Published on Mar 26, 2014



"You should have stuck around" Kyle said.

Morris, a tall, former football player from high school looked sexy. He always did to Kyle. His torn sleeve jersey showed his thick arms and due to years passed it barely touched the top of his jeans.

"Why?" he asked taking another bite of the subway. Kyle and he sat near the tree where the study group had been earlier. Almost two years had passed since they stood in the bright blue graduation gowns in their high school bleachers.

"Things got out of hand, but fun, I learned allot" Kyle replied. He stretched back against the tree. He had already taken his tee shirt off. His slim torso soaked in the afternoon sun. He adjusted himself out of habit and perhaps for Morris sake.

"Yea thought so, that's why I left" Morris said "what did you guys do?"

He was interested, Kyle thought happily.

"Just about everything you can imagine. Maybe it was because of finals being over or because it was Friday. But one thing after another happened" Kyle said enjoying the memory as well as telling Morris "You should have stayed"

Morris said imitating Kyle having finished his subway. He tossed his jersey at Kyle "I thought you would do that stuff sooner or later"

Kyle inhaled the scent of Morris' sweat stained yellow jersey then yanked it from his face because he knew he should.

"Yea well I learned a few things, about myself too" Kyle said

"Hell I've known since high school, about you I mean" Morris closed his eyes enjoying the sun.

"Really? I didn't. I mean I didn't do anything then. Hell I haven't done stuff, well that stuff, either, until Friday" Kyle unbuttoned his shorts to relax more.

"What stuff?" Morris said

"Stuff I thought about doing in high school" Kyle was admitting things he had wanted to "with you" he added.

"Oh, so that's it" Morris said shifting.

Kyle thought Morris would grab his jersey and trash and leave him there.

Instead he heard Morris "Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Really? And get stuffed in a dumpster or worse?" Kyle didn't dare open his eyes. He feared if he did this moment would go away like a long desired dream.

"Yea guess I was a jerk then" Morris said "teenage crap. So what happened?"

"We were still undressed from the shower. Two guys were goin at it in there. We watched and jacked. Someone started messin with me and I ended up you know, blowjob."

Kyle opened one eye just enough to check on Morris. He saw the guy adjust himself. Hoping he was arousing Morris, Kyle continued.

"Hell someone started fingering me" Kyle's own crotch was expanding remembering the preceding Friday.

The lacrosse team had practiced longer than usual. Their season was over. But they wanted to hit the field anyway. The coaches played too and left the team members on the field. There was the usual grab ass game, followed by yelling, towel flipping and singing in the locker room.

Each knew it was the last they'd see each other on the field that year and for some, ever.

Kullum was a two year college, known for its technical training as well as their agriculture courses. Luckily for Kyle who wasn't interested in any of those subjects, Kullum also provided two years of liberal arts for those desiring to enter larger Universities.

That's where he was headed in the fall, State College. He hadn't decided on a major yet, but journalism was his prime interest, other than his newly realized sexual activities.

"You mean in your butt? Why?" Morris seemed more then interested.

"Feels good" Kyle shrugged "Not as good as other things" he chuckled.

"You mean you got corn holed" Morris, a typical farm boy used a term he was obviously familiar with.

"Yea fucked" Kyle corrected

"So you got fucked in the ass and mouth?" Morris seemed surprised

"More than once" Kyle said "Shamrock passed around a bottle, it helped"

Tyler Ryan, who everybody called Shamrock because of his obvious Irish descent, was always drinking. The teammates had to intervene more than once before a match to get him to stop. In Friday's locker room, he shared.

"Stupid ginger, he's gonna end up a drunk" Morris said "his old man barely gets through Dad's field work" Morris

"Yea well, it helped. I think everyone took a swig. And I wasn't the only one sucking cock" Kyle said He reached over and patted Morris torn jeans. Doing it casually would tell him if Morris was going to reject and leave or not.

He didn't leave.

"Shit, you guys. I guess it was just a bunch of horny guys, like we were in high school" Morris didn't move his leg either.

Kyle didn't need those words to recall the times Morris, he and other kids in the local town did circle jerk games. Everyone watched each other while they stroked. Those that lived on farms seemed to be the ones to start things going. Kyle learned about sex from their talk about the animals doing it.

"You ever mess around you know with the animals on your Dad's farm?" Kyle heard himself asking the question he had wanted to ask for years.

