Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Jan 25, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading. All persons, places and thing depicted in this story are purely fictional, any resemblance to people, living or dead, past or present, places or things is purely coincidental. However, I will admit to there being a Washington State.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 34 ????????????

James watched George Townsend leave his room; he looked down at the small handgun that George had placed on the bed for several minutes. James picked it up and looked at it closely, a .380 Astra, it was a cheap throw away, but that was OK, it would do the job. He thought back over the conversation he just had with some of the boys and men who made up Unit One. "What the fuck do they know?" he thought; "It's not them lying here with only one arm and one leg. Fuck em, the assholes."

James looked at the gun again, he placed the muzzle under his chin and put his finger on the trigger, George had taken the safety off before he left so all it would take was three or four pounds of pressure on the trigger and he wouldn't have to worry about the pain, wouldn't have to worry about the shame, wouldn't have to worry about not being a whole man. Yeah, he wouldn't have to worry about anything, and then he thought about the kids, and he knew he couldn't do it. With all the strength he had left in his abused body he flung the firearm at the door to his room. The firearm hit the wire reinforced glass and caused it to craze but not shatter. The sound of the pistol impacting the glass of the door was heard by Bobby Winston at the Nurse's Station. She ran to James' room and saw the damaged glass and hurriedly entered the room, seeing no one but James she glared at him and asked in a polite voice; "What the fuck are you doing James, trying to give me a fucking heart attack?"

James glared right back before saying; "As a matter of fact yes, I've given you way too much slack since I've been here. Oh yeah, I'm hungry, and on your way out would you take that piece of shit on the floor and give it to the next adult from the Unit who shows up, please."

Bobby looked at the gun on the floor, bent over and picked it up then dropped the magazine out and locked the slide back which ejected the chambered round (remember this is gun country and most women know how to handle firearms safely). Checking to make sure it really was empty; she let the slide go forward, then pointed it toward the outside wall and pulled the trigger on the now empty chamber. Bobby then put the little handgun in one pocket and the magazine and the single loose round in another. She looked at James for a second then walked over to him and kissed him on the forehead and then left the room.

James lowered his head to the pillow and closed his eyes, but did not try to sleep. He started to think about the future and what he'd have to do to be a functioning part of it, for his brother, the Unit and for himself.

TWO AND HALF MONTHS EARLIER, the Washington State Highway Patrol had dispatched two Patrolmen in a WSHP cruiser to the Bateman home to inform the people there that James Bateman had been in an automobile accident and that his chance of survival was listed as being very poor.

The Gunny who had punched the gate open button for the Patrolmen when they requested admittance to the property, had answered the door when they had rung the door bell. Matt was down in the pool cavern working with his swimmers and luckily wasn't present for the news. After thanking the Patrolmen for doing their duty in a kind and compassionate manner, the Gunny closed the door and placed his back to it and closed his eyes. After taking several deep breaths, he went in search of the two other Marines assigned to the Unit and found Keener and George Babcock in the lounge watching the Seattle Mariner's getting their collective asses whipped, as usual.

The Gunny picked up the remote and turned the TV off. Keener immediately started bitching, that is until he saw the look on the Gunny's face; "What's wrong Gunny?" he asked softly.

Gunny turned to George; "James and Mitch have been involved in an automobile accident on 240 just a little while ago, Mitch is fine, he only has a few bruises but they don't think James is going to make it."

Both Keener and George turned pale, even though the Gunny told him his son was OK, he had to ask; "You're sure, I mean swear to me you aren't lying about Mitch, please,................. Please!"

Gunny moved to the Staff Sergeant and grasped him by the shoulders; "Listen to me George, I wouldn't lie to you about something like that. The cops told me he had a few bruises and that his prosthesis was damaged, but other than that he's fine."

George tried to get up, but the Gunny held him in the chair; "Listen to me George, you too Keener, we have to get Matt and tell him, knowing Matt he's going to want to jump in a truck and race to the hospital. We can't let him do that. George, you go start up a HUMVEE, Keener you come with me and we'll tell Matt, we'll have the best chance of keeping him calm if his lover is there." Gunny's last statement was just the Gunny being truthful, not a slam against Keener or Matt.

