Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Jan 9, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading. All persons, places and thing depicted in this story are purely fictional, any resemblance to people, living or dead, past or present, places or things is purely coincidental. However, I will admit to there being a Washington State.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 30

Infidel, I'll Show You Whose an Infidel

At 22:30 the boys were sent to bed, school was still in session for at least another month so the boys had to be ready. Back in March, after Justin had been made a ward of the state and then had become James and Matt's Foster Son, he had been enrolled in the seventh grade at Chief George. His age and his educational development had been discussed with the Chief George principal and it was decided to place Justin in the seventh grade rather than the eighth. This was done mainly because of his placement scores and the fact that he had missed the entire seventh grade school year. Justin had been kept out of school by his uncle so he could work longer hours and provide more money for his extended family. While it bothered him that he was older than the majority of the kids in his class, he really liked the idea of being in some of the same classes as Tyler, especially P.E. So the three boys trooped off to their beds with the minimum amount of bullshit, after all, it had been a long weekend,

Sitting in the TV lounge with the other men, Thompson watched the backsides of the boys disappear in to the hallway. Turning to Matt and James he asked; "So Dudes, what else can I do for ya?"

James thought about what Thompson had asked before answering; "If you really want to help, we'd like to get Unit 1 Patches sewn on the Arab costumes." James hesitated before continuing; "What do you know about Ghilley Suites?"

Thompson thought for a moment before replying; "Aren't they a company that has a line of clothing, cosmetics and colognes?"

James shook his head; "No, different concept, a Ghilley Suit is used by a sniper, his spotter and security team to camouflage their location. Sometimes it's made of burlap and strips of cloth to match the surrounding terrain and pieces of brush taken from the area they're operating in. What I'd like to do is make up some blankets using the Ghilley Suit as a template so our squadies can have readily available cover when they're operating in the field. If we use an E-Blanket (space blanket developed by NASA in the late 60's) as a base, it'll also cut down on their IR signatures."

Thompson looked puzzled; "What's an IR signature?"

James chuckled at Thompson's ignorance; "Sorry about that, if you're going to join the Unit, we're going to have to get you up to speed on the verbiage we use. IR signature refers to the Infrared, or heat signature a person puts off. A person will be visible to an observer using night vision goggles by their IR signature, if we can cut it down or eliminate it, our Squadies have a higher survival potential in a hostile environment. That my friend is a good thing."

The men talked about the Unit, the boys, football and a myriad of other subjects until close to 01:00 when everyone decided to call it a day. After shaking hands with everyone and saying goodnight, Thompson turned to James and thanked him for a nice night; "I don't know when I've had such a pleasant time James, I really did enjoy myself."

James reached over and pulled Thompson to him and kissed him softly on the lips; "Why stop now, you and I always fit well together, why you don't spend the night with me?"

Thompson looked into James eyes for a few minutes and nodded his head yes. James took him by the hand and led him to his bedroom, after locking his door; he started to undress Thom while kissing him gently on the neck. When James removed Thom's jeans and found his dark blue jock, he had to laugh; "I see you came prepared, your poor jock looks like it got stretched out of shape."

Thompson turned red; "You don't know the half of it, I thought I was going to pop a nut every time I turned around. You guys got some of the cutest boys I ever saw running around here, how do you keep from throwing them down and butt fucking them in front of God and everyone?"

"The same way you do, Matt and I decided that under no circumstances would we ever touch any of these kids. I know you wouldn't either, or you never would have been allowed out here. These kids have for the most part been put through the ringer by the kids in their peer group, teachers and in a lot of cases, members of their own families. One of the really good things about the Unit is it gives them a place to be where no ones going to flip them any shit about being gay. So we look, we drool, and we fantasize about them, but we never touch."

