Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 30, 2004


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 20

New Movie, Staring George Foreman, Madonna and John Wayne (Fight, Fuck or Go For Your Guns)

Ted and Shane lay together in the bottom bunk looking into each other's eyes, and softly stroking the other's face, neither saying anything. Finally Shane asked; "You want to tell me what just happened?"

Ted hesitated for a moment; "I don't really know, when you started to squeeze my balls I got really excited. I can't explain my feelings about how I wanted you to, not so much hurt me, more like I wanted you to control me, maybe make me ... Oh shit I don't know, be my boss. Shit!!"

Shane didn't say anything; he just continued to softly stroke Ted's cheek waiting for him to continue.

"Since me and Justin started having sex, I always felt more comfortable when he took charge, I always followed his lead letting him do what ever he wanted. I still liked it when he sucked me, but I always got more excited when he was fucking my face, especially when he was sitting on my chest and I couldn't move. Damn it, the more I talk about it, the more it sounds stupid."

Shane thought for a minute, "Come on Ted, get up and let's get dressed."

"What, why, what's the matter? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad, please let's just lay here, please." Ted begged.

"Come on man, get up, I want to go and talk to James, I think he can help us."

"What? What are you talking about; I can't talk to James about this he'll tell dad and I ... I just can't."

"Look Ted, I'm going to go and talk to James, I want you to come with me, please, trust me, it'll be OK, I promise you. Trust me."

Ted looked scared, but he got up started getting dressed. It was nearly 03:00 as they climbed the stairs to the second floor. Ted held Shane's hand in a tight grip, afraid that if he let go he would end up running back down to his room and never be able to look anyone in the face again. The two boys walked quietly to James' bedroom and knocked lightly on the door, when there was no answer, Shane knocked a little harder. When they heard movement from the other side of the door, Shane sensed Ted becoming more agitated, his grip started to loosen like he was preparing to flee. Shane tightened his grip and looked Ted in the eye and gave him a little smile; "It's going to be OK."

The door opened and James stood there in just his boxers, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes; "What's a matter, are you two OK?"

Shane said; "Please James, you said we could come to you if we got a problem and we really need to talk to you...Please can you help us?"

James looked at the two boys, one was worried and the other appeared to be very frightened; "Let me put some clothes on, you guys go on up to the kitchen and I'll be up in a minute."

James watched the two boys turn and head toward the next floor, then he went back inside his room and put on a pair of cargo shorts and a T-shirt and followed them. When he got to the kitchen, he found the boys sitting side by side at the table holding hands.

"Let me get a Coke guys." James got three cans of Coke from the refrigerator, handed one to each of the boys and popped the top on his as he sat down across from them.

"OK guys, what's up, Ted are you alright?"

Ted nodded his head yes, but wouldn't make eye contact with James.

Shane took over; "James, I ... I guess I ... I mean I ... well hell, I'm gay and Ted and I are boyfriends."

James sat watching the two boys; "I don't want to sound like I don't care, but you got me up at 3:00 AM to tell me that?"

"No, no, I... I mean we ran in to something we don't understand and it's scaring us. While we were fooling around, Ted almost passed out after he ... well I mean after..."

"You mean after he came?"

Both the boys blushed furiously and nodded their heads yes.

"OK, what were you doing? Wait a sec, just remember that I'm gay too and I've done most everything and a hell of a lot more than you boys have even thought of, so don't be embarrassed. Now go ahead with your story."

Shane's blush deepened; "Well ah, I was, I was sucking his dick, and I kinda squeezed his nuts and maybe pinched his tit. He stared moanin and told me to do it hard, I was squeezing and pinching so hard that when he came I ah, I thought he passed out. We talked about it and it kinda scared the both of us, I don't ever want to hurt Ted, but he said what I did got him really excited. We don't know what's going on and I don't want to take a chance that I might hurt him."

James looked at the two boys for a minute and thought; "Jesus just what I fucking need two budding BDSM teens, how the hell am I going to handle this?"

"Shane, while you were squeezing his nuts and pinching his tit, how did you feel?"

