Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Jan 2, 2005


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading. All persons, places and thing depicted in this story are purely fictional, any resemblance to people, living or dead, past or present, places or things is purely coincidental. However, I will admit to there being a Washington State.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 25

New Start

Justin stood under the hot water spraying him from the shower head staring at Tyler, not believing what he had just heard, or what his eyes saw standing before him. The most beautiful boy he had ever seen was standing not three feet from him completely naked and with a hard on. It was like something from one of his dreams, only it was real.

He heard his name being called; "Justin, hey Justin, come on buddy snap out of it or I'll have to get the doc again."

Justin shook his head and once again was in the here and now. It didn't change anything, he was still standing under the shower and Tyler was still standing in front of him with his hard cock pointing at him.

Tyler moved to him and took him into a hug; "Listen buddy, you're OK now, you're safe and no ones going to give you any shit. Let's get finished in here and get you some clothing and a hot meal, OK?"

Justin just nodded and washed his body then went to the change area and dried off. Once again he found himself walking around with just a towel and the rubber flip-flops he had been given. Tyler dressed in his uniform and took him gently by the arm and led him across the cavern to the Supply Room. When they got there, Phil Martin and David White were waiting for them.

"How's it going guys, you ready to get some clothes on Justin?"

Justin nodded his head but didn't say anything. Phil handed him a set of olive drab briefs and a T-shirt, which he immediately put on, and then a set of poly proprelien long johns, which he pulled on over his new underwear, luxuriating in their warmth and softness. Justin was totally shocked by the next items of clothing, a complete set of MarCams, OD wool socks and a beautiful set of leather high top boots. Never in his life had he worn such clothing that was so comfortable, or for that matter, new. Both his parents, and after them, his aunt and uncle always gave him hand me downs or clothes purchased from the Salvation Army or a flea market. He felt like pinching himself to see if he was dreaming. Then, when Phil handed him a small box, which he opened immediately, he started crying and his whole body started shaking. The boys made him sit down in one of the chairs, and once seated, all he could do was stare at the watch he had just been given. Never in his life had he owned a watch. He had always envied the boys in school who took for granted their wristwatches, never giving them a second thought. Now he had one, and his only thought was; "Will they make me give it back?"

Tyler, Phil and David stood close to him rubbing his back, squeezing his shoulders and talking to him softly all the while trying to calm him down. Finally Justin took a deep shuddering breath and looked at the boys; "Why, why are you being so nice to me, I'm nothing, just a peon, a lowly teenage field worker. Why are you so nice?"

Phil took Justin's chin and gently turned his head until he was looking at Phil in the eyes; "Bullshit. You're one of us now, no matter what happens. You're part of the Unit and we look out for our own, so knock off this `I'm nothing' shit' you're one of us." After saying that, Phil leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips, David did the same and then the boy of his dreams kissed him and he parted his lips to hungrily receive Tyler's tongue as it explored his mouth, while all Justin could do was softly moan.

Tyler broke the kiss and pulled Justin to his feet; all four boys left the supply room and walked over to the dining facility. Justin started to get nervous again, he looked around but couldn't find the food he hadn't been able to eat the previous night. Phil saw that Justin was in distress again and asked what was wrong. Justin told him about the food and that he couldn't find it, he told the boys he didn't want to get in trouble for wasting food.

Phil thought for a moment; "It's OK Justin, don't worry about it, either some one else snacked on it or it was disposed of. We can eat as much as we want, but we don't take very big portions at a single sitting, if we want more we just go back and get more, understand?"

Justin nodded and followed Tyler through the chow line, taking the same amount of food as his new friend. The boys found an empty table and sat down and started eating. About half way through the meal, Justin looked up and saw the man who had saved his life.

Justin jumped up, knocking his chair over backwards and hurtled himself at the man; "Thank you sir, thank you," was all he could say, after grabbing Matt around the waist and hugging him fiercely, never wanting to let go.

"Whoa, easy partner, if you aren't careful you'll put me in the hospital with a sprained back." Matt looked at the boy. Now that he was dressed in clean clothing and fed he looked a lot better than the last time he held him.

"Ummm .... Justin I need to talk to you, let's go for a walk."

The boy and the man left the dining facility and walked down the hallway leading to the pool cavern, when they entered the pool area Justin let out a gasp. "Wow, I never saw a pool this big, it's even bigger than the Yakima City Pool."

Justin looked around with wide-eyed disbelief that anyone would have a pool this size and in doors too. Matt maneuvered the boy to a bench along one wall and they both sat down.

