Kristene Comes Home - Lesbian Love

By moc.loa@87netsirK

Published on Aug 10, 1998



Archive name: Krist1.txt (ff, teen)

Authors name: Kristen 'Kathy' Becker

Story Title : "Kristene Comes Home"

First posted 12/21/97

----------------Kristen's collection------------------

This is the story of a young American woman who grew up

in Northern Lebanon. Who returns to the United States

after her father dies, and has to pick up American ways

again, and has to "fit in". (I may do several stories

about Kristene, assuming I don't loose intrest. . .)

Kristene Comes Home

By 'Kathy'


Kristene Baker knelt at the base of the stairs,

not quite able to believe what she was seeing. The

sight of her older sister laying on the living-room,

with her boyfriends face buried between her legs, was

something that confused and excited Kristene. She knew

that watching them was wrong, but she was frozen into

inaction by the scene before her.

Kristene's life experiences up to this point in

time hadn't prepared her for such a situation. She had

lived out of the country for almost five years of her

eighteen years. Their father who was Lebanese, had

taken her with him back to his home country when he and

her mom had divorced. She never quite understood why

she'd been the one to go and not Amy who was a year

older, and more out-going, but she had, and her life

had changed dramatically. Living in the middle-east as

a Muslim, and learning the religious life style of her

fathers people had been quite a challenge for the young

American girl.

She didn't look like the rest of the kids, being

blonde and fair skinned like her mother, Kristene stuck

out like a Christmas tree during Ramadan. She was self-

conscious about how strange she looked to the local

population, and was glad that she was required to wear

the prescribed clothing of a Muslim female whenever she

had to go outside.

Now that Kristene was back in the United States,

everything was strange to her, after the strict

religious life of Lebanon, the exacting standards that

she had been held to, life in America was frightening.

There seemed to be unlimited freedom, and that scared

Kristene more than she would care to admit. She was

afraid of the kids at school, and afraid of the

teachers too. There seemed to be no order, no belief

system, no discipline of any kind. People just did what

they wanted whenever they wanted too, with little

thought of what was right or wrong.


So there she was kneeling behind the banister of

their stairway at home, watching an un-godly act taking

place in her own living-room. Kristene had been unset-

tled by her sisters actions ever since she'd arrived

home when after father's death. She had been relieved

when her mom had insisted that she be able to return to

her one surviving parent, but had been in a constant

state of fear and confusion ever since. Being confront-

ed with her sister having sex with her boyfriend was

just another in a seemingly long chain of events that

Kristene couldn't quite adjust to.

As the young girl turned and ran in embarrassed

confusion, she heard her name being called. Oh god,

they had caught her looking at them. Kristene couldn't

face that. It was unthinkable that she was even watch-

ing them having sex, much less oral sex which was an

offense against the Quran, and probably the Bible too.

She ran on, unseeing, tears of shame coursing down her

cheeks, not knowing or caring where she went, just

wanting to get away.


Amy had noticed a movement from the stairs and

saw her sister turning away. She was instantly sorry

she'd let Rob talk her into having sex at home. She

struggled to a sitting position shoving Rob's face from

her crotch and yelled for her sister to stop. But it

was too late. No telling how long she'd been there. Amy

knew that her younger sister was having trouble adjust-

ing to the American lifestyle, and knew that this lit-

tle scene would probably set her back even more. She

felt terrible, and she felt ashamed.

Amy grabbed her skirt and quickly wrapped it

around her waist, slipping on her shoes, and followed

her sister out the door. Rob had figured out what had

happened by then and ran out behind Amy, straightening

his chlothes as he went.

The couple searched until they saw Kristene sit-

ting in the bleachers of the little-league field about

a mile down the road from her home.

The young blonde was huddled with her sweater -

like a chadar - pulled over her head as if hiding from

the world. As Amy came up to her, Kristene's went

ridgid, not knowing what to do or say she turned her

face away from her sister. Her shame and humiliation

was just too much to bare.

