Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 30, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 21

It Wasn't My Fault!

Mitch lay on the bed in the nurse's office waiting for someone to come and jump in his shit for manhandling that asshole Jason. He held the ice pack on his nose and cried softly wondering why he always got shit on.

The nurse came back into the room and heard him softly sobbing and came over to him and took hold of his free hand.

"What's the matter kiddo, do you hurt some place else, I can give you some aspirin if you are."

"No ma'am today's my first day and now I'll probably get suspended for fighting, I just wanted to get along and not cause waves but no one will let me."

The nurse smiled down at him and said; "I don't think you're in any trouble, just relax, OK?"

Tyler who had been sitting quietly in the corner spoke for the first time since they arrived; "Hey Mitch, take it easy buddy, that jerk Matheson is always causing trouble. He's been sent home more times for fighting and causing problems then any other kid in the school."

Just then the door to the nurse's office opened and Mr. Costis, a man Mitch didn't know and James Bateman walked in. Mr. Costis walked over to Mitch and put his hand on his shoulder; "How you feeling Mitch, I mean besides your fat nose that is?"

Mitch just sniffed and looked down at his leg.

James and the unknown man were talking to the nurse, after a few minutes conversation, they came over to Mitch. The man looked down at Mitch and said; "Hi Mitch, I'm John Murphy the principal here at Chief George, how're you feeling?"

"OK sir, I didn't mean to get into a fight, honest, when he pushed me into that locker and then turned me around, I didn't know what he was going to do. Please don't suspend me; I won't fight no more honest."

"Calm down Mitch, I don't intend to suspend you. From everything I've heard from your classmates and Mr. Costis, you showed remarkable restraint for someone so young. Where did you learn that take down hold from, you put young Matheson down on the floor without throwing a punch or hurting anything but his pride?"

"My dad taught me and my brother how to do it, it's something they taught him in the Marines for when he had Shore Patrol. I didn't really want to hurt him, but I thought he was going to hit me or something."

"Don't worry about it; Mr. Matheson is going on a three day vacation as soon as one of his parents show up to claim him. After he comes back, he'll be put on notice that one more incident and he'll have to redo the seventh grade."

"Anyway, Mr. Bateman is going to run you down to the hospital and have them X-Ray your face to insure there isn't any serious damage that we can't see. I expect to see you back here bright and early tomorrow for school, got it?"

"Yes sir, and thank you sir, you too ma'am." Turning to his new friend; "Tyler, anytime you want that tour let me know, ok?"

James put his arm around Mitch's shoulder and moved him toward the front doors. Mitch looked up at James; "Sorry James, I'm sorry you had to come down here because of this, please forgive me."

"Whoa Mitch, back the fuck up just one moment. I got no problem with you standing up to a bully, if it was me I woulda tried to beat the shit outta him instead of restraining him and calling a teacher. Actually I'm proud of you, you know enough karate that you coulda pounded his ass into a mud hole, but you didn't, you restrained yourself, ya did good pilgrim."

Mitch knew that James was trying to imitate John Wayne, but he couldn't let the chance to zing him go by; "Was that `The Rock' you were imitating just then James?"

"You know Mitch, it's not nice to make fun of us old guys, we have ways of fixing your wagon."

They spent two hours in the hospital getting Mitch X-Rayed and having a doctor look at his nose, by the time they were finished Chief George was letting out and they returned to pick up Shane. While they were waiting for Shane, Tyler English walked up to the Jimmy and knocked on Mitch's window; "Hey guy how's your snot locker doing?"

Both Mitch and James laughed; "Fine, the doc said there was nothing broken, but I'd probably have a couple of black eyes by tomorrow. Say Tyler, where do you live?"

"Just this side of Mr. Bateman's place, dad's got a garage where he works on heavy equipment and stuff."

James Asked; "Are you Terry English's son?"

"Yes sir, you know him?"

"Yes I do, though not very well, he was a couple years ahead of me in school, we use to say hi when we'd pass in the hall's at school."

"James," asked Mitch; "can we have Tyler up to supper tonight, I kinda, you know promised him a tour of the house and stuff, and he did help me out."

"How bout it Tyler, you want to come to dinner tonight?"

"Yes sir, but I got ask my parents."

"Jump in the back seat, we'll stop by your place on the way home."

Just then, the driver's side door in the back opened and Shane got in, he looked at Mitch and shook his head in disgust; "Shit Mitch, I leave you alone for a little while and you get the snot kicked out of ya."

"Thanks little brother, I needed that. Oh yeah, this is Tyler English, he's in some of my classes, Tyler, this is my dweeb of a brother Shane."

