Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Jan 12, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 31 Neener, Neener, Neener!

When it became apparent that the Marine Recon Force were taken out without firing a shot by a bunch of kids, it started to get emotional on the Marine side of the isle. Some of the Marines were pissed, some were embarrassed and a few were thoughtful, whatever their feelings were, they all had a hard time believing what had just happened to them.

At 03:00, the Cavern reverberated with the shouted command; "Tention on deck!" Everyone present came to attention as General Stanton, the chief Observer, Master Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten and James and Matt Bateman entered the Cavern and proceeded to the lectern at the front of the assembled Marines and Unit One personnel.

General Stanton stood behind the lectern and gazed out at the two groups of people standing before him, after twenty seconds or so he ordered; "Be seated."

"At 01:30 A Marine Force Recon Team was inserted on the far west side of the Bateman Compound the Team then proceeded to move due East towards its objective, the Bateman House. During this movement, the Team encountered hostile forces and were rendered ineffective after walking into an ambush, the Team was unable to return fire and sustained 100% casualties." Looking at the Marine side of the isle, the General shook his head; "Men that wasn't an awful, awful good showing. In fact I can't remember when a Recon Team was so thoroughly trounced on."

General Stanton looked at the Unit side of the isle and stated; "You Unit One personnel did an outstanding job tonight, and I don't want to belittle your accomplishment, BUT! You had the element of surprise on your side, my men appeared to have had the mindset that they would encounter nothing that would be a problem to them in carrying out their mission. You disabused them of that notion rather quickly. The reason I said what I have so far is to let you know there won't be any more freebees; future evolutions will be conducted with the aggressor forces knowing they will have a fight on their hands. Before we go any farther, I want to make sure the members of the Recon Team understand that it is imperative that future teams participating in these exercises are unaware of the fact that the defending forces are minors, for the most part under the age of seventeen, with the average age being thirteen years ten months." This last statement drew a gasp out of the Marines, while they were aware the defenders were kids, they hadn't realized just how young they were. "The technology you encountered this morning is readily available by opposing forces you may encounter in the theater of operations you are being prepped for. You had the misfortune of being the first unit to encounter the young men of Unit One, you won't be the last. I hope to use this asset to ensure you men are ready for battle before we send you in harm's way. Now I'm going to turn you over to Chief Warrant Officer Forbes, the senior observer for this evolution, I want you learn from this debacle, so listen closely and use the information we gained from this operation. Chief Forbes."

CWO Forbes came to the podium and thanked the General, turning to the men and boys he chuckled before stating his critique; "Boy did you guys fuck up." Instead of pissing the Marines off or making them embarrassed, they nodded their heads yes in agreement. "These Unit One Kids really got their shit in one sock don't they?" My observers and I have been watching how they performed for the last day and a half and I knew they were going to put on a good show, but we were about as blown away as you were at the final tally." Looking down at his clipboard he read for several seconds before continuing; "As the General pointed out, we believe your biggest mistake was approaching this evolution as if it was a walk in the park, you failed to have flankers out, you bunched up, your scouts and point men failed to use rudimentary skills while advancing and your noise discipline was terrible." On and on the observer continued with his and the other observers observations for the next hour or so, when he completed his statements he then turned to the Unit One guys; "Ya'll did good, that's what worries me, this was the first of what we hope will be many, many more evolutions. I hope you realize that no matter how well you guys did today, the ones in the future will be a lot more difficult." Turning back to the Marines he continued; "I want to emphasize that you are under strict orders not to comment to anyone outside the personnel involved in today's exercise that the Unit One people are kids, we want all future teams to learn about them the same way you did, if they know they'll be facing kids then we're afraid the same thing that happened to you will happen to them. These exercises are learning events, our teams won't learn anything if they don't have the proper attitude. You are all ordered to refrain from passing out this information. Are there any questions? No? Then you are dismissed. Oh yes, the dinning facility is open and breakfast will be served until 08:30, carry on."

The Marines came to attention as the General and his party left the Cavern, the Squaddies started moving to the EDF for their breakfast, followed by the Marines. Jacky Hoffman and Jap got their food and found an empty table, after sitting down they were Joined by Bill Tilden and Gunnery Sergeant Oliver Johansson. "Hey Jap, Jacky, this here is Gunny Johansson, the leader of the fast line team. Gunny these are the two that took out your scouts just before everything dropped into the pot."

