Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 29, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRyder15

Chapter 18

As Geronimo Said, "Where'd All Them Fucking Soldiers Come From?"

The next morning the meeting started on time, the Posting of the Colors went off without a hitch and then Matt introduced the Staff Sergeant to the Unit's members and the parents who were present. After the introduction, he called the entire Unit to attention; "Squadie Townsend, front and center!"

JJ marched to the front of the Cavern and stood at attention, not knowing what was going on but apprehensive about what he may have done wrong.

"At the end of October this past year, Squadie Townsend was promoted to Squad Leader. As you know, he felt that he did not deserve this because of events that took place after his promotion. Subsequently, he resigned his position. After consulting the adult members and Squad Leaders of the Unit, it has been decided to promote Squadie Townsend to Squad Leader once again. Squadie Townsend, you are hereby promoted to Squad Leader and will be the assistant to Staff Sergeant Babcock in the maintenance and operation of the Unit's vehicles. Congratulations Squad Leader."

With those words, the entire Cavern erupted in applause and cheering. JJ just stood there, silently crying. He looked at James and Matt and said; "Thank you, I won't fail you again."

JJ performed an about face and marched back to his seat.

Mitch limped up to the front of the Cavern after the unit was dismissed to the planned activities and stopped in front of James and Matt; "Sir, my brother and I would like to join the Unit, that is if you'll let us. You may not want me because I only have one leg, if that's the case, I'll understand. I do ask you to accept my brother though, there's nothing wrong with him."

James looked at Matt; Matt looked at Mitch and just shook his head. Mitch felt like he just had his heart ripped out of his chest, trying, but not succeeding in holding the tears back.

Matt looked startled; "Hey what the fuck is wrong with you Squadie Babcock?"

Mitch heard the words, but didn't understand what was said; "Yes sir, I'll just wait in my room till its time to head back to the coast."

Matt turned to James and said; "What the fuck, over? What's he talking about waiting in his room?" Matt turned to Mitch and said; "It's going to be kind of hard getting your gear and clothing issued to you with you sitting in your room. Ain't no one here going to lug it to you so you're going to have to go and get it yourself."

What was just said finally sunk in and Mitch quickly looked up; "I thought, I mean yo... I mean my leg and everything; I thought you didn't want me."

"Listen Mitch, Matt and I are the only ones in this Unit that have the authority to approve or disapprove a request to join the Unit. >From the moment we met you, it was a done deal, Matt wasn't shaking his head no to your request, he just couldn't understand why you would think that a little thing like not having both legs would keep you out. This Unit was set up for kids just like you, kids who don't feel they're welcome any place else. Now you and your brother get your skinny little butts in gear and go get your stuff issued, see Squad Leader Martin, he'll make sure you get everything."

Mitch and Shane left to find Phil Martin and get their clothing and gear issued to them, both had a big shit eating grin on their faces.

For all intents and purposes, Phil Martin was the Unit's Supply Officer. James had set up a work station that allowed him to quickly and efficiently insure that all the materials and equipment needed for the Unit were on hand or readily available. So when the Babcock boys came to him as James had directed everything in their issue was on hand, the only problem Phil had was actually moving the material when the duffle bags started filling up.

"Come on in here guys, I'm still not supposed to lift anything over ten pounds for awhile, that's a real bitch when I gotta take a leak."

Mitch and Shane took a few seconds figuring out what he meant, Phil laughed when both the boys blushed when they figured out what he had just said.

Mitch scoffed; "Yeah right, we believe, you uh huh, you must be the one they call Horse Dick Harry' or was that Mini Cock Mikey'?" All three laughed, enjoying the verbal grab assing.

Phil liked what he saw, both of the boys were tall for their age, Mitch was about 5' 6" maybe 5' 7" 130 pounds or so with sandy blonde hair and a dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks. He couldn't tell much about his body because of the loose fitting clothing, not the `Gangsta' style popular with a lot of the kids nowadays, just comfortably loose. Shane, his younger brother was a smaller copy of him, about ten pounds lighter and a couple inches shorter, same color hair, and with the same freckles.

