunt, "Your timing is slow."

I should have thrown in the word, TOO. His timing was too slow. By the time he would get the 'sensibility' to fuck me, I would have already came 10 times over from being horny as I looked at him and imagined him fucking me.

"I guess my timing 'is' slow," he told me, looking very uncomfortable on the bed all of a sudden. I thought he would leave when he said, "When I find that spark to kiss you...or to even do more to you, then I will do it. It's a gut feeling. It's just how I am."

"I bet your gut reacted a lot faster when you were with Damien."

Shit! It was so true and I had wanted to say it so badly, but I hated the look on Eric's face when I brought up Damien's name. Eric's olive-brown cheeks had turned into a beet red. His eye brows bent where he looked like he was really hurt. We looked at one another and then there was a sort of silence. It was like he was looking down on me, judging the feelings that I had. I wondered if he was going to hit me at first, but he didn't seem like it. He didn't look angry really. It was a look of depression and sort of sudden animosity towards me. I wondered how far I could push Eric. I felt a feeling that if I provoked him enough, then he would say what it was that he loved so much about Damien. Then, I would become like that. Damien was finally out of his life, but there was something about Damien that I would have to grasp before I could make Eric love me just as he did Damien.

"Fuck it," he said, throwing his arms up as though in surrender, "Lets just watch television."

The look in his eyes was what I knew as Eric trying to calm himself down. No, that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want him to calm down. I just wanted him to get mad enough so that he would open up about this instead of just ignoring it. The way he looked at the television now I could see him trying to prevent himself from showing too much emotion.

"No," I told him, reaching over the bed and pushing hard against his back to get his attention, "What makes him better than me?"

He paused and I saw his face give a little look of disgust, "You really wanna bring this shit up again?"

"It isn't shit to me," I told him.

I spoke the truth and it was the only thing I knew to tell him right now. I had used up all the lies I could now. I felt like my mind was going crazy. Each day, I thought I got closer to the guy and then he would just withdraw a little more. At first he was saying he was in mourning, then it was that he wanted to keep our friendship and now it was that he didn't feel it was the right timing.

"Fuck this! I told you to stop talking about him."

"I'm not worth talking about Damien?"

"Why the fuck do you keep whining about a dead guy all the time---"

"You said he was dead."


"Damien, you said he was dead."

I looked at him, making him recall his own words. Eric had never admitted that Damien was dead. He always denied it, but finally he admitted that Damien was dead. I didn't know why I felt triumphant (especially now that I was sure Damien wasn't dead). I just felt like the room had lit up in that instant. I remembered Jay telling me that he didn't know so much joy could come from someone being dead. I knew joy could come from it though, I felt the joy right now. Eric had finally admitted that Damien was dead and even saying that, I knew that even he had given up on the chance that Damien was still alive somewhere for so long. Looking at him, I could feel a karma all around him that sort of said that he had somehow buried Damien that moment.

He looked so emotional. I wanted to jump up and hug him. I knew that if I could hug him then I would. I thought he was going to cry, probably from loneliness and recognition of how Damien really was no longer there. Hey, he would whine a little, but I guess he would let me hug him. It was funny at a time, making me really, really wonder if he was about to cry. I saw his lips sort of shrivel up the way people did when they couldn't take it.

Then I saw him jump up to his feet.

"I'd better go," he told me.

I saw him walking away, a little speed in his walk. I suddenly reached out and grabbed him by his arm. I had to stop him. He didn't look back though; he kept trying to walk, until suddenly I jumped in front of the door. My body completely blocked the entrance of the door.

"No, no please!" I pleaded with him, making my eyes go puppy, "I'm sorry I said anything. Please don't go. I don't want to be alone any more."

I didn't know how those words seemed like at first. I just felt like that I had to say these things to get him to stay. I knew how sensitive Eric was when someone showed emotion towards something. For some reason I knew that he was going to stay, just so that I didn't have to be alone. I guess he had sympathy for me.

I kissed him that moment, pushing myself on him and tonguing his mouth open mouth. At first he didn't kiss back and at first I could feel some resistance on his part. I wrapped my arms around his entire body, lifting him off the ground to carry him to the bed sort of like my prize. Eric sort of looked blank the whole time, but by now his expression was the last thing on my mind. His body fell out of my hands and over onto the bed. I took my shirt off quickly and threw it against the floor. I didn't want to take it slow this time. I wanted to go fast.

I climbed over him like a shadow. I kissed his arms, his stomach, his navel and then peeled off his shirt completely. I started to make little rings around his nipples with my tongue...until they turned into a sanguine color. His body was shivering, practically thrusting forward in quick motions. He lips were barely parted as they blew out slowly. A noise came from between them that sounded like a short soundly whistle. It was so hot it seemed to be turning me on.

"I'm going to give you the best blowjob you ever had," I promised him, meaning even better then Damien had given.