George ran for the garage, while the Gunny and Keener ran down the four flights of steps and then moved quickly to the pool cavern. Matt had all 16 of his swimmers sitting on the pool deck listening to him lecture them on ' Buddy Breathing' Matt turned as he heard the two Marines approaching and immediately knew something was terribly wrong. Keener went up to him and took him in his arms while the Gunny stood close to him and filled him in on what had happened. The sixteen boys sat there in shock, some of the younger ones started to cry openly while most of the older ones just looked deeply concerned and misty eyed. Matt stood perfectly still for about ten seconds, then he tried to free himself from Keener's grip. Keener was ready for this and he, as well as the Gunny started to talk to him, telling Matt that George already had a vehicle waiting for them topside and the longer he struggled, the longer it would take for him to get to James. The Gunny then told him about Mitch being in the vehicle along with James and how it wasn't fair to George to keep him waiting. Matt took several deep breaths and stopped his attempts to break free of his lover.

Matt finally spoke; "I'm OK, I got it under control now, turning to the boys he looked to Mike Hedding, the Squad Leader for the Swimmers and ask him to secure everything and to contact the people listed on the Bravo Emergency Contact List and tell them what had happened. Turning to the Gunny, he said; "Let's go Stan."

The three men hurried up the ladder (a stairway in Navy parlance is known as a 'ladder'), out the front door and climbed into the HUMVEE, before all of the doors were closed, George was accelerating rapidly away from the house.

When the four men arrived at the hospital, they found two Sheriff's Units parked in the Police Only parking spots at the entrance to the Emergency Room. When they entered the hospital, they found Bill, Tommy and Phil Martin, David and Mark White and their father, George and JJ Townsend, Jap and his father, Jacky Hoffman and his father Sergeant Hoffman and Tyler English, his father, and Shane Babcock and Justin Tannonligua waiting for them.

Matt and George Babcock immediately sought out Bill Martin, before either of them could speak, Sheriff Martin said; "Relax George, Mitch is OK, they have him getting an MRI, just to make sure there aren't any injuries they may have missed." Turning to Matt, the Sheriff took him by the arm and led him back outside, Tommy stopped a few of the people in the emergency room from following them, to give them privacy for what the Sheriff had to tell Matt.

Bill guided Matt to a bench just outside the Emergency Room entrance and made him sit down before saying; "James isn't doing well, they called for a priest a few moments ago to give him 'Extreme Unction,' (AUTHORS NOTE; Extreme Unction is also known as 'The Last Rites') I'm sorry Matt but I wanted you to know before the priest arrived."

Matt leaned forward and vomited, the Sheriff held on to him until he was finished then moved him away from the mess. Bill pulled out his handkerchief and carefully wiped the vomit from around Matt's mouth and off his chin, then hugged Matt to him and gently patted him on the back as if Matt was a scared child. The Sheriff could feel the great soul wrenching sobs coming from deep within Matt and continued to hold him, trying to console the deeply frightened man. Matt continued to cry for the next twenty minutes or so and then he stopped. Matt straightened to his full height and looked the Sheriff in the eyes before saying; "Thank you Bill, I'm sorry I lost it there, I really appreciate you being here cause I don't know what I woulda done if I walked in there and found out from one of the medical types, or even worse from the priest." Still sniffling, with a few tears in his eyes, but now in full control of himself, Matt asked; "Can you tell me what happened, how did it happen?"

