
By Jon Bennett

Published on Oct 9, 1999


Thanks for all the emails.. only 2 flames which got trashed. Here is part 4.


A voice seemed to be reaching for him from a far distance. Jeremy seemed to reach for the voice but could not find it. Looking around him he saw only blackness. Finally in the farthest reaches of the distance he could see a light. He started moving towards it. His body felt like it was floating. He struggled to get to the light. His body started to feel heavier. He felt himself starting to fall, yet he was falling towards the light. Heat enveloped his body, pressure on it. He started to scream yet there was no sound, no air, finally a ripping shriek came from his lips or at least in his mind.

And he opened his eyes. He was in unfamiliar surroundings, his body soaked in sweat. His arms and legs were restrained to what seemed to be a bed. He continued to struggle. Hands gently took and held his face.

"Dude" said a voice. "Stop it. Relax, stop it man. You are gonna hurt yourself."

Somewhere in the recesses of his brain, something clicked. He knew that voice. Kristian..

Jeremy swallowed three times but couldn't get his vocal cords to work. Kristian pulled his head over gently. "Easy dude, listen to me. Its Kristian. Don't move. You're in a hospital. It's OK, you are OK now. You have a respirator tube in your throat. That's why you can't talk. I just rang for the doctor. Don't move."

Bits and pieces slowly came to his mind. Why was he in a hospital? All he could remember were these strange visions, Kristian, the party, strangely floating through space. He closed his eyes as a wave of dizziness passed through him. He opened his eyes again and Kristian's face swam into focus.

"Jeremy dude" said Kristian. "You have scared the shit out of me man"

Before he could continue a doctor in green scrubs walked in carrying a clipboard file.

"Hello there" said the doctor. "I'm Dr. Kenzington. You've given us quite a time but I think you are over the worst. I'm glad to see that you are awake. Let me try to bring you up to speed in a minute. First look this way."

The doctor took a penlight and shone it in his eyes. The bright light caused some pain but helped him focus. He then checked the reflexes of Jeremy. Grunting as doctors do, he wrote some things down on the file. Finally he sat down on the edge of the bed and spoke to Jeremy.

"You are a very lucky young man" said Dr. Kenzington. "You were brought in here over a month ago, unconscious having seizures. It took us over 3 hours to stabilize you. It's a good thing you are in good shape. We did blood work on you and found out that you had an incredibly high amount of both LSD and a synthetic drug called Xstacy in your bloodstream. Your blood alcohol level was pretty up there too. You have been in a coma for almost that whole month you've been here. The police are interested in talking to you too, but that can wait. I'm going to have some more blood work done on you. If you stay conscious for a while longer and the blood work is OK, we'll get that respirator out of your throat in a little while. I don't know what happened to you, but the worst looks like is over. We'll talk more about that later."

Jeremy's mind was racing. Everything he, felt, saw, experienced.... drug induced? How. He didn't fuck around with anything other then a little pot now and then. A whole month of his life gone. The terror showed in his eyes.

"Easy son" said Dr. Kenzington. "I know you are scared. Its a natural reaction. You are all right now. You are very lucky to have friends like this gentleman here-pointing at Kristian. He hasn't left this room since you were brought here from ICU three weeks ago. I'll let him tell you more. I'm going to go order the tests and I'll see you a little bit later."

He patted Jeremy on the shoulder and left the room. Kristian moved back over to the bed. He gently moved Jeremy's hair back off his forehead.

"I'm glad you are back man" said Kristian. "I think someone slipped you some stuff man. I can't imagine you being that stupid as to take acid and shit. I heard this scream and you were on the floor shaking and moaning. We called 911. When the paramedics got there you weren't even breathing. They got you back. The doctors were really worried about you for a while. You kept having seizures in the emergency room."

Jeremy tried to speak but couldn't. He didn't understand. Everything he felt, the sex, the orgasms, Kristian in his room.. None of it was real? He didn't' understand.

"Whoa dude" said Kristian. "Don't get that look on your face again." He put his hand on Jeremy's chest., lightly rubbing it. "I know you are scared. Its OK. I'll stay here. The doctor is right. I haven't left this room for the most part since you were brought here. Went home a couple of times to get clothes and a shower, but mostly just been here."

Jeremy felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. He looked up as Kristian faded from view.

