Kyles Transformation into Puppyhood

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jun 5, 2018


I wrote this story at the request of a fan, and it was a storyline I wanted to explore. So, boy I hope you like it. This story would not have been as good as I think it is without the assistance of the guys at Siriuspup, and while there are other sites out there that cater to pup play' Siriuspup I found to be extremely informative and helpful. Keep up the good work fellas, and woof'.

As usual this is a work of fiction and if guy on guy sex isn't your thing then stop reading now. This, along with my other stories on Nifty are my intellectual property and mine alone. If you want to read something better than this, then donate to Nifty so you can find something better written than this.

As always let me know what you think. I do like hearing from my fans.

So, without further ado. This, Kurby, is for you, and anyone else who might have enjoyed it.


Kyle noticed him the moment the train pulled into the station. He was standing on the opposite platform. Everyone around him appeared to be totally oblivious to his presence but what else was new in Melbourne these days. The man was wearing a black Driza-bone that was open at the front, and it just happened that the wind blew the coat open just at the right moment for Kyle to be able to see that the man looked as though he was wearing chaps. Kyle wondered if they were arseless or not, the man appeared to be wearing a leather jockstrap as well, and what appeared to be an old worn leather vest. Kyle was sure the man was wearing some kind of boot, but under the chaps, he couldn't tell. Kyle's train pulled out of the station, but the image remained with Kyle, and as he turned the image over in his mind he seemed to remember more and more details. Like the guy appeared to be an older man who probably hadn't shaved for a couple of days because Kyle could remember seeing a lot of grey and white in the man's stubble. Which gave more weight to the notion that he was an older guy, Kyle'd decided the guy wasn't hip enough for it to be designer stubble. The man was wearing a leather cap and had some kind of leather strap hanging from one of the pockets of his Driza-bone, with something metal hanging off the end that had just caught the light as Kyle looked at it.

Kyle could remember seeing, he thought, that the guy either had a pot belly or he was so old that his stomach was flabby, but for whatever reason, it was just hanging over the waistband of his jockstrap a bit. Kyle couldn't remember anything more about the man, and so he put him out of his mind, or so he thought. But, during the day, totally unbidden, the image of the man would flash in front of his minds' eye at the most inconvenient times, and Kyle would get lost in the image. Kyle was in a meeting with his boss at work midmorning. Halfway through the meeting, Kyle became aware of his boss calling his name repeatedly. "Um, what?" was all Kyle could think to say.

"What were you thinking about, Kyle? Does it have any bearing on what we're talking about?"

"UM, what? Um, no. Um, that is no, I don't think so, Sir," said Kyle as he got flustered and he could feel his face beginning to flame red.

The boss closed the meeting and told Kyle he'd reschedule, as Kyle's mind was clearly on something else other than their meeting. Kyle practically ran back to his office. He closed his office door, which is something he's never done before unless he was in a meeting. Kyle dropped the files on his desk and flopped onto his chair with the image of the old guy standing on the platform running through his head, yet again. And Kyle couldn't help but wonder if the old guy because by now Kyle had decided that he was an old guy, had a flabby arse as well. Which annoyed the crap out of Kyle as he really wasn't into old men, no, he liked guys his own age. Guys who could keep up with him.

Kyle eventually made it through the day, keeping his mind on the business at hand, whatever it was, somehow and raced for the train. He got himself a window seat and sat with his eyes glued to the window. When he got to the station that he'd seen the old guy on that morning, Kyle scanned everyone on both platforms trying to see if he'd see the old guy again. But he had no luck. Kyle was surprised by his level of disappointment. Kyle decided that he'd probably never see the old man ever again and tried to put him out of his mind again.

