Kyle's Brother Needs It

By Justwriting / Rocky Hawkins

Published on Jun 24, 2017



Title: Kyle's Brother Needs It

Author's Note:

This story is told from an 11 year old's perspective, as narrator and protagonist, writing to a email pen pal from a school project.

DISCLAIMER: The following content may contain detailed descriptions of sexual interactions between a minor and adult. If the laws in your place of residence or your religious beliefs make it illegal or wrong to read such, do not continue. If this type of content offends you, do not continue.

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

MY alarm was going off, but I was having a great dream. I was in Steve's car, and we had the top down. We had just parked near the old Sander's house, and he was leaning toward me. I could feel the heat of his breath at my lips whe-

"DADE! Get up already! Your alarm is waking up the whole HOUSE!" my brother Joey, the 19 year old, yelled through our Jack & Jill bathroom. He didn't have school anymore, lucky!

For as long as I could remember, we always kept those doors open. Being brothers, we never had much to hide. Even though he was 5 years older than me, he always treated me as his equal.

Well, not completely. I never got to use his stuff, and he never gave me rides in his car, unless mom made him... but overall, he was pretty cool. He even taught me about the birds and the bees; at least the guy/girl parts. And, uhm, I've seen him jerk off enough to get how it works.

I flipped my alarm off and flopped back on the pillow. It was 6:30 am, and I had school today. I groaned at the thought, but my mind quickly snapped back to my dream. What was going on with me lately? It was the third time this week I had the same dream. Each time, I was just about to kiss... Steve.

Steve and my brother Joey are the same age, both 19. He and his brother Kyle have lived down the block for about 5 years now. I guess you can say that Kyle became friends by default. One day, Joey brought Steve home to play basketball, and Kyle just sort of tagged along. We hung out that day, went swimming, and found out we had a lot of the same geeky things in common. We have been friends ever since. He's about a year younger than me, but still in my grade. We have most of the same classes, and we walk to school together. We even have a sleep over planned this weekend.

As for me? you probably know my name is Dade. I'm 15, and I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I dream about guys, well, Steve, almost all the time now, and gym class is not easy to deal with lately. I'm a pretty good looking guy; I swim a lot, so I have a lean look. I work out with my brother too, so I am even getting some muscle tone. From the internet, I can tell that I am what you would call a 'twink' so far. I also have a pretty nice dick - I measured. I'm officially 5.5" uncut. I even posted a question on Reddit to make sure.

I laid there a few more minutes and tried to recall my dream. It was making me hard, and I could feel myself rubbing a bit against the covers. The alarm snooze came to an end, and "Beep Beep Beep" started again.

"Damn it Dade! Quit jerking off and go to school!" Joey stormed into the room, and slapped my alarm for me. He was naked himself, and I must've interrupted him too, because his 7" stuck straight out at me as he yanked my blankets off me.

I fought him a little, but he was really strong and dragged the blankets with him to the bathroom. I laughed and popped out of bed.

"Looks like I'm not the one jerking, JOESEPH." He flipped the blankets back toward me, grabbed his junk, and wagged it at me.

"You only wish you could have something like this." He laughed. "Now shower so I can wank and take one."

Like I said. Very open with my brother. Yes, we were both naked and hard. But honestly, never saw him as anything but a brother. My hard on was for another. Steve.

The weekend got here fast enough, and it was time to have a sleepover with Kyle. To be honest, we were really too old for these things, and we hadn't had a sleep over in over a year by this point.. but, my body was driving the choice. I wanted to see Steve naked. I needed to see what I was so horny after.

Did I mention that Steve is gay? Yeah, so he came out last year to Joey, and his brother, and then to me. Actually, I think that's when this obsession started. Ever since he told us, my mind, and my cock, have been fixated on him. I tried for months to find ways to hang out with him; but to him, Kyle and I are just kids. Where my brother enjoys hanging out with me and my buddies, Steve always acted more like a babysitter.

I was hoping to change that.