Matt took hold of the boy's hands before speaking; "Justin, there's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it quickly. When we found you last night, your aunt, uncle and cousins had already passed on. There was nothing we could do for them, so we brought you back here. I lost my parents at a young age also, I know there's nothing anyone can say that will make it easier on you, just know that my brother James and I know what you're going through."

Justin knew that something had happened to his relatives, but he never dreamed that he had lost all of them. He started crying softly, not just for the loss of his family, but for himself as well. He didn't know what he was going to do, where he was going to live or for that matter how he was going to survive.

While Matt was holding the distraught boy, James walked in and moved over to them. James put his arm around the sobbing child and tried to comfort him. James looked at the boy and spoke for the first time; "Justin, we know what you're going through, before I came home Matt called me and told me about you and your family. I talked to my lawyer and he arranged for us to have temporary custody of you, pending the location of any of your surviving relatives.

Justin looked at James; "It doesn't matter sir, the only family I had died last night. Besides, you wouldn't want a Maricón, a faggot living with you, I'm queer. I know it don't matter none coming from a faggot, but thanks for all you have done, I'll wait in my room until you figure out how to get rid of me."

As Justin stood, James pulled him close and said; "Listen up boy, we don't use words like faggot or queer in this household, you can call yourself or us gay, but I better not hear the others, you understand me Mister?"

Justin looked at the two men, after everything that had happened to him in the last 24 hours, he didn't believe what he had just heard. He looked at Matt, then turned back to James; "What... What did you just say?"

"You heard me, both Matt and I are gay, so are 80% of the boys in the Unit, we started this organization because a friend of ours asked us to help his son, his gay son. There was no place for gays in the local Boy Scout troop so we created the Unit. Like I said, 80% of the boys in the Unit are gay, that means the other 20% are straight or unsure what their sexual preference is. We only have two rules here; No means No, no one is forced to do anything they don't want to do, and no one has to tell anyone what their sexual preference is."

"I don't know if you living with us will work, a lot of people are going to think of you as our `fuck toy', that's the farthest thing from the truth. When we started this thing Matt and I promised ourselves that we would never, under any circumstance have sex with any member of the Unit. If you want to live here, be part of the Unit, be part of our family, we're more than happy to have you. The only thing we ask of you is that you never lie to us and that you give us, and the members of the Unit the same respect you want for yourself. Well Justin, it's up to you, we want you to take your time and think about it because once you say yes, you'll be our responsibility and will have to agree to follow our directions."

Justin was having a hard time believing that these two men actually wanted him to live with them be a part of their household, a part of their family. For so long he had such low expectations from life, now it seemed that he was being given a chance to change that, it was hard for him to understand let alone believe.

Justin took a deep breath; "Mr. Bateman, I have no one else, my mother and father died two years ago in a car crash, since then I have been living with my aunt and uncle, now they are dead. I have nothing, I have no one, I am nothing, you both have been so kind to me already and I feel bad that I can bring nothing to this union. If you will have me, I would be honored and thankful to be apart of your family and the Unit."

Matt shook his head; "First off, you need to get over the idea that you're nothing. You are a handsome, well spoken young man, and we both look forward to your being with us."

"OK, enough of this morbid bullshit, we need to finish getting you your clothing and gear issue. As soon as it stops snowing and the roads are cleared up we'll take you to the Mall and get you set up with school clothes. Justin, we want you to take it easy, if you have any problems, problems with anything, we want you to come to one of us, Phil Martin or David White. Now go find Phil and tell him I said to issue the rest of your stuff.

Justin stood up and hugged first Matt and then James; "Thank you for saving my life, and thank you for giving me a new life." While the brothers remained seated, Justin left the poolroom and went to search out Phil Martin.

James looked at Matt; "I hope this works, he seems like a good kid and God knows he deserves a break, I just hope there aren't any major problems."

The brothers stood and walked out of the poolroom, Matt to continue with his search and rescue duties and James to return to the Federal Building ECC.

That night around 21:00 the snow stopped, by 04:00 the next morning the cloud cover had broken up and for the first time in over a week the moon and stars were visible. With the sky clear and the wind no longer blowing, it became colder; the temperature hovered around zero at day break. The ECC remained open and in operation until Wednesday and the search and rescue operations continued through Friday. During the week, Justin remained in the room he had been given in the berthing area, helping out where he could but mainly staying out of the way. After the ECC had closed down, James came home and grabbed something to eat and a few hours of sleep, then joined the SAR operations. Thanks to the Unit's vehicles and all of the volunteers, over a hundred lives were saved during and after the storm. When the SAR operations were shut down James, Matt and Keener came back to the house and slept like the dead for fourteen hours straight. Waking up at 09:00, James wandered into the kitchen in just his skivey's and house shoes to find Justin sitting at the table.

