Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 16, 2004


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Kombat Kids BY; GhostRyder 15

Chapter 2 End of the Beginnings

In the kitchen, James and Matt quickly put together a `Dutch Lunch' consisting of various cold cuts, cheese, three different types of crackers and a variety of condiments. When asked, Phil requested a coke. James placed three glasses filled with ice on the table and two, two liter bottles of coke. All three loaded their plates with the food and started eating. After they had been eating for a while and Phil had relaxed, James asked Phil, Matt's top or bottom question again.

Once again Phil turned bright red and just shook his head no which wasn't an answer. James thought about it for a minute before he started talking; "You know that when two guys have sex one of them is usually dominant, I mean the one who takes charge and generally directs the action. That one is the top. The thing is he's not always the one doing the fucking or getting sucked. As it happens, both Matt and I are tops, but not completely. We're what are called versatile, meaning we like to give as well as receive, so we switch off being the top and bottom. We kind of figure anyone who is just a top or a bottom all the time is really just being selfish and they don't care about their partner. Sometimes people like that find someone who is a top to their bottom or vice versa and it works for them."

Matt chimed in, "We try and stay away from action like that because we both like to be in the driver's seat sometimes, and conversely sometimes we just want to be driven."

Phil got a funny look on his face. He looked at Matt, "You mean you like to be fucked? Jeez, after what you did to Del Prince the other night I thought for sure all you would want to do was fuck someone else."

Matt started laughing and said; "Noooooooooo, not hardly, I have may own itch that needs scratching and I really do enjoy having someone scratch it for me. I even like having a couple of good friends scratch me at the same time, but that's only on special occasions."

James let out a snort and said; "Special occasions, yeah, sure, like Monday or Tuesday or Saturday or 4:00 PM in the afternoon. Matt you're the biggest cock hound I've ever known, Hell, looking at linoleum makes you horny."

"Bullshit James, you know I don't like linoleum."

This last statement got all three of the guys laughing and seemed to put Phil a little more at ease. After they calmed down Phil looked at the two brothers, "Thanks guys, I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me, and I can't think of two nicer people to explain this stuff to me than you guys."

"No problem Phil, like I said, both Matt and I have been where you're at right now and we know how painful and scary it can be. So do you understand about the whole top and bottom thing now?" James asked wearing a smile.

"Yeah, the way you explained it, and how I understand it is more about respecting your partner than who the boss is. Is that right or am I missing something?"

"BINGO!!!!" James shouted, "You hit the nail right on the head with your first try. If you keep that philosophy, I guarantee you will make someone a great lover and have much more fun and really feel good about yourself at the end of the day."

James stood up, "Listen Phil, why don't we take a break and we'll show you our home."

Seeing how this was the first time Phil had been in their home he readily agreed. As far as he knew, this was the only underground house in the county and he really did want to see all of it.

They left the kitchen and walked down a short hallway to a vast room that contained two large screen TV's, and one, surrounded so much comfortable looking furniture, it looked like the sofas and chairs could easily seat 20 or 25 people in front easily . Closer to the main entrance of the room was a professional size pool table with a large lamp hanging from the ceiling over the center of the table. Over against the wall to the right of the entrance the other large screen TV was hooked up to a both a Sony PS2 and an X-Box. On both sides of that TV Phil noted large storage racks containing just about every game ever made for either system and his fingers itched to play some of them.

James laughed, " We kind of like our toys as you can see. We used to have a bunch of stand alone game consoles like you see in the game arcade at the mall, but when the Sony and Microsoft came out with their systems we got rid of them and put these in."

"And we plan on replacing these units next year when Sony and Microsoft come out with the PS3 and the X2-Box." Matt explained. Phil just stood in one place trying to take it all in and all he could say was, "WOW!! You guys want to adopt me, huh, do ya huh?"

Matt just laughed, "As good looking as you are, I don't really believe your parents would go for that."

"As you can probably guess we use this room for any parties we might have, or to kick back and veg out in front of the TV."

"Let's go to the computer room next, we kind of splurged there. We were able to pick up a Cray 4000 computer and write it off as a business expense for our company, we had Cray set it up so we have a work station in each room of the house except the lounge, kitchen and the bath rooms."

Phil was going into a state of overload, "Jesus H. Christ on a Harley Davidson, this must of cost you guys a bunch!" He marveled from the center of the brothers' nerve center.

"Like I said, we use it for our business also."

Phil looked around the room and saw a flat screen monitor that looked to be about 3' X 5' attached to the left hand wall with a keyboard on a stand attached to the wall beneath it. "What do you use this for?"