With a crooked smile on his face the Gunny stuck his hand out to Jap and then Jacky to be shook. "Tilden here tells me you guys use Barrett 50's, is that true?"

Jacky looked at him and said; "Yes Gunny, we just changed out the optics on them last week, James and Matt got us a couple fourth generation low light night telescopic sights. Mr. Peterson, Jap's dad rigged our rifles with high intensity, low scatter lasers so we wouldn't splash everyone close by, making it more realistic."

The Gunny asked; "Exactly how far out were you guys?"

Jap took over; "I was out at 632 meters and Jacky shot from 640 meters. That's getting pretty close to our max for night low light level shooting, at least for now."

The Gunny shook his head; "I can see now why Gunny Mcnaughten wouldn't tell us about you guys, you did good boys, I hope you guys will think about joining the Corps when you're old enough."

Jap and Jacky looked rather uncomfortable and wouldn't look the Gunny in the eyes. Bill Tilden turned to the Gunny and in a low voice started talking; "Gunny, umm, there's a slight problem, at least right now, you see the Corps won't allow these boys to join."

The Gunny glanced at Tilden with a look of disbelief on his face; "Can you explain that to me, I know after seeing what these two can do I'd be proud to serve with them."

Bill looked at the boys and they both nodded their heads and then concentrated on eating, not looking at the Gunny.

"Gunny these two are a couple, they've been boyfriends for several months now. They and most of the rest of the boys in the Unit including the Bateman Brothers are all gay."

The Gunny sat there for a moment and thought about what Tilden had just said then looked at the boys carefully before saying; "You know boys, the different branches of the military have a policy now adays, Don't ask, Don't tell and Don't harass. If you boys decide you want in my Corps, drop me a line and I'll give you a letter of recommendation." With that said, the Gunny started shoveling his food into his face.

Jacky and Jap didn't know what to say except; "Thank you Gunnery Sergeant."

After Breakfast, Jacky and Jap went to their rooms to grab some sleep before cleaning their rifles, after the door was closed; Jacky wrapped his arms around Jap and pushed his hard cock into the cloth covered crack of Jap's tight butt. "You feel like a little exercise before we get some sleep Jap?"

In answer to Jacky's question, Jap pushed his tight ass into Jacky's hardon and wiggled it, causing Jacky to moan softly; "What da you think lover?"

Jacky released his boyfriend and made sure the door was locked while at the same time removing his clothes, by the time he turned again, Jap was down to his skivey shorts and in the process of removing them, his five inch cock straining for release. Jacky soon was down to skin and a hardon, as he moved to his boyfriend and embraced him again, oofing as Japs very hard five incher poked him in the balls.

Reaching down between them Jap grasped Jacky's six inches and began to stroke him causing him to moan and shiver. Jap reached up and grabbed the taller boy's head and drew it down to him and began gently nibbling at his lips, then he slowly pushed his tongue into Jacky's mouth and started dueling with Jacky's tongue. Pulling away from Jacky, Jap looked into his lovers eyes and spoke for the first time in several minutes; "I.... I want to try something we haven't done before; I mean that is if you want too.

Jacky gazed at the smaller boy with a confused look on his face; "Jap, anything you want is fine with me, I mean I love you and if it makes you happy I'll do what ever you want.

Jap looked a little worried as he broke their embrace, turning to his AWOL bag he rummaged around in it before he found what he was looking for. Turning back to Jacky he handed him a tube of KY Jelly before saying; "Jacky, I want you in me; I want to feel you all the way in me, please?"

Jacky looked his lover in the eyes; "Are you sure, I am kind a big and I don't wanna hurt you."

Jap smiled nervously; "I been reading articles at the JackinWorld web site and they all say that if we take it slow and you prepare me for it, there shouldn't hardly be any pain. I mean I been thinking about this for a long time and I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level, that is if you are."

Jacky shivered again; "Shut up Jap, unless you want me to blow my wad all over your belly like I did the first time we were together."