"Good morning Justin, how you feeling today?" Asked James.

Justin jumped to his feet, almost at attention; "Good morning Mr. Bateman, I'm feeling well sir, thank you for asking."

"Whoa dude, I'm James, you need to get into the habit of calling me that, I'm your guardian not your master, understand?"

Justin gave James a small smile, "Yes sir.... I mean James, my mother always told me to be respectful of adults and my betters."

"Pheeeeeeeeeeew, you got to get out of this mindset of other people being better than you, it's good to be respectful, but only of the people who earn your respect. I don't mean you shouldn't be courteous to others, but just remember you're just as good as anyone else."

Justin nodded his head yes, but James could see he wasn't really convinced.

"You had anything to eat yet sport?"

"No James, I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to mess up and do something that would make you or Matt mad at me."

"Jeez guy, what part of being a member of our family didn't you understand?" James asked with a grin to show Justin that he wasn't mad "If you get hungry eat whatever's in the cupboards or fridge if it ain't there get a hold of one of us and just ask for it. You're not a guest here; you're part of Matt and my family, which means `Help Your Self', comprende?"

Justin giggled at James pronunciation; "Se patron, gracias, culisimo muy de moda."

James laughed; "Yeah, what you said. Now, are you hungry and if so what would you like to eat?"

Justin still not really sure of himself said; "I'll have whatever you're going to have.... OK?"

James shook his head; "No problem, how about bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast, you can have coffee, tea, milk or juice to drink, sound good?"

Justin nodded his head eagerly and smiled.

About the time James started to cook, Keener and Matt walked into the kitchen in their skiveys. Keener had his arm around Matt's back with his hand resting on Matt's hip. First thing out of Matt's mouth was; "Morning you old fart, it's about time you got breakfast going. Good morning Justin how they hangin?"

Justin, Matt and Keener all laughed, Matt hid behind Keener as James acted like he was going to throw an egg at him. Due to the problems that the snow storm had caused, the regularly scheduled Saturday meeting had been called off, so Matt decided he would take Justin to the Mall and get him some school clothing. James begged off, saying he was going to vegetate for the rest of the weekend. Keener decided to go along so they took his pick up. By now with the temperatures reaching into the 30's and low 40's, the roads were pretty much free of ice and snow, so it only took them about a half hour to reach the Mall. By the looks of the parking lots, everyone else had the same idea as Matt, getting out of the house and going to the Mall. Keener parked as close to the entrance as possible, which wasn't close at all. The men were dressed in blue jeans, shirts and light jackets while Justin wore his MarCams and his CarHart cold weather coat. Justin had been to the Mall in Yakima a number of times, but never to buy anything, this time, if Matt wasn't kidding him, he was actually going to get new clothes, maybe even a new pair of shoes.

They entered the main entrance of the Mall and Matt turned to the left, working his way through the crowd towards the Bon Marchon. Justin thought Matt was going to stop at another store before heading to Sears or one of the other chain stores so he was surprised when they entered the Bon. Matt moved through the store like a shark among minnows, set on a specific target, and when he finally stopped moving, Justin realized they were in the `Boys Clothing Department'.

Matt looked at Justin; "Yo Jus, you know your waist and inseam size?"

Justin blushed; "No Matt, my aunt always got my pants on the large size so they would last longer, I'm sorry."

Matt frowned; "That's OK, hang loose for a second." Matt walked over to a salesman and spoke to him for a few minutes and then returned with the man in tow. "OK Justin, this gentleman is going to help us out."

"Hello Justin, my name is Patrick and I need you to come over to the changing room so I can get some measurements. Patrick herded the two men and the boy to the changing room with `Handicap Equipped' sign on the door; "This is the biggest one we have and all of us can fit in there together."

Once inside the room, Patrick turned to Justin; "I need you to remove your trousers and shirt, otherwise any measurements I take will be too big."

Justin blushed and nodded as he took off his coat then removed his blouse, he hesitated for a second then started removing his trousers, and his blush deepened as he pulled them off. Patrick, using a cloth tape measure, took measurements of his neck, chest, his arms and his hips. Then he knelt in front of Justin; "OK Justin, I need you to spread your feet about shoulder width so I can measure your inseam."

