Kyles Transformation into Puppyhood

By Bastian Ward

Published on Sep 22, 2018



So, as soon as Kyle arrived home, he got out a pair of his boxers that he never thought he'd wear again. Well, not after Sunday night anyway. He grabbed a coat hanger and headed to his en-suite. Kyle sprayed the outside of his boxers liberally with deodorant and his cologne. Then hanging his boxers on the coat hanger from the shower rail, Kyle allowed the stink', as he was beginning to think of the smell of his deodorant and cologne, to evaporate a bit in the en-suite as Kyle thankfully closed the door behind him. Kyle stripped and held his jocks to his nose and inhaled deeply from the scent he found there until his scent chased the memory of the deodorant and cologne from his nose and mind. Naturally, he popped wood as soon as he got a whiff of his musky scent, as he was beginning to think of his scent now. Kyle fluffed' around his flat for a bit and went to bed.

In the morning, after he'd showered and put his jocks on and tucking them into all the important parts, deep between his arse cheeks, and up behind his nuts. He reached up and took down his boxers that he'd sprayed liberally with deodorant and cologne the night before, and as the boxers passed his face Kyles' senses were assaulted by the stench radiating from them. So much so, that Kyle actually had to stop himself from gagging, the stench' was so strong, he wondered how he was ever able to stand it before and couldn't believe Kyle thought he liked the stench'! But it wasn't until he pulled the boxers on and covered his jocks with them that he realised just how strong his scent was radiating from his jocks. Even so, thought Kyle, it was such a shame as he revelled in his scent, and absentmindedly wondered if he could bottle his scent. With that thought rolling around in his head, Kyle finished getting dressed and headed off to work. Naturally, when his train got to the station that he first saw the guy/Sir/Master on, Kyle wasn't sure how he should address the man who so understood his kink. He tried to find him, but couldn't see him anywhere, as the train pulled out of the station and continued to take Kyle to work. Kyle got through the morning and noticed that people in the office weren't crinkling their noses so much when they were around him. So, he assumed that the boxers were covering his scent; unfortunately, Kyle thought, as he ploughed his way through the morning. His lunch-time bathroom meeting was uppermost in his mind all morning.

As soon as Kyle was able to leave the office for lunch, he raced for the bathroom. He stripped completely naked, hanging all his clothes on the hook on the back of the toilet cubicle door. As Kyle was hanging his boxers up, he marvelled at the strength of the stench from his deodorant and cologne that was still radiating from his boxers, even after wearing them all morning. He was a little concerned when he pulled his jocks off and stuck them under his nose. But Kyle was relieved when he discovered that they hadn't picked up much of the stench of his deodorant and cologne from his boxers. But Kyle didn't think he minded that little bit of stench too much. Although Kyle would have preferred it not to be there at all, of course, but what could he do about it? Kyle didn't have to wait too long before the external door to the toilet block opened, and the other guy walked in. As usual, he totally ignored Kyle, and went over and opened the fly of his pants, fished his cock out of his pants and had his usual piss. When he'd finished, like yesterday, he left his cock hanging out of his pants as he walked over towards Kyle. Seemingly not minding the roughness of his zip against the tender skin of his cock, as his cock was pushed around by his thighs. As per usual Kyle was leaning against the bench the hand basins were set into, but this time, when the guy was within reach, Kyle reached out and grabbed hold of him and spun him around and bent him over the bench. Kyle reached under the bench and undid the guy's buckle of his belt, and the button of his pants and had both the guy's boxers and pants shoved hallway down his thighs before the guy had even realised what was happening. By the time the guy had time to draw breath to voice his displeasure, Kyle had plunged his nose as deep into the guy's arse crack as he could get it without first pulling the guy's arse cheeks apart. Kyle'd had a lot of sexual partners in his life; consequently, he'd rimmed a lot of guy's arses, but today he desperately wanted to get a whiff of the guy's scent. But all that Kyle could smell was the guy's cologne. So, Kyle reached up and pulled the guy's arse cheeks apart and plunged his nose deeper into the guy's arse crack until his nose came into contact with the guy's hole and Kyle inhaled deeply of the guy's musky, musty scent. While Kyle held the guy bent over the bench, he forced the guy's legs apart so that he could get to the back of the guy's nut sack as well so he could smell the heavier scent of the guy there. Kyle breathed in deeply of the heady aroma he found there. Kyle lapped at the base of the guy's nut sack trying to get a taste of the guy as well, and the taste of the guy's sweat almost made Kyle shoot his load on the spot. So, he lapped his way back up the guy's perineum revelling in the taste and smell of the guy, until he reached the guy's very tight puckered hole. But this time Kyle got a faint odour of shit as well as the guy's scent; obviously, the guy must have opened his bowels this morning after he'd showered, and Kyle was loving the smell of it all the more. Even before Kyle realised he was going to do it, he shoved his tongue as hard as he could into the guy's virgin hole and was rewarded, not only by the new taste sensations he was experiencing. But by the guy's exclamation of what Kyle hoped was his enjoyment of having his arse rimmed for the first time. All of which made Kyle try and drill his tongue even deeper into the guy's hole. Until, without any warning, the guy shot his load all over the bathroom floor under the hand basins. Kyle felt the guy reach behind his head trying to force Kyle's tongue even deeper into his arse. As Kyle felt the guy's sphincter relax a little bit, he was able to get his tongue in even deeper. Suddenly Kyle felt the guy grab a handful of Kyle's hair and using that the guy, somewhat reluctantly, pulled Kyle, and consequently, Kyle's tongue out of his arse. He pulled Kyle up to his feet, and when they were facing each other Kyle had a good view of the look of lust plastered all over the guy's face, as the guy slammed Kyle over the bench. Then, without so much as a `thank you ma'am', the guy plunged his cock balls deep into Kyle's very willing arse. It seemed to Kyle as though the guy only slammed into his arse once or twice before he felt the guy's cock buck again as it spewed the guy's second load of hot cum up Kyle's very willing arse. The guy collapsed on top of Kyle with his cock still buried balls deep in Kyle's arse.