Jap nodded and went over and lay on the lower bunk, raising his legs to expose his asshole, this was his first mistake, the second one was reaching out and grabbing Jacky's dick. Jap knew he fucked up as soon as his hand came in contact with Jacky's hot dripping cock, almost immediately he felt it start to pulse. Quickly he dropped his legs to the bed turned on his side and pulled Jacky's cock to his mouth, before he could get his mouth around it he felt the first bolt of cum splash his face. Before the second shot could be wasted Jap was able to get Jacky's dick head past his lips and suck the remaining blasts into him. All this time Jacky stood gripping the top bunk while his legs threatened to give out on him, when he was finished coming, he swallowed several times before he began apologizing

Jap laughed softly; "I should have known that would happen, oh well the nice thing about you is that when you come you don't go soft after the first time. Let's try this again, you still up to it?"

Jacky blushed at the question from the smaller boy: "Yeah, here let me get you ready, I guess I got to look forward to shootin off every time we do something new."

Both the boys laughed at Jacky's self-deprecating statement. Jacky turned Jap onto his stomach and had him kneel with his tight little ass in the air. Moving behind him he spread his cheeks and leaned forward taking a deep breath to inhale his lover's boy smell and then leaned in and began slowly licking Jap's taint. This drew a sharp inhalation from Jap and a small moan, telling Jacky that what he was doing thrilled his lover. Slowly he sucked and lapped at Jap's balls, then he moved to his pucker, where he started to spear it with his tongue, trying to force it past the guardian muscle. Jacky kept pleasuring Jap in this manner for fifteen minutes before applying a little KY to the index fingertip of his right hand. Gently, slowly, he massaged Japs small, tight pucker until he felt it relax, once again, slowly he applied gentle pressure until his index finger slipped into Jap up to the second knuckle. Hearing a small gasp from Jap he stopped all movement and asked; "You OK, you want me to take it out?"

Jap didn't hesitate in answering; "No, no, give me a second, you kinda took me by surprise is all."

When Jacky felt Jap's sphincter muscle relax a little, he continued to push his finger into him. When Jap gasped again, this time louder, Jacky stopped again; "No, no, no, don't stop, I think you found my prostate. At least you found something that really rang my bells, keep going don't stop."

Relieved that he hadn't hurt the small boy/man that he fell in love with, he continued to move in and out with his finger causing Jap to moan. Jacky reached under Jap and grasped his rock hard cock that was dripping pre-cum as he continued to finger him and to slowly stroke Jap. Jap groaned and said; "Stop man, let go of my cock or I'll blow."

Jacky released Jap's cock quickly, not wanting him to shoot until later. Pulling his index finger out, which caused Jap to moan at the empty feeling, Jacky quickly lubed up his index and socialable finger and worked both into Jap's pucker, once again pushing in and then slowly withdrawing them until he almost pulled them out. After another ten minutes of this treatment, Jap said; "Jacky go for it, I can't wait any longer."

Jacky pulled his fingers out and positioned Jap on his back raising his legs so they were resting on Jacky's shoulders and grabbed his own cock and started to stroke it to bring it back to full hardness, he then smeared a generous amount of KY on the head of his dick and a little more on and around Jap's pucker. Jacky moved forward on his knees and lined up his cock with Jap's opening, he rubbed it around the pucker insuring the lube was properly spread around. Inching forward a little more on his knees, Jacky started to apply pressure to Jap's asshole with the head of his dick, gently forcing the head past the sphincter muscle and then stopping to allow Jap to get used to its presence. When Jap pushed back on Jacky's dick, Jacky started pushing in slowly, until a minute or so later all six inches of his cock were in Jap and Jap could feel Jacky's pubes brushing his balls. Jacky once again halted and allowed Jap to adjust to his six inches of hard cock, after a couple of minutes Jap once again pushed back into Jacky and Jacky withdrew his cock until just the head was still in Jap's rectum. Slowly Jacky started to thrust and withdraw; he noticed that when he was thrusting into Jap, he hit a certain spot that caused Jap to shiver. Trying his best to hit the same spot each time he thrust, Jap was soon moaning and pushing back into Jacky with greater and greater force. Both boys were now in such a state that a bomb could have gone off out side their room and neither one of them would have cared. Jacky continued to love his partner for close to ten minutes, an all time personal best for either of them when he felt his balls draw tight to his body and felt his dick start to expand. Jap felt Jacky's dick expand also and clamped down as hard as he could on his lover's dick with his ass muscles causing Jap to start shooting his load all over both boy's stomachs, chests and necks, Jap's hot cum and his spasming sphincter muscles drove Jacky over the edge. Jacky started to cum, and cum, and cum, filling Jap with what seemed like a gallon of his sperm. After fifteen or twenty seconds, both boys collapsed on the bunk, with Jacky's slowly deflating dick still inside Jap.