Never being measured for trousers before, Justin was taken totally by surprise when he felt Patrick touch his nut sack through his briefs with the end of the tape measure. The sound of his inhalation was audible to everyone in the room as was the boner he immediately popped.

Patrick stood up and looked at Justin; "Don't worry about it Justin, it happens all the time, especially to kids your age. Why don't you all wait here and I'll get a selection of clothing and bring them back to you, that way Justin won't have to keep getting dressed and undressed?"

Patrick left and was gone for a good ten minutes, when he returned he had both arms full of all kinds of clothing. Justin was about to trip off the line; he had never tried on new clothing before, or even thought he ever would. The clothes Patrick had picked out included Levis 501's, Cargo's, dress slacks in various colors, Pendleton, Arrow and Lands End shirts, light and heavy weight sweaters, wool and cotton socks and an insulated winter coat. Patrick said that they could pick out underwear for him when they decided on the clothing and he had dressed again.

After Justin had tried on all the clothing Matt asked; "Whatcha think guy, this stuff OK?"

All Justin could do was nod his head yes, Matt looked at Patrick and nodded to him. Patrick picked up all of the clothing and left, Matt looked over to Justin; "You may as well leave your boots off, the shoe department is close by."

The three left the dressing room and walked over to the shoes department where Matt had another salesman measure his feet, Justin, still in a state of shock, tried on several pairs of cross trainers, dress and casual shoes. Matt nodded to the salesman who collected all the shoes and put them back in the boxes. Justin put his boots back on and followed Matt and Keener to the underwear section; "I know you're wearing briefs, and if that's what you like fine, but if you see something else here that you like go ahead and get them. Justin zeroed in on some plaid boxers, he had always wanted some but there was never any available at the Goodwill, he hesitantly picked up a two pack of the shorts and looked hopefully at Matt.

Matt shook his head and had a sad expression on his face, he reached out and picked up another four packages in various colors and handed them to Patrick along with the one Justin had picked out; "We picked out some shoes also, can you get with the shoe guy and put it all together for us, we got some more shopping to do and we'll be back in about a half hour."

"No problem Mr. Bateman. If I'm not out here, just have them page me."

Not knowing what was happening; Justin trailed after Matt and Keener as they left the Bon. Fighting their way through the crowd, they entered the Radio Shack and immediately walked over to the stereo section, Matt looked at several different types of machines until he decided on one and told the sales clerk he wanted it, Keener meanwhile was looking at the personal CD players and picked out a Kenwood and several packages of batteries for it. Matt talked to the clerk again and then was signing some papers, the clerk handed him a box and said the stuff he ordered would be down at the Bon when they got there.

Leaving Radio Shack Matt turned to Justin; "What kind of music do ya like?"

"Ahhh.... you're gonna think I'm strange, but I really like oldies from the 80's and 90's, my mom used to listen to it and I liked it too."

Justin, didn't think he could be surprised anymore, EEEENNNNNNTT!! Wrong answer! Matt took him into the Sam Goodies and they picked up ten CD's, all oldies and a couple of CD's he looked at, but wasn't going to ask for. Keener picked up a set of light-weight earphones and a couple of new release DVD's.

Matt handed the two bags containing their latest purchases to Justin and they headed back to the Bon. Patrick was waiting for them by the checkout counter in the men's department, Matt handed him his credit card and he ran it through the register which promptly spit out a receipt that he signed and stuck his copy in his pocket.

Matt, Justin, Patrick and the salesman from shoes lugged all of their purchases from both the Bon and Radio Shack out the side door of the store. Patrick thanked Matt and Justin for shopping at the Bon and said he looked forward to seeing them again. While Matt was checking out, Keener had got the truck and was pulling up just as Patrick was returning to the store. When they arrived back at the house, Tyler English was waiting for them at the front door, when they started to unload the truck he went over and helped. Justin was surprised when Matt led them to a bedroom on the second floor instead of going to the room that had been assigned to him down in the berthing compartment.

Matt opened the bedroom door and started to pile the clothing and other purchases on the king size bed; "This is your room Justin, you can use the one down below on meeting weekends but James and I thought you'd like a room that you could personalize. You can go ahead and put your clothing away and we'll have a late lunch, oh yeah, you need to get those 501's washed before you wear them or they'll turn your crotch blue from the dye."