Bill moved over to another bench that was farther away from the door and they sat down, looking at James he spoke softly; "I'll give you what I know, just remember it's still under investigation; James and Mitch were heading west on 240, James had just stopped and was getting ready to turn South towards Denton City when the semi came over that rise just before the intersection and the driver lost control. Luckily, the tractor hit the left side of the HUMVEE or both James and Mitch would have been killed instantly. As it was, the HUMVEE's left side was pushed toward the center of the vehicle, by some quirk, the HUMVEE was pushed sideways a little instead of being spun around, and that lessened the impact somewhat. Mitch's left leg, the artificial one, was trapped when the fire-wall was pushed back and the dashboard collapsed on it. James wasn't as lucky, a part of the door took his left arm off above the elbow and the dashboard and fire-wall were pushed into his left leg crushing it completely, his right shin suffered a simple fracture but nothing else. I don't know anything about what kind of internal injuries he suffered, but the doctors are sure there are some. His face and head must of bounced off the door or the frame, causing damage to the left side of his face and head, no one's told me how bad the damage is. Right now that's all I know, except they didn't even stop at the Emergency Room, they just rushed him into an operating theater, which was 45 minutes ago."

Matt stood, looking down at the Sheriff for a few seconds before saying; "Thanks Bill, I appreciate your kindness and your consideration. Where's Mitch? By the sound of his injuries, James is going to be in the operating room for a while; I better see how the boy is doing."

Matt went back inside, checked with the Triage Nurse on Mitch's location and then went in to see him. When he entered the examination room, George and Shane Babcock were talking to Mitch quietly, when Mitch saw Matt enter the room, he burst out crying; "Oh Matt, I'm so sorry, there wasn't anything I could do, I couldn't move my leg and wasn't able to get to James, I tried, I really did, I'm so, so sorry."

Matt went to the bed and placed his arm around Mitch's shoulder before saying; "Calm down, take it easy, James is going to be OK. I know he's hurt pretty badly, but I also know he's going to be OK. It just might take awhile. I'm going to need you and the rest of the guys to be there for him, and for me, can you do that, can you?"

Mitch looked in to Matt's eyes and knew that Matt wasn't lying to him; he knew that Matt was sure James was going to survive. Mitch stopped crying, wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded his head yes.

For a little over two months James remained in a coma, Matt and the Unit One members maintained a 24 hour a day watch over him, at least one boy or man was in James' room with him at all times in case he woke up. The Unit continued the exercises at the Bateman Compound, racking up an impressive 80% win record, with only one aggressor team actually making it as far as the vault door. That occurred during the first exercise after James had been injured, after that one lapse, the Unit kicked ass and took names, and they broke their pencils writing the first name. James was never far from the thoughts and prayers of the Unit's members, General Stanton and the Gunny discussed their performance and both agreed that they did such a good job, mainly because of James' condition. So when James woke for the first time on the 27th of July, everyone cheered at the news.

Even in the face of pain and suffering, both physical and mental, life continues, Bobby Bauer completed the ground portion of his jump training and went on to make his first jump by the end of May, and in James' absence, he became Matt's Aide de Camp.

Doctor Allyn, David Allyn's father got with Mitch and developed a new prosthesis for Mitch's left leg, luckily Doctor Allyn had been working on the concept of computer control using negative feedback for several years. He had been corresponding with the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Bethesda Maryland about their systems for neural/prosthesis control linkages since the mid 1980's and had made great strides in the autonomous control systems for a powered prosthesis. For the two months between the accident and the time James came out of his coma, Doctor Allyn and Mitch had tried out several powered and semi-powered artificial legs, both had great hopes for the one they were testing when James woke for the first time.

While his father and Mitch were working on the prosthesis, David, and Justyn Tyme became closer as they were thrown together by their choice of job specialties. They both were considered by their peers and parental units as being really weird, in as much as they wanted to jump from perfectly operating airplanes for no other reason than they thought it was fun. The two boys shared a room in the berthing compartment and became more and more interested in each other as time passed. On the Friday night of the first exercise weekend in June, David and Justyn had returned to their room after taking a shower before turning in for the night.

David, the younger of the two climbed on his bottom bunk and watched Justyn get ready for bed, he loved watching the muscles of Justyn's ass tighten and flex, he especially loved the dimples on each side of his ass. As he watched his roommate, David started to bone up, shortly, his foreskin had pulled back and was just behind the glans of his penis and he was leaking large amounts of pre-cum. Justyn turned and saw the condition David was in and laughed; "Well dude, I guess you like what you see, huh?"

