Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 29, 2004


Disclaimer; If you are under 18 years of age, or material such as this is illegal in your locale, please do not continue reading.

Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 19

The Real Corps

Sunday morning found Justin and Mitch still tangled up with each other when reveille sounded, both had their arms and legs wrapped around each other, both had hardons. Mitch woke first, reaching down between him and Justin to gently stroke Justin's cock, thinking about the sex that he had shared with his new lover, the sex that had turned to love twice more during the early hours of the new day, for both of them. Justin stirred, stretched and took hold of Mitch's cock and mimicked his movements. Once again Justin moved into the classic 69 position; and it only took the boys a few minutes before they were both going through the throes of their mutual climaxes.

Mitch said; "I think I'll be limping all day, I can't believe how great that was."

"Which time? Wait a minute you already do limp."

"Yeah but now it'll be worse because a you."

The boys laughed as Justin climbed out of bed and stretched, he turned to Mitch; "I don't know about you, but I stink, wait a minute, I do know about you and you stink too. The only problem is you can't take a shower with your leg on. You want me to give you a sponge bath?" he asked eagerly.

Mitch laughed; "If you give me a sponge bath, we won't ever get out of this room. If you help me get my leg on, I can walk to the shower and then take it off again, then with your help, I can sit on one of the plastic chairs that are all over the place, whatcha think, huh?"

"Sounds good, you ... you won't have any problems with the other guys will you? I mean your stump, I don't want you to get embarrassed and shit."

"Two days ago I probably would have, but after talking to Phil Martin yesterday and seeing his scars and hearing his story about how he got them, I don't think I will."

Justin helped Mitch get his leg in place and with towels wrapped around their waists, they headed to the showers, and when they got there, Justin grabbed one the chairs in the shower vestibule and took it into the shower room. He turned the water on and lined the chair up so that the water would hit it and then helped Mitch off with his leg. While Justin was setting everything up in the shower, four more guys came in and said hi to Mitch giving Mitch's leg a quick glance before entering the shower. Once the boys got his leg off and set in the corner of the room where it would be out of the way, Justin helped Mitch into the shower room. When Mitch took his first hop on the shower room floor, he almost slipped on the wet tile. Connor Beck hurried over and took Mitch's other arm and helped him to the chair.

When he was seated, Justin moved to the shower alongside Mitch's after handing him his soap and washcloth. Connor looked at Mitch's stump and asked; "I hope you don't mind, and I'm not trying to embarrass you, but I've never seen something like this, you mind if I look at it?"

Mitch blushed a little: "No go ahead, I guess it is kind of unusual now that you mention it."

While Connor was looking at the stump, the other guys in the shower gathered around and looked also.

"Wow, that must've hurt? Does it hurt anymore? Why's it so red?" Conner's eyes shifted, "Oh good you still got your dick and nuts, they look to be in good shape."

The fifteen year old who just made the comment about Mitch's dick and balls said; "Hey Mitch if you want I'll be glad to wash them for you?"

Justin decided to break things up; "Hey guys knock it off and let the guy take his shower." Justin looked at the guy who made the offer to wash Mitch's balls and said; "Any help he needs washing anything, I'll do the washing so move along."

With that the guys moved back under their showers, laughing at Justin's last statement.

When they were finished, one of the guys in the shower room helped Justin get Mitch back to where his leg was, Mitch thanked him for the help and the guy went back and finished his shower. Justin helped him dry off and then got his leg and started to strap it back in place. While he was doing this, Shane and Ted walked in and said good morning, Ted winked at Justin and went into the shower, Shane looked at his brother and asked; "Sleep well Mitch, I see you got a new care giver?"

Mitch turned red and flipped his brother off before muttering; "Dick Head."

Shane laughed and went in for his shower.

Sunday went by quickly for everyone, before the boys knew it; it was time to head back to the coast. George made plans to go into personnel on Monday and see how his TAD orders were coming, the twins and the Babcock brothers made plans to see each other after school and the Gunny was going to set up a meeting with General Stanton to push the idea James and Matt came up with.

The following Saturday was the first meeting in February 2004, the boys as well as the Gunny and Sergeant Babcock had been looking forward to the meeting all week long. The Gunny and Babcock arrived Friday night around 21:00, after saying hi to everyone, the four boys headed down to Cavern level with permission from Matt to go swimming. George, the Gunny, Keener, James and Matt sat around the kitchen table drinking beer and talking.

