Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 22, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15 Chapter 9

Coming Clean

James and Matt were in the kitchen, sitting at the table drinking coffee while they discussed the activities planned for Saturday, they both heard the stairway door open then close. Less than a minute later, David White and JJ Townsend walked into the kitchen. David was in full uniform and had his STB hat on; JJ on the other hand was dressed in just boxers and flip-flops.

Neither James nor Matt said anything, just waiting for one of the boys to speak, wondering what the fuck was going on.

David was the first to speak; "I've got a problem sir."

JJ looked at David wondering what the fuck he was talking about, the only person who had a problem around there was JJ and he couldn't understand the meaning of what David had just said.

David looked at JJ and said; "Your choice, it's up to you JJ."

JJ looked at David, understanding flooding through him. David was giving him a chance to come clean, he didn't want to rat him out but he would, if JJ didn't do it himself. JJ thought for a moment and knew his only chance was to tell James and Matt how he had fucked up and hope they wouldn't kick him out the instant he was finished.

JJ gave himself a little shake and looked James, then Matt in the eye and said; "I fucked up, I fucked up worse than I ever did before in my life. Besides fucking up, I put David in a position where he would have to lie for me or turn me in." JJ looked at David and said; "I'm really sorry Davie, I wasn't thinking straight, I guess I really screwed the pooch this time."

Turning back to James and Matt; "I'm sorry, I know that sounds lame, I know everyone says they're sorry when they mess up and are trying to get themselves out of a jam, but I really am sorry for what I did."

"Hold up a second JJ, we've kind of figured you've messed up somehow and that you're really sorry about it, both of you come over here and sit down. Before we go any further, do either of you two want something to drink?"

Both the boys sat down across from the brothers. Both the boys shook their heads no, to the drinks. JJ took a deep breath and started telling the brothers about David catching him smoking pot in the restroom, David taking his remaining pot and flushing it down the shiter and then giving him the chance to tell Matt and James about it.

James looked at Matt who just shrugged his shoulders; brotherly shorthand telling James whatever you decide is fine with me.

James looked at David and asked, "Who else knows about this besides us?"

"No one, I got Carson to finish my watch so I'll probably have to tell him and Mark something, Mark cause he knows that I got Carson up to stand my watch. If you say so, I won't even tell Phil what happened and just ask Carson to forget about me getting him out of bed to finish my watch.

James thought for a moment before saying; "We'll discuss telling them later." He looked back at JJ and said; "When did you start smoking pot JJ, and how many times have you done it here?"

"This was my first time here, honest James; I'm telling ya the truth. I started smoking the stuff after Freddie died last year, I was going through some of his stuff and came across the bag that David took off of me tonight, only then it was full. I never bought any of it myself and I never smoked with anyone else. I tried it the first time because I wanted to see what it was like, and then I smoked it whenever the shit got too deep for me and it helped me not care. It helped me not care that I am gay, it helped me not care that Freddy kilt himself and I didn't know why he did it. Then tonight, out of nowhere you make me a squad leader. I didn't know what to do, I knew I'd fuck up and then everyone would know that I couldn't do nothing right and that I was just fucked up and that you guys never should have trusted me. I'm sorry; right now I just want to be with Freddy again. God I miss him."

James, Matt and David looked at each other then looked at the quietly sobbing 14 year old. James got up and went to JJ and picked him up and hugged him close to his breast, just holding him close and running his fingers through his hair. When JJ calmed down, James set him back in his chair and looked at him for a few minutes.

"First off, I don't want to hear any of this shit about you being with Fred. You know what his death did to you and your parents; you want them to suffer that again? Plus think what it would do to your friends in the Unit ... and to Matt and me, I don't know if we could handle it and keep the Unit together."

James looked at Matt and said; "What do you think, 35 pounds?"

Matt nodded; "Up to a maximum of 55 pounds."

James thought for a minute before speaking; "OK JJ, you're right, you fucked up big time. Here's what we're going to do, and it'll be your choice, I can either throw you out of the unit right now, or, you can opt for non-judicial punishment, your choice."

"You mean you won't kick me out? What da ya mean nonjewdoodle?" JJ said with a look of hope on his face.