"Kristene, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to

see us, honest." Amy said in a pleading voice. She felt

terible, her sister looked lost and frightened. She

felt so guilty she wanted to cry herself.

Kristene mumbled that she was sorry for spying

on them, that it had been an accident, and that she

would never do anything like that again. The two

sisters sat together hugging each other for a long

time, Amy reassuring her younger sister. Amy rocked her

Kristene gently back and forth, as if she where a baby

she was trying to sooth.

Rob stood back from the touching scene, with

thoughts of how nice both sisters looked. Faces flushed

with tears, color heightened from running around and

the crying. They both looked quite lovely. Rob was

still very horny, having planned a nice slow afternoon

of sex with Amy, and was feeling frustrated by the turn

of events, but was still hopeful.

He'd been attracted to the younger sister ever

since she'd shown up several months ago. But had been

put off by her strange behavior. For the first couple

of weeks she kept wearing that "chadar" thing, and kept

using Arabic to describe things she didn't know the

English word for. Even though she didn't have an accent

when she spoke english, she didn't know the name of

lots of things. It was just plain strange.

They'd gone to the mall shortly after Kristene's

arrival home, and Rob and driven both her and Amy. They

had taken her to several clothing stores. Rob still

remembered her trying on some dresses for school. Amy

had picked out some really sexy stuff, and Kristene had

tried them on. She'd looked incredibly sexy, especially

in that little red dress that came down only a few

inches below her snatch. (He smiled at that remembered

moment) When Kristene said that she couldn't wear

something like that in public, Rob had tried to con-

vince her that she looked like a goddess. And even

though she let Amy buy it for her, she had never worn

it since.


Rob ended up having to go home frustrated that

afternoon, because Amy wanted to spend some time with

her sister "by themselves". So he'd gone home and

locked himself in his room, to "beat his meat" while

thinking about what it would be like to have both Amy

and her sister all to himself. Thinking thoughts like

that, it didn't take him very long to find release. But

he found that he still wasn't satisfied. And his

thoughts returned to his girlfriends younger sister



That night Kristene dreamed about her sister,

and her boyfriend making love in front of her. Her

dream could not be controlled by will-power, as she did

during her wakeful hours. She dreamed that she hadn't

turned and run, but that she had walked into the room

and stood over the lovers on the floor. That her sister

had looked up at her, while Rob was busy between her

legs. That Amy had smiled sexily at her, with a strange

look in her eyes, and asked if she wanted to join them.

In her dream, Kristene saw Rob look up at her

too, her sisters sexual juices smeared all over his

chin and lips. In her dream, Rob reached for her hand

and slowly pulled her down to the floor beside her

sister, and just as slowly unbuttoned her Levi's and

undressed her from the waist down like her sister

already was.

In her dream Kristene looked up at Rob while he

took off his own clothing. He was beautiful, all mus-

cular and tan. He was perfect in her dream, he was

gentle, and expertly nestled between her legs. And her

sister smiled and watched resting her head on her hand

  • elbow supporting her head telling her that they

looked beautiful together.

In Kristene's dream, she felt Rob licking her

wonderfully, felt him massaging her private domain,

just like he had earlier as she had watched him and her

sister on the living-room rug. Then fear shot through

her, as she first felt, then saw him slidding his body

up her's. She had marveled at his "sex' equipment when

he'd first undressed, but hadn't thought it through.

She felt him continue to climb up her body until his

urgent need was obviously resting in her cradle.

In her dream Kristene reached down between their

legs and grasped his penis, his oh so hard penis. Kris-

tene wiggled a little sideways so she could see what he

looked like up close. Yes, for some reason it looked so

inviting, so slick and nice, and unbelieveably big.

Then without a word, Rob pushed her hand away and

hovered over her, hands firmly planted on each side of

her T-shirt covered shoulders, and touched her sex,

with his. Kristene could feel him at her opening, she

could feel his penis head stretching her open, then,

his smooth thrust into her depths. . .