Kyle being a young twenty-something, unusually, didn't feel like going clubbing with his friends that evening. Instead, he planned to have an early night and put today behind him. Kyle went to bed and drifted off to sleep, but his sleep was plagued by strange dreams, which he would later come to consider to be prophetic. All his dreams that night involved him, naturally, but there was something wrong. In the dream, he was beside the man he saw standing on the platform that morning, but now the man was not wearing his Driza-bone he was only wearing his leather jockstrap, his worn leather vest, and boots that reached halfway up the man's calves. Kyle knew that he, himself, was completely naked, and for some unfathomable reason, Kyle also knew he was on all fours, but he wasn't the only one. Kyle could see that they were surrounded by other guys on all fours, but Kyle couldn't work it out because none of the other guy's lower legs were dragging on the ground. It looked to Kyle as though someone had cut their legs off just below their knees. Kyle heard the man telling him to go play' as the man unclipped a lead from Kyle's collar, that Kyle, up to that point didn't know he was wearing. Kyle's dream seemed to shuffle itself, as dreams are wont to do, and Kyle found himself playing' with the other naked guys, suddenly they all came up, at different times, and stuck their noses in his arse and had a good sniff. Just as Kyle found himself wanting to do to their arses, but there was something wrong with it all. Kyle couldn't see their cocks hanging down. Sure, he could see their balls hanging down, but being a dream, it all felt normal, while at the same time it felt surreal as well.

Kyle woke with the sound of his alarm screaming in his ear, to a very wet bed, and considering he still had a very full bladder; Kyle was a bit puzzled. That was until he pulled his saturated jocks off and could smell the unmistakeable starchy smell of fresh cum. Kyle was mortified to think that he'd had a wet dream at his age, and as the memory of some of his dreams flooded back, he reasoned that he'd shot more than one load of cum during the night. He lept out of bed and grabbing his cum stained sheets, he put them into the washing machine, stripping of his cum filled jocks and threw them in as well, and set the washing machine going. Kyle didn't usually walk around the place naked, not that he was a prude or anything, it just wasn't something he'd normally do. Whether he had anyone there or not, he usually just walked around in his jocks, but this morning he decided to make an exception. He walked into the kitchenette and made himself breakfast, all the while Kyle seemed to be hyper-aware of his cock and balls flopping around between his legs. He got himself ready for work and left the flat. On his way to work, and even at work, he had snatches of his dreams floating through his head, again and again, which seemed to leave Kyle with a constant boner all day.

Kyle went through the next few days just like that first day, he had more of those disturbing dreams, and he always woke in the morning with his jocks full of cum. And every morning he'd put his cum stained sheets and cum filled jocks in the washing machine and set it going. Every night after work he'd blow his friends off, claiming he had work to do for clients that just had to be finished, and Kyle'd go home and have early nights. Because while the dreams were disturbing as hell, as far as Kyle was concerned, he couldn't wait to fall asleep and enter his dream world. It was beginning to feel normal, well in his dreams anyway, to be a puppy, because that was the only way he could interpret his dreams. Friday night he went clubbing with his mates even though his heart wasn't really in it. He didn't hook up with anyone, although that wasn't that unusual and he left his mates and headed home early, and even though it had been almost a week since he had seen the man on the train platform. He still inhabited Kyle's dreams, and Kyle continued to dream that he was a puppy, so much so that it was beginning to get to him. Kyle was beginning to think that he just might be going mad.

Saturday morning saw Kyle doing his usual shopping. He'd finished shopping at the Prahran Market, and as he was walking along Chapel St he saw a pet shop across the road, and without realising quite what he was doing, he'd pushed the button for the walk sign to cross the street. He walked into the pet shop and was looking at all the collars and leashes, etc. Kyle already knew his neck size, because of all the shirts he wore to work, so he added another fifteen centimetres to his neck size and found the collar in the closest size. Kyle had to admit to a certain kind of thrill that raced through him when he picked up his first collar, and just the feel and the aroma of the leather caused him to pop wood instantly. He paid for the collar and stuffed it deep into his bag of shopping and hurried home.

