Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Feb 2, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading. All persons, places and thing depicted in this story are purely fictional, any resemblance to people, living or dead, past or present, places or things is purely coincidental. However, I will admit to there being a Washington State.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 36 AWWWWWW Shit

It was Friday morning; the last of Justyn and David's JJ's were to be accomplished during the morning and that evening. The Gunny had been having troubles dragging his ass out of bed these last few weeks and the twice-daily runs were making it even harder. He looked at the clock on his bedside table and saw he was running late. Again. Moving to the bathroom he performed his morning routines, shit, shower and shave and then quickly returned to the bedroom and dressed in his MarCams. Feeling a little better he went to the kitchen and found Keener, George and Matt drinking coffee and Mitch with a glass of juice, grabbing a mug of his own, he added a spoon full of sugar, something he had just started doing in the last couple of months. Never really thinking about it, up until recently, he had always drank his coffee black with no sweetener. When everyone had their morning caffeine and juice, they all trooped out to the front of the house and waited for the two boys to arrive. While the men and Mitch were waiting, they talked about the next exercise that was scheduled for following weekend. Looking towards the access road, the Gunny saw Doctor Allyn's red Corvette followed by the Tyme's yellow CJ-7 pulling into the parking lot. David and Justyn, followed by their parents got out of the vehicles and walked up to the waiting group, Mitch told the Doctor about his run the previous night and that he would be ready to go with him after he completed this run. The group left Doctor Allyn and Mrs. Tyme chatting and began the morning run. The Gunny noticed that the pack he wore seemed to be heavier than usual but ignored it, shrugging it off to being more tired than he normally was. The Gunny took up the drag position with Keener running alongside of him; everything seemed to be going OK until they neared the halfway point of the run when he started to feel really weak. Gunny stopped running and stood there taking deep breaths, Keener stopped alongside the gunny and asked; "What's wrong Gunny, you OK?"

Gunny shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs from his mind, he felt weak all over and he was sweating like it was 100 degrees outside, even though the morning temperature was still in the lower 60's. Keener pulled one of his canteens out and took the top off, handing the canteen to the Gunny he said; "Here drink this, I keep mine filled with Gatorade."

After the gunny took several swallows, he started feeling better, Keener stood with him until he felt up to continuing the run. As they moved along the dirt track, he handed him the canteen every fifty yards or so and made him drink more of the Gatorade. By the time the two made it back to the front door, the Gunny had finished off both of Keeners canteens and was almost back to normal. When they got to the kitchen, the Gunny sat down immediately and breathed heavily through his mouth, he was still sweating and pale. Keener got bottles of Gatorade from the refrigerator for all of the runners except Mitch who had left with Doctor Allyn. David and Justyn had gotten permission from their parents to remain over night instead of having to make two more trips that night and then on Saturday morning. George Babcock was sitting alongside the Gunny and asked; "You feeling any better Gunny, I mean I thought you were going to pass out when we got back to the house."

The Gunny seemed to be feeling better and nodded his head yes; "I don't know what the fuck happened out there, I mean one minute I'm doing fine, the next, I felt like I was going to pass out. I got my annual physical in a couple of weeks, I'm going to make sure I talk to the Doc about it, that's all I need to do is go belly up right in the middle of something when the shit hits the fan."

Matt was a little worried about what he had seen happen to the Gunny during the morning run, but didn't say anything after the Gunny said he'd tell the Doctor who gave him his physical about it. Looking at the two Squadies who sat on opposite sides of the kitchen table and were very carefully not looking at each other, he asked; "How bout some breakfast, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm just about starving?"

Mitch had detached himself from the group who had made the morning run and went straight to Doctor Allyn's car, the Doctor asked if he had any problem with his prosthesis, Mitch smiled before replying; "No sir, I wore it to bed and didn't even realize it was there until I walked half way to the bathroom this morning.

The Doctor smiled; "That's good news, you ready to head to my workshop so I can check the power consumption statistics?"

"Yes sir, my dad said let him know when he needs to come and get me he or one of the other guys will be there." Mitch answered.