James didn't think Shane's blush could get any darker, but it did; "Ummm. I, I thought my nuts were coming out of the end of my dick."

"Wow, OK guys, you seem to be made for each other." "I think before I can talk to you about this any further, you two need to do some reading. Either one of you read any stories on Nifty?"

Ted blushed and nodded his head yes. Shane just looked a little confused.

"Alright, here's what I want you to do. There's two stories in the Nifty Archive I want you to read, both by a writer named Jack Rowan', one is The story of Tim', read that one first, the other is The Story of Tol'. I don't want you to do any of the stuff you read about in the stories, I want you to concentrate on the way the characters relate to each other. These stories are in the Authoritarian' section of the archives somewhere around June or July of 2000. I am not about to tell you not to have sex. I am going to tell you to stick with just blowing each other or beating off together. I want you to promise that OK?"

Both the boys nodded their heads yes, all the time blushing furiously.

`OK, Let's keep this to ourselves, when you've both finished the stories we'll talk some more. Now go to bed, reveille will be here before you know it."

Shane got up and came around the table and hugged James tightly; "Thank you James, thank you for the both of us." The boys headed down stairs and to bed, James sat at the table for a few more minutes before going back to his room. James had a restless night with dreams about boys wearing leather chaps and masks chasing him around the Cavern with bullwhips and cattle prods.

When James finally dragged himself out of bed, he took a quick shower and went to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee that Matt had made earlier. As he was sitting there, the squadies started arriving and heading down to the Cavern, a constant barrage of "morning Sir, hey boss" and similar other greetings were tossed at him as they passed. About 07:40, the General and the Martin's arrived, James invited them to have a seat and have a quick cup of coffee before heading downstairs to the Cavern.

At 08:00 the colors were posted and James introduced General Stanton; "Good morning, I came over this morning to extend an invitation to the members and families of Unit One from the NAS Whidbey Island Marine Corps Detachment to visit and participate in an exercise on the 27th and 28th of February. Unit One members will be assigned to Marine elements in a field evolution involving water born assault and vertical envelopment. Unit One members will be classed as observers only and not be under arms during these exercises, however, the members will be given a chance to use all current weapons and equipment, under close supervision by Marine personnel. These evolutions will be recorded and used by the Public Affairs Office to enhance the public's awareness of the Marine Corps' interest in the youth of our country. Unit One Members will be billeted in barracks located on the station and use all facilities available to regular Marine personnel. At this time I'd like Mr. Bateman to continue the briefing."

James returned to the podium; "As General Stanton stated, `members and families' we have reserved a large block of motel rooms for the use of any family members who want to accompany their son, plus there are dinning facilities available in the motel. The Motel rooms and meals will be provided by the Unit. It is requested that both members and families use the transportation provided by the Marine Corps. During the day, family members will be given the chance to visit area attractions such as the zoo, Aquatic Park, the Science Center and several other attractions, all at no cost to the families. We will depart from here at 6:00 PM on the 26th of February and return no later than 9:00PM on the 28th. Are there any questions that I, or General Stanton can answer for you?"

The Q&A session lasted for about an hour, after which the Unit split up into the various groups to attend training or planned activities.

The Gunny had talked to James and Matt earlier about the next Hunter Safety Class; the problem was it wasn't until the middle of March. He suggested that he give the twins and the Babcock brothers a quick overview of firearms safety so they could start their familiarization with the Unit's firearms. It was agreed that if Gunny felt sure they were safe while using the firearms that he would approve the suspension of normal procedure.

So when the meeting broke into groups, the Gunny called the boys over and explained what they were going to do and warned that he had zero tolerance for anyone fucking around while handling firearms. He took them down to the arms locker and got them each an AR-15 to start with, it having less recoil but the same appearance and operating characteristics as the AR-10. The four boys carrying the rifles at port arms followed the Gunny on to the elevator; the Gunny set the two ammo cans containing the 5.56mm ball ammo for the AR-15's on the floor during the ride up.