"Ohhhh....Gggooddd." She moaned as she came in

the night. Kristene's eyes shot open as she experienced

her first true orgasm, biting her lip, trying to remain

quiet. She lay there silently rocking back and forth,

sensations rushing through her body, making her shiver

in physical ecstasy. She had come in her sleep, just

dreaming about Rob had made her come.

After the unfamiliar raking orgasms slowed and

finally stopped, Kristene was ashamed by what her body

had just experienced. She'd only had one other experi-

ence even remotely similar when she was thirteen, just

before going over to the middle-east. She had always

remembered that feeling, but hadn't understood what it

was, or how it had happened. And ever since she'd been

so tightly controlled, she hadn't even thought about

sex for the next five years of her life.

Kristene quickly began to feel guilty, about the

dream she'd just had. Having sex with her sister's boy-

friend, was against everything she'd learned from the

Quran, and Hadith. She was even more confused than be-

fore, and tossed and turned through the night. When

dawn finally came, she was up with the birds, and went

for an early morning run to work off the nervous energy

her body was generating after her new experiences, her

mind still in termoil.


The shower was turned up full blast as Kristene

stood under the flow, letting the hot water work it's

magic on her tense muscles. The run had been good for

her, but she still felt tense for some reason. She knew

that she had several more minutes to enjoy the hot

water, then she'd better get a move on, if she didn't

want to be late for school. As she stood under the

soothing flow, her mind drifted, she thought about her

high school and the day that stretched before her, and

her fellow students and teachers. She was far ahead of

most of the other kids at school academically, and the

teachers liked her because of that. But her class mates

weren't impressed, and although they didn't exactly

shun her, Kristene still hadn't made any real friends

yet. She knew it was probably her fault, she was shy,

and conversations were almost painful to get through

when some boy would strike up one with her, and the

girl just didn't talk to her at all.

The McPhereson's lived next door, and Carry, the

older of the two daughters had been paired off with

Kristene as soon as she arrived home from the middle-

east, but they hadn't gotten very close, again it was

probably her own fault, she thought sadly. Both their

parents had tried too hard to make them friends, and it

just didn't feel right.

Suddenly Kristene was brought back to the pre-

sent as her sister popped her head through the steam

filled opening of the shower-stall and asked, "Hey

lazy-bones, you going to school, or you planning to

stay in here all day? Mom wants you down stairs asap!"

Kristene felt strange as her sister stood there

giving her naked body an appraising look. "You know,

you really should wear something other than Levi's to

school. I'm telling you that senior year is the best

time you'll ever have. And with a body like that you

could have them eating out of your hands." Amy reached

in and turned off the water. Kristene stood there not

knowing what to do. She concentrated on not covering

herself with her arms and hands, she didn't want to

look guilty of anything. Amy kept looking at her with

a head to toe sweep, then finally said, "well, you

coming out of there or not?"

Kristene stumbled out of the shower as her

sister grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her

shoulders, rubbing her body vigorously drying her.

Kristene was becoming nervous, and asked her sister

what she was doing? "Amy, I can dry myself, please give

me a little privacy."

Amy looked into her sisters eyes and smiled,

"I know you can dry yourself Krissy, but I want to dry

you, is that OK?" Kristene didn't know what to say to

that, she wasn't sure why Amy was acting this way, but

she didn't want to offend her, so she stood in the mid-

dle of the bathroom and let her older sister dry her

body completely.

Kristene jumped when Amy's hand "accidentally"

touched her left breast. "I think I'm dry enough Amy,

thank you for your help, I'll take it from here if

that's OK with you?" Kristene said with a nervous

squeak in her voice.

"Krissy, you're gonna have to learn to be less

up-tight. You've been to places that I've only dreamed

of, and met people that I never will, and that's great,

but you're back in the good old USA now, and you need

to try to fit in more than you have. Try letting some

of those formidable defenses down a little." She smiled

while saying it, but Kristene was hurt by sisters

criticism. Amy finally left her to dress in peace,

glancing behind her one last time as she left the room,

admiring her younger sisters body, thinking to herself,

what a waste to keep it hidden all the time.


