Krampus: A Erotic Foot Tickling Christmas Story

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on Dec 26, 2022



I know it's a little late, because Christmas is already over with. But hey! Better late than never, right? Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this story.


A Erotic Foot Tickling Christmas Story

It's that time of year again. The most wonderful time of the year, or so they all say. Of course not everyone celebrates Christmas, that I somewhat understand. But most people do. And it's not just because everyone gets presents underneath the Christmas tree or anything like that. No! It's all about spending quality time with family and beloved ones. But then again, not everyone love their families for they don't get along very well from time to time. In all honesty, I could sympathize with a few for I too had my fair share of unlikable relatives in my family. But that is not the kind of story that I want to share. Too personal. Anyways, enough about all of that. Let us dive right into this delicious tale centering around the time I inevitably have on Christmas Eve.

This is the erotic tale of him. So let the story begin.

Today is December 15, 2022. A week before Christmas. I was going to the downtown city. I went to the Target store to get a few things for a friend of mine. Some decorations for the holidays. Although I don't feel like celebrating the holidays this time of year, but I did her a favor anyways. During the shopping trip, I look all around my surroundings. There's a lot of people shopping for Christmas decorations, props, and some toys for their children. Some adults, just like me, wanted to get a PlayStation or an Xbox One Series. That didn't surprise me one bit. However, I went about my business and paid for the stuff at the checkout. Now that I got the things that my friend has ask me to get, I grab the bags full of Christmas items and then I exited the store.

From there, I took an Uber back home to my apartment. Once I made it inside, I settled the bags on the kitchen counter. Time to kick off my boots, hang my coat, and now I head to bed early due to my exhaustion from today.

After an five hour catnap, I awoken to the sound of neighbors being loud as usual. Again, I'm not surprised. They're just being a good jolly happy family next door, laughing and having a good time. Who am I to judge them? I get up from my bed and head to the kitchen for a cup of fresh cold water.

I have returned to my room with a cup of water in hand. Since I can't get back to sleep now, I decide to kill some time by watching YouTube videos on my television. I scroll through the section of videos, some I haven't watched yet. And they are all Christmas themed. Normally I wouldn't be interested in watching those videos, but the one video about the demons of Christmas intrigued me. So I choose to watch the video.

In the video, an expert was explaining about the lore of Christmas demons. Each are terrifying and some are mischievous at best. However, there is one infamous demon that everyone knows all too well. And that demon is quite the opposite of the old jolly Saint Nick, A.K.A. Santa Claus. His name is Krampus. He was notorious for kidnapping naughty children who behaved very badly. Some legends say that he collect the souls of said bad children, and their families. And they will be damned for eternity.

I am not an skeptic person however. Because I've seen worse things in my lifetime, but I've also seen the beauty on both sides of the aisle; the good and the bad. Light and the darkness. So there's no doubt about it that I wholeheartedly believe that these extraordinary people exist. Especially Saint Nick and even Krampus himself. However, I've never met either one of them in person. Or so I thought. If I do happen to meet either one or both of them, what will happen next? Would Santa present me with a gift? Or would Krampus take my soul to do whatever he please? Who knows? Nevertheless, learning about them and the lore really peeks my interest. So I watch these videos throughout the night, until I fell back asleep once again.

The next day is here. And since I don't have to work until the following week, I have time to chill with a couple of friends over in the southeast neighborhood. I even brought the items that my female friend has ask me for. She thanked me for doing her a favor. Thus we watch a Christmas movie on Peacock streaming service, and we chill. We all laughed at the comedic moments of the said Christmas movie. During the movie, another friend of the woman came to visit us moments later. And she brought some delicious treats that she made from home. We all welcome her to the gathering and watch the rest of the movie together.

As the movie nears its end, we all resume our conversation as usual. One friend was expressing himself about how he's getting ready for the holidays. He is planning on traveling to New York, to visit his family on Christmas Eve. Of course they were all excited to spend time with their families around the holiday weekend. I however, don't have plans to visit my family at this time. All because I had a really bad falling out with a few relatives that I can't stand. So I'm gonna sit that one out. But my brothers are welcome to come see me if they want to. That's entirely up to them.

As we chatted away for a few hours, I just indulge myself with eating a few treats that my other friend had brought with her. Then I happen to notice a wrapped tray right next to my side. I asked the woman if I could have whatever it's in there. She wanted me to go right on ahead and have some. That I did. When I unwrap the foiled tray, I was puzzled to find that there is a lot of fortune cookies. Weird! But whatever. It is what it is.

We all each take a fortune cookie. Once they crack it open, they take a small paper out of it. And then they read their fortune. When I cracked mines open and took the paper out, I read my fortune. I am slightly bewildered when the message starts off like this...

"Santa Claus won't be able to come visit you this time of year. Instead, you will be visited by someone else. In fact, something else. You know who that guy is for he is infamous for bringing terror to naughty people around Christmas Eve. That is when you'll meet him..."

That message kinda sound ominous. What does it all mean? It says that I will be visited by someone else other than Saint Nick himself. But why though? I haven't been doing anything bad, (aside from my usual private activities), all year long. And second of all, I'm not even a kid. I'm a grown adult. Not that it bothers me, but this doesn't make any sense.

But I shook off the superstition of the supposed misfortune, and I continue to spend time with my friends all day long.

The night has fallen. But so did the temperature that has dropped to zero. Everyone is getting ready to leave. And I was about to call myself an Uber. Thankfully, my straight male friend has offered me a ride back home, since that's where he is going home to the northeast side via the highway. That was very nice of him to do this for me. As I got into his car, he drove us off onto the street.

It is a four to five minutes away from there. While we're on the highway back home, we kill some time to have an conversation about everything. And I mean everything! He already knows about my sexuality and my foot fetish. So it doesn't make him feel any less uncomfortable around me. Because after all, I respected his boundary. Besides, he just broke up with his ex girlfriend a few months back. He was pretty torn up about it then, and he is trying his best to move on. So I didn't bring it up. I just left it alone. After exiting the highway, and then took a turn on the main road for a couple of blocks away, we arrived at my apartment complex. I said my goodbyes to him and he drove away down the street.

I walk into my apartment on the fifth floor. When I remove my coat, boots and everything, I went to take a quick shower. While the warm water is running down from my long dreadlocks to my body, I thought about that ominous message that the fortune cookie has said. I know that I shouldn't be worrying about such trivial things, but I can't help that. I want to know what it means. It says that Saint Nick will not be visiting me this time of year. Not that it concerns me for I don't see any reason for him to come pay me a visitation. However, I'm more concerned about the other figure that will come visit me in his place. But why me? What did I do wrong to warrant this creature's visitation? The thought about it makes my stomach churn. And I can't seem to shake off this awful feeling. It's starting to make me feel sick. But I try my best to not think about it too much though. I just have to prepare accordingly for that day, if it actually happens for real. Until then, I will go about my days as usual. Working my two jobs and doing some other things.

I finish taking my shower, dry my dreadlocks thoroughly, throw on my comfortable sleepwear, and then I head for bed. Thus with the help soothing music and sounds, I've fallen fast asleep.

(Now its time for the best part of this tale. So let us continue...)

The Christmas weekend is finally here! All the stores around the area are closed. Nobody has to work today. And some people who already have plans to visit their families either in the same state or outside of it, are long gone. But as for myself, I didn't do anything important at the time. I just stayed at home, listening to music and watch a few movies on separate streaming apps. I have no intention to visit my family around Christmas, because I'm in no mood to deal with my uncles, my dad, my grandmother and my one ratchet old brother. However, my mother and my other brothers have come to see me over at my apartment. Thank goodness that I cleaned it up beforehand. We have a lot of catching up to do. I help my mother cooked a lot of food, played video games with my brothers, and we watched a scary Christmas based horror movie. One that starred with none other than the infamous demon of Christmas himself; Krampus. We laughed at the absurdity of the stupidest decisions that the characters in the movie made, which lead them into getting killed or captured by Krampus and his fellow demons. Speaking of which, today is Christmas Eve. So should I be expecting an unannounced visitation from Krampus himself? Or what? And when? I hope it's not when my mother and brothers are still here. It would be bad all around. So I'd check the hours every short second, all the while I chill with my mother and brothers for the rest of the day.

By the time the sun has set, my family is getting ready to leave. My one brother has to go visit his friends for a brief while during the holiday. So my other three brothers have to ride with my mother back home. I help them put the wrapped food into my mother's car. Now that they are all set to go. They'd wished me a Merry Christmas and then they drove their vehicles off onto the road. I just went back into my apartment complex.

When I got back into my apartment, I was cleaning up the rest of the mess from earlier. I took out that trash downstairs in the back of the building. And then I return to my apartment. Now that it is all done, I spend the rest of the evening, chilling in the living room, while I'm awaiting for my unexpected guest to visit me. I've been waiting for a few hours, and yet I still see nothing out of the ordinary. So this all of this anticipation for this guest has been for nothing. I guess the fortune cookie was wrong about my fate. Just as I thought. And second of all, I am feeling a little bit tired anyway. So I just went to my bedroom and then I took a catnap.

Just when I thought that it was all but a superstition. Oh! How wrong I was when this happens later tonight.

I was just enjoying a peaceful catnap, then suddenly, I heard a loud thump outside of my bedroom. That sound really startled me out from my nap. Then I heard the loud thumping again. And it's coming from the living room.

"What was that noise?" I wondered silently in fear.

I know that is not my neighbors making noises next door. It's actually coming from inside my airspace. I have to check it out. So I cautiously slip out of my bed, grab a weapon nearby for self defense, and then I peeked through the crack door before I proceed further. I can see the silhouette of a shadow illuminating from the living room. Now I know that something is definitely wrong in here. Despite of my fear, I summon my courage to sneak out quietly towards the living room. With my weapon in hand, I hid behind the wall. Holding my breath, I slowly looked over my shoulder to see who, or what, is in my living room.