"OK sit down over here Mitch; let's get you some jump boots. Do you know your shoe size?

Phil watched Mitch as he limped over to the chair, paying particular attention to his tight, solid ass. When he sat down Mitch said; "Yeah, my right foot is size 9 and my left foot is size seven."

Phil looked confused, but then he saw the laughter in both the boys' eyes; "That's kind of a big discrepancy between the two isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'm still growing so why don't you give me a size ten and I'll wear some heavy socks."

"That'll work for you right foot but it's gonna really fuck up your left one.

Phil knew that he was about to become the butt of an inside joke between the brothers; "You know it's not nice to fuck with the supply officer, you might get a set of 24" briefs instead of the 28" you really want. That would keep you talking in a high pitched voice for a lot longer than you want, even if your nuts have dropped."

Mitch blushed a little at the comments about his nuts dropping and figured it was time to bring Phil in on the joke. He reached down and pulled the left trouser leg up so that the metal portion of his prosthesis was visible.

Now it was Phil's turn to blush in embarrassment; "Hey man, I'm sorry, nobody told me about your leg. I just thought you hurt it or something and you had a limp, I didn't mean to give you any shit."

Yesterday, before the skinny dipping party, Mitch would have taken offence at what Phil was saying, now he understood that Phil didn't know a thing about him and was just flinging shit at him just like a normal guy.

Mitch smiled at Phil; "Listen Phil, Dad and us are moving over here from the coast so's dad can work with James and Matt on the Unit's vehicles. I only met a few of the guys so far but everyone has treated me and my brother good, please don't stop just because I only got one good leg. I hate it when people get quiet and won't do anything with me because they think I'm a cripple. Please, I want to be friends with people not an object of pity."

Phil thought for a second; "Well at least I got about nine months to make sure I'm ready, I'll check my catalogs and see what I can find."

Mitch looked confused; "Excuse me Phil, but what the fuck you talking about?"

"I just gotta find where to order the pirate costume, a sword an eye patch and a peg leg for you so you can come as Captain Hook. I know, I'll order a Tinker Bell outfit for your brother and he can be your fairy."

Shane got indignant; "Hey asshole I'm the straight one here, at least I think I am, but Mitch is definitely the fairy, so watch it," he warned.

Mitch blushed, Phil laughed and blushed and said; "Well he's come to the right place, we got more fairies here than Never Never Land, and if you don't watch it I'll staple a set of wings on your back."

Mitch was dumfounded, while his family never went without the necessities of life, there wasn't much left over for luxuries. He knew how much the MarCams cost, because his dad always mentioned how expensive they were whenever he had to replace a set of them. What really surprised him were the smaller items that he and his brothers received, like the flashlight, compass, knives and the wristwatch, especially the wristwatch. The only watch he ever owned was a cheap Casio with a plastic band, it had cost his mother $9.99 plus tax and it only lasted for six months before the band broke. His new Timex was on the upper end of the brand and had a metal wristband; it even had a light that would illuminate the face when a button on the bezel was pushed. It took almost an hour and a half to get all their stuff issued and measurements taken for their STB hats. Phil had them take their duffels packed with all their clothing and smaller items of gear in to the locker room. He assigned them a locker each and waited for the show to start, David Roses "The Stripper" played idly through his mind as the two brothers started to strip their street clothes off. The boys didn't seem to have much, if any body modesty and weren't embarrassed by Phil watching them. As they took off their boxers, he noticed that they were both cut and that Mitch had a generous amount of pubic hair in his groin while Shane had only a sparse covering just above his dick. Mitch's' leg and body had nicely developing muscularity, including the beginning of a six pack. Shane wasn't as developed but he seemed to be maturing nicely too. Phil suggested that Mitch wait to put the boot on his prosthesis until after he got his trousers on, seeing as how the boot was more unwieldy than his cross trainer had been.

