Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 20, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; Ghostryder15

Chapter 7 Pay Back's a Bitch

That night before the boys went to sleep, Phil asked David to tell him what happened after he had passed out the day of the rape. David looked kind of unhappy, but he knew that Phil wouldn't stop asking him about it until he finally gave in. "On one condition, you promise to let me tell it my way, with no interruptions, deal?"

"OK, but you got to agree to answer my questions after you finished. Deal?"

David thought about it for a second," Deal."

"After you passed out, Bill Jordan fucked you for another 15 minutes until he came, then Mick Hardy mounted you and took you, while this was going on Bill Jordan took over holding my legs and Jim Alcorn got ready to fuck you, when Jesse McDermott came Bill pushed him out of the way and jammed his cock all the way up my ass, God that hurt and I guess I screamed. That son-of-a-bitch Prince came over and spat in my face then he said, "Awww poor baby, did that hurt the poor wittle fagots tushy?" The bastard then kicked me in the shoulder and the next thing I knew he was pissin in my face.

"I swear to God Phil, if I get the chance, I am going to kill him."

Phil said; "Calm down Davey, calm down, believe me I know how you feel."

"Anyway that moose dick Jordan fucked me for what felt like a week, after he came and pulled out of me, Launy stuck his dick in my ass. After Jordan's moose cock, I barely felt Launy's: I guess I should have kept my mouth shut, but noooooooo, not me. I looked him in the eyes and asked him; "You in yet bitch?"

Both the boys broke up laughing until Phil started groaning; "Don't do that to me cocksucker, you trying to kill me?"

"Are you OK Andy, are you, you want me to call the nurse?"

Phil calmed down and laid there for a second or two then said; "Andy? Since when have you started calling me Andy?"

"Since you started calling me Davey, that's when, that is if it's OK with you. I kinda like the way it sounds, you don't mind do you, if you don't want me to I'll stop doin it."

"No Davey, it just took me by surprise, go ahead and call me Andy if you want, I kinda like it, especially when you say it."

"Thanks Andy, anyway, as you can guess, that pissed old micro dick off something fierce. He kept trying to hurt me, jamming his dick in my ass as hard as he could, but like I said, after Bill Jordan I barely felt him. Anyway I just smirked at him while he was fucking me, when he finally came he got up and kicked me in the side several times before two of his buddies pulled him off me. All the time he was kicking on me, Nate Skidmore was fucking me, he's almost as big as Jordan and I felt that. Anyway Launy kicked me in the face and I blacked out for a few minutes, I guess that's how my nose got broken."

"When I woke up, I was lying on my back and no one was fucking me, they were all standing around watching Launy fuck you again. I don't know how long it went on but it was Launy's turn again and he was having trouble getting a hard on when I heard the loudest gun shot in my life. Launy stood over you holding his cock and staring down the barrel of your Brother Tommy's shotgun. Launy lost control of his bladder and was pissin all over you when Tom came up and butt stroked him in the face. That tub of shit almost did a back flip from the force of the hit, Tommy ordered everyone except Louis Tompkins to lay on their bellies and put their hands behind their heads. Then he ordered Louis to untie me and get on the ground. Once I was free, I crawled over to you and tried to wake you up, but nothing I did worked. Tommy finally got my attention; "David, David, look at me David. Listen David I need your help, Come on David listen to me." I finally looked at Tommy and he said, "Good, here David, I want you to take these cable ties and tie their hands and feet. Don't get between me and them in case I have to shoot one of them." I started tying them up like Tommy said to, when I got to old Jordan, he was laying in a puddle of his own piss.

"After they were all tied up, Tommy set his shotgun down and called the dispatcher and requested the hospital helicopter to come out and get you. He then requested the dispatcher to contact your dad and have him come out where we were, and to send as much backup as he could get."

"Jesus;" was all Phil could say.

"Yeah, anyway, Tommy wouldn't let me hold you because he thought I might hurt you by moving you around. Just a few minutes latter, I heard a bunch of sirens coming towards us and the next thing I knew the helicopter was landing on the road between the two spans of the Thin Bridges. Your dad showed up with about ten Sheriffs Deputies and a couple of State Highway Patrolmen, all of them had their guns out or were carrying shotguns."