The two men stood there, James still fully clothed, Thompson with a blue jockstrap and a hardon gazing into each others eyes while James gently stroked Thom's dick through the fabric of his jock. James pulled the jock down freeing Thom's six and a half inch cut dick and grasped it lightly, slowly stroking him. Thompson quickly separated James from his clothing and pulled his foreskin back revealing the slightly glistening head of his dick. James kissed Thom and accepted his tongue into his mouth, reveling in the feel of his old lover's explorations, remembering all of the times they had been together during their highschool years, wondering how he had let this beautiful person escape him. Together they entered the bathroom and took a quick shower, ensuring that each other were squeaky clean inside and out.

When they returned to the bedroom, James pulled Thompson down on top of him and quickly grabbed a tube of KY. Before Thom could protest, he lubed his lovers cock and had him prepare James for entry. Thompson, didn't argue, he applied a glob of lubricant to his fingers and gently pushed them into James rectum, slowly, gently massaging his sphincter muscles until they relaxed then adding another finger until he knew he was ready. Placing the head of his dick at the entry, Thom slowly pushed it into James, stopping when he felt resistance, continuing when James relaxed until he was fully in and he felt James balls against his belly. James and Thom continued to kiss as Thom slowly moved in and out of James tight ass in short slow movements. Slowly picking up the pace until he was long dicking James and forcing his cock as deep as possible into him, he remembered all of the times he and James had done this and he knew how to excite him to a fever pitch. James had his legs wrapped around Thom's lower back and his arms around his neck, sucking on the side of his neck and shoulders, grunting inarticulate sounds of his love and pleasure. James felt every stroke of his lover's rock hard cock and loved it every time Thom's dick brushed over his prostate. Thom was a veritable fucking machine, he continued his love making for thirty five minutes causing James to cum three times before throwing his head back and shouting his love for James while forcing his entire length into him and blasting his hot cum deep into his bowels. Thom collapsed on James and the two fell asleep in each others arms.

During the following week, Thompson spent more and more time at the Bateman house, working on projects for the brothers, spending most nights with James, generally becoming a standard fixture. It seemed to everyone that Thompson had always been there, and it was readily apparent that James had fallen in love with Thom, or, that he had fallen back in love with him.

Thursday afternoon around 17:00, General Stanton and the Twins arrived at the house, after sending the twins downstairs with Justin, Shane and Mitch, Phillip briefed the adults on the forthcoming exercise.

"Sometime between 20:00 tomorrow night and 12:00 Sunday, a twenty man Recon Team will be inserted at the far west end of your property line. We've liaised with Colonel Moffet from the Medford patrol and they know our team is coming, they promised not to shoot at them. Due to the weather conditions, the team will be inserted by helicopter and advance on foot to the house. The codes for forced entry you gave us have been delivered to the team leaders; no other guidance other than there will be a defensive force deployed to stop them has been provided. Other than the fact that the exercise will be held sometime between the specified hours, no other information is to be shared with the Unit's members. Are there any questions?"

James nodded; "Do the members of the recon Force know that our guys are teenagers?

The General snickered; "Nope, no matter what happens, or who comes out on top, I want my Marines to be surprised when it's all over. If they knew they were going up against kids, they'd have the attitude that it was all a bullshit game and not try their hardest. While it would really piss them off to get their heads handed to them by a bunch of kids, I don't think they would get as much out of it as they will if they find out about the make up to the defenders until after it's all over, besides, they wouldn't have the excuse that they weren't really trying."

The Gunny looked at the General; "Do they know about the claymores and our long range kill capability?"

The General shook his head no; "We haven't told anyone about Stephen's Miles Gear Claymores. I want to keep them a surprise for as long as possible and use them against as many teams as we can. As far as your sniper, you really think he's good enough at night to hit at a 1,000 meters?"

The Gunny laughed and pulled a hundred dollar bill out of his breast pocket: "Yessir I do, in fact if you care to make a wager...."

Phillip Stanton laughed; "Unh, unh, if you're that anxious to bring out the cash, I'll pass. Besides, I heard what Jap did with the 60 at the range over at Whidbey Island, and how much that Lance made off of his shooting."