"That's our house system and security panel, it monitors inside temperature and humidity, and systems continuity for the house and grounds security system."

"You have a security system outside too?" Phil asked.

Matt walked over to the keyboard placing his body between it and Phil and typed some short commands in to it. The huge monitor flashed into life, exhibiting several menus and status screens on the right side of the monitor and six windows on the left side, showing real time pictures of the grounds that changed every five seconds. "We can see the entire area inside, and all along the outside of the fence line. Then besides video, we have seismic sensors that register anything over 75 pounds walking around, and thermal monitors that can 'see' anything with a higher temperature than the surrounding terrain. An alarm will sound throughout the house if something trips them and the house goes into automatic lockdown, the Cray will also send out a call for help to the city police, the Sheriffs Office and notify the Medford Site Security Command Post that a possible intrusion is in progress here." Matt explained matter-of-factly.

"Why would the site rent-a-cops want to know about an alarm here?" Phil wanted to know because it all sounded a little too top secret.

"We're a contractor for the Department of Energy at the site and as such we have certain classified and proprietary information that the D.O.E. wants to safeguard. Our company is into certain classified projects that are taking place out there." James hedged.

Phil wasn't satisfied with that answer, "Wait a minute, I thought the only thing going on at the site was clean up, that's what all of the magazines and newspapers are saying."

James just laughed; "Well Sport, there is `Cleanup, and then there is clean up. If we told you about what's going on out there, we'd have to kill you."

"Anyway, getting back to the board, it helps maintain security inside and out as well as livability inside. Come-on, let's see the rest of the house." Matt pushed Phil toward the doorway to forestall additional questions about the site or their work there, which they weren't prepared to answer.

Exiting the computer room, they went through the door directly across the hallway and Phil found himself in a large restroom. It not only had five urinals on the left wall, it also had five partitioned stalls with doors against the back wall and a set of sinks on the right wall with a large mirror behind the counter the sinks were set into. "Jeez guys, why such a big shithouse?"

"With a TV room like we have, you can imagine the size of some of our parties, right next to this restroom we have one for any females we might entertain."

"You guys have women here?" Phil asked.

"When we have parties, not all of our friends and guests are gay. You know you CAN be friends with straight people, not everyone is like Delbert and his buddies."

"Yeah, I guess." Phil agreed dubiously.

Matt and James glanced at each other and just shook they're heads. "As you get older, you learn how to trust people, and more importantly who you can trust, then you'll understand what we're talking about." James assured the boy, "Anyway, let's keep moving, there's still lots to see."

"The rest of the rooms on this level contain storage and equipment support rooms for the house systems, and that room at the end of the hall is our conference room." Matt continued.

Heading over to a door across from the kitchen, James turned the handle and pushed. To Phil it seemed like it took an awfully lot of effort to get open. On the way through it he noticed that the door was about four inches thick. "James, Matt, excuse my French, but what the fuck do you guys need with a door this thick?" He asked.

Once again James just laughed; "As you'll see shortly, we have some stuff down here that we kinda like to keep safe." The three of them headed down the stairs to the next level.

Phil asked; "Hey guys, how many floors do you have in this house?"

"There're four levels, only three have been finished, we've some plans for the forth level, but we aren't quite sure how to go about them yet. Anyway, this is the second floor; it has Matt and my bedrooms, plus six spare bedrooms for guests and any visiting family. Each bedroom has its' own bathroom and down that hallway we have a steam room, sauna and a small gym."

"Let's head on down to the next level, I think your going to like it the best." They passed through another door just like the one Phil had asked about on their way down from the first floor and moved quickly down the stairs to the third floor. When they entered the hallway at the bottom of the stairs, there were only three doors in the hall. Two of the doors looked like nothing more than the doors leading to the stairwells; the third was a massive vault door like you would see in a major bank.

"You guys run your own bank out of here?" Phil asked with a disbelieving giggle.

"Not really smart ass, there is some cash and valuables in there, but most of the material stored in here is of great value, at least to us, or it needs to be kept safe from theft." This time it was James who got between Phil and the combination lock as he rapidly spun it to the proper numbers to unlock it. James spun the wheel on the door and Phil could hear the locking bars withdraw into the door. When the door was open, Matt gestured Phil to precede them into the room, the lights came on automatically when the door was opened, just like the light in a refrigerator does when you open the door. Up until then, Phil thought he was finished being surprised, nope not even close. The right wall had rack upon rack of firearms attached to it, some of which Phil had never seen outside of the gun magazines his father and brother left laying about the house. It looked to Phil like there must have been a couple hundred thousand dollars worth of rifles on the one wall alone.