"That must have caused Launy and his buddies to shit themselves;" commented Phil

"Yeah, they all looked like they were going to faint, Tommy told your dad what happened and how he found Launy getting ready to fuck you again. Your dad turned red in the face and went over and slapped Launy awake then pulled that big assed automatic he carries and chambered a round, he stuck the muzzle between Launy's eyes and was just about ready to pull the trigger when Tommy cold cocked him with the butt of his shotgun. Tommy told the deputies to put Launy and the rest of them in the patrol cars and not let your Dad near them, some of the deputies didn't look like they cared for that order too much, but they did it. After Tommy got that straightened out, he went over to your dad, sat him up and just held him while they both rocked back and forth for awhile, both of them were really crying. Your dad finally got himself under control and thanked Tommy for keeping him from blowing that piece of shit asshole's head off."

"While all this was going on the paramedics arrived and put one of those neck brace things on you and slid a backboard under you. Just looking at you, I... I ... thought, I thought I had lost you Andy; I really did," David choked out and started sobbing.

"Hey Davey, come on Davey settle down please, look at me, I'm OK and I'll get better. Please Davey don't cry, I can take just about anything but seeing you cry, please stop."

David shook himself and used the heal of his hands to wipe the tears out of his eyes, then blushed and looked at Phil; "I'm sorry Andy, but you don't know how worried I was about you, or how much I hated myself for letting them do that to you..."

Phil raised his voice; "God damn you David I told you, my dad told you and probably everyone else who's been here has told you, IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! Now knock that shit off."

David looked at Phil; "You're right, I know you're right, and I am trying, but some times I just loose it. Please bear with me, I guess I still have a lot of issues to work through. Getting back to what happened, they brought one of those gurney things from the chopper and hauled you back to the aircraft. The next thing I know, the paramedics are back and putting me on a gurney and sticking IV's in both my arms, I tried to explain that I was OK but they wouldn't listen. They put me in the chopper and then we were up and flying to the hospital."

Phil said; "WOW, my first helicopter ride and I missed it."

David laughed and said; "Well I was awake, but I didn't see anything. After we got to the hospital, they did X-Rays, catscans and MRI's on the both of us, which you were lucky enough to sleep through I might add. After that, they took enough blood from the both of us that I almost asked them if they were trying to restock the blood bank. While they were drawing blood, one of the nurses stuck several Q-Tip looking things in our butts, I asked what she was doing and she said it was required of all rape victims, kinda like gathering evidence. The last thing I remember before waking up here two days later was being taken in to the operating room. I'm glad I slept through everything, I don't know if I could have taken waiting for you to get out of the operating room, I mean 17 hours, Jesus."

"That's all I know, and believe me, that's a hell of a lot more than I'd like to know." David looked at Phil and said; "I love you Andy."

"I love you too Davey." They stared into each other's eyes until they drifted off to sleep.

The next day both boys woke to the sound of the morning hospital routine, food trays being delivered, bedding being changed and a multitude of other noises too faint or too unique to be recognized. The boys ate breakfast; if you could call a thick orange flavored drink that Phil was given breakfast and then suffered through the indignities of a sponge bath. At 9:00 AM Dr. Bahari arrived and gave David a thorough examination, after that was finished, a MedTech drew several tubes of blood from him while the Doctor started his examination of Phil. The doctor poked and prodded his upper body, asking about any pain that he may have elicited from his exam. The doctor said; "OK Phil, I know you don't like this part, but I must take a look at your groin."

Phil blushed and just nodded his head for the doctor to continue.

The doctor pulled the bed sheet back and gently moved Phil's penis to one side so that he could see Phil's testicles. Phil felt queasy looking down at his swollen black and blue nut sack, he had to chuckle to himself when he thought that if it weren't for the pain and bruising, he wouldn't really mind having a set of balls that big. His nut sack, swollen from the damage that Launy had inflicted and the subsequent operation to repair the injury, was the size of a soft ball. Phil knew that during the operation to remove the destroyed testicle, the urologist had inserted a prosthesis before closing the incision. The doctor had explained that the `fake nut' would make his scrotal sack appear normal but wouldn't do anything else for him.

Phil asked; "Hey doc, how much longer do I have to have this catheter in me, it doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying when I try to shift around in bed?"

The doctor smiled at him; "Sorry young man, but you can plan on keeping it in for at least another week. I want to ensure everything is completely stabilized inside of you before you can get out of bed. If you move about too much, too soon, you could undo all of our work, and seeing as how we have a lot of time and energy invested in you, we can't have that now can we?"