My lips were drafted around his dick in no time! My hot suction crushed against his thick veins. In no time he was moaning things and I knew that I was doing a good job. I took his dick as far back in my throat as possible, just as I had done at the movie theaters. I began to gag on it and still pushed, trying to make him get the most experience out of it as he possibly could. Of course, Eric (the sincere) took my head off his dick because he thought I was choking. I pushed his intruding hand out of my way like someone would if they had a bee in their face. I deep throated his dick deeper, quicker and harder. I wanted to HURT him with my blowjob. I wanted to suck his cock so much that he was sore for a month. He seemed to like how my teeth started to take their course, rushing up and down around him. Ok, I wasn't used to rough sex. I definitely was sure Eric wasn't used to it either. The experience as I pulled at his cock like I was trying to rip it off made him sort of squirm under me. I was the one sucking him off and yet I felt more dominant then ever.

"Slow down," he whined a little.

I started to lick around his balls, doing the 'come hither' movement with my tongue. I licked around his hair where he seemed to have cut a lot of it off with a shaver. His hands didn't seem to trust me as they sort of glided their fingers to his dick, sort of keeping them there as a protection.

I bit hard onto his middle finger letting him scream out a curse quickly and almost try to get up, but then I started to suck on that same finger. I jerked his cock at the same time, whacking it off like a 20 year old virgin. I saw the precum come out and I could do nothing but dive for it head first. My mouth sucked onto the cock and my lips were the first to taste the thick creamy precum. I dipped my tongue into the piss-slit, full of precum, and pulled back, letting the sperm string stretch out almost two or three inches.

"Ok, ok. What now?" he asked softly, "I get it..."

I wondered what he meant by he got it. Did he think I was trying to prove something? Was I trying to prove something?

"Now you are going to fuck me."

I immediately began to climb on him. I wanted to fuck him like I had seen in the porn movies. I let my legs go on both sides of stomach, pulling the sheets up to his thighs. His body around mine felt so good.

"What about condoms?" he asked me softly.

I shook my head no. We didn't have any lube either except for my spit that was now all slobbered over his dick. I wanted as little between us as possible. I wanted him to hurt me in a way. I instructed him to sit up so that our bodies were closer. It was quiet and really hot as his warm body pressed up against me. We both didn't know where to put our heads and ended up resting our heads against the other's shoulder. We didn't really know how to touch each other either in a position so awkward where our chests were on one another and my ass rested in his lap. My dick was against his chest and his hand was slowly trying to push his dick up my ass.

There was so much friction. I wondered if I should try to look for lube. I didn't know where I would find any. I doubted Elle had any lube. I guess I could have used vaseline, oil or even hand lotion if I had to. I didn't want to roll off of him because I just had this feeling that he would back down if I gave him the chance to. Either way his dick interposed within me, invading me like an army.

"You don't have to do this for me," he whispered in my ear.

"I will because...because I love you."

I saw the look in his eyes as he looked back at me. Eric was so emotional when having sex. I knew this most of all. I saw how bubbly his eyes got as his dick head pushed past my barriers and the pain shot up through my anus. No lube and no condom. It was a natural feeling, probably exactly what Eric seemed to have.

"Adrian---" I heard him, saying hesitant because halfway that he probably didn't know what he should say and probably because my ass had an extra clutch on his dick today.

"---I love you too." I suddenly heard him say. I wasn't quite sure if that was what he said at first but then I thought about it and it was the only thing I came up with.



"Damien, that boy is no good. Trust me."


Antonio had been warning me about this Quarrion guy all day. He kept saying that shit to me. Antonio really wasn't open to people like I was. He was as suspicious as Stalin. He 'chose' not to tell me why I couldn't trust this guy.

"Would I ever give you a reason to doubt me?" he asked, giving a little harassing smile. It killed me all the time that he kept trying to use certain techniques to persuade me.

"No, but I talk to who I want to. I'm grown," I told him, trying to make it quick and blunt.

We were driving down the highway away from the mall where I had just bumped into Quarrion. We were being driven by Robbie's personal driver because neither Antonio nor I had a driver's license. I had an excuse because I found it difficult to even recall the simplest of things in my mind from the loss of memory. I wondered what Antonio's excuse was. Probably laziness. I had seemed so diverted. I kept having these thoughts that some people in Palestine were worrying about their homes being taken down by bulldozers while I was here worrying about such shallow things. The reality that the life I was leading now had become a life of shallowness seemed to affect me. Talking to Quarrion made me even realize it more. Sitting in the car, I began to know that I was having deep feelings and overanalyzing everything that I saw around me in the Syndicate. It was simple to them. Darwin's law was survival of the fittest. Robbie was a lion. He was a king of the jungle and because of that he was pompous. I figured there was no deep meaning to Robbie. He only wanted me now because at one time he couldn't have me (for whatever reason that was). I figured now that I had given him my ass he would probably just throw me out. Then again...the sex was real good. He probably wouldn't have thrown me out.