Kristene had been toying with the idea of wear-

ing more feminine clothes for the past week or two, but

knew she probably wouldn't do anything really. She felt

comfortable in pants, and after the ridicule she'd re-

ceived from the kids in her neighborhood for wearing

the chadar, (the traditional Muslim female covering)

when she'd first arrived home, she was in no hurry to

change her style of clothing again. But her sister's

criticism stung her, what was she a mouse, or a woman?

Kristene stood naked in front of the floor length mir-

ror and looked at herself. There was nothing in her

refection that bothered her to look at, she thought.

She had a well proportioned body, she had never really

given much thought about it before, but she was pleased

with her appearance. Most of her teenage years she'd

been covered from head to toe, and no one but her had

seen her body unclothed. It surprised her that having

Amy look at her nude, had been exillirating.

What would it feel like to actually wear the

skimpy red dress that Amy had insisted she try on. It

had felt absolutely sinful while she had it on. Kris-

tene still savored that feeling, she'd almost fainted

she had been so excited to have her body on display in

public like that. She smiled at herself, 'what a dope

I am, women all over the place wear stuff like that all

the time'.

Kristene was determined to "fit in", she was

going to wear that dress to school, and start to work

on making friends.

Just then she heard a knock on her bedroom door,

and turned to see Carry McPhereson look in. Kristene

quickly held her towel up to cover her naked body from

her neighbor. Carry was surprised that Kristene wasn't

dressed and ready to go, she had always been before.

"You're not ready." She said accusingly. "Come on, I

don't want to be late, I'm in enough trouble at school

as it is." It was Carry's "job" to accompany Kristene

to school each day. She didn't really mind it, and at

the moment wasn't really all that upset that her charge

was running late. It was interesting to see her neigh-

bor in such a comprimising postion.

On an impulse Kristene dropped her towel and

turned to face her class mate. "Carry, what do you

think I look like?" Carry stood frozen in the doorway

for a moment then stepped into the room closing the

door behind her. "You look really nice Krissy." The

girl came up to stand right in front of Kristene. She

smiled and pulled the her class mate to her, and kissed

her, wrapping her arms around the naked girl.

Kristene started to struggle after the initial

surprise had warn off. She was shocked at her own feel-

ings for the fleeting moment before reason told her

what Carry was doing was wrong. She had been taken to

that strange place that she had inhabited the night

before in her dreams. Kristene fought to break the

kiss, but her knees were about to buckle under her, and

her heart was pounding in her your ears, she felt weak.

Carry let her hands roam over her captives

smooth back, and down to her nicely shaped bottom, let-

ting her hand linger there while she massaged one cheek

between her fingers and thumb. Finally, unable to con-

tinue kissing Kristene without taking a breath, Carry

reluctantly pulled her lips away with one last swirl

against Kristene's tongue, and Carry stepped back and

said. "Yes! I think you look really sexy Krissy." as

she went over to sit on her class mates bed to watch

her dress. "So what are you going to wear today?" Carry

said, as if nothing shocking had just happened.

But Kristene was shocked. She was immobile with

shock. As much as by how Carry had made her feel, as by

what the other girl had done. "W-what j-just happened

here?" Kristene asked in a small trembling voice.

"Didn't you know?" I'm gay, I like other girls,

I thought you were displaying your wares for me sweety.

Everyone at school knows I hang with the "IN" crowd,

and we're all gay or BI, you know, it's really in right

now. I might decide to go straight later, if I find the

right guy, but for now, it's a lot of fun.... The girl

chattered on and on, but Kristene didn't hear her, she

was still shocked at how much she'd enjoyed Carry's

kiss and groping hand.

Without thinking about the consequences Kristene

went up to Carry and stood in front of her. "Carry what

do gay people do with each other? I don't quite under-

stand how they would have, you know, sex. I mean neither

of us have the right equipment, and all that. . ."