Phil, not wanting to slow the healing process up any more than it already was just nodded his head yes. Besides, the longer it took for him to heal, the longer he would have to spend in the hospital. He definitely didn't want to stay there any longer than was necessary. The doctor finished his examination and asked Phil if he had any questions.

Phil thought for a moment, and replied in the negative. The doctor said he was right on track and that if continued to follow his orders and there weren't any complications, he would probably be released from the hospital in two to two and a half weeks. After the doctor left to continue his rounds and the MedTech had taken what felt like another gallon of his blood he looked over at David and saw him grinning at him.

"What's with you Davey?"

"Oh nothin, except I get to go home and get out of this house of torture before you." David laughed, "Neener, neener, neener!!"

Phil looked at his friend and lover and shot him twin birds. Davey just laughed again and said; "I really don't want to leave without you Andy, but I guess I'm looking forward to going home."

The boys talked together quietly about many things for the rest of the morning enjoying each other's company and thinking about the future.

Sixteen days latter, Philip sat in a wheel chair beside the bed he had lain in for close to a month, visibly excited and terribly impatient. After his doctor had examined him that morning he had been told that he was going home today. Now on a bright clear Friday morning towards the middle of August he was finally going home. David and his parents, Phil's parents and brother Tommy, James and Matt and a hospital orderly were standing around the room waiting for his final release.

Dr. Bahari walked into the room and looked at Phil; "OK son you're free to go." The doctor then looked at Mr. and Mrs. Martin and handed them several sheets of paper and seven plastic pill bottles. "Please follow the directions on the bottles as far as dosage and the medical instructions in the papers. If he starts to run a temperature, or if he develops pain, get him into the emergency room immediately." The doctor looked at Phil again; "You must follow these instructions to the letter, I may be releasing you from the hospital, but the only time you should do any walking is when you're moving from your bed to the bathroom and back, understand?"

"Yes sir." Phil said nodding his head.

"Alright, now get out of my hospital and try not to come back too soon. I've set you up for an appointment at my office for next week so I'll see you then."

Everyone thanked the doctor and the orderly pushed Phil's wheelchair out the door, on the way to the main lobby entrance David held Phil's hand all the way, sometimes getting strange, even hostile looks from people they passed on the way out.

When they reached the front entry sidewalk Phil heard a dune buggy coming toward them from the parking lot, it passed them by and was followed rapidly by two others, he noted that the buggies were painted in olive drab and had `UNIT ONE' in bright yellow letters painted on the side. Behind the dune buggies he saw the Unit's four HUMVEE's following close behind, which were followed by another three of the dune buggies.

Phil looked at James and Matt and said, "What the hell's going on here guys?"

Matt laughed; "We, that is the whole Unit figured you might like an escort home, so we brought all of the Unit's vehicles down to make it kinda special for you. You are after all the charter member of the Unit, and we didn't want to let you forget it."

James said; "I forgot to tell you, we just got the dune buggies last week, thought it might be a surprise to you, kinda like something for you to look forward to when you finally get back into the swing of things."

The lead HUMVEE pulled to a stop in front of them just then and the engine stopped. Carson McMillan dismounted the vehicle from the driver's side and Mark White got out on the passenger side, both came to attention and saluted James and Matt; "Sir, the convoy is assembled."

Matt returned their salute and all three dropped their salutes at the same time; `Good timing Squad Leader."

"Thank you sir. Turning to Phil, he smiled and asked; Hey dumb shit you ready to get back to business after your vacation?" Carson, Mark and the rest of the squadies along with the fathers that were pressed in to service as drivers all surrounded David and Phil and gently patted them on the shoulders, backs or the sides of their heads, trying to make contact with the boys, trying to let them know that they had lots of support. They had all been briefed on what had happened to the boys and were justifiably angered that anyone would do something as despicable as what was done to Phil and David. The adults as well as the boys all tried to exhibit their support for two of their own.

James broke up the impromptu demonstration of support after a few minutes; "Alright people, let's get ready to move out, we've created a traffic jam here and we need to break it up. Carson, Mark, how about you two sticking `good old what's his face' here in the back of the vehicle. David get in on the driver's side, everyone else lets mount up!"

Once in the vehicle, and with the doors closed, Phil could no longer hold back the tears, tears of happiness, tears that had been threatening since the convoy stopped in front of him. One of his biggest fears was that everyone would hold him in contempt because of the rape; the spontaneous outpouring of support from his family, and now the members of the Unit filled him with joy.

"WOW! It looks like half the Sheriff's Department is here."