When the boys had completed dressing, their gear was put in their lockers and Phil offered to give them a tour of the outside facilities. As they were walking out of the locker room, Phil saw Mitch was limping more so than he had earlier; "Hey man are you OK? Your limp seems to be worse than usual.'

"Yeah, no sweat, I'm just not used to these boots. Once I wear them for a while I'll be back to normal, well as normal as I usually am."

The boys took the stairs to the upper level and then got permission from Matt to use one of the HUMVEE's to show Mitch and Shane around the outside areas. When they got to the range, The Gunny had ten squadies shooting at pop up targets at the 50 yard line on the range. The boys got out of the vehicle and stood back from the shooting line because they didn't have hearing and eye protection. When Gunny called `cease fire' and sent the boys forward to inspect their targets, Phil and the boys went over to the Gunny. Phil saluted and said; "Good morning Gunny, I'm taking the newbie's on a tour of the outside area, how much longer are you going to be shooting?"

The Gunny returned Phil's salute, gave Mitch and Shane a quick smile and said; "Not sure Phil, it seems like these guys forgot everything they've been taught about aiming and just want to `John Wayne' it. I may just keep them out here all day, I'm not sure yet."

"OK, Gunny, I'll run them over to the confidence course and show them what they can expect during the next couple a three months."

"That's fine, when you're finished; run them down to the Dojo and let them watch James and Carson for a while, maybe they might want to join his class."

"Aye, Aye Gunny, have a good one." Phil and the brothers got back in the HUMVEE and drove over to a wide low arroyo that had been scraped flat and set up with a series of obstacles and a huge tower like structure built out of telephone poles 6" X 6" beams and 2" X 4's". The tower was at least 30 to 40 feet high and had rope bridges, zip lines and climbing lines on three of the four sides. This tower worried Mitch, he wasn't sure he could manage it, he kept quiet about his fears. Phil noticed his expression, but didn't say anything.

After looking at the course, Phil drove back to the house and the boys followed him down to the Cavern. Phil then took them into the exercise room, a room about half the size of the Cavern. One side had all the exercise machines you would find in a heath club, along with a section devoted strictly to free weights. The other half of the room had mats laid out covering an area about 30' X 50' with James and a second black belt leading a class in karate. Mitch, who had started taking Karate lessons when he was nine, about six months before the accident, knew that the class was working on their kata, practice moves without a partner in order to refine their strikes, kicks and blocks. He always enjoyed watching his master perform Kata, when he did it; it looked like a stylized dance routine, a true thing of beauty.

The three boys sat on the floor along the edge of the mat and watched until James called a halt and dismissed his class. James and Connor walked over to the boys who were in the process of getting to their feet when they stopped at the mats' edge. James welcomed them and asked; "Well guys what did you think of the class?"

Mitch was the first to speak; "I was really impressed with your kata, I've never seen it done that well before." Mitch looked at Connor: "Yours was also very well done; I wish I could join your class."

James looked confused; "What's stopping you, I mean any member of the Unit is allowed to become a member of our class."

Mitch started blushing and looked at the floor before saying; "Sensei, I don't think my leg would allow me to give the effort I would need to give in your class."

"You sound like you've taken classes before, is that true?"

"Yes Sensei, my dad started me taking classes on base when I was nine years old, but I only took them for six months before I was in the car accident and lost my left leg. I haven't even thought about taking lessons again."

James looked at Mitch's brother and Phil; "You two guys help him get his boots off."

Mitch looked nervous, but sat down and started taking off his right boot while Phil and Shane removed his left. James looked at the part of the prosthesis that protruded from the pants leg and said; `good, the bottom is shaped like a foot, I was afraid it would be just metal supports shaped to hold your shoe in place."

"Come on; get up, out into the center of the mat," James invited.

Mitch took his wallet out of his back pocket and whatever else he found and put it in his booney hat along with his new wristwatch. He then turned to face the mat, gave a small bow and stepped forward to the center of the mats facing James and Connor.

