Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 27, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; Ghost Ryder15

Chapter 17

More Corps

James talked to George Babcock for several hours that night, more like James listened while the Marine told him about what he had been going through and how his boys seemed to become more withdrawn each day. Up until then he had just ignored their problems, he so wrapped up in his own that he left the boys to their own devices. James told him that he would be happy to have his boys join the unit, and that he was sure that Gunny Mcnaughten would give them a ride across for the meetings. "I do have to tell you one thing though, about 80% percent of the boys in the Unit, plus my brother and I are gay. We started the unit because a friend's son came out to him and he didn't know how to handle it. Matt and I, after talking to the boy organized the Unit to give gay and straight kids who didn't fit in anywhere else, a group to be a part of. Matt was a Navy SEAL for close to four years and I was in Army Airborne about the same length so we patterned the Unit along their lines. I'm telling you this because I don't want it to be a surprise once your boys get involved."

George looked at James with surprise written all over his face; "You, you can't be serious!"

"Sorry, but it's the truth, it's the way we were born, it's the way we are. Matt and I have lived with the fact since we hit puberty and we haven't tried to deny the fact, we don't go around waving flags and throwing it in everyone's face, but it's the way we are."

"Jesus! Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're talking about. My older brother is gay, and ... and ... well, my oldest boy told me he thought he was gay a couple of months ago. He was going through so much shit, and I wasn't there to help him, when he told me it shocked me so badly I broke down and cried. When I started crying, he broke down too, all he kept saying was that he was sorry and please Daddy don't hate me. God, that made it even worse, here my thirteen year old son was crying because he thought I hated him for being gay. I finally got through to him that I was crying not because I hated him, but because I wasn't there for him when he needed me the most. No you won't get any shit from me about you and your brother."

James thought; "Jesus, this guy hasn't been able to catch a break, no wonder he was acting like such an asshole."

"Listen George, bring your kids over this Saturday for the weekend. We have another two day meeting scheduled and if they like what they see, they can join. Maybe being around other kids who have been through a lot of shit too will help them get through the pain they're suffering. I have plenty of room, you can have one of the guest rooms up in the main house and the boys can share a room down in the berthing compartment.

James asked George if he and the rest of his troops would like a tour of the house, all accepted the invitation. Forty-five minutes later with everyone back in the lounge, Wilson asked; "I can't believe the set up you guys have here, it's at least as good as any facility the Corps has, who paid for it all?"

Matt, who had joined them just chuckled; "James and I have made out pretty good in our business and the stock market, we made enough so that we really don't have to work" He looked at James and asked if he had told them about how they started the unit, James said only George knew . Matt then retold the story and how they bankrolled the whole thing. Now the brothers were out to all of the marines present, the two youngest, one a Lance Corporal, the other a Private First Class looked a little nervous when they found out that Matt and James were both gay. Sergeant Wilson just seemed to take it in stride, not showing any exterior signs whether he approved or disapproved of what the brothers were. The seven men sat around and talked until midnight when James told them he was going to hit the rack. Shortly after he left the lounge, the others went to the guest rooms and turned in also.

James and Matt were up early the next morning and preparing breakfast when the marines started drifting into the kitchen, looking for their morning caffeine fix. During breakfast, Babcock and Wilson both volunteered to check Matt and James out on the operational features of the LAVs and bring them up to speed on the vehicles maintenance manuals and maintenance requirements. By noon the brothers were certain that they could operate the vehicles safely and that they understood what they were capable and incapable of doing. After lunch, the Marines mounted up and headed back to the coast, before leaving they all thanked the brothers for their hospitality and said they hoped they would see them again. George Babcock said that he and his boys would be over for the weekend meeting and thanked him for his help.

During the drive back to the coast, Babcock thought long and hard about what had happened since he met James Bateman and was surprised that after getting his ass chewed out by a General, he'd actually felt better than he had in some time.

When the vehicles had been turned in at the motor pool and he had released his troops to return to their unit, he called Mike Wilson over. "Mike, I want to apologize again for being so fucked up, I appreciate you standing by me and the support you've given me since we got back."