When the guy had recovered enough to stand on his own, he stood up which caused his cock to fall out of Kyle's arse. Once again, the guy reached over and grabbed Kyle by his hair and pulled him up off the bench and forced Kyle onto his knees as the guy pushed his limp cock into Kyle's waiting willing mouth. Naturally, Kyle licked and sucked on the guy's soft cock until he felt it starting to grow again and begin to snake down the back of his throat. The guy grabbed hold of Kyle's ears and proceeded to face fuck Kyle for all he was worth. It seemed to Kyle that it took the guy a while this time before he was able to shoot his second load of his hot ropey cum down Kyle's throat. This time the guy did collapse to the floor, and Kyle bent over him as he sucked the last of the guy's cum out of his softening cock. The guy caught Kyle entirely by surprise when he sat up, and once again, he grabbed Kyle by the hair only this time he pulled Kyle down to his face and kissed Kyle full on the lips before he collapsed back onto the floor.

Kyle got shakily to his own feet as he'd shot his load about four times, without realising it. Kyle wobbled back into his cubicle and got himself dress, by which time he'd recovered sufficiently that he could walk a straight line without any trouble. When Kyle exited the cubicle, the guy had left the bathroom, which was no surprise to Kyle. But after their kiss, which had happened at the other guy's instigation, not his, Kyle thought they might have at least exchanged names. But, seemingly it was not to be. So, Kyle washed his hands, and with the stink of sex strong in the air, it was almost overpowering, considering there was a largish puddle of the other guys' cum, mixed with Kyle's, cooling on the bathroom floor. Kyle left the bathroom and headed out to get something to eat before he headed back to work, with a huge grin plastered all over his face.

Kyle made his way through the afternoon in a dream; he couldn't get the memory of the guy's lips pressed against his own out of his head. The way the guy forced his tongue into Kyle's mouth, and the feel of his tongue exploring Kyle's mouth hungrily was etched into Kyle's brain. Kyle swore he could still taste the guy on his tongue. The roughness in that one kiss. The raw animal passion. The naked primal striving for possession. For dominance. The way that kiss seemed to strive to control him, just like the guy's fucking, was a lesson in control every time. There was no tenderness in the guy's fucking. It was all about immediacy, the other guy's need. The Guy's desire. Not Kyle's. The way it made Kyle feel terribly used and abused. Like he was nothing better than a fuck toy the other guy had found lying around. Kyle was not deluded. There was no passion, not in their coupling, but in the kiss, there was loads of passion, of raw animal lust. The fucking was nothing but a physical need on the other guy's part. And Kyle had loved every minute of it. And it was the thought of himself being used as nothing but a fuck toy, an object, of nothing but mindless sex on the guy's part, which kept Kyle hard, and dripping, all afternoon. But the kiss. What was that about? By the end of the day, Kyle couldn't wait to get out of work. As Kyle walked out the front door of the office block, he was on the phone with Rohan to see if the other guys were going to go back to the club again tonight. Rohan confirmed that they were and Kyle said that he'd meet them there and rung off.

Kyle raced home and stripped out of his work clothes, he debated whether to take his boxers off or not, but after last nights' mini-confrontation with Rohan decided to leave them on. Kyle threw on a pair of jeans and a skin-tight t-shirt that showed off most of Kyle's midriff and the outline of his six-pack and headed out to the club. Kyle met the other guy's outside the club, and there were the customary kisses and hugs all around. "You smell better tonight," Rohan told him after they'd kissed and hugged, "glad to see you've found your cologne again. Come on, let's go inside," Rohan said as he pulled Kyle into the club.