James stifled a sudden urge to laugh before he said; "As long as you comply with three provisions we set for you we won't kick you out; 1. You will undergo one week of extra physical training as directed by Matt. 2. You will sign a contract with the Unit stating that you will never use illegal drugs or alcohol for as long as you are attached to the Unit. 3. You will tell your father what you have done, you will tell him within the next two weeks and you will tell him we want to talk to him about the whole situation. Failure to comply with these provisions will cause your immediate separation from the unit."

James watched JJ as he was telling what was required of him to remain in the Unit and saw him blanch when spoke about him telling his father. James said; "Do you agree to these provisions?"

JJ didn't hesitate before saying; "Yes sir I do, I will comply with all of them I promise."

Matt, James and David were all taken by surprise with JJ's last statement when he said; "I swear to you on the grave of my departed brother, SO HELP ME GOD!" and then he crossed himself.

The rest of the weekend was taken up with an NRA and State of Washington approved fire arm safety course, James brought in a team of volunteer instructors from the Department of Fish and Wildlife and had the entire unit, even those boys who had already completed the course go through it. James had struck a deal with the head instructor to use the unit's facilities for future Hunter Safety classes if he provided the unit with ongoing classes for new members. When he invited Dutch Barton out to inspect the Unit's facilities, Dutch readily agreed to the offer. While the class was going on James and Matt took one of the buggies out into the desert to set up the punishment course that JJ would use starting Monday morning.

James said; "So what do you think Matt, three miles be enough?"

"Yeah, for JJ, geez I feel sorry for the little guy. I kinda hate doing this to him but better us then him getting busted by the locals sometime. I think that by the time he finishes Friday night, he'll remember what he'll have gone through all week and think twice before he does something stupid. I also want to set up a five mile course for field marches for the whole Unit, you think you're up to it old man?"

"Old man? I'll give you old man. Don't sleep on your stomach tonight or you'll see how much stamina this old man has left in him."

Matt laughed; "Are you bragging, complaining or making an offer?"

"Your choice, but now that I think of it, it has been a few weeks."

They set up the two courses and returned just as lunch was being served on the Mess Decks. They had decided that instead of making the boys clean and cook all weekend, they would provide professional cooks and janitors to take care of the cooking and cleaning.

Sunday afternoon at the completion of the Unit activities, James took JJ aside to talk to him before he left.

"JJ, you need to be here at 05:30 tomorrow morning for your special detail. Matt and I have discussed it and we're going to run your ass off for the next five days. I just wanted to talk to you to see if you reconsidered your decision about complying with the requirements of our agreement. If you want to we can forget the whole thing, you just won't be apart of the Unit anymore, and you have my word that no one will ever know about the situation whatever your decision is.

"No sir, I haven't changed my mind. I realized I fucked up and I have to pay my dues. I talked to David today and told him he could tell Phil, Mark and Carson what happened, I figured it was only fair as they are brothers and friends and it wouldn't be right to lie to them or keep them in the dark about what happened."

James was glad he and Matt had offered JJ this chance. James said; "Starting tomorrow morning you will show up by 05:30, in full uniform, that is shined boots, Mar Cam's and booney hat. You will also wear your LBE and web belt with two full canteens attached. You will report to the computer room where we will have your backpack waiting with 35 pounds of weights in it, you'll put the backpack on and run the three mile course that we have set out in the desert starting and finishing at the rifle range structure. At the completion of the run, you will be released untill18:00 when you do the run again dressed the same way as your morning run. You will make each run in a clean uniform and you will ensure that your boots are shined. Each day your backpack will have five additional pounds added to it. After the 18:00 run on Friday the physical activity portion of your agreement will have been satisfied. Do you understand what is required of you and do you agree to it?"

JJ came to attention and said: "Yes sir I do and I will comply. And sir, thank you."

JJ saluted and held his salute until it was returned; "Here's your dad, get on home and get some rest. Oh and JJ, we're glad you took the extra detail, see you tomorrow."

That night James and Matt were sitting in the TV room watching a movie. James had a bowl of popcorn and was drinking a coke when Matt said; "Hey Old Man you got any stamina left?'