Wilson shrugged; "George, I can't really understand what you're going through, but I know you're a good man. I never had any problem working for you, not even after you got back and kinda lost it, I'm just glad you seem to be getting your shit together. Listen man, I got to get home and you probably need to go over and pick up your kids from the General's place. Man, wait till everyone hears about you having a three star general for a baby sitter."

George gave a short, derisive laugh; "Yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing the general in person, especially after the ass chewing he gave me yesterday."

George got in his Dodge mini-van and drove over to `Officers Row' in base housing, it took him about ten minutes to locate the general's quarters. Getting out of the van, he took a deep breath and marched up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the doorbell. Hearing several boys shouting from the other side of the door, he didn't know what to expect. The door was answered by a pretty middle aged woman who had a smile on her face and seemed to have been doing something that had made her happy.


Sergeant Babcock came to attention: "Ma'am, I'm Staff Sergeant Babcock and Mr. Bateman told me that my two sons were here."

"Oh yes Sergeant, I'm Martha Stanton and your sons are in a pitched battle with my husband and sons in the living room, I'm glad you came, now you can help me rescue my husband from the four boys that are terrorizing him."

George didn't know what to say, or how to take the announcement that a general was wrestling with his boys. He got a nervous look on his face and said; "Yes Ma'am," removed his cover and started to enter the house when Martha stopped him by placing her hand on his arm; "Relax sergeant, the boys are fine, my husband is having the time of his life with the four boys. As far as yesterday, goes, let's just say that your rabbi talked to my husband and he is fully aware of you and your family's problems are."

"Rabbi? But I'm not Jewish, I ..."

"Sergeant, let's just say that you made a friend over on the dry side and leave it at that, OK?"

George just nodded his head, not really understanding what was going on and followed Mrs. Stanton into the living room. He was taken back when he saw the four boys dog piled on a tall black haired man, dressed in MarCams and trying to squirm out from under the boys.

Mrs. Stanton cleared her throat: "Really Phillip, I've told you and told you no rough housing inside, besides we have a visitor,"

The four boys and one man stopped wrestling and looked to where George was standing, George felt like he was being readied for a firing squad. Coming to attention, he said; "Sir, I'm Staff Sergeant Babcock Sir!"

Before anyone could do or say anything else, Shane jumped to his feet while Mitch climbed carefully up from the floor. Both boys, one in a full tilt run, the other in a shuffling limp went to their father and hugged him, both started telling him about the twins, the general and the night they had spent with the general's family. Their unusual display of happiness took George completely by surprise.

The General disengaged himself from the twins who still were wrapped around him, stood up smiling and walked over to George with his hand out to be shaken; "Ahh yes, the infamous civilian abuser, it's good to meet you sergeant."

This was the last thing George expected, he stood still, not responding for a few seconds before reaching out and grasping the general's hand.

"Why don't we go to my den and have a talk before supper, the kids can amuse themselves for awhile and by the time we're finished, supper will be ready.

George tried to protest, saying he really had to get the kids home. The general wouldn't hear of it, saying by the time he got back to his quarters, it would be late, and besides his wife was already planning on him and his two boys staying. Knowing when to give in to the inevitable, he followed the general to his study and sat down when the general indicated a chair.

The general started talking before he sat down; "After talking to you yesterday, I was planning on bringing you up on charges when you returned. Then James called me back and asked if I could arrange for you to remain over night and get someone to look after your boys, he said he would call me back later. Not knowing any of your friends or neighbors, I talked with my wife and we agreed to watch them ourselves, we did this more for James than you. James has become very important to me, both personally and professionally, so it really wasn't a problem. Then when we met your boys, my wife and I fell in love with them and they and my twins became instant friends. Last night, James called me and briefed me on what your situation was and the fact that Mitch had just came out to you."

George paled; he knew that the "Don't ask, Don't Tell" policy in effect throughout the military helped ease the fear and burdens that were formally present for gays in the military. He didn't know what the consequences would be for gay dependents of active duty military.

