Kombat Kids

By Gstrdr15

Published on Dec 23, 2004


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Kombat Kids By; GhostRydder15

Chapter 15


The 15th of December arrived and the Unit's members waited at the town's Community Center, a large building, part Quonset Hut, part Forties style barracks. The Center was a remnant of when the Government owned town, when you had to work at the Medford Site (The Medford Site is a 540 square mile facility used originally to produce Plutonium, constructed in the early 1940's), either as a civilian worker or as part of the military assigned to the Site as security. The Squadies were all dressed in their pressed forest MarCams, and highly shined Corcoran Jump Boots, waiting in line up to receive their new covers (hats to you civilians) for the coming parade. James, Matt and Keener stood on the other side of the tables handing out the bright red with white fur trimmed Santa Claus hats. The Gunny stood to one side watching with a sour look on his face, but was secretly pleased to see the Squadies in their uniforms getting their hats. While it would never happen in his Corps, he thought that the wearing of the Santa Claus hats was an outstanding idea, one that would help meld the Unit with the town.

The Parade was due to start in about fifteen minutes and he started moving the Squadies outside to form up. The plan was to have six of the Unit's decorated dune buggies in the lead followed by two HUMVEE's, the Color Guard, the marching team, to be followed by the remaining HUMVEE's and dune buggies. They were originally scheduled to follow the Cohigh's marching band, but a half hour before the parade was due to start, the parade's Grand Marshall had sent word that the local scout troop was going to march in their original slot and they would follow the scouts. James readily agreed to the new order of march, secretly smiling to himself at how the Unit would make the rag-tag bunch of scouts, and their leader look ridiculous. He relayed the new orders to the squadies and the men and boys driving the vehicles. James and Matt would both be driving a HUMVEE while the Gunnery Sergeant and Lcprl Webb would march at the front of the marching unit. The Gunny abreast and to the left of the Color Guard, and Webb, behind him and abreast of the front rank of the Unit, both marines were in dress blues for the parade and looked sharp. Matt had contacted one of his friends from high school who owned a photo studio and got him to video the Unit and have one of his assistants photograph it also. He intended to have copies made of the videos and photos for Christmas gifts for each member of the Unit. While the Unit members had gotten quite good at close order drill with rifles, it was decided that only the Color Guard would be carrying them during the parade. Each member of the Unit carried a bag with Christmas candy and was going to throw the candy into the crowd.

Five minutes before the parade started, the unit was assembled, all vehicles running and everyone but the two marines properly covered with their new Santa Claus hats. As expected, there were only twelve to fifteen scouts milling about in front of the Unit's lead vehicle, and most of them dressed in parts of the scout uniform and only two in full uniform. Dan Prince stood to the front left side of the scouts, looking pissed about something and the Unit specifically.

The scouts ambled forward when it was their turn. When Gunny saw them start moving, he came to attention and shouted; "Color Guard, Tenhut! Right Shoulder Harms." The riflemen went to right shoulder arms and remained at attention, eyes forward, calmly awaiting their next order.

When Webb saw the gunny come to attention he followed him and turned his head to the right and shouted; "Unit One! Tenhut!" When Webb heard the Gunny begin the order "For..." He shouted, "Unit One, Forward Harch!" The team moved out smartly with their left foot, all in step. Webb started calling cadence, the same cadence that millions of United States Marines have marched to, and many more would march to. A—Adelep, Adelep Lep! Marching into the main street, anyone looking could see the deep sense of pride in each and every one of the Squadies as they followed the Color Guard. Webb shouted his next order, one that neither he, or as far as he knew any other marine had ever given; Unit! Dispense ... Candy!" with the command squadies in the outside ranks started tossing the candy contained in the bags they carried to the crowds on both sides of the street.

It just so happened, that the local affiliate of NBC News was covering the parade and had started a live broadcast when the first `Christmas Wrapped dune buggy came into view. None of the Unit would know until later that the live feed was going out nationwide, and would be rebroadcast over and over again by NBC, CNN, Fox and MSNBC News Channels for the next two days. The brothers or the two Marines wouldn't find out until the next day that not only General Stanton, but the Commandant, United States Marine Corps would also view the tape. The parade lasted for about 45 minutes and ended up where it started, at the Community Center. Before the Unit was dismissed, Matt had Lee, his photographer friend get several pictures of the Unit surrounding the Color Guard and backed by the gaily wrapped vehicles. When the Squadies all went home, and only the members driving the vehicles were left. James invited them to Pizza Hut for dinner, all but two decided t go. The two begged off, saying they had regretfully made previous plans.

After supper, everyone drove back to the brother's home to pick up their own vehicles and headed on home. The Gunny, who had taken three weeks leave and was staying in the room he used when he came down for the Unit meetings, had a few beers with the brothers and Webb before retiring for the night. The three were in the game room watching TV, or trying to as Matt surfed the channels. All of a sudden, Matt said; "Hey! Look at this shit."