"OK Mitch, we aren't going to do anything really heavy, I just want to see how much you remember from your classes." For the next twenty minutes or so, Mitch tried to comply with all the requests James made, while James stood in front of him, Connor was behind him in case he lost his balance and also to watch his movements from the back. Finally James called a halt, and all three sat on the mat, with Mitch facing James and Connor.

"You do have some balance problems, but you also seem to have pretty good basic skills. If you want to, I'd like you to join the class, it may be rough on you for awhile but I think you could become very good. The decision is yours, but I think it would do you good."

"I'd like to, but I'm afraid I might get a load of shit from the other guys in the class, about my leg."

"You might, but not when me or Connor are around. I think that after awhile you'll be good enough that people will be more in to beating you than thinking about your missing leg."

Other than his father and Shane, no one had ever told him that they thought he could be good at anything that required physical skill and coordination. Finally he thought to himself; "What the fuck, all they can do is laugh and James thinks I can do it."

James saw him straighten a bit and say; "Yes sir, I'd like to join your class, thank you very much."

James looked over at Phil and said; "Hey Phil, see if you can find Mitch a Gi."

"No problem boss, well maybe one."

"What's that Phil?"

"We ain't got no XXX Small jock straps for him."

Mitch blinked his eyes and started to rise to his feet; "You wait till I get over there dude, I'll show just how much XXX Small is gonna hurt you!!"

Phil laughed as he got hurriedly to his feet and headed for the door; "Yeah sure, promises, promises!"

Shane and Mitch followed Phil back to the supply room, Mitch dug out a bundle from one of the shelves and looked at Mitch; "Medium you think?"

"Yeah, that should do it." Mitch stripped out of his Mar Cams and put the Gie on, he looked down at his feet and said; "Shit, the pants don't cover my leg and the metal support strut's show."

Phil shrugged; "What's the problem, the only time you're going to be wearing them is when someone is beating the shit out of ya."

"That's not the point, besides Shane here, only you and the twins have seen me without my pants on, I get shy around people, especially when they can see my leg."

`Listen dip shit, it may come as a surprise to you, but everyone in the Unit, and probably their parents too, know about your leg. Ain't no one going to give you shit about it, I promise you that."

Mitch still looked unhappy about it and hoped that what Phil said was the truth.

"Listen dude." Phil said.

Mitch looked at him, sensing a change in his voice and his mood.

"I don't know if anyone's told you yet, but last year eight guys beat the shit out of me and my boyfriend, then they raped both of us. The leader of these assholes punched me in the nuts so hard that he ruptured one of them. The doctors removed it because of the damage he did, along with my spleen."

Phil unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then removed his T-shirt. Both the brothers were shocked at the number and size of the scars on Phil's abdomen and chest. Mitch started pointing at the different scars; "This one here is where they had to go in and fix my lung after the mother fucker drove a piece of one of my ribs into it. This one was for the spleen, these were for some internal bleeder they missed the first time, and this one is for the six tears in my colon they couldn't get at from the inside. The bastards tore my sphincter muscle in three places and I just got the colostomy bag removed last month. The scar on my nut sack is the smallest of them all, but I know it's there, I will always know it's there," he said softly.

"They're not as visible as your leg, but everyone has seen them, everyone knows what happened and ain't none of them giving me any shit about them. We don't do that here, we're mostly gay, or outcasts and we know what it feels like to be made fun of, and we just don't do that." Phil ended his little speech, crying softly as he turned away from the brothers.

Mitch went to him and turned him around so he was facing him and pulled him into a hug; "Man, I'm so, so sorry. I had no idea, I guess I thought I was the only one in the world that had something bad happen to him. Please Phil, forgive me for being such an asshole, I'll try my best not to act the part of a poor little cripple boy anymore, I promise."

Phil wiped his eyes with the heal of his hand, sniffed a little and looked at Mitch; "OK, but don't blame me when I can't get you an XXX small jock strap."

As Phil was getting back in uniform, Mitch said; "You know you're really a big prick, you know that don't you?"

"Yeah I do, at least that's what my boyfriend tells me."

When the laughing stopped, Shane asked; "Hey Phil, you think maybe James would let me join the karate class?"