Chapter Two: When Jeremy woke up again, it was about 6 hours later. He felt different. He could move. The restraints had been removed form his arms and legs. His whole body felt like he had been beaten. He moved his arm with effort. He noted that his throat felt raw but he could swallow better. The respirator was gone. What the doctor had said earlier had come back to him. He was in a hospital. Someone had somehow drugged him and almost killed him. His brain still lacked the capability to understand all he had experienced. He moved around a little in the bed and heard a noise. Kristian was in a chair next to the bed. He was sleeping it looked like. Jeremy noticed that his clothes were badly rumpled and that he now had a beard. Jeremy realized that Kristian had meant what he said about not leaving the room. He wondered why. If all the things he had "experienced" with Kristian were only in his drug fogged mind, then why was he here. Kristian moved in the chair and woke up. He saw Jeremy awake and stretched.

"Hey Bud" said Kristain getting up from the chair a little unsteady. "You are looking better now that the number of things in your body is down."

Jeremy croaked out a response. He tried to say something but all that came out was "achugg"

"Heh" said Kristain with a smile. "Hang on a sec." He got a class of water with a straw. "Here try a little of this"

After a couple of near misses, Jeremy finally got some water to come up the straw and down his throat. The water felt incredible sliding down his throat. A few more sips and he lay his head back on the pillow. Swallowing he tried to talk again. A whisper finally came out.

"Why" was all he could ask.

"Why what man?" said Kristain. "Why did you get drugged? I don't know"

Jeremy shook his head. He lifted his arm with great effort and put his hand on Kristian's arm.

"Why.. You... here" he whispered. The effort seem to take massive quantities of energy from him.

"You are a friend. More really, but that can wait" said Kristian. "I'm here cuz you scared the fuck out of me man. I thought you were gonna die. Nobody dies at my parties."

Dr. Kenzington walked into the room at that moment. He noticed Jeremy awake and Kristian standing next to the bed. He made a mental note to himself.

"Awake are we?" he said. ":Good. I guess since your friend here hasn't left your side I can tell you both. The drugs have left your system finally. We need to do a few more tests but it looks like there was minimal damage to your nervous system. It should repair itself in time. Your body functions are returning to normal. As you can tell you are now breathing on your own. You probably feel like you have been run over don't you?"

"Yeah" Jeremy croaked out.

"Understandable. You had seizures on an off for almost 3 days. Your body has taken a great deal of punishment from the drugs that were in your system. We well keep you on fluids I think another 24 hours then try to get you back on some solid foods"

The doctor turned to Kristain. "As for you" he started. "Jeremy is out of danger. Professionally speaking I am beginning to wonder about you. You need to get some decent sleep and food. You aren't looking too well. Get a taxi and go home. He is out of danger'

The doctor paused to write some more in the file in his hand and left saying he would check on Jeremy in the morning.

Kristain looked down and Jeremy again. There were things to talk about but the doctor was right he was on the verge of a physical collapse. Even as strong as he was and what he was, even he needed sleep.

Jeremy saw Kristain looking at him.

"Go on" Jeremy said, his voice a little stronger. "I'm going back to sleep. Get out of here'

"I'll be back later man" said Kristain softly. Once more he ran his hand over Jeremy's chest. "You sleep"

The last thing Jeremy noticed was the door closing behind Kristian as his eyes closed.

Chapter Three: Jeremy awoke with a start. Sunshine was coming in thru the windows of his hospital room. He realized that his bladder was calling him. After some concentration he realized his penis felt funny. Having more energy then yesterday he lifted the blankets and looked down. There was a cath tube in his penis leading to a bag attached to the side of the bed. Greatly embarrassed even though no one was around, he closed his eyes and let it flow. Afterwards he lay there trying to put the pieces together. Everything he had thought he had experienced was a hallucination. It seemed to real to him. Yet stranger still was Kristian not leaving him alone in the hospital room. They were friends and all but he didn't' think that their friendship was that solid. While he was pondering these things Dr. Kenzington walked into the room.

"Good Morning" he said.

"Hi" said Jeremy, his vocal cords finally starting to work normally.

"How are you feeling this morning?" asked the doctor.

"Better, finally feel awake, but I still don't understand everything that happened" said Jeremy.

:That is to be expected" said dr. Kenzington. "You've sustained a massive shock to your system. You went into respiratory arrest twice and cardiac arrest once. The drugs altered your body's basic functions for a while. Your blood work shows that you are well on the road to recovery. I think we can unplug you from everything today."

"I'm confused" said Jeremy.

"Don't worry. Most of everything will come back to you in time" said the doctor.