"Sir, can you turn here...TURN HERE!" I directed quickly as the driver made the quick turn.

"Why are we turning?" Antonio asked.

I looked around and put my eyes out the window trying to remember, "Ah, ok. I just want to go back to that house with the woman. Elizabeth or whatever her name was."

He looked me like I was a little boy, "Why would you want to do that?"

"There is a letter. It's strange to explain. It's just a letter written by someone. It was found in my pocket. I gave it to Elizabeth's friend for him to examine for me. He never gave it back. I really want to get it back."

"Who wrote this letter?"

"Hmmm. Dammit. I forgot his name."

I had been straining my memory to remember things that I had forgotten before I lost my memory that I had begun to forget things that happened after I lost my memory. It definitely was making me depressed with this thing trying to remember. Especially names and faces. They seemed to be the hardest to remember because identity was such a complex thing. Antonio started to laugh. It was a strange laugh. I wondered if it was because he was nervous. Then again, Antonio was never nervous. He made it a living to be cool and as much like Robbie as he could be.

"I don't think Robbie would approve of it," was all that he could say, while turning around and looking at the pouring rain rolling down the limo town car.

"Antonio, I'm going to get that letter. Regardless if I drive there or if I walk."

"You are so stubborn."

He was smiling as he said it but so serious. I guess I was stubborn.

"I know."

"Do you just want to find the letter?" he asked me softly, "Or is it that you want to find out who wrote the letter as well?"

I nodded.

He continued, "Damien, you are so young and fragile. You have this border up around you, but people have the right tools to break it. I can't tell you too much about things because Robbie would kill me. I just want you to... I don't know. I want you to believe me."

He was being vague again. Telling me not to do something, but giving me no idea why not to do it. It was like a constant dance with him. It only made me wonder more what he was saying.

"What is it that you have to tell me?" I asked suddenly, "Just spit it out."

I saw his eyes looking deep into mine as his slick accent became more realistic, "I just want things to remain the same. The less you know is the better. I mean this is overall. Do you see me poking around in things? That is why I've been here so long. I do what I am told."

"Is there something out there for me to know?"

He paused. I knew that Antonio had the capability and probably the will to lie to me directly in my face if he had to. There was a mystery behind why he was being so hesitant to do it in my face now.

"I don't know much. The little I do know, it isn't my job to tell you. Geez, Robbie would kill me! I do have a liking towards you. I don't know what kind of 'liking' this is but I know it is enough for me to be slipping up on the job now. I promised I wouldn't get emotionally attached to a case..."

He was dead serious. Even serious when he called me a case. I knew that he was supposed to be my assistant, I even recognized that he was more like a babysitter. Now that I was his case, it seemed like Antonio was more on the job then I had realized this entire time. I didn't know what to say to him exactly that wouldn't end up in him getting more uncomfortable. He was right about one thing, whatever it was he was hiding, Robbie would probably kill him from telling me. I had come looking for my past and I found something. I mean I found Robbie and the Syndicate, but I had a feeling like that wasn't all to find. It was just a little piece of something bigger.

"Why do you want to know the past anyway? Isn't this good enough? If you are looking for something better I guarantee you won't find it.

I spoke slowly and certain of my intentions, "Truth isn't always better. Truth is truth. I want to know it, no matter what form it comes in."

He might of well had been cursing me my ass at the time under his breath, because he seemed really irritated. I just wanted the truth. I wanted to know as much truth as possible so that I could remember the truth for myself.

"Tell me what you know. Please," I begged him.

Antonio's eyes were looking out of the window like I thought they were. They were looking out into the distance. Then I saw what he was spying at. The driver was watching us, through his rearview mirror every few minutes, listening to what we were saying. The first thought that came in my mind was that if this guy worked for Robbie, then he would do anything to please Robbie. He must have been just like Antonio. This was why Antonio seemed so hesitant.

"Look," he suddenly said, lowering his voice to a little more than a whisper, "I'm just going to tell you that people have gone out of their way to make sure that there are some things you don't remember."

"Which people?"

"Just all the people you would suspect and then some."

Did that include Elizabeth and her friend Adrian? Both of them seemed emotional for little reasons. They also seemed very hyper and quick to send me to live with Robbie. Did that include him...Antonio? I wondered if it was possible that he was now admitting to having been hired to keep me away from my past. Did it include Robbie and the people who worked at the Syndicate? Those were mostly all the people that I were suspicious of.

"You realize I have to go find that letter now right?" I asked him.

He went next to me and began to whisper his eyes still on the driver, "You will have five minutes. Any more than five and the driver will get suspicious enough to tell Robbie. Robbie has this five minute rule that he doesn't want to be bothered on any problem that doesn't last for five minutes."