Gunny led the boys to lounge area of the range building and had them place their rifles in the wall rack while they were there. "Listen up people, I've got a ten minute film for you to watch on the operation and use of the M16, the only difference between the 16 and the AR-15 you'll be using today is the 16 is fully automatic and the 15 is semi-automatic. I was want you to pay close attention, cause I'll be asking questions afterwards." The Gunny dimmed the lights and started the video. After it was over the Gunny took the boys outside and went through the basic shooting positions, and then sent them to retrieve their rifles from the gun racks in the building. After spending five hours on the range, the boys were tired and hungry. The colors were retired and the meeting was ended.

The twins were spending the night down in the Cavern, as their father had to return to the coast earlier that afternoon. Keener offered to take the boys to a movie but they decided to just stay and watch some Saturday night TV. Ted and Shane said they were tired and were going to turn in early, saying good night they headed down the stairs to the Cavern. As soon as the door to the stairway closed, Ted reached over and took Shane's hand in his and they started down the stairs, when they reached the Cavern level, Ted stopped and pulled Shane to him and they kissed, the first time since that morning. Shane broke the kiss and they headed to their room where they stripped out of their clothing, grabbed a towel and went to the shower area.

The two boys stepped into the shower, and turned on only one of the showers, moving under the water, Shane pulled Ted into him pressing his hard cock against Ted's. Reaching up with both hands and grasping Ted by the hair, Shane pushed him against the wall, mashing his lips against Ted's, forcing his tongue into Ted's mouth, at the same time he started humping his cock on Ted's groin and lower abdomen, moving faster and faster. Ted responded in the only way he new, submitting to the boy he was rapidly falling in love with, following Shane's lead, moving as he was directed. In just a few minutes both boys came, great shuddering jets of cum shot between them only to be washed away by the shower water coursing down their bodies. When the boys had finished coming, they remained where they were, looking in to each other's eyes, gently kissing each other, almost afraid to move lest they break the spell. Finally they separated and washed away the remaining semen from their bodies, turning the shower off; they headed back to their room after toweling each other dry.

Once in their room, they put on a pair of boxers. "Do you remember how to get to the Nifty site James told us about?" asked Shane.

Ted blushed a little; "Yeah, it's my favorite site, I really like the stories they have there. While some of them are kind of lame, they have a bunch of neat ones that really turn me on."

Ted lit off the computer and waited until it went through the boot process, he selected MSN, and as soon as they heard the "Good evening Squadie" both the boys laughed. Ted typed in the address and hit "GO" and within a few seconds the boys were looking at the Nifty Archives home page. Ted selected the Authoritarian section and clicked on it, he then scrolled down until they found the `Story of Tim'. For the next two hours, the boys read the story together, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, and sometimes they looked at each other in disbelief.

In an early part of the story Shane turned to Ted; "Nine inches, nine inches, does this guy really expect us to believe David has a nine inch cock?"

"Fuck I don't know, I've seen pictures of guys with bigger dicks than that in some of the Yahoo and MSN Groups, so I guess it's possible."

At about 22:30, they closed down the computer and sat across from each other, both had tented boxers, both had wet spots where the heads of their dicks pressed against the fabric of their shorts.

Shane asked; "Well what do you think, I kind of liked some of the stuff that they talked about, especially when David butt fucked Tim."

"You too? Wow, I thought it was just me. Ah you want to try it, maybe, I mean I'll let you if, um you want to?"

"If you keep talking, I won't be able too, I'll shoot my load in my shorts."

Ted moved over along side Shane and leaned in to kiss him, Shane pulled back and looked at him before saying; "Are you sure, I like the bondage part of the story, but there ain't no way in hell I'm going to do anything to hurt you."

Ted looked at him and nodded his head; "Yeah I want you to fuck me, but I don't want any beatings or any of the rest of the stuff they talked about in there, except, ah you know, maybe you could...you know, tie me up?"

The boys talked about it for a little longer and decided to try it. They removed their boxers and rummaged around in their AWOL bags, between them they had four belts. Shane looked in Ted's eyes and said; "You sure you want to do this?"