James looked at his brother; "You know we just got finished spending two days with some of the best looking boys in the Sate of Washington, maybe the whole country and you ask a question like that? I must have changed my shorts six or seven times since Friday and I still have a hard on I can pound nails with and you have the nerve to ask me if I have any stamina left? You want top or bottom?"

"Let's take turns, it's only 6:30, and we both know I got a bigger dick than you. If you can pound nails, just call me `Rosy the Riveter'."

Matt reached over and rubbed the bulge in the front of James' cargo shorts, feeling the wet spot that he knew he would find. James, careful not to spill any popcorn or coke quickly placed them on the floor alongside the couch before reaching for his brother.

As they slowly started to undress each other, Matt asked; "Did you notice JJ the other night, when him and David walked into the kitchen I almost shot a load in my shorts. I couldn't hardly believe his body definition, nice pec's, he almost has a six pack and those legs, wow. I honestly don't ever remember any boys looking like that when I was 14, do you?"

James said; "Yeah I know what you mean, I visualized what it would be like to throw him down and horse fuck him right there in the kitchen. I'm glad we have each other, I don't look too good in prison orange and that's what I'd be wearing for the next 30 or 40 years if I didn't."

James lowered Matt's zipper and pulled his hot dripping cock through the fly of his shorts, leaned over and, almost daintily, licked the head free of precum. Matt's dick was just under seven inches long, the scar of his circumcision standing out clearly against the white of his cock shaft, a nice patch of reddish orange pubic hair at the base of his dick and a thin `Happy Trail' leading up to his naval turned on James immensely. James had a thing about Matt's pubic hair; he enjoyed the fragrance it gave off, a fragrance unique to Matt and Matt alone. He most enjoyed his fragrance when he was deep throating him and his nose was pushed in to Matt's pubic mound.

Matt leaned back on the sofa and thought to himself; "Well I guess he wants `top' tonight," Just then James started to deep throat him, slowly taking him all the way into his throat and then just as slowly pulling back until just the head of his cock was in his mouth. From long years of experience, James knew where all Matt's buttons were and just how to push them to get him all spun up.

As he deep throated his brother, James gently rolled Matt's balls in their silken sack squeezing them harder and harder the more excited Matt became. Matt wasn't into pain but whenever they had sex, he really liked to have his nuts squeezed tightly, the tighter James squeezed, the more excited he got. Matt was now thrusting his dick harder and harder, meeting his brother's mouth on the down stroke with greater force until; "FUCK ..Fuck .. Fuck ...fuckkkkkkkkkk!" Matt started shooting cum deep into James' throat and then as he pulled back, into his mouth. James continued to suck until Matt's cock had gone completely soft and there was no more cum oozing from the piss slit. James pulled off and quickly found Matt's lips, forcing his tongue between them, passionately dueling Matt's tongue, almost fucking his mouth with his tongue.

James stood up dragging his brother up with him. The men walked to their bedroom where they finished undressing. "Lets get a quick shower, I want you squeaky clean, and I need to get rid of about a pound of head cheese before we go any farther."

Back in 2001, Matt and James had found a story in the Nifty Archives titled "Somerset Farm©," a story about a group of boys who seemed to fuck and suck 24/7. The story was funny, sad, sexy and in real life, the people involved would probably die from exhaustion and dehydration. It did point out that while sex, whether hetro or gay, was inherently dirty, the story introduced the brothers to the Big `E', as in enema. At first the boys really doubted whether performing an enema before sex would make any real difference. Boy, were they wrong. So Matt and James took a quick shower, James performed an enema on Matt and then Matt returned the favor for James, just in case Matt got lucky. After toweling dry the brothers climbed on James' king-size bed and prepared for some serious fucking. Actually, fucking wasn't an accurate description of what the two brothers did.