Kyle let himself into his flat and put his shopping away. The last thing he pulled out of the shopping bag was his new collar. Kyle took it out of the shopping bag and laid it on the breakfast nook, he pulled out one of the chairs and just sat and looked at the collar laying there on the bench. Kyle felt a little silly just looking at it, so he picked it up and laid it across the back of his neck. Kyle couldn't deny the thrill he felt from the feel of the leather on his skin. He grabbed the two ends and buckled the collar up before he really had a chance to think about what he was doing. Kyle had popped wood almost the moment the collar had touched the back of his neck, he stripped down to his jocks and went and looked at himself in his full-length mirror and really liked what he saw in the mirror. While the collar wasn't the widest one he could have bought, Kyle thought the size really suited him. Yes, Kyle really liked what he saw in the mirror. He loved the snug feel of the collar firm against his skin, and the aroma coming from the leather was intoxicating. Consequently, Kyle wore his collar for the rest of the day while he went around his flat cleaning up. While it was distracting as he was leaking pre-cum all the time, well really distracting if he was being honest, Kyle could feel that his jocks weren't just damp, they were wet, and Kyle began to worry that they might just begin to drip. Still, it was late enough, so he stripped off his jocks, and they hit the floor with a satisfying wet squelching sound, and he climbed into bed. But no matter how hard he tried his hardon just wouldn't quit, so sleep was just impossible. `Fuck it', he thought as he scooped his very wet jocks up off the floor. Kyle barely had to touch himself before he had one of the greatest orgasms of his life. He actually saw stars, but even though he'd shot his load, his cock was still rock hard, so he had another go. By the time he was able to drift off to sleep, he'd actually ejaculated at least six times before he fell into an exhausted sleep. But he still woke in the morning feeling great. Kyle practically lept out of bed, went to the loo and went and had his breakfast. It wasn't until he went to shave that he realised that he still had his collar on, and as soon as he saw it he got an instant hardon, and somewhat reluctantly he undid the collar and set it aside so he could shave. When he took the collar off, he actually felt naked. He attended to his morning ablutions and replaced his collar and marvelled at his instant hardon. Kyle busied himself around the flat and realised that while he was wearing his collar, he didn't feel naked like he used to so he didn't put on a pair of jocks as he usually would. So, that was how he spent the rest of the day, with just his collar on and his erect cock bouncing around in front of him.

Kyle decided that he wasn't going to go to the club with the rest of the guys, even though that new drag queen was in town. No, tonight he decided that he was going to screw up his courage and go to one of the venues that catered specifically for the S&M crowd. He jumped on the train and headed for Collingwood and the Laird. Like most guys in Melbourne, he knew that it was there and who it catered too, and Kyle had always felt that he wasn't `kinky' enough to go there. But, after the week that he'd had, he kind of thought it was the only place he could go to tonight. So, he got out at Collingwood station and walked the couple of blocks to the Laird Hotel. Kyle found Gipps St to be very creepy as there were a lot of trees and they obscured a lot of the street lighting, not that Kyle felt like he was going to get attacked or anything. No, it was that it was very dark and a bit creepy looking.

He arrived at the Laird without incident and went inside. Naturally, there were a lot of guys dressed in leather or not. There was a hole cut into the floor with heavy wire over it so that you could see the guys in the basement, all appropriately undressed and in leather with a lot of them wearing collars, and not fall through. Kyle was feeling very out of his depth, so he got a coke from the bar and sat at a table in the corner and just watched the people around him without putting on his own collar. As hard as he tried Kyle just couldn't build up enough courage. Kyle nursed the coke for a couple of hours before he'd decided to go home. He wasn't sure what he'd expected to happen while he was at the Laird, but the fact that nothing had happened, well, to be honest, he was a little disappointed. Kyle wasn't sure if he was waiting for some great revelation that he was supposed to be there, or not but as nothing hit him, he'd finally given up and left the pub.