"I don't see why not, I think he's still working out with Connor, run over and ask him and if he says yes, I'll get you a Gi."

Shane ran back to the training room where he found Connor and James going through some light contact sparring, when James saw Shane standing at the edge of the mat, he called a halt to their sparing.

James walked over to Shane and asked; "Yes Shane, what can I do for you?"

"Sir, I was just wondering, well I, could I, maybe join your class too?"

"Not a problem, in fact we have another class scheduled for tomorrow, if you and your brother want to join us, I think that would be great."

That night at the evening meal, Shane and Mitch's father along with the Gunny and Webb joined them for supper in the dinning facility.

"Well guys, how'd your day go?"

Shane was bubbling over, he was the happiest George had seen him in years, Mitch looked like he was going to bust also, he had so much that he had let build up inside of him that once he got it out of his system with Phil earlier he was literally bursting with happiness. All through the meal, the boys told them what they had done and seen and what they would be doing in the coming months.

After they were done eating, Shane told his father that he was going on watch with one of the squadies who had been here awhile; "It's called a Fire and Security Watch, and it's for two hours."

Unlike before, Shane didn't hesitate before he left to give his dad a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. The hug and the kiss took George by surprise, he looked at the three others at the table and said' "That's the first time he's done that in years."

Gunny looked at him; "Great ain't it, I missed that when my son got old enough to figure he was too big to do that any more. If you're lucky he won't figure it out for a long time, maybe never."

Mitch looked at the Gunny then his dad, got up went over to his dad and did the same thing that Shane had done. He turned to the Gunny; "I hope I don't get too old either, he turned back to his father; Love you dad, I gotta go take care of my uniforms, night all."

George turned his head to watch his son walk toward the exit, turned back to the table and bowed his head. The Gunny reached over and grasped his shoulder: "He's starting to figure things out George; he's starting to understand things that before were just stuff people said that he thought was bull shit. I think being in the Unit is starting to give him a new perspective on life in general and his family in particular. Enjoy it, help him when you can and go on being his father, give him all the love you can,"

The three men took their trays to the scullery and went upstairs.

Mitch was in his room, shinning his boots when there was a knock on the door. He limped over to it and opened it to find Justin Stanton standing there in his MarCam trousers and a T-shirt; "Hi Justin, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I thought I'd come over and shoot the shit with ya, that is if you want?"

"Sure, come on in." "Where's Ted?"

"He went swimming, I didn't want to and I thought you and I could get to know each other better. I mean, you know if you want to. We're new here and seeing as how you stayed at our house I thought maybe we could do something, together.

Justin blushed and looked down at the floor; "You know I'm gay, so's Ted, but neither one of us has done anything with anyone else." Mitch's face betrayed his interest, which Justin mistook for shock, "Shit, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'll go on back to my room, sorry I bothered you."

As Justin turned to leave, Mitch almost yelled; "Wait, I mean you don't have to go, I'd like to do something too, it's just I ain't never done nothing, except with my own hand. Please stay."

Justin went over and sat on the bed opposite Mitch's, looking nervous and not at all sure of himself; "Listen Mitch, I don't want to put you on the spot, but I'm so fucking horny right now, I'd fuck a snake if I could find someone to hold the head."

Mitch laughed; "Well I ain't got no rattles or scales, but I'd like to help you out, I don't care much for snakes but I've had a hardon all day thinking about you and Ted all naked and hard."

Justin stood up and moved to sit alongside Mitch; both boys were sporting nice size pup tents in the front of their trousers. Justin put his arm around Mitch's shoulder and leaned forward stiffly to kiss him on the lips, then quickly back off to see how Mitch took the kiss. Mitch reached up and took Justin's head in both hands and drew him back, pressing his lips against Justin's', then gently forcing his tongue past his lips and teeth to explore his mouth. Justin stiffened then relaxed, his right hand went to the front of Mitch's trousers, and grasped Mitch's dick through them, gently rubbing it before he reached for Mitch's belt and started to undo it. Mitch broke the kiss, his hands reaching for Justin's T-shirt and trying to pull it over his head, it took the boys a couple of seconds to figure out that only one person at a time could undress the other and who would start undressing the other first. Justin won, and removed Mitch's clothes completely and then asked him if he wanted to keep his `leg' on

Mitch thought for a second, "If it won't gross you out, I want to take it off."