I was not prepared for what I've just saw right about now.

Sitting in my living room was a huge figure of a muscular man. But he is not what he seems to be. He is bare torso with a hairy/furry body. Symbolic tattoos on his grayish green skin. He has a glowing hazel eyes of a demon. He has a head, and a beard full of black and red hair, alongside with horns and tusks. Gold piercings on both of his ears, and also a golden chain full of skulls, crossed stars, and bells worn around his thick neck. Both hands with sharp finger talons each. And from the waistline down, his legs are all furry and it's shaped like a goat's hind legs, complete with hooves for feet. Lastly, a bushy tail from behind.

Before I knew it, that demon has to be none other than the infamous legendary Christmas demon himself. Krampus!

I was too scared to make a move. So I hid quietly behind the wall, hoping that not a single sound would give me away. Not that it'll help me anyway. Because Krampus already knew where I am hiding. And all he has to do is smell my scent.

"There's no point in hiding from me, little man!" Krampus called out in his thunderous voice. "I know where you are regardless. So you might as well just come on out."

Damn! How does he know that I'm hiding from him? Like he said, there's no point in hiding from the demon. Alone and out of other options, I have no choice but to come out of hiding, and surrender. So here I go, slowly stepping out from the shadow and into the living room. I just stood there, petrified of fear as Krampus gets himself up from the couch. He then starts to approach me. I would have run away from him, but I was too scared to move. Krampus stood toweringly tall over me. He glares down directly upon me with his glowing soul piercing eyes.

"Tell me, little guy. Do you know who I am?" sneered Krampus.

I tried to speak up, but when I open my mouth, nothing comes out. I am too scared to move, let alone, make a sound. Krampus toys with my fear for a little bit.

"What seems to be the matter, weakling? Demon got your tongue?" Krampus taunted with a sinister tone.

"I..... uh....... you're......" I uttered, choking on my words.

"Hmmm??? Speak up!" says Krampus, mocking my effort to speak. "I can't hear you!"

"You're...... you're........ K...K.....Kr...." I choked continuously on my words, trying to form a sentence.

That kinda annoys Krampus a tad bit.

"Okay! Let's take this a little slowly." said Krampus as he helps me out a little bit. "Repeat after me. Kram.... Pus. Krampus!"

I still didn't utter a word for I am still shocked that I'm in the presence of Krampus, the Christmas demon. He is a tad puzzled by my bewildered expression of him.

"You know me! Krampus! The most infamous demon of Christmas!" the masculine demon boasted. "Best known for notoriously kidnapping naughty children, collecting their souls, and damning dysfunctional families for all of eternity. Blah blah blah blah blah!!! You get it."

"What's going on!?" I questioned fearfully. "Why is this happening to me!?"

"Oh!? You didn't know?" Krampus questioned me with a grin.

"No. I really don't." I responded, fearing for my life. "I mean, why are you here, in my apartment?"

"Isn't it obvious?" says Krampus as he leans towards me with his muscular arms crossed. "You're on the naughty list. My naughty list! And I'm going to enjoy having my fun with you. I'm here to see how naughty you really are."

"Who??? Me??? Naughty???" I stammered with fear and confusion. "No! This can't be."

"And give me one good reason why you believe that you are not naughty?" Krampus asked with an stern yet sinister tone.

"Because I haven't done anything bad that I'm aware of." I said, pleading for my innocence.

"Not yet, of course." Krampus snickered with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked the demon.

"You'll see soon enough." said Krampus, standing tall with his arms still crossed. "But first, I will need you to get rid of that thing in your hand."

He snatches the metal pipe from my hand, and he crushed it with little effort. Now I have nothing else to defend myself with, while I'm at the mercy of Krampus. He grab me with his one hand and then drags me over with him to sit on the couch. I have no idea what is he going to do with me. Is he going to take my soul? Whip me from behind? Or damned my whole family into the depths of hell for all of eternity? Whatever he has planned for me, I had a bad feeling about this.

But then I was caught off guard when Krampus, surprisingly, gives his ultimatum, and his orders.

"Normally, I would whip you until you are broken. And I will collect your soul." says Krampus and he continues his ultimatum. "But I don't feel like doing that right now. Instead, I will put your naughtiness to the test."

"What? Why?" I asked in confusion.

"No reasons given. I just feel like having a little fun with a mortal." said Krampus and he continues with his reason. "Because breaking someone's Christmas spirit was too damn easy. And after all of my thousands of years, tormenting and damning bad children along with their shitty families, collecting their souls, and fucking with Saint Nick's present giving routine bullshit. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of my gig. A personal hobby that I love to do for centuries. But even I have to admit that it can get quite boring, doing the exact same things every once in a while. I need to spice some shit up! You get my drift, little man!?"

"Ummm... yeah..." I replied agreeably, although nervously.

"Good!" says Krampus as he then give his first orders. "Anyways, I have a task for you. I want you to go get me a pack of old fashioned cigars, the recent refined kind. You won't miss it! And a six packed bottles of beer. Lastly, some poppers. Bring them to me."

"But even if I were to get you these things, all the stores around the area are closed for the holidays." I suggested to the demon. "I'm afraid that I can't get them for you."

"Oh Yes you can!" Krampus snarled ominously. "And you will get the items that I demanded you for."

"Didn't you hear what I'm saying!?" I shouted in utter frustration. "I told you that all the stores are closed on the holidays! So how am I supposed to get all of that done!?"

"That's not my problem." said Krampus in a rude manner.

I felt a little insultingly infuriated by the demon's unpleasant attitude. For that, I refuse to abide with his demands.

"Okay! If you're gonna be rude and insensitive like that, then I'm not going to do it!" I shouted defensively.

Krampus is not pleased with what he is hearing. He grips hold of me and pins me to the couch. His glaring eyes makes my blood run cold. The tall muscular demon of Christmas is not playing around, especially if his demands are not met.

"I'd watch my tone if I were you!" Krampus growled ferociously and he then calms down. "Now then, if you don't get me these things, I won't be in a pleasant mood this evening. Hell! I might just have to break your spirit by any means necessary. Then I will take your soul and damn you. And then I will do the same to everyone you loved. Even your family, including the unlikable ones. I'm sure that's not what you want on Christmas, isn't it?"

Defeated by this threat, I drew my breath and I gave in to him.

"No.... I don't want that for anyone." I sighed.

"Good answer." says Krampus as he then release his grip on me. "Well then! Don't worry about the stores being closed on Christmas Eve. I have some little friends of mine who are there right now, and they're working around these parts. So you just leave everything to them. You just worry about doing your tasks. Fail to do so, then I will have to hurt you. Try to flee, my friends will inform me, and I will hunt you down and damn you. Do you understand, mortal?"

"Yes... I understand perfectly." I complied with defeat.

"Good boy! That's what I want to hear." said Krampus as he kicks his hooves up on the living room table. "Time is of the essence! Now get going!"

I was feeling a little angry on the inside of the fact that Krampus just barged into my airspace, and giving me orders. But I knew better than to argue with the demon. So I went to get myself dressed in thermal underwear and a layer of clothes. And just as I was going to get my boots, I turn to face Krampus when he just stood there, staring me down.

"I don't feel good about this." I uttered.

"And I don't give a blazing fuck how you feel about it." Krampus sneered with displeasure. "You want me in a better mood? You better go get me these cigars, beers, and poppers. Or else you will have an unpleasant night, instead of a silent one."

"Maybe there's something wrong with this whole ordeal." I said in a snarky tone.

"What do you mean by that?" questioned Krampus.

"You keep saying that I'm naughty. And I'm on your naughty list." I said.

"Well you are." said Krampus, glaring at me.

"What if this is all a big misunderstanding?" I reminisced about the possibility. "First of all, I haven't done nothing bad to warrant your visitation. Second, I'm not even a kid. I'm a grown adult. A man! So there's no way that I can be on your list. I think that you have made a mistake."

Irritated by this, Krampus stomps his hooves across the floor as he approaches me with his brute force. He corners me up against the wall. Then he leans towards my face, looking me in the eyes with an intimidating glare.

"I don't make mistakes!" snarled Krampus, clawing his nails on the wall behind me. "And you stalling for time is really starting to piss me off! Now you'd better go get these things for me, or else!"

He then backs away from me and turns to the living room. But I refuse to believe that he deemed me as a naughty guy.

"But none of this make any sense!" I cried with plea. "And I am not-.."

The tall muscular Christmas demon interrupts me, cutting me off before I can even finish my sentence.

"Oh for the love of the inferno's burning coals, will you stop with this shit!?" groaned Krampus in irritation. "My list is never wrong! You're naughty and you know it!"

I lower my head, feeling defeated by the reality of the situation. But before I could give in to my utmost despair, Krampus walks up to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. The tall masculine horned demon smiles ominously.

"But I would like to see how naughty you really can be." says Krampus as he then shows the door. "Fetch me these said items! And maybe we can get down to the nitty gritty."

I didn't argue back with him on the matter. He has his hold on me, spiritual wise. So I'm afraid that I must do as I told, despite how much I detested it. I put on my winter jacket and slip my feet into my boots. And being the demon that he is, Krampus tauntingly waves goodbye to me as I left my apartment with him inside.