Kristene was stumbling through her sentence, not know-

ing how to say it. All she knew was that Carry had made

her feel wonderful, and she wanted more of that feeling.

Carry knew what to do, she could tell a horny

virgin when she saw one. As Kristene stood in front of

her, she reached up and ran her cool hands over her

friends naked breasts. Kristene closed her eyes and

savored the sensations she was receiving from her

friends touch. Kristene almost jumped when she felt

Carry touch her between the legs. Yes, it was wonderful

to have someone do that, she stood - legs trembling,

waiting for she knew not what. Kristene had no idea

what was happening, what to expect. All she knew was

that all of a sudden she had an urgent need, and she

could only hope that Carry knew how to satisfy it.

Looking up at her class mate at close range,

Carry was becoming excited. She had admired Kristene's

body even through her loose fitting clothes, but never

expected to get anywhere with her. She'd thought that

her neighbor was some kind of Islamic weirdo, but

weirdo or not, this was just too much. Carry was in-

stantly turned-on, and began to let her hands move over

every nook and cranny of her class mates body. She felt

the other girls velvety body, running her hands repeat-

edly over her breasts and nipple, watcher her tremble

each time. When she reached her naked pussy and started

rubbing, Kristene collapsed onto the bed, her legs no

longer able to hold her young body erect.

Carry rolled over on top of Kristene's spread-

eagle body and she started to do all the things she

liked to do best. Starting with Kristene's nipples and

working down to her fresh little pussy, tongue flicking

here there, and every where. Kristene moaned in lustful

passion at Carry's hand and mouth. That made Carry

smile to herself, remembering her first time.

"Bend your legs up, like your going to do sit-

ups," Carry said. Kristene did so, but she was getting

nervous, her body quivered at every touch. Carry put

her hands on Kristene's knees and asked her to spread

her legs apart. After she did, Carry slid her hands

down the insides of her friends legs towards her crotch.

"Beautiful pussy!" she said. Pussy? Kristene

had heard the word before in reference to a girl's

crotch, but had been told that girls hated that word.

Carry knew what she was thinking. "It's OK to

say pussy. Sometimes even cunt. Or twat. Whatever

you like. Just don't use such words in front of anyone

that you wouldn't say fuck to."

Carry put her hands on Kristene's inner thighs

and lowered her head between her legs. Kristene jumped

as Carry put her face right between her legs and press-

ed her mouth against her pussy. Kristene just stared

at the ceiling and let her do her thing. She had never

imagined anything like this before between girls.

Carry licked up and down her spread pussy lips,

so tenderlty that Kristene almost fell asleep. But then

Carry moved her hands inward and touched her vagina.

She pulled apart the little lips on them and pushed her

tongue inside. Kristene's body went ridged as her

friend tongued her. It felt weird, but good. So good

in fact, that her entire body got warm. Kristene had

the momentary thought that she was going to urinate all

over Carry's tongue. Alarmed she tried to stop from

doing that, but the feeling became more intense, and

Kristene became worried, she would be humiliated if

something like that happened. But she wasn't able to

restrain herself and had to just let it go. But she

didn't urinate, a star burst within her body, and

radiated outward, as Carry slowly and gently brought

her class mate to her first wakeful orgasm.

Kristene couldn't control her body, the release

was so intense, so wonderful. She was crying as her

body was racked with repeated orgasmic spasms. Carry

kept up her rhythm on Kristene's clitoris until she

could no longer take the intense pleasure, and pushed

her friends head away. Still crying Kristene curled up

into a fetal ball while Carry held her in her arms.

Carry continued to stroke Kristene's now sopping pussy

lips slowly, enjoying the moment, until the girls heard

Kristene's mother called for her to come down for



After that day Carry and Kristene became the

best of friends. Kristene wore her little red dress to

school that same day, and soon fit into the "IN" crowd.

(c) 1997 Kristen Kathleen Becker-

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