The briefing went on for another half hour when they broke for dinner, James and Matt took everyone to town to the red Lobster for supper. After eating everyone went back to the house, the boys decided to sleep down in the berthing area and General Stanton was shown to one of the guest rooms where he spent the remainder of the night doing paperwork. For the first time since Keener was shot, he and Matt decided to go to Chaney's, to their surprise, Thompson and James decided to go too.

Keener sometimes sitting on his right cheek, sometimes standing up using his crutches were well into their fourth beer when Matt started; "Hey Eddie, you know how the army marches?"

Eddie knew it was too good to last; "No Matt, how does the army march?"

Matt stood up and moved away from the bar; raising both hands in the air he shambled across the floor like a prisoner under guard."

James shot him the bird; "Ha, ha, fucking ha. Very funny asshole."

Keener laughed, for once he wasn't the recipient of Matt's humor; "Hey Eddie, you know what a soldier thinks foreplay is?"

"No Keener tell me."

Keener reached over and smacked Matt on the ass and said; "Brace yourself Emmy Lou, here it comes."

Enough was enough James thought; "Hey Eddie, you know what a Marine's daughter says while she's loosing her virginity?"

Eddie looked at James with a hurt expression: "What James?"

James smirked, and in a high pitched voice whined; "Damn Daddy, move, your crushing my cigarettes."

That got a groan out of everyone within hearing and caused Eddie to say; "Time, last call."

Matt groused; "Damn there he goes again, all right Eddie we'll stop, we promise."

The guys continued drinking and close to midnight called the Gunny and asked him to come down and get them. Twenty minutes later, the Gunny showed up along with Phillip Stanton, before leaving they told Eddie they'd be back and stumbled out to the cars. Phil drove the brothers' truck back so that they wouldn't have to leave it at the bar overnight. Once they got home, everyone headed straight to their rooms and crashed for the night. Friday morning promptly at 07:00, the adults were awakened by pounding on their doors, a really loud boom box playing a very obnoxious rap song and the crashing of garbage can lids. By the time the first bedroom door opened the hall was empty and the sound of the rap song was dopplering away up the stairs to the first floor.

The four who had been out drinking the night before finally started stumbling in to the kitchen around 07:30, red eyed, dry mouthed and with obvious hangovers. The five boys had gotten up early and started breakfast, so that when the adults arrived they had two pots of coffee going, as well as the food ready.

After breakfast, Thompson offered to drop the boys off at school on his way into the office, the offer was quickly accepted by the other three guys who didn't want to take the chance of having the sun blind them this early in the morning. The brothers and Keener went back to bed for a short nap (about five hours), the Gunny, Babcock and the twins started to ready the equipment for the exercise and the General was on the phone constantly with his office at Whidbey Island. When the three WIA's (Wounded In Action) finally got up, the General briefed them on the latest developments: "James, can you guys berth twelve Observers and a squad of Combat Photographers down in the berthing compartment this week end?"

James nodded; "No problem, I hired staffing for the EDF for the evening meal tonight through Monday noon, and once the exercise is completed we can put the team down there too. In fact, Ted, Justin, will you guys head on down and set up rooms for 50 guys, you don't have to make up their racks, just make sure they have fresh linen, bedding and towels as well as soap, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes on each rack?"

The twins nodded and headed down to get things ready for the influx of people other than the Unit membership.

The General went on to explain what the Observers would be doing and how as much of the exercise was to be filmed as possible for later review and critique. At around 16:00 the members of the Unit started to arrive, with and without parents. Until he saw one of the Squadies arrive wearing his LOR (Lawrence Of Arabia) costume, he was unaware of them.

Matt was standing alongside him when Jap and his father arrived, being in full uniform (his LOR), Jap render the General a salute in passing which was returned. Phillip looked at Matt questioningly.

Matt Giggled; "We thought we'd have some fun, can you imagine the looks on the Recon Team's faces the first time they see the pattern used on the robes and headdresses?"

The general shook his head and laughed, visualizing their expressions.