Justin nodded, finally realizing that everything they had gotten from the Mall was bought for him as Matt and Keener left the room; Justin sat on the edge of the bed with a shocked expression on his face.

Tyler saw the look, on Justin's face; "What's amatter Jus, you look like someone shot your dog?"

Justin shook his head; "I.... I... it's just that I never had this many clothes, not just clothes but NEW Clothes. I mean I've only been here for about five days and they go out and buy me all these things, why are they doing this?"

Tyler sat on the bed and put his arm around Justin's shoulders; "Maybe because they figured you needed them, maybe because they wanted to do something for you, maybe they did it because they like you and want to make you feel welcome. These guys are either your best friends, or your worst nightmare. It looks like they want to be your best friends, or make sure you know that you're part of their family now. Whatever the reason, enjoy it, it's something they wanted to do for you, OK?"

Tyler got up and started pulling clothing from the Bon Marchon bags and removing tags; "Don't just sit there asshole give me a hand."

Justin jerked; "Asshole? Asshole? I'll show who's an asshole pendejo!"

Jumping off the bed Justin grabbed Tyler and pushed him down on the bed and started to tickle him, Tyler started laughing and tried to fight back but couldn't get his hands to do his bidding; "OK, OK, you win, I give."

Justin backed off, keeping his guard up until he was sure that Tyler really had submitted. Tyler got off the bed and said; "You got some real nice clothes, how bout putting them on so I can see how they look on you?"

"I ain't no model, they probably look like all the other clothes I ever had, just new instead of coming from the Goodwill."

"Come on dude, give me a show, all I've ever seen you in has been the MarCams, try on the 501's and let me see how they fit," whined Tyler.

Justin sighed heavily; "You ain't going to give me a break here are you? OK, OK, I'll do it, but you have to try some of them on too so I can see what they look like. We're close enough to the same size that they oughta fit you pretty good, that way I can see what I'll look like wearing them, deal?"

Tyler hesitated for a minute, finally saying; "Deal, but we change together OK?"

Justin nodded and started to peal out of his MarCams, Tyler picked up a package of boxers and threw them to Justin; "Here, try these on too, you won't know how your pants fit over the boxers if you don't change out of them briefs."

Justin shook his head and skinned out of his briefs giving Tyler a good look at his dick and balls, again; "Wow Justin you're pretty well hung."

Justin blushed and hurriedly pulled on his new boxers, Tyler noticed that the red plaid pattern looked really nice against his dark complexion, but didn't say anything. Tyler tried on a pair of 501's and a solid dark blue long sleeved Pendleton shirt; "Whatcha Think?"

Justin looked at him; "Turn around so I can see you from the back." Justin admired the way Tyler's body narrowed from his spreading shoulders down to a slim waist and the way his butt filled out the jeans without looking big or fat; "Nice ass dude."

Tyler turned and looked at Justin, not saying anything but blushing furiously. Justin had pulled on a pair of kaki Cargo pants and a dark green long sleeve shirt; "Wow Justin, that outfit really looks sharp on ya, here lets trade so we can see how we look in the same outfits."

Justin nodded his head and both boys started to remove the clothes they had just put on. Tyler felt his dick stirring in his boxers at the thought of wearing something that Justin just had on. By the time he got the jeans and shirt off he had a full fledged boner, as he handed the clothes to Justin his dick popped through the fly of his shorts, he attempted to conceal it from Justin but it was too late.

Now it was Justin's turn to compliment Tyler. "Oh man Tyler, that's a beaut you got sticking out there, you glad to see me or what?" Right about the time he was making his comment on Tyler's dick his hardon popped out of his shorts.

Tyler saw it happen; "You ain't so bad yourself." He stepped closer to Justin and reached out and grabbed his cock. Justin's body kind of jerked back and Tyler quickly released his dick; "Oh man, I'm so sorry, I shouldna done that."

Justin stepped toward Tyler causing him to shrink back from him, but was surprised when Justin reached out and pulled his hand back to his dick. With his other hand Justin grasped Tyler's cock and pulled on it gently.

Tyler stood still for a moment, lightly grasping Justin's cock, he started moving his hand back and forth tentatively trying to judge if it really was OK for him to be touching him. Justin groaned quietly and stroked Tyler more aggressively; "Hey Justin, we keep this up much longer and you're gonna have to wash the cum out of your new boxers you're wearing."