Tonight, even though the new go-go dancer was dancing yet again, Kyle didn't pay him a lot of attention; instead, he danced up a storm on the dance floor. If no one wanted to dance with him, then Kyle danced on his own, he barely stopped all night. So much so that by the time they were ready to leave the club Kyle was drenched in sweat. Kyle made his way home and stripped as soon as he walked through the door of his flat. His jocks hit the ground with a very satisfying, wet squelching sound, Kyle scooped them up straight away and held them to his nose. The muskiness of his scent, mixed with his sweat and his pre-cum, was such a heady scent that Kyle not only popped wood instantly, but he almost shot his load on the spot. The heady aroma filled Kyle with such a primal lust that he was pissed off that he hadn't thought to try and pick someone up and bring them home now. Kyle fished out his dildo that in the past he hadn't used very much, but tonight he was riding such a wave of animal lust that he lubed it up and shoved it roughly up his aching hole. He grabbed his cock and fisted himself as hard as he could until he had one of the greatest orgasms of his life. When his cock finally stopped spewing cum all over the floor, Kyle collapsed in a heap on the floor and fell asleep, still with the dildo up his arse. When Kyle woke up, he was aching all over and utterly spent. Kyle spied his puddle of cum on the floor, and on a whim decided to lick it all up, which he did before he dragged himself up off the floor and collapsed on his bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

When Kyle woke in the morning, he still ached all over, and he couldn't work out why his arse was so sore. Until he went to sit up, that is, and almost shot through the roof with the pain in his arse and guts, because it was only then that he remembered that he'd shoved his dildo up his arse, which he must have forgotten to take out last night. He reached around and very gingerly pulled the dildo out of his aching arse and breathed a sigh of relief when it was out, and while it felt better now that he'd removed the dildo, his arse was still very tender. Gingerly he sat up and got out of bed. He hobbled into the kitchen and got himself breakfasted and had a shower. He found his damp jocks on his bedroom floor and pulled them on making sure he'd tucked them in in all the right places. His boxers were too wet to wear again he'd decided, so he fished a new pair out of his drawer and sprayed them with his deodorant and cologne and pulled them on. Then he finished getting dressed and headed off to work.

Lunchtime found him naked in the toilet block again, leaning against the bench, in his now customary pose, with him holding his jocks to his nose, while he breathed in the heady muskiness of his scent. As per usual, the guy arrived to have his midday piss, but this time Kyle was sure the guy was sporting a hard-on already in his pants, as he thought he could see the outline of the guy's cock through the material of his pants. Sure enough, when the guy pulled down the zip of his fly and tried to fish his cock out, it took a bit of doing as the guy's cock was fully erect. The guy was trying to piss really hard. But getting nowhere. Taking pity on him, Kyle walked over and grabbed hold of the head of the guy's cock and squeezed it until Kyle felt the guy's cock begin to deflate. As he had a hold of it anyway, Kyle pointed the guy's cock at the urinal and waited until he felt the guy's piss streaming through the guy's urethra. As Kyle was facing the urinal, and because he was holding the guy's cock, Kyle had his back to the guy and was standing slightly forwards of him as well; consequently, Kyle felt the guy run his hand over Kyle's right arse cheek. And as the guy was finishing urinating and squeezing the final drops out, one of his fingers found Kyle's hole and was beginning to explore it. Kyle continued to hold the guy's cock until he'd finished and Kyle shook the drops off the end and was rewarded by the feel of the guy's cock swelling in his grasp. Kyle kinda hoped the guy'd kiss him again, but obviously, that was not meant to be, but Kyle didn't care too much as long as he got to service the guy. That was all that Kyle wanted. To be used by the guy as a receptacle for the guy's cum, however, the guy tried to give it to him, Kyle didn't care. As Kyle was facing the wall, facing away from the guy, pulling his finger out of Kyle's arse, the guy pushed Kyle hard against the wall. The guy reached down and grabbing Kyle by the left ankle the guy lifted Kyles' left leg up until it was resting on top of the urinal. Now Kyle's hole was totally exposed for the guy to see and do anything he wanted too, and although Kyle uncomfortable in this position. He didn't care; Kyle just wanted the guy to do unspeakable things to his hole.

Kyle felt something invading his hole, although truth be told, as Kyle's sphincter hadn't tightened up too much after the abuse it had been subjected to the night before, particularly having the dildo up there all night. Consequently, it was still gaping open a little bit, and Kyle wasn't too sure what the guy had shoved up there until he felt the guy wiggling his finger about. It was very quickly joined by another finger, and yet a third, which was about Kyle's limit. Kyle was moaning low and deep, which seemed all the encouragement the guy needed, as his fourth finger joined the other three up Kyle's gaping hole. All the while the guy had been fingering Kyle's arse, he'd been nibbling Kyle's neck and top of his shoulders, all of which got Kyle's cock rock hard, even though it was being ground into the cold hard wall tiles. The guy removed his fingers, only to replace them with his two thumbs which the guy used to stretch Kyle's hole even wider. Wider than it'd ever been stretched before, but Kyle didn't care, he was so turned on by the guy playing with his hole, that Kyle barely realised that he'd shot his load up between the wall and his stomach. The guy removed his thumbs from Kyle's arse, only to replace them by his four fingers again, which were quickly joined by the guy's thumb as it was worked up into Kyle's very stretched, aching, hole. Kyle wasn't sure what happened, but suddenly he felt as though his arse was very full, and he thought he could feel the guy moving his fingers around inside him.