Jap pulled Jacky's face to him and started kissing him, on the cheek, the neck and on his lips, both boys lay together still connected and drifted off to sleep, completely satisfied, completely happy and completely in love.

While the Alpha and Bravo Team Snipers were making love for the first time, Gunnery Sergeant Johansson had finished lunch and found the Chief Observer, the Bateman Brothers and the General in the first floor lounge. Gunny Johansson entered the room and requested to speak to the General.

The General nodded his head and ordered; "Shoot Gunny, what's on your mind?"

"Sir, we just got our asses handed to us by a bunch of kids, for that I'm really embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to try and shrug it off as good luck on their part and bad luck on ours. After watching Jap and the rest of the Unit kids on the range back at Whidbey, I should have known better than to let my men get the mind set that all we were going up against was a bunch of civilians. Gunny Mcnaughten tried to give me a heads up without telling me the story of the Unit, even after watching the boys on the range; I still wasn't able to connect them with the exercise last night."

The general smiled at the Gunny, gestured to a chair and said; "Sit down Gunnery Sergeant; it looks like we have a lot to talk about."

The two Marines talked for several hours on how they could make the best use of the Unit and future training exercises. The General also stressed that OpSec for the Unit had to be maintained, not so much for the team they had just whipped, but for future teams that would come against them. The General pointed out that tonight's exercise was the first of what was hoped to be many and he wanted each of the teams he sent against the Unit to learn about them through experience, not rumor. It was decided that Gunny Johansson would no longer participate in the exercises, but would be an Observer so that he could use what he observed to train his men.

The day wore on, the Marines were allowed to kick back, look to their gear and get a better idea what had done a mash job on them. The more they got to know the Boys and Men of Unit One, the more they knew that it wasn't luck that had squashed them flat during the exercise that morning.

Jap, Jacky Hoffman, the James Boys and Gunny Mcnaughten were on the rifle range exercising the sniper teams using the .50 caliber Barrett's on the 1,600 meter range. Hearing the loud, authoritative reports of the Barrett .50's, drew a half dozen or so of the Marines from the Fast Line team to the range.

The Gunny seemed irritated at Jap; "Damnit Jap, you threw the last three rounds, what the fuck is your problem?"

Jap just hung his head and didn't say anything.

The Gunny shouted out; "Cease fire! Cease fire! All firearms down, actions open, the range is cold. Come on you guys, lets go take a look at the target results."

The Marines were surprised when the two sniper teams and the Gunny headed into the building. The Marines had been told they could go anywhere they wanted to on the property so they followed the grizzled Marine and the Unit One boys into the building.

The Gunny went over to the plasma monitor hanging on the wall and punched in a command on the keyboard beneath it. The monitor blazed to life, displaying two targets in close up detail. They both looked as if they were pretty well shot to shit, especially the bullseyes The Gunny stood there shaking his head; "I think we'll call it a day, both of you are shooting way below your norm right now, take your firearms to the Arms Room and get them cleaned up."

The Marines moved over to get a better look at the monitor and one of them whistled; "Fuck me till it hurts, if this shooting is below their norm, I sure as hell don't want to be on the receiving end when their hitting good."

The other Marines nodded their heads in agreement. The Gunny shook his head and moved to the keyboard and punched in a new command, video of the same targets, but with a date/time stamp that was two days ago appeared on the monitor. The Marines immediately saw the difference; today's shooting would make the average person really happy. The shooting from two days ago would make anyone ecstatic, the groups were much tighter and much smaller.

One of the Corporals looked at the Gunny and asked; "Fuck Gunny, are these kids mutants or some kind of gene experiment. When you were complaining about them being off, I thought you were bullshitting, that is until I saw what they did two days ago. Where'd they get these kids, and can we get some for us?" This last statement caused the rest to laugh, even though they agreed with the sentiment.

The Gunny laughed with them before saying; "You guys are going to have to wait for six years on Jap, he's the little redhead and he just turned 12 during the Christmas Break. His partner Jacky, well he only has another four years to go before he can join up."