The general continued; "Calm down George, I know what you're thinking and I could care less that Mitch is gay. About three months ago my twins came to me and told me they were gay, they joined the Unit shortly after that. James told me that you were briefed about how the unit was started, he didn't tell you that the Sheriffs son is my nephew, and he didn't tell you that his son and his son's boyfriend almost died from being raped and beaten by eight boys last summer. So you see, I don't have any problems with Mitch. James told me that what you needed was a swift kick in the ass, not having charges brought against you. After you left this afternoon, James called me back and said that once you got your head out of your ass, that you were a good man and, once you got your shit together, would once again be an asset to the Corps."

George sat there not quite understanding what was going on, but relieved that he wasn't going to be squashed like a bug.

The General then briefed him on what exactly his and the Corps relationship with the Bateman Brothers and the Unit was and what he hoped to accomplish. Then he dropped a bomb on George.

"How would you like to go TAD for about 12 month's, maybe longer?"

"TAD?" "Where, what would I be doing Sir?"

"James and Matt has two Marines assigned to them on TAD orders, you met Webb yesterday, if you agree, you'll meet Gunny Mcnaughten. James needs help maintaining his vehicles, with the LAV's; he has sixteen, not counting his non Unit personal trucks. Right now he has close to 50 boys in the Unit and the maintenance is staring to become a problem."

"Seeing as how your primary job description is maintenance and operation of Light Armored Vehicles, you would be the perfect fit for the job. I plan on sending two men over there TAD, if you agree than all I need to do is decide on the second one. I'll listen to any suggestions you may have on the subject, but I need your answer now, well what do you want to do?"

George thought about the offer and agreed, before the problem about what he would do with his boys occurred to him. The general thought about it for a few seconds: "As long as you're going to be on extended TAD, what do you think about moving your household over to the East Side?"

George didn't hesitate; "That would solve a lot of problems, for me and the boys, Mitch especially, he's been taking a lot of shit from the kids in his school about missing a leg and I know he would be overjoyed to leave here."

The two men talked for another twenty minutes until the general's wife called them to supper. When George got home and while getting the boys ready for bed, Mitch said; "Dad, you know the general's sons are gay, both of them, don't you?"

"Yes son, he told me while we were talking in the den. He also asked me if I wanted to move to the East Side of the state on TAD orders, to help out Mr. Bateman with the Unit vehicles, I told him yes."

Mitch gave George a frightened look: "But Dad, what about me and Shane what are we going to do?"

"Do? Well I guess you two will just have to come along with me, what da ya think?"

"WOW, oh shit...I mean oh gosh, have you told Shane yet?"

"No, I thought I'd let you do that, oh yes one more thing, we're going over to Moreland this weekend so you two can see what goes on in a Unit meeting. If you guys like it, Mr. Bateman said you could join it."

Friday came and Gunny Mcnaughten drove to Babcock's quarters to meet him, Babcock, with the boys, then drove over to the general's house so that the Gunny could pick up the twins. The general told the Gunny that he was going to come over either tomorrow morning or late tomorrow night, depending on how things went at his staff meeting he had scheduled.

The two-car convoy pulled in to the Bateman compound a little after nine, and the boys hurried ahead of the adults to the front doors where James, Matt and Keener were standing. The twins introduced the boys to the adults and James told Justin and Ted to take them down to the berthing compartment and get them a room. James looked at Mitch; "Are you going to have a problem with the stairs, cause if you don't feel comfortable using them we have an elevator that'll get you up and down."

Mitch blushed a little, not because he was embarrassed, but because he recognized the fact that James was giving him an option not belittling him for the loss of his leg. Usually people thought he couldn't do anything, James on the other hand was just letting him know that the elevator was available and that he could use it if he wanted to.

"Thank you sir, the only trouble I have is climbing, and that's only because I have to go slower than everyone else."

"OK, but if it gets to be too much for you, I don't want you to hesitate using it, understand?"

"Yes sir, and thank you."