"Fuckin' yeah!" the guy growled, which was the first words Kyle had ever heard the guy utter. And, if he hadn't fallen in lust with the guy before, just from the forced fucks he'd received, well he was certainly in lust with the guy, now, after hearing his deep, gravelly voice.

As Kyle felt the guy's fingers moving inside him, he could feel his cock trying to move while it was still sandwiched between the cold hard tiles of the wall and his stomach. When the guy eventually pulled his hand out of Kyle's arse, Kyle almost screamed as his very tender sphincter was stretched to its absolute limits, yet again. Kyle was sure the guy must have torn his sphincter. The guy only pulled his hand out of Kyle's arse to replace it with his rock hard cock, that he plunged balls deep into Kyle's arse without any opposition whatsoever. "Clampdown for your man," the guy growled in Kyle's ear. Kyle instantly clamped his sphincter closed, as tight as he could, around the guy's cock pistoning in and out of his arse, "harder! Harder!" the guy growled in Kyle's ear. As Kyle complied and tried to apply even more pressure on the guy's cock. Until Kyle couldn't stand it anymore and with a primal yell, Kyle shot his second load of cum up the wall between his stomach and the tiles. Kyle was sweating so much he was sliding around on the wall, as the guy was battering Kyle's hole. Kyle felt the guy grab him by the hair and pulling Kyle's head away from the wall; the guy growled in his ear "harder, slut! Harder!" and Kyle clamped down a hard as he could. And was rewarded with the feel of the guy's cock bucking inside his arse as the guy's cock shot his load of cum deep inside Kyles' arse.

The guy, pushed himself off Kyle when he'd recovered sufficiently. He pulled Kyle's leg from off the top of the urinal, and still with his hands entwined in Kyle's hair, the guy forced Kyle to his knees and shoved his softening cock into Kyle's willing mouth until the guy could feel Kyle's nose pressed hard against his pubes and lower abdomen. The guy held Kyle there until the guy could feel Kyle begin to fight against him so that he could take a breath. The guy pulled Kyle away from his abdomen, but just enough till he heard Kyle suck in a big breath. Then the guy shoved his cock back into Kyle's mouth as the guy could feel his cock growing again, and the guy felt it slowly snake down Kyle's throat. When the guy felt his cock had reached full-mast again, the guy began to face fuck Kyle in earnest, until he shot his second load of cum down Kyle's throat.

The guy, almost fully spent, pushed Kyle back off his cock. With some effort, the guy managed to stuff his cock back into his pants. Did up his fly, and without so much as a backwards glance at Kyle, the guy went and washed his hands. The guy grabbed a couple of sheets of paper towel and mopped his sweaty brow and face. Adjusted his tie and left the bathroom. Meanwhile, Kyle just lay on the bathroom floor as he felt the guy's cum dribbling out of his gaping arse.

Kyle eventually got to his feet, and on shaky legs, he walked back to his cubicle. He scooped as much of the guy's cum as he could from the insides of his thighs and licked his fingers clean. Kyle got himself cleaned up and dressed, and after washing his hands, he too left the bathroom. Kyle had lunch and headed back to work.

After work, Kyle didn't even think to call the other guys to see what they were going to do that evening. Kyle had a primal need to move. A need for pounding music. A need he just had to fulfil. Consequently, he ended up at the club yet again. He did meet up with some of his friends, but tonight he didn't have eyes for the Go-go dancer they'd all fallen in lust with, nor anybody else on the dance floor for that matter. No tonight Kyle danced the night away, to placate his primal urge to move, and for no other reason.

Friday morning arrived, and Kyle hurried to have his breakfast and get ready for work. He ploughed through his morning in his desperation to have sex with the guy once more. Kyle raced to the toilet block at lunchtime and got himself ready, but the guy didn't show. Kyle waited for forty minutes before he hurriedly got himself dressed, which wasn't helped by his rock-hard cock. Kyle raced out of the building, got his shopping and something to eat, and made it back to work just in time.