Ted nodded his head yes and handed Shane his two belts. Shane kissed Ted lightly on the lips and guided him to the bottom bunk, and using the two canvas belts he tied Ted's hands to the bunk frame. He then leaned over Ted and kissed him again, mashing his lips against Ted's and grabbing him roughly by the hair. Ted couldn't believe the way his lover now took control; the shear force of Shane's personality seemed to totally envelope him, making him want to be his forever. Shane took Ted's left foot and pulled it back so that it was over his head and tied it to the left bed support. Doing the same to his right leg, he now had Ted on his shoulders with is ass in the air open and exposed, ready for Shane to take him. Shane leaned over and once again kissed Ted gently, before he moved down to Ted's ass and started to rim him, making circles with his tongue and pushing at the center of his pucker. Ted felt like he was in heaven, he had never in his life felt anything so erotic and it made him squirm, trying to push his ass further into Shane's face. Shane moved back and looked at his lover's face and the emotions it was displaying, he leaned over and ran his tongue up the full length of Ted's crack all the way to his ball sack. Shane moved off the bed to his AWOL bag and took out a small first aid kit; opening it, he removed a small tube of burn ointment. Climbing back on the bed he squeezed a small amount onto the tip of his right index finger and gently massaged Ted's pucker, pressing a little harder until the tip entered his anus. Ted took a deep breath, not so much because of any pain, but because he knew what was coming next and wanted it more than anything else he ever wanted before. Shane pushed his finger in slowly, twisting it back and forth, always moving it in deeper until he was as far in as his finger would go. He then started a gentle fucking motion, in and out for several minutes. Withdrawing his finger, he squeezed more ointment on his index finger and the one next to it, slowly he inserted both fingers back into Ted's anus, a little faster, with more urgency. While he was doing this he took the tube and squeezed a large amount on the head of his cock and rubbed it all over his dick, but concentrating on the head. He looked into Ted's eyes and saw his lust, his wanting and yes his need. Removing his fingers, he moved to Ted's asshole and carefully aligned his dick.

"Are you ready, you sure you want me to do this?" Shane asked.

"God yes, please just get it in me. Please Shane, hurry!"

Shane slowly pushed his dick forward, feeling a slight resistance, and then without realizing it, he had his dick almost two inches inside Ted's ass. He stopped, and looked at Ted again, Ted said nothing, raising his ass to take more of Shane's cock. Taking this as a signal, Shane pressed forward until he felt his balls pressed against Ted's cheeks.

"Are you OK, you want me give you a minute?"

"Will you shut the fuck up and fuck me?"

Shane chuckled a little as he withdrew his dick until just the head was still inside; he then pushed back in slowly.

Shane continued fucking Ted this way, slowly, with tenderness until Ted finally spoke. "Will you please stop being so careful, just fuck me, and fuck me hard."

Shane speeded up his fucking, every third or fourth thrust he rammed his dick in harder, with more force.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it, harder Shane do it harder."

Shane started long dicking him, as hard and as fast as he could, it wasn't two minutes after he started doing it that he felt his nuts drawing up into his body.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna... I'm coming UUUURRRRNNNNGGHHHHHH!!!! Shane unloaded for what seemed like an hour, but was actually only 15 to 20 seconds, he felt Ted's asshole tighten and release, tighten and release on his dick and felt Ted's hot cum splash on his chest neck and face.

Shane stopped coming and collapsed on Ted, searching and finding his lips, kissing him with a fervor he didn't know existed.

The next thing Shane knew was Ted calling to him softly; "Shane, come on Shane, please wake up."

Shaking his head, Shane looked at Ted, and realized he still had his dick in Ted. As he started to pull out Ted clenched his ass muscles and said: "No, no, don't move keep it in me for awhile." Shane felt himself hardening again and slowly started to move again. Ted felt him getting hard again also and started moaning; "Do it again, please fuck me again."

Once again Shane started fucking him slowly speeding up, ramming in to him harder and harder. Every time he thrust into Ted, Ted grunted an almost unintelligible "Yes" which spurred Shane on. He could hear his balls slapping against Ted ass cheeks on every thrust, the sound driving him to thrust harder and harder until once again he felt his cum bursting from his dick and filling Ted's bowels with his sperm and feeling Ted's sperm once again splash across his chest and face.