The same Corporal complained; "You know Gunny, you guys are gonna have to cut us some slack, I can believe the redhead is twelve, but the other one has got to be at least seventeen."

Looking out the window, the Gunny saw that Jap and Jacky were still on the firing line, picking up a wireless microphone he ordered; "Peterson, Hoffman, please come to the range ready room."

The Marines saw the two boys stiffen as they turned and trotted to the Ready room and upon entering, both the boys came to attention; "Squadies Peterson and Hoffman reporting as ordered Master Gunnery Sergeant."

"At ease" the Gunny said with a slight smile on his face; "Jap, Jacky, how old are you?"

Jap spoke first; 'I turned twelve on December 24th Gunny."

Jacky not sure what was going on said; "I was fourteen on March 14th Gunnery Sergeant, is there a problem?"

The Gunny smiled at the boys; "Not at all Jacky, some of these Marines want you join up four years early is all." Turning to Jap, he said; "Because of your size, not your shooting, they believed me when I told them you were only twelve, but they still want you to join as soon as possible."

The two boys let out a sigh of relief when they found out they hadn't fucked up again and smiled at the Marines before Jap dropped a bomb on them; "Sorry guys, me and my partner are thinking about the Army, my dad used to be The Marines when he was in and Jacky's father is the local Army Recruiter, so if we go in, we want to be in the Army Special Ops program."

The boys started laughing when the Marines started to groan and complain about the fucking 'Doggies' stealing from them again.

Gunny sent the sniper couple on their way with orders to case their rifles and to get them cleaned up.

The rest of the day was pretty much a non-day to both the Marines and the Unit One people, after the tension of the last two days, everyone was pretty well pooped out. The Marines kicked back and took the chance to enjoy the facilities available to them and the chance to get to know the people of Unit One.

Several of the Marines were watching Connor Beck teach a karate class to some of the beginners, when one of the recon team members, a lance Corporal, thought it would be fun to heckle him; "Hey Blondie, nice hair, you want a ribbon to tie it up with, or does your boyfriend use it to two-block you while you're giving him head?"

Connor ignored him and continued with the class, this irritated the Marine, especially when he couldn't get a rise out of the kid even when his comments got coarser and coarser. As the Marine was finishing his last remark about Connor's parentage and his sexual preferences leaning towards small furry animals, the Marine felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning his head, the big smile he had had on his face disappeared as he looked in to the pissed off face of General Stanton. The Marine rose to his feet and went to a rigid attention.

The General took a deep breath before commencing to chew the hapless Marines' ass; "Exactly what is your problem Marine, are you so unsure of yourself that you have to take cheap shots at fifteen year old teenagers? I always thought you had to be a man to be in Recon, but you disabused me of that notion, you sound just like a highschool bully who gets off tormenting smaller kids. Well I'm here to tell you Marine, you better get an attitude adjustment, or you're going to end up scrubbing shitcans in the base galley for the rest of your enlistment. You read me loud and clear Marine?"

The Marine, visibly shaken and sweating profusely answered in a slightly shaky voice; "Yessir, I didn't mean any harm, I was just joshing with him sir."

While the other Marines watched, the General motioned for Connor to come over to him. Connor stopped the class and had them take a break and then walked over to the General saying; "Yessir, how may help I you?"

The General looked Connor in the eye before saying; "Connor on behalf of the Marine Corps and myself, I want to apologize to you for the remarks made by one of the Marines under my command. I will ensure it doesn't happen again, because if it does, I will have the person making the remarks regret it for the rest of his or her life."

Connor looked a little embarrassed; "General, it doesn't matter, I've put up with it for most of my life, if a guy really pisses me off I'll whip his ass and move on."

The Marine standing at attention alongside made the mistake of snickering at Connor's last comment.

The General hearing the snicker turned to the Marine and asked; "You think that's funny Marine, what I ought to do is order you onto the mat and let him kick your ass, but I can't do that so consider yourself lucky."

The Generals statement caused the Marine to burst out laughing, another case where the old physical description of what a person had to look like in order to be a Marine was once again proven correct, at least in this case. The description was; "you got to wear a size 48 shirt and a size 2 hat to be a real Marine." Now both the General and Connor were pissed at the Marine, Connor stepped back a few paces and did the old Bruce Lee shtick of turning slightly sideways, holding out his right arm and using the fingers of his right hand to gesture for the Marine to "Come Get Some."