Kyle raced home after work, he stripped down to his jocks and boxers, and pulled out the t-shirt he'd just bought, he'd purposely bought it several sizes too small. Kyle just managed to get his forearms in the armholes before the hems of the sleeves were pulled tight. Kyle continued to force his upper arms through the sleeves, and by the time he'd got the sleeves up to his shoulders, he'd heard a lot of the stitching breaking. Kyle could barely get his head into the t-shirt, let alone through the neckline. Once again Kyle heard a lot of the stitching breaking, but he'd already decided that he was only going to get one wear out of it. He dragged the body of the t-shirt as far down over his chest as he could, but it could only cover the top half of his six-pack. It was so tight that it looked as though it was painted on. Kyle got out the smallest pair of jeans he owned, and Kyle stressed and strained just to get them up to his knees. Kyle stood bent over and holding onto the waistband of his jeans he jumped up and down until he had worked the jeans up until they were just under his cock and balls. Kyle stressed and pulled until the mid-seam touched the underside of his perineum. Kyle pulled the jeans up over his arse, then laid down on the bed so he could suck in his gut so he could do up his jeans. Having done up his jeans, Kyle tried to stand up, but because his jeans were so tight he couldn't, so he rolled off his bed instead. He slipped his feet into his sneakers but had to leave them undone as he couldn't bend over enough to do them up. Grabbing his bag, Kyle headed out the door. By the time Kyle had reached the train station, his jeans had stretched enough so he could actually bend his knees and almost walk normally.

Kyle arrived at the club, where he met all his friends, and more than a few people whistled at him. They entered the club together and danced the night away. Kyle was having such a good time that he hadn't noticed his friends leaving, in fact by the time he noticed anything that was going on around him, most of the patrons had left. Kyle didn't know that someone was dancing behind him, matching his moves that is until he actually felt the guy wrap his arms around Kyle.

Kyle tried to fight the vice-like grip the guy had on him. "Relax, babe," the guy growled in his ear, "that's better," the guy growled as Kyle relaxed back into the guy's embrace, as Kyle recognised the guy's voice and they continued to slow dance together in time with the music. They danced like that, Kyle and the guy, for a couple of songs, all the while the guy kept the soggy material clamped over Kyle's nose and mouth, much to Kyle's delight. While the guy's other hand started to travel down Kyle's body when the guy was confident that Kyle wasn't going to try and break free. When the guy's hand reached Kyle's jeans, he tried to undo the zipper, but owing to the fact that Kyle's jeans were so incredibly tight, the guy couldn't get the zip to move. "Fuck," was all the guy thought to growl in Kyle's ear, but it was heavily loaded with the guy's frustration. After a bit, the guy asked Kyle if he lived very far away. Kyle told the guy, somewhat throatily, where he lived, and the guy broke off from their slow dance. He grabbed hold of Kyle's hand and, giving Kyle the soggy shorts to hold, led him out of the club and around the corner to where his car was parked. The guy opened the passenger door for Kyle, before running around the car and letting himself in through the driver's door. He started the car and drove them to Kyle's place. Not on the trip home, nor even when he was letting them both into his flat, did Kyle even think to question the wisdom of what he was doing. Kyle didn't give the repercussions a thought, as to the fact that he was letting a total stranger into his flat. Albeit a stranger that he's had a lot of sex with, oh yes, as soon as Kyle heard the guy's voice he knew who he was, actually, if the truth be told, he was the guy Kyle had serviced a lot this past week. But who cares about syntaxes at a time like this?

Kyle reached for the light switch, only to be stopped by the guy staying his hand, "No, don't," the guy growled in his deep bass rumble, "there's no need."

Somewhat disappointed, Kyle led the way through his darkened flat, "Um, would you like a drink?" Kyle whispered, although why he was whispering in his own flat, Kyle had no idea.

"No," the guy growled, "There's no need," he added as his hand slid down Kyle's chest and came to rest on Kyle's tightly constricted cock. Kyle turned around to face the guy, he reached up and cupped his hand behind the guy's head and began to apply a bit of pressure to the back of his head, trying to draw the guy down into a kiss.

"No! Don't I..." the guy said, pushing his head back against the pressure Kyle was exerting on his head, "I... No! Not yet," he finished as he pushed Kyle backwards through the doorway, he rightly assumed led into Kyle's bedroom. The guy reached up and grabbing the fabric of the front of Kyle's t-shirt in both hands; he ripped the t-shirt open down the front. The guy reached up and ripped the last pieces of material off Kyle's upper body, and when he'd finished, he now had unfettered access to Kyle's nipples. Reaching over he took Kyle's nipples between his thumbs and first fingers of each hand; the guy began pinching, kneading and rolling Kyle's nipples with his fingers. Applying ever-increasing pressure, making Kyle squirm in his grip. The guy leant forward until his forehead was touching Kyle's forehead, and both men remained like that, sharing their ragged breathing. Particularly for Kyle as his lust increased for this, almost, perfect stranger who now stood in front of him in his bedroom.