"You said that Kristian never left here?" asked Jeremy

"Pretty much" said Dr. Kenzington. "He slept in the waiting room for ICU the whole time you were there and only left here once or twice. I'm glad he finally went home. He seems to care a great deal about you. I asked him about you and he said you were friends on the same hall at the university. Is there more?"

"I don't think so" said Jeremy. "He is a dude I'm friends with and we go running every morning but if you mean more.. more.. no" Evidently not thought Jeremy to himself.

The doctor made a few more notes then turned back to Jeremy.

"So, tell me something." he started. "We tried to locate your parents and had a hell of a time even reaching someone. We finally got your father and he was kind of indifferent about the whole thing"

"Dad and Mom are divorced" said Jeremy. "She was fucking around on him. I haven't a clue where she is. Dad is the corporate type always on the road, high end shit. I'm on his medical plan just because it is cheaper for him, but beyond that I don't even go home for the holidays. He sends me a check every month and pays for school."

"OK" said Dr. Kenzington. "I'll have a nurse come in and remove your IV's and cath tube. You will need to have a little physical therapy to make sure you are able to walk OK. Your muscles have slacked off in the month you were lying here."

The doctor left the room. Shortly thereafter a nurse came in with what Jeremy felt was way too cheerful an attitude. She deftly removed his IV lines and then pulling back the blanket, grasped his penis in a gloved hand and removed the tube.

"There you are" said the nurse, a much to cheery smile on her face. "You are free now"

Jeremy was too embarrassed to do more then nod his thanks. She smiled at him and picked up the things and walked out. Jeremy spent the morning lying in bed trying to re-construct this thoughts. The things he had experienced seem too real to him. He knew he wanted Kristian but he had to be straight. The thoughts and wild dreams(?) must have been induced by his lust for Kristian and the drugs. As he lay there a soft knock hit the door, followed by Kristian sticking his head in the doorway. Seeing Jeremy was awake, he came in. Having gotten apparently a good night of sleep it had done wonders for him. He was now dressed normally for him in clean jeans, a white dress shirt. His hair had been cut and was combed and the beard was gone.

"You look different than you did yesterday " said Jeremy

"You do too man" said Kristain, his smile lighting up the room. As he walked across the room, the sun reflected off the hammer hanging from his necklace. This brought a strange look on Jeremy's face.

"What's wrong man?" said Kristian.

"Just something that flashed in my head" said Jeremy. "The light flashing off your chain made me think of something"

"Yeah?" said Kristian. "Want to tell me about it?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" said Jeremy quietly. He couldn't tell him he was gay. "You wouldn't like it either"

Kristian came over to the bed and sat on the edge. The sun was reflecting off his long blond hair. Kristian softly took his hand and brushed the hair off of Jeremy's forehead.

"You can tell me Jeremy" said Kristian. "There is a lot I want to tell you too. I have a pretty good idea what you want to say"

"No, I can't" said Jeremy. "You'll freak and storm out"

Kristian bent down and kissed Jeremy softly. "What? That you are gay? I already know."

Jeremy was too surprised to stop his own reactions. Unbidden, his tongue snaked into Kristian's mouth. After a few moments he broke off the kiss and looked back at Kristian.

"You.. you're gay?" asked Jeremy

"Something like that" said Kristian. "I'm not gay, bi or straight. I just like what feels good. If it is with a guy that is cool, if it is a girl that is OK too. Right now, though.. I think I would like to settle down for a while with one person."

"Anyone I know?" asked Jeremy quietly.

"Yeah" said Kristian. He moved his hand gently over Jeremy's chest, feeling the muscles under the blanket. He reached forward and kissed him again, longer more passionately. Breaking the kiss he looked at Jeremy.

"When they brought you into the emergency room and you went into cardiac arrest, I really freaked out. I had wanted to seduce you the night of the party, but it was just going to be sex. The past month I realized a lot of feelings about you dude. I think I'm in love with you. About a week ago, I told the nurses that I would give you the sponge bath that they had been doing"

Tears came from Jeremy's eyes. He looked at Kristian. "I love you too man. I've wanted you ever since I first met you. When I was I guess out of it, I was having these really wild dreams of sex with you and shit. It was like a whole chunk of my life was revolving around us. We were already dating. But it looks like it was a dream."

"It can be reality now.. if you want" said Kristian.

"Yeah I do" said Jeremy. "But how did you know that I was gay?"

"That's kind of a long story" said Kristian. "I'll tell ya down the road after we get you out of here."

--------------- OK, so there is a bit of a twist here.. Its leading somewhere. Trust me. I'll tie it all up. Lemme know what ya think. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 5

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