Out in the bitter cold night, I wander around the neighborhood. Each house on the block was silent. Which meant that some people have went to bed early, all the while others are still awake at this time. Mainly adults. But their children are told to go to bed or else Santa Claus won't be able to do his job, bringing the presents and placing them underneath the Christmas tree. And yet, here I am, wandering around the area, looking for stores that weren't even open at this late hour. Which has made me feel frustratingly agitated about this whole thing. I can't believe that Krampus made me go out in the cold in order to get these items for him. Needless to say, it is un-fucking-believable! I would just abandon the whole thing and make a break for it, run into hiding. But then again, he would find me quite easily. Like he said that he would. Besides, where am I going to go if I were to escape from him? The situation is out of my hands now.

I took a bus to the downtown city. I doubt that any stores are open down there either. But I went to see anyway.

By the time that I made it to the central avenue, I went to the local liquor store first. When I got there, the store is closed. Just as I expected it. Now how am I going to get any of these things for Krampus? I specifically told him that everything is closed on a holiday. But he didn't listen. Now I'm feeling even more frustrated than I was before. Just as I was about to turn around and leave, then all of a sudden, I can see a pair of glowing bright yellow eyes reflecting at the shadowy corner inside of the store. I can't believe what I'm actually seeing right now.

"What is that?" I uttered under my breath.

Then a few more glowing eyes illuminated from the shadows. Before I knew it, a group of small red figures coming out from the shadows. They were all demonic Christmas imps, servants of Krampus. And they are here to either make sure that I don't stray away from my given tasks, or to simply help me acquire them? To my surprise, it's the ladder all around. They unlock the door and they open it for me to enter. I don't feel good about breaking and entering in places. Because they have security cameras in each end of the building. Fortunately, the imps took care of the matter by tinkering with the modern system. That way I won't get a felony on my record. While we're at it, the imps directed me to the aisle and grab a simple six pack of beer. That's one item down! Now two more to go. I could've paid for it too, but the imps told me not to worry about it. Because they've all got everything under control. So I can just walk out of the liquor store with the beers in hand. No problem!

Now onto the other store that may have some old fashioned cigars that he wants me to get. And it's on the other side of downtown.

When I went to the said store, the imps were waiting for me. They open the doors, so I can walk into the building. It's a small shop too. So I don't think that I'll have any problems browsing through the place. After all of that browsing, I spot the refurbished old fashioned cigars that Krampus has requested. I reach out to grab a pack of cigars. That's the second item down. Now what it is left is to get the poppers. That's going to be easy enough, because the adult store is just around the corner from here. Alongside with the imps, I left the store.

It's like a four to five minute walking distance to get to where I need to go. I have finally arrived at the adult store. The imps unlocked the doors for me to waltz right inside the store. While these troublemaking demonic misfits are tinkering with the security system, I scowl across the aisle in my search for some poppers. Krampus didn't say which kind of poppers should I get for him specifically. So I'm gonna have to make a wild guess on this one. I finally spot a shelf full of poppers right by the counter. I take a good look at the options there. These poppers are all good in different substances, but the very few that has caught my eyes are the ones on the top shelf. One has the image of the devil imprinted on it and the other has like an image of a Christmas tree with a naughty hunky Saint Nick. And I figured that since Krampus is the legendary Christmas demon, I bet these poppers will suit him perfectly. So I grab the two poppers of the shelf. The imps were all impressed with my taste for these poppers I've chosen. At last! I've gotten all three of these items. Now I just need to return back to my apartment with them. I wasn't expecting this to be too easy, especially in the dead of night. And it's all thanks to Krampus's imps for doing their part in making it possible for me to complete my tasks. Without further ado, I exit the store.

The demonic imps offer a quickest ride back to my apartment complex. Well it does save me the money and trouble of requesting an Uber. I will give these creatures that. And with the wave of their tiny hands, the imps all has command the fires of hell to take me back to my place. Thankfully, nobody has saw us disappear into thin cold air.

And here I am, standing outside the lobby entrance as the flames vanish into the snow. I went inside the complex, took the elevator upward to the fifth floor, and I have returned to my apartment. Krampus was sitting in my living room, relaxing with his hooves on the table. He was waiting for me to return with the required items. He turn to notice my presence the minute I hang up my jacket and kick off my boots.

"Ah! I see that you have returned." says Krampus, grinning ominously as he gets up from the couch. "Did you get the three items that I told you to fetch?"

"Yes, Krampus. I got them as promised." I answered him as I point to the kitchen counter. "They're right on the counter in the kitchen."

"Good job!" says Krampus triumphantly. "I knew you hadn't disappointed me."

"Well...... I didn't do it alone. I had assistance from your-." I said but got cut off by the masculine demon.

"I know!" said Krampus as he grabs one bottle of beer. "I'm the one who sent them to keep tabs on you, whilst assisting you with your tasks."

"Oh that's right...." I uttered in slight embarrassment.

"I told you that I had little friends at my disposal." said Krampus as he then drags me with him into the living room. "Now sit down and chill! You know that you deserve it! And then the next best part is yet to come."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked nervously.

"You'll see when I finish my shit here." Krampus answered in a sinister manner. "Just sit tight right there!"

I did what I was told and sat on the couch in silence, while Krampus began to drink his first bottle of beer. He turn on some death metal music on my sound bar radio with his supernatural powers, just to fuel his chaotic energy whilst getting wasted on purpose. Drinking numerous beers bottles and smoking his cigar. I told him to smoke outside the window, because the landlord doesn't allow smoking inside and around the premises. Even in the wintertime. Krampus dislike that rule for demons don't follow human rules on earth. But despite of his detest, he abide by it willingly and he went to open the window. He poke his head out to smoke his cigar. Thankfully, nobody saw him. I just sat quietly on the couch, all wrapped up in a cozy blanket nearby. So I don't get chilly from the freezing cold weather outside. But the cold temperature has never bothered Krampus anyways, (not quoting Elsa from Disney's Frozen), for he is used to being out in the cold winter. After all, he is a legendary Christmas demon.

As he finishes his cigar, he came back inside, closing the window. Now he went to drank a few more beers to death metal tracks. I feel like I'm in a rock n' roll fever dream when Krampus fiendishly freaking out on booze and poppers. Hopefully, the ruckus he's causing doesn't disturb the neighbors in the building, especially the ones below me.

I've waited for him to get done with his spastic business for a least an short hour. After drinking all the beers, smoking a cigar, and then getting high on the two poppers, Krampus is finally wasted. I'm surprised that he can hold his liquor after drinking all the beer bottles the entire evening. But then again, he's a big beast of a demonic man. The tall muscular Christmas demon sat back down on the couch, inhaling on that one popper in his clawed hand.

And then he turn to face me. I felt an awful pit in my gut for I don't know what the Christmas demon is thinking about right now. I hope nothing too dreadful or anything like that. Before I can comprehend on what it is yet to befallen upon my fate, Krampus caught me off guard when he gets up from the couch and starts to eerily approach me. He backed me to other side of the living room, cornering me to the soft velvet chair. Then the demon is glaring down at me, cracking an sinister grin.

"Thank you for your part, little mortal." said Krampus in a soft yet sinister tone. "I'm in a very pleasant mood now. With that out of the way, I believe that it's time to get right down to the nitty gritty, as promised."

"The nitty gritty? What do you mean?" I wondered, although nervous about his words.

"You know, the nitty gritty." said Krampus, patting my cheek. "The best part where I am not even finished with you yet. I'm going to test out on how naughty you can be."

His breath smells like cigar and alcohol blended all together when he talks to me. And that kinda irritates my nose. The tall muscular Christmas demon stood toweringly tall in the living room, and then he gave his next order.

"Now take off your shirt." Krampus demanded.

"What???" I uttered in confusion.

"You heard me." said Krampus and he demanded again. "I said, take off your shirt!"

"But why though? Why do you want me to take my shirt off?" I asked in fear.

"It doesn't matter why! Just do what I tell you!" Krampus demanded once again, crossing his arms. "Unless you rather have me take it off for you! Because I have no problems doing just that!"

I felt defeated by his wrathful power position. If I don't do what he says, he will be compelled to whip me, take my soul, damn me, or worse. I try my best not to emotionally break as I did what I was told, removing my shirt. Now I'm bared torso in front of the Christmas demon. Krampus leans forward to invade my personal space. From the way he is looking at my body, it seems to me that Krampus is liking what he is seeing. He gave off a terrifying grin, showing off his fangs.

"Hmmmm... Very nice." says Krampus as he rubs my body, feeling the hairs on my chest. "Did I forget to mention that I like hairy male mortals?"

"Wait! You swing that way?" I questioned in bewilderment.

"Yes. I swing both ways towards adult mortals, must you know." Krampus remarked in a sinister but seductive tone. "Whenever I'm not abducting and tormenting bad children, I also have a habit of getting it on with a few grown adults. Mostly women. But I don't mind giving men a chance to shoot their shot every once in a while. Enough talking! It's time to test your naughtiness now."

I stood there paralyzed by his touching clawed hands. I couldn't move nor can I resist his advances. Krampus proceed to lick my ears, which kinda tickles, all the way down my neck. I felt a little disgusted by the demon's tongue at first, but as he continues to seduce me by licking my neck, I start to surrender to his warm advances. Then Krampus proceeds to lick my nipples for a good short minute, before he ultimately puts his mouth on one nipple at a time. Damn his mouth is so warm and moist. The way he uses his lips and tongue on my nipples has gotten me so aroused. It felt so good. Until he starts biting down on my nipples which it did hurt me a bit.

"Ouch! Please don't bite me there....." I spoke up.

"Ah don't be a wimp." Krampus taunted. "It's just a little nibble."

He resumed making out with my nipples. As he is doing this, I felt overwhelmed with this feeling so much that I can't stop rubbing my crotch in between my legs. The more he licks my nipples, the harder I become inside my pants. Krampus notices this and he then slips his big masculine hands towards my waistline, undoing my belt buckle. And the tall muscular Christmas demon pulls my pants down. He is now gluing his sights on my hardening dick with precum oozing from the cock head. The demon is pleased with this result.