David blushed and turned on his side facing away from Justyn. The next thing David knew, the bed sagged as Justyn sat on the edge of it and then he felt Justyn's fingers running through his hair. When Justyn grasped his hard cock, he almost jumped out of his skin, no one had ever touched him like that, not even his doctor. "Come on Dave," Justyn whispered; "I know you want me as much as I want you." Gently, Justyn pulled on David's shoulder until he was flat on his back, Justyn leaned forward and kissed him, softly at first, then with more force until he was all but crushing David's lips. Justyn forced his tongue into David's mouth while at the same time grabbing a hand full of David's hair and grasping him by the balls with his other hand. Justyn broke the kiss and released David completely; the next thing David knew was Justyn was sitting on his chest forcing his eight inches of cut cock into David's mouth. David didn't argue, he just opened his mouth wider and tried to accept more of Justyn's dripping cock. Justyn grabbed David by both of his ears and used them to control his head all the while forcing more of his cock into David's mouth. This was the first time David had a dick in his mouth, at first it really excited him but as Justyn forced more of his dick into David's throat, he became scared. Justyn was beyond hearing or caring, all he wanted was to sink his cock as far into David's throat as he could. When David started gagging, it didn't even faze Justyn; he just kept shoving his cock in deeper and deeper. David started fighting, hitting Justyn on the back with his balled up fists, but Justyn was oblivious to his frantic punching, finally when David could stand no more and was on the brink of passing out, David did the only thing left to him. He bit down as hard as he could on Justyn's dick.

Until David pulled his "Last Stand At The Alamo" chomp on his dick, Justyn was having a good old time. When David tried to bite his dick off, Justin quickly released David's ears and tried to pull his dick out, while at the same time screaming like a gut shot hyena. Finally David released his cock from the death grip his teeth had on it and Justyn fell off of David's bed onto the floor screaming in pain, crying and squeezing his wounded cock. David remained on his bunk, taking great draughts of air into his oxygen-starved lungs and sobbing in anguish. Finally David crawled off the bed looked into Justyn's eyes and punched him in the nose. David jumped up and grabbed a pair of skivey shorts and ran from the room. Not looking where he was going, he ran directly into Phil Martin, knocking them both to the floor.

Phil shook his head to try to clear the slight ringing sound in his head caused by the collision and looked at the distraught squadie. Phil, even though he wasn't a rocket scientist, knew that something had happened to David and that whatever it was; it wasn't a nice something. David was almost hysterical; he tried to get back on his feet but lost his balance and ended up flat on his ass. Phil hurriedly crawled over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him until he got his attention; "David, David, what the fuck's the matter, what happened, come on snap out of it."

David continued to cry softly but was able to get control of himself; "I killed him, I killed him, I couldn't breathe so I bit him than I punched him, I killed him."

Phil was confused, he shook David again and said; "David look at me, come on, look at me." As soon as David was tracking again, Phil asked; "Who did you kill David, who?"

David sobbed out his answer; "Justyn, he's in our room and I punched him, then I ran, I killed him."

Getting to his feet, Phil pulled David up and spoke firmly to him; "Calm down David, just calm the fuck down, lets go see how bad you hurt him, I don't think you're capable of killing anyone with one punch, but let's go and find out."

When they got to David and Justyn's room, Phil heard low moaning coming through the closed door. When he opened the door, Phil found Justyn lying on his side in the fetal position moaning softly, one hand holding his nose and the other buried in his crotch, obviously holding tight to his nards.

Phil quickly went and knelt alongside Justyn and tried to straighten out his naked form so he could check the damage. Justyn had other ideas, his abused body refused to be straightened out, it wasn't taking any chance that another assault on its wellbeing would take place.

Phil went to the inter-building telephone mounted on the wall and called the gun room; "Keener, this is Phil, one of our guys had been hurt, I'm down here in the berthing compartment in room, Just a second." Phil opened the door and saw the room number then continued talking to Keener; "we're in room 32, can you come down, I don't know what to do."