While the introductions were being made and insults traded, James headed for home, hoping that this would be the last of the problems the boys would run into. Making a quick stop at Tyler's home, they made good time returning to the house. When they pulled up in front of the house, Mitch got permission to use a HUMVEE to show Tyler the outside facilities, Mitch asked if Shane wanted to come along but he declined. To say the least, Tyler was impressed with the range and the confidence course, but when they got back to the house, he was in utter disbelief. His first shock was the game room, with it's two large screen TV's and electronic games and their assorted cartridges. On the way down stairs, he thought the door to the arms room was neat, but it was the Cavern that really impressed the shit out of him.

"Jesus Mitch, what the fuck do they use this for?"

"The main Cavern is our assembly hall; we use it for meetings and Unit parties like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wait till you see the pool, come on."

When they entered the pool cavern, Tyler was totally shocked at the sheer size of the pool, and the fact that there were three, three meter diving boards at the other end. Mitch took him through the berthing compartment, the dinning facility and the locker room.

"I still can't understand what all this is for, I mean it's almost like an amusement park with its own built in hotel."

"I ask James about it when I first joined the Unit, he said that they were trying to provide a complete facility for the members, everything that would be needed to allow the members to enjoy themselves. You ever been in the scouts?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't feel comfortable, dad didn't like the guy who was running it and most of the kids were assholes." Tyler complained.

"What have you heard about the Unit?"

Tyler blushed and wouldn't look Mitch in the eye; "Well umm, I ... I, I heard that most of the guys who belong to it are, well you know, gay."

Mitch took a chance; "Yes, we are."

Tyler's head snapped up and he stood their looking at Mitch; "You... you mean you're gay?"

"Yes, does that bother or scare you Tyler?"

"No, not really, I mean, I ... I don't know what I mean. Shit, I don't know about myself let alone any one else. I mean, how do you know if you're gay or not?"

"I guess when I started to bone up when I was around boys I knew or when I was looking at pictures of movie stars like Elijah Woods or Orlando Bloom, or some of the models in news paper advertisements. I finally went to my dad and told him how I felt, you know what he did?"

Tyler spoke softly; "No, what did he say?"

"Nothing at first, he just hugged me and started crying, I asked him not to hate me for being gay, that I was sorry. He told me, crying while he spoke, that he wasn't crying about me being gay, he was crying because he knew all the shit I'd have to go through, on top of loosing my leg. Then we were both crying, I thought we'd never stop."

"Wow, your old man must be some kind of a guy, I'd like to meet him."

Mitch couldn't keep the surprise from his voice; "You mean you still want to be friends, even knowing that I'm gay, aren't you afraid I'll put some moves on you?"

"Tyler laughed; "Gee would ya?"

Mitch tried to smack Tyler, but he moved too fast and skittered away laughing; "Thanks Tyler."

"No sweat man, after you putting that asshole down today I'm your friend for life. He gets off on messing with people; usually guys like me who are smaller than him or guys like you who he figures won't fight back. Hey I'm hungry, let's go see if there's any food in this joint."

Mitch was a little tired, so the boys took the elevator to the first floor. When they got off, they could smell the unmistakable aroma of pizza. Tyler having the use of two good legs beat Mitch to the kitchen, barely. When they entered, Mitch introduced Tyler to the Gunny, Keener and Matt before sitting down to eat. After supper, James and Mitch took Tyler home.

On the way, Mitch asked Tyler; "I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread it around that I'm gay Tyler, I got enough against me with out giving assholes like Matheson more ammunition to use against me."

"No problem Mitch, I promise not to tell a sole. Oh yeah Mr. Bateman, how does a guy go about joining the Unit, I think I'd like to become a member."

"You sure you want to be associated with a bunch of gays and geeks Tyler?"

"Well sir, I guess I'm both so it don't matter none."

"Mitch looked at Tyler; "You fucking dirt bag, you let me spill my guts and you were gay all the time."

"Neener, neener, neener!" Tyler chanted; "I just wanted to make sure you weren't yankin my crank, but yeah I knew, but you're the first person I've told. I guess it was kinda rotten of me, but you oughta know what it's like. I'm sorry, I really am."

"Well Mitch, what do ya think, should we let him join?"

"I guess boss, but only if stops bein such an asshole."

"Welcome to the Unit Tyler English, get permission from your parents to ride home with us tomorrow and I'll have Phil Martin come over after school and get your clothing and gear issue taken care of. If your mom and dad have any questions have them call me and I'll try to answer them for them." James told the boy.