After taking a long pull from his beer bottle, the Gunny started talking; "OK guys, I talked to Phil Stanton earlier this week and he fell in love with your idea, he's coming down next weekend after he gets approval from ComMarPac. He doesn't expect any problems, but wants you to hold off saying anything just in case `Ole Murphy' sticks his nose in. If things go like we hope, he'll send over enough buses to move everyone, BUT, you guys have to foot the bill for transportation. It's an accounting thing, and in keeping with your request to remain free of any financial support from outside the Unit, it's that or have a two mile long convoy of civilian vehicles along with the problems of parking, base passes and security concerns once everyone gets there."

James asked; "What about berthing, I know he'll have something set up for the boys and us, but what about any of the parents who want to come along?"

"There's TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance) housing right outside the main gate, most of which is adequate or better and at a fairly reasonable rate." Answered the Gunny.

James thought for a moment; "All right, once we get the word from Phil that everything is a go, I'd like you to reserve rooms at the best motel available on the `Strip', see what's available for restaurants also. We can set it up so that all the parents have to do is sign for their meals and we'll pick up the tab at the end of the weekend."

Matt looked at George and the Gunny; "James and I have been talking about finances for awhile, we decided to set up individual checking accounts for you and George at Washington Federal so that you have access to petty cash. We need your full names, Social Security Numbers, date of birth, and your mother's maiden name. When you guys come back next weekend, we'll have it all set up and have some temporary checks and let you know about the permanent ones and the debit cards."

"That will make things easier for us, thanks Matt," said Gunny.

While the men were talking about the upcoming event, the boys were down in the swimming cavern paddling about, looking for a chance to torpedo each other. Justin and Mitch seemed like they were joined at the hip, if they weren't actually touching each other, they were close enough to reach out touch each other. Ted and Shane were fast becoming friends, Ted was hoping maybe more, but wasn't going to push Shane into something he didn't want or wasn't ready for.

After an hour of swimming and grabassing, the boys dressed and went back upstairs looking for something to eat. When they walked in to the kitchen they found a note on the table; "Check the freezer, also the cupboards on either side of the refrigerator for munches. Stay away from the beer!!" the note was signed by Matt.

The kids raided the freezer and cupboards for the munchies, and when they were finished snacking, they cleaned up their mess and headed down to their rooms. Justin and Mitch headed for Mitch's room and Shane automatically went with Ted to the twin's room. Ted took off all his clothes and climbed in to his rack; Shane kept his shorts on and took the bottom rack across from Ted. The boys started talking, typical of any two boys their age, the conversation turned to sex.

"I'll sure be glad when I get old enough to have a girl friend; I think I've got calluses on my hands from beating off." Shane laughed nervously.

Ted lay in this rack, not saying anything, just letting Shane talk.


"Yeah Shane."

"What's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"You ... You and Justin, I ... I mean, you know, what's it like to be together?"

Ted was about to throw a sarcastic answer at Shane, but decided not too. He decided that if something was going to happen between them, being a wiseass wouldn't help him any and he didn't really want to hurt Shane's feelings.

"It's hard to explain, Justin and I have been together all of our lives. I mean the only time we've ever been separated was when Justin had his tonsils out when he was nine. We have sex; we've been having it since just before we turned twelve, when we started cumming, but it's more than that for us, we're brothers, we're friends and we're lovers."

"Doesn't it bother you when Justin is with Mitch?"

"Nope, while we're twins, and our likes, dislikes and thoughts are similar, we each have our own desires, sometimes they're the same, and sometimes they're not."

Shane thought for a second; "Ted?"

"What Shane?"

"Umm, you ... you ... maybe you could, like you know, like maybe suck me, that is, if you want to?"

Ted lay there across from Shane and thought about his request; "Shane, I would love to suck your dick. But are you sure it's what you really want?"

"I've been thinking about it since last weekend, every time I think about Mitch and Justin getting it on, I get hard. So yes I do want to try it, that is if you want to?"

Ted pulled off his blanket and got up, he moved to Shane's bed slowly, his dick at full mast leaking precum. When he reached the bed, he pulled back Shane's covers and looked down at his dick standing up through the fly of his boxers. With his left hand he reached out and gently caressed Shane's hair, with his other, he grasped Shane's cock for the first time and slowly stroked it. Shane voiced his pleasure with a small moan; Ted didn't know whether it was from stroking his cock or running his fingers through his hair or both. Leaning forward, he licked Shane's nipple, feeling it get instantly hard, he then started to nibble on it feeling Shane's body stiffen and shiver at a completely new sensation, one he never knew existed before. Lightly kissing his way down the center of Shane's chest and belly, to stop at his navel and run his tongue around the inside of it. This new sensation almost caused Shane to cum but he was able to resist the urge and lay there shivering.