"You didn't came early, did you?" Krampus asked seductively.

"No. It's just precum." I replied to the demon.

"Good." said Krampus as he then licks his way down my torso to my crotch. "Because I want to be the one who finishes you. So brace yourself, little mortal. Cause I am going to drain you dry of your male mortal substance. Here we go!"

He puts my dick inside of his mouth. I feel overwhelmed with this feeling as Krampus began to suck my dick to completion with exhausting himself. Thanks to poppers earlier, Krampus has become an completely different entity. It must be the effects of the poppers and the booze.

So Krampus continues to suck me off for like five minutes straight. He even entice me to grab his horns and take control for a bit. That I did. His warm mouth is so overwhelming, I can't seem to think of anything else but wanting him to finish me. And to do the other thing, which we will get to in a moment.

After the last minute in, I'm starting to get closer to bust my nuts. And Krampus knows it. He wanted me to spill inside his mouth. So the inevitable does its part.

"I'm getting close...." I whispered soundly.

"Mmmm hmmm..." Krampus mumbled with acknowledgement.

I gripped firmly onto his horns for I am about to blast my load into the demon's mouth. Then suddenly, I finally came, spilling my load of cum inside his hungry mouth. Krampus sucks out my seamen until he gets the last drop. And now I'm finished. The tall muscular Christmas demon shows off his mouthful of my cum, before swallowing it down his throat. Now Krampus is utterly satisfied with this as much as I am.

"Mmmm!!! That's some delicious cum you gave me, little mortal." says Krampus, licking his lips. "You came really hard right there."

I scratch my head in embarrassment. Did Krampus just seduce me in my own living room? And gave me a blowjob? Is that what he meant by being naughty? Now my fears have faded away into utter confusion. I honestly don't know what to feel about this whole situation. But since that he got me off a minute ago, I suddenly developed a new idea. What he just did to me right now, I can't help but want some more from him. Starting with the very first thing that always turns me on.

Krampus stood toweringly tall, feeling proud of his power over my soul. He then turns around to walk away.

"Well then, I suppose that my little fun here is over." said Krampus as he walked a few steps towards the window. "I guess I should be going on to the next naughty mortal on my list. It's been real with ya, little mortal!"

But due to my unrequited desire towards the Christmas demon, I felt the need to stop Krampus from leaving my apartment through my window.

"Wait!" I blurted out. "Please don't go!"

Shocked by what he just heard, Krampus stops midway to the window, and he turns over his shoulder to face me.

"What did you just say?" uttered Krampus, surprisingly stunned by this turning event.

"I said please don't go." I cried softly. "I would like for you to stay a little longer."

"Oh!? You want me to stay, huh?" Krampus asked in a sinister tone.

"Yes... please." I answered.

"Well then. I want you to beg me for it. And maybe, I'll might consider it." said Krampus, smirking. "Go ahead! Beg me!"

The tall muscular Christmas demon wants to hear me beg for him to stay. Alas I didn't waste a second to do just that.

"I beg you to stay a little longer, please???" I begged him.

Hearing this from me puts a terrifying smile on Krampus's face. Thus the demon pulls away from the window and he turns around to glance upon me, whilst letting out a thundering crackle. A sound that only a demon can make.

"Ah hahaha! Well this is getting rather interesting!" boasted Krampus with glee. "Out of all of the naughty mortals I have tortured and damned for eternity, you are one of the very few who has wanted me to stick around. Because you have asked me to, I think I will hang here for a little longer."

For some strange reason, I begin to smile excitedly for Krampus is staying here for another long hours. Which is good in my opinion, because I have develop the strangest feeling towards Krampus right now, especially with the way he seduced me earlier this evening. Now all I want to do is to return the exact same thing to the demon. Starting with my own personal fetish towards him. However, there's only one problem. He has goat-like hooves. So I'm afraid that it's going to be impossible for me to enjoy doing just that with him. Or so I thought.

But before I can even reveal my secret desires to him, let alone, getting around to doing it, Krampus already knew somewhat little about what I was going to do or even ask of him. He can tell by smelling the scent of an aura from me.

"Ah! That scent coming from your soul. It smells like urgency." said Krampus and he went on. "Now I know that you're really a naughty one."

He knelt down to the floor and leans his head forward to my airspace.

"You can't get enough of me, can you?" Krampus wondered.

"N... N.... No, sir..." I spoke whilst trying not to choke on my words.

"Just as I thought." said Krampus. "Welp, little mortal! If there's something that you want to say to me, now's the time to come out with it. Because after all, you did want to stay here for a little longer, did you not?"

I didn't utter a word, but respond with a slight nod. Krampus crosses his arms, awaiting for my reason for having him staying with me on the night of Christmas Eve. After a short train of thought for a brief moment, I finally found the courage to let Krampus in on my kinky secret.

"Krampus?" I uttered.

"Yes???" Krampus replied.

"The reason that I want you to stay for a while on Christmas Eve, is because there's something that I want to do with you." I spoken up.

"Oh really?" says Krampus, astonished by this turn of events and he then lend his pointed pierced ear. "Prey tell then. I'm listening."

I took a deep cleansing breath, and then I finally reveal my deepest desires to the masculine Christmas demon.

"I have a foot fetish for male feet." I whispered softly.

Krampus gave me a surprised expression. To him, no mere mortal that he has ever come close to torturing, let alone, damning their souls, asking him to stay with them on Christmas Eve and reveal their desires to him. He should be feared on the holidays, not to be celebrated. Unlike his rival, Saint Nick. Krampus has a feeling that he's starting to underestimate humanity, especially the ones who are infatuated with him. That revelation has caught him off his guard. Just like his sudden change of character that had caught me off my guard. But now, he is gazing at me with a puzzled look in his glowing hazel eyes, shortly before he broke the silence.

"You like a male's feet?" Krampus wondered with bewilderment.

"Yes, sir..." I uttered with slight embarrassment,

"And the reason that you want me to stay here with you, is because you want to have at my feet???" Krampus questioned.

"Yes. That about sums it up." I answered with a nod.

Krampus just stares at me with an unblinking bewildered expression. I was prepared to take rejection from him, if he didn't want to go along with this. But then, he just suddenly smiles for he was thrilled with the fact that he found out how naughty I am. Alas this brings joy to the masculine Christmas demon.

"Oh ring the holiday hell bells up in this bitch!!! Ah haha!!!" Krampus crackled with excitement and joy. "This is so getting fuckin' interesting here!!!"

Then the demon calms his excitement down and turns to me.

"So that's what you wanna do with me, huh?" Krampus asked me with a wide grin. "You want to have your way with me, starting with my feet, huh!?"

"Umm... yes, sir. If that's possible..." I uttered whilst choking on my words.

"Of course it's possible!" boasted Krampus triumphantly. "Anything is possible with me! So sure you can, little mortal!"

"Oh!? For real?" I gasped in shock.

"Hell Yeah! I'm for real!" shouted Krampus with optimism. "After all, that's what you're asking me for, right? You wanna get naughty with this demon in this bitch!? Well, my friend, we can make it happen for damn sure!"

"Okay. So where and when should we do this?" I asked.

"Right here! Right now!" shouted Krampus with an alpha male's pride.

The tall muscular Christmas demon stomps his hoof on the chairs armrest, right next to my side. I glance at his hoof for a brief minute before turning to notice that Krampus is looking right at me, playfully raising his unkept bushy eyebrows.

"Here you go!" boasted Krampus. "Start feeling on me."

However, I can't be able to have my fun with Krampus's foot, if it's shaped like a goat's hoof. I can't get turned on like this. Not this way. So I turn to Krampus and I share my slight concern with him.

"Umm Krampus?" I spoke up.

"Hmm? What is it?" Krampus responded.

"About this foot fetish thing that I shared with you." I said in a polite manner.

"Yes? What about it?" asked Krampus.

"Well... it's just.... umm..." I uttered but trying to find the right words to say to him.

"What's wrong, little mortal?" Krampus asked once more. "Don't you like my hooves?"

"Oh no no no! It's not like that, I swear!" I said in a swift response. "I mean, don't get me wrong. Your hooves look great. Really! But the thing is-."

Krampus interrupts me by cutting me off like before.

"Well what?" Krampus asked, demanding for my answer.

Well there's no other way to tell him but the truth. So I took another deep breath and I expressed my concern to Krampus.

"It's just that.... I will get turned on again.... if you have toes." I remarked as respectfully as I can.

Krampus just gave off an intimidating glare for a couple of seconds, before he went back to smiling again. Turns out that he was pretty chill about this odd request.

"Well why didn't you say so?" said Krampus in a chill manner. "Let me fix that."

Krampus backs up from my space in order to use another one of his supernatural abilities. Which is kinda very cool and somewhat deeply unsettling. I can hear the demon's bones cracking loudly in his legs. His goat-like features reshapes into normal looking meaty legs with the dark brown fur still intact all over. And I witness that where his hooves used to be, has formed into a pair of big masculine, grayish green bare feet.

Now I can't take my sights off of them. I have no idea that Krampus also has morphing/shapeshifting abilities. It must be all part of his power. As I was eyeing his feet, Krampus walks to my personal space. He lifts his right foot up and puts it on my lap.

"Better?" Krampus wondered as he tease me by wiggling his long toes.

"Yes... better." I replied in a soft tone.

Therefore I have wasted no time getting my hands on the Christmas demon's foot. Krampus lets out a sigh as I proceed to feel his big foot, whilst giving him a foot massage. Turns out that he likes the way it feels, having his foot touched by the very mortal person that he claims to be naughty. He stood on one foot whilst allowing me to massage his right foot for a couple of minutes, before he nearly almost lost his balance.