Six of the Sheriff's Deputies heard about Phil being released from the hospital and the planned convoy from Tommy. The six who were all on swing shift got with Tom and volunteered to provide traffic control at the hospital and an escort for the Unit vehicles taking Phil to the Sheriff's home. Bill Martin was as taken by surprise as Phil and David were, his son Tom figured what his father didn't know, he couldn't argue about.

The time passed for Phil and David, sometimes rapidly, other times seemingly at a snail's pace. Phil had many doctors' appointments during the following two months, and daily physical rehabilitation for the month and a half prior to going back to school. Phil had hoped that what his dad had told him about going back to school on the 1st of October was going to hold true. Unfortunately, it was decided by Phil's doctor and his Physical Therapists (or as Phil called them `Physical Terrorists') to hold off for another couple of weeks to help build up his stamina.

During the last week of September, Tommy told Phil and David about a little party Bill Jordan and Launy Prince had at the county work farm. It seems that Launy whined to his father about being kept in solitary while awaiting trial, so Donald Prince had his lawyer file a motion to have Launy and his buddy Bill moved to the county work farm. The first night they were in the barracks at the work farm, seven of the biggest, ugliest and the meanest inmates in the barracks fell in love with good old Launy and Bill, it seemed like it was love at first sight for everyone involved, except Bill and Launy. After spending a day and a half in the Hospital Ward at the camp, Launy and Bill were sent back to the county jail and solitary confinement, neither one of them complained about being in solitary from then on. As Launy and Bill couldn't, or wouldn't tell who their assailants were nobody was charged with anything, all anyone could say about the whole thing was; "Amazing" "Heh, heh, heh!" "Ain't Payback a Bitch?"

David was able to attend class the second week after school started. There were several days he had to go home early, but was mostly able to cope with the demands placed upon him while attending class. Before school even started, he talked his parents into letting him attend Unit meetings with the promise that he would do nothing to tax his strength or acerbate his healing injuries.

David visited Phil every day until he was released; the visits were needed by both of them for no other reason than their deepening love for each other. The visits also enabled Phil to keep from falling too far behind with his studies. David would pick up class assignments and homework for him and then return the completed work to his teachers.

For the first couple of weeks back to school, Phil used a wheelchair his father had rented for him to use during school and when he attended Unit meetings. The only good thing about using the wheelchair was that he wasn't tied to it, it just made it easier for him to get around school without completely exhausting himself.

When Phil attended his first Unit meeting after being discharged from the hospital, he found that the membership had climbed to 34 squadies. Entering the Cavern for the first time in nearly three months, he noted that there were now three new hallways leading off from the main room.

"Hey James, what's with the new construction?"

"I'd tell you Phil, but then I'd have to kill you." James laughed; "Actually, Matt and I decided to make this as self contained as we can." James looked around for a second and spotted David; "Hey David hustle on over here."

David hurried over to them and said; "I didn't do nothing, honest I didn't, what'd I do?"

James looked at him and said; "Shaddup wiseass. I want you to take dingleberry here on a quick tour of the new areas and brief him on some of the stuff we plan on doing during the next eight to ten months.

"No problem boss; with that David pushed Phil down the nearest hallway located in the north wall of the Cavern, after about 100 feet David turned through a double doorway on their left. Upon entering the giant room, a room easily as big if not bigger than the Cavern, Phil let out a gasp as it sunk in exactly what he was seeing.

"Holy Shit Batman when did this happen?" Before the two boys was a 50 meter swimming pool, the ceiling was high enough to accommodate a three meter diving board, actually three of them. "What the fuck is James planning to do with this?"

David laughed; "Not James, Matt. He ragged on James until he got his way, he plans on giving training in underwater tactics like they have in the SEALs, and he didn't want to have to depend on using the community swimming pool. Plus he says we can train all year round. I think its great myself, I've always liked swimming and you know yourself there ain't no place to swim around here from October to May, Matt says we can come down here and use it any time it's not being used for training."

For the next half hour, David pushed Phil around the other two areas that had been added while he was in the hospital; one of them was a large dinning room, bigger than the one at their High School. David told him it had all the necessary equipment to store, prepare and feed 150 people an hour. The other new addition was a berthing area, actually 40 rooms with four bunk beds in each, for use by Unit members when they had the monthly two day drill weekend.

After the tour, David pushed Phil back into the Cavern just as the meeting started.

End of Chapter 7 Next; Chapter 8

Fins, Wings and Things

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 8

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