Less than five minutes later, Keener, George Babcock and the Gunny rushed in to the room, the first thing they saw was a naked Justyn curled into a ball on the floor and David sitting on the bed in just his skivey shorts crying. George grabbed Justyn by the feet and Keener grabbed him by his arms and gently they straightened him out while the Gunny checked him over. The first thing everyone saw was the extremely angry bite marks on Justyn's dick, about an inch from his pubic mound, the other was a really swollen nose and upper lip.

"Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick, what the fuck happened here?" demanded the Gunny.

Gunny went to the telephone and called the dispensary; "Hello Doc? Yeah this is the Gunny, can you come down to room 32? We got a problem, Ok thanks." Gunny hung up the phone before looking at David and asking; "David, how about you coming with me out into the hall and tell me what the fuck happened here."

David followed the Gunny into the hall, but before David could start talking, Doctor Davidson came hurrying up the hallway, Gunny pointed to the room and the Doctor nodded in passing, not saying anything. Gunny turned back to David and ordered; "OK David, I want you to start at the beginning and tell me everything."

For the next five minutes or so, with much blushing and stammering, David related everything that had taken place in the room. While David was talking, it took all of Gunny's considerable will power to keep from laughing, while what Justyn had done to David was serious, the impromptu subjection of Justyn's cock to punishment by David was hilarious.

As David was finishing his story, Keener and George Babcock supporting Justyn between them came out of the room and headed down the hall. The doctor stopped and said to Gunny; "I don't think young Mike Spinx here broke his nose, but I'm going to take him down to the dispensary and keep him there for awhile, I'm also going to give him a tetanus shot while I'm at it just to be on the safe side, human bites can be a problem." the Doctor said with almost a straight face.

Turning back to David, the Gunny told him to go lie down and try to get some sleep. David nodded his head and said; "Gunny I'm really sorry, I didn't know what else to do. The Gunny smiled at David: "Son, I kinda figure that Justyn's real lucky you didn't bite his cock off instead of just putting some teeth marks on it. Don't worry about it go get some sleep now. Saying that, the first sexual experience for David and Justyn ended, it would be two more weeks before the boys were able to patch things up (no pun intended) and get back together. But that's another story.

After making sure that David had hit his tree for the night, the Gunny went to the Dispensary to talk with Justyn. Upon entering the room, he saw Justyn lying on his side on a treatment bed, Justyn was facing the wall and Doctor Davidson was just finishing injecting him with Tetanus serum in the right Gluteus Maximus (right butt cheek). The Gunny stifled a chuckle before speaking; "How about you men leaving me and Justyn alone for awhile, we need to talk."

As the two Marines and the doctor filed out of the room, Justyn rolled gingerly onto his back and looked at the Gunny with a scared expression on his face. Justyn's "Fear Index" shot up to new heights when the Gunny started talking.

"You stupid little mother fucker, I oughta rip that fucking cock of yours right off and shove it down your throat." During the short time Justyn had been with the Unit, this was the first time he had ever heard the Gunny talk like that, to anyone. Sure Gunny cussed, but he never heard him threaten anyone as he had just done to Justyn.

"What the fuck is your problem boy, you think just because you got a big dick you can go and force it on someone anytime you want? Answer me boy, you're about three seconds from being kicked out of the Unit and getting your ass thrown in jail for rape, what the fuck was going through that pointy little head of yours?"

Justyn was scared now, really, really scared. When he had his dick in David's mouth that had been his first time with anyone other than his hand. After reading all those stories in the Authoritarian Section of the Nifty Archives, he thought that was the way a guy, a real man, was supposed to act. He had no father to talk to about his feelings; his dad had been in the Air Force, a pilot and was killed during a training flight when Justyn was eight years old. Justyn tried to tell the Gunny this, tried to explain to him that he really thought that was the way to make love, that this was his first time and he wanted to impress David, the more he talked the more he became depressed. Finally he couldn't take it any more and he broke down in tears.