"I think I need to sit the fuck down for this." said Krampus.

"Okay, Krampus . Let's go over to the couch." I suggested.

Krampus nods agreeably. We both went over to the other side of the living room and sat on the couch. Therefore I resumed the foot massage on his right foot. Krampus just sits back and relax. For a demon that is supposed to be terrifying and feared throughout the holidays, he can be surprisingly quite chill when he has his booze, cigars, and poppers. That is when one will get to see the other side of Krampus that not everybody's going to see, but only to the lucky few who had. And of course I happen to become one of them.

While I'm massaging his foot, I took a short minute to admire the shape and size of his big masculine foot in my hands. Just look at em! Many veins filled his top, his sole is large and wider than my upper body alone. And to add the cherry on top, the Christmas demon's toes are deliciously long. Like the fingers on both of my hands.

Krampus can see that I'm admiring his foot. He playfully teases me by wiggling his long toes in my face, just as I rub down his sole.

"You really like my feet, don't cha, little man?" says Krampus.

"Oh yes, Krampus. I really do." I said in a soft tone. "I hope that you don't have a problem with that. Do you?"

"No! I don't have a problem with the fact that you like feet." said Krampus, shifting his body to an ideal comfort. "Besides, you're not the only naughty person who wants to touch me. As far as I can remember, almost three years ago, I have come across a naughty mortal who has a armpit fetish. He gets off by smelling and licking other people's armpits. I was about to collect his soul and torment him, but then I decided to let him have his fun. He licked my armpits nonstop, all night long. I gotta tell ya, mortal. That man is a freak!"

"Well damn. I heard about some people having armpit fetishes, and some other things." I remarked. "But then again, to each their own."

"Yeah, that's true." said Krampus, agreeing with me. "I gotta hand it to ya mortals. Some of you can be weird as fuck. And normally, I'd be disgusted with that, but it turns out that I have a thing for freaky mortals."

"Oh! You do?" I asked out of astonishment.

"Hell yeah!" said Krampus as he went on. "Which is why I didn't torture them and damn their souls right away. Because I have found myself to be drawn to the most deprived of mortals. Particularly, adult mortals quite like yourself."

"Oh really?" I wondered.

"Yep!" says Krampus, nodding his head. "That's why I developed a new side hobby. Whenever I'm not out to get bad children who don't deserve jolly ol' Santa Claus's shit, I make it my own personal mission to search for the most sadomasochistic, kinkiest, and even the freakiest of mortal souls to ever walk the earth. And I just indulge with them in their twisted little fantasies, as well as getting pleasured and laid for bonus points. The more deprived and freakier that you all are, the more that it attracts me to you. No question about it."

"Kinda like what we're doing now? I questioned him.

"Yes. Kinda like what we're doing now, in the living room." says Krampus. "You see, mortal? I'm not as bad as these legends has made me out to be. I mean, I may be the most feared demon of Christmas, but even I, the most fearsome of all, can be as nice as I am naughty at times. That is, just as long as you stay on my good side."

"Okay then." I said in a seldom response. "So do you want me to continue massaging your feet?"

"Yes, you may." said Krampus, putting his muscular arms up behind his horned head. "Don't stop by my account. Keep doing what you like to do."

I smiled excitedly and I resume massaging his right foot for three minutes. Krampus like the way it feels on his foot. I put pressure on certain spots on his sole. Thus the demon feels so relaxed that he almost fell asleep on me. He never had a mere mortal person like myself, giving him a nice good ol' foot massage. To him, he has his fair share of encountering deprived people in his century-long lifetime, but this one with me really catches him off his guard. Especially when we are going to have a long night of kinky fun, in which we will get to in a moment.

While I'm massaging his foot, Krampus watches me rub his large sole from the heels to his long toes. Then he lifts his left foot up and sets it on my lap.

"Hey! Don't forget my other foot, little mortal." said Krampus with a smirk. "My left foot is feeling lonely over here. Give em some love too."

"And that, I will." I said as I touch his left foot.

I proceed to massage his left foot for another three minutes. And Krampus just laid back and relax. I rub the demon's sole from all over the foot. I use my fist to add pressure on the points whilst flexing the foot's whole rotation.

And after that, I massage both of his feet together. Krampus lets out a sigh for he is enjoying his foot massage. His dark brown tail wags with excitement all across the floor. I rubbed his big feet down, going all over from the heels, to arches, to the balls of foot, and to his long sexy toes. Krampus is having a difficult time keeping his eyes open due to relaxation he is getting from the foot massage, receiving from me.

"Ah damn! You're making me feel good, mortal." says Krampus.

"Do you like having your feet massaged, Krampus?" I asked.

"Hell Yes....." Krampus uttered. "I never had a mortal who willingly offered to massage my feet before. But I gotta admit, I can definitely get used to this."

"Well I'm glad to be at your service." I said.

"Hell! I might consider to make you my loyal servant." joked Krampus humorously.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." I whispered quietly to myself.

Alas I continue to massage Krampus's feet for at least an hour.

Almost a minute in, I just thought of something. Since Krampus's feet is a little dry, I think a bottle of triple action foot lotion should do the trick. So I carefully set the demon's feet aside before I get up from the couch. Krampus notice that I am going to another room.

"Where are you going, little man?" Krampus asked.

"I'm going to get something real quick." I said to the Christmas demon. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, mortal." says Krampus, laying his head the on mini pillows.

I went into my bedroom to retrieve a bottle of foot lotion in my bag. Then I return to the living room, where Krampus is waiting for me. He notice my return and once I sat back down on the couch, he puts his feet back on my lap. There I apply a significant amount of foot lotion on my hand, rub my hands together, and then I rub the lotion onto Krampus's feet. I make sure to get every inch of his feet completely covered in the lotion. Yes, even in between his toes. That way so the foot lotion can soothe, heal, and softens the dry grayish green feet, leaving them feeling smooth and soft. Kinda like baby skin.

Curiosity has gotten the better of Krampus as he wonders about the stuff that I'm rubbing onto his feet.

"May I ask, what is that substance that you're putting on my feet?" Krampus wondered.

"It's foot lotion." I answered. "It helps keep your feet less dry and rough, but more soft and smooth."

"Oh! Okay." uttered Krampus. "It feels different on my feet. It feels like... moisturizing..."

"And that's a good thing." I reassured him. "It's better than having dry cracked feet. You know what I mean?"

Krampus raise his bushy eyebrows, looking puzzled before letting out a sigh.

"As much it pains me to admit it, but I can see your point." sighed Krampus. "Very well then. Proceed."

So that I did. I continue to massage the lotion on Krampus's feet, until I can feel it penetrating deeply into the demon's skin. After a long five minutes of massaging it in, his big masculine feet is now feeling so soft and smooth. This is where the real fun begins. I believe that it's time to make the legendary Christmas demon laugh.

When Krampus at least expected it, I gently set his left foot aside for now. Then I wrap my arm around his furry ankle in a ankle-lock, and then I begin to slowly stroke each of my fingers onto his large sole. Due to the lotions effects, he felt that. And the result causes his big toe to twitch. Then the rest of his toes followed suit. The moment I sped up my fingers across the sole, his toes started spreading, wiggling, and twitching sporadically. Then the whole foot starts to squirm around in my arm. What follows next is the sound of Krampus's voice going from a giggle, to a chuckle, and then to a sudden tamed laughter.

He tries to get his foot free, but I refuse to let him go that easily. No matter how big this demon is, not even he is immune to the concept of a barefoot tickle torture. Krampus laughs like the alpha male demon that he truly is.

"Ah haha haha!!! Oh shit!!!" Krampus cursed whilst laughing. "You're tickling the hell outta my foot!!! It fuckin' tickles, man!!! Ahh haha haha!!!"

"Good! It's supposed to tickle." I said in a deviant demeanor. "That's the idea of this whole arrangement."

I showed no mercy for the tall muscular Christmas demon as I continue to tickle his big masculine foot to my heart's content. And all Krampus can do in this situation was to laugh. Being the tall muscular demon that he is, Krampus would've fought back to kick me off his leg and escape his kinky torment, but he was too damn wasted from earlier to even do anything about it. Nor did he even want to.

So I tickle his right foot for like five to six minutes straight. Krampus squirms around on the couch a little bit while trying his best not to fall off. I just love the way I make his long toes wiggle sporadically and twitch. It turns me on so much. Then I reach out to grab his left foot and I begin to tickle his sole for another five to six minutes. The tall masculine demon's reactions are priceless.

"Oh fuck!!! My left foot tickles the worse!!!" laughed Krampus.

That's exactly what I want to hear from him. His tail wagged sporadically across the floor. He wasn't kidding about the fact that his left foot was more ticklish than his right foot. It tickles him so much, that it made him fell off the couch and hitting the floor. I stop tickling his foot and rush over to make sure that he's okay.

"Oh shit! Are you okay, Krampus?" I asked out of concern for the demon.

"Yeah! I'm straight." Krampus replied, rubbing his head to his horns.

"You sure?" I asked again, just to make sure.

"Yes. I am." says Krampus as he sits up. "I appreciate your pity.... Almost."

"Well I wouldn't exactly say that I pity you." I remarked. "But I am concerned about you. The last thing I want was for you to get hurt. Especially when we're in the middle of having fun."

"Well I didn't ask for you to be concern for me, but then again, I regrettably appreciate you for that." said Krampus as he cracks his neck.

"Okay then." I said as I lend my hand to the demon. "Here, let me help you up."

Despite of his detest, Krampus willingly takes my hands. And I use all of my strength to pull the Christmas demon up from the floor. We both sat back on the couch. This just in, I have another idea. Since he seduced me earlier by sucking me off, how about I do something similar with him? Something erotic whilst tickling him. Ohhhh the excitement is killing me!