About twenty minutes later, a Marine bus pulled into the parking lot and started disgorging the observers and combat photographers. Matt had gone inside when he saw the bus arriving, he now returned with Phil Martin, David White, the twins and Jap in tow.

He turned to the General; "I'll have the Squadies here take these guys down to the berthing area and get them settled in, Supper will be served at 17:30, they're free to use any of the facilities on the Cavern level."

The General briefed the Senior Observer and the Squad Leader for the Combat Photographers on the do's and don't of the Unit facility and made sure they all knew about the mission briefing that would be held at 19:00 in the Cavern.

As the Squadies led the Marines to the elevator in the garage, Jap heard his name called. Turning around he saw Bill Tilden looking down on him; "Hey Bill, how they hanging?"

Bill chuckled; "Sorry little buddy, you'll never know."

Jap smiled as he shook hands with the Lance Corporeal and welcomed him to the Unit. After getting everyone settled into a room and then directing them to the EDF Jap asked if Bill wanted to go swimming, Bill thought about it for a minute or so and agreed, so after supper, he went to his room and changed into a pair of Cargo shorts he had brought with him, making a mental note to bring his board shorts the next time. He grabbed his towel and found Jap waiting in the hallway for him in a pair of bright red Joe Boxer under-shorts. Bill chuckled at the red boxers and Jap's red hair; "Wow Jap, you look like you're ready for Christmas rather than a dip in the pool."

Jap blushed, not quite the same shade as his boxers, but close. Not knowing how to respond he shot Bill a double bird and the two headed to the swimming cavern. Once there, the two used the showers just inside the entry to rinse off before entering the pool, Jap immediately headed to one of the three meter diving boards and climbed up to the board. Bill shrugged and stayed down on the pool deck level and watched the little guy prepare for a dive. Several of the visiting Marines were in the pool and turned to watch the redhead start his dive. All of the adults were shocked when just as Jap reached the end of the board; he faltered and seemed to collapse into an uncontrolled fall to the water three meters below him. After what seemed like an hour, but was actually only about 30 seconds, and Jap didn't surface Bill Tilden made a running dive towards Jap's water entry point. Several of the Marines having witnessed Jap's fall, started to swim toward where he was last seen and arrived just as Bill surfaced with Jap's apparently lifeless body. Dragging him to the side of the pool, a Marine was waiting and pulled a limp Jap out of the water and placed him on his back on the pool deck. One of the other Marines was frantically calling for help using a house phone that had a list of telephone numbers posted besides it. Bill climbed out of the pool and started yelling in Jap's face; "Jap, Jap, come on Jap wake up!!!"

When he got no response, he quickly listened to Jap's chest and was able to hear his heart beating, so he went in to rescue breathing, checked that Jap's mouth was clear, tilting his head back so his breathing passage was open, then pinching his nose closed. Bill leaned over and sealed Jap's mouth with his and exhaled gently into Jap's mouth, he continued this way for four or five breathes. Then as he heard someone coming up to assist him, Jap's eyes sprang open and the next thing he knew the little shit was French kissing him and had both hands holding Bill's head in place so he couldn't escape.

Finally Bill was able to break away, red faced and spluttering; "You sawed-off little dirt bag, you set me up." He then moved towards Jap reaching for his throat to choke him but wasn't fast enough. Jap sprang to his feet and dived into the pool swimming strongly for the other side, laughing his ass off.

Bill stood up visibly shaken, and then he sat back down on the deck and vomited. Matt arrived just as Bill was puking his guts out and asked what the fuck was going on. He opened the first aid kit he had brought along and popped the cap on some smelling salts and ran them under Bill's nose. Shaking his head violently he was coherent enough to respond to Matt's questions about what had happened and why he nearly passed out. Slowly Bill stopped shaking and explained that all he thought about was the loss of a friend when he was around fourteen years old to drowning and that he was unable to save him. Jap had returned and heard what Bill had said and turned pale, he went up and hugged the big Marine and kept saying over and over how sorry he was and to please forgive him for pulling his stupid joke. Matt stood there along with the Gunny, Stephen Peterson and James, none of the men had ever seen Matt so thoroughly pissed off as he was right then.