The fact that Mitch had made two three mile runs the first day he had his new prosthesis really surprised the Doctor. He was expecting Mitch to take it easy for a while and slowly work up to strenuous exercise levels. "OK, did you encounter any pain from your biological leg coming in contact with the material the leg is constructed from?"

Mitch shook his head no; "No sir, that gel padding works great, it's much better than the padding I had in my other 'Leg' and it provides me more of a cushion from the impact when I run."

Twenty-five minutes latter, Mitch was in the Doctor's Lab and had stripped down to his skiveys, the doctor was in the process of connecting his 'Leg' to his computer. When he brought the systems diagnostic screen up he studied the information displayed and smiled; "You're going to love this, even with the two three mile runs you made, the fuel cell still has 90% of advertised power available." Both of them smiled at each other, the Doctor then requested Mitch to perform several different standard calisthenics. By 15:00 when Doctor Allyn made his last check on power consumption, the level was only .03% less than when they started, and Mitch was worn out.

Finished for the day, the Doctor drove Mitch back to the Bateman house, telling him that it was no trouble and that it gave him an excuse to drive his Vet on the open road where he could "let it out a little," on the way back Mitch asked; "Hey Doc, do ya think it'd be OK if I went swimming with the 'Leg' on, I mean you said it was waterproof?"

The Doctor thought a minute or so before answering; "Alright Mitch, give it a go. If it feels like its' response time slows down, or it starts vibrating, get out of the water quickly and give me a call.

Mitch waved to the Doctor as he drove away from the house and turned to enter the building when Justin Stanton came hurtling towards him and grabbed him in a bear hug that almost took his breath away. "Whoa dude, looking pretty good, Geez I missed ya. Saying that he grabbed Mitch by his ears and pulled him into a kiss that finished the process he started with the hug, besides taking his breath away, he made Mitch pop wood to match his own.

When the two finally broke the kiss and Mitch was able to get his breath back he asked; "Is that a pack of LifeSavers in your pocket, or are ya just glad to see me?"

In answer to Mitch's question, Justin ground his hard cock into Mitch's equally hard cock and asked; "What do you think Gimp?"

Four months ago if anyone had called him gimp, it would have shattered him, now, when his lover called him that it turned him on thinking how this boy was going to make him feel in just a little while. Justin hugged him tight and then moved away from him before he shot a wad into his skiveys.

Justin looked Mitch in the eyes and laughed before saying; "Yeah, if we kept that up, I would a made a mess too."

Mitch looked at Justin's jeans and laughed at the small wet spot where the head of his dick was; "Would of, it looks like you did." Reaching out he tweaked Justin's dick through the cloth of his pants, Justin got a pained look on his face and the spot grew bigger as he stood there shaking.

"Oh fuck!" He gasped and his face turned bright red. "Now look what you went and did, oh shit come on, I got to change my clothes." The boys ran to garage and took the elevator to the Cavern level so Justin wouldn't have to let everyone know how excited his lover had gotten him, then moved quickly to Justin and Ted's room. Luckily Ted was off somewhere with Shane and they were alone. Closing the door behind them, Mitch locked it then turned to his boyfriend and helped him get undressed; 'helped' may have been too light of a word to describe how Mitch all but ripped Justin's clothes off him. When Justin wore nothing but a smile, Mitch knelt before him and started to lick the cum from his softening dick, and the area around it. While Mitch was cleaning Justin's balls with his tongue, he quickly felt Justin's re-hardened cock rubbing against the side of his face. Taking his now hard cock between his lips and sucking gently on the head of it, he realized that his lover's dick had grown in length and girth. Grabbing Justin's ass with both hands, he pulled him in, taking the new length deeper into his mouth until it started to enter his throat, causing him to start gagging. Justin tried to pull back, but Mitch was having none of that and kept pulling more and more of his lover's dick deeper and deeper into his throat. When his nose was buried in the sparse bush of Justin's pubic hair, Mitch slowly started to pull back; breathing through his nose, he then repeated his deep throat of Justin's cock. Mitch continued for three more times when suddenly Justin grabbed his head in both hands and thrust his cock as deep as he could, his dick expanded and Mitch felt the cum pulse through the vessel on the bottom of Justin's dick and felt it hit the back of his throat on its way to his belly. After the first couple of shots, Mitch pushed Justin back until just the head of Justin's dick was in his mouth, allowing Mitch to savor the unique flavor of his first love.