Justin released Tyler's dick like he had been burned by it. Tyler chuckled; "This is my first time doing anything with someone, I mean I pound my pud every day, sometimes more than once, but I never done it with another guy."

Justin pulled his dick away and dropped to his knees; he grasped the waist band of Tyler's shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. Taking hold of Tyler's cock; "I... I... well, I been with another guy up in Yakima, if you let me, I will show you what I have learned."

Tyler nodded his head, his eyes wide as he watched as his dick slowly slid into Justin's mouth. Tyler inhaled deeply and thrust his hips forward slightly, not wanting to force Justin, but needing to feel more of Justin's mouth on his dick. Tyler put both hands on the back of Justin's head, not trying to hold him in place, but wanting to feel his new lover, to caress him. Justin used his tongue to swirl the head of his dick, gently probing the piss slit all the while applying suction. Then he moved his mouth farther down the shaft of Tyler's dick until his nose was pressing into his soft, sparse pubic hair, staying still for a few precious seconds inhaling the scent of his first friend, no, not just a friend, his first true lover. Slowly sliding off until only the head of Tyler's cock remained in his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the glans once more and then went back down.

Tyler couldn't believe the feelings Justin was giving him, never in his short life had he felt anything like this. In comparison the feelings of lust and joy he had felt the first time he had beat off and came were as nothing to the sensations he was experiencing now. This first sexual act with another person seemed to last for ever, but as he came, it felt like it only lasted for a second, his whole being seemed to burst forth along with his sperm in to Justin's mouth. Tyler stood the ecstasy, and yes the pain of his first ejaculation with another being. When his eruption finally stopped, he was spent, and as gently as possible, he pulled his rapidly softening cock from his new lover's mouth and all but collapsed on him. Tyler hugged Justin to him, breathing heavily, not believing what had happened, but it did happen and he continued to hug him and run his hands through Justin's hair unable to speak beyond inarticulate sounds of joy.

Justin returned the hugs and rubbed his hands up and down Tyler's back and through his fine blond hair, placing small soft kisses on Tyler's neck and face.

Shortly, neither boy knew how long it took, Tyler recovered and pulled back to look deeply into Justin's eyes; "Thank you; I have never felt like I do right now, thank you." Tyler pulled Justin to his feet and then knelt in front of him taking his cock in his right hand and slowly moving the foreskin back and forth over the head while gently kneading his balls with his left. Tyler licked a small drop of pre-cum from the slit of Justin's dick, holding it on his tongue and savoring the musky, slightly salty flavor. Pulling his foreskin back, Tyler tongued the glans slowly, lovingly for several minutes; listening to the low guttural sounds his ministrations caused Justin to make. Taking a deep breath, he savored the unique scent that was only Justin; he then slid his lover's dick as far as he could into his mouth, marveling at the silky smoothness of it, the enigma of something that could be so hard, yet at the same time so soft. He then started moving his mouth up and down the length the cock, not yet skilled enough to take all of it into him. Even though Justine had more experience, he lasted no longer than Tyler, and just like Tyler he came quickly, shot after shot filled Tyler's mouth until he was spent. Like Tyler, Justin all but collapsed on his lover; once again they hugged and kissed each other for a period of time neither could later determine.

Both boys were lying on the floor holding each other and looking into the other's eyes; both of them knew this was just the beginning of their relationship. Neither one knew where it would lead to, but both were looking forward to wherever it led them.

The KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK of someone pounding on the bedroom door and then Matt's voice yelling; "All right you guys, drop your cocks and pull up your socks, its lunch time." Made them both jump.

End of Chapter 25


Chapter 26

Do Unto Others, Before They Do Unto You

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

If you're interested, check out; http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/snoqualmie/default.aspx?imgparam=6 This site provide rapid updated video of Snoqualmie Pass and the east an west approaches. It is best viewed after sunrise and before sunset.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Jay in Sidney Australia Tony in West Sussex UK Jim in Pennsylvania USA Gary in Indiana USA JW in Indiana USA Dave in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Tim in Chicago Illinois USA Justyn in Phoenix AZ USA Scott in Wales UK Gary somewhere near Toronto Canada Andrew in Virginia USA Shawn in Winston-Salem NC USA Sam in Montreal Quebec Canada Danny in Australia Andrew in Mississippi USA Calvin in Kissimmee Florida USA Andy in France Ace in Pennsylvania USA Breck in Mississippi USA Kevin in St Petersburg FL USA Dale in Michigan USA Wayne in Waco Texas USA Myr in New York USA

Next: Chapter 26

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