The night was all planned out. Netflix first, then Pizza, then an epic game of the new Zelda. It was two player, and we were going to CRUSH it. Kyle and I were even supposed to have the house to ourselves until midnight! Steve was working a late shift at the diner where he worked, and the parents were having a date night.

Kyle and I got the pizza cooked, and broke out the controllers. Before I knew it, it was almost 11:45! Steve and their parents weren't home yet, but I could feel sleep setting in. Kyle saved the game state, and we headed to the bedroom.

Our sleep arrangment was all set in advance. I wasn't happy, but I couldn't say a thing. Last year when I stayed over, Kyle would setup the living room, and we'd crash out there, camping style. Usually Steve would hang with us, pretending he was annoyed. I think he would hang around just to make sure we didn't get into trouble. It was cute.

Anyway, this time, Kyle told me I could stay in his room with him. Well, I was killer excited, because Steve still shared the room with Kyle! That meant he was going to be in here. I may get to see him change! Or sleep naked! Something!

But, no. when we got to the room, Kyle pointed to Steve's bed. "You get your own bed, no need to share. Steve's taking the couch, he said."

I nodded, and sighed. At least I get to lay in his bed. It smelled a bit like musk. Not gonna lie, it made me hard, before I fell asleep.

It must've been 3:30 or so when I heard it. I am a pretty light sleeper, and I don't move when I sleep, so when I heard whispers, I woke up right away.

"Not tonight, Steve. Dade's here. Come on, man..." Kyle was pleading, in whispers.

Steve, equally quiet, whispered back. "It'll be quick. You know how much I need it."

Without further words, I heard Kyle creep out of bed, grab his phone, and they both left the room. I had to see what was going on.

I peeked out of the door, and watched them sneak down to the main level. The house was setup that you could see the living room from the railing, so I got to my knees and crawled over to the staircase.

What I heard next, and what I saw... I couldn't believe what I saw.

Steve got down to his knees. Kyle was just in his underwear, having been asleep only moments before.

"Same as last time, ok?" Kyle said. Steve nodded, and looked up at his brother. It was weird to see Steve like that - like he was a slave to Kyle? Kyle lit up his phone and was navigating to a website. It was one I was all too familiar with, and I couldn't believe it. A movie started playing on the screen, and a girl moaned softly. Startled, Kyle quickly muted the phone. He was watching a porn!

"Can you do me too?" Steve asked, his hands now at Kyle's waist. He waited, his hands gripped inside the waistband.

"Steve, I told ya. I'm not gay. If you want to get me off that's cool, but I don't suck dick. Look, girls. That's what I'm into. I told you a million times, it's weird enough that you want to suck me off," he hesitated, and looked down. "I'm just doing this because it feels good, and when you find a dude that will do it to ya, I'm done."

Steve nodded, and pulled on the grey briefs. In what seemed like a flash, Kyle's hard dick, smaller than mine, was swallowed by Steve's mouth. Silently, he bobbed his head on it, his eyes closed. He had a rhythm, and apparently knew what Kyle liked. Soon, very soon, Kyle's knees began to buckle. He turned off his phone, and put his hands on Steve's head.

Kyle pulled steves skater-punk-90's hair toward him, forcing the 19 year old's face into his abdomen. Without sound, Kyle's hips bucked in place, and I could tell it was happening. Steve was getting a mouthful of his young brother's cum, and I saw it all.

I didn't realize, but I had reached down and was massaging my own uncut dick to the scene. I was painfully hard, and getting close, when something in the house creaked. The two brothers scrambled a bit, and I had no time to lose.

I hopeed in bed and yanked the covers over me just in time to hear Kyle sneaking in settle.

My cock screamed at me to finish what I started, but I couldn't risk moving. I fell asleep with the most blue balls I've ever had.

The few hours of sleep I had that night before breakfast didn't help at all. I woke up hard and horny, but there was no relief. Steve was in the shower, and Kyles Mom was already calling us down to breakfast. Kyle rolled over to look at me just as I was adjusing my hard-on, and laughed.