"Oh man, Ted please man, get me off, I can't take it much longer." Shane begged.

Ted released his hold on Shane's dick and replaced it with his mouth, moving his mouth to the bottom of Shane's dick until he felt the sparse pubic hair at the base with the tip of his nose. He slowly massaged the underside of Shane's dick with his tongue for a few seconds before moving back to the head, and then repeated the action. It took Shane all of two minutes of this treatment before Ted felt the younger boy's dick expand in his mouth and short hot bursts of watery cum were splashing into his mouth.

Shane, who found himself on an entirely different plain of existence than he had ever been before in his short life, tried to vocalize his joy but, "Uuuuurrrrruuuunnnnnnnnggghhh!!" was all he was able to manage. When he finally stopped cumming, he collapsed like a gut shot `Cabbage Patch Doll,' breathing hard, not believing what had just happened.

Ted sat beside him stroking his slowly deflating cock softly and running his fingers through his hair. It took Shane several minutes to recover from his first orgasm with another person; the fact the other person was a boy bothered him a little. Shane didn't know what to think, was he gay because he let another boy suck his dick, he must be, he not only enjoyed it, he wanted to do it again. He not only wanted to do it again, he wanted to suck Ted's dick. He didn't know why, he just knew he had to do it.

Ted was starting to worry about Shane, for the five minutes since he had cum Shane lay on his rack, starring at the top bunk and said nothing. Just as Ted was going to break the silence, Shane reached over and touched Ted's dick with the tips of his fingers, pulled them back and then hesitantly again reached over and grasped his dick and lightly held it. Shane looked Ted in the eyes and gave him nervous little smile, then started to slowly stroke Ted's cock.

Shane spoke in a near whisper; "Ted, I gotta try it, is it OK with you?"

Ted smiled and nodded his head yes. He lay down on the bed with his dick in front of Shane's face, and his face positioned in front of Shane's dick which was hardening quickly. Ted moved forward a little and once again took Shane's dick in his mouth, tasting his sperm from when he came before. Ted moved slowly, taking his dick in his mouth all the way to his pubes, then slowly backing off until just the head was in his mouth. Shane looked at the dick that was almost touching his lips, noticed the small drop of cloudy liquid oozing from the piss slit and hesitated briefly before licking it off with his tongue. Ted felt Shane's tongue and his body jerked a little, causing his dick to push firmly against Shane's lips.

When Ted's dick pressed against his lips, Shane parted them and moved his head forward taking just the tip of the dick in his mouth, and then he caressed it with his tongue exploring the head and forcing his tongue a little way into the piss slit. The movement of Shane's tongue on his cock head caused Ted to push forward again, sliding half of his dick into Shane's mouth.

Both boys started sucking on each other's dicks, like starved newborn babies nursing at their mother teat. Each boy started to suck harder and thrust deeper until almost at the same time they both exploded into each other's mouth. This was the taste that Ted had strived for, a little different from his brother, but basically the same. The taste of Ted's sperm was something that Shane had never thought he would experience, but now with the smoky, slightly salty sweet flavor of Ted on his tongue, he looked forward to more.

"Was he gay? Was he just experimenting? Would he ever like girls or was he destined to be with boys and men for the rest of his life? WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! Right now all he wanted was more of Ted." Shane thought with delight.

The next morning, the two sets of brothers met in the shower, all four had sleepy satisfied looks on their faces. Ted winked at Justin and smiled, Justin gave him a surprised look and a raised eyebrow. Ted nodded his head slightly and started to wash.

Breakfast was a quiet, pleasant experience for everyone. Shane kept looking at Ted and smiling all through the meal, Ted maintained a happy expression also. After the meal was finished and the kitchen cleaned up, the four boys went in to the lounge area and turned on the TV to watch some Saturday Cartoons. Shane and Ted sat together as did Mitch and Justin, both sets of friends/lovers looking forward to the coming evening for more time together, alone.

The first Squadies to show up were David and Mark White, Carson McMillan and Phil Martin. When they entered the lounge they noticed the way the boys were sitting close to their chosen partners, almost like two sets of honeymooners. The newcomers smiled at each other but didn't say anything. Phil was the first to speak; "Hey guys, I forgot to tell you, I went to the doctors on Friday and he said I'm almost ready to start doing things again, you know like parachuting and SCUBA diving."