When Justin finished cumming, Mitch gently licked him clean and pushed Justin on to the bed, moving up his lover's body with soft kisses, he kissed Justin on the lips and pushed his tongue between his teeth, exploring and caressing his lovers tongue and mouth.

While Mitch and Justin were enjoying each other in their room, Matt and Keener were just entering James room at the hospital. As they entered, Phil Martin and his boyfriend David White looked up from where they were sitting alongside James' bed; "Hi guys!" Phil greeted them. "How they hanging?"

Matt nodded and answered; "OK, how's James doin, any change?"

Phil smiled a little; "About two hours ago, I saw his hand move a little, Davey went and got the nurse and after she checked on him she said she thought it was a muscle twitch. I think he's trying to wake up, I know he knows we're here, he's just having trouble coming out of it is all."

Both Matt and Keener smiled at the two boys and Matt said; "I don't know how I'd get through this if it weren't for all you boys helping out like you have, I owe you big time and I won't forget what you've done for us, ever."

Phil and David blushed at the praise; "Matt, don't even go there, after what you and James have done for us, we won't be able to do enough for you guys if we live to be a hunert years old." David didn't say anything; he just nodded his agreement with what his lover had said.

Keener spoke for the first time since entering the room, "Why don't you two take off, Matt and I want to spend some time with James?"

Both boys nodded and stood up; David moved to the side of the bed and gently stroked James' hand and said; "Phil and I are leaving now James, Matt and Keener are going to be here with you for awhile, we'll be seeing you later."

The two boys left and the two adults took over the vigil, relating everything that had been happening since last they were there, Mitch's new 'leg', the Gunny almost passing out and the possibility of the Unit going up against a SEAL team. About fifteen minutes after they sat down the door opened and Thompson Gettrick entered the room.

The first thing out of his mouth was; "Hey Matt, any change?" Matt told him what Phil had said and then about the Gunny. The three men sat there and talked among themselves and to James for close to three hours. The three men sat quietly, each with their own thoughts; each hoping James would wake soon and come back to them, to his brother, his friend and to his lover.

About 19:00 Clint Davidson entered the room and told the three men to take a hike, he had the "watch." As Matt, Keener and Thompson were leaving they heard Clint say; "Evening James, any time you're ready to wake up we'll be here for you. Oh yeah, I got the new John Ringo book, here goes." Saying that he started to read out loud to James, in a soft gentle voice.

The Saturday morning meeting started promptly at 08:00, after the usual briefing and Q & A session, the Squadies were dismissed to their sub-units for the scheduled activities. During the briefing, Matt had seen Gunny Johansson and what appeared to be a Navy Chief enter the Cavern and move quickly to the EDF. Matt, Keener, George Babcock and the Gunny all headed to the EDF to find out what was going on.

Entering the EDF they found Gunny Johansson and the Chief sitting at a table drinking coffee. Moving to the table the Gunny spoke in a low menacing voice; "What the fuck are you doing bringing this here muzzle fucker in to an area filled with innocent children?"

Before Gunny Johansson could respond the Navy Chief growled back; "Fuck you Jarhead, if what Oly here has been telling me is true these here 'Innocent Children' have been busy fucking a bunch of candy assed Marines for the last month or so."

Keener and George stiffened up and were about to jump in the Chief's shit about what he had said to the Gunny when the Gunny, Gunny Johansson and the Chief all broke out laughing. The Gunny finally stopped laughing and said; "Nice seeing you again Greg, Oly here tells me you want to bring some of your boys over to play?"

The Chief, actually a Senior Chief (E-8, the equivalent to a Marine Master Sergeant) nodded his head slowly before speaking; "If what he's told is true, I'd be a fool not to try to talk you and your guys into letting us work with you, I want my boat crews to be prepared for whatever they might run into when they're deployed."