In a low calm voice Matt spoke to Jap; "Squadie Peterson, you will go to your assigned berthing area and remain there until you are summoned by me. The only time you shall leave your assigned area will be when using the head, go now."

Jap now completely terrified at his major fuck up, left the swimming cavern and went to his room, once there he removed his wet boxers and crawled under the covers of his bed and cried softly into his pillow.

Bill explained what had happened and why he responded the way he did, he was still a bit shaken over the whole thing but was able to laugh at the situation and the way the little redhead had suckered him.

The Unit had been very lucky to this point; the only problem they had to deal with was when JJ had been caught smoking pot last Fall. The adults all agreed that this was serious enough that it needed to be investigated by the JAG team, which was made up of three of the Squadies. Seth Howell, Doug James and Marty Morton were the three current JAG Team members and were summoned to the swimming cavern by James. They were briefed by the Brothers and told to do a quick investigation and report back as soon as possible.

At 19:00 the Cavern was cleared of all non-Marine personnel and the Observers and the photographers were briefed on what to expect. The Marines were also cautioned to not let any of the information they had been given get out to the Unit members.

At 20:30, the JAG Team briefed James and the other Adult members of the Unit, from what they could determine, Jap was just pulling a trick on Lcprl. Tilden that got out of control. When they talked to Jap, he told them he had got the idea from a movie he had seen about a bunch of kids who played baseball every day at a vacant lot. In one of the scenes, a kid named Squints did the same thing as Jap did; only he did it to a pretty female lifeguard at the town swimming pool. Seth Howell told the adults that he was more worried that he hurt Lcprl. Tilden than he was about any trouble he was in.

After thanking the team for their quick response, the men called Bill Tilden to the lounge and explained what they had found; "That little shit." Bill laughed; "Now that I've had time to calm down and think about it, it was a funny trick. Jap had no way of knowing that I'd respond the way I did, so I can't really stay mad at the little fucker."

James chuckled; "I know what you mean, but the boys have been told not to fuck around in the pool, and this was a definite 'Fucking Around' situation. I'm going to give him non-judicial punishment for it." Turning to Matt and the Gunny; "What do you think three days of JJ's?" 'JJ's' referred to the running in pack and uniform that they had made JJ Townsend do after he was caught smoking dope in the Cavern level head.

The two nodded their head yes, James turned to Stephen Peterson and asked; "How do you feel about it Steve, you think it's fair?"

"He's really lucky you guys are going the NJP route; otherwise I'd tan his little ass until it matched the color of his hair." Stephen laughed.

So at 21:30, Phil Martin and Mark White in full MarCam's knocked on Jap's door. When Jap answered the door he was told to dress in MarCams and STB Hat and to come with them. Five minutes later he fell in between Mark and Phil and went upstairs to the lounge area of the first floor. When the three of them arrived, Phil and Mark stopped at the entrance to the room and he continued to the end of the room where Matt and James were waiting for him. On the left side were the three members of the JAG Team, on the right were his father, Sergeants Babcock and Keener, Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten and Lcprl. Tilden. Looking straight ahead, he stopped three paces in front of James and Matt, saluted and said; "Squadie Peterson reporting as ordered sir."

Matt looked at the obviously scared Squadie and repeated the facts of the case as was told to them by the investigating JAG Team, when he finished he looked at Jap and asked him if anything he had said was wrong or inaccurate. Jap had to swallow a couple of times before he could speak; "No sir, that's what happened."

Matt nodded; "The reason you are undergoing Non-Judicial Punishment is the fact that not only did you perform a dangerous act, you violated Unit Rule Number Two, 'No means No.' while it started as a joke, you took liberties with a person who had neither the inclination nor the desire to share in those liberties. You of all people should know how it feels when people pull unfeeling stunts like the one you perpetrated on Lcprl. Tilden. You have a choice to make, two actually, 1. You may resign from the Unit. 2. You may accept punishment and remain with the Unit. The decision is yours."

