Kris and Josh

By Donny Berry

Published on Jul 5, 2001


Part two is here... HOORAY!!!!!

The usual disclaimer apply: If porn is illegal where you are, or if you are under the legal porn enjoyment age, I urge you to go else where, I hear that the JCPenny catalog is nice this time of year, (or at least have the intelligence to not tell anyone that you aren't supposed to be looking at what you are looking at).

I just wanted to take a second to thank all of the people that have written to me about the first chapter, and truthfully you guys... I love you man ::sniff sniff:: All of the responses really mean a lot to me, and I like hearing from you guys. Ohhh.. Also I warn you guys, my normal proofreader wasn't online when I finished, and I am kinda anxious to get part two out, so he didn't get to proofread it, therefore there might be a few mistakes that I over looked... sorry :->

So hear goes part two, for your enjoyment of Kris and Josh

As he started up the car I could still see him counting on his fingers...

"Kid, I only said two... its not that hard".

But then again that's Josh for you he's dense as a block of wood, speaking of wood... but I wouldn't mind messing with his 2x4 any day, but I didn't say that, I swear.

On the way there we made the usual idle teen chitchat, which as usual was about absolutely nothing, but hey, it was good time filler, so I was cool with that.

I don't know why, but I remember what song was playing on the radio while we were going over to his place. It was almost like one of those sappy teen movies where the one kid is sitting in the car, the cheesy poppy love song is playing on the radio, and the kid in the passenger seat swooning ridiculously over the driver, as this light that comes from only God knows where radiates off of his body, and then he turns, looks at the swooning passenger, smiles this sexy smile, and then turns his attention back to the road.

Well as you might have guessed, that was definitely not what this moment was like, it was more like this white guy with an unbelievable tan, and this black guy, driving, pretending that they were Blink 182, and that somewhere there was really a "man overboard". Still like I said, I knew what song was playing, but I'm not really sure why I know that useless bit of information, but apparently the author is trying to make me sound like a mindless black man that listens to all sorts of music, or take up space... one of the two, or maybe both.

Anyway, when we finally reached Josh's house, I was over come with this urge to pee, so instead of doing the whole potential lovers sitting in the car staring at each other in this awkward silence deal, I grabbed the keys to the house and ran inside to use the bathroom. Being that I was thinking that I was master seductress (seducer???), and a little crazy, I came out with my wang ever so slightly hanging out, pretending like I was having trouble with my zipper. However all Josh did was look at me, laugh, and then go back watching whatever show was on at the moment. When I sat down, I was kinda shocked to realize that the show that he was watching was "Queer as Folk".

"Josh, That comes on tonight?"

Being that my mom was never big on television, we never bothered to get all the premium channels until about a month later.

"I don't know, I was looking for one of my dad's porno tapes, and this came on. It looked kinda interesting so I was watching and waiting for you to hurry up and get out the bathroom so that we could start the usual porn fest."


Even though I knew that he was somewhatly interested in me, I didn't know if he knew that I was interested in him. As far as he knew, he was the only one that was interested in guys. I knew two things had to happen that night, and if one of them didn't include us having some sort of hot passionate sex, that there was going to be at least one serious case of blue balls exiting his house in a couple of days. And me being the one to overanalyze situations that I am, instead of just asking right off the bat, tried to think of a coy way to bring the subject up. Eventually though, I thought a little bit to hard about it and hurt my head, so I decided to just go with what ever came out of my mouth next.



He was still kinda into the show, so most of his attention at the moment was directed towards the screen.

" How come you waited so long to tell me that you were bi, or gay, or whatever?"


"Well still, how come you waited so long to tell me?"

"Mainly because I didn't think that I needed to declare my sexuality to you or any one else for that matter. Not only that, but what good was you knowing that I went both ways going to do for you."

"Well for starters I could have done this a lot earlier in life"

And with that, it began. I leaned towards him, and pressed my lips to his, softly at first waiting for him to respond. After what I can only guess was him getting over the initial shock of me kissing him, he started to kiss back, and the kiss slowly started to pick up speed and passion. Next thing I knew, his tongue was inside of my mouth, probing the depths of my molars, and wrestling with my tongue. Then he shifted his weight a little and slowly pushed me back onto the couch. Now (as I am sure you all figured out) he was on top of me, with the passion of the kiss picking up. Both of our hands started moving all over each others bodies, him feeling all over my arms and hair, and me with my hands roaming all over his ass.