After dropping Tyler off, they made a quick trip into town to pick up some aspirin in case Mitch's nose bothered him during the night.

That night when the boys went to bed, they talked about school, the kids they met and the fight Mitch was in that day.

Mitch finally had to ask; "Shane, I don't really care, but are you gay too?"

"I guess Justin told you huh? Yeah I guess I am, me and Teddy got it on over the weekend while you and Justin were together in here. Are you mad at me bro?"

"Are you fucking serious, of course not. I'm just worried about you, we both got to be careful or we'll have our ass in a crack. I told Tyler I was gay tonight, I took a chance, luckily he is too."

"No Shit, I never would of thought he was, shit, I guess I wouldn't of known you're gay if you hadn't told me. If I was straight it wouldn't matter none, I love you man." With that the two boys went to sleep, it seemed like only minutes before the alarm went off, heralding the start of a new day.

James drove the boys to school, when he saw Tyler waiting for the school bus by the driveway to the English place; he stopped and offered him a ride.

"Thanks Mr. Bateman" Tyler said as he got in the back seat with Shane.

The boys talked about what happened yesterday at school for awhile and then Tyler said; "I asked my parents about joining the Unit last night, they said I could and wanted to know if they could come to a meeting?"

"No problem Tyler, tell them the next meeting is Saturday and it starts at 8:00 AM. Did they give you permission to come over tonight and get your clothing and gear issue?"

"Yeah, Dad wants to know how much it's gonna cost so he can bring you a check."

"I'll stop by on the way home and talk to your dad about it."

The boys went back to talking about school and other things and before they knew it, James stopped in front of the school.

"All right guys, one of us will be here to pick you up this afternoon, Mitch, Shane, I don't know which truck will be here so keep your eye out for it, OK?"

"Sure James, thanks for the ride, see you this afternoon."

James stopped at the Costco Store and picked up some bulk cookies, hot dogs and hamburger patties for the house, it seems they went through the stuff quicker than they did any other type of food stuffs. James decided to stop off at the English's place and talk to Tyler's dad, it had been several years since the last time he had seen Terry English and he was looking forward to seeing him again. Terry had always been nice to James, even after he came out at school, a kindness that held absolutely no sexual overtones, just the easy going acceptance of someone who knew that everyone was different. James remembered the way Terry would always greet him with a smile and a sunny hello, no matter who was around or where they were. James turned off the highway and drove down the driveway leading to the English home and business, noticing the well maintained property and the new pole barn Terry had set up for working on heavy equipment. He parked his truck in front of the door marked "Office" and went inside, Terry was working at a computer station and didn't look up immediately, when he did, his face broke into the same smile James remembered from so long ago.

"God damn, James it sure is nice to see you again, what's it been, three, four years now?"

James smiled back and said; "Think it's been longer than that, I was still in highschool the last time."

James stuck out his hand to shake Terry's, but Terry brushed it aside and crushed him in a bear hug.

After Terry released him James asked; "Tyler said he talked to you and your wife about joining our Unit?"

"Yeah he did, it kind of took us by surprise. He joined the local scout troop but quit after about four or five months, we kinda figured he didn't like doing the group thing. Then last night he talked for an hour about the Unit, you, Matt, the marines you got working with you and that kid Mitch."

"That's why I stopped by, I wanted to make sure that you guys are OK with him joining the Unit, he really helped Mitch out a lot yesterday and he's just the type of kid that would benefit from joining the Unit."

"I talked with Sheryl after Tyler went to bed last night, and we don't have a problem with him joining, in fact if you tell me what it's going to cost I'll write you a check right now. This is the first time I've seem him so spun up about anything, that we want to support him all we can."

"Good, I just want to say one thing, then we'll move on. You and Sheryl know that the Unit is 80% gay, don't you?"

Terry looked at the floor for a couple of seconds, then looked James in the eye; "Sheryl and I have been talking about Tyler for the last six or seven months, we noticed some things that he does that you wouldn't think a normal heterosexual boy would do. It's scared us a little, not the fact that he may be gay, but the fact that he'll have to go through life facing more than the average bull shit that every one else does. He may not be, but if he is, all we can do is love and support him, I've tried to teach him the best I could and I just hope he remembers the stuff me and his mom have told him."

James looked Terry in the eye; "Don't take this the wrong way Terry, but what you just said is one of the reasons I loved you when I was a kid. You were always the kindest, most accepting person I ever knew, and if it matters any, I see the same thing in Tyler."

Terry blushed; "Thanks James, it does, it means a whole lot. Enough of the `touchy feely, goody, goody shit, tell me what I owe for the stuff Tyler said you were going to give him."