Kyle walked down Gipps St, and as he neared the station, he pulled his collar out of his bag and put it on, instantly he felt his cock respond. At that same moment, he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder. Kyle nearly shit himself, and he spun around to look straight into the man he had seen on the train station almost a week ago. "Hmm, I thought so. I took you for a pup the moment I laid eyes on you," he said with his gravelly voice, as he looked Kyle in the eye, "but there are some things you have to learn first", he continued. "You need to learn your own scent so stop wearing cologne! How can you learn your own scent if you drown it in so much cologne? From now on only wear antiperspirant, but just as much as you need, so from now on pits only. Also," the man said as he loosened Kyle's belt and undid his pants, "you need to learn your own scent. To do that," he said, as he reached into Kyle's pants and jocks and he grabbed Kyle's left arse cheek pulling Kyle's arse cheeks apart. "Wear your jocks like this," he said as he pushed the fabric of the back of Kyle's jocks into his arse crack so that it now touched his hole and all along the base of the cleft of his arse. "You have to wear this pair of jocks for a whole week, and every night I want you to smell them particularly here," the man said. As his fingers again pressed in between Kyle's arse cheeks and made contact with Kyle's hole, but this time with his hand on top of the fabric, not under it. "And here," the man said as his hand pushed Kyle's balls out the way, and his fingers ran between Kyle's legs along his perineum. He lifted Kyles' balls up and tucked the fabric of his jocks that ran between his legs up behind Kyles' balls, "these are the spots where you will encounter your scent the most when you stop drowning it, that is. Next week if you are in the Laird again, I will give you a pair of my dirty jocks so you can learn my scent as well. That is, of course, if you want to join my pack." With that, the man turned and walked back the way he'd come, while Kyle was left standing there with his pants open and his jocks giving him a permanent wedgie, but not quite as tight. Kyle stood there dazed as he could still smell the aroma of the guys' cigars that he'd breathed all over Kyle, and far from feeling violated from the way the guy'd manhandled him. Kyle felt like he'd found something worth more to him than gold, and it wasn't until he felt his jeans slowly slipping down his legs that he realised that he was still standing on a public street with his jeans down around his knees. So, he quickly pulled up his jeans and doing them up he went and caught his train home.

When Kyle got home, he stripped, as he usually did, but this time when he went to pull his jocks off, he felt them pull out of his arse crack, and he realised that he hadn't imagined it. That he'd really met the man he'd seen on the station almost a week ago and before he threw them in his dirty clothes basket he remembered what the man had said about learning his true scent. So, he held his jocks to his nose and inhaled the aroma from the back of his jocks that the man had wedged up his arse crack, and instead of being repelled by the smell, as he thought he would. He kind of like the smell, so getting more adventurous, he held the centre of his jocks, that went between his legs, and up behind his balls, to his nose and inhaled. Again, being pleasantly surprised by discovering that he kind of like that smell as well. Deciding to go the `whole hog' he then stuck his nose into his armpit, but wasn't as happy with that smell, because all he could really smell was his cologne, and he realised why the old guy had told him to cut it out altogether.

Kyle was surprised with the way his week had turned out. He'd gone from discovering he'd had a secret fantasy, even from himself, to not only discovering what that fantasy was but to actually finding someone who not only embraced his fantasy but who could teach him how to fulfil that fantasy. If he wanted too, that is, and he was beginning to think that he really did want to. Well at least explore his fantasy for now.