The Gunny thought for a minute before speaking; "Our guys may not be able to give your teams what they need, their good against large groups like our Force Recon Teams, but I'm not sure how they'll handle the snoopin and poopin your guys will be doing."

The Senior Chief smiled at the compliment the Gunny had just given him and his teams. He looked at the other Marines and Matt, then he got a look of recognition on his face and a smile lit his up his face; "You're Matt Bateman aren't you, SEAL Team 4 out of Little Creek?"

Matt smiled and looked a little confused, "Yeah Senior Chief how'd you know?"

The Chief smiled again; "You don't remember that rinky dink admin inspection Chief Kowalski had to go through about three years ago, me and four other guys from Special Warfare Group One out of Diego pulled on your training department? I was an E-7 then and wasn't running the team so you may not remember me, I sure as hell remember you cause of the 3.8 your work center got on the final score for the inspection, that was the highest score we ever gave a work center on one of those AI's."

Matt's eyes clouded over for a second than he smiled; "I remember that one, didn't a couple of the team members get brought back to the base the last night of the inspection by the Shore Patrol?"

Senior Chief Bailey blushed; "Yeah, but lets talk about the Unit and my Boat Teams, I sure would like to bring them up here and run em past your Unit."

The Gunny and Matt laughed but let the subject of the Shore Patrol and the inspection team member's drop. The six men talked about the Unit and how they could set up an exercise involving a Boat Crew and the Unit. It was agreed that a SEAL Team would attack the compound on the first weekend in July, following the same procedures as the Marine Recon Units. The Gunny and Gunny Johansson took the Senior Chief on a tour of the building and the compound, and then Chief Bailey spent the rest of the day observing the Unit and their training.

The following week the unit was attacked by a 32 man Recon Team, it was the largest exercise to date and was a stone cold bitch for everyone involved. The exercise almost caught the Unit with their collective pants down; the Recon Unit came in hard and fast at 22:30 on the Friday night of the weekend.

The Unit members had all arrived by 18:00, most in their LOR outfits, some especially the armor and the sniper teams in their MarCams. The Gunny and the senior member of the Observation Team provided the exercise briefing.

The Unit fire teams were deployed and ambush sites were set up. By now the unit had 40 of the Miles Claymore's and set them up on all of the main routes to the Unit Home, and a bunch of the less likely paths that the Aggressor Forces could use. The Alpha and Bravo sniper teams were positioned and now had a small security detail of two riflemen (or to be more exact, two rifleboys). The sniper teams and their security detail were either wearing Gilley suits or blankets and were all but invisible from 20 meters away. The unit had upgraded their spotting scopes used by the team spotter with fifth generation low light gathering optics and were able to see out to 800 meters at night, even without a moon in the sky. The Jumpers were now being used as fire teams; they had been broken down into two teams with Connor Beck and Jordan Littlelk as the team leads. The exercises were getting more difficult, the word had leaked out that the defending force was made up of kids and that they kicked everyone's ass that had come at them so far. Some of the Marines coming against them now had heard the rumors and thought it was just so much bullshit; others who had talked to members of the teams that had gotten their asses handed to them were believers.

Before Jap had deployed for the evening, Bill Tilden pulled him aside and said; "Jap, I don't know when you can expect the Aggressors to attack, but I do know there are more of them than they've sent against you guys in the past, so keep your eyes open. You and Jacky can really make a difference if it drops in the pot for you guys."

Jap smiled at the Lance Corporeal; "Thanks Bill, I appreciate the heads up, I'm glad to see their going to take us seriously for a change. Besides, some of our guys are starting to think we can't be beaten and that's the kinda attitude we don't need."

While they were checking their gear, Jap got both teams and their security details together and briefed them on what Bill had told him. One of the newer boys, Tim George, spouted off; "Fuck em, they ain't shit, we whipped their asses before and we'll whip em this time too."

Jacky Hoffman, the Bravo Team sniper jumped square in his shit; "Listen dickhead, that's the type of bullshit talk that'll fuck us big time, you keep that kind a talk up and I'll have your ass in a fire team so fast your fucking head'll spin."