Matt laughed; "absolutely nothing, none of the other kids have paid for anything, and Tyler won't be the first to start."

Terry argued that he was doing well in his business and that he could afford the cost of the gear Tyler would be receiving. Matt explained to him that him and James have underwritten the entire cost of the Unit and that none of the boys were paying a cent towards its upkeep, nor would they. He went on to explain their reasons and that they were doing it because they felt they needed to give back to the community and help kids and families that otherwise wouldn't be able to be apart of things that most people took for granted. James and Terry talked for another hour or so and then James headed back home after inviting Terry and Sheryl to the Saturday meeting.

Mitch was a little worried about how the kids would treat him after what happened yesterday, but was pleasantly surprised when kids he hadn't met said hi to him. The day passed quickly and before he knew it the last bell rang and he met up with Shane and Tyler outside. Shane was the first to spot their ride; "Hey there's Gunny." Said Shane as he pointed to the HUMVEE that was just then turning down the street, the Gunny pulled to a stop alongside the waiting boys and they climbed into the vehicle.

"Hi Gunny." Shane and Mitch said, Tyler not knowing the Gunny said; "Good afternoon Sir."

"Afternoon boys, I hear you're joining the Unit Tyler, is that so?"


"Fine, you might as well get in the habit of either calling me Gunnery Sergeant or Gunny."


Gunny looked in the rearview mirror and said: "I don't believe I heard you, what did you say?"

Tyler glanced at Shane who was sitting alongside of him in the back, Shane mouthed the word "GUNNY," and Tyler hurriedly said; "I mean Gunny."

When they got back home, Phil Martin was waiting for them in the Supply Office down in the Cavern. When Tyler, followed closely by Sane and Mitch entered the office Phil greeted him; "Hi Tyler, take off your clothes."

Tyler did a double take and said; "Huh?"

Phil shook his head and said; "Take ... Off ... Your ... Clothes!"

"Umm well, OK I guess."

Phil started to stack packages on the table after asking Tyler his waist size and shoe size; "Your boxers too."

Tyler blushed bright red but complied, giving the other three boys a good look at his three inches of cut cock and nice size balls. Phil handed him a set of OD boxers and he hurriedly pulled them on, after which his skin tone shaded down to a light pink instead of fire engine red. All the time Phil handed him clothing and equipment, his disbelief grew until he finally said; "Hey man, my family ain't poor, but there's no way we can afford all this stuff."

The boys just laughed; "That's the exact same thing we said when we got our stuff, don't worry about it, this gear and clothing is all supplied by the Unit. At No Cost!!"

The week passed quickly for everyone, Friday arrived and Mitch and Shane got home they found their father sitting in the kitchen with the other adults drinking a beer.

"Dad" the boys yelled running to their father and hugging him tightly; "Are you here now, is the house hold stuff moved over yet, have you found a house ..."

"Whoa guys, calm down, No, Yes, No, I still have a few things to take care of on the coast before we can set up house here. I hope you don't mind staying here for a while longer, maybe a couple more weeks."

"Gee, let me think?" said Shane; "Swimming pools, big screen TV, get to drive a HUMVEE, hmmmmmmmmm, well if we gotta, I guess we gotta."

"Wise ass, just for that I oughta beat your butts and drag your asses back to the coast with me until I finally move."

Mitch looked shocked; "Dad, you'd do that to your sons, the sons that love and respect you, the sons that would make life not worth living if you did?"

"Gunny, help!!" Cried George.

"No fucking way, huh unh, you're on your own sports fan, I'll give my all for the Corp but those rugrats are yours, ain't no way I'm getting involved."

Everyone laughed, including George; "I take it than you don't mind staying here?"

"Let me thi ..." Mitch started to say

"Before you continue, I'm just going to say one thing before you say what I think you're gonna say, MAKE IT EASY ON YOUR HEALTH RECORD son."

The boys popped to attention, saluted their father and said; "Sir, yes Sir."

End of Chapter 21 Next, Chapter 22 The Corps Weekend

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

If you're interested, check out; http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/snoqualmie/default.aspx?imgparam=6 This site provides rapid updated still video of Snoqualmie Pass and the east an west approaches. It is best viewed after sunrise and before sunset.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Jay in Sidney Australia Tony in West Sussex UK Jim in Pennsylvania USA Gary in Indiana USA JW in Indiana USA Dave in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Tim in Chicago Illinois USA Justyn in Phoenix AZ USA Scott in Wales UK Gary somewhere near Toronto Canada

Next: Chapter 22

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