"Don't you hate mornings like that?" he shrugged and stood to get dressed. He was not hard.

My turn. "Well, I didn't get to jerk off or anything last night. This always happens when the gun is loaded. I'm surprised you're not boning up over there too?"

Of course, I knew why. His balls were drained only 5 hours ago. I saw him rustle for clothes, and he didn't look my way. "Yeah, well, some of us take care of it so we don't have that problem."

Nothing more was said about it, and to each other, it was tossed as banter. We always joked about sex and stuff. Plus, he had no reason to think I knew anything. In fact, neither did Steve.

When I got home from that weekend, and twice a day since, I've jerked off thinking about what it would feel like to have Steve suck me like he did Kyle. Steve had a great body, with muscle definition, and a killer smile. I didn't know what he was packing, but I was sure that if I got the chance, I was going to make use of it.

I had to figure out how to get him alone. It was the only way.

I didn't know that Thursday would be my chance. You see, Joey's car had recently started to act up, and he needed Steve to give him a ride for Thursday's movie night with his girlfriend.

But instead, when Steve got there, he handed Joey the keys. "I'm not going to be a third wheel, dude." he told Joey. I heard this as I was coming down the stairs, and turned on my heels. I ran up to my room, stripped off my clothes, and ripped open my dresser. I slipped on a pair of my cute new underwear that I bought on my own from a really hot guy website, and found a really loose pair of basketball shorts. No shirt. My chest was hairless still, and I had just showered earlier. I was ready for whatever may happen. I was already hard.

While Joey pleaded with him, I bounded back down to the living room. I listened as they went back and forth - that it would be ok - that Stacy wouldn't mind - that maybe they could find him someone to go with also; but we all knew that wouldn't happen. Steve was literally the only gay guy we knew in the whole town. His dating pool was pretty limited - which explains Kyle, I guess.

Joey eventually had to leave, to make the movie. He took the keys from Steve, jetting out the door. Steve kind of stood there for a second, not sure what to do. I adjusted my still aching hard-on so it wouldn't show, and then I spoke.

"Wanna play Zelda with me?" I offered.

Steve looked at me; he cringed for a second, like he was annoyed I would even ask. I was losing him! What do I do?

Then it hit me. How stupid. How easy.

I took a deep breath, thinking about every naughty clip I've ever seen, and slowly stretched back. I watched him as my torso caught his eye. I pretended to stretch, then I did it.. I slid my hand down my chest - over my non-visible,but tight, abdominal area - and pulled on my cock. Outside the basketball shorts, I adjusted it. Just enough.

Then I looked over at Steve again. His eyes had followed my hand, and he was now staring, in silence, at the outline of my teen hard-on. The silky shorts had slid down flat, leaving a nice bulge where my 5.5" dick strained against my sexy briefs.

He looked back up at me to answer. Did he just blush? "You know, I uh, should head home."

I smirked a bit as I realized: there's no time to be shy. If he was gonna do anything, it had to be now, tonight. He's not going to make a move. I had the power, and I had to make him do this.

"Seriously, Steve. I bet you'll love this 'game'," I emphasized the word game. I wanted him to know what I meant, "Come try it out. We can play in my room. Joey's out for hours, and Mom and Dad are at my Aunt's house for game night. I don't want to.. play.. by myself.."

I didn't think it happened except in movies, but he physically gulped. I saw his adam's apple literally jump up and down.

I stood up and yanked the cord from the wall of the game console. Grabbing the controllers and the game, I walked past him and started up the stairs. "Do you wanna come, or what?"

I was halfway done plugging in the system to the TV in my room before he appeared at the door. He was quiet, but no longer looked visibly afraid. I plopped down on my computer chair and threw the other controller on the bed. He came in and sat down. The game music was already playing, and I smiled. He's not gonna make a move, is he?

I watched him start to configure his character, and felt down at my cock. It was still pretty hard, and I wanted to take this to the next level. Enough.