A video tape was showing the parade that they had just participated in, the unusual thing was that it was being broadcast on CNN. As they watched, the rag tag group of scouts ambled by the camera, not looking particularly happy about being in the parade. Then the Unit's Christmas wrapped vehicles came into the shot followed by the Gunny in his dress blues marching alongside the Color Guard. The camera view opened up to show the Marching Team as they passed and they heard Keener shout out; Unit! Dispense... Candy!" The designated Squadies started to throw the candy to the crowd and all the Squadies had big smiles on their faces, obviously enjoying themselves.

The newsman was talking; "John, how did they get such a big contingent of Marines to march in the parade, or are they reserves?"

"Neither Tom, from what we have been told by the parades' Grand Marshall, with the exception of the two marines in dress blues, they're all civilians, most less than seventeen years old."

"They look more like a unit of the Marine Corp than a kids' group, what's the story?"

It seems that two brothers, James and Matt Bateman, organized what they refer to as the `Unit'. Both of the brothers have previous military service, one of them, James, was in the 82nd Airborne, and Matt was a SEAL stationed in Virginia. It seams that they had become unhappy with the local programs for teenagers and decided to start their own group. They certainly look good don't they?'

"Yes they do. Now in other news ..."

"Uh oh. Looks like we just went national."

Matt said; "What the fuck. So what, it just means we got some publicity for the Unit, no biggy."

Webb looked worried and said; "I hope so.

On the 20th, the two marines and the two brothers got up early to start the preparations for the Christmas Party. After breakfast while having a last cup of coffee before starting on the days work, James got up to answer the door after someone rang the doorbell. Waiting for him were six of the squadies in blue jeans and wool shirts wearing light jackets, Phil, David, Mark, Carson, Connor and Jordan all carried AWOL bags and flowed into the house when James invited them in.

Phil said; "We figured we'd come over early and give you a hand setting up. Oh yeah, dad wants you to know that Uncle Phil, Aunt Martha and the twins will be in this afternoon, dad says he'll drop the twins by to help too."

By 17:00, the preparations were completed and the boys went down to the Cavern Level to shower and change into MarCams. While the boys were showering, Jason Tembler arrived with the food and the serving crew. "James, Matt, how they hanging?"

"Hanging low, ready to go, how bout you Jason?"

"We got two hundred definite `We're Comings' so figure on at least twenty to thirty walk-ins. Did you bring the extras for take homes for after the party?"

"No problem, I even got them packed before we came over."

With that Jason and his staff followed James to where he opened the garage door so they could use the elevator to move everything down to the Cavern Level. While James was working with the caterers, it was Matt's turn to answer the front door, Tommy Martin and ten Deputy Sheriffs were waiting for him.

Before Matt could say anything Tommy spoke; "You have the right to remain silent, you have the right ... Oooppps, I mean evening Matt."

Matt laughed; "Wiseass, come on in, evening guys, you ready for tonight?"

The deputies laughed and all nodded their heads yes, Matt asked "You guys hungry, you want some food now or you want to wait for awhile?"

They all decided to wait until all the guests had arrived. "OK, in that case, figure out who will eat first, I'll set one of you guys up in the computer room and the other can watch the gate from your cruiser in case we get some late arrivals. I'll have Jason set up a table just for you guys near the stair well so you can get back up topside if you're needed."

At 18:30, the Unit's members and their families started arriving, at 18:50, General Stanton and his wife, The Martin's and three Marine Officers that James and Matt had never seen before arrived. The Gunny and Webb snapped to attention, Webb went pale and started sweating. It became clear why when General Stanton, who was in dress blues, like the other three officers, introduced them all, "General Malcolm, it is my pleasure to introduce you to James and Matt Bateman, Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten and Lance corporal Webb."

General Malcolm introduced the LtCol and the Major as his aides after he shook hands, holding on to Webb's hand a little longer then the rest and speaking in a low whisper asked; "Dispense Candy? Don't remember that command in the leadership manual."

Webb didn't know whether to shit or go blind and responded with; "No sir."

As James and Matt guided the new comers to the Cavern, General Stanton spoke with the brothers, "I didn't have time to get with you guys earlier, but I have a PAO Team standing by and would like to bring them in to film tonight's party and some things the Commandant is going to do. I think you'll agree that it needs to be recorded."

James and Matt didn't hesitate; "Certainly Sir let me get on the phone and I'll have them passed through."

James told everyone that there would be a slight delay while some late comers arrived. Twenty minutes later, three combat photographers were in the Cavern making the final adjustments to their equipment. When they were ready, James moved to the front of the Cavern and spoke; "Please rise during the posting of the colors."

As usual, the ceremony went off without a hitch, the photographers recording it from three different angles. James once again spoke; "Ladies and gentlemen, Unit Members, Members of the Marine Corps and Members of the County Sheriffs Department, we've been requested to observe a very special event. With that, it is my great privilege to introduce General Malcolm, Commandant of the Marine Corps. General Malcolm."

"Good Evening. It's not often that I get the pleasure to be involved in a gathering such as this; I accepted the invitation from General Stanton after we talked in his office on the coast. I mentioned the fact that I had seen the Gunnery Sergeant and the Lance Corporal in the local Christmas parade this past week. General Stanton told me of certain things that he must take care of tonight and I requested to be part of them.

"Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten, front and center." The Gunny came to attention and marched to the front of the Cavern stopped three paces in front of the Commandant, not sure of what was about to happen, "Attention to Orders! On April 21st, 2002 Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten was leading a team of the 1st Marine, 3rd Battalion, Charlie Company of the Fleet Reconnaissance Force on an area denial mission when he and his team came under heavy fire from superior hostile forces. Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten called in artillery fire and directed that fire on positions occupied by said hostile forces, while providing covering fire for his team during their exfiltration. Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten, while still providing cover fire assisted personally in the evacuation of one of the three team members who were wounded. Gunnery Sergeant Mcnaughten's personal bravery, coolness under fire and dedication to his team, is exemplary and greatly exceeds the standards of the United States Marine Corps. Signed: James H. Forrestal, this date November 15th, 2003.

General Malcolm stepped forward and stuck out his left hand to his Aide. The LtCol passed him a black velvet box approximately 8" by 4", "It is with great pleasure and pride that I present you with this Silver Star, please accept it from a grateful nation." The Gunny reached out and took the box with his left hand and shook the general's hand with his right. The LtCol took one step back and said; "Post!" The Gunny did an about face and marched to the rear of the Cavern, did another about face and assumed the position of parade rest.

General Malcolm returned to the podium and said; "Lance Corporal Webb, Front and center!" Webb marched to the front of the Cavern and came to attention three paces in front of the General. "Attention to Orders! On April 21st, 2002, Lance Corporal Webb was a member of an area denial mission when his team was taken under heavy fire by superior hostile forces. During the initial fire, Lance Corporal Webb was wounded in the upper right thigh and hip, refusing to evacuate, he assisted his team leader in the evacuation of a more seriously wounded team member. It is with pleasure that I present you with this Bronze Star and with no pleasure at all, this Purple Heart. You really have to learn to duck son." The Cavern erupted in laughter, Webb turned bright red and everyone applauded. The General said; "By the way you're out of uniform sergeant."

All Webb had heard was the General telling him that he was out of uniform, and couldn't figure out why the general had said that.

The General reached out his left hand again and his Aide placed another sheet of paper in his hand. "Oh that's right. Attention to orders! On this day, 20 December 2003, Lance Corporal Keener Aloysius Webb is advanced to the rank of Sergeant, United States Marine Corps."

"Congratulations Sergeant!" The General took one step backwards and his aide said; "Post!" The now Sergeant Webb performed an about face and marched to the rear of the cavern where he joined the Gunny.

General Malcolm spoke to the assembled people. Thank you for allowing me to join this group tonight and to be able to present these two outstanding Marines with the honors they so richly deserve. Merry Christmas.

Once again the cavern rang with the sound of applause. When the applause died away, James moved to the front once again said; "Let's eat."

After the meal, James and Matt dressed as skinny Santa Clause's, passed out presents to all the members of the Unit and to their families.

At the end of the party James announced that once again, that the `Darn' Caterer had brought too much food and that he would appreciate it if the families would help out by taking some of it home with them.

When every one had left, the four men were sitting in the TV room talking when Matt suddenly said; "So Keener, ya got shot in the ass, huh?"

Keener turned bright red; "No, I got shot in the upper thigh and in the hip."

"Sounds to me like you got shot in the ass."

Keener turned a darker shade of red; "Aww, I don't have to take this shit."

Christmas Eve the four men exchanged presents, Gunny received a really nice Gortex field jacket, a Gerber Tanto blade knife and nice pair of aviator sun glasses from the brothers James and Matt received several gift certificates from the various stories around town, and Keener gave Matt a pool cue with a small brass plate attached to it reading; `Delbert Special' on it. James gave Keener a beautiful set of lamb skin driving gloves and Matt gave him a small white cardboard box with a dainty red bow attached to it. Keener opened the box and stared at the contents.

"Go take a look, it's in the garage."

Keener jumped up and ran to the garage, when he opened the door, all he could see was a dark blue Ford F250 Crew Cab pickup with a huge red ribbon wrapped around it, with a big red bow on top. The three guys were standing behind him watching, he turned and found them standing there, grinning.

"But, but, I, you, I ca, I can't accept this, it's too ... much, I ..."

James said; "Yeah you can, it's from the both of us, a thank you for all your work, a thank you for saving my brother from a beating, maybe more, and a thank you for being a friend. You WILL accept it, and that is an order sergeant."

Keener looked to the Gunny for help, Gunny just nodded his head, then looked at both of the brothers and saw they had no back up in them what so ever. With tears in his eyes, he just said; "Thank you." Accepting his present from the brothers, not knowing what else he could say or do; besides he loved the truck.

End of Chapter 15 Next; Chapter 16

Fun and Games

I'd like to take a moment and thank Jamie Haze, Author, Mentor, and Friend for the encouragement he has given me in the writing of this story, and editing it for me. I encourage you all to read Somerset Farm, Dooby Rhymes With Scooby and by Mr. Haze.

Comments are eagerly requested. If you feel it necessary to flame, go ahead, but don't expect an answer. Address all comments to Gstrdr15 Gstrdr15@msn.com

Next: Chapter 16

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