As they were heading out of the arms room to take up their positions, Jap grabbed Jacky by arm and held him back; "Oooo, I just love a big strong savage like you," he lisped.

Jacky laughed and warned him; I'll show you a big strong savage after we finish this exercise, maybe three or four savages."

Now it was Jap's turn to laugh; "Yeah, right, I'll believe it when you fuck m... I mean show me."

The two boys hurried to catch up with their teams, laughing as they ran, both looking forward to the "Savages" they would find in their very near future.

At 22:00, Jap and his team had set up and were taking turns using the spotting scope to check for the aggressors when they heard some gravel sliding down the trail to their position. The two boys of their security detail shouldered their rifles, Jeff Shields aimed his at the sound that alerted them and Rick Hone aimed the other direction in case someone was trying to sneak up on them from two separate directions.

Jeff called out in a loud whisper, "Flash?"

Just as he was taking up the slack on his trigger he heard the countersign, "Thunder," in an obvious adult voice. Not recognizing the voice the two riflemen maintained their weapons at the ready.

Jeff called out; "Advance and be recognized."

The adults were one of the Marine Observers along with the Navy Senior Chief that had been hanging around for the last week or so. Only when the two were recognized did the security detail lower their rifles and put their safeties on.

The Marine had been present for three of the earlier exercises and knew what was going on, the Senior Chief asked a bunch of questions, like what the range was they could hit at, how fast Jap could cycle the Barrett, and stuff like that. He seemed to be really interested in the Gilley blankets and where they had gotten them. Jap and his spotter continued their scan of the terrain, knowing they were close to the start of the evolution because of the adult's presence. At 22:20, the sound of low flying helicopters coming towards them from the west could be heard, slowly getting louder. The familiar wukata, wuckata of their blades slicing through the air came closer then seemed to remain constant, after about 30 seconds, the sounds of the helicopters started to get lower and lower until the sound was gone.

The headphones they were wearing came to life as Bobby Bauer, Matt's ADC spoke; "All units, all units, we have unknown personnel on the ground moving east on lines two, five and seven, numbers exceed twenty, I repeat, numbers exceed twenty. All fire teams prepare to engage, CIC (Combat Information Center) out."

Jap turned to the Observer and the Chief and said; "Sirs, I need to ask you get down on your bellies and be quiet, I don't want you to give away our position and we need to concentrate on what's happening out there."

Rick and Jeff moved to each side of the sniper and his spotter and continued their surveillance of the areas of approach to their position, just in case their location had been compromised. While the security detail continued to scan the area to each side of the shooting position, Doug James, the spotter and Jap continued to search for targets to the front. The headphones came to life again and Bobby Bauer's started relaying orders; "All stations this is CIC, the Aggressor Unit following line two has split, seven, I repeat seven 'bogies' are moving towards line one, the remaining 'bogies' are continuing on line two. Alpha, prepare to engage 'bogies' on line one, CIC out."

When the shooting position had been set up, the team had placed rocks that had large numbers from one to ten painted on them in front of their 'Hide' (camouflaged shooting positions) that were in direct line with the lines of advance before them. The numbers on the rocks were positioned so that the numbers could only be seen from the 'Hide' and set at different distances so that they wouldn't look like they had been placed there and possibly give away their position. Jap and Doug lined up their rifle and spotting scope on line one and waited for the 'bogies' to appear.

Doug was the first to see the approaching 'bogies' and spoke softly; "Target, 250 meters west on line one, six bad guys."

Jap answered; "Target acquired, I'm going to start with' bogie six' and work forward to 'bogie one' keep your eyes on them if they go to ground before I get them all."

Senior Chief Bailey watched and listened to the four boys, the only ones actually doing any talking was the little red headed sniper and his spotter. The Chief had to listen carefully to hear what they said, if nothing else impressed him, it was the team's noise discipline; it was some of the best he had ever experienced. When the sniper fired his first round, the chief had a hard time believing how fast the boy cycled the big rifle's action and then fired again within four or five seconds. The spotter was directing him to individual targets and within a minute and a half, all of the aggressors that came down line one were rendered ineffective.