I stepped in front of him and walked over to the bathroom. I closed the door, locking my side of the jack and Jill bathroom. Then, casually, I walked over and closed my bedroom door. I peeked behind me and turned the lock. He didn't seem to notice.

"Steve," I said.

"Yea, I'm almost got him ready here. Lots of options." He didn't look at me.

"Steve." I said again. I leaned against the door.

He looked up and stopped. "Uh, what, Dade?"

"Have you ever, you know, had sex? I mean, with a dude?" I had to stay strong. I can't believe I was saying it, though.

He looked at me, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess, sure. Why."

I caught my breath. "Was he older than you?"

Steve put the controller down and set his hands in his lap. "No. Why?"

I grabbed the hooks above me on the back of the door, stretching my body up a bit. I was fidgeting, but I also thought I looked good all stretched. Steve watched me, then averted his eyes. I watched his hands push on his crotch. Got him. He's getting hard.

"Steve," I paused, "Do you... Am I... Do you think I'm cute?"

Steve shuffled on the bed, and looked around. He was pretty much locked in, and I wasn't giving him a chance to bolt.

"Sure man, I uh, I guess. I mean, You're Joey's brother, so, you know..." He was stammering. I had to make a move. He was gonna leave.

"Steve," I breathed. "I'm into you."

Silence. The game, while still playing the intro music, was gone. I heard nothing. Steve, who was trying to figure out what he had got into, finally understood. More Silence.

I don't know where I got all this courage, but it hit me. I had to do it. Feeling a power from the silence, I rushed over to him, hopping onto his lap while simultaneously pushing my lips to his.

My arms caught on to his ribs, and my hard dick pushed into his stomach as I tried to align my lips to his. My eyes were slammed shut, and the sensation of his body under mine made me crave it more.

But I was rushing it, and he was in shock. My kiss, now softer, finding it's target, went unresponsive. He didn't move. He didn't push me away. He didn't reciprocate. He went cold.

I pulled back, meeting his eyes. The look on his face, telling me that he was scared to death, was a buzz kill.

Maybe this was a bad idea. Did I misread all the signs? Didn't he want another guy to mess around with? Was it just Kyle that he wanted? Oh no! Was he only gay fro his BROTHER?

My body started to recoil from this frozen stud on my bed. My hard-on was gone and my face got flush. I looked at Steve - he didn't look back. Even though it was seconds, it felt like hours that I sat there, straddled on his lap, my own nerves getting the best of me.

Move. Dade. You have to get off him. He's gonna freak. You're an idiot.

I backed off, but then, as fast as I hopped on him, I felt his grip pull me to him. His strong arms wrapped around me, and my face was thrust to his. Simultaneously, he stood and spun. Before I could realize what happened, I was on my back. His hands, holding my back, slid from the embrace, to my face. He pulled back long enough to push my wavy hair away from my face, and released his weight onto my body. I felt his chest on mine. My legs, still on either side of his ribs, slid down to his, and our body intertwined. He leaned in and kissed me - a kiss I've never felt before. Loving, rushed, tender, hard, full, deep. Every feeling i've ever wanted to feel was in. that. moment.

He breathed hard and I felt his hands slide down my sides. I could feel my dick responding completely as he pushed his torso against mine. This was happening.

We kissed. And Kissed. And hands touched. his hands slide up and down my body, and mine eagerly slid under his shirt. I felt him grind a bit on me, his cock also joining the game.

At one point, it had started to rain, and we didn't notice until the clap of thunder broke our spell. Steve pulled away from me, and held his body from me, his arms on either side. His hair fell to his sides, and created a shadow on his face. The storm had knocked out the power, but we didn't even notice. What time was it?

"Dade." he breathed. "You... I mean. What... Ugh. Should I be doing this?"

The feelings I had at this moment couldn't be measured, but I came back down a bit to hear what he had said.

I tried to see his expression, but there just wasn't enough light. I started to worry. I didn't want this to be over.