The guy, much to Kyle's relief, stopped pinching and pulling Kyle's nipples, and instead placed both his hands, opened palmed on Kyle's chest and pushed Kyle backwards onto his bed. The guy jumped on top of Kyle and sat on Kyle's groin, and using both thumbs he pressed down, as hard as he could, and rubbed both of Kyle's nipples, pushing them into Kyle's chest, while he ground his arse into Kyle's groin. Making Kyle squirm, both in pleasure and in pain in equal measure, and Kyle, couldn't help himself, he was in ecstasy.

When Kyle's nipples stopped being so sensitive, the guy rolled off Kyle, he stood up and pulled off Kyle's shoes, and with a great deal of effort managed to peel Kyle's jeans off him, as well as his boxers and jocks. The explanation died on Kyle's lips, as the guy dropped his own jeans and boxers to the floor. Kyle shot up into an upright position and hoovered the guy's cock into his mouth, and Kyle was vaguely aware of the guy's audible gasp as Kyle's nose slammed into his lower abdomen. The guy dropped his hands to the back of Kyle's head, and he held Kyle's head in place for the briefest of moments before letting go so that Kyle could pull back and take a breath. Before he forced Kyle to impale his face again on his thickening cock. This time, before Kyle pulled back of the guy's cock, he sealed his lips as tight as he could around the guy's thickening cock so that as he pulled away from the guy, Kyle actually stretched the guy's cock as he went, breathing through his nose as he went. This time, when Kyle impaled his face on the guy's cock, he kept his lips sealed tight around the guy's cock; consequently, it didn't take too long for the guy's cock to get rock hard and for Kyle to be able to feel it snaking down and lodging his throat.

While Kyle had been sucking the guy's cock, the guy'd managed to strip completely. Kyle let the guy's cock fall out of his mouth, and while the guy was beginning to protest, Kyle stood up and grabbing him in a bear hug, Kyle spun them both around and pushed the guy backwards onto the bed. As the guy's back hit the bed, the guy's spit-slick cock slapped the guy's stomach with a very satisfying, and audible slap. Kyle dropped to his knees between the guy's legs, which forced them apart, so he could gain access to the guy's very low hanging balls, and Kyle sucked each one, in turn, into his mouth and gave them both a very thorough tongue bath. Until the guy's ball bag was nothing but a sodden mess. Kyle scooped the guy's nuts out of the way, so now he had access to the part of the guy he'd wanted to get to all night, as he inhaled the manly scent of the guy radiating off the guy's perineum before Kyle began to lick and suck every inch of it. Kyle heard the guy growl, "Oh, fuck...," every once and awhile which only spurred Kyle on that much more. Kyle reached behind himself and grabbed the guy's legs behind the guy's knees and lifted and pushed the guy's knees up to his chest, exposing the guy's, almost, virgin hole, to Kyle. Who set on the guy's tightly puckered hole with a passion, as he licked and sucked the guy's hole before he tried to force his tongue past the guy's extremely tight sphincter. When Kyle finally managed to work his tongue into the guy's arse, having just overcome the guy's sphincter, he licked and sucked it for all he was worth, revelling in the taste and smell of the guy's virgin hole. Until the guy couldn't stand it any longer, and he reached down and grabbed Kyle roughly by the hair. The guy pulled Kyle up on top of himself, and then rolled them both over so that he was now on top of Kyle, it all happened so quickly that Kyle didn't have enough time, nor the presence of mind, to try to kiss him.

The guy started to move down Kyle's body, the moment Kyle's back hit the bed, robbing Kyle of the chance to go in for a stolen kiss. As the guy made his way down Kyle's body, he stopped at each pap in turn. The guy grabbed hold of each of Kyle's pap in his teeth and rolled each pap, in turn, until, in the end, he bit down hard on them, so much so, that had there been enough light, the guy would have been able to see the impression of his teeth left behind on both paps. While the guy was bitting Kyle's paps, Kyle began to squirm under the guy, but, because the guy was lying on top of Kyle, he couldn't get away from him. But, thankfully, as far as Kyle was concerned anyway, the guy left his paps alone in time, as the guy continued to move down Kyle's body. For a moment Kyle got his hopes up that the guy might finally be going to suck his cock, but once again Kyle was to be disappointed. That was until the guy found Kyle's hole. Kyle pulled his own legs up to his chest, to give the guy better access to his hole as the guy circled Kyle's anus with one finger sending shivers up and down Kyle's body. Very gently at first, so much so, that Kyle wondered if he was imagining it, but slowly, by degrees, the guy began to apply more and more pressure to Kyle's hole. Until the guy's finger simply disappeared inside Kyle's hole, and the guy started to slowly finger fuck Kyle's hole. Eventually the guy pulled his finger out of Kyle's anus, Kyle heard the guy spit, and then felt the guy insert two fingers into his anus, and Kyle could feel the guy begin to wiggle his fingers inside Kyle's arse, occasionally hitting Kyle's prostrate, making Kyle's cock jump wildly every once and awhile. The guy inserted a third finger into Kyle's anus, and Kyle laid there enjoying the sensations emanating from his anus. The guy pulled his fingers out of Kyle's anus and spat on them again, as he reinserted the three fingers but this time he added his fourth finger. Kyle was going to tell the guy that three fingers were his limit, but when he felt the guy's fourth finger join the guy's other fingers up his arse. Kyle just tried to relax his sphincter that much more, to try and accommodate the intrusion of the guy's fourth finger. Kyle was sweating up a storm trying to accommodate the guy's fourth finger. Kyle couldn't tell when it happened, but the guy'd added his thumb to the four fingers that were already stretching Kyle's sphincter to the max, well what Kyle would have thought was his max. With all the attention the guy was showing Kyle's anus, what with all the pushing at, and stretching of, his sphincter, Kyle shot his first load of hot ropey cum all over his chest, he even managed to get some on his face and hair. Kyle wasn't sure if it was because he'd shot his load, or if he'd shot his load because of the fact that the guy'd pushed his whole hand up Kyle's arse. Kyle's arse felt very full, and his cock, even though he'd shot his load, remained rock hard and continued jump and twitched every time the guy pushed against his prostrate, which was almost constantly.