Monday. The acid test to his resolve of last night. He'd creme'd his bed again, but he didn't care. He stripped the bed and chucked it all into the washing machine and set it going. Had breakfast and jumped in the shower. After the shower, he reached for his cologne as usual but remembered what the old guy had said to him and what he'd decided to do, so he put the bottle back on the shelf and just used his antiperspirant as sparingly as he could, which meant just his pits. He got dressed putting on the same jocks he'd worn yesterday, making sure that the back of his jocks was stuffed into his arse crack as deep as he could get it. He lifted his balls and made sure the material between his legs was pressed up hard against his perineum before his allowed his balls go to be nestled by the material of his jocks. Before he arranged his cock, and while it felt very uncomfortable he did his best to ignore it as he left for work. At work, no one seemed to notice that he wasn't wearing his cologne, which upset him a little because he spent over $200.00 a bottle on it, and to have no one notice that he wasn't wearing any was a bit of a let-down. Still, he powered through his day and couldn't wait until he got home so he could smell his jocks and wondered if he'd like the smell as much now. During his lunch break, Kyle went to the toilet. He went to one of the cubicles and locked the door behind himself because he'd decided that he just couldn't wait till he got home. He slipped his shoes off and dropped his pants and stepped out of them and hung them on the hook on back of the cubicle door. Finally, he hooked his thumbs into the sides of his jocks, and with both thumbs on the inside of his jocks, he slid them to the floor. He sat down so that he could step out of his jocks and urinate at the same time. Kyle held the material that had been trapped between his arse cheeks all morning to his nose and took an exploratorily sniff. `Wow', Kyle thought as he hurriedly pulled his jocks away from his face and was glad that he was sitting down as he found the smell almost overpowering. So much so that he really didn't want to smell the material that had been trapped between his legs and shoved up hard behind his balls. But, he did it anyway, and not being able to help himself, Kyle cursed, and quite explosively, in fact, it was so loud Kyle was sure he could hear it reverberating off the tiled walls of the toilet, before Kyle remembered where he was. Kyle sat as quiet as a mouse trying to hear if there was anyone in the bathroom with him but exhaled the breath he'd been holding without realizing it. When he realised that he was still alone he held his jocks to his nose again to take another exploratory sniff, knowing how bad the smell was this time. While he didn't exclaim as loudly this time, it didn't mean that he liked the smell any better this time around. He shook the drips off the end of his cock and stood up, and it was at that moment that it dawned on Kyle that he was actually standing bottomless, apart from his socks of course, in a public toilet in the building where he worked. For some bizarre reason he raised his arms up as he gyrated his hips and turned on the spot a couple of times before he sat back down on the toilet and got himself dressed. Kyle washed his hands and went back to work.

That night when he got home, he stripped and put on his collar, he scooped his jocks up off the floor and tentatively held them to his nose again. The odour from his arse crack hadn't improved at all, and Kyle was beginning to wonder if he'd ever get used to it, let alone after wearing the same pair all day tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, as well. In fact, Kyle was beginning to think that maybe this wasn't what he'd wanted to do after all. Although he thought, he was liking the effect of his collar on his cock, which had been rock hard the instant he'd put his collar on, and while he reasoned he could just wear the collar, he did want to give his `kink' a good go. So, he busied himself around the flat, cooking his evening meal and tidying up. Watched some T.V. and went to bed.

In the morning, after he'd had his shower, Kyle picked up his dirty jocks, from off the floor, and although the smell wasn't quite as bad as it was yesterday, they were still getting to be a bit nasty. He debated whether to wear them again today or not. In the end, he decided to make a pact with himself; if he wasn't liking the smell any better by tomorrow night, then he'd give it all away and just wear his collar. `Cause he did like wearing his collar very much and was actually toying with the idea of buying a wide one, as Kyle really did like the look of a high neck collar on guys in uniform. So, he pulled his dirty jocks back on, ensuring that he tucked the back of his jocks between his arse cheeks and as for the material between his legs he made sure that it was tucked up and trapped behind his balls. Kyle finished getting dressed and headed off to work. What Kyle didn't know was that his lunchtime antics today were going to prove incredibly interesting indeed. Kyle went to the bathroom on his floor again, and just like yesterday the toilet was completely empty. Kyle went into the same cubicle he used yesterday and sat on the toilet to remove his shoes, and today he decided to remove his socks as well, so he did. He removed his pants and hung them up on the back of the door, he pushed his jocks to the floor, and scooping them up he held them in one hand. Today he thought he'd do it a bit differently and cupping his jocks in both hands he lifted them to his nose and took an exploratorily sniff, and to Kyle's surprise, he didn't think the smell was quite as strong as yesterday. Nor was Kyle totally unaware of the effect it was having on his cock, as he could feel it getting thicker and heavier hanging inside the toilet. Feeling bolder, Kyle wondered what he would look like in the almost full-length mirrors around the hand basins, and because he hadn't heard anyone else enter the bathroom, Kyle decided to leave his cubicle and look at his reflection. Throwing caution to the wind, Kyle decided to strip completely. So, holding his jocks in one hand, Kyle loosened his tie and pulled it off over his head, and it joined his pants hanging on the back of the cubicle door. Kyle unbuttoned his shirt, and it joined his pants and tie hanging from the back of his cubicle door. Pulling his t-shirt off over his head, Kyle was now standing completely naked in the public toilet. With his cock at full-mast and pointing the way, he opened his cubicle door and walked out and looked at himself in the almost full-length mirror while he now held his dirty jocks in one hand that he was absentmindedly holding them to his face. Kyle looked at himself critically in the mirror. He was thin but had no definition at all, sure there was a slight swell to his breasts, and while he didn't have a washboard stomach, he did have the beginnings of a very tiny pot belly which Kyle had thought of as kind of cute. He turned side on as he looked at his arse, which wasn't flabby but it wasn't rock hard either, and while his legs were thin they weren't particularly shapely either. Feeling a little disappointed by what he saw there Kyle turned around and leaned against the bench that the hand basins were set into, just resting his arse on it, and was busy daydreaming of how he could improve his body image, while he was still sniffing his jocks. In fact, he was so caught up in his musings about what to do about his body that he hadn't heard the door to the bathroom open, and it wasn't until the guy actually appeared in the communal washing area in the toilet that Kyle realised that he was there.