"...I mean, you are only 14, and I am 19, and, that's not really -"

"I'm 15," I interrupted. "And I'll be 16 soon."

I leaned up to kiss him again. I didn't want to stop. He pulled back a bit.

"Dade. Gimmie a second here." he rolled off me and laid flat on the bed. I couldn't move. As fast as we had started, he had ended it. I needed to make this right.

"Steve... I want this. I want you." I started. "I know I'm gay, and I've been.. attracted to you for a long time."

He put his hands to his face, frustrated. "Really? I mean, this isn't just some horny thing?"

I leaned on my elbow and faces him, sliding up to his side. "Yes. It's a horny thing. But that's just what made me hop on you..."

I laughed at the thought of me jumping on him like that, and continued. "Steve, I know there's not many gay guys in this town - but don't think that's the reason I picked you. And if you don't like me, I get it. I'm not 18, but I know what I want, and I'm older than Kyle, so.."

"What about Kyle?" He commanded. I flushed. Shit.

"Well, I mean, I'm actually gay, and i'm almost 16, and I mean, I was thinking that I would be able to have like, 2-way stuff-"

He cut me off. "You- You know? I mean, you know about Kyle?"

I leaned forward, and pulled at his shirt. He was locking up again. "All I know, is that I can be, like, a boyfriend. And not a last option. If you want it. If you would want.. me."

Silence. More fucking silence.

Finally, Steve spoke. "Are we gonna tell anyone?"

I blinked, and cringed. "Huh? Tell what?"

Steve turned to me, and for once, I saw his smile. The light that was creeping in the room from the window finally hit his face. "That we are dating."

I started to speak, but Steve's kisses stopped me. He rolled on top of me, and lifted up. He had me on my back, and he was straddling me. I could beed his ass on my pelvis, my cock now smashed under his hot body. He yanked off his shirt, making us both naked from the waist up.

I smiled and watched as his muscles flexed from the reveal. In the light I had, he was perfect. He came back down, pushing my hair back, and the most gentle kiss I've ever felt touched my lips. His hands, so big and strong, caressed my body.

His legs stretched out, and we were laying flat, him on top of me. Our grinding continued, and I could feel us both hard. My cock's foreskin was rubbing up and down as he slid around on top of me. I could feel some pre-cum making my sexy underwear wet, and he showed no signs of stopping.

Soon, he pulled away. He got off the bed. I was confused.

"Dade." he said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Here's the deal. I gotta tell you two things. And you have to understand them."

I nodded. He twisted around, checked the lock on the door, then came back to the bed. He didn't sit.

Standing there, he began to speak, quietly. "Kyle lets me suck him off."

I didn't move.

"Kyle isn't gay, but one night last year I was in bed.. crying. I was trying to be quiet and jerking off, but I was so sad. I kept thinking that I would never get laid, that I'd never find a dude. Kyle heard me and was watching the whole thing. Without a word, he came over and crawled into bed with me, and just hugged me."

I nodded, and he continued. "That night, he held me, then I held him. I was hard, and I kept rubbing against him. I wasn't trying, but it kind of just happened. Kyle, the best brother ever, closed his eyes, and whispered, 'get yourself off'. I didn't need to be told twice. I held him close and rubbed against him until I came."

I blinked. He must of been so scared to do this, but I guess I could relate.

"Dade, you have to understand - at that moment, he wasn't my brother. He was a man. A guy who I loved who was letting me love him. I know it's weird and wrong. But it felt so good...." He sighed. "After that, I asked him if I could help him get off. He reminded me that he wasn't gay, but always wanted to know what head was like. So, once in while, i give him head. I told him I would stop if he got a girl, or if I found someone..."

"I've never had any of that with anyone." I interjected. "I didn't think I would until I got away from this town..."

Steve nodded and touched my leg. "So, that's part one. No telling."

"I would never. I promise." I made an X on my chest to prove it.

"Ok. part two." he sighed. "Here goes. Dade, I think I love you."