Before anyone could move the General ordered; "At ease the both of you." Then looking at Connor he said; "Sorry Connor, but I can't let you damage my Marine."

The Lance, still not able to keep his mouth shut blurted out; "Hurt me? I'd tear the wimpy kid a new asshole,"

This caused Connor to laugh; "In your dreams Jarhead, in your dreams." Not taking his eyes off the Marine he spoke to the General; "Sir, if the Lance isn't afraid, we have sparring pads he can wear and I promise not to hurt him so bad as to keep him from working afterwards."

Before the General could respond the Marine, who was now really pissed at both the General and the wiseass kid said; "Bring em on boy, then we'll see who hurts who."

Connor nodded and backed away from the Marine, reaching the edge of the mat he bowed and ran to a storage box against the wall, opened it and pulled out a bundle of material, returning to the mat he bowed before moving to the center and tossed the equipment to the Marine. As the Marine was struggling to get the pads on James entered the workout area and walked up to the General; "What's going on Phil?" he asked quietly.

Phil turned to James and with a small smile on his face said one of his Marines let his alligator mouth overload his canary asshole and was about to get a lesson in humility from Connor.

James took his boots off and in stocking feet bowed to the mat and walked over to Connor; "You sure you want to do this Con, I can stop this right now."

Connor shook his head no before saying; "Yessir, he had a chance to back out and all he did was flip more shit. I already promised the General I wouldn't hurt him, but I am going to embarrass the shit out of him."

James waited until the Marine was ready before saying; "First off, I want it clearly understood that if I call for a halt, both of you are to stop fighting and move to the edge of the mat. Failure to do so will cause me to make the offending person stop and neither of you want that to happen. Now back off to the edge of the mat and when I say begin protect yourselves and come out fighting.

The boy and the Marine backed off as James had instructed and James moved out of the center of the mat before saying; "Begin!"

As Connor moved towards the center, the Marine tried to rush him and end the fight quickly, Connor figured he would try something like that and was ready for him. As the marine hurtled towards him, Connor set him self then turned slightly sideways, grasping the Marines outstretched arm as he passed and pulled it towards the floor. Being pulled off balance and having his forward motion redirected downwards caused the Marine to flip onto his back, causing him to lose all the air in his lungs. Connor stepped back with a small smile on his face and waited for the Marine to catch his breath and climb to his feet. Before the marine could get set again Connor stepped in and drove his fist into the padding where the Marines solar plexus was, causing the Marine to woof again and bend at the waist, Connor then swept his feet from beneath him and the Marine ended up on his back again. Once again Connor backed off and let the Marine regain his feet, this time Connor waited for the Marine to come to him. The Marine, now totally pissed tried to box with Connor, with contemptuous ease Connor blocked all of his punches and punched him in the solar plexus again, down he went for the third time. Slower this time, the Marine regained his feet and shuffled towards Connor, when he closed to the point where he thought he had a chance he tried to kick Connor in the balls, Connor caught his foot and twisted the Marines leg causing him to land on his stomach this time, knocking the air out of him for the fourth time in as many minutes. This time the Marine stayed down, groaning softly. Connor was about to move to the Marine and help him when James waved him off and went over to the prostrate man and knelt down.

James whispered to the Marine; "You had enough, or you want to keep going?"

The Marine looked at James and shook his head no; "I'm done, I guess I showed him huh?"

Chuckling James called Connor over and between them they hoisted the Marine to his feet, to his credit the marine stuck his hand out and said in a loud clear voice; "You beat me fair and square, I'm truly sorry for flipping you so much shit, it won't ever happen again."

Connor grasped the Marine's hand and spoke softly to the Marine so only he could hear; "You were right, my boyfriend does like to hold me by my hair while I give him head, but don't tell anyone, OK?'

The Marine turned red but nodded his head yes then slowly shuffled off the mat and started to remove the padding. James looked Connor in the eyes and chuckled as he said; "You are a mean, mean person Connor Beck."

End of Chapter 31 Next; Chapter 32 Japs Run

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 14B by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

Next: Chapter 32

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