Mitch and Shane followed the twins into the house and down the four flights of stairs to the Cavern level. When they entered the Cavern, it took the two newbie's totally by surprise; "Holy shit Ted, this fucking place is huge."

Ted and Justin laughed: "You ain't seen nothing yet, there are four more rooms almost as big. There's everything you could possibly want down here. Come on, we'll get you a room, I think the one next to ours is still empty."

After getting the boys settled in their room, the twins took them on a tour of the other areas of the fourth floor, starting with the pool cavern. Shane was ecstatic about the huge swimming pool, and wanted to swim right then and there, but remembered he hadn't brought a swim suit.

Ted told him to hang on a second as he went over and picked up the hand set of a telephone mounted on the wall and punched in a two digit number. A couple seconds went by and he said: "Sergeant Webb? This is Ted, Shane wants to swim a little...... Yes sir, I'm Red Cross certified and so is Justin ...Yes sir we'll both be here with him... A, one thing sir, he hasn't got a suit ... Great. Thank you very much, yes sir, we'll call when we're done. Bye."

Ted came over to the boys and started stripping out of his clothing; a second later Justin was doing the same. "Come on you guys get out of those clothes, Sergeant Webb said we can go skinny dipping."

Shane hesitated for just a second and then he too started removing his clothes. Mitch just stood there, looking unhappy. Justin saw him just standing there and said; "Come on Mitch, start getting undressed."

Mitch looked like he was going to cry, the twins stopped undressing and looked at him; "Hey man, what's amatter, don't you know how to swim?"

Mitch looked down at the pool apron and started crying; "Yeah I know how to swim, it's just that "I ain't never been naked in front of anyone since the accident when I lost my leg. I know you guys are nice and all but I don't want to be laughed at, and I'm afraid you'll make fun of me."

Ted in just his briefs and Justin in blue jeans went over and hugged him; "Shit man, you're our friend, why would we laugh at you cause of something you got no control over, trust us we won't do nothing to embarrass you, except maybe laugh at your dick."

Mitch looked up quickly and said, "Listen shit head, by the looks of your briefs I got more than you ever will."

"Oh yeah, break it out, put our mouth ... I mean put your money where your mouth is.

Everyone laughed at Ted's last statement, Mitch knew this day would come when he finally had to be naked around other people. He sighed and slowly started to get undressed. He sat down on the pool deck and removed his left sneaker and started to undo his jeans when he looked at the twins; "Please ..."

Ted nodded to his brother and they both grabbed a leg of his jeans and pulled them off. The twins got their first look at Mitch's right leg, the prosthesis was strapped to his thigh and started just above his knee, it was made of light weight metal and plastic and used Velcro straps to hold it in place.

"Wow neat!" Justin the wiseass of the two, put his hand over his mouth and started making heavy, raspy breathing sounds; "Luke, use the force, Luke."

Everyone, including Mitch started laughing, and with the tension broken, the twins started asking questions; "When did you first get it, how long ago did you lose your leg, does it hurt when you wear it?"

Mitch laughed while trying to answer; "About two years ago, I had to wait for a little over a year until the stump was healed enough so it wouldn't hurt too much. When I was ten, almost three and a half years ago. It only hurts if I stand or walk on it for long periods of time."

Justin said; "Hey buddy, I know that it ain't as good as the real thing, but at least you can still walk, and by the looks of your shorts it sure ain't bothered your dick any."

The twins always the helpful, grabbed the waist band of Mitch's shorts and yanked them off. They stood looking at his dick, which was in the process of getting so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.

Shane, just to join in said; "Uh oh, now you guys done it, now he's gonna have to go to the bathroom and beat off."

Mitch threw his brother the finger and said; "And just what the fuck do you know about beatin off?"

The Twins laughed and told Shane to put up or shut up. Shane, who had been facing the pool turned to other three boys, grabbed his dick and wagged it at them; "It ain't the biggest in the world, but it ain't that much smaller than yours." He was right, the twins and Mitch both had about five and a half inch, fairly thick cocks that were circumcised. Shane's was only a little shorter, about five inches long, circumcised and not nearly as thick as the older boys. All of the boys were hard, the three older boys all had a small amount of precum oozing out of the piss slit of their cocks and all of them were blushing.