I gasped. I couldn't help it. What? I mean, seriously, what did he just say? Love?

He rubbed my leg as he spoke, fidgeting, really. "So, I know it's a small town. I've had crushes on some of the guys in school. At work. On the street. At the coffee shop. But I've always.. Well, I've always set my eyes back on you. When you come over to see Kyle, I can't help it. You turned me on. I could never play with you guys like Joey does - I was always getting hard. My mind would always think about what you felt like and - I couldn't do that to you, or Kyle, or my best friend."

I was going to speak, but he kept going. "So, when you were alone tonight, in your hot shorts and stuff, I made a choice. Tonight, I was going to try to get you to tell me if you liked boys or not... and well, you beat me to it. That's why I was so shocked at first. Plus, I mean, you're 15. I mean, oh jeez."

I nodded and leaned up to him. My hands touched his, and we sat in silence for a moment. Well, he still stood there, his 5'11 studly frame, shirtless and hovering.

"Dade. If you ARE into me-"

"I am, Steve. I really want to be wit-"

"Let me finish."

I clamped shut. "If you are into me, like I'm into you, then that's all that matters to me. But, to our family? I don't know what to think. And the law.. the law says you are still too young for an adult boyfriend. I could get into a lot of troub-"

"I wouldn't ever let that happen!" I inturrupted again.

"It's not your choice Dade. Your parents have that control, you don't."

"Oh." I sighed.

"But today, right now, is our time. I want to do what you say is alright. Nothing more, and nothing less. So, tell me, Dade Murphy... what do you want?"

I smiled. The whole time he spoke, I knew what I wanted. But, did he mean sex, or what?

"Well, I want... I want to be your boyfriend." I stammered.

"Ok, well, like I said, we need to figure that part out. I kinda meant... what do you 'want'?" with that, he grabbed at his jeans, moving his hard-on a bit.

"Oh!" I said. I hopped to my knees, and knee-crawled to where he was standing at the edge of the bed. In this position, my face was almost to his.

"Steven Tyson. I want... to know.. what you feel like... inside me." Holy shit. I said it.

Steve nodded, and his hands went to his belt buckle. As he unfastened them, he paused. "Two things. First: no one can know about this - I will go to jail. Second, uhm. Ok, so, I've never really... done, you know - 'it' before. So, uhm..."

"I haven't either. But I've seen it on porn. Normal porn, not pay stuff. I know what happens. I wont tell a soul."

He smiled and his pants fell to the floor. He reached down to take his shoes off, and pulled his pants off. I quickly stripped off the shorts. We were both in underwear when he crawled onto the bed.

Touching each other was the best part. He felt all over me, I felt all over him. We grinded and rubbed and hugged and kissed for about 45 minutes before he reached down to pull my underwear off.

He grasped my cock hard, and whispered, "uncut? huh." I guess he didn't think I was. My 5.5" cock responded and my precum was almost constant at this point. When he took his hand and licked the fluid from it, I almost came right there. My hands reached for his waistband, and he pulled back. He wasn't letting me get his own cock free, and it was murder waiting!

Finally, he pulled off me and sat up. "Dade, will you suck me?"

I nodded profusely, and watched as he lowered his underwear. It was then, I saw it. Like a porn star, he had the perfect 7" cut dick I've ever seen. He had littel body hair, and his pubes were trimmed to match. his abs sloped into a V shape and I couldn't stop staring.

I rolled to my stomach, crawling to get my face near him. I've never sucked a dick before, so i started with a kiss. Then a lick. I put my lips around him, and started to push in.

"Ohh! Dade, stop." I pulled away. "Ok, stud. rules of this part. You gotta get your mouth wet all over. You have to keep my dick wet, and.. most important.. you have to watch that your teeth don't scrape. If I'm too big, we can try-"

But I wanted this. Bad. "No, not too big. You're perfect. Got it. No teeth, keep it wet.:"

Before he could say anything, i gathered some saliva on my tongue and slid my mouth back on. He was right, that was the trick. I was able to go half way down before I started to gag a bit, but I didn't stop. He moaned and flipped his head back, and I knew I was on the right track. I tried some things I saw in the porn; I flicked my tongue and sucked hard at the tip. I rolled around his shaft and tightened my mouth when i pulled back. Sometimes, he would moan load at what I was doing. I was sure that meant he was liking it.