Which, incidentally was the same time that the other guy knew the Kyle was there as well. The guy stopped in his tracks and took in the sight of a very naked Kyle with his hard cock standing out from between his legs leaning against the hand basin as the guy stood and watched. While he stood there he observed Kyle holding something in his hand that the guy didn't even want to think about too his nose, he shook his head, as Kyle's face flamed red, and the guy went to the urinal to have a piss, he just wanted to do what he came in to do and get the fuck out of there. Kyle meanwhile had just decided to race back into his cubicle when he noticed the guy was just going to ignore him and take a piss anyway, and for some unfathomable reason Kyle decided to continue to just lounge there and watch him having a piss. The guy, Kyle had decided, had a very nice cut cock, and forgot that he was still totally naked as he lounged against the wash basins. It wasn't until the guy had shaken the drips off the end of his cock and was heading towards Kyle while he was stuffing his cock back into his pants that Kyle decide to make a move back to his cubicle. But now the other guy had other ideas and he grabbed hold of Kyle by his hair and one arm. He spun Kyle around and bent him over the bench that Kyle had been leaning against only a moment ago. The guy fished his cock back out of his pants and lining it up with Kyles' hole shoved it as hard as he could deep inside Kyles' hole, sensing that Kyle might have been about to protest. The guy grabbed hold of Kyles' hand that still had Kyles' his dirty jocks in and used that hand and Kyles' jocks to gag Kyle with, while the guy continued to fuck Kyles' arse for all he was worth. After getting over the shock and pain of having a dry cock shoved up his arse Kyle changed the angle of his hips to give the guy better access to, and also so he could plunge deeper into Kyles' now willing arse. When the guy shot his load of hot cum deep inside Kyles' bowels, just as Kyle shot his load of cum all over the bathroom floor, the guy pulled his dripping cock out of Kyle's arse. He then manhandled Kyle back off the bench and pushed him to the floor. He grabbed a fist full of Kyles' hair and forced his cock between Kyles' lips and growled at Kyle to clean him up, which Kyle did very willingly and very well. Kyle could feel the cock in his mouth beginning to get harder and begin to snake down Kyle's throat and it wasn't too long before the guy began to face fuck Kyle until he shot his second load of cum down Kyles' throat. Throwing Kyle to the floor the guy stuffed his spent cock back into his pants and zipped himself up. He washed his hands, and without so much as a thank you, or even a backwards glance, he left Kyle sprawled on the bathroom floor as he exited to toilet. Without realising it Kyle raise the hand with his jocks in it back up to his nose and inhaled the scent from it deeply until he'd recovered enough from the experience that he was able to get up off the floor and went back to his cubicle and got dressed. It wasn't until later in the afternoon, after he'd reviewed his lunchtime antics more than a few times that he realised that he had breathed in the scent from his jocks willingly. Not only willingly, but hungrily. Eventually, Kyles' workday ended, and he raced out of the office full of anticipation of being able to smell his own scent from his jocks again. While he was on the train, Kyle received a call from Rohan to tell him that they were going to see the new go-go' dancer at the club, and Kyle thought what the fuck. So, he told Rohan to count him in. Kyle raced home to change, trying to decide if he'd have enough time to whip his jocks off for a quick sniff before he headed back out again. But, reluctantly, Kyle decided that he didn't have enough time. He raced out the door and went dancing with his mates. The new go-go' dancer was certainly worth the look, particularly as his shorts looked like they might loose the battle to hold everything in place at any moment, particularly with the way the dancer was throwing his pelvis around with seemingly reckless abandonment. All the patrons fervently prayed that they were there if, or when his shorts did give out.