Gunny looked at the sobbing boy for a minute or so, thinking, trying to come up with something that would make the boy understand that he fucked up, and had to pay a penalty for what he had done, but was only guilty of being ignorant not cruel. Finally the Gunny reached out and gently rubbed the boys' cheek with the back of his hand before saying softly; "Justyn, you fucked up, and you paid the price for it, not the full price you owe, but a good portion of it. I have to talk to Matt about what we need to do about this whole thing, until we figure it out, I'm going to move you to another room and I want you to stay away from David for the time being. Will you do that?"

Justyn looked at the Gunny through tear filled eyes and nodded his head yes, not able to speak. The Gunny smiled at him and as he turned to leave, he said; "Oh yeah, keep that horse dick of yours in your pants for the time being, you have to train it so it doesn't get away from you again."

The Gunny saw Justyn blush and he nodded his head yes, again.

The Gunny found Matt in the Lounge on the first deck; Matt had just gotten back from the hospital after spending six hours sitting with James. The Gunny thought to himself; "Maybe, just maybe, this shit between Justyn and David might help get James off of Matt's mind, at least for a little while."

Walking over to where Matt was sitting, the Gunny spoke to him in a firm no bullshit manner, not quite his DI voice but close; "Matt, I need your help, we got a situation with two of the boys." The Gunny then went on to relate what happened between Justyn and David, not even trying to keep a smile off his face when he came to the part where David bit Justyn's dick then punched him in the nose.

For the first time since James went into the hospital, Matt smiled, granted it was a small smile, but nonetheless a real smile. Matt sat there shaking his head and thinking before he spoke; "Jesus, Gunny, I kinda hate to do anything else to the kid, I mean shit man, teeth marks? That must hurt like hell." Matt thought again for a few seconds; "I guess we're lucky, David's one of James' pupils, and he has a Red belt with two black stripes in Tai Kwan do, James was going to test him at the end of May and give him his Black Belt, he really coulda fucked Justyn up bad if he wanted to."

The Gunny nodded and asked; "Yeah, I know, but we got to slam him, even though he wasn't trying to hurt David, it was almost rape, so I ask you, what are we going to do?"

Matt sighed; "Yeah I know, how about we make him do five day's of JJ's and a book report?"

The Gunny looked confused; "I agree about the JJ's ...but a book report? What's that going to do?"

"I was thinking of having him read Jamie Haze's 'Somerset Farm' and write about the way the characters interact with each other and the rules they set up to prevent just this type of situation. While there's a lot of verbal infighting amongst the kids, they still treat each other fairly and respect each other. It's kinda where James and I came up with the rules for the Unit."

Matt thought for a few minutes before adding; "I think we had better give David three Days of JJ's for punching him out also, I mean he deserved it, but I don't want the guys to start duking it out every time someone gets pissed or scared."

The Gunny agreed that it might work and that Matt was right about David and that he would tell both of the boys what their punishment was after the exercise they were awaiting was concluded.

Saturday morning at zero dark thirty, (around 04:00) the third attempt by a Marine Recon Unit took place and they almost made it. The defenders had set up the Claymores on the Marine's expected route of advance, unfortunately the Marines attacked down a totally unexpected route and both of the fire teams that were sent out to engage them were rendered ineffective by the Marines, but the Marines lost sixteen of the twenty two men they sent against the Unit during the fire fight. When they arrived at the buildings' entrance, they were taken under fire by both the reserve quick reaction team and the two LAV's that had just moved to the two prepared fighting positions a hundred yards east of the main entrance. The remaining six Marines were rendered ineffective with only the loss of one more Squadie. The Squadie was Justin Tannonligua behind the M60 on GhostRyder 25, and boy was he pissed.

Aggressors 1, defenders 3 Hoo Aww!!!

End Of Chapter 34 Next; Chapter 35 We Can Rebuild Him, We Can.....

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and the editing of it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

Welcome the following new readers;

Jarvis Montreal Canada Shaun Sumpter Colorado, USA James West Virginia, USA Scott Portland Oregon Willyb184 Texas, USA Splatter Indiana, USA Richard Las Vegas Nevada, USA Susan Wilder Idaho, USA

Next: Chapter 35

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