When Shane was finished coming, he slowly withdrew his rapidly softening cock from Ted's ass. Then he reached over and released Ted's feet and arms from their bindings. Both boys collapsed in each other's arms cooing and kissing each other softly until they fell asleep.

While Ted and Shane were breaking new ground in their sexual lives, Mitch and Justin were happily working each other's cock in the classic `69' position. The boys had removed Mitch's leg and while they were sucking each other Justin was massaging Mitch's stump. As on the first occasion they were together, this caused Mitch to quickly come, pushing Justin over the edge as well. Both boys blasted their cum into the others mouth and throat. When they both calmed down, Justin turned so that he was face to face with Mitch, he leaned forward and ran his tongue over Mitch's lip tasting his own cum, then gently pushed into Mitch's mouth to search for more.

After awhile, they parted and looked deeply into each other's eyes; "Jesus, Mitch, I don't know how I ever got along without you, I mean me and Ted did stuff together but it never felt like this."

Mitch hesitated before speaking; "I hope you and me together isn't going to cause problems between you and Ted."

Justin chuckled; "Are you shiting me, Ted could care less, especially since him and Shane are now a couple."

"What, what are you talking about, Shane is straight."

"Welll, not exactly, Ted and I are twins and we share a bond, nothing like telepathy, but we know how the other one is feeling. The first time you and I got together, Ted asked me how it was the next day. I knew almost as soon that he and Shane had something going, and we talked about you guys, no details, just about our feelings for you two."

"Mother fucker, well I guess I don't know as much about my little brother as I thought. I didn't even realize he was old enough to do anything, let alone that he was gay. I guess I'll have to have a little talk with him tomorrow."

"Don't go getting down on him. From what Ted told me, they really think a lot of each other and Ted thinks he might be bi. When you do talk, take time to listen to him too, he may be a little unsure of himself and you don't want to hurt him."

The boys talked for a little while longer before turning out the lights, Justin got back into bed with Mitch and spooned up tight to his back, draping an arm protectively over his chest, together they fell asleep thinking of each other.

The next day was filled with many things for the boys and Mitch never got the time to talk to his brother. After the twins and Gunny left for the coast, Matt took the two boys to the Mall and picked them up some new clothing and shoes. They both told him they had plenty of clothing, but Matt told them; "Like guns, you never have too much clothing, so Shaddup."

The next day was Monday and James and Matt took the kids into town to register them for school. While the schools all seemed to be the same no matter where you go, the school where they would be going was something else. Built by the government back in the early 50's when Moreland was owned and operated strictly for government employees and their dependents, the style of architecture could best be described as Early American Pill Box.' However, it had been recently gutted and refurbished from the ground up, the only thing remaining was the exterior reinforced concrete walls. Chief George, was a middle school and was made up of sixth through eighth grade, the school being in tune to what they thought was popular demand, changed their mascot from the Indians' to the `Eagles.' This may have been politically correct, but it had pissed a lot of people off, especially those who had attended the school before it had closed down for ten years before being reopened.

Mitch and Shane were glad now that Matt had insisted on buying them some new clothing, by the looks of it the kids attending Chief George were, if not well off, then they were from family's that could afford nice clothing for them. After they were registered Shane was shown to his sixth grade class and Mitch to his seventh grade class. Shane being in the sixth grade only changed classes in the afternoon, while Mitch had six class changes during the day. Naturally both boys entered their classrooms after class had started and were the center of attention. Mitch felt more uneasy than Shane, his classmates were all older than Shane's, just finding their place in the hierarchal chain of their peer group.

After being with the Unit, he was determined to be just another student, not a poor cripple like he had been seen as on the coast. Instead of saying anything to the office personnel about his disability, he decided to try something new. He wasn't looking forward to it, but he knew that he could put up with any shit his classmates flipped at him because of his leg. He was scheduled for fourth period P.E., so as he headed to the locker room he was a little nervous. Entering the room, he felt the eyes of all his new classmates follow his limping path to the P.E. Teacher's office. Knocking on the door he waited until he was told to enter, taking a deep breath he pushed through the door an met his gym teacher. Mr. Costis wasn't a big man, but he was well proportioned, at around 5' 10" and 160 pounds, he looked strong and well built. Mitch limped into the office and handed him his paperwork, and looked around the office at the different pictures of past teams and the trophy's won over the years.