"Baby, that's so fucking awesome." He breahted. I felt him run his hand through my hair, and he started to move his hips. My neck was getting a little sore, but the feeling of him sliding in and out of my mouth was amazing.

I moaned a little at the feeling of him pushing deeper into my throat, and his hand now gripped my hair a bit as he tried to get in deeper. I gagged a little, but I wasn't afraid. He was loving this, and I was gonna give him all I had. I coughed when he pushed in fast, and he loosened up, but I wanted it again. I put my own hand over his on the back of my head, and he got the hint.

It was only a few minutes total before he started to pant. I knew that sound.

"Dade... I'm.. getting.. close.." he was breathing hard. I closed my eyes, and he put both hands on my head.

I had no idea what to expect when it happened. A few more pumps from his cock and there it was. A groan from deep in his throat, and my throat was gagging on globs and globs of cum. He shot over and over inot my mouth, and when I started to choke, he pulled back, splashing more on my tongue and in my cheeks. I felt like I was drinking a gallon of pudding, and he seemed to pulse 6 or 7 times.

When he stopped pulsing, he left his dick in my mouth, so I had no option but to swallow. The taste was new; salty, bitter, but creamy and sweet. Not something I would eat with toast, but from Steve, I'd taste it again. For sure.

He leaned back, pulling from my sweaty face. I reached down to my own straining cock, now angry at me for being ignored during all of this. His head was flipped back, but when I moved, he turned to watch me. Then he stopped me.

"Dade, stop." He urged. My hand was down at my dick, and i had just begun sliding the skin up and down.

"But, I..." I looked at my dick in hand.

"No. Let me." Steve pushed his hand to my chest, and i collapsed on my back in the bed. His mouth went to mine, and I felt him kiss me, tongue inside, probing my mouth. What was left of his cum was now mixing between us, and my cock twitched at the thought. I needed to cum.

The rain had stopped, and at that moment, the lights and clock flicked back on. My phone, detecting electricity from the charger, lit up, showing that it was already 10:30. 3 hours had passed, and we were still going at it.

He kissed my neck, then my chest, then my abs, before sliding his head down on my shaft. I grabbed the blankets around me for support as I fought not to cum immediately.

I heard him chuckle as I tensed up. He knew I was ready. With his mouth still on my cock, he spoke. "Jush cum anythime your readhy, Dahe."

the massage his mouth was giving me was too much. I felt him get all the way to the base of my cock ,and he started to hold the skin with his lips while he sucked. the friction and the motion were getting me so hot, I couldn't help myself. On instinct, I guess, my hands went to his head, and grabbed into his hair. I felt my own hips push into his mouth deep, and even he gagged a bit on that. I was getting so close, I could feel the shivers coming. He slowed down a bit, licking the tip of my precum off. I watched him, now in the light, as he smiled from the taste. He looked up at me and pulled off my cock, but kept slowly stroking with his hand.

"You pre-cum a lot. It's pretty tasty!" He chuckled. His hands were like magic, and I was pretty wound up.

"Steve, I'm getting pretty... close..." I couldn't form words; the sensations were so good. His hands let go of me, and my eyes went wide. I tell him I'm close and he STOPS?

"Ok, buddy, but I want to taste it too." His mouth slid back to my covered tip, and he pushed down, sliding the foreskin with him. I felt my back arch a bit and my eyes rolled into my head-

BANG BANG BANG! "Dade, you home? The theater lost power so we came back here. Is Steve still here? Why the hell is the bathroom door locked?"

It was Joey! I looked at Steve in panic. My head was reeling, and my cock was still in his mouth. He started to pull off me, but his sensations were too much.