Matt had been 12 and James 17 when they first had sex together, even though James was five years older than Matt, they were both virgins. James had come out to his parents a couple of months before and then to his younger brother a few days later, James didn't feel it was right to hide his homosexuality from his brother. Besides wanting to be honest with him, he felt it was necessary for Matt to know in case something happened and the word got out that he was gay. About a week after James let him know he was gay, Matt came to him in his bedroom and haltingly told James that he thought that he might be gay also. The brothers talked about how James felt and Matt told him that was the way his feelings were also. The boys said good night and went to bed. The next night after everyone had gone to bed, Matt quietly entered James' bedroom and found him lying on his bed with his eyes closed, slowly stroking his dick. To Matt, this was the most exciting thing he had ever witnessed. Matt immediately assumed `Hardon Condition One, with all the bells, whistles and flashing lights going off in his head at once, he quietly walked over to James' bed, watched quietly for a moment and then reached down and gently cupped James' balls.

James immediately tried to imitate Siegfried and Roy by levitating straight up in the air. He immediately started to spit and splutter while trying to push Matt away from him, cover his nakedness and start breathing again. James was able to start breathing again, but that was it. James looked up at his little brother, ready to blast him out of his skivvies and stopped. He looked in Matt's eyes and saw fear, love and a deep yearning, a yearning he knew all about. James hesitated for a minute, reached up and pulled his younger, smaller brother to him on the bed and embraced him, soon he felt Matt embrace him back. James started talking, professing his love and need for his younger brother, also of his fear that Matt would reject him. That night, Matt and James had sex, raw animalistic sex. The type of sex that could only emerge from the fertile imaginations of two young boys; one on the cusp of manhood, the other traveling through the unknown and frightening landscape of puberty. Both in need of each other and the physical release from the prisons their minds had locked their physical beings in, minds that until just then refused to allow them the solace of each other's arms and bodies.

For six months or so the boys engaged in sex at every opportunity, savagely taking one another whenever possible, loving each other, but making their physical release both their priorities. One night after they had both sated their need, while lying in Matt's bed, they made love for the first time, gently, but with a passion, a passion that was more satisfying than any tawdry dominating sex they had ever experienced. From that time forward sex became more passionate, more meaningful and more of a satisfying experience that they both enjoyed and coveted; it also was an expression of their love for each other.

So on this night the two brothers wanted, no, needed to make love. With tender gently probing fingers, James prepared Matt to receive him. When Matt said; "Gently Jim, it's been a while."

James just leaned forward and tenderly kissed Matt on the lips, softly probing his mouth with his tongue, his way of reassuring his younger brother of his love. James pulled his foreskin back revealing the angry dark red head of his dick and placed it against Matt's puckered anus for a few seconds before pushing into Matt. Matt inhaled softly and nodded for James to continue, James slowly pushed until his pubic hair rasped against Matt's nut sack and he had no cock that wasn't already sheathed by Matt. After giving Matt a minute to get used to his size, James withdrew until only the head of his dick was still inside, he slowly moved back, fully into Matt once more. With Matt now used to James' dick, Matt raised his body to meet each thrust of James', this was James' signal to increase his tempo, thrusting faster and harder into the only man he had ever loved. Passion spoke to passion, as the brothers and lovers strove to be one with each other, until with a strangled yell both men came at the same time, both shooting rope after rope of glistening white semen in to and on their bodies. When both had finished their climax, when both had collapsed, the men, the brothers in the typical after sex bliss experienced by all true lovers, gay or hetro, professed their love for each other.

Promptly at 04:45 the bedroom was filled with the raucous sound of KKOL, 97.6 on your FM dial, the sound of the Columbia Basin's home for County Rock. James attempted to commit 'radiocide' on the clock radio with a backhanded slap. The only thing he did accomplish was to hurt his hand. Cussing a blue streak, he fumbled with the radio's controls until he was able to turn it off.

"Fuck Matt, you either start listening to some other station or you can kiss my ass if you'll ever get my beautiful body back in here."

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that before, next time, maybe I'll just beat off."

Both of them laughed, knowing that would never happen. Wearily, they got up and entered the bathroom. Shit, showered and shaved they dressed in clean MarCams and headed for the kitchen. After a quick breakfast they went outside to await the arrival of JJ.

At 05:25, they spotted JJ riding up the drive on his mountain bike. As ordered he was in full uniform but bare headed. When he got to the brothers he dismounted his bike and grabbed his booney hat from the back pocket of his trousers and seated it firmly on his head. JJ walked up to the men, came to the position of attention and saluted, then said; "Squad Leader Townsend reporting as ordered Sir."