It was silly. It made me sort of feel like Cinderella. I agreed though. Robbie was on my mind for a while. I knew how much they were afraid of him and truth was, I truly didn't grasp all of what Robbie was capable of. I mean he was sexy, rich and charming. How bad could he be? Either way, I didn't want to risk it and decided to abide by the five minute rule. I guess Robbie figured that nothing too terrible could happen in five minutes.

We began to pull up at the house and I walked out alone. For some reason, Antonio said that he probably wouldn't be very welcome in that house and that I should go on without him. I walked in the slow garden that was growing out front, finding it ironic that there were pumpkins growing on a patch. As I made my way to the door I started to knock. The door opened and Elizabeth was standing there. She looked strangely at me. It wasn't a look of surprise or anything like that. It was just like she had already been feeling sadness and now there was only more sadness. She looked so sober like she was a widow or something. There were bags underneath her eyes, which said she hadn't been having much sleep. Her hair was unkempt and strangling her face.

"Elizabeth," I told her, "Do you remember me?"

"It seems the tables have turned. Now you look like the comfortable one and I am the one in the need for justice."

I don't know what she meant by that but I did know that she looked like hell and I was probably looking like a goddamn superstar from being pampered like one. I tried to smile at her none-the-less and tried to tell her about the letter.

"Do you know whether Adrian still has a letter he got from me?"

"You came all the way here for a letter," Elle laughed and smiled, "I stand here thinking you are here to find out about your past."

She spoke very well, like a philosopher or something.

"Well yeah. But right now I just want to know about the letter."

"You know there is a Chinese Proverb stating, 'When there is a finger pointing at the moon, an imbecile looks at the finger'," she told me, frowning her face slightly.

I let out a little laugh unsure if she was trying to just irritate me, to inspire me or to insult me. Either way she had ended up confusing me as I looked to the door.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you are looking for the wrong thing. Go upstairs. It's the second room to the right. It's most likely locked, but use this key."

She handed me a silver key and I took it. It was strange how she talked. I figured it was because she probably wasn't in the best mood. Something seemed to definitely be bothering her and I didn't get it.

"What am I going to find?"

"You will have to go find out," she answered and gave a little smirk, "I bet its going to be much more...revealing, then a letter."

I walked past her, remembering the time limit that Antonio had told me. I didn't want to upset him at all with messing up on it. I walked up the stairs slowly, trying not to make another noise up the squeaky stairs. Everything in the house was squeaky. It seemed like the walls were vibrating a little, which was kinda funny.

I brushed my head back and looked at Elle who was waiting at the door. She had a smile on her face. What had she meant by she needed justice? If I wasn't confused already this girl had made me even more confused. She had gone on talking about how I was looking for the wrong things. I remembered walking slowly going to the door.

There was a feeling I had. I didn't know what it was. I guess this moment was triggering a memory. All of a sudden I felt like I had done this before. Only the last time I was going down into something like a basement. Now I was going up, up to a room. My heart was throbbing. Was I getting my memory back or something? I mean why did this seem so familiar to me? I had crossed the halls going slowly until I had gotten to the 2nd room on the right in Elizabeth's house. I put the key through the keyhole and then all of a sudden I had a flash. I had a flash of being in a dark basement and then walking in on something I shouldn't have. It had happened before I lost my memory. Why did this remind me of it?

I opened the door. The two boys looked at me. Adrian was one of them! Geez, the position they were in was sexy as hell, getting me hard almost immediately! Adrian was gay? This definitely wasn't a big surprise. I mean, gay people knew who other gay people were. What was a surprise was the kinda guy that he could pick up!

Adrian was looking nice, but the guy he was with was like really sexy to me. I mean the way he held Adrian, straddled him had me just stuck and staring like an asshole. Part of me wanted to run in and try to get a little group work going, but then I remembered the 5 minute thing. The guy was just so sexy. I wanted to eat him. I could see the little ass crack on the bed. I saw his muscles clawing into Adrian's back. His skin seemed baby smooth as well as his face. His skin was smooth and clear compared to Adrian's. It was JUST like caramel candy. He just seemed to have this aura of pure natural bliss about him. He had this aura about him that was like quick attraction. Quickly I had a nickname for him, just as I had for Adrian. Caramel, I called him. They both of course seemed surprised to see me. I seemed like a pervert so bad with the key in my hand, just staring at their bodies and trying my best not to drool. They just looked so good together. I didn't want to disturb them. Their bodies were molded into each other almost perfectly. I knew they must have been vibing really well and definitely weren't going through the whole difficult sex thing like I was.

God I was so embarrassed. I felt like I was going to piss my pants, barging in on people having sex and all. How stupid was I?

Hazel Eyes and smooth Caramel sitting in a tree...

All I could say at first was, "Oops..."

Next: Chapter 16

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