Mitch told him what had to be done and watched as Justin carefully removed his leg, this was the first time some one other than his family or medical personnel had ever done that. Mitch felt like he was about to come at any second, and when Justin finally had it off and placed it at the foot of the bed, he ran his hands over the stump, gently, with great care and loving. Mitch came. Great spurts of sperm shot out of his cock, some hitting Justin in the face, throat and chest. Mitch gasping for breath, let out a low moan as he shot and shot until there was nothing more for him to shoot.

Justin, with a look of surprise on his face said; "Wow, talk about a hair trigger, Jesus man I thought you were never gonna stop cumming, you trying to wash me out of the room?" Mitch just lay there for a second, taking deep breaths before saying; "Man I'm so sorry, that has never happened before. When you got my leg off, and then started rubbing my stump; Wow, I ... I can't even begin to tell you what it felt like."

Justin looked at Mitch's dick, and was amazed to see it was still hard; "Man, you ain't even started to go soft."

Justin stood up and quickly undressed than got on the bed with Mitch. He reached out and lightly tweaked Mitch's nipples as he started to kiss him. Mitch could smell the odor of his own cum on Justin's face, he pulled away from Justin's kiss and started licking his cum off , working down his chest until he got every bit of it. Justin stretched out on the bed with his mouth near Mitch's groin, positioning himself where Mitch could do his cock. Leaning forward, he took Mitch into his mouth savoring the taste of Mitch and his sperm that still remained on the head of his dick. Mitch grasped Justin's cock with his left hand and stroked him slowly before pulling him into his mouth, his tongue caressing the head and the sensitive spot on the bottom, slowly moving his head back forth, gradually moving faster and faster. Justin was doing much the same to Mitch, unlike Mitch though, he had a little bit of experience with his brother and was able to take Mitch's entire dick into his mouth and throat. Both boys felt their nuts tightening up; it almost felt like they were trying to crawl inside each other's bodies. Both boys felt the other's dick start to swell and they felt their partners cum blasting through the tube on the bottom of their dick as it shot into their mouths. Try as hard as they could, they could not swallow fast enough and some made it past their lips to dribble down their cheeks. When they both stopped cumming, Justin turned his body so he was able to look Mitch in the eyes, then he leaned forward and licked the little dribble of cum from Mitch's cheek before kissing him again. Both boys lay there, embracing each other until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

When Shane's watch was over, he used the head and went back to his room, it was midnight and he thought it was funny that he could see light spilling out from beneath the door to the room he and Mitch shared. Quietly he opened the door and saw pieces of uniforms on the floor and his bed, then he saw Mitch and Justin laying on Mitch's bed, arms and legs entwined, sleeping. He reached over and turned the lights off and quietly backed out of the room, closing the door. He noticed the light on in the Twins room and knocked on the door lightly. A couple of seconds later, Ted opened the door in just his skivey shorts.

Shane smiled at Ted: "Aaah, listen Ted, ummmm, I need a place to crash tonight. OK if I use Justin's bed?"

"Why would you want to use Justin's bed, what's he going to use when he gets back?"

"Well that's the thing, I don't think he'll be comin back, at least not tonight, ummm, well lets just say he and Mitch are busy and leave it at that."

Shane could all but see the light coming on over the top of Ted's head; "Ohhhhhhhhhh, YES, I mean, yes come on in, I don't see any problem with you using his rack." Shane entered the room and the door closed without a sound.

End of Chapter 18 Next; Chapter 19 The Real Corps

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

I'd like to say thanks to the following new readers;

Jay in Sidney Australia---Tony in West Sussex UK---Jim in Pennsylvania USA Gary in Indiana USA---JW in Indiana USA

Next: Chapter 19

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