Jap didn't hesitate for an instant; "Sir I want to stay with the Unit, I will accept whatever punishment you determine is just."

Matt seemed to relax slightly; "Very well Squadie Peterson, First, you will tender a written apology to Lcprl. Tilden by 18:00 tomorrow night. Second, You will develop and present a 45 minute lecture to the Unit on the 'Hazards of Horse Play in and around the swimming Pool'. Third you will perform three days of Extra Military Training consisting of running the three mile course twice a day with a thirty five pound pack in MarCam's, boots, LBE, and two full canteens. Squadie Peterson, do you accept this judgment?"

Jap Looked Matt in the eyes and said in a slightly shaky voice; "Yes sir I do."

Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten stepped forward and spoke for the first time; "Squadie Peterson, aten-hut, about face, forward march."

Jap marched from the room and was followed back to Cavern level by all of the Squadies, after their departure Lcprl. Tilden sighed; "I hope this doesn't fuck with his mind too much, he really scared the shit out of me but I kinda feel sorry for the kid."

Stephen Peterson nodded; "Yes, he was rather nervous, but right about now he's thanking his lucky stars that he got off so easily, he knows that as soon as James brought up the Rule # 2 violation he was in deep kimchee. James could have summarily dismissed him from the Unit on that charge alone."

James shook his head no; "I wasn't even considering that, he's too good of kid for that to happen. I think his major problem was that he wasn't even thinking about Rule Two, harassment or hurting anyone, all he was worried about was getting a 'Gotcha' on Bill here. The men talked about the situation, the upcoming exercise and various other things until 23:00 when they decided to turn in.

Nothing happened between then and reveille, the Unit all got up at 07:00 and prepared for another day of waiting. Bill Tilden entered the EDF and went through the food line, after filling his tray he found an empty table and started eating. About half way through his meal, Jap came over to him, handed him an envelope and said he was sorry, then turned and fled the EDF. Bill set his fork down and opened the envelope and read Jap's apology that he had written on a computer;

Dear Lcprl. Tilden;

What I did to you yesterday was totally wrong, it started out as a joke, at least to me it was. I did not mean to scare you like I did and for that I am awful sorry. I know that saying I am sorry doesn't fix anything or take away any pain I caused you yestrday but it's all I have. I promase never to do stuff like it to you or anyone else again, so please if you can, forgive me.

Yours Truly

Joshua Allen Peterson Jap

Bill didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the simple note, he knew it was probably the hardest thing Jap had ever had to do in his short life. Bill finished eating and went in search of the little redheaded bombshell, after checking all over the Cavern level, Bill headed to the Arms Room. Sure enough, Jap had Wilbur taken down and was cleaning him, Bill cleared his throat and Jap turned around, seeing Bill he first paled then blushed.

Bill spoke first; "Accepted, but just remember, I owe you one."

Jap appeared to shiver, then he broke down and cried' "Oh man I'm so, so sorry, I was just playing a joke..."

Bill grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him gently; "Listen to me Jap, I know all that, after it was all over and I heard what you had tried to do, I was laughing right along with the rest of the guys. It was a neat concept, the only problem was something from my past and that's why I lost it for awhile. You fucked up, you got hammered, now do what you need to do and forget about it and drive on."

Jap snuffled and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his MarCam's; "Ok Bill, I'll get it done, and thanks."

The rest of the day was un-eventful, the Squadies in their MarCam robes and headdress wore their Miles Gear and all carried their firearms with a basic load of ammunition (blanks) with them wherever they went. As the evening drew closer, everyone knew that soon the Force Recon Marines would be arriving to attack the Unit home. The Unit had the advantage of more manpower (boy power actually), armor and the home field advantage. The Marines had more experience; better training and they were Marines (Ha, Ha, Ha).