Eventually, Kyle ended up in his flat, alone, and this time he knew nothing was going to stop him from sniffing his very damp jocks. Kyle stripped and grabbed hold of his very damp jocks and held them to his nose, at first Kyle thought the acidic smell of his own sweat was going to overpower him, but as he began to be able to separate the scents that were assailing his nose. Kyle thought the acrid smell of his sweat enhanced his own scent, particularly from behind his balls. Kyle didn't believe that he'd ever be able to get enough of his own scent, so much so, that Kyle put his jocks on his head. So that some of the material that had been between his legs and between his arse cheeks was centred on his nose, and that was how he fell asleep.

As per usual of late, Kyle woke to a wet bed and it took him a moment to remember why he was wearing his dirty jocks on his head, but as he inhaled and his own scent from between his legs assailed his nose, he suddenly remembered why. Ripping his jocks off his head Kyle got out of bed and stripped the sheets off his bed and put them into the washing machine, thinking that he'd have to come up with some way of stopping this or he'd wear his sheets out. Still, under the circumstances, it was a problem that Kyle actually was glad to have for the moment. He had breakfast and showered and got ready for work. He raced out the door and headed off to work. All morning he was getting some weird looks from everyone and Kyle couldn't figure out why. At lunchtime, he went to the bathroom on his level and stripped in his cubicle again, the moment he undid his pants he was assailed by the now heady aroma of his naked scent. Kyle couldn't wait to rip his jocks off and rub them all over his face. He was standing, naked, in the middle of the washroom when the door opened and the guy from yesterday walked in. Again, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a naked Kyle standing, unabashed, in the centre of the room and doing his best to ignore him the guy went and had a piss. Just like yesterday, and just like yesterday Kyle stood and watched him, but with the hope that yesterday was going to repeat itself completely, Kyle was getting aroused, so much so that by the time the guy had finished shaking the drips off the end of his cock. Kyles' cock was leaking pre-cum freely. And unlike yesterday the guy didn't even bother pretending he was going to put his cock away so he turned and walked towards Kyle with his cock hanging lewdly from his open fly. But unlike yesterday the guy grabbed hold of Kyle and forced him over the edge of the bench, but this time Kyle held his own jocks to his face willingly while the guy rammed his cock the full length up Kyles' waiting quivering arse. Until Kyle felt the last final deep thrust of the guy's cock as he shot his load of hot fresh cum deep inside Kyle, but unlike yesterday the guy didn't have to force Kyle to his knees in order for the guy to force feed Kyle his cock. Kyle swallowed it willingly all the way to the root and buried his nose deep into the guy's very damp pubic hair while the sides of the guys zipper scratched Kyles' nose. Kyle only pulled back when he had to breathe, and as he pulled back Kyle could feel the guy's cock getting harder and wanting to snake down Kyle's throat again. Kyle hungrily sucked the guy's cock down his throat and continued to lick and suck on it until he felt the guy's cock spew a second load of cum down his willing throat. When the guy finally pulled his limp cock out of Kyles' mouth Kyle could see that it was all coated with his phlegm and other throat juices, so Kyle licked it all clean, and when it was cleaned to the guy's satisfaction he stuffed it back into his pants. The guy washed his hands and left the bathroom, again without so much as a backwards glance at Kyle, or a thank you as he remained kneeling on the tiled floor of the bathroom. Fuck! Kyle was beginning to really enjoy his lunch breaks now, and not knowing who the other guy was, was a real turn on for Kyle. Kyle got himself dressed and headed back to work. Rohan called Kyle and told him that they were all going to the club again tonight to perve on the new go-go dancer. Kyle didn't know if it was because of the memory of the new go-go dancer, or the fact that he'd just been well and truly fucked by some random guy in his office building. But he readily agreed and met up with Rohan and the rest of their mates outside the club.