Mr. Costis looked at Mitch and smiled; "Welcome to Chief George, Mitch, I think you're going to like it here."

"Thank you sir, I'm looking forward to being here, I got awful tired of the wet weather over on the coast and from what I hear it's a lot dryer on this side of the mountains."

"You could say that, at eleven inches of rain a year, it stays mighty dry. Course you might get kinda tired of having the sand blown in your eyes all of the time, but at least you won't rust."

It took Mitch a second to realize that Mr. Costis wasn't talking about his leg when he said that, but the shocked look was readily apparent to his new teacher.

"What, what did I say Mitch? Are you OK?"

Mitch sighed; "Yes sir, for a second I thought you was trying to be funny, I mean funny other than the way you meant to be." With that Mitch raised his left pant leg and showed Mr. Costis his prosthesis.

Mr. Costis looked at it for a second: "Even if you were still on the wet side, I don't think you'd have much trouble with rust, Titanium?"

That was the last thing Mitch thought he would hear, he just looked at Mr. Costis and nodded his head yes.

Mr. Costis smiled and stuck his right foot out and raised his sweat pants leg to reveal a similar prosthesis to Mitch; "1991, Desert Storm, I took a round in the shin and they had to amputate it. I understand your feelings son."

Mitch let out a slow breath; "Thanks sir, you're the first person I've met outside the hospital with a prosthesis; a lot of people don't understand what I go through."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I finally figured it out though, most of the assholes who make fun of people with disabilities do it because they have so much low self esteem that they pick on people they think are less then themselves. I found that if you ignore them or even laugh at them it shuts them up when they see you won't buy into their line of bullshit. If you want to miss today's class and bring in a set of sweat pants tomorrow, it's OK with me."

"No sir, I guess it's not worth the trouble to try and hide my leg, so they might as well get used to seeing it right from the start."

"OK, get suited up and come on up to the gym when you're dressed out."

Mr. Costis gave him a locker assignment and towel telling him the towel fee was $20.00 a year and that he could get the money to him anytime this week. When Mitch got back to the change room, all his classmates had dressed and gone to the gym. Mitch started undressing when he had all of his clothes off he put on his jock and new shorts and T-shirt, both had a stylized eagle on them with Chief George Eagles in a circle around the eagle. This would be the first time he would appear in public with his left leg unclothed and he was nervous. Taking a deep breath, he headed to the gym.

When he entered the gym, a few, then more of his classmates stopped what they were doing and stared at him, remembering what James, Shane, his Dad and Mr. Costis had told him he continued across the floor of the gym. When he reached the group of boys standing in line waiting for instructions from Mr. Costis, he nodded to the boy he was standing next to. The boy nodded back and gave him a tentative smile, Mitch extended his hand and said; "Mitch Babcock."

The kid, a skinny blond, grasped his hand and said; "Tyler English, nice to meet ya Mitch."

Before either could continue, Mr. Costis spoke; "Men, we have a new member of the class, I'd like you to meet Mitch Babcock. Mitch, tell us a little about yourself."

"Yes sir, my family is in the process of moving over from the coast, my dad is in the Marine Corps and is being sent over here on temporary duty for a year or so, so he decided to move our household over here."

"Thanks Mitch, OK gentlemen, I expect you to make him welcome, alright men lets do some setting up exercises."

The class seemed to go well, no one made any jokes about his leg, he did get a few stares from some of the boys, but he was used to that from his last school. When the class was finished and they were headed back to the locker room, Tyler walked along side of him and asked in a hesitant voice; "Umm Mitch, how, I ... I mean how'd ya loose your leg, that is if you don't mind me asking?"