Kyle screamed when the guy eventually pulled his fist out of Kyle's arse, and it took Kyle a little while to realise that the guy had replaced his fist with his cock. In fact, it wasn't until the guy growled at Kyle to clamp down on his cock, that Kyle even realised that the guy was fucking his arse now. Kyle felt the powerful shudder that passed through the guy, as he shouted and cum in Kyles's arse shortly after he'd inserted his cock. The guy collapsed on top of Kyle with his cock still buried almost balls deep inside Kyle's bowels. When he'd recovered enough, the guy rolled off Kyle and laid beside him on the bed. Kyle wasted no time in turning around and sucking the guy's softening cock into his mouth, and Kyle set too and began to hoover the last of the guy's cum out of his cock. Naturally, as Kyle was sucking the guy's cock, it began to thicken and grow, snaking down Kyle's throat, and Kyle began to bob up and down on the guy's cock. It didn't take long for the guy to have his second orgasm and shoot his second load of cum down Kyle's throat. When Kyle was certain he'd sucked all the cum out of the guy's cock, he kissed his way up the guy's body, but before he had a chance to kiss the guy on the mouth. The guy pushed Kyle off himself, so Kyle ended up on his side, facing away from the guy. The guy rolled himself over, and spooning Kyle, fell asleep. Having no choice, as the guy had his arms wrapped around Kyle, and not being too unhappy about it, Kyle fell asleep in the guy's embrace.

Four or five times during the night, Kyle was woken by the guy's cock forcing its way between Kyle's arse cheeks, and Kyle pushed back impaling himself on the guy's cock. When the guy's cock had gained access to Kyle's hole, the guy slow fucked Kyle till he shot his load up Kyle's arse. Having cum up Kyle's arse again, the guy promptly fell asleep, most times with his still erect cock buried up Kyle's arse.

In the morning Kyle woke to an empty bed. He knew he was alone in the flat, for one thing, he couldn't hear the guy moving around in his flat, and the place just had that empty feeling. So, Kyle crawled under the covers and went back to sleep. When Kyle eventually emerged from his bed, he had a shower and got some breakfast. Kyle went back to his bedroom to salvage what he could of his bedding, as he made his way to his bed, he spied the shorts the guy had rubbed Kyle's nose in. When Kyle picked up the shorts they were still very damp, excitedly Kyle held the shorts to his nose and inhaled the guy's musky scent, and without realising it, Kyle had an instant erection. Holding the damp shorts to his nose, and with his cock pointing the way, Kyle went into the kitchen and got a zip lock bag and very reluctantly put the shorts in the bag and sealed it. Kyle went back to his bedroom and tidied up, all the while revelling in the stench of sex and cum that still hung in the air. Kyle went shopping after he got dressed, and feeling very daring after his night of hard sex; Kyle only wore his very dirty jocks under his very tight shorts. The shorts with the back seam the disappeared almost completely up his arse crack, perfectly separating his arse cheeks. Which earned him a lot of appreciative glances from some, as well as a lot of nose wrinkling from others, as he walked past their owners. Kyle returned home and put his shopping away, and because of his busy night, the night before decided to have an early night.

Sunday finally arrived, Kyle got up and scooping his jocks up off the floor, he put his collar on and went and had breakfast. Kyle had a shower and putting his very smelly jocks and collar on, he made his bed and cleaned up his bedroom. Kyle did his washing and cleaned the flat, and wiled away the hours until he could go to the Laird and hopefully meet Sir/Master again.