"Dude, you sure you want to do any of that shit?" Justin asked.

Phil thought for a minute; "Yeah, I think I want to at least try it, I mean I been watchin all the guys swimming and parachuting and they seem to enjoy the shit out of it. So, yeah, I want to at least try it.

"I tried to talk him out of it, but he's got a hard on to do that stuff and nothing I say will change his mind." Said David.

"Talk him out of what?" James asked as he entered the room.

"My dumb ass boyfriend wants to jump out of airplanes and swim with the fish, and he's going to drag my dumb ass along with him." Replied David.

"Maybe, we'll see what happens." Turning to Phil, James asked; "What did your doctor have to say about you doing stuff like that, you know you have to be in pretty good shape physically to stand up to the demands that type of activity will put on your body?"

Phil didn't say anything at first, then: "I talked to Dr. Bahari and he said that my injuries have all healed to the point where I can start strength training."

"OK, but what did he say about SCUBA diving and parachuting, you did ask him about those activities didn't you?"

"Well not specifically, but like he said, my injuries are all but healed completely. So I figure I must be OK for doin that stuff."

James looked at Phil for moment; "I'll tell you what we'll do, the next time you see the Doctor, you ask him specifically about diving and parachuting. If, and I mean only IF he says you can, then we'll let you try them. Deal?"

Phil looked unhappy about James' last statement, but he knew that James would not let him try any of the special group activities unless he complied with his demand. "Deal"

"All right then, you guys better get ready for the meeting. Talk to you later." With that, James headed down to the Cavern to insure everything was ready for the day's activities.

The Sunday passed quickly and the guys from the coast headed back, all six of them looking forward to the next weekend.

Monday, the Gunny got in to see the General and got the final go ahead for the scheduled February two day meeting to be held on the base. He made the necessary arrangements at one of the nicer motels on the strip, one with its own restaurant. He then made sure that the busses were scheduled to pick up the Unit's members and family on the Friday night of the meeting weekend. He thought he was going to run into a problem about the barracks for the Squadies, but after throwing General Stanton's name around everything fell into place. He phoned James and told him about the arrangements and that the General would be over with the twins on Friday night.

George Babcock was in the personnel office bright and early Monday morning and was told that this TAD orders were ready, but that they were unable to get a moving company until the following week. He told them no problem and that he would rent a U-Haul and move his household goods himself. He got to his work center and talked to Mike Wilson about helping him move to the east side of the mountains, Mike readily agreed.

The twins talked over what had happened over the weekend and how they felt about it. Both really liked the Babcock brothers and looked forward to being with them. They even made plans to spend the summer with their cousin Phil, well at least near him. Well maybe in the general area, it all depended on where Mitch and Shane were living.

It took Shane until Wednesday night to tell Mitch about him and Ted. Mitch was totally flabbergasted when Shane told him what he and Ted had done; Mitch didn't know what to say. He hoped that Shane wouldn't be hurt by this new relationship and told him to be very careful about telling anyone else. He did suggest that he tell their dad about it, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he found out some other way.

The week passed quickly for everyone, George decided to stay on the coast to get everything packed up and ready for the move. Gunny told him it would be no problem to take the boys with him. When James found out he was in the process of moving over, he suggested that he send the boys over with the necessary paperwork to get them enrolled in school on the east side and that he or Matt would get that taken care of for him. Of course, the three of them would stay at James and Matt's house until he found housing.

The Gunny and four very spun up boys arrived about 22:30. Mother Nature was pissed at someone because she dropped 14 inches of new snow in Snoqualmie Pass and traffic was a stone cold bitch. The four boys ran over to James, Matt and Keener and gave them all a hug before running to the bathroom.

Gunny walked up to the three men shaking his head; "I swear to God, those four little fuckers must have bladders the size of marbles. We must have stopped five times on the way across"

Keener said; "Maybe you should a stuck a catheter in em Gunny."

"Yeah, right, I ain't getting anywhere near them horny little fucker's dicks."

Everyone laughed at the Gunny's comment on they're way into the lounge.

When Shane and Mitch entered the lounge with the twins following close behind, James said; "OK you two, seeing as how you're going to be living here till your dad finds housing, you two can either share a guest room up here or use the room you're assigned down in the Cavern level, it's up to you. Shane and Mitch didn't take long in thinking about it; "We'll just stay down below if that's OK?"