Mitch looked at Tyler and saw that it was just interest, not the opening of someone who was going to try and embarrass him; "Just after I turned ten, I was in a car accident, they tried to save it but there was too much damage to it, so they gave me this." He reached down and patted his metal and plastic leg.

"Bummer Dude, does it still bother ya?"

"Only if I'm on it too long, my dad says when I get a little older the Corps will give me a better one. I just gotta keep this one another three or four years till I kinda stop growing."

"So where are you living now?"

"Right now my dad is on the coast at NAS Whidbey Island, packing up our household, and me and my little brother are staying out at the Bateman place until dad finds us a house."

"You staying with Matt and James, that must be outstanding, I heard a lot about their underground house."

"Yeah, it's un-fucking-believable, they got two pools, one outside and one down on the fourth level. That's the big one, I know it's 50 meters long, 4 meters deep in the deep end, but I'm not sure how wide it is."

"Holy shit, that's bigger than the community pools, you say it's on the fourth level, fuck man, I'd love to see that."

"Anytime you want, let me know and I'll give you a tour of the place, you would not believe the way they got it set up. I'll even check out one of the HUMVEE's and show you the range and the confidence course."

"The what? You can drive a HUMVEE?" Tyler showed his amazement and envy.

"They got a 100 meter rifle range and an eight hundred meter known distance range for long distance shooting. The confidence course is at least as good as any the military has on the west coast, that's what my dad told me anyway. As far as the HUMVEE's, they got four of them and as long as you get checked out on it, you can drive one all over their property, and they got 17,000 acres."

As they were entering the locker room, Mitch accidentally bumped in to one of the boys. Before Mitch could apologize the kid got in his face and yelled: "Watch where you're going gimp."

Mitch took the coach's advice and kept walking, the next thing he knew he was pushed face first into a locker and then spun around by the kid he had bumped into, the kid placed both of his hands on Mitch's chest to hold him in place. Before the kid could say or do anything, Mitch reached up with his right hand and grasped the kid's left hand, his thumb digging into the back of the kid's hand and twisted it away from his chest. The back of the hand has a major nerve nexus and by applying pressure to it, it causes great pain. The kid let out a yelp and spun his body around trying to get away, he ended bouncing off the wall of lockers and Mitch put him on the floor and held his arm in the hold.

Mitch looked at Tyler and said, "Go get Mr. Costis, quick!!"

Within seconds, Mr. Costis was standing alongside Mitch; "OK Mitch let him go. Are you pulling more of your garbage on the new kid Matheson? I thought you learned your lesson after the last guy you messed with gave you a bloody nose."

"I didn't do nothin, the crip here just grabbed me for no reason, next thing I knew I was on the floor, I didn't do nothing."

"Can any one tell me what happened?" Asked Mr. Costis.

"He's lying through his teeth Mr. Costis," said Tyler; "I was right there when it happened, and Jason pushed him into the locker and then turned him around, only Mitch here didn't give him time to hurt him any more than he already did."

Mitch hadn't realized that he had a nosebleed from being pushed into the locker face first. He reached up and felt the blood, then the pain from his damaged nose, it made him kind of dizzy and he had to sit down.

"Tyler, take Mitch up to First Aide. You come with me Jason, NOW!."

When they got to First Aid, the school nurse had Mitch lie down, with his head elevated, she quickly examined his nose and then checked his prosthesis to insure that the biological part of his leg was OK. She then got him an ice pack for his nose.

Mitch thought; "Shit, first day at school and I get in trouble." He started to cry softly.

End of Chapter 20 Next; Chapter 21

It Wasn't My Fault!

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

If you're interested, check out; http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/snoqualmie/default.aspx?imgparam=6 This site provides rapid updated still video of Snoqualmie Pass and the east an west approaches. It is best viewed after sunrise and before sunset.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Jay in Sidney Australia Tony in West Sussex UK Jim in Pennsylvania USA Gary in Indiana USA JW in Indiana USA Dave in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Tim in Chicago Illinois USA Justyn in Phoenix AZ USA Scott in Wales UK Gary somewhere near Toronto Canada Pete in Geelong Victoria Australia

Next: Chapter 21

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