I started to cum as he pulled away. Gushing, the first spurt hit his nose, and he quickly went back down on me. I clamped my mouth shut as I felt wave after weave of my orgasm. He sucked and sucked all of it into his mouth, sending shivers into my spine. I wrapped my arm over my mouth to smother the moans that I couldn't help escape.

"Dade, I can hear you jerking off in there. Come on' man, let me in, I need your BluRay player! Internet's down and we wanna watch a flick!"

I was still in extasy when I heard the sound of the jack and Jill door lock turning. He had grabbed the key from the drawer!

I pushed at Steve to get up, but it was too late. There, in that instant, was my brother, looking at us. Me, flat on my back with my head on the edge of the bed. Steve, on all fours, ass in the air, with his mouth shoved deep on my cock, his face splattered with part of my first cum shot.

"I, uh, oh, man, sorry, I uh.. Steve? Oh, damn. Oh, Uh... " He backed out of the room, not looking back.

Fuck. Fuck Fuck.

From the other side of the bathroom, we heard a call out. "Uh, just bring me the DVD player when you're uhm, whatever."

The cleanup was fast and silent. We both got dressed, and Steve washed his face. Without words, I brought down the dvd player, set it on the couch, and Steve let himself out. His keys were on the door stand, so he just left. I ran upstairs, and flopped back in bed. I am going to die. This is how a gay guy dies. Embarrassment. Complete and utter secret-lost-no-coverup-sex-scandal.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I didn't answer, so, through the door, he spoke. "You forgot the adapter cable. Can iI come in and get it?"

I sighed, but didn't speak. He came in, and grabbed the cable. I was on my stomach, face in my pillow. Dead.

I felt him looking at me. He got to the door, and paused. Just go away!

"Dade. Uhm. Look man. What I saw-" I stopped him.

"You didn't see anything. Just go away!" I pleaded.

"Ok, yeah, well, I did see things," he paused. "I don't... I don't get it. But here's what I got."

I turned to face him. He was braiding the wires as he spoke. "If you're gay, cool. Fine. You found another dude to try things. Ok. With Steve? weird, i can see it, sure. You're 15. That puts my bestie in a bad place. But, his choice."

I looked down at my shorts. They had a small spot where I was pre-cumming. I slowly covered it with my hand, but couldn't speak yet.

Joey continued with, "WE never had to hide anything before. So I just wondered why you've hidden all this? Steve too...?"

I looked up at him. My eyes welled up a bit, and i sniffled. I had to tell him the truth.

"Joey," I stammered, but somehow found some nerve. "No, that's not it. I thought I was gay for a little while now, but I wasn't sure. I've just been having these dreams about Steve... and he didn't know about that part yet. Then, tonight, I kinda, well, I kinda seduced him and-"

"You seduced HIM?" he laughed.

I raised my eyebrow. "Yes. When you took the keys, I changed into my shorts, no shirt. I thought maybe I could see him a bit less clothed too.. I dunno what would happen, but I wanted to try. Anyway, after we talked, we found out we were both kinda into each other. Ione thing lead to another and-"

Just then, my phone started to buzz. I looked, it was Steve, in a text. 'Are you ok? I shouldn't have bailed like that. Should I come back over?'

"It's Steve." I said, and started my reply. 'No, all good. chat later. Joey will text you in a sec.'

Joey took this moment to ask, "So, literally, all this went down tonight, in like, 2 hours?"

I nodded. "Neither of us knew the other was interested, until tonight. I think, we might be.. dating. "

We talked about this for a few more minutes, and I told Joey to text his best friend and clear the air. Over all, Joey was cool with it, but there was still some weirdness at times - it's not usual for a best friend to date your underage brother.

It wasn't until almost a month later that I knew what it was really like to be gay, with a boyfriend. And not just socially either. I'll tell ya, porn doesn't prepare you for that, and lube is a requirement!

But, that's for part two, I think.

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