Both men returned the boy's salute and Matt said; "Ready to complete the first portion of your extra duty?"

All JJ said was; "Yessir."

Matt said; "Follow me. He then turned on his heal and lead the procession into the house and the computer room. When they got there, the first thing JJ noticed was his backpack sitting by one of the work stations. James went over to the environmental and security keyboard and typed in a command, the plasma monitor above it came to life showing a diagram of the entire 17,000 acres of the estate. James once again entered a command and the diagram shrank to just the area of the rifle range and the desert to the west of it, JJ saw a red line on the diagram that looked like a four year old had tried to draw a picture of a balloon on a string, a not too bright four year old.

"OK, this is the route you follow during your run each day; in the morning I want you to take the right hand fork, in the evening take the left. The route is clearly marked, James and I went out yesterday and set it up, we used little red flags like the ones used by the people who fertilize your lawn use to mark it out."

"You will stay on the route; you will not cut across the desert to shorten your run. Yow will wear the backpack for the entire run and not take it off until you return to the computer room. Do you understand?"


"Get the back pack on and make sure that it is firmly in place and comfortable, this is a run, not a walk and we will be timing you. We expect your times to get faster each time you make a run."

Matt checked the backpack and its fit, and then led JJ outside followed closely by James. Matt said; "Squad Leader Peterson, Ten-Hut! At the double time, Forward Harch!"

JJ spun around and headed for the gate to rifle range, not overly fast, but definitely not slow. When he cleared the gate he continued to the north side of the rifle range where he saw the first marker flag, jogging past it he thanked whatever God in Heaven that it was the end of October and the temperature was now in the 40's and 50's at this time of day. Three miles wasn't really too bad he told himself, he was on the cross country team at school and was used to running ten miles a day for training. As he reached the turn, barely half a mile into the run he was sweating like the proverbial pig, by the time he started the backside of the run, his MarCam's were dark with sweat down his back, around his armpits and in the crotch of his trousers. Remembering the survival portion of the hunter safety course he had just gone through, he knew he had to get some water in him. Slowing down a little, he pulled out one of the canteens and started drinking; taking small sips every couple of steps. After he drank about a quarter of the water in his first canteen he replaced it in the webbing on his belt. He repeated this process about every couple of hundred yards as he continued his run.

While JJ was running, Matt and James were following his progress using the seismic sensors and the security monitor. They wanted to make sure that if JJ had a problem, they would be aware of it.

"Look at that little bastard run, Jesus is he making good time even with 35 pounds on his back and wearing jump boots." James said.

"Ya know Matt, we really should put cameras out there on both courses, just to make sure we can watch that someone doesn't get hurt then just lay out there till we finally go out to see what they're doing."

"Good idea, why don't we go ahead and have Masterson mount some on telephone poles. Hey listen James, why don't we have him put emergency call boxes on the poles also, so they can call in, in case of an emergency.

"Great idea little bro, as soon as JJ gets finished with this run I'll get hold of Tim and have him do it ASAP."

JJ was really starting to hurt now, his muscles were staring to tighten up and his legs both felt like lead, but he kept up the same pace he started at. He swore to himself he wasn't going to fuck up again. The brothers gave him a chance to redeem himself and he was not going to let himself fail.

He staggered up to the front door of the house, took several deep breathes straightened his uniform and headed to the computer room.

"Sir, Squad Leader Peterson reporting the completion of his assigned run, Sir."

"At ease JJ, let's get that pack off you. Come on in to the kitchen. When they got to the kitchen, James had him sit at the table and Matt handed a liter bottle of Gatorade. "Ya did good JJ, just think, only nine more runs to do."

"Thanks Matt," said JJ. If a person listened, not even closely, you could here the sarcasm dripping off the two words.

James and Matt burst out laughing. "You know Squad Leader Peterson;" said James, "If a guy didn't know better, he might think you were being sarcastic."

"Just for the record, Matt and I timed you. You made the run, point to point in 29 minutes 55 seconds. Good job."

End of Chapter 9 Next; Chapter 10 Honor, Duty, Pride

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 10

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