"Fuck! You stink," Rohan said to Kyle as they pulled apart from their hug.

"What?" Kyle asked.

"What have you been doing all day? `Cause you smell like you desperately need a shower."

"Oh, yeah," replied Kyle, "I've been moving furniture around the office all day."

"Well fuck, you certainly smell like it. Do you want some cologne?"

"Um. No, I'll be fine. Come on," Kyle said as he grabbed hold of Rohan's hand and pulled him towards the door.

"Ok. But stand downwind of me or something."

The guys filed into the club, and any hope of further conversation disappeared as the guys were assaulted by the music blaring in the club. Kyle didn't care. He started out being a bit worried about his `smell', and could only assume that it was his jocks, and suddenly realised that people in the office must have been starting to smell it as well. So, he resolved to do something about it tomorrow. Tonight, he just wanted to perve on the go-go dancer, and Kyle, like the rest of his mates were not disappointed again tonight.

Kyle got a drink from the bar and found one of the few empty tables where he could sit and watch the go-go dancer. The dancer's dark brown hair was plastered to his head the dancer was sweating so much. Kyle'd decided the dancer's face was triangular in shape, as he had a wide forehead and his face, as Kyle's eyes travelled down it, could see that it narrowed all the way down until it came to the point of the dancer's chin. From his vantage point Kyle couldn't tell what colour the dancer's eyes were, mind you the dancer wasn't still enough for Kyle to really focus on them anyway. But, Kyle could see the dancer's small upturned nose sitting on top of the dancer's very small, but perfectly formed lips and Kyle's eye was drawn down to the dancer's small pointed chin. Kyle marvelled at the amount of sweat that was running down the dancer's face, and on down his neck that seemed to be almost too wide and thick as it almost appeared to dwarf the dancer's face. Kyle fancied that the sweat would have been able to pool in the hollows of the dancer's collarbone, if the dancer ever stood still long enough for his sweat to pool, that is. But, as it was it never had the chance, so it continued to run in small rivulets down the dancer's back and over his chest and abs. The dancer threw himself around with seemingly reckless abandonment that Kyle fancied that if the dancer wasn't dancing in a cage, he just might have flung himself off the platform he was dancing on long ago. When the dancer had his broad back turned to Kyle, he was able to watch the play of the dancer's muscles under his skin. Perhaps it was the lighting glistening of the dancer's sweat that made it that much easier for Kyle to see the play of the dancer's muscles. When the dancer turned side on, which he appeared to do a lot of, there wasn't much there, and Kyle marvelled at the lazy `s' of the dancer's back as his eyes travelled down from the dancer's broad shoulders all the way down the dancer's back. Kyle could tell how tight the dancer's shorts were because even though there was not a lot of fat on the dancer's body, Kyle could see the waist and leg bands of the shorts cutting into the dancer's body. Which was just as well, Kyle though, otherwise the dancer's cock would have fallen out by now. Kyles' eyes continued to travel down the dancer's muscular legs, his great thighs and calves and on down to the narrowest ankles Kyle had ever seen. It's a wonder they break Kyle thought.

Eventually, Kyle left the club, alone yet again, to head home full of anticipation of his nightly dreams.

Do let me know what you think



Next: Chapter 2

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