Kyle caught the train to Collingwood station, and exited Collingwood station onto Gipps St. Kyle loved Gipps St, all along the stretch of road that ran near the station, huge Poplar trees grew, and as the branches grew across the street and interlocked with the branches of the Poplar trees on the other side of the street. Consequently, even though the street lighting was working, the whole street was in permanent semi-shade, and if it wasn't for the houses and cars, Kyle could have fantasised that he was walking through a very orderly forest somewhere. Even though Kyle couldn't see too well if there was anyone around, he wasn't scared. Kyle loved Collingwood, it's an inner-city suburb, consequently not only are all the houses single fronted and sandwiched up against each other, but the streets were very narrow, which just added to the `ye olde worlde' feel about the suburb. So, while Kyle had to walk a couple of blocks to the Laird, it didn't really feel that far at all.

Again, Kyle got a coke from the bar, and went and sat at one of the tables, perfectly happy to nurse the drink for the rest of the night. While most of the patrons of the Laird wore some kind of leather or bondage gear, even the guys in the basement that Kyle could see through the grill set into the floor just for that purpose. Although, the guys in the basement were wearing a good deal less than those who were watching from up above. Kyle didn't feel brave enough to wear his collar, even though he had brought it with him, so he left it in his backpack. From his table Kyle kept scanning the crowd to see if he could find Sir/Master, he still hadn't decided what he should call him yet, but regardless, Kyle couldn't see him anywhere. Kyle could see one or two guys sitting on their haunches, decked out as dogs' complete with masks, tails, collars, and what looked like mittens on their hands. Kyle was so envious; he just wanted to go over and join the guys sitting at, what looked like, their Masters' feet. But not being too sure if that would be Ok, Kyle remained in his seat looking for Sir/Master', but his gaze was continually drawn back to the dogs'.

At 10pm Kyle decided that Sir/Master' wasn't going to be there, and even though he told himself that he wasn't, it was a very disappointed Kyle, who left his empty glass on the table and left the Laird. Not even walking back along the heavily tree-lined streets of Collingwood could lift Kyle's mood. Kyle turned into Gipps St, as a train raced across the railway bridge over Gipps St caught and held Kyle's attention, so much so that he didn't notice a shadow emerge from the other shadows near the entrance to the stairs that led up to the train station. No, the first Kyle realised that one of the shadows had even moved, was when the shadow was standing almost directly in front of him. Kyles' first thought was fuck, now he was going to be beaten up', because it was Melbourne in 2018, that sort of thing still happened, particularly as this was the gay area' of Melbourne, in these enlightened' times.

"Steady on there, pup," at the sound of that voice, Kyles' whole body seemed to almost collapse into itself, as a wave of relief washed over him. Kyle felt, more than saw, a hand come up and scratch him behind his ear, and Kyle leaned into his Master's touch, even though that wasn't technically how Kyle really thought about the man, but he could without too much prompting. "Let's have a look at you, pup," the man said as he shepherded Kyle back into a small alcove formed by the buttress of the retaining wall that held the earth in place, that the overhead trains ran on. When they were in the back corner so that nobody could really see what the two men were doing, even if they passed by their hidey-hole on the street. The guy opened Kyle's jeans and inhaled deeply of the aroma of Kyles' scent as it wafted up out of Kyle's jeans. The guy felt the material of Kyle's jocks tucked into the cleft of Kyle's arse crack, "Good boy," he said as he reached up and ruffled Kyles' hair. The guy cupped Kyles' genitals in one hand while he felt for the material caught between Kyle's nuts and perineum, had there been a little more light, the guy might have been able to see Kyle flame red as the guy was able to hold Kyles' small genitals in only one hand. Instead, the guy removed his hand from Kyles' pants, and before he ruffled Kyle's hair again, he held his hand to his nose and inhaled Kyle's scent. While the guy ruffled Kyle's hair, he asked Kyle if he'd smelt his own jocks yet. "Oh yes, Master," Kyle replied, "I love the smell of my own scent."

"Good boy," the man replied, as he scratched behind Kyle's ear again.

The man removed a bag from an inner pocket of his Driz-a-bone and held it out for Kyle. Kyle reached out and took the bag from the man almost reverently. "Now, you know what this is, don't cha boy?"

Kyle swallowed thickly, "Um, yes, Master."

"Good boy," the man said, "don't open it yet," the man continued as Kyle was just about to open the bag in his haste to get at the dirty jocks it contained in his haste to learn his Masters' scent. "Next week, put some effort into finding me at the Laird." With that said the man turned Kyle around, he rummaged in Kyle's backpack until he found Kyle's collar. "Are you ashamed of this?" he asked Kyle as he held up Kyle's collar.

"Um, no, Master," Kyle said as he hung his head.

"Good," the man said as he fastened the collar around Kyle's neck, "then leave it on next time," the man continued as he checked the fit, "ok?"

Kyle nodded.

"Good," the man said, as he reached up and scratched Kyle behind the ear, while Kyle leaned into the touch. When he'd finished, the man turned on his heel and left Kyle standing there.

Kyle pulled his jeans up, and having done them up, he went and got his train and headed home, with his precious cargo still sealed in its bag.

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