Mitch broke the silence; "Shane, come on over here and help me get this off."

Ted said; "Hey, wait a minute, if anyone is going to get you off, it's gonna be me."

Both Mitch and Shane broke out laughing. Shane looked at Ted; "You are such a dumbfuck, he meant his leg, he's not supposed to put it in water."

"Oh yeah, like I'm supposed to know that, he's the first guy I ever been round who was missing parts. But I got to admit the parts he still has are mighty nice." Saying that, he reached over and gave Mitch's dick a gentle tug.

Mitch almost came when Ted tugged on his dick, almost, but not quite. He wanted to say don't stop but his little brother was kneeling alongside him and he couldn't bring himself to say it. The three boys helped Mitch over to the pool and helped him slide in to the shallow end, Mitch held himself up by hanging on to the side of the pool while the other boys finished removing their clothing. This was the first time he had been in a swimming pool since he lost his leg and he was really enjoying it. Even standing in the pool, Mitch still had a hardon; he was hoping it would go down, but no such luck. As he watched the other boys jump or dive in the poll, he was glad to see that their boners hadn't gone down either. His dick still tingled from Ted's touch and he wondered what it would be like to be with him, touching, maybe sucking, maybe more. That train of thought got derailed when Justin came up behind him and gave him his Christmas Goose eleven months early or maybe just a month late depending how you wanted to look at it.

Even though he only had one good leg, he found that he could still swim, if only slowly and it made him realize that he wasn't a cripple, just a person with a physical handicap that could be overcome. Pushing off the wall, he was able to get his hands on Justin and dunk him, surprising the both of them.

While the boys were grab assing in the pool, unseen to them George was watching them from the doorway, after a few minutes he went upstairs secure in the knowledge that his oldest boy was not only safe, but enjoying himself for the first time in years.

While the boys were having fun and the three adults still in the house were sitting around the kitchen drinking beer and bull shiting, Keener and Matt were at the Bar at Chaney's.

"Hey Eddy?"

Not again Matt, you just can't do this to me again."

Hey Eddy?""

Resigned; "What Matt?"

"You know why Superman Flies over Camp Pendleton?"

"Sigh, no, why Matt?"

"Cause he can't stand to walk through all that shit."

"Hey Eddy?"

"What Keener?"

You know why the chicken crossed the road?"

"Cause he wanted to get to the other side?"

"Noooooo! Cause the sailor still had his dick stuck in it."

"Hey Eddy?"

"Just do it Matt."

"You know how you tell the difference between the Marine Bride and a Marine Groom at a Marine wedding?"

"Matt I'm really, really going to hurt you." Keener warned with a grin.

"He's the one with the new bowling shirt and she's the one with the braided armpits."

"Last Call" yelled Eddy

"What do ya mean last call, its only 9:00 PM?"

"Damn, you noticed that did you? If you two don't knock off them damn jokes, I'm closing down for the night and kicking your sorry ass's outta here."

"OK, OK, you win."

Keener looked at Matt and whispered; "Watch."

"Hey Eddy?"

"I warned you ..."

"Whoa, Whoa there little buddy, don't get your bowels in an uproar. I just wanted to order another round is all."

Muttering, Eddy brought them two more beers, and moved down the bar to serve another customer.

Matt looked at Keener and they both broke up laughing. "I guess we better leave him alone for the rest of the night, whatcha think?"

"Yeah, he hasn't got any sense of humor or something."

Matt looked over at Keener and said, "So Kee, are you a top or a bottom?"

Matt had his question timed just right, as Keener started taking a long pull at his beer. Keener started choking and beer shot out of his nose and down the front of his shirt.

"God damn you Matt!" Yelled Keener as soon as he could breathe.

Matt, with a look of concern said; "Calm down buddy, it was just a simple question." He started laughing at Keener who turned beet red while he tried to wipe up the beer on the bar, out of his nose and off of his shirt.