"Are you guys going to start a war?" Phil asked, falling back on one of his dads' favorite sayings, "Holy shit Batman, you got more guns than some small third world nations."

Matt and James started laughing. Matt got cocky, "You betcha, by gar. We figure if we wanted to, we could take out Bum Fuck Egypt in about two hours with just the help of the local Boy Scout troop and a flat bed wagon. Actually, Matt and I just like firearms and shooting, we've been collecting these for the last eight to ten years, so when we built this house we decided to put in a big, secure arms room so we wouldn't have to worry about the local gang bangers getting their grubby little hands on them if we weren't around to dissuade them."

"I believe you about the flatbed wagon, but you would be better off using the local Girl Scout troop or even a troop of Brownies. I wouldn't trust those asshole Boy Scouts with a squirt gun, let alone a rifle with live ammo." Phil said.

James looked at him kind of funny and said; "Hey Buckwheat, I used to be a Scout, in fact I made Eagle. What have you got against the Boy Scouts?"

Phil thought about what he had to say for a minute or so before he started talking; "You guys remember Fred Townsend? You know, that 16 year old who committed suicide last spring?"

"We remember him." James nodded.

"Well the reason he committed suicide was because about half the troop and the Troop Master really got down on him because one of the Scouts told everyone that he caught him sucking someone's' dick down by the river. Several of the older scouts took it upon themselves to run his, and this is their words not mine, `faggoty ass' out of the troop. Fred took all the shit they threw at him for about a month, then stopped coming to the meetings. One day during home room, about two weeks after he stopped going to the meetings it was announced that Fred had committed suicide and that anyone who wanted to, could talk to a grief councilor the school district had sent to the school."

Phil looked like he was about to cry; "Where the fuck were the grief councilors for Fred before he offed himself, answer me that will ya? What really pissed me off was a bunch of the ones who tormented him, convinced the councilors that they needed to have a couple days off to grieve about poor Fred. The first night they had off I saw three of them at the mall's food court sitting around eating, all of them were laughing about the stupid faggot that killed himself just because someone called him a name. So I guess you can understand why I don't like the Scouts too much. Shortly after Fred died I said fuck it and quit; I didn't want to be part of an organization that treated people like that."

"Jesus fuck!!" James said, "I knew that the scouts had changed but I didn't know about this bullshit, didn't the Scout Master say anything to those little assholes?"

"Yeah, right, Mr. Prince the Super Christian was really going to say something to his youngest son and his buddies about bad mouthing an `Un-Godly son of Satan homosexual'. After Matt's run in with that dickhead Delbert Prince do you really think Del's dad would say anything to Launy? Not fucking hardly!" Phil spat out.

"Well shit fire" James put an arm over Phil's shoulders, "You know little brother that really sucks big time. I know one thing for sure, when they or anyone else who supports the Scouts come around asking for money or help they can just piss up a rope, as far as I'm concerned, the first thing Monday I'm going to pull all our pledges to the Scouts, fuck em."

Matt looked like he just had an orgasm. "Hey guys let's go upstairs and get something to drink. I just thought of a way to piss off a whole passel of bigots and rednecks in our fair community." James started to get really nervous after Matt's last comment. The last time Matt started talking about pissing people off, a site security officer ended up supper glued to the side of a metal building along the main entrance to the Medford Nuclear Reservation. "Talk about a shit storm, fuck me `til it hurts, and now he's gonna start another one," James thought to himself.

Back in the kitchen a few minutes later, Matt and James had a beer in front of them and Phil was making the contents of a half-liter of Coke disappear. Matt still had that evil gleam in his eyes that meant someone; somewhere was going to be turned into a very un-happy camper.

Matt looked at Phil for a few seconds before he started talking; "Before all the shit started with the Prince's did you enjoy the Scouts?"

Phil thought for a minute; "Yeah, it was kinda fun, as long as Launy and his friends weren't causing problems. Those assholes could get away with just about anything, Mr. Prince thought they were the perfect little Scouts and that their shit didn't stink."

"Would you be interested in joining a group similar to the Scouts, but without the bullshit and backstabbing?" Matt asked actually bouncing around in his chair.

"How would you be sure there weren't any problems, don't you have to let anyone join a group like that, that wants to?" Phil asked dubiously .