"That's fine, why don't you unload any luggage you have and use the elevator to haul it down stairs?"

The brothers and the twins ran out to the Gunny's truck to start unloading their gear. They figured the quicker they could get everything unloaded the quicker they could get naked, all of them had had a hardon for the last 150 miles and felt the need to do something about it, and do it quickly.

James gave the Gunny a book of commercial checks for the account he had opened for him at the bank and said the debit card would be sent to him by mail in the next week or so. The four men sat in the lounge and drank beer and shot the shit about the war in Iraq, the Corps, the Unit and anything else that came up. Near midnight, the doorbell rang and Matt went to answer it, a couple of minutes later he came back followed by the General. The two Marines rose and greeted him, James got up and got him a beer and everyone sat down. The men talked into the early morning hours about the upcoming trip to Whidbey Island Naval Air Station and what the General hoped to accomplish.

Down in the Cavern, Ted and Shane wasted no time getting naked, Shane was sitting on Ted's chest face fucking him, he was slowly long dicking Ted's mouth and throat, keeping his dick as far in his throat as could before pulling back out to give Ted a chance to breathe. After five minutes of this action, Shane started moving faster and faster, until with a muted roar he forced his cock in as far as he could and pumped several hot bursts of his watery cum into Ted's throat and mouth. After he was finished cumming, Shane rolled off Ted's chest and lay alongside of his new lover.

"Wow! For a guy who've only been cumming for about six months, you sure know how to put it to me" Shane just smile and reached down and grabbed Ted's nuts and squeezed them, not hard, just enough to excite Ted.

Ted looked in Shane's eyes and asked; "I know this sounds strange, but could you ahh, maybe squeeze my nuts a little harder?"

Shane just looked at him and tightened his hold, "Oh yeah man, that's it, tighter!!"

In a strange sort of way this excited Shane, he bent over and took Ted into his mouth and began sucking him. He had Ted's nuts in one hand and he reached up with his other and pinched Ted's left nipple. This, along with squeezing his nuts made Ted moan and order Shane; "Harder, come on do it harder... Ohhhhhh yeah man, harder!"

Shane, once again with a ragging hard on sucked harder, while at the same time he pinched Ted's nipple and twisted it at the same time. He was not only squeezing Ted's nuts tighter and tighter, he started pulling them up and away from his body, causing Ted to bridge his back. Shane knew that he wouldn't like someone doing to him what he was doing to Ted, but Ted seemed to be really turned on by it. For whatever the reason, it took Shane close to fifteen minutes to get Ted to cum and when he did, it caused Shane to blow his load all over Ted's lower body, when Ted finally did came, it was like someone turned on a fire hose. Shane couldn't swallow fast enough and had cum dribbling from both corners of his mouth and down the underside of Ted's dick. When Ted stopped cumming, he collapsed on the bed, eyes closed, breathing hard through his mouth, sweating copiously and quietly moaning. Shane started to get scared, he was afraid that he had hurt him and didn't know what to do.

"Ted, Ted, come on Ted, talk to me Ted." Shane shook him gently and continued calling to him; "Ted please man, you're scaring me man, please talk to me, TED, COME ON TED!!!"

Just as he was about to climb over the top of him and go look for help, Ted raised his hand and placed it on the side of Shane's face. Shane just sat there alongside his lover not moving, waiting for Ted to say something.

"Oh man that was so fucking good, thank you, thank you, so fucking much."

Ted reached up with his other hand and pulled Shane down to him and kissed him softly on the lips, moaning softly into his mouth.

Shane broke the kiss and asked; "Are you OK, you scared the shit out of me, I thought I hurt you bad. I was ready to go get James or Matt... man...don't never do that to me again, please man don't do it."

Ted looked at Shane, smiled at him and said; "Thank you, I love you."

End of Chapter 19 Next; Chapter 20 New Movie, Staring George Foreman, Madonna and John Wayne (Fight, Fuck or Go For Your Guns)

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

If you're interested, check out; http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/snoqualmie/default.aspx?imgparam=6 This site provides rapid updated still video of Snoqualmie Pass and the east and west approaches. It is best viewed after sunrise and before sunset Pacific Daylight Savings Time.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Jay in Sidney Australia Tony in West Sussex UK Jim in Pennsylvania USA Gary in Indiana USA JW in Indiana USA

Next: Chapter 20

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