"So you want to go back to the house and sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up?"

Luckily, Keener wasn't drinking his beer this time. He looked Matt in the eye, turned his head to Eddy and said "Check."

Fifteen minutes later, the two men were in Matt's bedroom; "So Kee, you never did answer my question, are you a top, or a bottom?"

As usual, Keener turned red; "Well, I do like to top, but I don't mind being on the bottom either, how about you?"

"Tell you what Kee, I'll flip you to see who's on top first. When Keener nodded his head in agreement, Matt stepped into Keener and threw him on the bed with a hip throw. "Well, looks like I win, you're on top first."

With that Matt crawled up Keener's body and started kissing him, and within a few seconds both men were trying to stick their tongues down each other's throats. Matt moved the fastest, unbuttoning Keener's jeans and almost ripping them open sliding his hands into Keener's boxers through the fly and grasping his rigid cock that was already slippery with precum. Keener let out a soft gasp, forcing his breath into Matt's mouth while at the same time trying to get Matt's pants down so he could get his hands on him.

Matt broke the kiss and gently pushed Keener flat on the bed, not saying anything, he started removing Keeners shirt. When he had it unbuttoned, he pulled him to a sitting position and removed it, and then he slid his T-shirt over his head and reached out and gently pinched both of Keeners tits. Keener sat there moaning softly and then started to shake, Matt felt his dick spasm as he shot jet after jet of come in to his boxers.

"Oh fuck Matt, I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

"Sssshhhhh! There's more where that came from, just lay back and let me take care of you, this one's for you." With that Matt pushed Keener back down and removed his boots and socks, then his jeans. Matt moved back up Keener's legs lightly tracing his fingers along his legs until he reached his shorts. Matt grasped them by the waistband and pulled them off. Keener lay before him, completely naked, once again he had gone to Blush Condition One, his young, hard, well muscled body was a light shade of pink.

"Oh Keener, I've waited for this since the first day I met you. I knew you had a great body but WOW, man I just love it." Matt blushed himself, "And you," he added shyly.

Saying that, Matt once again reached up took Keeners nipples and softly, gently rolled them between just the tips of his fingers. He took Keeners six and a half inch cock into his mouth for the first time and nibbled on his foreskin, then stuck his tongue between the prepuce and the glans and circled it several times, savoring the taste of his new love.

By the time Matt took his dick in his mouth, Keener was already hard and oozing precum. He lost himself in the feelings Matt was giving him, not having these feelings since his Tim died. Keener lay there, once again falling in love with another man, he would never forget, or lose his love for Tim, but he had finally found someone he could love in the flesh again.

Matt continued taking more and more of Keener's dick in to his mouth, until his lips touched pubic hair and he could feel Keener's dickhead in his throat. Then he slowly pulled back until only the head was still in his mouth; once again he moved his tongue around and under the foreskin before sliding back down to the base. Matt repeated this several times, then he felt Keener's dick swell and could feel the cum being pumped through the tube on the bottom of Keener's cock until it splashed in to his mouth as a tidal wave of silky smooth sweet tasting sperm, over and over, five, six times, it spurted, then slowed to a trickle and stopped. Matt continued nursing on Keener's cock until Keener could no longer take the pain of his overly sensitive dick being sucked, he gently pulled Matt off and up to softly kiss him, almost timidly moving his tongue in and around Matt's mouth.

Matt and Keener lay side by side, occasionally kissing or stroking each other. Keener had tried to love Matt, but Matt was adamant about this being Keeners night and that all he wanted, or needed, was to be with him. Together they fell in to a deep sound sleep, each knowing that they had found something special, something that would grow for the both of them, something they both would cherish.

End of Chapter 17 Next; Chapter 18 As Geronimo Said; "Where'd All Them Fucking Soldiers Come From?"

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and Apartment 141 by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

One more thing please let me know what state you live in, I like to know where people are who take interest in my story. Thanks all.

Next: Chapter 18

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