I turn to Krampus, whom is at least expecting whatever I'm going to do with him, and then I make a suggestion to him.

"Hey, Krampus?" I uttered.

"What's up?" says Krampus.

"Why don't we continue this in my bedroom." I suggested with a smirk.

"Sure! As you wish." Krampus complied, stretching his biceps. "You lead the way."

We both get up from the couch and then we head towards my bedroom. Due to being seven feet and ten inches tall, along with his horns for additional inch, Krampus has to duck his head down to enter my room. Now that we're inside my room, Krampus stood tall as if he was waiting for my directions.

"Alright then. Where do you want me?" Krampus asked out of uncertainty.

I point at my bed right next to me. That is where I want him. The tall muscular Christmas demon went to lay himself down on my bed. At first I was quite nervous about his weight and height. What if he ends up breaking my bed? Because after all, he is a big masculine demon of Christmas lore. Thankfully, the bed didn't break due to his size. As Krampus positions his body to his ideal comfort, I sit down at the foot of the bed, (no pun intended), right next to his feet. Then I took some bed bondage out from my bag. I plan to bound Krampus to my bed, and then I'll tickle him again. And maybe, I'll return the favor by giving him the exact same thing that he has given me.

I set up my bondage underneath the mattress and I secure the demon's limbs in soft but durable cuffs. Now I have Krampus right where I want him. All tied up, spread eagled, and he has nowhere else to go. Especially on Christmas Eve. Whether he's aware of that or not. Before I can resume the barefoot tickling, Krampus utters his sudden request.

"Hey, mortal! Before you tickle me, can you go get the poppers for me?" Krampus requested.

"Sure." I replied.

I went to fetch the poppers sitting in my living room. Then I return to my bedroom. Krampus notice me with the two poppers in my hands.

"Now let me inhale them." the demon demanded in a soft tone.

I crept closer to his side. And I held the poppers to his nose. Krampus inhales the poppers with one whiff. And now he is high out of his mind.

Therefore we can resume where we both left off. The barefoot tickling. I sat down on the bed right next to his large feet. I turn to Krampus whom is high out of his mind. And I smiled.

"Are you ready, Krampus?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm ready..." Krampus responded in a slight sarcastic tone. "Do whatever it is you want to do with me."

"Oh I will, alright." I snickered deviously.

And alas I resume tickling his bare feet. This time, he's not going to get away from me. Although he's not trying to.

Krampus resumes his tamely demonic laughter. Oh I love the sound he makes when I tickle his large soles. Although he could easily break out of these restraints with his strength, but he's still too wasted to do that. Now who would've thought that Krampus; a legendary Christmas demon, feared by many children for centuries, would end up visiting me in my airspace and voluntarily allowing himself to be tickled mercilessly by me? That's quite unexpected, but I can roll with it.

I left no inch of the demon's feet untouched, tickling him from the heels, to arches, to the balls of foot, and underneath his long toes. Krampus squirms around on my bed whilst laughing. Thank goodness that he wasn't loud like he was earlier or else he would unintentionally wake up the neighbors. I use my hands to tickle Krampus's feet for a few minutes, before I have to bring out my tools for this session.

First, I use a pair of electronic toothbrushes on his sole and in between his toes. Although it tickles him there, Krampus surprisingly didn't mind it for he likes the feeling of toothbrushes in between his toes. It gives him a different sensation. Other than that, it sure makes him laugh.

Then I use a steel rolling pinwheel up and down his sole. That made Krampus laugh a little.

And then, I use a regular hand brush to tickle his feet. Which has drove him crazy. I guess the hand brush is more effective on the Christmas demon's soles. I love hearing him laugh as much as I do love seeing his feet reactions. However, I have begun to do my worst to him yet.

Lastly, I put on my brush gloves. And I've been dying to use them for like forever! As Krampus is taking his breath, I tickle his feet with the brush gloves. And alas Krampus is bursting out with demonic laughter. The brush gloves works best on his soles. Just look at him squirm! Also he needs to be careful with banging his horns on the wall. I don't want the neighbors complaining to the landlord about this.

With every tool at my disposal, the tall masculine demon's barefoot tickle torture lasted for ten minutes straight.

At least Krampus is right about one thing. And that is the fact that I cannot get enough of him, especially his big masculine bare feet. But even I gotta show mercy to the demon at some point in time. So after an hour in, I stopped tickling his feet. Krampus just lies there, catching his breath. He gaze at me for a moment.

"Damn! You're a merciless foot tickler! Did ya know that?" says Krampus.

"Maybe I am." I replied deviously. "But I'm not that much of a sadist. I can be merciful when it's necessary."

"Well you should be a sadist." said Krampus, grinning. "Because you had me going crazy when you tickle my fuckin' feet with these tools you have. Got me squirming around in this bitch."

"Yeah, I know I did." I chuckled along with his humor.

Krampus sits up a little while his wrists are still bound in the cuffs.

"So tell me, little mortal. What else do you want to do to me, besides tickling the hell outa my feet?" Krampus asked me.

"Well now that you ask, I think I want to tickle your body for quite a few minutes." I answered and went on with my request. "And then, if you're being a good sport throughout this next part, I might reward you with a finishing happy ending for the remainder of the night. How does that sound?"

The tall muscular Christmas demon cracks a huge grin for he likes the sound of what I'm about to do with his body.

"You know that being good was never my strong suit." said Krampus, but then he grins softly. "However, I'll admit that I'm always up for having naughty things done onto me. Even getting pleasured, serviced, and/or laid. So I will play along with your deprived fantasies a little bit longer. After all, we've got all night."

"I appreciate it so much, Krampus." I said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." said Krampus with a little sarcasm. "That's just me being nice to ya. Don't tell a soul about it though. Because I don't like my reputation sullied by such trivial things as this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." I complied responsively. "I'm not going to tell anyone about our play date. Besides, who's gonna believe me anyways?"

"Thanks, mortal." says Krampus as he lays back down on my bed. "You can resume tickling me now, if you want."

"Okay then." I complied with a nod.

I climb onto my bed, and caress his furry legs whilst I crept upward towards his torso. Krampus took a deep breath, anticipating for what is going to be wrought upon him. His tail wagging with excitement behind me. And then I start to tickle his hairy abdomen. Krampus resumes his demonic laughter as the result. I just love the feel of his hardened abs underneath the furry hairs. Even his belly button is ticklish. It made the horned demon squirm around on my bed.

"Oh shit! My belly button is ticklish!" Krampus shrieked with laughter.

"Oh!? Very nice." I said as a response.

I even used the electronic toothbrush on the belly button. And that made Krampus go bonkers. He was hitting his horns on the wall, making scratching noises nonstop. We are trying our best not to wake up the other neighbors in the complex. After the belly button tickling ends, I climb up on top of the demon's torso and then I crept my fingers all the way to his hairy underarms. Krampus starts laughing uncontrollably for his armpits are the sweeter spots. Who knew? However, the rest of him is yet to be explored. But for now, I just focus on tickling his underarms for like five minutes.

Krampus just laughs like the demon that he is. He squirms his body around with me sitting on top. Wahoo! I'm riding his muscular body like a cowboy. With his limbs tied up in my bondage, the legendary Christmas demon has nowhere to go.

After an hour in, I stopped tickling his armpits, just to give him a short break. Krampus lies there, panting and sweating in his hairy/furry body. I can even feel it too.

"Fuck! Why did I allow a mere mortal man to tickle the hell outa me?" Krampus uttered out loud.

"Well gee. I don't know." I taunted playfully. "Is it because you want to see how naughty I can be with you? Well, be careful what you ask for, cause you just might get it."

"Hahhh! Damn you, little mortal." chuckled Krampus. "I've completely underestimated you. I think you might be the naughtiest one yet."

"That may be." I reassured the Christmas demon. "But I haven't begun to do anything like that just yet. I still have to return the favor. But first, I must get you ready for your finishing reward. Your happy ending on Christmas Eve."

Krampus looks at me whilst licking his lips in delight.

"Alright then, mortal. I'm ready for this reward that you promised me." said Krampus.

I get off of his torso. Then I proceed to ticklish his nipples. Krampus chuckles for a brief moment. It tickles him at first, but then he starts moaning soundly afterwards. He moves his pecs up and down, just to tease me while I tickle his nipples. He is such a playful creature when he's not going after misbehaving children. I'll give him that. The tall muscular Christmas demon gazed at me as he moans. I notice his hypnotic hazel eyes staring into my soul, but in a seductive sort of way. He licks his lips with his abnormally long tongue. Just like earlier numerous times before.

"Can you pull on my nipples for a little bit?" Krampus pleaded. "I'll get hard that way if my nipples are pulled harder."

"Okay." I responded with acknowledgement.

I did what he asked of me, by pulling hard on his nipples. Then he starts making ferocious groaning sounds out of pleasure. I shouldn't be surprised that he's into this sort of thing.

"Oh yes!! Pull on them hard!!" groaned Krampus. "Ahhh!! Fuck yeah!! That's the spot!!"

I continue to work on his nipples for a few minutes, until I can see that his huge pinkish cock is rising from his bulge. Wow! Just look at the size of his cock! It is HUGE! Almost the same size as his feet. I turn to Krampus whom too is gazing at me.

"I'm ready for my happy ending." Krampus whispered seductively. "So go get me off."

I smiled at him. He too return a smile back. I went to get a bottle of scented lubricant from my bag. And then I crept in between his legs to apply a significant amount of lube onto his cock. Since I can't suck on it due to his size, I just use my hands to jerk him off. Krampus stretches his long furry legs further apart, hanging his feet off on the edge of the bed. He lets out a lustful sigh for it feels so good. I rub my hands all over his cock, hitting the sweet spots from underneath the shaft, to the cock head. The tall muscular Christmas demon just laid back and relax. He is enjoying his cock being pleased and pleasured by my hands.