Throughout all of this we never broke the initial kiss, and right when I thought I was going to die from not breathing, he broke the kiss and started to nibble on my neck and my ears, alternating between the two. This, incase you weren't earlier informed this has got to be my biggest turn on in the whole world, and even though I didn't mean to, I started to moan uncontrollably, however that didn't stop him, and as he was still nibbling on my neck, he was pulling up my shirt, and before I knew it, it was over my head and he was kissing on my nipple, slowly swirling his tongue around the left one first, and then the right one. This feeling was made even better by the tongue right that he had in, and all I could do was rest my hands on his head and let him follow his tongue to his goal. As he got to my abs he made sure to lick every one of them separately and then he made his way to my bellybutton stopping there too, to explore that region with his tongue. As he was doing that, and me being putty in his hands, he unbuckled my belt, and let his tongue continue on the fantastic voyage that he had started at my neck. With the way that he was moving his tongue, these slow steady swipes across my body, I thought that I was going to cum before he actually got to my dick, however I was able to regain control over myself, and before I knew it his tongue had reached my dick. My dick isn't really porno long, it's a modest 8 inches, and has an ever so slight curve when it's really, really hard, and has average thickness at about a one inch diameter. Apparently Josh loved every inch of it though, because he was all over it, sucking it with a fever that I had never felt before. He was swirling his tongue all over the head, and then taking it all into his mouth; I could feel his tongue ring following the original trail that the tip of his tongue had taken no more than a half a second or two before. I remember at the moment, between the moans thinking, "I really got to get my tongue pierced". After he had been slurping on my cock for a while, I could feel the cum start to boil in my balls. Normally I would have tried to stop myself from cumming in the hopes of letting the whole ordeal last longer, but I knew that this would be the greatest orgasm of my life, and to fuck with it might cause bodily damage. So I just relaxed and let the orgasm slowly take over my body.

My eyes started to roll into the back of my head, I started convulsing, and I think to randomly count in Spanish. I could feel my cum spurting out of my dick at speeds that are probably illegal in Iowa and Wisconsin, and when my eyes finally returned to the front of my head, I could see that Josh had been hard at work swallowing all of my cum, and was coming up to my head to meet my lips for a kiss. As he got closer, the anticipation of being fed my own cum almost made me shoot another boner. When our lips finally touched.., the kiss, that kiss, was something that I think might have just twisted my testicles in a knot, and made me realize that me and Josh were going to have to do this plenty more times before we parted ways. As our tongues wrestled, both of us feeding each other my cum, I couldn't help but moan, and groan, and whine, all at the same time.

Then suddenly I realized that through all of that, he hadn't cum yet. I felt so selfish, but at the same time incredibly satisfied; therefore I did the only thing that I could do, and that was to return the favor.

As I went down on him, I could hear him moaning my name, and when I finally reached his dick, he screamed like his favorite football team had just completed a "Hail Mary" to win the next Super Bowl. I guess getting me over the edge really got him worked up, because before I knew it, he was shooting cum into the back of my throat. His cum was like an elixir, it was sweet and tangy, and all together good tasting, and it left me wishing that there was more of it for me to drink.

After we had both cum, I remember lying there, my head listening to his heart beating, thinking to myself, "This may not be love, but if lust is always like this, I can definitely wait for love."

Neither one of us said much for the rest of the night, our sex drives basically took over, and we did a whole lot of kissing, and a whole lot of sucking. And when I asked him if he wanted to fuck me, he said, "Me, fuck on the first date, I would never do such a thing", and with that, he gabbed my hand and ran into the bedroom.

Well kids, that's the second chapter. I wonder what's going to happen next???? I'm sure that I will be able to think of something, but if you want to submit your own ideas for Josh and Kris's first fuck, (or maybe they will just watch TV), feel free to send them to me, cause, I wouldn't mind hearing your ideas. For those of you readers that are looking for them to fuck a chick, that may not happen for a while, but I promise that there will be some pussy fucking sooner or later, as well as plenty more "sleepovers" at Josh's house. For all of you guys and gals that want to send me ideas, or tell me what a crappy job I'm doing, send them here... all comments are appreciated, and make me giddy and further fuel my passion for writing, and plus, I like to hear people talk about me.

I hope that you all enjoyed this latest installment in the story and hope to hear from you soon.

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