At 18:30 when nothing had happened, James deployed his strike teams and pre-deployed his armor. The Unit's snipers were placed in the most advantageous positions to cover the most likely avenues of approach to the house from the west and Matt's Swimmers were held in reserve at the house to act as internal security. At 19:00 the house was locked down and all deployed Unit personnel and vehicles performed a radio check.

"All stations, all stations, this is GhostRyder15, radio check, over."

The response was immediate; "One five, one.... One five, two.... One five, three.... One five, four.... One five, five.... One five, six.... One five, Alpha.... One five, Bravo..... One five, two five.... One five, three five." One Five was James, the One five, one denoted Squad one, two, etc. Alpha and Bravo denoted the team snipers, while two five and three five were the Unit's two LAV's.

All stations, roger, go to radio silence, over. All that could be heard over the radio were clicks when the individual radios transmit buttons were pressed. Then they waited. The robes and Arabian style clothing the Squadies were wearing blended in well with their surroundings, Jap and Jacky Hoffman along with the James Boys acting as their spotters, were using the first four Ghilley blankets that Thompson Gettrick had put together for them and from farther away than twenty meters, they were all but invisible.

As the night wore on the boys got antsy, they knew something was up when at 01:00 they started seeing the observers moving around. At 01:30, James broadcast his first position report; "All stations, intruder alert, west fence advancing towards HQ using Lima four, Out." Three minutes later James ordered; "Squad's one, two, five and six deploy to east and west of Lima 4, Over."

Since the drill a week or so ago, Stephen Peterson had built another six Claymores. The back area of the property had been thoroughly photographed from the air and inspected by Unit members on foot to decide where to place the available Claymores so they could be used for the best advantage. Eight basic paths to the house from the west side fence were identified and mined with the Claymores, the three remaining mines were held in reserve to be placed in the line of advance if time permitted should the aggressor forces take a route that was considered to be improbable. Lima four was right smack dab in the middle and the most apparent.

The two armor units were hulldown in prepared positions at the mouth of the arroyo designated as Lima 4, the one the Marines were currently traversing. James spoke again "Alpha, Bravo, there are two scouts out front, as soon as the main body enters the killsack, take them out." Two separate clicks were all he heard in response.

The Marines advanced, fat, dumb and happy, secure in the knowledge that they only had a bunch of civilian amateurs between them and their objective. They had studied the aerial photographs of the objective and felt it would be a cake walk, hardly worth their effort, snicker, snicker.

As they cleared the mouth of the arroyo, the Miles gear on the two scouts started screaming, then it was like the Fourth of July as five artillery simulators went off and fourteen of the their fellow Marines Miles Gear erupted in ear shattering noise. The remaining four Marines suddenly and devastatingly came under fire from both sides of the arroyo and were rendered ineffective. While the recon team was standing around, dozens of figures separated themselves from the surrounding terrain and started doing their version of a Bedouin Victory shout (first heard no doubt in the movie The Mummy). The Marines knew they had just been fucked and not even kissed afterward. The Shouting ceased and the Observers went about turning the Miles gear off. When this was completed the Marines fell in and rout marched (basically just walking) down to the Unit. When they arrived at the front of the house, the garage door was already open and they were led to the elevator and whisked down to the Cavern level. Once there, they were directed to rack their firearms in the wall racks surrounding the Cavern and then taken to the EDF for them to get coffee or what ever they wanted to drink. One hour later, the Marines were directed to return to the main Cavern where they were seated and told that a critique of the mornings exercise was about to take place. The Marines sat together on one side of the Cavern and talked quietly amongst themselves, finally noticing the chairs on the other side of the Cavern were slowly filling with people dressed in Arab style robes and headdresses. Then they got a look at some of the pseudo-Arabs and discovered they were fucking kids, every fucking one of them were fucking kids. Oh fuck oh dear.

Defenders 2, Aggressors 0

End of Chapter 30 Next; Chapter 31 Neener, Neener, Neener!

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to GhostRyder15 at Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 31

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