"That really feels so fuckin' good." Krampus whispered with a smirk.

I acknowledge him by smiling back. I worked my hands on his cock for several minutes. Even a little tickle on his ballsack helps out a little bit, in which it did get a chuckle out of the masculine demon.

"That fuckin' tickles on my balls." whispered Krampus whilst chuckling.

I just love the sounds that he makes as I continue to massage his cock for the rest of the hour.

This cock pleasing part of this session went on for a good while. And Krampus seems to be enjoying himself with having his cock being worked on in my hands. The demon's body language shows me otherwise.

"Please don't stop....... Keep going......" uttered Krampus as he continues moaning out loud.

And that I did. I'm not going to rest my arms until I make Krampus came.

After the last minute in, Krampus is starting to grunt even loudly for he is getting closer to his limit. So I continue to massage the right spots on his cock, from the shaft to the head. His entire body has shifted into an stance. His clawed hands balled into fist, his muscles tightened, his torso lifted off from the bedsheets, head tilted back without scratching his horns on the wall, his legs spread further apart, and his feet arched like a ballerina with his toes curled up. And he has his eyes squinted shut while he is baring his clenched fanged teeth.

I can tell from his body language, that he is about to cum any minute from now.

"Here it comes, little mortal.... Get ready!" grunted Krampus aloud. "You're gonna make me cum! I'M GONNA CUM!!!"

Then suddenly, he erupts like a volcano, blasting his massive load of seamen all over the place. His roaring cries of lust can be heard from here, all over the world. Even the old jolly Saint Nick, whom is delivering presents halfway around the globe, can hear his arch nemesis's horrific cries from hundreds of miles away.

Everyone else who has heard it, were all horrified by the sound. They don't know where is it coming from, but half of the population knew that it has to be coming from Krampus.

And speaking of whom, Krampus just got done spilling his last drop of cum. He glance at me with relief and satisfaction from his eyes, before he collapsed back onto my bed. He was panting heavily like the beast that he truly is, and was sweating profusely as if he just got done doing extreme exercises. And he just lied there, feeling relieved from sensual pleasure.

However, I'm still not done with him yet. Since Krampus is leaving himself exposed unintentionally, I just had to sneak in one last tickle torture onto him. Starting with his exposed genitals. The Christmas demon resume his laughter as the result. He squirms around on the messy bedsheets as I tickle his huge cock and balls.

"Ahh haha haha!!! What the fuck, man!!!" Krampus howled with laughter. "Come the fuck on!!! I'm too sensitive down there!!! It tickles so much!!!"

"Oh Krampus. Did you really think that I'm actually done with you just yet?" I taunted. "Well I hate to break it to ya, but we are far from finished with this one. Like you said, we have all night."

"Oh man!!! You're more evil than I am!!! Ahh haha haha!!!" Krampus bellowed whilst laughing.

"Nope. Just naughty, like you said I was." I teased the demon.

I tickled his genitals for about four minutes. His legs were twitching for his cock and balls are the sweetest spots of his body. After that, I went all out by tickling Krampus all over his demonic body. And he just lied there, laughing his ass off. I tickled him from his ears, to his thick neck, to his whole muscular torso, to his exposed genitalia, and all the way down his strong furry legs, ultimately to his bare feet. And that is where I stayed, because his feet turns me on so much right now.

As I was having fun tickling his feet, little do I realize that Krampus somehow has gotten his wrists free from the cuffs. Although still intoxicated, he plans his revenge on me, all the while he laughs.

"Fuck this shit!!!" laughed Krampus as he reaches out to grab me.

The tall muscular Christmas demon proceeds to tickle me back out of revenge. Now I'm at the mercy of Krampus himself. Just like I did with him, Krampus targets each part of my body, starting with my torso. He tickles my underarms, the sides, the stomach, and the backside. He even pulls down my pants in order to tickle my genitals in a similar way I'd did to him.

"How do you like me now, mortal!?" taunted Krampus triumphantly. "You think I'm gonna let you tickle me all night!? Well I can tickle you right back!"

I laughed so hard, that my stomach is getting sore. Due to being seven feet and ten inches tall, Krampus has no problems reaching down to strip my socks off and tickle my feet. I struggle to free myself of course, but Krampus is too strong to let me go that easily. He has got me right where he wanted me.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" teased Krampus, seductively.

The tall masculine demon has tickled me all over, without accidentally cutting me with his finger talons. This went on for as long as it has, that it is getting rather difficult to breath. I begged him for mercy because I couldn't breathe due to so much laughter.

"Okay! Okay! I give in!" I shouted out for mercy. "You win, Krampus!"

And just like that, he stops tickling me. But he still held me in his arms. Thus the demon makes another ultimatum.

"Little man, if you want me to stop, then you're gonna have to let me get you off, the second time." said Krampus.

"Oh ok. I'll let you make me cum the second time." I complied and I made a counter offer. "But only on one condition."

"Really now? And what's your one condition?" Krampus asked.

I look up straight into the demon's eyes.

"I would like to do a sixty nine and make you cum the second time around too, while you're at it." I suggested.

Krampus raises his bushy eyebrow out of an puzzled expression. But then he choose to abide with my suggestion.

"About that." says Krampus as he went on. "It'll take me a long while to get hard again. But what the hell!? Let's do it anyways."

"Okay, Krampus." I replied with a nod.

"But before we can do just that, could you kindly release my feet from these restraints, please?" Krampus suggested, pointing at his cuffed ankles.

I went over to release his ankles from the cuffs. Now Krampus is free to stretch out his legs and his tail, before pulling my body towards his hairy torso. With my back touching his abdomen, Krampus starts to play with my nipples once again in order to get me horny once more. I allow the demon to touch me there. He even tickles my feet with his bushy tail to add to the sensation. Because of that, I am feeling overwhelmingly turned on again. And my dick is hardening from the sensual stimulation. Krampus sees this. And his mouth is watering for he is thirsty to taste my dick for the second time.

"You're getting hard again, are you?" Krampus whispered in my ear.

"Yes, Krampus. I'm horny again." I whispered back. "I'm ready for the blowjob."

"Good." whispered Krampus in a seductive tone. "Now turn around and bring your ass over to me, so I can suck you dry."

I did what he told me to do. I turn my body horizontally on my bed, facing his crotch. And mine in Krampus's face. Then he begins to lick my cock and balls with his long tongue, covering them in his saliva. And he then takes my dick inside his mouth, sucking me off once again. At the same time, I rub the demon's bulge to make his cock rise out again. And then I proceed to lick the shaft underneath, all the while I rub his cock head. Thus we engage in a sixty nine pleasuring activity throughout another hour.

During the steamy moment, Krampus is being careful with trying not to poke me with his tusks whilst giving me a blowjob. I just pleasured the sweetest spots of his cock, licking the shaft and the tip of the head. His mouth is so warm on my dick. Just like before. And he too likes it when I lick his cock and balls. Thus we continue to pleasure each other for the last remaining later hour.

After five minutes in, I finally came inside of Krampus's mouth. The tall masculine demon did not stop until he gets that last drop of my seamen. Now I am completely drained, sexual wise. But Krampus still haven't came yet. I guess he wasn't kidding when he said that it'll take a while for him to reach his limit. And by the time my jawline got numb from all of this licking, Krampus takes it upon himself to jerk his cock off for the rest of the hour. With the help of lubricant, of course. Now that I'm finished before him, I decide to have fun with his feet while he's at it. I give playful tickles to his large soles, making him laugh, all the while he touches himself.

It took him several minutes to reach his climatic ending. I just played with his bare feet during the cock pleasuring moment. And after making ferocious grunting noises, along with one final stroke, Krampus has finally came, blasting his load of cum all over the bedsheets. He felt relieved of his horny endeavor and he lied back down on the messy bedsheets once again. I shook my head in amusement. He just looks so adorable like this, rather than frightening. He turns to notice me and he smiled.

"I apologize for making a big mess on your bed." said Krampus.

"Oh don't worry about it." I reassured. "I can always clean it up in the morning."

"Okay, little mortal. If you say so." says Krampus, running his fingers the red part of his hair in relief. "I can't believe all of that tickling you dished out on me, has had me beat. Whew!"

"Yeah, it happens a lot to most people sometimes." I remarked with a smile.

"I bet it does." said Krampus, smiling as well.

"I'll go get you a fresh warm wet washcloth and a dry towel to wipe off your furry parts." I said as I got up from the bed.

I went to the bathroom to fetch a warm wet washcloth and a dry towel. The I return to my bedroom, where Krampus is waiting for me. I hand over the washcloth and towel to him, so he can wipe the seamen off his cock and parts of his fur. His cock has softened up before returning inside his bulge. Then he gets up from my bed, so I can pull the sheets off and then place them to the side. Krampus puts his chain back on around his neck. Before he can exit my room, he turn to me with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to kiss my feet before I go get my bag?" Krampus asked me, raising his eyebrow.

"Sure." I replied happily.

I knelt down to kiss the Christmas demon's feet. After that, Krampus's bare feet reverts back into goat hooves. Then the both of us has left my bedroom.

In my living room, Krampus was helping me clean up the mess that he made earlier that evening. He threw away empty bottles of beer into the recycling bin. I just toss the empty poppers in the trash. But the Christmas demon kept the cartage of refurnished cigars in his belt's pouch. Now that everything is all cleaned up, we sat down on the couch to have our little chat before Krampus has to leave for the night.