Doug James and Jap went back to sweeping their assigned area, seeking out more targets. While they had been busy dealing with the aggressors coming down line one, all hell had broken out on two of the three remaining lines, Claymores and the associated artillery simulators started popping on lines five and seven. Jap and Doug paid close attention to line two; there were still aggressor forces in the small arroyo and they didn't know what they were up to.

The biggest mistake that the Unit made in any of the exercises occurred that night, for whatever reason, the two LAV's were ordered into the arroyos that lines two and five followed. The two armored vehicles moved slowly into them and stopped, Justin Tannonligua and Tyler English the vehicle commanders opened up with their pedestal mounted M-60's and were hosing down the area where they thought the aggressors had gone to ground. Suddenly, the rotating flashing red lights mounted on the top of both LAV's started flashing and all firing from the LAV's ceased. Since the flashing red light indicated a catastrophic kill when it comes on, meaning that the aggressors had taken out both of the Unit's heavy weapons systems almost simultaneously.

Jap and Doug James almost missed the movement by the aggressor forces as they started around the LAV in the arroyo of line two. Doug was the first to see them and bring them to Jap's attention, at just over 500 meters; it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Jap took out three of the remaining seven aggressors before they could take cover behind the 'destroyed' LAV.

While the two forces were shooting it out in the arroyos, Matt, who had Bobby Bauer in overall command of the battle watched as his ADC tried to contain the aggressor forces. Matt was totally taken by surprise when Bobby ordered his command staff to arm themselves and take up position to the east of the main entrance of the house. Bobby maintained command and control through a portable radio strapped to the back of one of the Squadies designated as a radioman. The radio was a man portable PRC-70, used mainly for Special Forces use and was great for command and control of ground units.

The aggressor forces started out with 32 Marines, that number had been reduced to twelve by the ambushes and the two snipers. While the fighting was going on, none of the Unit's Squadies had noticed the aggressor force sniper setting up farther back at the top of the arroyo of line five, the first indication they had that he was there was when first one then the other of Japs security team were taken out. When Jap's Miles gear started alarming everyone knew they were in trouble. Doug James made himself as small as possible and reported what had happened over the radio, Jacky Hoffman and his team were able to spot the aggressor's spotter team and take them out before they knew they were under fire. While Jacky was occupied with the aggressor's sniper, the twelve remaining aggressors from line two and line five made a dash for the cover of the house. The aggressors lost four more men to the remaining members of the Unit's fire teams. This was the closest an aggressor force had made it to gaining access to the house since just after James' accident and everyone was worried. That is, everyone but one.

Bobby had made sure that the remaining two M-60's were set up on both sides of his command group to provide enfilade fire against any of the aggressors who tried to gain access to the house. He had been warned that eight of the Marines had effected a breakout of the two arroyos and had taken cover on the north side of the house that was shielded from sight of the front and the positions occupied by the Units fire teams and remaining sniper.

Suddenly all eight of them came running around the side of the building in a low crouch, right into a shit storm of rifle, machine gun fire and a Miles Claymore that Bobby had set up. Before they could get past the closed garage door, all their Miles alarms were sounding and the exercise was over.

The exercise had lasted for 37 minutes from the first sound of the helicopters to the last Claymore going off, or about ten times longer that any of the previous 'battles' the Unit had fought and their casualties were the highest they'd ever suffered. The final tally was twenty-one Squadies still standing when it was all over; this was one third of the total number of the Unit's membership. They won, but they knew they had been in a fight.

The debriefing took six hours, when it was over, both the Marines and the Squadies felt like they had been put through the ringer. Both the Marines and the Unit members crashed hard that night, reveille was suspended and most everyone slept until noon.

The fifth battle of the Bateman compound was over.

Aggressors 1, Defenders 4. Hoo Aww!!

End of Chapter 36 Next; Chapter 37 The Return of Launy

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and the editing of it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze. I also want to thank David, the owner/operations manager of SHV Webhosting in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, David is my technical advisor and linguistics expert.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all

Welcome to;

Andrew In Mississippi USA Rick In Apache Junction Arizona USA Ron In Clayton Georgia USA Larry In Asheville North Carolina USA

Next: Chapter 37

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