Matt laughed: "Not if I'm paying for it and we don't have any public support or use public facilities. When our parents were killed, they left James and me pretty well taken care of, `Big Dummy' here is pretty good at investing our money so we're in a position where we really don't ever have to work if we don't want to. That, and we can do about anything, or buy anything we want. I think I, and James if he wants to help, are going to start an organization for kids who are tired of the bullying and bullshit that seems to exist in groups like the scouts."

"How about it James, we have over 17,000 acres of scrub desert out here, we could build a hell of neat facility and give kids an option to being in a basically religion sponsored group? God knows we can't spend all the money we have and maybe we could keep some kids from seeking an out like Fred Townsend, I really wish I was here and knew about his problems with the Scouts before he died, maybe I could have prevented it," Matt mused sadly.

James thought about it for several minutes before giving his qualified agreement, "Matt, I like the idea, BUT, do you think we would be allowed to put together a group made up of boys, I mean do you think the parents of a bunch of boys would allow them to be part of an organization run by two gay men?"

"Have you ever heard of PFLAG James, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays? It's a nationwide group, it even has a chapter in town, and I think with their help and word of mouth, we could really get something going."

"How do you visualize this group being set up, like the scouts or do you have something else in mind?"

"Weeeeeeeellllllllllllll, I kinda feel that maybe we could set it up more like a special ops group. You remember how much fun we had as kids playing war, just think how much fun it would be if we actually teach a bunch of kids how to really play war, I mean give them the skills and a real goal to reach instead of some phony pseudo-religious crap like they do in the Scouts." James and Phil grinned at each other as they watch James become a boy again in his mind as he explained his plan.

"I figure if we not only teach the boys something solid, as well as teaching them to like and respect themselves we can do something that's worthwhile." Matt summed up.

James looked skeptical, "Matt, do you really think we can set something like that up?"

Before James could say anything else, Phil said; "Fucking A you could, I'd join a group like that in a heart beat. I bet there are a lot of guys out there who would join, straight as well as gay. I know a lot of the guys in the Troop were getting really pissed off at the way it was being run, but there just wasn't any other group that they could join."

"Yeah, I figure we can do like a mini-boot camp for the newbie's as they join, I want to ensure there isn't a lot of heavy handed harassment of any of the kids. If I catch someone pulling a bully trick on someone, they'll only get one chance to straighten their shit out and fly right or they're gone. This whole thing is to allow every member of the unit to learn something new and to have fun; it won't be fun if we allow even one asshole to get away with fucking with someone."

"You're right about that and I agree 100%, but I think we need to set up a kind of a small Judge Advocate General group (JAG) made up of members of the unit with you or me or both of us overseeing their investigations and findings." With this comment, James bought into Matt's plan.

Matt thought about it before he spoke; "You're right, we select the members of the JAG and insure that everything is done fairly and consistently. The last thing we want is a reoccurrence of the crap Prince allows in the Scout Troop.

"We can work the details of the rules for running the new Troop correction, Unit, after we get a few more kids to join; you are the charter member of the Unit that is if you want to be Phil?" James asked.

"Are you kidding me? I don't think I've wanted anything so much in my life as I want this. I just know this is going to be neater then sliced bread."

"Where did you get that line?" James asked.

"Dad always uses it when something really impresses him, I don't now why, or what is so special about sliced bread."

James just laughed; "It's an old saying from back in the days when most people baked bread at home and used a regular kitchen knife to slice it. When bakeries got large enough to supply large areas instead of just one or two neighborhoods, they could afford the machines to slice the bread before it packaged. When that happened, people were really impressed that the slicing was already done for you; hence the statement neater than sliced bread."

Phil looked at the brothers before asking; "Are we going to have uniforms for our Unit? If so what kind will they be, I really would like something other than those wimpy things the scouts use. I hope we can get away from those stupid merit badges they use too, I always felt like such a dork having to wear that sash with them sewn on them."

"I believe you're right Phil, now that you mention it I think maybe Army BDU's might look pretty good as a base uniform, with a `Smokey the Bear' hat for special occasions and a booney hat for when we go to the field." Matt said.

"I like that idea, but if you look around, you see a whole shit load of people walking around with bits and pieces of cammy uniforms. I was watching the Discovery Channel the other night and they were talking about the Marines new camouflage uniforms, they call it "Mar Cam" and it really is neat looking. It comes in both desert and forest patterns and would look really good on the kids."

Matt went in to his version of a British accent, which wasn't really very good; "By George I think you've got it!"

With that comment, Unit 1 of the Kombat Kids of America was born.

End of Chapter 2 Next, Chapter 3 Spreading the Word

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm and Dooby Rhymes With Scooby by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 3

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