"Welp! That was fun!" says Krampus, putting his arm around me. "Hell! I never had any kind of fun like this in ages!"

"Really?" I wondered.

"Well believe it or not, I had my fair share of indulging myself with naughty mortals's desires for centuries." said Krampus and he went on with his lifelong story. "I have partake in the BDSM scenes with mortals in parts of Europe, the United Kingdom, and of course, here in the United States."

"Wait! What?" I exclaimed in surprise. "You partake in the BDSM scene? You did???"

"Yeah! Of course I did." Krampus remarked. "Even demons gotta have a hobby or a side hustle outside of our life's work, you know."

"Oh! I didn't know that you were engaged in such things." I uttered.

"Trust me, little mortal. There's a lot of things that you and your kind don't know about me." says Krampus, kicking his hooves up on the table.

"I can't even begin to imagine." I said, toying with my dread.

"And I also have to mention that I never had a mere mortal person who has wanted me to stay here a little longer, just to tickle me, let alone, get me off during this hot fun time." Krampus remarked. "I mean, I can handle one mortal man who has a armpit fetish. I've gotten with plenty of mortal women, just to get laid from them. I even had plenty of gay mortal men who wants to get off upon me, and I let them. But the foot fetish thing you have done with me? That's new. As if even rare that you want me to stay for that."

"Oh? Is that so?" I wondered.

"Yes, little mortal. It is new and rare to me." says Krampus. "But you know what else?"

"What???" I questioned.

"I actually like it." said Krampus and he went on. "Especially the parts where you get me off by playing with my nipples and pulling on them really hard. Oh man! That felt good! And then you jerked my cock, tickle my balls. What a stimulating feeling. Not to mention that I made you came in my mouth, that's twice in one night."

"And I made you came twice too." I added. "During and after the tickle torture."

"Yeah. Very stimulating and arousing." said Krampus.

"Here I thought that you were going to take my soul and damn me to hell." I reminisced.

"Nah!! You can keep your soul." said Krampus, shaking his head. "That's what I come here for, at first. But now, I won't do that. As you can see, little mortal, I may be the Christmas demon, the Anti-Santa Claus, the devil incarnate. But I'm also a fair man of my word. So you are safe."

"Wow! Thanks." I said to him. "To be honest, I was not expecting this at all. I mean for starters, I always thought that you were to be depicted as a horrifying entity that terrifies children and adults alike. A monstrosity at best. But now that I've met you in person, you don't quite look like what you are depicted in the lore."

"Oh really? What are you implying exactly?" Krampus snickered. "Am I not scary enough for you?"

"Oh no! I'm not implying that." I reassured the demon. "I mean, you are hella nightmarishly terrifying, granted. But you also have some attractive appeal and charm too."

"Oh! So you're saying that despite of what you know about me and my history, you're really attracted to me, regardless of who I am? And what I'm capable of?" Krampus questioned me.

"Yes. That about sums it up." I replied truthfully.

The tall muscular Christmas demon was taken back by that answer. All of his long life for centuries, he was feared amongst human people around the holidays. Particularly parents and caregivers who would tell stories about him, to scare children into being good. However, he does have a few people who secretly worshipped him over the years. Rather that they do with Saint Nick or Jesus Christ, which whom the holiday was originated from. But never had he thought that a couple of few people were ambiguously attracted to him, despite of his demonic nature.

Krampus gave off a soft smile. He rubs my shoulders gently out of appreciation.

"Well since that you are being honest with me, I suppose I will accept that answer." says Krampus, smiling.

I just smiled back at him in return. After the short conversation, Krampus gets himself up from the couch. He went to grab his bag and the belt with the bristled whip attached. And then he turns to the window, as if he was about to leave.

"You're leaving now?" I asked him.

"Yes. I am." Krampus replied. "I gotta get back to work. You know, I got plenty of bad children to abduct, souls to collect, shitty mortals to damn for eternity."

"Oh ok. I see." I uttered in a seldom manner.

Before he can open the window to exit out of my apartment, Krampus turns to me one last time.

"I'll tell you what, mortal. Perhaps next year around Christmas, if you're naughty as hell again, I will be back to visit you." says Krampus, grinning softly. "And maybe we can do this again."

"Oh! You would really come visit me again?" I questioned.

"Hell yeah!" beamed Krampus. "Because out of all the naughty mortals that I've come across over the years, you by far are the most interesting one I've ever had the pleasure of meeting with this Christmas night."

"Well I'm flattered by that statement. Really." I uttered, blushing softly.

"I meant it though." said Krampus. "You are alright in my opinion. Because of that alone, I wiIl put you on my other list."

"Wait! Hold on! You have another list?" I wondered.

"Yes, I have another list." says Krampus as he then pulls out a different scroll from his bag. "As you can see here, little mortal, I have two scrolls in my tool bag. One of the naughty children that I've written off. And the other one that I personally keep on the side. So from these ongoing days forward, I herby decree that I'll remove you from my official naughty list, to my top favorited naughty mortals list!"

"Oh wow! Nice!" I exclaimed with utmost joy.

"That's right! That is where I will be keeping you in mind." Krampus announced. "So just be sure that you'll be extra naughty for the next year. That way you know that I'll be coming back for you. If that old fat ass Saint Nick doesn't give you a Christmas present, then I will be the one to give you a present in his place."

"Same thing as usual?" I asked.

"You bet!" says Krampus, smirking as he turns to the window. "I should be going now. I got a lot of work to do with these pesky brats."

"But it's almost morning." I pointed out to the clock. "It's six a.m.. Today is Christmas Day. How are you going to get all of the bad children in less than an hour left?"

Krampus grinned widely for he always has a way of getting his job done by the last minute. So he shared a little secret to me.

"Oh it may be morning to you mortals. But not to me." says Krampus as he went on. "As you can see, we demons operate outside the very fabric of your reality. So time flows differently with us than it does in your part of the world. So your day is just about to begin. But for me and my minions, the night is still young."

"Oh! I see." I remark, although still confused about what he said.

"Yep! Saint Nick ain't the only one who can deliver all the presents in one night." said Krampus as he was about to leave through the window.

But alas he has one more thing to do before he can open the window pane.

"Hey, little mortal! Before I go, I almost forgot to give you one last thing." Krampus remarked.

"What's that?" I wondered with an raised eyebrow.

"Come here! And you will see." said Krampus as he reaches out to pull me closer to him.

I don't know what he's thinking about nor what's he's going to do with me. But to my surprise, Krampus caught me off my guard once again when he leans over to kiss my forehead. That made me blush. I am completely flustered with this kind of compassion, ever coming from the demon of Christmas.

Now Krampus is preparing to leave. He opens my window. The cold air is rushing into my apartment. And then the tall muscular Christmas demon squeeze himself through the window pane.

"I'll see you around on Christmas next year!" bellowed Krampus as he bids his farewell.

I rush towards the window and watched him leap from the walls, to the fire escape platforms, all the way down until he lands on the snow below. Then I noticed that his demonic imps were on the other side of the road. They were all waiting for their alpha male demon. While he is halfway through the cold winter storm, Krampus turns to look up at me one last time. He smiled of course, and then gave a soldier's salute as a goodbye gesture. I too salute to him back, followed with a wave. Alongside with his demonic imp minions by his side, Krampus has disappeared into the snowy fog.

I feel cold from all of the cold air entering the living room. So I close the window. Due to all of this sensual excitement that went on all night long, I suddenly feel so tired. And the laundry mat is not even at this hour. Even on the holidays. So I just chose to sleep on the couch instead. If my family is waiting for me to come on over, well they can keep waiting. Because I'm all tuckered out from all of the tickling fun time with the demon, Krampus. So for now, I'm just sleep in for the day until tonight.

And that is the end of this kinky tale. I have to be honest with those who has stayed for this story. No doubt about it that this has not been the Christmas weekend that I was expecting at all. In fact, I didn't think that I would be celebrating it this year. But then again, I have gotten an unexpected surprise for the holidays. Which is in the form of the legendary Christmas demon, Krampus.

Here I thought that he is going to be the most nightmarishly terrifying supernatural creature that's ever walked the earth, terrorizing any human being that heard his story and learned of his existence. Like the images of him that we might find on the internet. But instead, all I got is the hunkiest demigod/demonic version of this Anti-Santa Claus. Although I should be afraid of him, but because of the way that he seduced me earlier, I'm not afraid of him anymore. Instead, all I feel is this overwhelming feeling of lust towards him, especially at his feet. Thank goodness that he didn't take my soul and damned me for eternity.

Because of that night on Christmas Eve, I have seen the different side of Krampus that I never knew before. And I'm not alone, according to what he has told me when I've tickled him all night long. Not only that, he got me off twice, just like I did with him. However, there's only one thing that he hadn't gave me that Christmas night; a footjob. Maybe when he comes around to visit me next year, I might have to request it to him.

And for the people who are going to say that Santa Claus will not be coming around to give me presents, I tell y'all right now. I'm not too sore about it. Of course not everyone is going to get presents from Santa Claus himself. Myself included. But that's okay! Because I have gotten a better Christmas present. And that is tickling Krampus's feet and his muscular body, as well as making him came twice that night. And I can't wait to do this again with him next year, just like he promised me.

So for what its worth, as strange as it may sound, maybe being naughty doesn't seem like a terrible idea.

Would Saint Nick, A.K.A., Santa Claus be the next one on my foot fetish list?That is if his wife, Mrs. Claus doesn't find out about it. But who knows? Perhaps Frosty the snowman would be nice? Or even the anthropomorphic version of Rudolph, the red nose reindeer? Well one of us will have to wait and see what the future may hold for one of these male characters.

But until then as always, stay imaginative, stay inhumane, stay kinky, and of course stay golden!

And I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!

The End... For Now

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