
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Mar 12, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know nor do I think I am the BSB. This was written for pleasure only. The plot/concept of the story is based off of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman series. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to view homosexual material in your town/city/county/state/province/ country then please leave.

The Koty Series: Despair and Dream By Lady Nimm (9)

Prologue: In a world of confusion, 5 things remain constant. Dream, Desire, Death, Delight, and Despair. And in each generation or century, these Koty or Mortal Endless take form. Many have interpretations of them. Gods and goddesses or demons, they were revered. They each have a mortal to call upon them when needed and balance out their sides.

These mortals could call upon them whenever in danger but they were usually the opposite of the person they represent. They were chosen before they were born by the former Koty before they pass on their power to their pupil. The callers were chosen and if they abuse that power, all memory that included anything to do with the Koty would be erased.

They are not immortal for their caller is their heir; the ones who will take the job after the predecessor expires. For then, they will roam with the Endless on another place.

But it really isn't the matter of who finds who or how long it takes. It's not to fall in love with the caller.

Chapter 1: Part 1: Despair and Aaron Nottingham Despair roamed the streets of London, England. None of them had their callers yet. Damn emotionally strong humans, he thought.

"Despair..." called a gentle voice. Almost immediately, Despair found himself transport to a lovely country mansion. A man his age walked towards him. His eyes were a darker shade of brown than Despair's. He stood tall; towering over him a bit. He was built and had brown hair with a Grecian face.

"AJ McLean." Despair whispered, using his true name.

"I'm Aaron Nottingham." Aaron bowed and kissed the back of AJ's hand. He had a light British accent that made Despair's insides melt. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. McLean."

A storm raged outside. "You called my name, Mr. Nottingham." Despair pointed out as they sat down.

Aaron brought tea and set it down on the coffee table. "I'm afraid I don't get many visitors. I find it strange that I called upon you without your sigil or annulet."

Despair reclined. "Ah...the Sandman is a good series, is it not? Vivid and wild pictures that looks like what my true self resides."

"So you're really a woman?" asked Aaron.

"NO!" Despair glared at him.

Aaron chuckled quietly. "I was only joking." They sat in silence for a while. "Do I call you by just calling your name?"

Despair produced a rose out of nowhere and a small velvet box. He handed it to Aaron who blushed and opened the box. Inside was a necklace with a curved blade on the end. It wasn't sharp enough to pierce his skin but it was still metal.

"This is my sigil." Despair whispered as he put the necklace on Aaron. "Hold this and call on me. I'll always come to you."

Aaron fingered the necklace. "Do you need to leave right now?" he asked. Despair nodded. "Then go." Aaron smiled. Despair smiled and kissed the side of Aaron's check before disappearing.

Aaron got up and looked for a vase. This house used to be full of life. Holly Falcon lived here. She had brought laughter into the household. He remembered when she would dance in the sun. Her laughter mixed with spring's songs; her eyes blue as the sky; her golden hair reflecting the sun. She died of terminal cancer just last year.

Nimm Lancaster had lived there throughout her teen years and literary career. She too brought a vivacious ambiance to the home. They would have so much fun partying or just being silly. She was taken in a shooting outside the Palace downtown.

Aaron wiped the tears from his eyes. He lost two best friends yet he himself was still alive.

Maybe that was why the former Despair had chosen him as the hair. Maybe, just maybe.

Part 2: Dream and Jorryn Vai Jorryn tucked a lock of raven hair behind his ear as he walked down an Eton street. He shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed before turning his almond-shaped eyes towards the blue-grey skies. He was at Eton College, finally. But he wondered if he really wanted to be there. His dreams had become but mere black holes in his psyche.

Nothing helped him write anymore. Perhaps it was because he got dumped just a few weeks ago. He sat on a bench and put his head in his hands. He looked at the sky again. Why do I feel so empty, he wondered. He sighed again before getting up and walking back to the dorms.

"Hey, Vai!" shouted a classmate. "You have a package."

"Jorryn looked at the box and slowly lifted the lid. All he saw was a mask on a chain. The mask was barely bigger than his thumb; the African warrior stared back.

He put it on the nightstand before turning out for the night. He closed his eyes, awaiting for the darkness.

Instead of the usual darkness, a figure in black made its way towards him. Jorryn fell into the creature's embrace without question. the form shaped into a Latino man much older than he was. He had soothing brown eyes and a comforting smile. Jorryn had seen him before. He was Howie Dorough.

"I am Dream and your protector. You have my sigil. Call me whenever you're in trouble like you did tonight. You have a power all your own as well. You can pen dreams on paper; an ability most humans don't have."

Jorryn just stood in Dream's embrace. They laid down on a cloud. "Just hold me." Jorryn whispered. "Please."

Dream said nothing and held him. Never had he met someone like Jorryn. He was so fragile and so soft; quiet like a dove. Dream wrapped the young man in his arms.

Jorryn felt safe and warm in Dream's arms. Safe until morning came to awaken him to a new day.

He opened his eyes groggily; still enchanted by the dream. Dream...the Adonis that held him all through the night. He sighed; still feeling the arms around him.

He opened his notebook and began to write furiously whatever came into his mind.

He sat back hours later. He had filled nearly 3 notebooks full of just one story. He stopped and reread what he just wrote, surprised that it made sense.

He took the key chain and kissed it. "Thank you, Dream."

"Jory! Come on! We have an assembly to get to." Brandon shouted.

"Coming!" he replied before running out with his friends. They ran across grounds over the snow and to the outside of the assembly house. "What's the assembly for?" he asked as they waited to be seated.

"Some Yankee choirs want to go against ours." Brandon replied. A snowball hit Jory. He turned to see a group of no more than 18 dressed in 18th to 19th century-style clothes. They looked like the traditional carolers. Girls were in large gowns and guys dressed like the Etonians with more colorful waistcoats and top hats.

They were laughing, squealing and throwing snow at each other. A little one with the bluest of eyes and dark hair, curled and peeking out of a dark red bonnet smiled in Jory's direction. A snowball hit her; sending her into a fit of giggles and falling in the snow.

She looked at them again before throwing a few snowballs in their direction. Many Etonians joined in, including Jorryn, joined in the Winter Dream.

E-mail is greatly aprreciated: Mistress_N9@juno.com

Next: Chapter 2

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