"Naw, I mean guys try stuff, but hell, the animals aren't into people. Calves get hungry though, but once they know there's not milk they quit or hurt you." Morris didn't seem embarrassed hinting at things he had done.

"Dan said I was better than a calf, made everyone laugh" Kyle said. He heard Morris laugh too.

"I bet he did" Morris said.

"- long cock" Kyle kept hinting.

"Yea, some got it others don't" Morris.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of. " Kyle "I've seen it"

"Of course you have." Morris reached to Kyle's bare shoulder and squeezed.

"So you want to suck my cock, is that it?" Morris was smiling.

"Anytime, maybe other stuff too, if you don't mind me being gay" Kyle shifted his body closer.

"Gay? I thought you were just messing around. But yea, I guess you are. Don't matter to me. Hell Donny and I did stuff with guys."

Donny was Morris' brother. He joined the Navy after high school. Like Morris, Donny was physically active in high school, though his sports activities were limited since he had to work on their Dad's farm.

It was there that Kyle had taken some books to Morris. Donny was there instead and shirtless. Kyle remembered the tall, dirty and mud splattered body. His jeans were so low on his hips; Donny's pubic hair was in clear view.

"Hey, you want to see something?" Donny said wiggling his finger. Kyle followed him into the barn. There Donny unbuttoned his fly.

"Shit that's the longest one I've ever seen" Kyle said seeing Donny's dangling cock.

"Yea it's pretty long. I get tired of cow fucking. You got a nice butt." He said stroking the long penis making it rise.

"Come on, we corn hole all the time"

Kyle didn't move away as Donny unbuckled his belt and let his shorts fall to the ground. The cock, coated with spit pressed into him. It hurt and Kyle yelled.

"Shit shut up you'll scare the animals" Donny said as he yanked Kyle's tee shirt off and wrapped it around his head. Kyle cursed into the cloth as the cock plummeted in and out of his virgin butt.

"You know we were just kids doing stuff, hell probably everybody does em" Morris continued his sketchy description of guy sex memories.

Kyle was still remembering the first time a guy's cock had penetrated his body.

"Hey guys" Dan stood in front of them. He was carrying his usual pile of books and a laptop. "Heading out, just wanted to say so long and stuff"

Like Kyle, Dan was finished at Kullum and headed to State University in the fall.

"I guess I'll see you in a few months. Mo, where are you off to?"

"Me? Ag stuff, like my Dad. Army got me a scholarship so I do that then Army Engineers for 4 years, after that dunno" he said standing.

Kyle was privately pissed their talk had been interrupted. He stood too and shook Dan's hand.

Dan pulled him close and they hugged.

"And thanks for you know the weekend" Dan whispered in his ear. "Can't wait till the fall" Dan backed away and hugged Morris to.

Kyle could see there wasn't any whispering to Morris. He had imagined Dan and Morris naked, messin around as Morris called it.

"So one by one, everyone's leaving" Morris said "Shit so many gone. Donny's coming home for a leave in two weeks, and then he goes too"

Kyle noted the sadness in Morris voice.

"Hell I'm around for a while, don't leave till September. Folks took off though, some cruise. Left me all alone for a couple of weeks.

"Really?" Hell my Dad never leaves the farm, and if he did, I don't think he'd leave me alone there. Probably thinks I'll screw it up.

"Naw, he's just a control guy. Probably why you turned out so.." Kyle stopped.

"Yea I guess. So you're on your own then this couple of weeks?" Morris not only asked but put his arm around Kyle's still bare shoulders.

"Yea wanna come over?" Kyle

"Maybe, if Dan says you're better than a calf, maybe I want to check it out" Morris shoved Kyle as if it were all a joke.

They stuffed backpacks and covered their torsos with the shirts they had stripped off earlier.

"I guess we're outa here" Kyle said waving at the buildings of Kullum College.

"Not me got some projects to finish, then I'm done" Morris said

Kyle had to leave, but he hesitated. "Where you off to now?" he asked

"Your place I guess" Morris smiled "Donny was right"

Kyle couldn't believe it was going to happen the way he fantasized. Morris would come to his house. He'd find a way to strip to his underwear, offer him a drink, and maybe get Morris to join him in the hot tub and then?..

"What do you mean?" Kyle reacted

"He always said you had a nice butt, he's right" Morris eyes aimed at Kyle's lower body and winked.

"Come and find out" Kyle replied

Morris laughed thinking it was a deliberate pun.

And maybe it was.

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